Unraveling the Rise of Narcissistic Personality Disorder


Narcissistic personality disorder is increasing at a very rapid rate among individuals from different socio-cultural groups and demographics. It is defined as a problem wherein a person accords too much importance to their self. It has been observed in some past studies that the narcissistic personality disorder is related with age, i.e. the older a person gets the more narcissistic he/she becomes (Carter and Douglass, 2018). However, there have not been many studies that have conclusively stated this correlation, as only a handful of the investigations have determined and analysed this relationship. For students seeking to explore this complex issue further, professional psychology dissertation help can provide valuable insights and guidance. Analysing this phenomenon is becoming all the more important because of the fact that number of baby boomers are increasing at a rapid rate, along with a significant increase in the young population as well. The narcissistic personality disorder, though not harmful, yet is a very dangerous health issue. This is because it shows that more and more people are getting influenced by it. Narcissistic personality disorder also shows the overall mental health and well-being of the people.


The primary purpose of conducting this study is the fact that even with so many past literatures that has focused on narcissistic personalities, there is a dearth of information on the magnitude of difference in narcissistic personalities between the genders. Through this study, the researcher will determine if there is any such difference between male and female, i.e. based on gender as well as based on their age (Stanton and Zimmerman, 2019). Since there is a lack of information regarding narcissistic personality disorder among the genders, this study will provide new literature to this field of knowledge. Based on this, it can be said that the study will help the readers in understanding how said personality disorder exists among people from both the genders. In their study, Grijalva et al. (2014) stated the narcissistic personality is an excellent way to show differences in leadership and aggressive behaviour among both the genders. Based on this, it may be said that there is a vast difference between narcissistic personality and gender. However, not much information is available on the magnitude of the difference of the disorder between genders. This study will shed light on how the disorder differentiates between men and women. Thus, this research will add to the currently available literature on the subject matter and expand understanding about it among the readers.



The current research aims to explore and determine whether there are age and gender differences between narcissistic personality disorders. Through this study, the researcher will attempt to explore and explain this type of personality disorder and also provide an examination of whether or not there are differences based on age and gender. The narcissistic personality disorder has become very common in recent some years. It has spread at a very rapid rate, which means that an increasing number of people have to exaggerate the feeling of self-importance. Although it is believed that men are more narcissistic than women, lack of any evidence thereof is one of the key motivators for conducting this study. Herein the researcher will focus on examining if there is any difference between men and women based on not only their gender but also their age.

Following are the objectives that the current study will strive to fulfil:

To determine if there are differences in narcissistic personality disorder among individuals of different ages.

To determine if there is a difference in narcissistic personality disorder among individuals based on their gender.

Literature review

According to Carter and Douglass (2018), older people tend to be less narcissistic because of their experience and worldly understanding. Although this is true to a great extent, there are some authors, such as Diamond et al. (2014) and Alloway et al. (2014), who have argued that wisdom and lack of narcissism thereof, does not come with age. Instead, it has been found to have a direct link with experience. Moreover, there are only a handful of studies that have examined if older or younger men and/or women have more chances of having a narcissistic personality disorder (Killic and Eryilmaz, 2019). In the current study, the researcher will focus on determining this aspect as well and therefore, will inform readers in determining and understanding if older men or women are more narcissistic or their younger counterparts.

According to Schulze et al. (2013), age is not a factor that predicts gender differences in narcissism. This is mainly due to the reason that the author did not find any correlation between narcissism and age of the participants. The authors further argue that since there is no association between age and narcissistic personality disorder, it may be said that it is not the most effective way of analysing the issue at hand. Due to this reason, it may be argued that people do not develop a narcissistic attitude with age. In contrast, Odacı and Çelik (2013) found an inverse relationship between narcissistic attitude and age of the people. In view of Kokkinos et al. (2014), age has nothing to do with a narcissistic personality disorder. Hussain et al. (2017) stated that the level of narcissism tends to decline with age.

Marissen et al. (2012) related narcissism with anti-social personalities. According to the author, people with anti-social personalities tend to be narcissistic. People with anti-social personalities tend not to violate the rights of other people. Due to this reason they are often considered to be rude, deceitful, impulsive and hostile. They also tend to give too much attention to their needs and demands, and if these are not met, then they throw tantrums. Abusing others is a very common trait of such individuals. There are many similarities between people with anti-social personalities and narcissistic personality disorder. For instance, both the individuals tend to lack empathy and they also suspect other people very frequently. Due to this, majority of the other people try to avoid these individuals. Anti-social individuals with narcissistic personalities also are very unforgiving people, and they do not forget mistakes or harm done to them by other people. Sharp et al. (2014) found this to be another reason why most people tend to avoid anti-social and narcissistic individuals.

It is considered that narcissistic people are unable to empathise with others. However, the results of Furnham et al. (2014) show otherwise. The authors determined that narcissistic people can empathise with others. According to them, if the narcissistic people are told to consider the situation from other’s point of view, then they too possess the ability to empathise. Based on this, it can be said that such individuals need to be persuaded in the right manner so that they too can identify and understand the situation of other people around them. This is the most optimum approach to getting an emotional response from them. Findings of Pînzaru et al. (2016) contradicts with this, as the author stated that narcissistic people could not be stimulated through emotions. Instead, they can be provoked through mental challenges and by encouraging them to think about the situations. This is the best way for them to put new thoughts in the minds of people with narcissistic personalities.

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This study is based on the following hypothesis:

H0: There is no difference in narcissistic personality disorder among individuals from different genders and age groups.

H1: There is no difference in narcissistic personality disorder among individuals from different genders and age groups.


In the study, the researcher will use a random sampling method to collect the primary data from patients in the psych ward. Through this method of sampling, the researcher will be able to ensure that individuals from the target population have equal chances of being involved in the study. Therefore, using random sampling will enable the researcher to conduct the study in a better and more effective manner and therefore fulfil its aim and objectives. Table 1 shows the inclusion and exclusion criteria that will be followed during the study.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria


The current study will be a combination of exploratory and descriptive. Herein the researcher will perform a thorough exploration of the data collected from different sources and then analyse it through descriptive techniques. Through such design relationship between narcissistic personality disorder and age and gender would be evaluated. The main reason for selecting this design is that it would help in performing an intensive analysis of the data collected through different sources and thereby enable the researcher to perform the study in a detailed manner, fulfilling its aim and objectives.

Age and gender will be the independent variables in this study. They will be continuous variables. On the other hand, narcissistic personality disorder will be the dependent variable.


Individuals will be recruited in the study by the researcher from the psych ward of the local hospital. The total sample size was 100 individuals; these were both male and female individuals from varying age. Random sampling approach will be used by the researcher, as it would result in equal chances of members being recruited in the study without any selection bias, thereby improving the reliability and validity of the results. Herein the scholar will use the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire 4th Edition (PDQ-4+). It is a self-administered questionnaire containing 100 questions on which the participants have to mark either true or false. Use of this questionnaire will enable the researcher to diagnose personality of the participants and determine if they have a narcissistic personality disorder.


Today, a narcissistic personality disorder is pervasive among people. It shows the tendency of people to give importance to themselves (Sabouri et al. (2016). Although several studies in the past have been carried out to determine gender differences in narcissistic personality disorders, very few studies have correlated this with the age factor. In addition to this, there is minimal information on the magnitude of the difference between narcissistic personalities between men and women. Past literature has shown men to be more narcissistic than women. However, they have failed to analyse the extent of such differences. Thus, in this study, the research will examine differences in narcissistic personality disorders based on age and gender. In order to collect information about the subject matter, the researcher will rely on collecting both primary and secondary information. Access to such information will help the scholar in understanding the topic, thereby enhancing overall reliability and validity of the results. In this study, the researcher will collect data through a questionnaire survey. Through the survey techniques, the researcher will collect data regarding narcissistic personalities among the participants.


In the current study, data will be collected from both primary and secondary sources. Herein to collect secondary data, the researcher will access different journals and research articles. They will be accessed from different databases such as NCBI and PubMed. They are some of the most popular sources from where the researcher can select good quality articles. Various inclusion and exclusion criteria will also be followed when searching for and selecting the journals and articles, as shown in Table 1. By collecting data from the secondary sources, the researcher will be able to expand their knowledge about the subject matter and thereby understand the research topic better. Over the years, several studies have been carried out on the topic of narcissistic personality disorders. In the context of the current topic, it can be said that using secondary data for the sources can be a very useful way of understanding the subject matter. Since there is an abundance of information available about the topic, using the secondary data will enable the researcher in understanding the topic clearly and thereby have a clear mindset on the way(s) to conduct the study and the aspects that need to be paid the most attention to.

Apart from, the researcher will also collect primary data. This will be done through a questionnaire survey. Since the sample size for the current study will be 100 individuals, using this method will be the most effective and will help the researcher in quickly collecting the data. Herein the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire 4th Edition (PDQ-4+) will be distributed among 100 random patients in the psych ward. Although the format of the questionnaire does not contain details regarding the age of the participants, it will be modified by the researcher before being distributed among the participants. Using the questionnaire survey will enable the scholar in understanding gender differences between narcissistic personality disorder and age group. Primary data is essential for the current study mainly due to the reason that it will enable the researcher to collect new and fresh information about the topic, which will then improve reliability and validity of the results and also help the readers in understanding the research topic in a better and more effective manner.

Ethical Considerations

a. Consent: A consent form will be given to every participant which will show that they have been informed about the study, its objectives and purpose and that they are participating in the study out of their own will and have not been coerced to participate. In any research, the role of the consent form is vital. It shows that the participants are willingly participating in the investigation. If no consent form is provided to the participants, then it can have an adverse influence on the overall quality and effectiveness of the study. Lack of consent from the participants also makes the relevant data and thus, the results improper, thereby affecting the validity and reliability of the results as well.

b. Debriefing: Since the current study will involve people from the psych ward, it will be necessary for the researcher to explain the purpose of the study in a thorough and detailed manner to the participants. Failure to do so can have a negative impact on the overall study and its outcomes. Due to this reason, in the context of the current study, the researcher will provide a debriefing to the participants. Herein purpose of the study, the methods used, and how their responses will be used will be explained to the participants. This will also be an opportunity for the participants to withdraw their responses from the study.

c. Confidentiality and anonymity: Attention will have to be given on maintaining confidentiality and anonymity of the participants. Through this aspect, the researcher can show to the participants that their confidential information such as names, age and even their responses will not be shared with any third party. The participants will further be explained that their data will be stored in a safe place which will be accessible only to the researcher, thereby will ensure the safety of their data. The participants will also be explained that anonymity of the participants will also be maintained, as their names would not be shared with anyone.

d. Giving advice: NA

e. Research undertaken in public places: Since the process of data collection will be carried out in public space, i.e. the psych ward, the researcher will have to ensure that the participants are given proper respect and space so that they can fill out the questionnaire. This will also help in ensuring that there is no biasness and interference from the researcher because it can have a significant negative impact on the overall study and the way it is carried out. By following this aspect, the researcher will make sure that the participants are given appropriate time so that they can record their responses and also that there is no interference from the researcher.

Analytic Strategy

To analyse the data, the researcher will use the Multiple Regression Analysis methods. Through this method, the researcher will be able to analyse the data sets thoroughly and determine if there is any difference between narcissistic personality disorders based on age and gender. Through the technique of regression analysis, the researcher will be able to analyse the relationship between narcissistic personality disorders and age and gender of the participants. Here the dependent variable will be attitude about psychopathy personality, along with two independent variables – gender and age.

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Alloway, T. et. al., (2014). Is Facebook linked to selfishness? Investigating the relationships among social media use, empathy, and narcissism. Social Networking, 2014.

Carter, L. G. and Douglass, D. M., (2018). The Aging Narcissus: Just a Myth? Narcissism Moderate the Age-Loneliness Relationship in Older Age? Frontiers in Psychology. 9.pp. 1254.

Diamond, D. et. al., (2014). Attachment and mentalization in female patients with comorbid narcissistic and borderline personality disorder. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 5(4), 428.

Furnham, A. et. al., (2014). Do your dark side traits fit? Dysfunctional personalities in different work sectors. Applied Psychology, 63(4), 589-606.

Grijalva, E. et. al., (2014). Gender differences in narcissism: a meta-analytic review. Psychol Bull. 141(2).pp. 261-310.

Hussain, Z. et. al., (2017). An investigation into problematic smartphone use: The role of narcissism, anxiety, and personality factors. Journal of behavioral addictions, 6(3), 378-386.

Killic, N. and Eryilmaz, A., (2019). Investigating Narcissistic Personality Traits in the Context of Positive Psychotherapy. Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 56(1).pp. 40-46.

Kokkinos, C. M. et. al., (2014). Cyber-bullying: An investigation of the psychological profile of university student participants. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 35(3), 204-214.

Marissen, M. A. et. al., (2012). Disturbed emotion recognition in patients with narcissistic personality disorder. Psychiatry Research, 198(2), 269-273.

Odacı, H. and Çelik, Ç. B. (2013). Who are problematic internet users? An investigation of the correlations between problematic internet use and shyness, loneliness, narcissism, aggression and self-perception. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(6), 2382-2387.

Pînzaru, F. et. al., (2016). Millennials at work: Investigating the specificity of generation Y versus other generations. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 4(2), 173-192.

Sabouri, S. et. al., (2016). Examining Dark Triad traits in relation to mental toughness and physical activity in young adults. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 12, 229.

Schulze, L. et. al., (2013). Gray matter abnormalities in patients with narcissistic personality disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47(10), 1363-1369.

Sharp, C. et. al., (2014). An investigation of differential item functioning across gender of BPD criteria. Journal of abnormal psychology, 123(1), 231.

Stanton, K. and Zimmerman, M. (2019). Unique and shared features of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders: Implications for assessing and modeling externalizing traits. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75(3), 433-444.

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