A Comprehensive Exploration of Social Work Practices


Social work is associated with helping as well as supporting society people in terms of promoting their health and wellbeing and managing their issues. Through conducting social work, it is possible to improve living standard of people, developing positive thoughts and perception in them and safeguarding them from any kind of social risk such as discrimination, bullying and bias, For children social work is associated not only with improving their social life but also develop positive physical and psychological health in them. This study will focus on different aspects of social work in case of children with linking to the given case study. It will discuss the safeguarding in children with describing parental capacity, children developmental needs, environmental and family factors. Then the study will discuss the collaborative working and its importance in the given case study. In addition to this, the study will also describe the different relevant theories such as Pertinent theory and it implement in the given case study. This study will also describe the social work methods and social skill that are associated with with promoting safeguarding, positive health and wellbeing in children. If you are pursuing a social work dissertation, and want to seek guidance or assistance, then consider reaching out for social work dissertation help to ensure your research is comprehensive and impactful.


Children developmental needs:

Early year children life is crucial for promoting health and development in them (Carayon, 2016). Hamza in the given case study is the autistic child with learning disabilities which impacts not only on his physical and mental development but also pose negative effect on his performance in schools as well as in home. According to Turner (2017), children pass through different types of developments such as physical, emotional, social, educational and psychological development which not only improves their health and wellbeing but also promote positive thought, right decision making and critical thinking skill in them. In this context, Hamza in the given case study is devoid of proper care and support from his family members as well as from the schools which makes it quite difficult for him to attain proper social, cognitive, physical and emotional development. From analysing the given case study, it is seen that Hamza needs proper support, affection love and guidance to develop positive and productive thoughts in him, which will assist him to get rid of all the bad habits such as biting others or denying that changes in the routine. In terms of conducting the systematic physical and psychological development of Hamza it is important to recognise the unmet developmental needs of Hamza, for promoting his proper physical and psychological health. As he is autism patient, social worker Aleeza needs to recognise his strength and weakness which will assist her to determine unmet developmental neds such as proper schooling, speaking therapy, counselling, behavioural transformation and activity training. Moreover, as Hamza has poor connection with his neighbours and society people, he needs proper interaction with the external world, which is associated with developing his speaking power and communication skill. In this context, Aleeza can interact the school teachers and speaking therapist for comparing the activities of Hamza with his peers.

Parenting capacity:

Parenting capacity is associated with basic care, safety, emotional warmth and proper guidance that parent can provide to their children (Ramesh, 2019). In the given case study, Aleeza needs to evaluate how useful was the parenting for Hamza in her early childhood years. According to (Okuyama et al. (2014), if there are any gaps in the parenting care and guidance it impacts on the overall physical and psychological development and learning process of children. In the given case study, Hamza has experienced lack of proper parenting care and guidance due to loss of his father in the early age and emotional distress of his mother. Being the only earning member of the family Bisma, as a parent was unable to provide proper parental care to Hamza, which he actually needs for his overall development. In addition to that Hamza is devoid of the guidance and assistance of his father as he is expired. By analysing the given case study, it can b stated that, as Hamza is autistic child, he neds proper love, care, support and guidance from her parents which is important not only for his physical development but also improve his emotion, decision making process and cognitive skills. If the parenting capacity of Bisma is overhauled in the given case study it can be stated that being a single mother Bisma is unable to provide proper parenting guidance and care to Hamza such as his safety, emotional support, promoting wellbeing and health, basic care and safeguarding. On the other hand, due to the financial shortage, Bisma was unable to provide proper parenting care to Hamza as she was busy in managing her family’s basic needs. Therefore, it can be sated that, parenting capacity of Bisma is poor and is not useful in meeting basis developmental needs of Hamza.

Environmental and family factors:

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In assessing the safeguarding of children, social workers need to consider the family and environmental factors such as employment, social integration, housing, family history, community resources and income (Pithouse, 2019). Hamza, has poor family support due to loss of his father in early age and her mother’s emotional and mental distress. On the other hand, Hamza’s family is economically unstable which is one important reason why Bisma is unable to provide proper coaching, counselling and speak therapies to her son, Hamza. On the other hand, Hamza has the history of loss, disease and bereavements such as his grandmother suffering from age related health issues. Therefore, while dealing with the environmental and family factors of Hamza’s family, social workers needs to consider his family history, economic instability and the current health issues of his family members. In the given case study, Aleeza, the social worker needs to focus on the family structure, income level and family background of Hamza, in terms of understanding how safe he is in his own house. In this context it can be stated that, Hamza belongs to poor family background with history of bereavement and loos of his father, which affected his physical and metal wellbeing. On the other hand, Hamza does not get proper support from his grandmother and mother as they both are emotionally and physically weak. According to Pithouse (2019), social workers need to analyse the functionating of family members in term of assuring heath and safety for children. In this context it can be stated that, Bisma and her mother-in- law have very poor contribution in promoting emotional and psychological development of Hamza. Therefore, Aleeza needs to analyse whether the family and environmental factors are utilised in proper manner in terms of maintaining proper development of Hamza.

Collaborative working:

Importance of collaborative working:

Collaborative working is process in which social workers work synergistically with parents, family members, society and government in terms of promoting proper health and wellbeing and ensuring safeguarding of children (Bolger, 2014). In this given case study, collaborative working is important because it will assist the social workers to make partnership with Hamza’s mother, grandmother and teachers in terms of setting proper strategies to make proper physical, emotional, social, intellectual and cognitive development of Hamza. Collaborative working is also important for both the social workers and parent to get support from each other in sharing their ideas, decision and issues regarding the development and learning process of their children (Braithwaite et al. 2015). In the given case study, many local childcares can be involved in this case to support Hamza and his family for assisting them, to get rid of all the emotional social and economic issues. The Local childcare agencies and NGOs can assist Bisma to share Hamza’s health condition, preference and activities which will assist the social workers to set proper strategies for Hamza’s social, physical and emotional development. In addition to this local social care agencies can also involve in the case to assist Hamza and her mother. These social workers, activist and educationist of these agencies can perform manifold roles such as collecting information regarding the health, performance, behaviour and current attitudes of Hamza which will assist them to evaluate the unmet needs of Hamza. In addition to this the social workers are also assigned to provide free speech therapies, counselling and inspection of health for Hamza, which will be highly helpful for his family. They will also watch the activities and behaviour of Hamza in his schools and home, to determine the behavioural transformation or emotional changes of Hamza. These agencies will maintain transparent information delivery system to provide proper information regarding the gradual improvement of learning disabilities and physical condition of Hamza to his mother. On the other hand, they will also collet the possible information of day-to-day behavioural transformation of Hamza from his family members and school staffs. Moreover, Aleeza need to promote the voluntary involvement of Hamza in useful activities such as gardening, reading, speaking with peers and interacting with neighbours and society. In this context Bylund (2016) stated that, collaborative working assist parent as well as society members to determine the developmental needs of children that are unmet. Moreover, Social workers can also involve in partnership working with teachers and staffs of Hamza’s school in terms of providing his protection from bullying, discrimination and bias. Aleeza can interact with the family members of Hamza to determine his early years history and experience which will assist her and the other social worker to set proper strategies for promoting his intellectual, cognitive and communication skill.

Explaining One Pertinent Theory and its application by the social workers in the given case study:

Social work deals with the issues of the society itself and the needs of people residing in this society. One of the most pertinent social work theories that can be used in the given case study is Social Cognitive Theory. As stated by Carayon (2016), this theory focuses mainly on the psychology and behaviour of individuals. One of the most important needs of Hamza that is identified in the task 1 is communication and interaction need to provide him the proper relief from the loss and grief that he had experience at very early age.

Loss and grief are one of the most important factors that pose negative impact on the physical, emotional and social development of people. In the given case study, Hamza has experience loss of his father which has pose traumatic effect on his mental condition. Moreover, the experience of loss and grief also develop emotional and psychological distress for he mother, Bisma, which makes her unable to take proper care of Hamza. In this context, social cognitive theory can be used by Alleza and the other social workers in terms of assisting Hamza to get rid of the loss and grief. Social cognitive theory can be applied by social workers in meeting unmet neds of the autistic chill like Hamza by determining his psychology, emotion and behavioural transformation. Autism is neurodevelopmental disorder in which children face issues in maintaining proper social interaction and communication.

Although there are several biological reasons behind autism, psychological distress and lack off social support are also associated with occurring of this disease. In case of Hamza, Social Cognitive Theory can be applied by Aleeza, in terms of providing him proper support and positive environment. From the above-mentioned discussion in the Task 1 it has been seen that Hamza has several unmet needs in which most important need is getting proper support to get rid of the experience of grief and loss. In terms of meeting this need, Aleeza needs to determine proper psychology and behaviour of Hamza. Through busing the concept of Social Cognitive Theory, Aleeza can develop proper strategies which will assist Bisma and her mother in law to cooperate with Aleeza in recovering the positive thoughts and proper cognitive skill in Hamza. According to Hutton et al. (2015), social cognitive theory assists social workers to understand the psychological and behavioural issues of individual by making clear interaction with them. In case of Hamza, Aleeza can use this theoretical concept and arrange personal meeting with Hamza to understand his personal thoughts, psychological needs and behavioural issues. On the contrary Carayon et al. (2014) argued that sometimes Social cognitive theory focusses mainly on the psychological behaviour rather than prioritise the developmental issues on the children which is important reason behind autism. In this context, Aleeza can integrate psychological examination with determining the behavioural and developmental neds in Hamza in terms of heeling his emotional injuries. Loss and grief are strongly associated with developmental, behavioural and psychological distress like autism which not only impact on the psychology of children but also affected on proper communication and interactive skill of the individual. In case of Hamza, he needs proper social interaction which will free his thoughts and ideas and transform them into positive vibes. In addition to, by applying the social cognitive theory, Aleeza can involve Hamza in different intellectual activities such as psychological games, mathematical games counting and debates on academic topics. In terms of meeting communicational needs of Hamza, Aleeza and other social workers from local childcare organisations can assist Hamza to be socialise by interacting with his peers, friends, neighbours and teachers.

How can Aleeza inform about the issue that has been identified to the Kamal family:

One of the most important issues that has been identified in the Kamal family is autism with its impact on the behavioural characteristics. Autism and behaviour are associated with one another. In case of Hamza, as he is autistic, it impacts on his overall performance and activities. In terms of dealing with the issues that is associated with the Kamal family, Aleeza needs to determine the autistic behaviour of Hamza and impact of his behavioural transformation on this activity. Aleeza needs to use transparent information delivery system in terms of wording with the Kamal family about the behavioural issues that Hamza faces due to autism. Aleeza can notice the notice the autistic behaviour of Hamza and can compare it with the behaviour of other child which will assist Aleeza to understand how different is Hamza from the other children. Autism impact negatively on the behaviour, decision making, thoughts and mental statis of Hamza, which can be cured through using proper support and love. According to Vincent et al. (2014) social work is associated with maintaining clear information delivery system in the society in terms of providing up-to-date information to the family members as well as to the service users regarding the issues they face. The process that is used in maintaining proper information regarding the issues faced by the service users is important. In the given case study, Aleeza can use verbal and direct interaction with Kamal family in terms of gaining information about Hamza’s psychology and behavioural changes due to autism. Moreover, through conducting open ended questionnaires, Aleeza can ask about teh proper causes of autistic behaviour of Hamza. In addition to his through using the verbal information delivery system, Aleeza can determine that how far Hamza is different from the children of his age regarding his thoughts, behaviour and psychology. On the other hand, Aleeza can alos use indirect information sharing process such as using online video calling process with Kamal family in terms of gaining details of regular activities and behavioural changes in Hamza throughout the time he spends at school and home. This process will assist Aleeza to gain transparent information about the early years’ characteristics, autistic behaviour and psychological distress of Hamza. Proper information regarding Hamza’s behaviour and psychology will help Aleeza to set proper strategies for Hamza’s recovery. According to Hall et al. (2016), proper information delivery system in social work is important for reducing the chance of mis understanding and mis-communication between the service users and service providers. In this context, direct communication with Kamal family will assist Aleeza to get rid of any confusion regarding the autistic behaviour and behavioural changes in hamza. On the other hand, Aleeza can contact with Bisma and her mother-in-law personally to inform as well as guide them regarding the process they can use in correcting the behavioural and developmental errors in Hamza. Moreover, Aleeza can conduct counselling ad psychological therapies for hamza in terms of interacting with him and gaining information about his own opinion, ideas and activities which is important for determining the actual developmental needs. Some psychologist suggests that, counselling and psychological therapies can be included in the information delivery process in treating the autistic patient. However, there are some criticism regarding the statement, as recent researchers on child psychology have shown that, psychological therapy and counselling ae the best platform in which psychiatrist can spent quality time with the autistic child, which is important for convincing the child to share his or her thought with the psychiatrist. In this context, Aleeza can include the weekly counselling process into the information delivery system through which she can make positive transformation of behaviour and thoughts of Hamza.

How person-centred approach is applicable in addressing the needs in Kamal outlined in Task 1:

Person centred approach is the therapeutic relationship in which social worker have unconditional regards, empathy and genuineness towards mitigating the issues of society people in terms of promoting their positive health and wellbeing (Connor et al. 2015). Through using person centred approach which makes it possible for social worker to involve service user into the own treatment process in terms of resolving their issues for redeeming their psychological and physical wellbeing. In the give case study, person centred approach is highly applicable which will assist social workers not only having empathetic and friendly treatment process for Hamza but also promoting the voluntary involvement of Hamza in his own psychological and behavioural recovery, social workers can use person centred approach for correcting behavioural disputes and characteristic disturbances in Hamza with applying proper support care and friendly approach. Through using person centred approach, social worker can understand the unmet developmental, physical and social needs of Hamza. In addition to this person-centred care will also assist social worker to understand the impact of autistic behaviour of Hamza on his own mental and physical condition. Through applying person centre care social worker can involve Hamza in his own professional and personal development. According to Dudeck et al. (2015), one of the most important aspects of social work is person-centred care in which social workers assist the service users to understand the importance of their needs and the process that are recommended for recovery of their health. Being a social worker Aleeza can use psychotherapy which is one of the most preferred person-centred approach, which will assist Hamza to get rid of his pain, loss and bereavement that he had experience in the early years. This person-centred approach will assist Aleeza in improving the overall performance and behaviour of Hamza by conducting proper communication and verbal interaction with him. Moreover, Aleeza can involve Hamza into small tasks such as gardening, wearing his own clothes, meeting with new friends and tasking part in school debates. Throughout the process of psychotherapy, Aleeza and other social worker will interact with Hamza in term of understanding his thoughts, psychology, behavioural changes. During the person-centred approach, Aleeza can maintain strong communication with Hamza and his family members in term of involving them, into the recovery of Hamza. Regular counselling is important person-centred approach which will assist Hamza to improv his intellectual, cognitive and communication skill. Throughout the counselling Aleeza needs to use soft and polite attitude towards Hamza and his family to represent her empathy and support for them. In addition to this, person centred approach will assist Aleeza and other social workers to maintain soft and polite communication throughout the process which will encourage Hamza and his family members to share their own experience, loss and bereavements which are reasons behind their psychological distress.

What social skill are relevant for intervention and why?

Social workers need to have proper professional skill in term of conducting proper intervention of psychological and behavioural disorders in autistic individuals. In the given case study, social workers need to have fluent communication skill in terms of maintaining transparent communication with Kamal family. In addition to this, the social workers have proper time management skill , which will assist them to give proper time to both Hamza and his mother to understand their issues and behaviour. As stated by Couët et al. (2015), social workers need to be highly professional in communicating with service users tactfully to convince them to share their personal thoughts and decision in front of the social workers. In addition to this, social workers will be high skilled in conducting proper counselling and psychotherapy for correcting behavioural and psychological disputes in services users. In the given case study, Aleeza and other service users need to have proper knowledge on psychotherapies and its usage which is important for conducting correct counselling for Hamza. In order to overhaul Hamza’s case, social workers needs to have strong interpretation and analysing ability, which will assist them to analyse the reason behind his behaviour and activities. In the given case study social worker will also have strong knowledge on behavioural and developmental changes in autistic patient, which will enable them to use right strategies to communicate and work with Hamza. Moreover, they need to have strong time management skill, in terms of conducting meeting with Kamal family at right time, which will assist the both parties to share their thoughts in proper manner. Social workers also have strong decision-making skill, which will assist Aleeza in the given case study to take right decision for treatment of Hamza within short time span. Special worker will also be highly sensible and loving towards their service users, which will assist the social workers in the given case study to maintain friendly relation with Hamza and his family members.

Anti-oppressive practice and its application in the given case study:

Anti-oppressive can be referred as the interdisciplinary process that prioritise removing the oppression in the society in terms of making the society free from discrimination and racism (Couët et al. 2015). In the given case study, social workers need to use this approach in terms of protecting Hamza and his family members from any type of discrimination, social bias and racism. This anti-oppressive approach will assist social workers to provide moral support to Hamza in terms of protecting him from any type of social bias such as bullying, discrimination and harassment. Through using this approach, Aleeza can protect Hamza from bullying and physical as well as mental harassment in the school and external environment. On the other hand, through using proper strategies Aleeza and social workers of other ngos can provide financial political and legal support to Bisma by providing her suitable jobs, governmental benefits and legal financial, obsessions in the society. This approach will provide Hamza high level of security, safeguarding and moral support outside his home, which will assist him to express his emotion and feeing freely in front of his educators, teachers and parents. Moreover, through using anti-oppressive process, Aleeza and other social workers can make strong bond with Hamza which will assist him to share his own decisions, interest and issues regarding his health, education, experience and family. In case of Hamza, childcare committee in the locality can assist him to get a concession in his school fees, which will assist the b Kamal family to run Hamza’s education without facing any financial difficulties.

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From the above-mentioned discussion it can be concluded that social work is associated with determining the needs and issues of individuals residing in the society, social workers provide physical, emotional mental and spiritual support to society in terms of promoting its welfare. Through setting relevant approaches social workers not only improve physical health of service users in the society but also make positive transformation of their behaviour and characteristics.

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