Psychological factors are associated with influencing the human behaviour, approach, attitude. Emotional and psychological wellbeing are the two main factors that transform the human behaviour into positive thoughts, decisions and problem-solving skill. This assignment sig ling to discuss the different psychological theories such as Freud theory, Erickson psychosocial theory, Maslow’s Theory and Skinner’s conditioning theory, that are associated with the lifespan development of the people. In addition to this, the assignment, also highlights the relationship between the different psychological theories and the specific life states. Moreover, this assignment is going to highlight the impact of the biological and the social factors on the human behaviour, and analyse the importance of the social roles in context of the health and social care. through evaluating the effectiveness of the psychological theories, this assignment is going to highlight that how these psychological theories are applied to the health and social care context. Moreover, this assignment is going to highlight the impact of eth psychological theories on eth health and social care practices, such as impact of the psychological theories on the individual experience.
As stated by Arnett and Tanner (2016, p. 32-33), developmental psychology of the lifespan develop is the scientific approach that demonstrates the changes, growth and consistency throughout the life spans. Developmental psychology highlights that how the behaviour, attitude, thinking ability and psychology of people changes throughout their development. In human life their different life stages such as infancy, childhood, the adolescent period, the adulthood, later adulthood, old stage, death. Developmental psychologist has developed different throes in order to explain the changes throughout the lifespan of the human being. Different theories regarding the lieges of human being are as follows:
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Based on the psychoanalytic theory of Freud, changes of the human behaviour is the result of interaction of the three different aspects of mind such as the id, ego and the superego. Castañeda et al. (2015, p.37-39) states that, based on the Freud’s psychoanalytic theory it can be stated that, conflicts among the above-mentioned three aspect of the mind influence the changes od the personality and behaviour of the human being.
Among the three aspects of mind, the id is instant gratification of the basic psychical needs and the urges. This aspect is operated entirely unconsciously in the mind. This aspect demonstrates the behaviour and attitude of the infant and babies (Farrington, 2017, p.11-24). For example, on seeing the other child to eat ice cream, the baby cry to take the similar ice cream, even the baby can take the ice cream from the child. This behaviour of the early childhood is described through the id, in which an individual express and meet his or her psychical urges and needs. In construct to instinctual id and the moral superego, the ego is the pragmatic and rational part of the human personality. As stated by Dovidio et al. (2017, p.23-45), the main role of ego is to maintain perfect balance between the id and super ego. For example, the id focuses on “I want this ice cream right now’ and the super ego is ‘its wrong to take someone ice cream’. In this aspect ego maintain the perfect balance between the two aspect of mind and decide that, ‘maybe we can compromise’. According to Cooper (2015, p.23-34), Freud believed that, as the persons grows child to young, the psychological states od development also changes. Through the changing psychological development, and physical stages, the conflict among all the three aspects of mind, id, ego and superego also changes over time. Throughout the five stages of life child is exposed to different conflict between their moral and social conscience (superego) and the biological drives (id). The ability of child to resolve all these internal conflicts set their future ability to deal with the different psychological conflicts at the young and old age stage.
In the given case study, Tom has suffered from bereavement of his parents, which has severe negative impact on the three major aspects of the mind, id, the superego and ego, that are described in the Freud’s theory. Based on the Freud’s theory, it can be stated that Tom has experience unfavourable condition which makes Tom unable to develop his own thoughts, judgemental approach and decision-making ability. Even the lack of parental care and support, makes him unable to develop proper balance among the id, ego and superego.
Erik Erikson and Joan Erikson together formulate this theory which demonstrates the eight stages of the human life, through which a heathy developing individual pass. This theory represents that how the eight life stages negotiates with the socio cultural and biological forces. The eight life stages that is described in this theory are :
This is the first stage pf the Erikson theory, that demonstrates how the basic needs of infants are met by their parents and caregivers. As stead by Dovidio et al. (2017, p.23-45), this stage shows that how the interaction of the child with the caregivers and parents’ leads to mistrust and trust. As defined by the Erikson, trust is the essential truthfulness that the children learn from their parent specially from their mother. Through the interaction with parents and caregivers, infants are exposed to different aspects of the world such as warmth, dependable affection and regularity.
When the children gain the control over the motor ability and the eliminative functions, they start to explore the surroundings. Parents acts as the strong base of security to the children whose encouragement and patience to foster the autonomy to the children. Children in this stage are highly enthusiastic to explore the different aspects of the world. Through developing the self-sufficient behaviour to the toddlers, parents can develop the sense of autonomy to the children. in addition to this if the caregivers and the parent are not interesting to meet the demand of the child, the child can develop shame and doubt regarding their strength and ability to handle the different things.
In this stage the children develop ability to apply their autonomy in terms of dealing with each task and implementing their sense of understanding into it to solve the issues. Children learn the basic skills, different principles such as the principles of physics and different logical aspects that are associated with the tasks (Lewis et al. 2017, p.21-34). Children learn to take initiatives of dealing with new things, by applying their own judgements, understand and thoughts. On the other hand, they also may feel the guilt if their initiative is not fruitful in terms of achieving the target.
In this stage, the children are exposed to the fundaments of technological skills, industrious skills, autonomy and trust. They are more reasonable to cooperate and share their own thoughts and feeling with the caregivers, parents and their peers. Through applying their skills, knowledge and understanding the, learn new skills, which not only assist them to develop their technical knowledge and perception but also improve their ability to deal with the failure, mistrust and incompetence.
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in this stage the adolescent is concerned with how they would appear to the society and others. The superego works in their conscious and subconscious mind which apt them to experience the role confusion and the mixed ideas in their mind. In this stage, adolescent have mixed thoughts and feeling regarding the specific ways in which they can fit into the surrounding society. They can experience the variety of behavioural transformation, as they develop a sense of sexual identity. Erikson also describes that, in this stage adolescent develop the sense about who they are, where they live and what are their roles in the professional and personal life.
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Conflict between the intimacy and isolation is emphasized around the age of 30. Erikson states that in this stage, young adults are more like to blend their emotions with their peers and friends, they are afraid of rejection and isolation (Hurleman and Scheele, 2016, p.18-19). In this stage the individuals suffer from both type of feelings such as rejection and intimacy. In this age rejection from the partner or the friends is highly painful and the ego cannot bear it. Erikson has argued that intimacy is the counterpart of the isolation which can heal the pain of the people.
Erikson believed that generativity is the concern as well as interest to guide the future generation in order to understand the society values and social responsibilities. Based on this perception, Erikson stated that, at the middle age, people have the primary development task which is contribute to the society development and guide their future generation to do so (Greene et al. 2017, p.31-52). At this stage, people emphasize on raising a family and train the children to for the god positive behaviour that can be contributed to the betterment of the society. On the contrast, some persons are self-centred and are unwilling to contribute into the society. They can develop the feeling of stagnation, which is the dissatisfaction with lack of productivity and fruitful result.
When people grow older, their activities and strength are reduced. they spend their life as the retied person ((Kail and Cavanaugh, 2018, p.34-45). At this stage, if they contemplate their accomplishments throughout the life and develop the sense of integrity and achievements. This feeling develops through the successful works that has been accomplished in the past life. On the contrast, if older people did not accomplish any fruitful task in their early life, this develops the despair and dissatisfaction.
In the given case study, while passing the abovementioned life stages, Tom is unable tp get the support and assistance from his caregivers, society and parents. Therefore, he cannot generate the different psychological virtues such as trust, is trust, will, purpose, hope and the initiative and guilt. His parental death during childhood not only pose adverse impact on his decision-making ability, feeling, judgemental approach and emotions, but also damage his understanding of different psychological aspect of mind such as feeling of guilt or satisfaction. This is the reason, why he cannot share his feeling within the classes or the reason behind his inability to cope with the different students in the class during his school life.
Pieget’s Cognitive Development Theory (1963), is based on the fact that, how the child constructs the mental model of their surrounding world. He strongly argued with the ideas that intelligence is the fixed trait in the human being. He classified the overall cognitive development of children in four stages such as sensory-motor, preoperational, concrete operational and the formal operational. As stated by Kail and Cavanaugh (2018, p.34-45), in this theory, Pieget emphasized on the fact that, children think differently than the young. Pieget believed that, children are born with the very basic psychological structure, where genetically inherited and evolved. Through the subsequent learning and knowledge development process, this basic psychological structure turns into proper form that assist the children to develop their own thoughts, decisions, judgmental approach and mental ability. In the given case study, during the childhood, Tom also have some basic psychological structure which needed proper guidance and support from his parent and caregivers. On the construct, Tom has experienced the death of his parents at the age of 8 years. Moreover, he has experienced the prolonged illness of her mother before she died, which makes him unable to have the proper parental care and guidance during his childhood. Based on the Pieget theory, Tom has brought up in very unfavourable environment in which does not assist him with providing proper learning and developmental framework. In spite of his string literacy skill, he has faced the challenges regarding numerical calculation and structure, which is because of he is devoid of proper assistance, guidance and learning process during the early childhood.
According to Giudice et al. (2015, p.23-45), there are five main stages in human life, such as infancy, childhood, adolescent, adulthood and old age. Different psychologist has developed theories and explanation about the changes that occurs throughout the life stages in th human being. Based on the psychological explanation and theoretical perspectives, human life stages passes through the lots of changes of idea, experiences, learning process and feelings, which assist the individual to develop their own psychological, physical, and emotional development.
This is the first stage pf human life, in which infants are solely dependent for their activities, needs to their parents and the care givers. As stead by Greene et al. (2017, p.31-52), different theoretical approaches have been established to explain the behaviour, activities and development at this stage.
Erikson Theory of psychosocial development, defines the infancy stage as the combination, hope, trust and mistrust. Based on this theory, during infancy, babies are learned to trust their parents and caregivers. Through proper parental care and assistance, infants are exposed to the regularity, warmth and dependable affections. On the contrary, in the given case study, Tom had been devoid of this type of parental care and assistance during his infancy, which damages his sense of trustworthiness and affection. This is the reason, why he cannot cope up with the classmates or with the social workers. Erikson also states that, if the parent and caregivers are unable to provide the secure and positive environment to the infants or to meet their basic needs, then child can develop the sense of mistrust (Kail and Cavanaugh, 2018, p.34-45). This occurs in the case of Tom, who is unable to get the proper assistance and support from his parent. Due to prolonged illness of his mother, he supposed to be devoid of meeting his basic needs during the infancy, which develop the sense of mistrust within him. Based on the Pieget’s Cognitive Development theory, during the early childhood, people start to construct the psychological model of the surrounding world. On analysing this theory, Guinote et al. (2015, p.31-45) mentioned that, cognitive development is the systematic approach that start from the beginning od the human life and ends at the death. Pieget believed that, there are four stages of the cognitive development in the human life, such as sensory-motor, preoperational, concrete operational and the formal operational. Based on this theory, babies are born with the basic psychological structure, which can turn into the proper sense of feelings, thoughts, decision making ability and problem-solving skills in the later life, through the care assistance and childhood learning. Based on this perspective, Tom did not get any parental support, proper learning environment and the teaching assistance from the caregivers during his infancy, which pose possible barrier to development of his basic psychological structure, this is the reason, why Tom cannot develop proper numerical knowledge in spite of having proper literacy skill. According to Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory, focuses on the fact that human personality is the outcomes of the interaction among three major aspects of mind such as id, ego and superego. During the infancy, infants can demand anything to their parent and caregivers, without concerning about the outcomes (Greene et al. 2017, p.31-52). This psychology of the infants is known as id. Ego maintain the perfect balance between the ego and superego, that develops through the interaction of the society, surrounding people. therefore, this theory focuses on the fact that that, ideas thoughts, sense and feeling of individual is developed during the early childhood through the earlier experience and interaction. In the given case study, as Tom has experience very depressive and unsupportive early childhood, it affects badly n his personality development. Due to his past experience of illness, loss, bereavements and sorrow, he cannot develop his impressive and positive personality.
As stated by Giudice et al. (2015, p.23-45), childhood is the stage of developing the moral ability, skills and eliminative functions. In this stage individual are exposed to the surrounding world and they begin to explore the different aspects in their surroundings. On explaining this stage different theories have been developed in different times. Based on Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory, children developed their personality, decisions, activities and eliminative abilities through the knowledge they gather in their learning process. As stated by Higgs (2015, p.12-22), this theory highlights the important of positive and reinforcing learning environment in the early childhood, which assist children it develops their decision-making skill, cognitive skill and problem-solving skill. In the given case study, Tom did not pass through any positive learning and reinforcing process during his childhood, therefore, he does not have any positive learning experience that would assist him to take effective decision in his life. Moreover, he has faced the negative reinforcements such as sorrow, lack of parental interaction, lack of counselling and support of the local people, which make him unable to develop any strong childhood memories and skills that would assist him in the near future. Based on the Vygotsky’s Cognitive Theory, in the childhood, children’s thinking ability and mind are mould the particular cultural and social circumstances, in which they live, grow up and bonded. In case of Tom, he has grown up in a highly tormented and misfortunate culture and environment, which not only affect his emotion but damages his basic psychological structure such as thinking ability, decision making ability and problem solving skill.
Based on the Behaviourism theory of John. B. Watson, human development is influenced by the past experience and behaviour. Based on this theory, positive behavioural transformation of people is the result if their early childhood behaviour, experience and interactions (Higgs, 2015, p.12-22). If the children get positive approach, love, affection, care and support from their parents, caregivers and surrounding, it would make the positive transformation of their behaviour. On the other hand, in case of Tom, he had exposed to highly unfavourable environment, experience and situation in his early childhood, which retard his behavioural development ion to the positive direction.
In this stage, individuals develop their own emotional, sexual, behavioural and psychological understudying (Van Wormer and Besthorn, 2017, p.12-34). Adolescent develop their own decisions, judgements and logical understanding based in their knowledge, experience and learning process. Based on Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory, in this stage adolescent understand the social rituals, moral values and their own boundaries. Based on this model three aspects of the human mind such as id, ego and the superego are interrelated to the one another. Id and ego developed during the infancy. Ego meet the demands of id in order to maintain the perfect balance between the Id and the super ego. However, in case of Tom, he does not develop proper coordination among the three major aspects of mind such as id, ego and superego during his infancy, which affect his personality, thinking ability and the psychology in the adolescent period. This is why he is not able to share his issues and problems with his classmates as well as with the teachers. Moreover, due to improper balance between the subconscious and conscious mind, he is not able to have rights decisions and thoughts.
Adulthood deals with logical thoughts, understanding, arguments and right decision-making process (Schwaba and Bleidorn, 2018, p.23-45). Based on the Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory, adult individuals can apply their previous experience and knowledge that they gather during their early childhood. Based on tb theory, babies are born with the basic psychological model, which needs proper training, guidance and support to turn into the positive psychological structure. In case of Tom, his early childhood deals with unfavourable condition which nit only affect his psychological; stability but also affect his emotional and spiritual strength. Although he has strong literacy skill, lack of guidance and assistance make him unable to develop proper knowledge and perception and decision-making ability. Based on the Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory, environment and culture play important roles in leading to the cognitive development of the individuals. As stated by (Ronald and Rand, 2018, p.45-50) this theory suggests that, if the individual is grown up in positive, highly productive and creative cultural environment, it would assist the children to develop their memories, problem solving skill and the decision-making skill. On the contrary, in case of Tom, during the childhood he is exposed to an unfavourable, tormented environment, which retards his, psychological emotional and spiritual growth. Therefore, in the adulthood, Tom cannot take right decision for himself and he is freckle minded. Moreover, due to his adverse and unfavourable childhood experience, in the adulthood, he is not able to deal with any difficult situation.
This age is after 65-years till death, in which people’s abilities and the goals are limited and reduced. Based on the Erikson Theory of Psychosocial Development, during the old age, people deal with crisis, integrity vs despair. At this stage, people look back onto the memories, and if they find success, accomplishment of goals and targets, they feel satisfaction. This is called integrity (Read, 2016, p.23-41). On the other hand, if they find out their past life is full of failure, bereavements and unfavourable; experience. It makes their depressed and dissatisfied. This is called despair. In the given case study, when Tom would reach this age, he would face the despair rather than integrity, sue to his failure, lack of accomplishments and success in the early life.
As started by Ronald and Rand (2018, p.45-50), human behaviour is influenced by the different social and biological factors. Social factors are socialization, education, culture, family, social exclusion and effect of discrimination. Biological factors that affect the human behaviour are trait, genes, neuro degenerative disorders.
Socialization is the important process, through which people can learn how to become the active part of culture. According to O'Connor and Kirtley, (2018, p. 11-31), socialization is the lifelong process that starts at the early childhood and ends with the death of human being. Different evidence-based reports suggest that, socialization in the early years is one of eth most important process in the human life. Socialisation during the infancy and early childhood is important, because at this stage the children began to interact with few people surrounding them such as their parents’ families and caregivers. They learn to form new relations with the surrounding people which improv their behaviour and personality. Without socialisation, people can suffer from different mental and physical disabilities. According to (), socialisation allows the children to be aware of different values, culture, norms and beliefs in the society, which make positive transformation of their behaviour and personality. Important part of socialisation is the cognitive development of children. Through socialisation process, children develop their thinking, perceiving, knowing, reasoning and judging. Based on the Piaget’s theory Cognitive intelligence, socialisation allows children through the different stage such as preparatory stage, imitation stage, role taking stage and game stage. Through these stages, children can develop the ability to coordinate their body movement with their thoughts. In the given case study, Tom did not pass through the socialization stages due to the unfavourable family background. Even, his parent’s death makes him alone and away from the society, therefore, he is unable to pass through the role taking and cognitive development stages of the socialisation process. This is the reason, he cannot make proper coordination between his body movements and his mind. This is the reason why Tom is unable to develop his numeracy skill in spite of having good literacy skill. Moreover, due to lack of socialisation during the early childhood, Tom is unable to learn how to make relations, interaction with the surrounding people. this is why he is unable to cope up with the student in his class.
Education is inevitable in forming impressing personality and positive behavioural transformation in the children (Newman and Newman, 2017, p.23-34). Positive behavioural transformation in human is associated with development of positive reasoning ability logical sense, right decision-making ability and better problem-solving skill. According to Watson’s Behaviourism Theory, human development is associated with the observation of the past behavioural transformation. Based on this theory, if individual form positive and impressive basidorsal transformation during the early life, it would assist them to make proper cognitive and psychological development in tir later life. Education is one of the important methods, through which children can shape their behaviour and personality with development of proper reasoning, thinking, perceiving and analysing skill. In the given case study, Tom is unable to take proper education during his childhood and adolescent period, which makes him unable to develop this decision-making ability, logical power, problem solving skill and the analysing ability. Due to the consecutive death of his parent he was alone and detached from the society which makes it difficult for the social workers to offer him better training and education for regaining his psychological stability. Moreover, Tom also refused to attend the different classes as he was unable to interact and cope with the student s dur to his poor socialization and interactive skill. Therefore, in case of Tom, he is unable to take proper education thereby is unable to develop proper reasoning, logical and decision-making skill. As a result of poor psychological ability, he suffers from tiredness, restlessness and depressed. Moreover, lack of proper education makes him unable to develop his logical thoughts. This is why he hide himself from the society and suffers with illogical thoughts.
Culture plays an important role in ho people behave in a particular environment. Different factor within a culture such as society beliefs, values, laws, language, attitude and rituals influence behaviour and psychology of people (Read, 2016, p.21-35). Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development focuses on the fact that human behaviour is influence by the culture and the social interaction. Based on this theory, the above-mentioned eight stages of the human life are associated with several changes that in beliefs, behaviour, decisions and perception. culture plays important role in setting the positive belief, right decision, perfection and the good thoughts in the human being. In case of Tom, he is grown up in unproductive, unsupportive and unhealthy culture which makes him unable to develop his decision-making ability, personality, positive behaviour and the effective problem-solving ability. in case of Tom, he is unable to understand the social beliefs, values and the rituals, as he does not have any positive understudying skill through the early childhood period.
Family background is one of the major social factors that affect the behaviour and personality of the individuals (Kwasnicka et al. 2016, p.12-21). If children are from creative high supportive and cultural background, it assists them, to develop new creative thoughts, ideas and; positive beliefs that are important for the individuals to assist them in their future life Pieget’s Cognitive theory, suggest that, if children get proper support, education, care and assistance from their family, they can develop proper cognitive abilities, such as proper decision-making ability, problem solving skill, perception and knowledge. In case of Tom, he belongs to a very unsupportive, unfavourable family background, which makes him unable to get proper education or develop proper cognitive and psychological ability. this is the reason why Tom is unable to deal with any challenges such as coping with the different learners in the class of interacting with the society members.
Different biological factors are associated with the behaviour, attitude and the psychology of the people. different biological factors such as genes, gender and trait.
Genes is one of the important biological factors that is associated with the human development personality and psychological characteristics. As stated by Schore (2015, p. 41-50), genes is involved in setting the physical, psychological and emotional characteristic features. Although many psychologists deny the fact the cognitive development is associated with genetic factors, it is true that string genes affect the decisions, thoughts and mental ability of the children. Through the reproduction production process parental genes are transmitted to the offspring from the parents. Therefore, if the parent has highly impressive physical health, strong personality and intelligence, it is possible that, the children can have the strong physical and mental ability. although there are controversies regarding thus fact, but it can b stated that, if the parent suffers from ill health, por mental condition, it can be transmitted through genes to their children. In case of Tom, his mother suffers a lot from depression and anxiety after his father death. His mother also died due to prolonged illness. Therefore, is is possible that, due to the genetic factors, he also suffers from eth loneliness, depression and tiredness in his adulthood. Moreover, his parental ill health and poor psychological; strength, can also affect his childhood and infancy. As a result, he has very poor psychological strength, decision making ability and problem-solving skill.
Sometimes, if patient suffer from the different neurodegenerative disorder then the children also suffers from the same (Oatley, 2017, p. 25-34) Through the genetic transmission it is possible to inherit the different biological; issues from the parent to their children. Sometimes it can be sent that, children with different neuro-degenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease, has the carrier of these disease in their previous generations. Inn case of Tom, he suffers from loneliness, depression, tiredness and restlessness. Moreover, he is victim of poor coordination between his body movement and the thoughts. This can be due to his parental and maternal poor mental and physical condition.
Social roles in the health and social care setting is highly important in terms of supporting individuals with offering them discrimination free and positive environment. As stated by (0, social roles in health and social care can be analysed by applying the proper psychological approaches. Based on the Erikson Psychoanalytical Theory, each individual pass through series of life stages, in which the individuals deal with the conflicts among the decisions, moral values and social beliefs. If the society is highly supportive, then it fosters the positive thinking, fresh decisions and innovative strategies in children (Higgs, 2015, p.12-22). On the other hand, if the children are exposed to a society which is highly conservative, full of superstitions and negative beliefs then it develops the poor decisions making ability, lack of self-confidence and unorganised thoughts in the individuals. In the given case study, Tom is exposed to a society and external environment, from which he did get any support, sympathy and positive strength during his childhood. After his parent death in the early childhood, he is unable tom get the proper love, affection and friendship from the society. That is why, ion the present day he suffers from eth dissociative behaviour, unmodernised thought and depression. On the other hand, Vygotsky’s Cognitive Theory also highlights that fact that, thinking and reasoning ability of children is influenced by the social and cultural circumstances. If children are grown up in positive and creative society, they get the consistent flow of positive strength, support and motivation, in order to develop their decisions, reasoning, judgemental skill, logical skill, problem solving ability and intellectual thoughts (Giudice et al. 2015, p.23-45). On the other hand, if children experience such a society that is full of bereavement, tormented situation, discrimination, poverty, poor education, then they cannot develop their mental processes. In case of Tom, society plays important roles for developing his present mental disorders. During his childhood he was exposed to society in which he cannot get proper assistance, friendly approach and love. Moreover, his past experience also makes him unable to adapt himself to the society. This is the reason behind his depression, restlessness, poor decision-making ability and unorganised behaviour.
People can deal with different psychological stress such as work-related stress, chronic illness, loss, bereavement and depression. For dealing with the psychological stress, it is important to have proper psychological strength, strong mental ability, and strong physical wellbeing. Different theoretical approaches can be implemented in terms of reducing the elevated level of stress. Based on the Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory, it is possible to deal with all these stresses, if people are able to maintain perfect balance among the three major aspects od mind such as id, ego and superego. Through maintaining the proper coordination among three aspects, it is possible to control on the emotions and desire the are generated in the conscious and subconscious mind. Based on this theory, in case of Tom he experiences unsupportive ands unfavourable childhood, which is the reason why he cannot develop proper coordination among the major aspects of mind, the id, ego and superego. As stated by Lewis et al. (2017, p. 23-36), based on this theory, if people suffer from the sorrow, bereavements, loss, emotional pain and chronic illness, it is difficult for the ego to maintain perfect balance between to the superego and id. This is why Tom does not take any right decision and cannot make proper interaction with the society. On the other hand, Vygotsky’s Cognitive Theory, can be implemented in order to explain the psychological condition of individuals suffering from the extreme level of stress. Vygotsky believed that, thinking ability, perception, problem solving skill and strong mind setup of the children are mould by the environment and culture inn which they are grown up. In this aspect Kwasnicka et al. (2016, p.23-45), people who suffers from extreme stress, have limited psychological skill to deal with the stress. This is because they are grown up in such a environment and cultural condition, in which they can not be able to develop their self-confidence, mental strength, decision making skill and quick problem solving capacity, in case of Tom, he is also victim of an unfavourable and unsupportive negative cultural environment, which offers him sorrow, bereavement, lack of support and parental care and loneliness. This is the reason Tom is unable to cope up with his loss, stress and bereavement.
As stated by Hurlemann and Scheele (2016, p.13-24), Information Processing Theory, highlight the fact that, human development is the mental process that is associated with the attention, memory, perception, decision making and problem-solving skill. However, if individuals experience the unsupportive and unfavourable social condition and family background, it affects his or her mental stability, and psychological skill which are important for dealing with future issues. In case of Tom, his past experience makes him unable to develop proper psychological skill, that is associated with his failure in his personal and professional life. This is the reason why he suffers from; lots of stress and is unable to deal with this stress.
Behavioural disturbances is the disruptive behavioural disorder, in which the patient is unable to have positive behavioural expression such as proper decision making skill, problem solving ability, interactive skill, communication ability and cognitive ability. different psychological theory can be used to explain the condition of behavioural disturbances in the individuals. Erikson Theory of psychosocial development, highlight the fact that, behaviour is combination of personality, skills, right decisions taking ability and proper psychological strength. Based on this theory, formation of positive behaviour starts from the early childhood, during which individuals learn to generate new ideas, thoughts and perception (Hu et al. 2016, p.22-34). Through the positive support, creative environment and friendly approaches, children can develop their cognitive, psychological and emotional wellbeing. However, in case of Tom, he is devoid of proper care and support during his childhood, which does not make any positive behavioural transformation of Tom. As he experienced the bereavement, sorrow, loss and stress during his early childhood, it makes severe constraints on developing his positive and impressive personality. this is the reason, why he is unable to take right decision for himself or he cannot cope up with his peer in the class. Based on the Pieget’s Cognitive Development theory, babies are born with the basic psychological structure, that turns into mature thought, perception and knowledge through proper guidelines and support of the parent and caregivers in the early childhood. In the aspect Green (2016, p.31-50) stated that, through proper education, academic training and proper guidance, children can develop positive behaviour with fresh thoughts and fruitful ideas. However, in case of Tom, he neither get any assistance or support from his parent due to their early death nor he received any academic training and guidance from the caregivers. therefore, in his case, the proper behavioural development at the early childhood periods had not taken place. This is the reason, why he suffers from the depression, anxiety, loneliness and restlessness. Moreover, due to improper behavioural development, he is unable to coordination between his mind and body, which makes his activities and decision unpredictable and dangerous.
Based on Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory, setting of the positive behaviour is associated with forming decisions, personality, cognitive ability and intelligence. Children can develop this decision-making ability and perception through the positive learning and reinforcing process that are conducted in the early years. Through the learning and reinforcing process, children not only develop their perception and behaviour but also improve their interactive skill and communication ability that assist them to make perfect socialization skill. In this aspect Giudice et al. (2015, p.23-43) stated that, positive behavioural transformation within the children occurs through reinforcement of fresh thoughts. Creative ideas, cultural values and clear perception regarding their surrounding aspects. However, in the given case study, Tom did not pass through any positive learning and reinforcing process during his childhood, therefore, he does not have any positive learning experience that would assist him to take effective decision in his life. Throughout his childhood, he expectance the reinforcement of the negative thoughts, depression, illness, loss, bereavement that affect badly his emotional, psychological and physical wellbeing. This is why he is unable to proper behavioural transformation throughout his childhood. Through this analysis it can also be stated that Tom suffered from the disruptive behavioural disorder, which makes him unable to take proper decision or create problem solving ideas in order to deal with any professional and personal issues.
There are different competing psychological theories that influence the contemporary and traditional psychotherapeutic thoughts. Most widely used theories in this context are psychoanalytic, behavioural and cognitive theory, that can be applied in order to inform the understanding of particular mental disorders.
Based on the psychoanalytic theory of the Sigmoid Freud, unconscious motivation n and the early development influences are the important aspects in understanding particular human behaviour. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory has been proved as highly controversial that leads to different derivative theories that can be used by the later psychotherapist in order to understand the particular mental disorders. Based on the psychoanalytic theory, there are three important twentieth century psychodynamic school of thoughts, that drive the psychologist to determine the mental status and psychological disorder (Lewis et al. 2017, p. 23-36). Drive psychology is one of the major derivative theory of Freud psychoanalytic theory, which is used by the psychotherapist in order to determine the personality trait and character of individuals. Based on this school of thought, during the early years of development each individual pass through the sequential psychosexual development such as oral, anal, latency, phallic and genital. Based on this theoretical perspective, individual with improper psychosexual development leads to behavioural disorder that can not only cause the Disruptive Behaviour in the later life but also can develop Dissociative Identity Disorder. By applying this schools of thought, psychotherapist can analyse the childhood psychosexual development of Tom in the given case study, which will assist the psychotherapist in order to understand the reason behind his present mental condition. In this context, Tom might not pass through proper sequential psychosexual development in early childhood, which effects on his present psychology, thoughts and understanding. On the contrary Amaral et al. (2017, p. 23-34) argued, Drive Theory is irrelevant in terms of understanding and determine the psychological disorders of individuals, as it focuses on the psychosexual development, rather than psychological and behavioural development. In this context, another derivative theory, that are also used by the psychologist on order to understand and determine the mental disorder is Ego Psychology Theory. This school of though is developed by Freud, that highlight the three major aspects of the mind, that is id, Ego and superego. Id is the compartment of mind in which there are instincts and drives. On the other hand, superego is associated with the sense of wrong and right, that derived mainly from the societal and parental motility. As stated by Segal and Bell (2018), this theory, highlights the ego, which is associated with ability of individual to adapt into environment in order to make proper resolution of the conflict. Based on this theoretical perspectives, Tom’s mental condition can be understood. In case od Tom, he is unable to maintain proper balance among the id, ego and superego. Due to parental death and detachments from the society, he is unable to develop the social and parental morality that drives the sense of moral values, understanding and sense of right and wrong. Moreover, unfavourable childhood experiences of Tom, such as prolonged illness of his mother, death of his parents and lack of proper educational and guidance make him unable to develop proper balance between the ego and superego. This is why he is unable to adapt himself with into the society.
On the contrary Amaral et al. (2017, p. 23-34), Object Relations Theory, is another derivative theory of the Freud’s Psychoanalytical theory, that represent theoretical approach that completely different from the Drive Theory. Based on this theory, behaviour, psychology of human being is influenced by the primacy of the relationship with different objects, rather than by the psychosexual characteristics. After the birth, infants learn to form different new relations with different objects such as parents, neighbour’s nature, peers, educators and practitioners. Relationship is the main reason behind person’s happiness and misery, which determine the psychological condition of that person. Therefore, in case of Tom, psychotherapist can use this theory, to understand the reason of his disruptive behaviour and disturbed mental condition. This theory also can assist the psychotherapist to understand the actual reason behind Tom’s psychological instability which not only affect his decision-making ability but also disrupt his primary thoughts and wellbeing. In the childhood, Tom us unable to make strong relationship with parent or the caregivers of the educators, which makes him unable to express his misery, problems and mental condition. This is the reason, why in the present days Tom suffers from the psychological and behavioural instability.
This theory presents the facts that each individual pass through the series of life stages. Each life stage represents the core conflicts that is derived through the interaction of the developmental possibility with external world (Oatley, 2017, p. 25-34). This theoretical approach is used widely by the psychologist and psychotherapist, to understand the process of the life stages development on particular individual in terms of understand the actual reason behind his or her present mental condition. In case of Tom, he experienced lack of parental care, poor social support, bereavements and poor academic support which retards his psychosocial growth during passing through series of life stages. Instead of developing the positive thoughts, understanding, Tom has developed conflicts, negative thoughts and pessimistic approaches into his mind. This can be the reason behind his present mental instability.
Cognitive theory is based on the subjective experience of different things, persons and external world. It drives the irrational thoughts and beliefs. According to Schore (2015, p. 41-50), this theory represents the thoughts as well as cognition regarding the experience and the emotions that are evoked through this experience. As an example, the experience of danger, bereavements, loss and misery leads to development of depression, anxiety and dissociative psychological disorders. in case of Tom, the similar things happen, in which he experienced the negative circumstances in his childhood such as parental death, social isolation, bereavement and sorrow. This experience leads to development of negative thoughts, instable behaviour and poor decisions. In this way cognitive theoretical approach is highly useful in order to determine and understand behind the psychological disorders. As stead by Lewis et al. (2017, p. 23-36), when a person experiences the danger in his or her early life stages, the anxiety and depression can be dominant, that leads inability to self-protection and hypervigilance.
Evidence based studies suggest that different psychological approaches are used by the psychiatrists and psychotherapist, in order to make positive behavioural changes into individuals. Principle of Cognitive science, including the cognitive psychology, represent the study of cognitions or mental process such as memory, perception, thoughts, information, psychophysiology and social cognition. Based on the principles of cognitive theory, psychologist and psychotherapist use Cognitive Behavioural Theory (CBT) (Kwasnicka et al. 2016, p.23-45). CBT is the psychotherapeutic treatment process that assist the psychotherapist and mental health professional to understand the how thoughts od feelings of particular individuals affect his order her behaviour. CBT, is used to treat different mental and behavioural disorders such as depression, addiction, hallucination, phobias and anxiety. British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies, suggest that CBT is based on the principles as well as concept that are derived from the Cognitive model of Human Behaviour and Emotion. Rational Emotion Behavioural Therapy (REBT), is wide used CBT which assist eth psychotherapists to identify the irrational beliefs and thoughts in the patient (Green, 2016, p.31-50). After identifying this behaviour, CBT focuses on changing the irrational beliefs thoughts to positive behaviour and thoughts. In case of Tom, CBT would be highly influencing psychotherapy, that is based on the Cognitive model principles. Through conducting this therapy, it is possible to identify the negative beliefs, emotions, thinking pattern and behaviour of Tom. This process will assist the psychotherapists to improve the behaviour, mental processes and emotion of the Tom.
Principles of Behavioural psychological approaches, is based on determining the and learning the influence of external environment on the human behaviour (Giudice et al. 2015, p.23-43). Based on this principle, mental health professionals can determine the reason behind depression, negative beliefs and the irrational thoughts in individuals. Through applying the principles of Behavioural psychology, psychotherapist can understand the relationship between present behavioural disturbances of individual and their early years circumstances. For example, behaviourist suggest that, depression highlight the lack of positive reinforcement during the childhood. In case of Tom, this psychologic can help mental health professional to determine the actual reason behind his present behavioural status. He experienced the negative reinforcement, poor relationship with the external environment that develops the poor adaptability and responsiveness to the external environment. This can be changed through conducting the Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and Multimodal Therapy. In Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), can be used to improve the thinking pattern of Tom, which would help him to incorporates effective strategies such as mindfulness and emotional regulation. On the other hand, Multimodal Therapy, is also based on the principles of behavioural psychology, to address the irrational and negative behaviour, in order to make the positive behavioural transformation. Therefore, by applying the psychological principle into health and social care context, it is possible to improve the behaviour, menta process and emotion of the people.
Human brain uses cognition in every part of the social lives that assist them to individual to learn and think about the other individuals. Psychological theories assist people in the health and social care context, to understand each other perception, emotion, preference and thoughts. Social Cognitive Theory represent the active interpretation of persons mind by analysing the thoughts, perception, information, memories and beliefs (Kwasnicka et al. 2016, p.24-45). Evidence based reports suggest that application of Social Cognition Theory, is one of the important process in health and social care that assist the psychotherapist to identify the feelings, thoughts, perception and beliefs of individuals. In the given case study, psychotherapists and mental health professionals can use this theory to understand the relations needs of Tom. Through therapies, counselling and friendly approaches it is possible for menta health professionals to improve the understand of Tom about his relationship with the society, external world and peers. Through using Cognitive theory, todays psychotherapist can improve treatment methods in mental health context. For example, based on the principles of the Cognitive Theory, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is conducted for the patient who suffer from mental and behavioural disorders. This therapy is also useful in terms of improving the relationship of the patient suffering from menta illness with the external world. Through improving the decision-making power, problem solving skill and communication ability, it is possible for the psychotherapists to introduce the mental patient to the external society (O'Connor and Kirtley, 2018, p.34-56). Moreover, through improving the decisions, thoughts, perception of the patient, by applying the psychological theories, psychotherapist can assist the patient to interact with people in the external world. In the given case study, psychotherapist can use different Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to improve his communication and interactive ability, decision making power, reasoning skill, which would assist him to adapt himself into the society.
Through using Behavioural Theory, it is possible for the psychotherapist and mental health professionals to form proper social behaviour in the individuals suffering from the psychological disorders. In the given case study, Tom needs proper guidance from the mental health professionals to improve his behaviour through developing his personality, thoughts, logical thinking’s, reasoning skill and perception. Forming positive social behaviour in individual is important for interact with society efficiently and effectively. In case of Tom, he suffers from the disruptive behaviour and poor mental condition, due to his early years negative experience. Through using the Behavioural Theory, psychotherapist can improve his behaviour by exposing him in positive reinforcement, friendly approaches and fresh thinking process, which will assist him to form positive behavioural expression, which is important for developing the strong relations with society, peers, neighbours and caregivers.
From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that there are several psychological theories that can describe the human behaviour, mental process and psychological condition. These theories include Cognitive Theory, Freud Psychoanalytic theory, Erikson’s psychosocial theory and Behaviourism Theory. These theories can explain the psychological condition of individuals, Moreover, through applying these theories in the practical field of health and social care context, it is possible to make useful changes in the behaviour and psychology of individuals. These theories also assist the psychotherapist to improve mental process such as thinking, reasoning, memories, information and perception of individuals, in order to improve their ability to make string relations with the society as well as with the external world.
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