In England safeguarding Is everyone


Safeguarding adults and children means protecting the persons who have right to live better in a safe and environment, free from abuse and neglect. The health and social care board try to safeguard the adults and children in the society in order to improve their wellbeing so that ™hey can stay safe and secure in the society (Itzin, 2018). Through safeguarding the adults and children, it is possible to identify their problems and difficulties in lives which in turn helps the health and social, care workers to provide high quality service and quality care to the adults and children in long run. The aim of the study is to evaluate the statement that in England safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and the concept of safeguarding seeks to provide a holistic framework for the care, support, protection and wellbeing of vulnerable children and adults. Through this study, it is possible to understand the principles of human rights and social justice where the health and social care service providers try to maximise the wellbeing of the individuals in the society wo are vulnerable. The social workers and multi-agency team play crucial role in the society to help and support the vulnerable adults and children where the service providers try to maximise human rights so that the individuals can enjoy and stay better in a safe and secure environment. If you need a social work dissertation help, our team can provide expert guidance and support tailored to your needs.

Principles of human rights and social justice to the safeguarding of children and adults

Human rights and social justice are interlinked with each other where the health and social care workers try to maximise human rights of the individuals so that the human being can stay with freedom and dignity in the society without any harm and abuse.

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The major human rights are such as food, shelter, employment, education, health, security, non-discrimination and participation. The health and social care service providers are responsible to maximise human rights where the individuals can stay in the society with freedom and dignity (Gibson et al., 2016). Through maximising the human rights of the individuals, it is also possible to improve the standard of living of the human being. The health and social care providers are hereby responsible to manage social justice for the vulnerable adults and children so that they can maximise their rights. In this regard, it is the responsibility of the health care service providers to manage social justice where the main principles of providing health and social care service to the vulnerable adults and children are such as availability, accessibility, non-discrimination, physical availability, affordability, information accessibility, acceptability and quality. Through these principles, it is easy for the health and social care service providers to maximise human rights in order to support and deliver quality care to the adults and children who are facing harm and abuse in the society.

The health and social care providers are responsible to maintain the quality of the health and social care service so that it will be beneficial for the individuals to improve their living standard. Improving accessibility of the health and social care service as well as information in the market are also necessary to manage social justice (Gonzalez‐Izquierdo et al., 2015). Apart from that, physical availability as well as affordability of the health and social care service also needs to be maintained which maximises social justice where the vulnerable adults and children can get proper support and quality care from the service providers. The social workers in this regard try to focus on child development and living environment where the human being can stay safe and secured. Social protection can be provided to the individuals which is responsible for minimising the number of abuse adults and children. Health and equality is also another important factor through which the health care professionals can provide fair treatment and quality care to the individuals irrespective of any discrimination. Hereby, manging social justice and maximising human rights are the responsibility of the health and social care group and workers in the society who are concerned about helping and supporting the adults and children who are abused mentally or physically (White et al., 2015).

Social work practice approaches and anti-oppressive practice

The health and social care workers try to provide effective health and social care service to the adults and children in the society who seek proper support to overcome the abusive situation in their lives. In this regard, the social work practice model indicates that it is the responsibility of the social workers to develop an effective relationship with the adults and children through communication and cooperation so that they can rely on the health and social workers and trust them to interact and share their personal experience (Northway and Jenkins, 2017). Acknowledging the needs and preferences of the individuals including the adults and children is the responsibility of the social care workers so that they can develop effective planning to deliver quality acre and effective treatment. Developing patient’s centric care is the principle of the social work practice where the health and social service providers try to develop effective planning which can meet the expectations of the patients. The social workers in this regard try to acknowledge the actual experience of the individuals including adults and children and their needs and preferences so that it is easy to maximise their human rights through improving social justice. On the other hand, the anti-oppressive practice is another effective approach through which the health and social care workers try to manage equality and mitigate the issue of discrimination in the society so that the individuals cannot be discriminated according to their race, oppression and gender (Archard, 2014). This is also effective for managing equality in the society where all the adults and children who are vulnerable and abused in their lives can get equal opportunities pf treatment and improve their living standard in the society so that they can stay in the society with safety and security. Hereby, patient centred care and anti-oppressive treatment maximises equality, fair treatment and non-discrimination in the society where the vulnerable adults and children ca get equal opportunity to maximise human rights and utilise social justice for improving the wellbeing of the individuals (Aveyard, 2014).

Evaluating legislation, policy and practice guidance relating to safeguarding of children and adults

The legislative structure, policies and procedure as well as guidance are effective in the health and social care where the health and social care providers can manage the rules and maximise the wellbeing of the individuals who need support and quality care for staying safe and secured.

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The Care Act 2014 is effective to prevent harm and mitigate the risk of abuse or neglect to adults in the society through proper care and support. It is also effective for safeguarding the adults and children in the society which provides a scope to them to choose the best in their lives and lead a normal life like others. Through the Care Act 2014, it is possible to promote social wellbeing and best experience of safeguarding the adults and children who are abused in the society (Glasby, 2017). The legislative structure also provides a scope to maximize human rights where all the individuals can get fair treatment from the health and social service providers. The Health Service and Public Health Act 1968 is effective to support the public and acknowledge their needs and preferences in order to improve their standard of living. On the other hand, NHS and Community Care Act 1990 is also effective for improving the wellbeing of the individuals where the service providers are responsible to support the overall social communities where the adults and children can get affordable service and adequate information and cooperation from the health and social care service providers. Carer’s legislations are also effective to maintain the quality of the health and social care and through the principles it is easy to safeguard the adults and children who are suffering from abusive situations (Dickinson and O'Flynn, 2016).

Understanding of effective social work and multi-agency interventions in work with children and adults

The health and social care workers play a significant role in safeguarding the vulnerable people in the society including the adults and children where the people can get effective health and social care service and quality support from the service providers. The social work is a complex practice where collaboration and communicate are must and the health and social service providers need to cooperate with each other in order to maximise patient’s care. Without proper collaboration among the nurses, doctors, physicians, psychiatrics, social carer, it is not possible for them to manage the quality of the health and social care. Hereby, cooperation among the team members is important to acknowledge the patient’s actual need and develop effective planning to treat them fairly (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014). On the other hand, it is necessary to communicate with the patients including the adults and children in order to build trust and loyalty so that the individuals can rely on the health and social service providers and share their personal experience without hiding anything. Multi-agency interventions in this regard is also effective where the multi-agency team members try to intervene in the social communities and identify the vulnerable adults and children who need support and quality care to maximise their standard of living. Communication and interaction in this regard are therefore necessary to understand the requirements of the victims and understand their current situation., cooperation and communication therefore provide a scope to the individuals to maximise patient’s care by supporting them and delivering them quality treatment and care.

On the other hand, empowering the individuals in the decision-making process is another effective social; care practice through which the patients can provide proper information about their current health and mental condition and choose proper treatment as per their preferences. It is also effective for developing patient centred care where the patients are cooperating and communication with the health and social service providers to maximise their standard of living. Through maintaining transparency and accountability as well as fair treatment, the health care service providers try to raise awareness in the society and provide proper information to the individuals who seek proper support and quality care. Partnership working in the health and social care is also effective or safeguarding the adults and children who are vulnerable to the society and in this regard the health care workers try to cooperate with others to maximise quality care and deliver the best support to the individuals who are the victims of abuse (Moss, 2017). Hereby, the social workers and the multi-agency team members are important in the society to support the individuals and maximise human rights for the victims so that they can live better and stay safely and secured. It is hereby, the responsibility of the health care workers to support the individuals including the adults and the children who are the victims of abuse in the society. The health acre professionals need to maximise equality, transparency and accountability so that the vulnerable people can access proper information and afford the health and social care treatment and support.

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In England safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and the concept of safeguarding seeks to provide proper care, support, protection so that it is possible to maximise the wellbeing of vulnerable children and adults in the society. Through managing the Health Care Act 2014 as well as the legislations of the social carers, it is easy to maximise human rights and support the victims in the society where they can improve their health and mental condition and live a normal life like others. The social workers and multi-agency team members try to cooperate and communicate with the vulnerable children and adults in the society to acknowledge their actual needs and preferences and develop effective patient cantered care plan for providing them support and quality care.

Reference List

  • Archard, D., 2014. Children: Rights and childhood. London: Routledge.
  • Aveyard, H., 2014. Doing a literature review in health and social care: A practical guide. London: McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Cameron, A., Lart, R., Bostock, L. and Coomber, C., 2014. Factors that promote and hinder joint and integrated working between health and social care services: a review of research literature. Health & social care in the community, 22(3), pp.225-233.
  • Dickinson, H. and O'Flynn, J., 2016. Evaluating Outcomes in Health and Social Care 2e. London: Policy Press.
  • Gibson, J., Nicol, B., Ronayne, E. and Grant, M., 2016. Safeguarding adults in primary care: making a safeguarding adults referral. Br J Gen Pract, 66(647), pp.e454-e456.
  • Glasby, J. and Dickinson, H., 2014. Partnership working in health and social care: what is integrated care and how can we deliver it?. London: Policy Press.
  • Gonzalez‐Izquierdo, A., Ward, A., Smith, P., Walford, C., Begent, J., Ioannou, Y. and Gilbert, R., 2015. Notifications for child safeguarding from an acute hospital in response to presentations to healthcare by parents. Child: care, health and development, 41(2), pp.186-193.
  • Itzin, C., 2018. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy after child abuse: The treatment of adults and children who have experienced sexual abuse, violence, and neglect in childhood. London: Routledge.
  • Northway, R. and Jenkins, R., 2017. Safeguarding adults in nursing practice. London: Learning Matters.
  • White, S., Wastell, D., Smith, S., Hall, C., Whitaker, E., Debelle, G., Mannion, R. and Waring, J., 2015. Improving practice in safeguarding at the interface between hospital services and children’s social care: a mixed-methods case study.

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