Documentary on Working with young people: A case study of Jack


In the recent era of globalisation and digitalisation, working with young people is beneficial for the social workers to develop an effective team and utilise their knowledge and technical skill for supporting the individuals and creating values for them (Bradford, 2012; Gibson, A. and Gibson, N., 2016).


Case study of Jack

The person is 19 years aged, named Jack, lived in the UK, and he is Christian. He is protected by his parents and his parents play a crucial role in his life, as they support their son in educational and sport fields and cooperate with him to become a successful man. Jack’s persistent offending is connected to his misuse of drugs and that has direct impacts on his lifestyle, which has accompanied him on the modern housing estate. It is necessary for Jack to develop effective training program and intervention process so that he can overcome this situation of drug abuse and improve his wellbeing successfully. Jack in this regard tris to make a break with his past and improve his standard of loving so that he can lead a normal life. Jack focuses on attending effective training program to resolve the issue of drug abuse as well as get effective employment opportunities in near future. He is matured to make effective decision both in his personal life and also professional fields and the sense of right and wrong as well as proper knowledge and understanding of Laws and regulations help him to improve his personal and professional development. Hereby, working with him is beneficial for the social carers by enhancing cooperation and communication so that Jack can improve his wellbeing and is able to mitigate the problem of drug abuse.

Psychological and sociological explanations through social theories

As per the Bronfenbrenner’s model, there are three steps such as micro system, meso system and macro system through which it is possible to develop the personal and professionals skill of the young people, where family members, friends and neighbours play an useful role for creating suitable environment to develop the knowledge of the young people so that they can understand the norms and values of the society (Blackman, and Rogers, 2017; Sudbery, 2010). in this regard, with the help of the family members, social workers, guidance from the peer of Jack and other people surrounding to Jack are helpful to help him to get rid of the problem of drug abuse and live a normal life like others. As per the psychological and sociological explanation, he is influenced by his parents, peers, religion, school, Christian community and mass media, where he is knowledgeable about daily activities and he is interested to be updated with latest news and technological upgradation through mass media which helps him to improve his knowledge and skill. Cultural perspective, interpersonal skill and cognitive behaviour of him is also effective where he thinks positively and respect all the peopled surrender by him which in turn helps Jack to get help from his family and friends and overcome his problems of overuse of drug. attending the training program, proper counselling process with proper cooperation with his family and friends will also be effective for him to understand the values of life and overcome the use of drug.

According to Bandura’s theory, the children are more likely to act as they see the activities surrounded to them. through the Bobo Doll experiment by bandura, it has been seen that, the children imitate aggressive behaviour fast, where the genetic predisposition and abusive homes combined with media increases will develop violent criminal behaviour. In the recent era globalisation an, Jack is also influenced by drug abuse and he intakes drug which has negative impacts ion his physical and mental health condition. in addition to these, as per the Bobo doll experience, the children follow their role models and of the role models become aggressive, the behaviour of the children also become aggressive. In this regard, proper counselling with the family members and friends of Jack is necessary where the social workers can teach them how to maintain calm environment where Jack can understand the value of life and negative impacts of intaking drugs s that he can improve his thinking process to get rid of consumption of drug which affect him negatively and ruin his personal, professional and social life.

Experiencing stereotyping and discrimination:

Understanding stereotype and discrimination is necessary for working with the young people, where the practice of transparency, managing health and safety rules and legislations are helpful for the young people to act positively and cooperate with others for better outcome. Jack is well acknowledged about the cultural stereotype and discrimination and follow the rules such as Equality Act 2010, Human Rights 1998, Health and Safety Act 2005, Disability Discrimination Act 2017 and Anti-Discrimination practice which help him to treat all the social workers, trainers and consultants fairly and interact with them with respect and giving values to them irrespective of their cultural diversity and language gap so that they can treat Jack positively and give him new life with proper employment (Berk, 2012; HMSO, 2006).

Effects of being a young person in a globalised world:

In the UK, the young people become more socialise and they prefer to interact with others for sharing views over social media and other mass media which enhances digitalisation in the recent era of globalisation, which is effective for working with young people where they can work with positive cooperate and contribute in developing an effective team (Abbot, 2005; Bradford, 2012; Bornstein, Vandell, and Rook, 2010). In this case of Jack, as a young person, he is positive and handle his situation of drug abuse positively as he is interested in improving his wellbeing and get a new life and employment that would be effective for him to maximise the standard of living and improve his personal, social and professional life. risk taking behaviour is also beneficial for Jack where the cooperation of the social workers is effective to treat Jack and give them a new life with proper employment.

Improving engagement:

The young people aim at boosting confidence and self-esteem as well as prefer empowerment with cooperation and communication where they can share their experience and work as a partnership working practice for achieving success, which in turn helps them to improve engagement with their colleagues and conduct their responsibility efficiently (Walker, and Crawford, 2014; Hendry and Kloep, 2012). Caring for others, training and development sessions for Jack and suitable employment of Jack further raise his interest to engage with the social careers and express his feelings successfully. Self-confidence and boosting interest of Jack are also effective for improving engagement with him and conduct an effective interview with him for acknowledging his lifestyle, thoughts, feelings and requirements.

Interview Transcript:

1. What is your name and age?

My name is Jack and I am 19 years old.

2. Tell me about your family background

I stay with my family members including my parents, two brothers and one sister. I am Christian and stay in the UK.

3. What is the reason of starting intaking drug?

I start intaking drug out of teenager curiosity and joy seeking. Lack of knowledge about the complications of drugs and low self-confidence, presence of an addicted friends in our society further leads me towards drug intake.

4. What physical or psychological changes occur after drug use?

Becoming addicted, sleep disorders, personality disorders, somatic disease, better acceptability of friends, increasing confidence and improved memory are some of the effects of drug abuse.

5. What is the name of the drug you consumed for the 1st time?


6. At what age you used drugs for the 1st time?

When, I was 18 years, I use drug for the first time.

7. How often do you use drugs?

I use drug once a month.

8. In what occasions do you use drugs?

I mainly use drugs at parties with friends.

9. How do you use the drug?

I use drug through smoking like cigarette.

10. What are the short time complications you face?

Anxiety, depression, aggressiveness, and raised self-confidence are the short-term effects when I use drug.

11. What are the long-time complications you face?

Sleep disorder, personality disorders and dependence on drug are the long-term complications that I faced.

12. What is your opinion about drug abuse?

Initially, I was not concerned about drug intaking and I used it out of joy and curiosity, but now I understand the complications of using drug which negatively affect my physical and mental health condition as well as deteriorate my living standard. I try to get rid of this problem of drug misuse through training program and employment skill so that I will improve my personal, professionals and social life successfully.

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Reference List

  • Abbot, T., 2005. Social and Personality Development: Social Psychology. London: Routledge.
  • Berk, L. E., 2012. Child Development. London: Pearson
  • Blackman, S., and Rogers, R., 2017. Youth marginality in Britain: Contemporary studies of austerity. Bristol, Policy Press.
  • Bornstein, M.H., Vandell, D.L. and Rook, K.S., 2010. Lifespan Development: Infancy Through Adulthood. London: Cengage Learning.
  • Bradford, S., 2012. Sociology, Youth and Youth Work Practice (Working with Young People). Hampshire, Palgrave McMillan.
  • Gibson, A. and Gibson, N., 2016. Human Growth, Behaviour and Development. London: Sage.
  • Hendry, l and Kloep, 2012. Adolescence and Adulthood: Transitions and Transformations. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • HMSO, 2006. Safeguarding Children: Working Together under the Children Act 2004. London: HMSO.
  • Sudbery, J., 2010. Human Growth and Development. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Walker, J., and Crawford, K., 2014. Social Work and Human Development. London: Sage.

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