Importance Of Internal Factors In Shaping Human Behaviour And Performance


Human behaviour and the performnace of the human being depend on internal and external factors that mainly reshape the personality of the individuals. The aim of the study is to analyse the external and internal factors that reshape the human behaviour and it in turn helps to develop performance of the individuals in long run. The external factors such as family background, culture, language, sensory stimulus, ideological orientation, exposure life style changing frequencies and behavioural learning as well as the internal factors are such as brain development, psychological impetus and own thinking procedure, which are helpful to reshape the behaviour and improve the performnace of the individuals. Through proper argument and reviewing the journals on reshaping human behaviour and enhancing performnace, it is possible to discuss the internal as well as the external factors of reshaping human behaviour.


Factors affecting in reshaping human behaviour

It is necessary to understand the authoritarian personality of the human being as it has direct impacts on developing personal behaviour of the individuals, where there are some internal and external factors that reshape the human behaviour. Personality is a stable and enduring characteristic of the human being that lead the individual to behave in a steady and concise manner. As per the personality trait, authoritarian personality is a type of personality that is referred by obedient authority, strict adherences of rules and legislations which is the result of strict parenting. Throughout the study, it has been explored that, there are internal factors that reshape the authoritarian personality among the human beings as compared to other external factors such as family background and environment. As per eh study, authoritarian personality can be thought as the influence of internal factors, psychological dispositional factors that reshape the human behaviours, rather than the external factors or the situational factors of the human being (McAvoy, n.d). According to the study, the authoritarian personality refers to obedient people which is the result of harsh parenting and upbringing hat reshare the personality of the individual. Strict rules, obedient people and scare of their parents develop the authoritarian personality among the people. Hereby, it is characterised by respect for people of a high status, preoccupation with power, blind respect for authority ad harsh parenting which shape the authoritarian personality (McAvoy, n.d).

As per the study, there are many people in the western countries who are characterised by authoritarian personality where the people display conventionalism, toughness, concern with their power, concern with projectivity, destructiveness and cynicism as well as superstition and stereotype. Harsh discipline in childhood is the reason of authoritarian personality where the children cannot develop their mental health properly and it in turn hampers the adulthood of the children. The study also explores that, the origin of authoritarian personality is due to harsh and punitive upbringing, lac of love and much punishment as well as fear of parents and hatred of parents where these are the childhood experience of the children that reshape the human behaviour with authoritarian personality (McAvoy, n.d). Here, the environment family relationship and parenting style reshape the personality and behaviour of the human being, were these factors have crucial impacts on upbringing of the children and it reshape the personality and attitude of the children towards others in the society (McAvoy, n.d).

Behaviourist approach of learning is important for improving personal behaviour of the human being as well as enhance human learning where the person can improve their personality and behaviour trough learning activities. It further helps to reshape the human behaviour as well as enhance the performance of the individual successfully. The behaviourist approach of learning is helpful for the individual as it refers that the behaviour of the human being can be controlled and modified based on the consequences of the behaviour, behaviourist approach of learning is helpful to improving thinking process and emotions of the person where it further improves the personal behaviour of the individuals (Toates, n.d.). As per the study, there needs reinforcement where there are two type of reinforcement that reshape the behaviourist approach of learning and personal behaviour. The positive reinforcement is mainly related to giving something as a consequence of a particular behaviour which increases the frequency of showing the behaviour of the individuals. On the other hand, the negative reinforcement refers to the process of removing something as a consequence of the particular behaviour that increases the frequency of showing behaviour. Hereby, it can be stated that, person; s behaviour can be improved through behaviourist approach of learning when the individuals try to understand personal behaviour and enhance their performance in future (Toates, n.d.).

According to the study, reinforcement improves personal behaviour and the tendency of showing positive behaviour where punishment lowers it. Hence, it can be concluded that, reinforcement depends on the personal behaviour and it is important from the human being to enhance behaviourist approach of learning for improving their behaviour and personality trait. It is necessary for the individual to improve behaviourist approach of learning for better performnace so that through the internal and external factors such as situation, family background, culture and environment can reshape the human behaviour and their personality positively, which helps to increase the intensity to show positive behaviour rather than raises consequences of showing behaviour towards others (Toates, n.d.). Through recalling the situation, improving understanding about the personality and behaviour, using knowledge in new situation, critical thinking and judgement, it is possible to enhance the behaviourist approach of learning where the personal behaviour of the human being can be improved. Cognitive behaviour, learning from experience, principles, removing consequences of showing behaviour and including the factors that would develop person’s behaviour are helpful to improve human behaviour and personality (Toates, n.d.).

Additionally, through neuropsychology, it is possible to understand the relationship between brain structure and behavioural development of the human being. Through this study, it is posisbel to understand that, there are internal factors in the human body that reshape the personality and develop the behaviour of the individuals. Through neuropsychology study, it comes to know that, the brain structure affects the human behaviour and performnace of the individuals, where the brain functions are partly shaped by some external factors. Hereby, both the internal factors as well as the external factors reshape the human personality and behaviour of the individuals. Cognitive process and behaviour depend on the brain structure and for example in stroke patients, disruption of blood from the brain cells changes the brain structure and it affects the speech of the person and damages a part of the brain. Hereby, it can be stated that, brain is important for reshaping the psychological factor in the human being where neuropsychology provides a scope to understand the relationship between the functions of brain and the development of human behaviour and personality (Toates, n.d.).

Damage of left region of hemisphere in brain disrupts the production of speech and its results language deficit. The study explores that there is comp-0lex relationship between the structure of brain and the psychological process of the human being. Updated technology in neuropsychology in the recent years are helpful to help the disruption in brain and improve involvement with the language among the human being through sign language and spoken language that helps to develop person’s behaviour and personality. As per the study, the recovery of stroke patients and language ability can be possible through plasticity in the brain and there is other therapeutic decision which helps to improve brain functions for successful recovery of language (Toates, n.d.). In this regard, the functions of brain are one of the important internal factors that reshape the personality and human behaviour. In this regard, the brain functions are partly shaped by external factors such as environment, childhood and other physical activities where it has direct impacts on the language, personality and behaviour of the person. Through improving brain function, it is possible to improve human activities and develop personality of the individual successfully and it in turn provides a scope to enhance the performance of the individuals (Toates, n.d.).


As per the above review of journals on reshaping human behaviour, it has been explored that, the behavioural learning, language and authoritarian personality are important factors that reshape the human behaviour and improve the performance of the individuals. As per the study, brain is an important internal factor which reshape the personal behaviour of the human being. Through the journal, it can be understood that, brain is important for reshaping the behaviour, but there are no such examples of external factors that are also contributing in reshaping human behaviour. Evidences suggest that, behavioural learning, structure of brain as well as language and authoritarian personality are helpful to develop personality and performance of the individuals. However, there are no discussion about the external factors such as family background, culture, language, sensory stimulus, ideological orientation, exposure life style changing frequencies and behavioural learning which need to be developed further as these factors are important for reshaping human behaviour and enhancing the performance of the individuals. Looking for further insights on Discuss The Strength Ad Weakness Of Psychological Theories Of Bereavement And Grief And Their Appropriateness For Social Works? Click here.

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Reference List

  • Toates, F., n.d. Language and the brain. Chapter 7.
  • Toates, F., n.d. Changing behaviour. Chapter 4.
  • McAvoy, J., n.d. Exposing the authoritarian personality. Chapter 1.

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