Implications on social work practice


Human development and growth is a lifelong process of physical, cognitive, behavioural and emotional growth that balances the stages of life of the individual. Through proper human development, it is possible to transform the stages of life from adolescence to adult (Beckett, and Taylor, 2019). The aim of the study is to identify the factors that contribute in human development and growth, particularly in the context of psychology dissertation help. In this study, it is possible to discuss the attachment theory of human development and growth as well as evaluate the enormous changes of life through different stages. It is also possible to discuss other concepts and factors contributing in the development of the adolescences, where cognitive behaviours, physical environment, attachment with the society would be evaluated as these are contributing factors in child development. The study also focuses on the implications of the human development and growth on the social work practice where the child’s psychology and cognitive behaviour reshape the mid set of the individual to contribute in the society.


Attachment theory of human growth and development

Attachment theory of human behaviour and growth is beneficial to understand the attachment of the adolescences with other members in the society and its impacts on the development of the child in future. According to Newman and Newman (2015), the attachment theory explains the parent child relationship and its influences in the human development and growth where the relationship with the parents is important for an adolescence to develop their mind set and behaviour that would be beneficial to reshape future. Attachment is mainly the strong and affectionate tie that the adolescence has with their special people in the lives which give them pleasure whenever they try to interact with them and it further provides a sense of comfort to the child. First relationship with the child is love everlasting relationship which reshapes the mental health of the child. Mothers or the caregivers who are available and responsive for the adolescence are necessary where the child feel security and they depend on caregivers or their mothers giving the secure base to explore the world. Additionally, the attachment must build a good foundation for being able to interact securely and build a string relationship with the members. The major components of attachment theory are secure base, safe heaven, proximity maintenance and separation distress where the child get comfort and soothing whenever the child is feeling threatened as well as the child strive to stay with their mother or the caregivers as they provide safety and security to the adolescence.

There are four phases of attachment, which are built during the life stage of the child and the phases are pre attachment, attachment in making, clear out and formation of reciprocal relationship. The first phase is pre attachment which is between the 6 weeks of birth of the child where the children find the signals from the caregivers by crying, smiling, gazing while looking at the adult’s eye. Positive respond form the child as well as cooperation with the caregivers are necessary in this phase to improve attachment and develop love and affectionate relationship between the child and the care givers. As stated by Walker (2017), the babies recognise mother’s fragrance, voice and face were they get encouraged by the adults. The second phase is attachment in making where the child responds differently to the family members and the caregivers through smile and babble. The infants try to identify the family members as well as the strangers and try to protect themselves by staying under the care givers and this in turn helps to develop trust and bonding with the family members.

The third phase is clear out attachment phase and in this context, the child start reacting and become angry during separation as well as they try to feel comfort with the care givers and family members. In this stage, the temperament and behaviour of the child depends on the behaviour of the parents where parent attachment is necessary (Music, 2016). The child can show the sign of distress while mother leaves them at home, but with supportive and sensitive nature of care givers can manage the child’s behaviour where the child’s anxiety could be reduced by proper communication and support. Hereby, parenting plays a crucial role in supporting the children and contributing in the development and growth of the children successfully. The last stage is motion of reciprocal relationship with rapid growth in representation and language of the children where the adolescence tries to understand few features and start reacting on that. Hereby, the attachment is necessary to create a child parent bond and trust among them which in turn help to develop the child’s psychology (Kagitcibasi, 2017). The care givers or the parents are playing an important role in this phase in order to cooperate and communicate with the child and provide proper information about the behaviour and physical environment around them which are necessary to form strong relationship in near future.

Through the attachment theory, it is possible to demonstrate the development of the adolescence where the attachment and bonding with the care givers is beneficial for the children to understand the behavioural perspective as well as reshape their mental growth and social skill. As opined by Kail and Cavanaugh (2018), the attachment with the parents is herby beneficial to protect the negative behaviour of the child and improve positivity among the children where the adolescence can behave positively and interact with others with smile and polite behaviour. As per the attachment theory, bonding with the parents or the care givers is crucial in brain development and reshape the architecture of the brain and it further help to improve the cognitive behaviour among the children (Crain, 2015). Loving and consistent attachment with the care givers can reduce stress and anxiety among the children where the child can manage their behaviour and develop a positive nurturing relationship. Trust and secure attachment can be built through continuous bonding with the children where the children can explore the world throughout their adolescence stages safely (Fonagy, 2018).

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Implication of the theories in adolescence development

The human development and growth is hereby depends on the attachment of the adolescences with their family members, care givers and the parents. The attachment theory has direct impacts on the child psychology development were the child can learn how to react and how to communicate with others. In this regard, as stated by Wu and Parker (2017), as per the Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, the child explores the world through direct sensory and motor contact. Object performance can be enhanced among the adolescences through building attachment. On the other hand, the child anxiety and stress can also be managed through building strong bond with them where the care givers and parents try to teach the child how to react and develop cognitive behaviour among the children.

Piaget’s stages of cognitive development

Piaget’s stages of cognitive development

In the preoperational stage, the child can identify the symbols, physical objects and pictures which help the children to improve their logic and behave logically. Ability to pretend and communicate with others can be developed in this stage where the children start interacting with their parents and the acre givers positively by smiling, body language and eye contact. After that, the children understand the correlation and try to interact with their parents verbally and share their thoughts. As stated by Newman, B.M. and Newman, P.R., (2017), this is also effective to improve attachment with the care givers and the family members for the children where the adolescents are trying to interact with them and develop strong relationship, love and secure environment. Behaviour is learned and it is dependent on the family interaction, banding with the care givers and attachment with the parents. The interaction, communication, understanding with the parents as well as behaviour of the parents and care givers are important to reshape the psychology of the adolescences and hereby attachment is crucial to develop child’s mental health and cognitive behaviour. The thought process and feelings of the child are also developed by the attachment with the care givers and parents and this as per the attachment theory, it is necessary for the children to have strong bonding with the parents to get protection and security and stay safely and they can learn to communicate with others and behave with others (Cherry, 2019).

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In addition to this, as per the Vygotsky’s social development theory, there are three factors such as social interaction, more knowledgeable and zone of proximal development through which the psychology of the children is being reshaped. The social interaction is necessary for the child to improve their behaviour and interpersonal skill to interact positively with the society. In this regard, the phases of attachment theory allow the child to interact with their parents and care givers and develop strong relationship with love and respect (Howe, 2009). The behaviour of the parents is another important factor which reshapes the child mental health and improves the cognitive behaviour of the child. Suitable behaviour of the parents, strong bonding with other family members calm mentality further improve the behaviour of the child being polite and respectful to others and the adolescences can control their emption and anger properly under such situation. Hereby, the attachment with the parents and other members in the society is necessary for the children to improve their behaviour and skill for future (Shemmings, 2011).

On the other hand, as per the system theory of child development, there are different system which are micro-system, meso-system, ecosystem and macro system where through these factors, it is possible to understand the impacts of environment to reshape the development of the adolescents (Washington, 2008). Under the micro system, there needs proper support of the school, care givers, parents and other family members which are effective to protect the child and give them suitable environment to explore the world. In addition to these, under ecosystem, the economic situation of the parents, school environment, social services and mass media have crucial impacts on the child and as per the macro system, the attitude and ideology of the culture affects child development where the language and cultural perspective are playing an important role to improve the cognitive behaviour of the child (Washington, 2008).

System theory of child development

System theory of child development

Hereby, the environmental factors reshape the psychology of the children where they are protected by their family members, parents and care givers. The school environment also plays another important role to improve the skill and knowledge of the adolescences where they get proper environment to learn and explore more in future. Apart from that, support from the peers and other family members are also necessary and hereby, there is crucial impacts o the environmental factors on the child development and growth throughout the stages of life from adolescents to adult.

Implication of human development and growth on social work practice

As per the above discussion, it has been explored that, the human development and growth is necessary which reshape the skill and cognitive behaviour of the children in the society. Proper attachment with the parents and the care givers as well as the physical environment is necessary for teaching the child and developing heir psychology successfully. the development and growth of the adolescences is in turn important for the social wok practice where the adolescences can understand the perspective of social work and improve their skill and abilities for near future., in this regard, for supporting the social work practice, it is necessary for the adolescences to have proper knowledge and understanding so that they can improve their personal and professional development in near future and contribute in social work successfully. Schooling and support from the peers are important to reshape the educational background of the children where the adolescences can gain proper knowledge and improve their skill. Hereby, the attachment with the peers and other teachers are necessary for the adolescences to improve their knowledge and understanding to perform better in near future. On the other hand, as opined by Walker (2017), it is necessary to have cognitive behaviour and interpersonal skill among the adolescences to perform better in near future. In this context, proper support from the care givers and parents is effective for the v to improve their behaviour where the adolescences try to interact with others positively with respect and integrity for contributing in social service. It is hereby necessary to have proper support and attachment in the context of human development and growth where the adolescences can learn how to interact with others and behave with them properly. For social work practice, the individuals need to understand the social norms and practice to support the service users where the service providers need to gain more in depth knowledge about social work as well as support the service users with proper care and service.

In addition to these, for social work practice, it is necessary for the adolescences to have listening skill which can be improved in the infant stage, where proper support from the care givers and attachment with the parents teach how to give priority to others and listen the problems of the other individual. As opined by Thompson (2015), this is important or the social care givers to listen the overall problems and opinion of the service users for developing proper care plan for them. In this regard, calm mentality and patience level of the individual are effective to listen the understanding of others and provide effective care and service to them. Apart from that, communication plats an important role in the context of human development and growth and in this regard, language also matters to express own understanding with others. The adolescences hereby need to communicate with other efficiently with positive attitude so that the service users in the society can interact with them positively. Hereby, positive interaction and open communication will provide a scope to contribute in social work practice and maximise the social welfare as a whole. The adolescences are also responsible to improve their inter personal skill to understand other’s perspective and feel other’s opinion and in this regard, patience, being calm and listen others are effective to understand them and cooperate with them.

On the other hand, social work practice is a cooperative work where all the members need to be collaborative and maximise a common goal of creating values for the society. In this regard, the adolescences need to have cooperative power and interactive skill so that they are interested to work as a team. In this regard, attachment with the family members and social inclusion further develop the skill of cooperation among the adolescences where they try to cooperate with others and work as a group. Working in partnership can be developed where the adolescences can cooperate and help each other for team work. Emotional intelligence and organisational skill are also necessary for having effective social work practice where the environment of the schooling of the adolescences as well as the physical environment, relationship with the family members improves the emotional intelligence of the adolescences successfully. Relationship building is another skill which is also necessary to have among the asocial workers and in this context, it is also necessary for the adolescences to improve attachment with the parents so that their behaviour can be improved. At the infant stage, the attachment with the care givers and the parents as well as social inclusion is effective to improve the ability of the adolescences to build string relationship with the service users in the society (Thompson, 2015). Proper interaction, open minded mentality and positive attitude of the adolescences further help to improve their skill to perform better as a social worker and contribute in the society positively.

Community building and organising the working practice are necessary for the social work practice where the individuals are trying to work cooperatively and develop trust and loyalty among the service users. In this regard, as per the theory of attachment for human development and growth, there needs trust and loyalty among the parents and children so that the children can eel protected and explore the world safely. Hereby, positive interaction, love and respect to each other and polite behaviour further helps the adolescences to build strong relationship with the social communities and contribute positively in the society through social work practice. Feelings for the social communities and understanding their actual needs and preferences are also necessary where the adolescences can identify the actual requirements of the society through improving interpersonal skill, caring the individuals in the society and managing own responsibility which would be beneficial for them to perform better in future as a social worker. In this regard, managing own responsibility and conducting the duty of the adolescences is necessary where they learn about completing own responsibility during the life stages from infants to adolescences where good parenting, relationship with the family members proper schooling and communication further help the adolescences to motivate each other and work with others for contributing in the society positively (Teater, 2014).


It can be concluded that, attachment, love and trust are necessary for the adolescences to improve their psychology and control their emption successfully. As per the attachment theory of human development and growth, it is beneficial for the adolescences to have proper attachment with their parents and care givers which improve security and protection of the child, interpersonal skill and cognitive behaviour of the adolescences. It is hereby necessary to have proper bonding, trust and effective physical environment to reshape the mental health of the adolescences and improve their behaviour and communication to interact with the social communities and take active part in the social work practice. Hereby, development of the adolescences depends on attachment with their parents and care givers, attitude and behaviour of the parents, social inclusion and relationship and support from the peers and family members which in turn helps to reshape the future of the adolescences and improve their skill and to contribute in social work.

Reference List

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