Role of Psychologists and Knowledge Gained From Psychology Studies

Psychology Student

A psychology student is someone who studies behavior to describe, explain, predict, control, or change it. When I was a junior in high school, I decided to pursue a career in psychology. As a first and foremost consideration, the psychology program at our institution piqued my interest. When I was in my first year, I came across the subject and was immediately interested in learning more about psychology dissertation help. The fact that there is always something new to learn and something old to study makes me feel like I am still a student of psychology. As a result of enrolling in this course, I am a step ahead of my peers in terms of knowledge and skills. Besides, I can attest to the importance of psychology in the quest to maintain our mental equilibrium. I learned that using psychological methods, we can decipher others' behavior and discover what motivates individuals to act in certain ways or behave in ways that are different from those of others. The concepts of psychology help us sensibly comprehend ourselves and others. Since psychology has become more than just a subject for me to study, I am delighted I chose it as a major.


The requirement to conduct practical, human-based research is a distinct aspect of being a psychology student. That was a lot of fun for me. It was a great way for me to see if I could apply what I have learned in class to real-life situations. Interactions with juniors and classmates during such practicals were equally unforgettable. Being a psychology student also entails doing an internship. Another unforgettable experience is getting to know people on a deeper level than we do in our daily contacts. In any other field of study, I cannot fathom having similar experiences. I will never forget my very first psychology class. It has truly opened my eyes to the possibilities of psychology. I looked forward to attending that class every day and learning something new. I was thrilled to begin a new class after that one. Psychology is a journey; the more you learn about it, the more you want to learn about it. To be honest, I have never encountered a classmate who regretted their decision to study psychology. You will feel more connected to yourself and others once you have studied psychology.



Preparing for examinations was challenging on two accounts; first, there was a lot of material to learn, and second, the practical was regarded as if it were a life or death situation. Because I learned a lot but did not know how to apply it to the exam format because I did not get clear instructions on how to deal with essay-type responses at the time, I wish I had received such guidance. That's a good start, but my performance could have been even better if I had more freedom and less direction. As a teacher, I see this all the time in my students: a desire to make the subject matter and examination style more student-friendly while yet maintaining the integrity of the topic. Many hours will be spent in the library. As a psychology major, you will be expected to reference your sources and back up many of your statements in many of your assignments.

Professional /Transferable Skills Gained

Communication and interpersonal skills.

Organization/time management skills.

Goal setting and prioritizing.

Academic writing and presentation skills.

Critical thinking and analytical skills.

Abstract reasoning

Leadership and teamwork skills.

Research methods,

Sensitivity to cultural issues

The brief: Describe, Understand, Explain, Predict, Control, Or Change Behavior

Target audience: Students themselves and potential psychologists in secondary schools

Purpose: To demonstrate the role of Psychologists and knowledge gained from Psychology studies

Core message: the lady holds the dog since Psychologists have a great role in exuding empathy and genuine concern

Relevant theories and Literature

Choosing the medium

The medium was chosen to convey how psychologists show genuine care and empathy. A person's body language and vocal inflections are studied by psychologists. Skills such as active listening and introspection increase the likelihood of clients expressing repressed thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. A psychologist must therefore be capable of recognizing the client's emotional state, which may be powerful. A client must have faith in your sincerity in your response. Therapists, despite their desire to give counsel, do not (Kinderman, 2014). As a result, they patiently wait for the client to open up and reveal their challenges and their reasons for being unhappy with life's situations (Kinderman, 2014). Cognitive-behavioral therapy explains how to help patients identify their issues and make positive behavioral changes in a kind and understanding way. This is a type of psychotherapy treatment that aims to help people identify and alter negative or troubling thinking patterns that have an impact on their moods and behavior (Robertson, 2018). The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to break the habit of thinking negatively, which can increase depression and anxiety. It recognizes and confronts these thoughts, then replaces them with more objective, logical ones. There are a variety of tactics that can be used, including journaling, role-playing, relaxation techniques, and mental distractions. CBT is used to treat a variety of mental health concerns, including addiction, anger management issues, anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, panic attacks, and personality disorders.

A psychologist's cultural sensitivity and credibility were both conveyed through the medium. Accomplished psychologists are self-aware and display a commitment to diversity. Patients in a multicultural society cannot be treated with a one-size-fits-all approach. As a socially conscious psychologist, you are aware of social concepts such as racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparity. Personal biases are acknowledged and dealt with to act in an equal and fair manner. According to Thai and Lien (2019) respect for diversity is an important value in psychology. An important part of appreciating diversity in communities is learning how to work in a range of community contexts and how to deal with systems of injustice. Psychiatrists must include the perspectives of a wide range of people while doing research and developing treatment plans, and they must also work to abolish oppression and promote equality and justice. Rehman et al., (2021), on the other hand, reported that just 9.6 percent of qualified clinical psychologists in England and Wales in 2013 were Black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) persons. Diversity in psychology can be supported by cross-cultural psychology, a branch of psychology that analyzes how cultural differences affect human behavior (Milfont & Klein, 2018).

It was decided to use this media to portray trustworthiness. Customers have a gut feeling about a psychologist's reliability. Psychologists' commitment to maintaining patient anonymity is one way they show their reliability. During the initial intake process, clients are informed of their privacy rights and any possible exceptions to confidentiality, such as threats to themselves or others. To ensure the safety of their patients, psychologists inform them that they can freely express their thoughts and feelings. Feedback from customers is both positive and constructive. Therapists must respond with empathy, concern, and care to create secure and trusting environments when listening to their clients' stories (Simpson and Vieth, 2021). People feel more secure when they can revisit their past traumas, which helps them overcome their past traumas. A therapeutic connection is a key step in the healing process, and trust is required for it to succeed. In psychology, the theory of mind refers to the ability to understand others by assigning their mental states to them. Similarly (Quesque & Rossetti, 2020). For instance, one's beliefs, aims, intentions, and feelings may differ from the person holding them.

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How Topic Was Chosen

The topic is chosen mainly to emphasize the unique and critical role of a psychologist. Psychologists help people understand and manage their emotions and behaviors to improve their quality of life. From birth to old age, psychologists have an important role to play (Kinderman, 2014). The value of a psychologist to society may be seen in everything from helping students do better in school to preparing individuals to deal with difficult personal and professional relationships and life events. First, psychologists research human traits and behaviors to get a better understanding of them. Furthermore, they investigate the impact of cultural norms, surroundings, and circumstances on human behavior, such as interpersonal relationships and social interactions. Clinical observations, subject interviews, and hypnosis are just some of the tools psychologists employ in their work. Human behavior and mental development are also studied by psychologists of all ages, from childhood to old age (Kinderman, 2014). Drug and alcohol abuse can be diagnosed and treated with the help of research like this. Additionally, the results of these investigations can be used to treat or even prevent the symptoms of aging. Psychiatrists work with patients to identify and treat mental health issues. In addition, they provide emotional support to those who are nearing the end of their lives and teach them and their loved ones how to cope with the challenges they face. Psychologists use a range of approaches to help their clients and loved ones, including counseling and behavior therapy. As an example, behavioral therapy can be used to help people change their behavior (Kinderman, 2014). This can help you progressively become used to a relaxation reaction instead of a fear or concern reaction. Psychiatrists also employ humanistic therapy to help their patients. As the name implies, this approach is predicated on the premise that you are the best person to judge your wants and requirements.

In addition, the focus of the article is on the role of psychologists in improving people's quality of life. Psychiatrists work with children in schools to better understand their learning and behavioral concerns. They work with school administrators, teachers, and parents to find solutions for a wide range of students, including those with special needs. Schools can rely on them for advice on how to implement the effective study and behavioral strategies for students' overall well-being (Kinderman, 2014). Working conditions are assessed and recommendations for improvements are made by psychologists in the workplace. For example, to address some students' challenges, the psychologist uses psychodynamic therapy. According to Lunn et al. (2017), an important part of a psychodynamic approach is exploring the interplay between the past, present, and future to better understand your current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


The communication piece has been formatted in a way to express the traits of a psychologist and the importance of such traits to clients and the profession. Besides, it covers specific roles of psychologists and subsequent theories helping execute these roles.

Personal Reflection


Psychologists need to cultivate a wide range of talents throughout their careers and study to be successful in the field. Psychiatrists use several of these skills whether working with patients or conducting research (Dixson et al., 2020). As a result, businesses are on the lookout for individuals with the skills necessary to effectively interact verbally with people both inside and outside the organization, as well as to work well in a group setting. The capacity to plan, organize, and prioritize tasks, as well as the ability to gather and process information, are also highly valued by employers (Dixson et al., 2020).

My Strength

Phycology benefits greatly from the research abilities I have honed over the years. In my mini-projects, I have learned more about ethical considerations in research, including how to design a study to answer a research question, how to gather and analyze data, and how to evaluate results. I also appreciate the need for psychological examinations that are both reliable and valid. According to Sassenberg & Ditrich (2019), research in Clinical Psychology is the foundation for practice. The ability to select, judge critically, and incorporate significant components of psychological research into teaching is an important attribute of the profession. Thus, these skills will prove useful in my profession and career advancement.

In the same way, my ability to solve problems has improved as I have progressed through my education. Systematic problem solving is what I have learned to do. Aside from that, I am able to take on a wide range of tasks and master a wide range of problem-solving strategies and techniques. To that end, I have honed my skills in both macro-level decision-making and more fundamentally-level method selection to better execute new solutions and strategies. When it comes to problem-solving, according to Protogerou and Hagger (2019), it is all about finding and fixing issues. The ultimate goal of problem-solving is to overcome obstacles and discover the best possible solution to the issue at hand. In many cases, the best approach to a problem is a function of the specific circumstances. Since it is a crucial skill in psychology, it is a cornerstone of my career.

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In addition, I have worked to improve my communication skills, such as listening, body language, stress management, and emotion regulation. According to Protogerou and Hagger, effective interpersonal communication skills (2019). A clinical psychologist must be able to interact effectively with clients and actively listen to what they have to say.

Area of Improvement

I have realized that my cultural diversity ability is limited and I need to improve by learning the various language to accommodate more ethnic groups. I have realized that due to globalization and the free movement of people, communities have become more diverse thus the need for diversity (Vesely & Klöckner (2020).

At the same time, I need to work on honing my organizational and time management abilities. People with mental health issues are on the rise, as I have discovered, thanks to rising levels of stress and shifting social norms. Counseling is now one of the fastest-growing industries in the United Kingdom, and there has also been a significant increase in the number of persons who want to become counselors (2020).


Colquitt, J. A., Scott, B. A., & LePine, J. A. (2017). Trust, trustworthiness, and trust propensity: a meta-analytic test of their unique relationships with risk taking and job performance. Journal of applied psychology, 92(4), 909.

Dixson, D. D., Olszewski‐Kubilius, P., Subotnik, R. F., & Worrell, F. C. (2020). Developing academic talent as a practicing school psychologist: From potential to expertise. Psychology in the Schools, 57(10), 1582-1595.

Kinderman, P. (2014). The role of the psychologist in social change. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 60(4), 403-405.

Lin, L., Stamm, K., & Christidis, P. (2018). How diverse is the psychology workforce. Monitor on Psychology, 49(2), 19.

Lunn, S., Restrick, L., & Stern, M. (2017). Managing respiratory disease: the role of a psychologist within the multidisciplinary team. Chronic respiratory disease, 14(1), 45-53.

Milfont, T. L., & Klein, R. A. (2018). Replication and reproducibility in cross-cultural psychology. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(5), 735-750.

Protogerou, C., & Hagger, M. S. (2019). A case for a study quality appraisal in survey studies in psychology. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2788.

Quesque, F., & Rossetti, Y. (2020). What do theory-of-mind tasks actually measure? Theory and practice. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(2), 384-396.

Rehman, Z., Jaspal, R., & Fish, J. (2021). Service provider perspectives of minority stress among black, asian and minority ethnic lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the UK. Journal of Homosexuality, 68(14), 2551-2573.

Robertson, D. (2018). The philosophy of cognitive—behavioural therapy (CBT): Stoic philosophy as rational and cognitive psychotherapy. Routledge.

Sassenberg, K., & Ditrich, L. (2019). Research in social psychology changed between 2011 and 2016: Larger sample sizes, more self-report measures, and more online studies. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2(2), 107-114.

Thai, N. D., & Lien, A. (2019). Respect for diversity. Introduction to Community Psychology. Simpson, J. A., & Vieth, G. (2021). Trust and Psychology. The Neurobiology of Trust, 15.

Vesely, S., & Klöckner, C. A. (2020). Social desirability in environmental psychology research: three meta-analyses. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1395.

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