From Self-Esteem to Satisfaction: Unraveling the Interplay of Personality and Relationships in a Longitudinal Study


A psychometric longitudinal study was conducted on the personality and individual differences for a period of 12 months based on three different variables namely: “Self esteem”, “Attachment”, “Romantic relationship”. The self esteem of the individuals determines whether the individual is leading a satisfied life and is well associated with success and well being with many significant domains of life.
Whatsapp There are varied theories discussed in relation such as sociometer, reflected appraisal, self verification and attachment theories. The associations between the factors but outcome were evaluated repeatedly after the event or transition to investigate whether the effects are momentary or constant. Propensity score matching was used to replace RCT for observational findings. Actor Partner Independence Model (APIM) was used to study the nature of the relationship between the two partners. The longitudinal study findings concluded that self esteem influences relationship satisfaction and not vice versa. Marriage did not impact upon self esteem and that adult romantic relationship functions as reciprocal attachment bonds within which each partner acts as an attachment figure for others which are in accordance to the past studies. With respect to limitations of the study discussed, the effect upon self esteem varies with differences in age, gender, race, ethnicity and personality.
Order Now The study was conducted was for short span of time so the findings cannot be generalised to seriously commit long time relationships. Other forms of romantic relationships like lesbian and gay were not studied.

When we talk about psychology, it’s a very important area to be studied. The concept of psychology is very interesting and holds up a significant sphere. When we talk about the Psychology field then we see that it is a vast area which highly needs to be focussed on.

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Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Navigating the Diverse Realms of Psychological Understanding.

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