Social media use in the teaching profession

  • 11 Pages
  • Published On: 9-12-2023

Rationale of the research topic

In the recent era of globalisation, there is digitalisation of the organisational activities and it has high influence on the education and training sector across the globe, where the teaching professionals, school authorities and educational board try to utilise social media as a good platform to interact with the students and enhance the learning activities successfully. Moreover, in the recent pandemic situation due to COVID 19, the use of online platform is increasing rapidly where the teachers and students try to interact with each other through social media or other online platform for continuing the training and learning activities. The teachers try to develop good coursework and teach the students through online and digital data base management system, where the student data and their performance and participation are monitored well (Rueda, Benitez, and Braojos, 2017).

Hence, it can be stated that, there is great influence of online media on the teaching and educational sector. Social media is also playing a crucial role in managing the teaching and learning activities in such a pandemic era. The use of social media across the globe after such pandemic is increasing tremendously and there is positive influence of social, media on the educational activities, where it is possible for the teachers to teach the student and develop interactive classes successfully (Rueda, Benitez, and Braojos, 2017). Hence, the social media activities are necessary to be acknowledged well for better educational performance. The study is hereby effective to explore the ways that the teachers try to utilise social media for engaging with the students and enhance their skill set and performance in long run. Also, for students who are seeking education dissertation help, understanding the impact of social media on educational practices is going to provide the most valuable insights for their research.


For example, creating the concept maps for the topics by using Pinterest, creating Facebook profiles for the key people as well as developing texts and tweets, using hash tags for tracking the necessary topic and information in the educational institution are some of the initiatives by the teaching professionals to utilise social media and enhance the educational and training activities. additionally, posting texts, assignments, lectures and supplemental sources on a class social media site is also another major activity ion social media, where the teachers try to interact with the students and share all the necessary information about course structure, classes, duration and timing, materials and other lecture slides, so that the students can identify the exact materials and learn from the digital database system (Rueda, Benitez, and Braojos, 2017). These activities are increasing over the years across the globe, where the teachers are successful to handle the students through online activities and improve their skill set and abilities through continuous inclusive learning. Hence, the study is effective to analyse the influence of social media in the recent years on the educational sector, where the teachers try to utilise social media as a means of sharing knowledge and skill with the students and encourage the participants to perform better through training and learning activities (Sterling et al., 2017). Through this study, it is also possible to gather a vast range of authentic information related to social media and the use of it by the teachers, which in turn provides a scope to evaluate the research topic and conduct in-depth analysis further.

Research question

The question of the research is,

How are teachers using social media as a teaching resource?

Through this study, it is hereby possible to analyse the impacts of social media on the teaching and learning activities in the society. Due to recent pandemic situation for COVID 19, there are increasing pace of online activities and digital media practices, through which the learning and developmental training are arranged for the students by different educational institutions. Hence, the study provides a scope to analyse the influence of social media on teaching and learning activities.

Research methodology

In order to analyse the influence of social media on the teaching activities across different social communities around the globe, it is necessary to collect the right and authentic data and information successfully. In this regard, the deductive approach is being chosen by the researcher. Deductive approach is beneficial to progress in the research after gathering the theories and concept related to the research topic through gathering information, the researcher tries to gather a vast range of information and data related to the social media activities in the educational and training sector, where the teaching professionals in the recent years try to utilise different social media sites for interacting with the students and be engaged with them. As per the deductive approaches, the researcher is able to progress in the study with good knowledge and skill so that the findings will be analysed efficiently with in depth evaluation. Hence, the deductive approach is suitable for this study to improve knowledge and skill set and analyse the findings successfully to fulfil the research question. Additionally, the research is being conducted through gathering authentic and valid information related to the study topic and in this regard, the researcher selects secondary data collection method, over the primary data collection method. The secondary data collection method refers to gathering valid information and data from the secondary sources of information including the books, journals, online articles websites, new papers and business reports. These are the major sources of gathering the secondary data.

In this research, the researcher selects secondary data collection method and gathers the vast range of information related to the research topic by reviewing the published journal articles of past five years, so that it is possible to analyse the influence the social media in the teaching and educational sector as a whole. Through the secondary data, the researcher is also able to improve knowledge and analyse further findings with in depth evaluation and understanding. Through the secondary sources of information, the researcher is also capable of fulfilling the above mentioned research question. On the other hand, there are two types of data analysis techniques, one is quantitative and another is qualitative. In this study, the researcher selects the qualitative data analysis method over the quantitative one. Through the qualitative data analysis method, it is possible to discuss the research topic critically and analyse the findings efficiently. There are several ways to analyse the qualitative findings and the researcher in this study chooses the thematic analysis, where the themes will be represented and evaluated further. The themes of the research are developed critically, to represent the research topic and develop in depth discussion over the findings. The thematic analysis is hereby beneficial in this study to review the qualitative findings and develop in depth evaluation for meeting the research question critically.

Data findings

Thematic analysis is being conducted in the study, in order to analyse the findings so that the researcher is able to analyse the topic and answer the study question critically. The researcher focuses on analysing the influence the social media on the teaching and education, where the teachers now a day utilise social media for enhancing teaching and learning activities. Hence, for analysing the research topic, different themes are developed for evaluating each of the aspects of social media. The major themes are such as, professional learning network, cyber bullying and professionalism. All the themes are effective to evaluate the influence of social media, where the teachers prefer to utilise social media as a strong platform to enhance the teaching and learning activities. Looking for further insights on Media Promotion and Power Dynamics? Click here.

Key themes

Professional learning networks

Creating professional learning network is important for the teachers to enhance the learning and training activities across the social communities. Social media in this regard plays an important role in managing the learning and training activities efficiently through ensuring cooperation and high communication. Social media is considered as a two way communication platform for better interaction among the teachers and the students and thus it would be beneficial for the teachers and the students to manage their activities through social media and enhance their knowledge and skills set further (Murire, and Cilliers, 2017). Through online professional learning network, the teachers are able to identify the great resources and lesson plans for the students and it is also effective to attend the online conferences and interact with other teachers successfully. It is a great platform to share the resources and ideas with each other and improve knowledge on the specific subject matter. Following the educators and their blogs are also possible through professional learning network and the teachers are utilising this network for gathering a vast knowledge and improve their abilities further through continuous improvement and skill gathering practices (Sterling et al., 2017). Professional learning network is considered as a great support and create interactional connections among the teachers. Collaborating with global projects, learning through conference and several training activities are other advantages of professional learning network and on the other hand, it is considered as continuous inspiration and motivation of the teachers to participate efficiently and utilise their skill set to achieve their professional career goal.

The social media in the recent era of globalisation is playing an important role in teaching and learning and it provides a scope to create professional learning network through online activities. There are several social media tools through which it is possible to develop professional learning network which are discussed further. Blogs with comment and functionality are effective to share and discuss the information and the teachers try to post information on their personal blogs and the followers can access the important information through the blogs, twitter is considered as a good social media platform to create professional learning network where the hash tags are effective to share important notice, information and data and it further provides a scope to encourage the forums and develop debate with each other. Skype is also another social media tool for connecting with the other professionals and engage for sharing information and material successful (Murire, and Cilliers, 2017). Pinterest is effective to share ideas, inspiration and valuable resources with the students and also with other professionals which further helps to create good professional learning network. LinkedIn is one of the best social media tool to connect with several teaching professionals and create social network for further training and learning activities. YouTube is also utilised in the educational sector, where the teachers try to upload videos and presentations for the colleagues and students to share the important knowledge, information and data. Hence, social media platform is effective for developing professional learning network where the teachers can interact with others and improve their skill set and abilities (Al-Qaysi, Mohamad-Nordin and Al-Emran, 2020). The information related to course materials, training programs, curriculum planning and others are shared through the social media tools where the teaching professionals can enhance communication and cooperation for teaching the students across different social communities across the globe.

Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying or cyber harassment is the form of bullying or harassment through electronic means and it has become increasingly common, especially among the teenagers as the digital sphere has expanded and the technology also becomes advanced with innovation. In this regard, the teachers also face the issue of cyber bullying during the social media activities for enhancing learning and training programs (Bozanta and Mardikyan, 2017). The teachers are facing threat of cyber bullying, where the teenagers have bullied the teachers through the social media activities, asking irrelevant questions etc. It is important for the teaching professionals to handle the issue of cyber bullying in order to maintain the ethical standard of the online classes and improve the learning and developmental activities. Moreover, there are some students, who face the issue of bullying through online activities by other students, and hence it hampers the class environment. In such circumstances, it is also problematic for the teachers to increase the participation of the students and maintain harmony for engaging them in the online learning activities. The teachers must handle the issue through reporting that account, following the school policy and documented complaints against such incident (Al-Qaysi, Mohamad-Nordin and Al-Emran, 2020). Hence, cyber bullying is one major issue which may deteriorate the quality of education and hamper the circumstances of learning and development.


Professionalism in teaching and learning sector is mandatory to be maintained well to manage the whole educational program successfully. In this regard, the teachers try to maintain personal and professional development with continuous improvement, so that they are capable of teaching the students efficiently. The qualification of the teachers is necessary to be documented where the school authority takes the decision of hiring the teacher for learning and development. The practice of professionals is hereby mandatory for all the teaching professionals to maintain beliefs and maximise ethical standard at the schools (Ibrahim, 2017). The teachers must maintain health and safety of the students and provide them god circumstances of learning and development. In the recent years, the teachers are efficient to develop online training and learning program for the students where social media is paying an important role for supporting the continuous learning activities. Hence, the teachers follow the online instructions and maintain confidentiality of the information and data successfully (Filipe and Mack, 2019). The General Data Protection Act 2018 is being implemented in the educational system, so that the student data and digital information of the teacher are maintain with data security and safety and this is effective for avoiding the issue of data hacking. Hence, confidentiality management as well as ethical practices are necessary for the online educational classes through social media. The authenticity of the data is also necessary to be managed well, and in this regard, the teachers maintain validity of the information and provide access to the secured sources, for avoiding data manipulation and hacking (Al-Qaysi, Mohamad-Nordin and Al-Emran, 2020).

On the other hand, there is equality and diversity management in the educational practice where the teachers implement the Equality Act 2010 and develop non-discrimination practices for managing the students irrespective of their demographic and religious background, cultural diversity and language gap. This further improves the ethical code of practice and creates good circumstances for online learning activities (Gleason and Von Gillern, 2018). Hence, through social media, it is also possible for the teachers to maintain professionals and educate the learners efficiently. In addition to this, there is inclusive learning session which is conducted through social media as the social media platforms are considered to be interactive devices through which the teachers and students can communicate and enhance the learning practices. The teachers also try to maintain the duration of the classes and time table so that it is possible to teach the students through a systematic process (Al-Qaysi, Mohamad-Nordin and Al-Emran, 2020). The teachers are also successful in developing the curriculum planning and online classes for teaching the students. The structured online class and course materials are shared through social media, where the students also can access the materials and improve their skill and knowledge through continuous learning and activities. Hence, social media is effective platform for the teachers to enhance the learning curriculum practices and engage the students for better knowledge gaining activities (Gruzd et al., 2018). The online behaviour of the students, sharing authentic information, good communication and cooperation, providing effective circumstances and managing inclusive learning through social media is beneficial for the teachers to maintain professionals and encourage the students to participate in the online classes proficiently.


As per the above findings, there are several social media tools, which are beneficial for the teaching professionals to develop curriculum planning and utilise the social media platform to enhance education and training. Thee teachers try to enhance the class activities and create coursework for the students so that it would be possible to enhance the online media activities in the educational sector (Moghavvemi et al., 2018). As per the findings, the teaching professionals in the recent era of globalisation and such pandemic situation prefer to develop online classes and restructure the coursework to guide the students in a systematic process and enhance their skill and abilities through learning activities. The teachers also try to share the course materials with the students and encourage them to participate in the online classes through social media. Hence, social media is playing an important role for the teachers to manage the continuous personal and professional skill developmental activities among the students through arranging online training, classes and other learning activities (Ross and Myers, 2017). The inclusive learning and interactive activities are also developed which are helpful for the students to learn more in a simple way. The teachers are also efficient to maintain ethical standard in teaching and learning which further provides them a scope to continuous teach the students by maintaining ethical code of practice. The data confidentiality, managing data security and safety of the students are helpful for the online social media learning activities (Greenhow et al., 2019). The teachers also follow the instruction of the educational board and maintain equality and diversity for managing the students in the online classes. The teachers also maintain duration of the classes, timing, as well as provide good curriculum planning for skill and knowledge improvement among the students.

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Additionally, as per the findings, the teachers are also able to create professional learning network through social media, where the social media tools such as Skype, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Blogs, Pinterest and LinkedIn are the major platform to develop the professional learning network and enhance the teaching and learning activities. The teaching professionals try to create the network for sharing the information and curriculum planning for the benefits of the students (Al-Rahmi et al., 2018). They try to share the coursework materials, important information as well as engage with the other teachers through social media platform so that it would be possible to gather vast range of knowledge and improve skill set to teach the students innovatively. The issue of cyber bullying and data hacking are the major problem for which the teachers may face difficulties to provide good learning session as well as create effective circumstances of skill enhancement (Chukwuere, and Chukwuere, 2017). It is hereby necessary for the teachers to avoid such social media issue through reporting the particular account, maintaining data safety and security, information confidentiality, maximising educational standard and protecting the student’s interest successfully.

Reference List

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