Final project proposa


The emergence and drastic development of the internet have had a rippling effect on areas ranging from economic, political structures, and ways in which people socialize. In addition to enabling information sharing, the internet has had a profound influence on the entertainment industry ranging from movie and music streaming, sharing shared entertaining contents, video games streaming, and largely content creation (Borja et al., 2018; Johansson, 2019). Audio and video streaming are becoming more popular evident by several platforms such as YouTube, Deezer, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud, Apple Music, and Mix Cloud. In 2018, the United States of America (US) alone, demand for the online consumption of online videos and audio is at record high where subscription video-on-demand services bring in approximately $11.3billion (Statista, 2019). While in the UK, the music-streaming segment recorded a revenue of $635 in the quarter of 2019 with user penetration of 26.1% (Statista, 2019). Recent studies show that streaming services are projected to rises over the year with people moving away from traditional recorded disks and radio broadcasted music (Montecchio et al., 2019). This shift begs the question of whether such streaming services have influenced the execution and composition of quality music.


Research Aim

This study aims to examine ways in which music streaming services through such platforms as YouTube, Mix Cloud, Apple Music, Spotify, and Deezer have influenced the quality and production of music focusing primarily on rhythm, melody, and harmony of musical pieces and compositions of different music genre.


To critically review the literature on music dynamics and texture that has changed over the years with the internet age

To examine how the development of music streaming services has influenced the execution of rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic musical pieces and compositions

To interview selected music composers, producers, and writers within the UK on influence music streaming services have had on the quality of music execution and composition

To critically appraise the primary and secondary collected data then conclude ways music quality has been influenced by the emergence of music streaming services in the UK

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The research will follow a qualitative research approach. In addition to reviewing critically scholarly articles on music streaming, music quality, music productions, and dynamic and texture of music over the years, it will interview 5 music producers and composers across different music genres within the UK to collect personal views on the influence of streaming services. The acquired data will be analysed using thematic analytic tool. The data analysis approach will capture patterns and themes from the interview responses to determine effects streaming services have had on production and quality of music across the UK.

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Borja, K., Dieringer, S. and Daw, J., 2015. The effect of music streaming services on music piracy among college students. Computers in Human Behaviour, 45, pp.69-76.

Johansson, S., 2019. 23. Music in Times of Streaming: Transformation and Debate. Making Media: Production, Practices, and Professions, p.309.

Montecchio, N., Roy, P. and Pachet, F., 2019. The Skipping Behaviour of Users of Music Streaming Services and its Relation to Musical Structure. arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.06008.

Statista (2019). Music Streaming - United Kingdom | Statista Market Forecast. [online] Statista. Available at:

Some of the articles to be reviewed include but not limited to:

Hiller, R. S., & Walter, J. M. (2017). The rise of streaming music and implications for music production. Review of Network Economics, 16(4), 351-385.

Morris, J. W., & Powers, D. (2015). Control, curation and musical experience in streaming music services. Creative Industries Journal, 8(2), 106-122.

Hagen, A. N. (2015). The playlist experience: Personal playlists in music streaming services. Popular Music and Society, 38(5), 625-645.

Wagner, T., Rose, M., Baccarella, C., & Voigt, K. I. (2015). Streaming killed the download star! How the business model of streaming services revolutionizes music distribution. Journal of Organizational Advancement, Strategic and Institutional Studies, 7(1).

Niu, D. (2018). Music consumption in a changing ecosystem (Doctoral dissertation).

Hiller, R. S., & Walter, J. (2015). No longer durable? The rise of streaming music and implications for the bundled album.

Glantz, M. (2016). Internet radio adopts a human touch: a study of 12 streaming music services. Journal of Radio & Audio Media, 23(1), 36-49.

Wang, K., Huang, S. T., & Tai, C. F. (2017). Role of Service Experience and Value Co-Creation in Determining Music Streaming Service Continuance. In PACIS (p. 250).

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