Research Methods and Ethics in Psychology


The report has focus on effectiveness of polygraph test and making the decisions accordingly. For the studying the behaviour of individual and effectiveness of polygraph test, the researcher has involved 80 participants and divided them into two groups of 40 participants each. The prior consent was taken, and it was also communicated to the participants that polygraph test will be conducted by the professional team. The design of study based on the electro dermal activities and EDA that were considered for measuring the autonomic nerves system activities. The data was analysed through quantitative technique using the SPSS software. The participants were between age of 18-29 years and the majority of participants were female (65%). A control condition was also prescribed to participants where they were given coloured paper. In this process they were allowed to look at the paper for ten seconds. Lie score was significantly lower for sceptical groups as compared to positive group. Further, no significant difference was found in truth score and coloured score between the groups. It was analysed that there is a significant difference in framing between sceptical and positive in lie group but there was no significant difference in truth and colourer.


Polygraph test is one of the major techniques to identify the lies of the individual (Honts, Thurber and Handler, 2021). The report will focus on effectiveness of polygraph test and making the decisions accordingly. For the studying the behaviour of individual and effectiveness of polygraph test, the researcher has involved 80 participants and divided them into two groups of 40 participants each. The prior consent was taken, and it was also communicated to the participants that polygraph test will be conducted by the professional team. Moreover, the test was carried out two random individuals who were selected from different departments. The concept of study was to analyse the changes in the behaviour of individual and fake information offered by participants. The major aim of study was to examine the effectiveness of the polygraph test and evaluating the authenticity of the individual using the machine.


Polygraph test is used for analysing the psychological changes in the behaviour of an individual during delivering fake information. This test is evaluating different symptoms of an individual like changes in blood pressure, pulse respiration, skin conductivity. According to Ben‐Shakhar and Iacono, (2021), the psychological changes in body of individual are indicating the fake information and changes in the approach of delivering the answer to questions. In this process deceptive and non-deceptive answers can be segregated with case. However, there are many other tests and approaches are used for analysing the lie told by an individual, but consideration of machine process is helpful for identifying the psychological changes to evaluate the truth. The computerized techniques and score of the answer is helpful for understanding the outcome of the polygraph test. Therefore, Peleg et al., (2019) have argued that polygraph tests are not sufficient in detecting lies.

In the current scenario, there are various nations that using the polygraph test for interrogating the criminal or people who are suspected. Moreover, this tool is also used by sensitive private and public sector organization for screening the candidate applying for job. The tool is analysing the body functions of an individual such as heart rate, respiration, electro dermal response, blood pressure and other (Nelson, 2018). During polygraph test, the professionals were asking different ‘yes or no’ questions and monitoring the response of the body of individual. The system is associated with sensors and transmitting the data to understand the psychological phenomena. The use of digital technology is helping to record and analyse the data that support in understanding the changes in the body of individual (BASHIR and ALIYU, 2022).

The record of these psychological changes is showing in charts that are known as polygraph chart and indicate the changes on the response of the individual. The analysis of these charts is helping the experts to identify that the person is lying or not (Rajan, 2019). Apart from this, there are some theories also used for understanding the behaviour of individual and evaluation of the changes in psychological approach of the individual (Collins, 2020). The consideration of polygraph test is helping to understand the psychological behaviour of the individual and response of people. However, sometimes it become very difficult for experts to identify the approach of the individual using this test but advancement in the technology and use of the digital analogy is helping to maintain the effectiveness of polygraph. The consideration of honesty on an individual based on the results of polygraph is typical (Youn, Suk and Choi, 2020) approach as different types of equipment’s are used (MAHESWARI, 2020). The changes in value or performance of these equipment’s could influence the outcome of the analysis. Therefore, proper monitoring and standardization of equipment is needed before applying the test.


H00: There is no significant difference in lie scores between sceptical and positive

H01: There is significant difference in lie score between sceptical and positive



For conducting the current study, the researcher has recruit 80 individuals and divided them into two groups of 40 participants each. One of the groups has performed the polygraph test and researcher has provided the information related to them that this test is part of the study. Here, the independent variable is groups defined for study involve the Sceptical and Positive. The nature of these independent variables is continues and support in analyzing the hypothesis. The participants were between age of 18-29 years and the majority of participants were female (65%). Apart from this, participants of other group were told that they are taking part in an experimental study, and they were not informed about the nature of the experiment. There were two professional polygraph administrators conducted the tests.


The design of study based on the electro dermal activities and EDA that were considered for measuring the autonomic nerves system activities. In regard to these only higher positive values that represented the higher level of EDA were considered by the researcher and helped to measure the indicator more arousal among the participants.


The participants were asked some questions and monitored through machine to identify the honesty of the individual. A control condition was also prescribed to participants where they were given coloured paper. In this process they were allowed to look at the paper for ten seconds. Data was captured through machine and recorded in system for further analysis. The polytrophic experts have observed the actions and expressions of the participnents during the process that has helped to identify the changes in blood flow, retinal movement and heart rate. The proper analysis of these factors has helped to analyzed the effectiveness of polytrophic test and make use of it in future. Moreover, the data was analysed through quantitative technique using the SPSS software.

Data analysis

Data analysis

The table has shown the descriptive analysis of the study. According to outcome of the study, the mean value of lie was 78.83 (SD = 19.49), truth was 72.24 (SD = 14.41) and coloured was 74.01 (SD = 17.69).

framing percentage for sceptical framing percentage for sceptical

The table has shown framing percentage for sceptical which was 50.0% and positive was 50.0%

framing vs frequency The descriptive analysis of framing

The descriptive analysis of framing (sceptical) was analysed in this table. According to analysis, the mean value of lie was 69.28 (SD = 13.99), truth was 74.89 (SD = 14.66) and coloured was 74.15 (SD = 16.49).

information related to positive framing

This table has provided the information related to positive framing. As per the outcome of the analysis mean value of lie was 88.38 (SD = 19.67), truth was 69.60 (SD = 13.83) and coloured was 73.87 (SD = 19.02).

information related to the two groups studied in the research

Above table has provided the information related to the two groups studied in the research. The framing was analysed focusing on sceptical and positive in which 80 participants were divided into two groups of 40 each. The mean value of lie score for sceptical was 69.28 (SD = 13.99) and for positive was 88.38 (SD = 19.67) (p<0.05). It shows that there is significant difference in lie score between the groups. Lie score was significantly lower for sceptical groups as compared to positive group. Apart from this, the mean value of truth scores for sceptical was 74.89 (SD = 14.66) and for positive was 69.60 (SD = 13.83) (p>0.05). Thus, it shows no significant difference in truth score between the groups. Finally, the mean value of coloured for sceptical was 74.15 (SD = 16.49) and for positive was 73.87 (SD = 19.02) (p>0.05). Thus, it shows no significant difference in coloured score between the groups.


According to analysis and outcome of the study, it has been carried out that polygraph test is highly effective for identifying the psychological changes in human body regards to detecting lie (Nelson, 2018). The researcher has recruit 80 individuals and divided them into two groups of 40 participants each. One of the groups has performed the polygraph test and researcher has provided the information related to them that this test is part of the study. The participants were between age of 18-29 years and the majority of participants were female (65%). During the polygraph test, the researcher has analysed the different parameters of changes in body function like blood pressure, pulse rate, skin conductivity and expression.

The major outcome of the study has suggested that framing was analysed focusing on sceptical and positive in which 80 participants were divided into two groups of 40 each. The mean value of lie score for sceptical was 69.28 (SD = 13.99) and for positive was 88.38 (SD = 19.67) (p<0.05). It shows that there is significant difference in lie score between the groups. Lie score was significantly lower for sceptical groups as compared to positive group. Apart from this, the mean value of truth scores for sceptical was 74.89 (SD = 14.66) and for positive was 69.60 (SD = 13.83) (p>0.05). Thus, it shows no significant difference in truth score between the groups. Finally, the mean value of coloured for sceptical was 74.15 (SD = 16.49) and for positive was 73.87 (SD = 19.02) (p>0.05). Thus, it shows no significant difference in coloured score between the groups.

According to study of (Nelson, 2019) the mean value of lie for both groups were 66.22 (SD = 12.89) and 81.28 (SD = 18.57). The p value was 0.00 and shown the significant difference. Apart from this, the mean value of truth for both groups were 78.79 (SD = 13.76) and 66.60 (SD = 12.73). The p value was 0.101 and shows no significant difference. The mean value for coloured were 73.19 (SD = 17.69) and 71.89 (SD = 18.02). The p value was 0.989 and shows no significant difference. The outcomes of this study were similar to finding of the current study and suggest that polytrophic test is helpful for understanding the psychological changes and analyzing the approach of the participant whether they are telling the truth or lie.

Moreover, the findings of the current study have suggested that the system is associated with sensors and transmitting the data to understand the psychological phenomena. The use of digital technology is helping to record and analyse the data that support in understanding the changes in the body of individual (Egerton, 2020). The psychological changes in body of individual are indicating the fake information and changes in the approach of delivering the answer to questions (Coetzer and Motloung, 2021). In this process deceptive and non-deceptive answers can be segregated with case.

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From the study, it has been carried out that polygraph test is highly effective in lie detection and helping to analyse the level of honesty of an individual. Moreover, the study has revealed that the functioning and performance is significantly affected by framing. It was analysed that there is a significant difference in framing between sceptical and positive in lie group but there was no significant difference in truth and colourer.



Ben‐Shakhar, G. and Iacono, W., 2021. Fallacies in the estimation of the validity of the Comparison Question Polygraph Test: A reply to Ginton (2020). Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 18(3), pp.201-207.

Coetzer, N. and Motloung, S., 2021. A real ‘whodunnit’–the persistent polygraph problem. Without Prejudice, 21(1), pp.29-30.

Collins, N., 2020. The Use of Polygraph Test in Clinical Forensic Psychiatry Settings. In Ethical Issues in Clinical Forensic Psychiatry (pp. 85-96). Springer, Cham.

Egerton, W.A., 2020. Use of the Polygraph to Screen Police Candidates.

Ginton, A., 2020. A critical examination of Iacono and Ben‐Shakhar's critique of Ginton's innovative technique for estimating polygraph CQT accuracy in real‐life cases. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 17(3), pp.296-309.

Honts, C.R., Thurber, S. and Handler, M., 2021. A comprehensive meta‐analysis of the comparison question polygraph test. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35(2), pp.411-427.

Jung, S.H., Jin, M.J., Lee, J.K., Kim, H.S., Ji, H.K., Kim, K.P., Hyun, M.H. and Hong, H.G., 2020. Improving the quality of sexual history disclosure on sex offenders: Emphasis on a polygraph examination. Plos one, 15(9), p.e0239046.

MAHESWARI, A., 2020. A Comparative Analysis of the Admissibility of the Polygraph Test and DNA Test Analysis as Evidence in India and United States of America.

Nelson, R., 2018. Five-minute science lesson: review and discussion of the American Statistical Association’s “Statement on Statistical Significance and P-Values” and polygraph test results. APA Magazine, 51 (1), pp.60-64.

Nelson, R., 2018. Practical Polygraph–A Tutorial (with graphics) on Posterior Results and Credible Intervals Using the ESS-M Bayesian Classifier. APA Magazine, 51 (4), pp.66-87.

Nelson, R., 2019. Literature Survey of Structural Weighting of Polygraph Signals: Why Double the EDA?. Polygraph & Forensic Credibility Assessment, 48(2), pp.105-112.

Peleg, D., Ayal, S., Ariely, D. and Hochman, G., 2019. The Lie Deflator-The effect of polygraph test feedback on subsequent (dis) honesty. Judgment & Decision Making, 16(6).

Rajan, P.B., 2019. Polygraph Tests-Benefits and Challenges. Academicus International Scientific Journal, 10(19), pp.146-155.

Youn, C.H., Suk, L.J. and Choi, K., 2020. Study of matching rate in stim test between video-polygraph based on vibraimage technology and traditional contacting polygraph. Modern Psychophysiology. The Vibraimage Technology., pp.127-132.

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