Challenges and Opportunities for Social Workers Working In Mental Health Practice

In recent years, the National Mental Health Strategy has undergone significant reforms that saw the social work profession have both opportunities and challenges. This paper seeks to examine the evolving setting for mental health social workers in practice which includes program changes, fluctuations in the education of the mental health work among others. Some of the identified practices in the social work also include the requirement to have a practical paradigm for the training, the need to work closely with the family members as well as consumers while observing human rights at all costs and a having a positive attitude towards responding to the challenge of the proof-based practice models. It is with no doubt that service users who suffer mental health issues often give social workers problems uniquely. Understanding the challenges the social workers in the practice encounter helps provide a better understanding of the role of these workers throughout their career. This paper intends to give an insight into the desired results from the typical work procedures in which the workers can utilize to ensure they gain the best outcomes.


All social workers in different health practice should be aware that several mental health issues affect people. Although the social workers do not have the responsibility of diagnosing the patients with the mental health condition, they should be able to know the signs of the illness presented in a patient and offer advice to them to visit a professional for treatment (Lyons, 2016). Mental health issues are critical and affect people from all areas that social workers are involved in including child protection, the elderly, criminal justice as well as physical diseases. It is also critical for a social worker to understand the primary causes of that are likely to lead to a person having mental health issues. The health practitioners agree that some of the major reasons for mental health include physical, socially influenced, psychological as well as environmental factors or even a combination of these among others. Various causes also include physical-genetic, injury of the brain, other illnesses, and pre-birth influences like the abuse of the drug by the mother to the unborn child or other maternal diseases in the pregnancy period. Psychological influences range from violation of the victim, trauma such as bereavement or even effects of things like divorce. Cultural and environmental, on the other hand, may include sparse support networks, a stressing job, poverty, and unemployment among others.

According to Jacob and Patel, (2015), underlying causes of mental health are generally put in the realm of professionals with the right capacity to diagnose and treat the conditions. However, some psychological issues that may include substance abuse by a pregnant mother fall under the social work mandate. While the social workers are required to concentrate on the assigned tasks and play their role as social workers, it is essential to note that most of the mental health issues also fall under the social work category and having ways to counter the early prevention of the psychological problems is an excellent way to prevent worse problems in the future. The social worker responsibility is vital for al service users having a dual diagnosis. Dual diagnosis always tends to be managed by varying agencies. The social worker is therefore mandated with the role of facilitating effective communication in the issues pertaining all these issues. Intervening in the conditions is geared towards ensuring that that the quality of life of the patients and their families is improved and all concerned which would also go a great way of the health workers on enquiring about the housing benefits. This would, therefore, be ideal time to ensure that the person has what it takes to feel they lead a good life since the mental health issues could have on lacking the requirements.

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According to Maslow, achievement of a good life quality according to his definition of “Hierarchy of Needs” basic requirements are key followed by feeling the love and belonging, self-esteem among other things like self-actualization. The theory has several critics, but most of it is based on the nature of the hierarchy (Parrott, 2014). On the application of the method to a specific population like in the case of Majercik's study to determine the needs of geriatric patients the hierarchy tends to be skewed. Then it can be concluded that if the requirements of a human being to achieving a good life quality are not met, then they can have adverse effects on a person. The concerns by a practitioner on the patients are that the basic needs of the person should be met at all costs and that if the person is not in a position, then there should be a care plan that ensures that all the needs are taken care of. Assessment of the quality of life of the individual at the initial stages of the treatment is therefore core. Service users who present mental health cases are likely to cause harm to themselves or the people around them. The social workers have the responsibilities of protecting them against the risk of personal damage. Also, the necessary precautions should be taken to ensure that the risk is minimized at all costs. According to the guidelines in the Mental Health Act (1983), any mental health worker who is declared to have the risk of self-harm or harming those around them, should be detained in an excellent facility for treatment procedures. However, to confine the patient would require approval from a mental health professional who makes the application for the best facility for the admission of the patient for accurate assessment and treatment procedures. Denying a person of their freedom rights is a severe issue in the law and requires to follow set guidelines to ensure that the social worker does not engage in activities that would later lead them to be in trouble or be sued for their actions. Social workers are therefore required to know the laws that govern specific procedures of mandatory detention of the patient.

Abuse is described as one cause of mental health problem, but it should also be noted that the illness has the risk of leaving the patient with the vulnerability of abuse. People who previously suffered damage have the risk of having physical, psychological or any other form. They may continuously experience feelings of neglect from close friends and family and may also be discriminated against. The abuse may come from many sources that surround the patient including family members, neighborhoods or sometimes even care professionals. The damage could be rendered intentional on accidental. Social workers are required to work with vulnerable people in the society which puts them in a power position where they can make the best decision based on the situations that they face. They should, therefore, be good ambassadors and ensure that the power they have is not misused at any point. The GSCC Codes of Practice guides a social work to be aware of their power and guides them on the responsible ways of using their skills coming from the nature of their work while working with service users and caregivers. Social workers are advised to use anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory methods to patients as well as other reflective practices which is a critical way in the practice (Wahlbeck, 2015). Balance of power can also be achieved by the social workers having ways to partner with the clients and setting the most realistic goals that use an individual-centered approach method. It is also essential that the workers deliver in good faith while avoiding being judgmental and controlling their emotions and circumstances and all the other values that could influence their decisions. Discrimination of patients in terms of race, culture and social perspective is also a vice that may hinder better service delivery in the field of mental health. Social workers are advised to have a holistic approach when it comes to matters that regard discrimination of patients. Take a deeper dive into Foreign Aid's Impact on Poverty with our additional resources.

Additionally, it is critical to appreciate the fact that any care procedure should be planned in a way that it meets the personal needs of the patient and their cares of family members. The concern is faced with multiple challenges caring for a member with a mental health problem. There are many adverse effects that the family members go through before accepting reality. The family suffers financial constraints trying to afford the care as well as stigma and isolation by the friends and neighbors. In many cultures, mental health is linked to many things including curses and not all people appreciate it is a disease like any other. Victims may end up forming habits of attention seeking; they might also miss school due to stigma effects and also engage in criminal activities. Some family members may also experience fear and intimidation by the unusual behavior that is mostly linked to the mental illness in some instances. Cares are also likely to experience feelings of helplessness, being exhausted, overwhelmed by the situation and may also neglect meeting their needs for the affected family member demands.

Golightley and Goemans, (2017) states that cares may even begin to have signs of developing a mental illness that could either come from physical or psychological stress. In severe scenarios, the concern may be significantly affected by the condition to a point whereby they cannot handle the caring role to the patient leading to neglect of the mental-ill person. It is, therefore, crucial to ensure that even as the patient receives the attention in the plan for the treatment, the family or cares should also be considered and supported too since their role is challenging. The social worker must, therefore, take up the task of designing a care plan that helps the client’s family cope well with the functions which may include having them join care support groups and teaching them basic coping strategies to cater for the aggressive behavior related to mental illness such as hallucinations. There should also be an elaboration on the treatment of the disease and consideration of bringing in new cares or the advice on benefits to give the relatives the scope of the issue. A proper care plan should ensure the improvement of quality of life to the user as well as their cares and also minimize the need for hospitalization which consequently reduces the risk of many future problems. The main challenge with long periods of admission of the patients is that they may eventually require more work to be made ready to rejoin society.

Social workers receive training that enables them to better understanding and assessment of mental health illnesses that different individuals, family members, societies and groups face or are influenced by a single factor. There are also many factors that range from intrinsic, psychological among others that pose challenges to people having positive mental health as well as wellbeing. Environmental stressors, for example, raise the social causes of physical as well as mental health and are of critical focus in social work as they help in support of individuals suffering from mental illnesses. The social workers must determine with no doubt whether the changes need to happen at a personal level or in any other relating domain. The social work is interactive and involves a systematic analysis of the prevailing conditions which differentiates it from other health professions included in the mental health departments. The human rights act makes the professional social workers commit to advocating for fair treatment of their patients and reduced cases of abuse of those suffering the conditions. Therapeutic interventions from social workers also help reduce the stigma associated with mental illnesses (Golightley & Goemans, 2017). They also mobilize support which helps raise awareness of the disease to the societies hence promoting early recovery for the patients who seek treatment at early stages. Social workers also have the opportunity of initiating and introducing delivery of innovative programs as well as services to the medical sector. Additionally, social workers who work in the specialist mental health departments also get to work in many roles such as counselors for drug abuse, rehabilitation officers, case managers among others.

There are various areas a social worker can engage in for mental health practice. These fields may include public mental health which entails residential, societal and residential setting among others. It may also involve other emergency departments as well as recovery and rehabilitation sectors. In Adult mental health, the social worker has the opportunity to work as part of disciplinary groups or even provide an assessment to the family member of the patient as well as patients and cares. They also have the mandate of coordinating discharge plans to the patients as well as offering treatment and support. They can also provide private practice whereby they can become self-employed and render services to patients suffering from mental health by providing counseling and other medical interventions. In so doing they stand a chance of making direct fee for their services or earn from the government-funded initiatives. Social workers also have the opportunity of working in the community team as case managers with patients with bipolar cases and eating disorders. There are many opportunities where social workers in mental health practice can fit and grow their careers if they have real passion.

High prevalence illnesses such as depression and anxiety fall under the primary mental health where social workers can also get involved. Treating these conditions is considered necessary primarily due to the increasing cases of the illnesses in societies. Social workers can take advantage of and offer counseling sessions to the patients suffering these conditions. There are also tertiary mental services where social workers can act as case managers or provide assessment services to the patients at a fee. They can also become rehabilitation officers in the facilities and make use of their skills in the field. They can also get involved in implementing society treatment rules in positions of psychiatric case managers (Fortinash & Worret, 2014). The opportunities are inexhaustible to a skilled social worker. They can also utilize their skills by working with non-governmental organizations like the NGO and also work together with the government-funded psychiatric services (Turner, 2017).

There are also services and programs that help in supporting the families where the parents or guardians are diagnosed with mental disorders. These services are aimed at achieving the right support especially for the development of children who might be significantly affected. They might be at risk of suffering more especially since their primary caregiver may not be in a position to take care of them. There are also prevention programs that help stop the likely causes of mental health disorders. These programs are delivered in early childhood education sectors as well as schools whereby students are taught on the purposes of the condition and ways of preventing it.

Additionally, prenatal services are another opportunity whereby expectant mothers are taught together with their partners on the risks they should avoid to ensure they are free from the effects of the disorder. On the other hand, maternal support services are also delivered to patients and are aimed at supporting new mothers and can help reduce the risks of post-natal anxiety and depression conditions as well as other existing needs. In aged mental health services, the social workers may be needed to seek the cooperation of the close family members and other involved domains to plan for an appropriate old facility where the needs of the patient are satisfied. The social workers also get the opportunity to consult with other professionals who specialize in the field of mental health on the research practices as well as evaluation practices. They can also be involved in writing journals that aim at reducing stigma to the mentally ill in the societies by educating the population on the condition.

Social workers are crucial in providing the needed contribution in the mental health practice, and they also ensure they maintain a good focus on the patient and cares ranging from families to other domains. Their gift is priceless, and it is this description that differentiates the services offered by the social workers to any other health professions in the same field. Mental health illness makes people go through multiple changes in social, family and different institutional dynamics; hence the social workers are involved with even harder tasks of managing the situations. Social workers offer a unique contribution and have targeted services which contribute to the appropriate roles hence critical in the mental health services. People and their families react differently to the mental health disorders from the direct effects of the crisis and the situations faced as a result. The workers also back significantly on the patients and companies by performing proof-based assessments and stepwise interventions to treat the conditions. The assessments usually take into account the influence of the biomedical, psychological as well as other needs the client might be experiencing in the mental health illness. It is the goal of the social worker to see to it that the rights of the person are respected and are within the medicolegal requirements. They also work tirelessly to ensure that they develop better skills and confidence to help clients and their families recover through the hard situation and maintain their wellbeing at all costs. Social workers also recognize the person’s role in the treatment plan and respect their right to informing them of their condition, mode of treatment and the right to have a skilled professional who acts ethically according to the set guidelines.


In conclusion, there are many challenges and opportunities that a social worker is faced with while working in mental health practice. Additionally, social workers are required to work in multi-disciplinary teams dealing with mental health issues whereby they are made to recognize and take care of many contributing factors to the specific context of the patient, their family members or their societies. When the social workers assess the causative psychological factors to mental health that influence the relationship of the people and the disorder as well as the people surrounding them, they contribute significantly to the medical field. Social work profession plays a significant role in improving mental health services at great length.

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  • Fortinash, K. M., & Worret, P. A. H. (2014). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Golightley, M., & Goemans, R. (2017). Social work and mental health. Learning Matters.
  • Jacob, K. S., & Patel, V. (2014). Classification of mental disorders: a global mental health perspective. The Lancet, 383(9926), 1433-1435.
  • Lyons, K. (2016). International social work: Themes and perspectives. Routledge.
  • Parrott, L. (2014). Values and ethics in social work practice. Learning Matters.
  • Turner, F. J. (Ed.). (2017). Social work treatment: Interlocking theoretical approaches. Oxford University Press.
  • Wahlbeck, K. (2015). Public mental health: the time is ripe for translation of evidence into practice. World Psychiatry, 14(1), 36-42.

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