Promoting Public Health And Wellbeing


Health promotion is the process of enabling the people in different social communities to control over the health issues and imporve the wellbeing of the individuals living in the society through accessing effective health and social care service (Williams, Priest and Anderson, 2016). In this regard, the government and social workers develops effective public health policies through social and environmental intervention process, so that it is possible to promote health in the society and provide a safe and secured environment for the individual to improve their wellbeing. The objective of health promotion is to promote wellbeing of the individuals as well as encourage healthy lifestyle, prevent diseases, illness, injury and enables the environment that support health and wellbeing to reduce social, economic and personal harm. The aim of the study is to analyse the importance of health promotion and the policy and practice of encouraging health promotions. For those seeking guidance in this area, seeking healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable insights and support.

In this context, the problem of obesity is increasing rapidly in both developing and developed nations and it is a great concern of the policy makers and government as well as Public health to enhance wellbeing of the individuals by reducing the risk of obesity and implementing health policies for mitigating obesity among the population. Through this study, it is also possible to discuss the Tannahill’s model and Diffusion of innovation theory, so that it is possible to evaluate the practice of health promotion in different countries through applying the theories of health promotion. Moreover, the principles of health promotions as well as the role of social, economic and public health policies in shaping health promotion and care provision in developed country UK and also developing country Thailand will be analysed through which it is possible to acknowledge the policies and practices in the countries which enhances health promotion activities and encourage the people living in the society to maximise their wellbeing and improve standard of living for staying safely and secured.


Rational for choosing public policy

In this paper, the health topic is on obesity, where health promotion is required through social, economic and public policy intervention as in both the developed and developing countries, the number of obese people is increasing at a rapid rate which is a great concern among the population, government, health care professionals and public health care policy makers as there are high risk of obesity. The number of people in the UK have health problems due to obesity and they require proper health care support and quality treatment, as in 2020, the percentage of obese people above the age of 80 years will be doubled. This means that people need quality treatment and care to mitigate the issue of obesity. As per the national statistical data, the rate of hospital admission in the UK due to the problem of obesity is increasing year to year and in additionally, in 2017 and 2018, there were more than 650 thousand people who were admitted at the hospitals due to obesity. In addition to this, 66% patients are female as compared to male members and it has seen that, there are many women who are suffering from serious obesity. Including the adult obesity, the number of child obesity is also increasing which is a serious concern where health promotion activities are necessary to be intervened for healthy diet and improving the wellbeing of the children for their bright future. Prescription items for obesity is also increasing among the population in the UK for which it is necessary for the policy makers and National health Service (NHS) as well as World health Organisation (WHO) require to intervene through economic, social and public health policies for reducing the issue of obesity (National health Service, 2018).

On the other hand, the people in Thailand are also suffering from the problem of obesity which is also a serious concerned, where according to the Thailand’s national health Examination Survey, above 40% women are overweight, and they are suffering from obesity. In this regard, overweight and obesity is considered as a serious issue in Thailand among both the children and adults (Suhartono, 2018). It can be examined that, over 21% adults were suffering from obesity. in both the UK and Thailand, the number of obese people is increasing year to year and it increases different diseases such as back pain, joint problems, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, stress incontinence, menstrual abnormalities, respiratory problems, hypertension, coronary and health diseases and thus it is important to mitigate the issue of obesity among the population (Baker, 2018). Hereby, it is also necessary for the government and public health care system of Thailand to intervene in the system so that it is possible to maximise wellbeing of the individuals and guide the population for healthy diet and eating habits, good exercise and medication. It is important for both the developed and developing nations to intervene in the process of health and social system so that it is easy to mitigate the issue of obesity. It becomes a serious concern among the health care professionals, policy makers and government of both the UK and Thailand as the number of obese people in both the countries are increasing rapidly.

Health promotion refers to the process of influencing people with policies and practice for being healthy and improving wellbeing of the individuals so that it is possible to mitigate health issues. The principle of health promotion is to involve all the population as a whole, rather than focusing on one people with specific diseases and it acts as a diverse approach for increasing public participation and enabling the people to maximise their wellbeing. It is helpful to promote social responsibility for health as well as increase investment and develop infrastructure for health care development where people can be beneficial of accessing the best care and support from the health care professionals (Martinez et al., 2015). In addition to this, the principle of health promotion is to increase community care as well as empower the individuals in the society by ensuring maximisation of partnership working among the health care professionals, social carers, government and other health care related stakeholders for healthy outcome. Through health promotion, it is possible to improve accessibility of nutrient food, safety measures and affordable food in the society. Apart from that, promoting physical activities and active communication can also be possible through health promotion. In the recent case, in order to motivate the issue of obesity, health promotion also plays a crucial, role through supporting the people who are suffering from overweight and obesity. Other principle of health promotion is to improve prevention, raise intervention of government and social workers as well as promote wellbeing of the individuals living in the social communities. the activities of health promotion are also beneficial for reducing environmental risk and prevent injuries and diseases by supporting the individuals with proper advice, support, medication, healthy diet and exercise (O'Campo et al., 2015).

As per Tannahill’s model of health promotion, there are three aspects to promote health which are positive health education, prevention and health protection through which it is easy to maintain the health issues among the population. According to the model, the first aspect is health education, where the health care professionals try to provide proper information and education to the individuals as it is one of the best ways to promote health among the social communities (Franco, 2015). Through health education, the individuals can improve their knowledge about the health issues and how to manage the issues. In the present case study, people are suffering from obesity and it is the responsibility of the health care institutions as well as government to promote health through providing health education so that the social communities can understand the risk of obesity and the health issues under obesity. Through education, it is also possible for the health care professionals and social workers to communicate and interact with the individuals, suffering from obesity. Communication and interaction about the health issues and the preventive measures can teach the people how to manage their health condition and mitigate the issues of obesity (Osypuk et al., 2015). Hereby, health education is necessary for the social communities as a whole to improve awareness about the risk factors of obesity and take preventive actions for resolving the issue by developing healthy eating habits, taking medications and doing exercise on a daily basis. The second aspect of Tannahill’s model prevention where the government plays a significant role for taking preventive measures for the individuals living in the society so that the issue of obesity can be resolved. The strategy of developing healthy eating habit as well as providing diet chart to the people suffering from obesity as well as raise awareness about drinking adequate amount of water are effective tactics to prevent the diseases of obesity. These are preventive measures, through which the government, health care professionals and social workers try to take care of the patients in the society and guide them for mitigating the issue of obesity and reduce weight significantly through healthy eating habit, medication and exercise (Murdaugh, Parsons, and Pender, 2018).

The third aspect of Tannahill’s model is health protection, through which it is posisbel to protect healthy measures in the society and raise concern among the individuals to control the problem of obesity. safeguarding the population through providing effective care and quality treatment are important or health protection. Providing free exercise, heathy det chart and raise awareness about adequate consumption of water daily are also effective for health protection of the individuals in the social communities. For successful health promotion, the Tannahill’s model is appropriate, where the government and social workers take positive actions for reducing obesity through increasing healthy eating habit and raise awareness for being active among the people (Eldredge et al., 2016). These strategic planning including providing preventive measures for reducing obesity, helping the obese people in the country, as well as taking actions for health protection and providing health education raise awareness among the people to be healthy and safe in near future. Hereby, social intervention, government policy and NHS as well as WHO are successful in taking preventive actions and arranging health and social care programs for the people who are suffering from obesity so that it is easy to raise concern to be healthy and active through healthy eating habit (McDaid, Sassi, and Merkur, 2015).

Diffusion innovation theory is also effective in promoting health, where the government and health care professionals promote health through innovation and creativity. In order to raise awareness about the issue of obesity among the population across the country, it is necessary to intervene in the health care policies and practice through continuous innovation and creativity. It has four aspects such as social system, time, communication channel and innovation through which it is easy to influence the people to improve their wellbeing through healthy habit and exercise so that they can overcome the issue of obesity. Social system, effective timing, developing effective communication channel and motivating the people through innovation are effective in the diffusion process. Developing effective communication channel through face-to-face interactions, group discussion, providing health education training as well as interacting through social media are effective under the theory of diffusion innovation theory where it is easy to develop string relationship with the social communities, where the health care professionals can raise awareness among the people about the problem obesity and guide them with proper advice, medication, healthy diet and exercise. This innovative way of communication raises health promotion activities in the society and hereby it is essential to implement the theory of diffusion innovation theory in the health promotion for preventing obesity among the population (Investig, 2017).

UK as a developed nation is also suffering from high obesity rate among the people due to high consumption of junk foods and fast lifestyle of the individuals, which needs to be reduced so that people can improve their wellbeing and live a normal life. In this regard, the intervention of government on the UK, national policy of NHS and WHO are effective for supporting the health care promotion and providing proper care to the individuals having obesity. In this regard, the NHS and government of the UK encourage health investment for conducting more research and development for developing appropriate ways to reduce the number of obese people in the country (Jebb, Aveyard, and Hawkes, 2013). Encouraging partnership working practice with proper cooperation and communication is another activity of the health care professionals in the UK for supporting the people by ensuring health promotion. Reduction of sales tax with value added and excise tax on the health-related foods and products will encourage the consumers to purchase the medicines and health care products which will be effective for controlling the issue of obesity. Moreover, regulating infrastructure of providing school food as well as advertising healthy diet scheme among the children are other social policies through which the government of the UK aims at controlling the issue of obesity (Middleton, 2017).

The government of the UK concentrates on School Meals Panel Report that guidelines, advice and voluntary compliance by schools which is effective to reduce fast food intake among the children which is considered as great initiative for managing obesity. NHS also develops the initiatives of helping the people to lose weight and preparing the national guidelines on obesity will encourage the people who are suffering from obesity. Department of Health commission and the government encourage the people to reduce alcohol consumption which has direct connection with weigh gain (Martin, 2008). In England, the government also arrange awareness campaign for providing information about reducing the consumption of sweet foods, chocolate, snacks pudding etc. which have high calorie and sugar content. Hereby, the National health policies and practice in the UK are effective to finance and organise the health promotion for supporting the people having obesity by supporting them with proper diet chart, encouraging them to have heathy diet, high consumption of water, daily exercise and reduction of the consumption of sugar content and hug calorie foods. The economic and social policies are also contributing in promoting health where people ca access proper health care service and health care professionals can support the individuals with proper care and healthy diet for reducing the issue of obesity (Department of health and Social care, 2015).

There is significant role of the economic and social policies in the devaluing country Thailand on the health promotion for reducing the issue of obesity among the population in the country and in this regard government of Thailand plays a crucial role in developing National Economic and Social Development plan, Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS) and the 500 Baht Pension Scheme for leading the country towards “welfare state”. Percentage of GDP of Thailand investing on health promotion is increasing year to year which provides health protection to the people where the health care professionals are efficient to support the local people with proper medication and guidelines to control obesity and improve wellbeing of the individuals. In addition to this, the social health protection scheme, Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme (CSMBS) for central government employees and public employees benefits as well as Social Security Scheme (SSS) for private employees are contributing to the development of health care service, where rest of the people are under the Universal Coverage Scheme (UCS). National socioeconomic plan and long-term investment in economic growth further provides an opportunity to improve the quality of health care service. before 1961, the constitutions of Health policy re beneficial for expansion of public health with facilities and health protecting through different employment benefits and schemes. In addition to this, 1973 constitution of low-income scheme and 1977 constitution of Universal coverage for health care are helpful in Thailand to provide health care services to the poor people at free of charge as well as it is also beneficial for the Thai citizens to access basis health services (World Health Organisation, n.b.).

Low Income Scheme (LIS) and Medical Welfare Scheme (MWS) are helpful for the elderly people aged more than 60 years, children aged from 0 to 12 years, disabled people and monks which are effective for health promotion where the government plays a significant role in promoting health and supporting the people who are suffering from obesity. Existing mean-tested old-age allowance scheme to universal pension, new contributory public pension scheme and promotion of the so-called Community-based Social Welfare Fund (CBSWF) are effective policy to access proper health care service at free of cost or minimum cost of treatment and this is considered as an effective way for health promotion. Fiscal Policy Office, Ministry of Finance gave up the idea of National Provident Fund and afforded to proposal the National Saving Fund option to increase saving s of the individuals, so that they can access proper health care service for maximising wellbeing of the individuals (Nugent, and Knaul, n.b). Moreover, the government has taken initiative for health care reform with more investment in the rural areas across Thailand and improve primary care for successful health promotion. Integrated care and cooperation with all the people living in Thailand are also helpful for delivering public health and supporting the individuals who are suffering from obesity. Subsidies provided in primary care and free of cost treatment for the Thai citizens is another initiative taken by government and local council for successful health promotion and supporting the obese people so that the issue of high numbers of people having the problem of obesity can be resolved well (Chan, and Woo, 2010).

The financing technique as well as organising and social policies for delivering public health to the individuals who are suffering from obesity are beneficial for enhancing the performnace of the health care professionals and social workers to satisfy the individuals by delivering them quality care and support according to their health needs and personal preferences. Guiding hm properly with exercise, healthy diet and medication are also advantageous for maximising the wellbeing of the individuals, where the people can improve their standard of living and mitigate the risk of suffering from obesity. Financing and organising the awareness program for successful health promotion is hereby helpful for the social communities as a whole where the health care professionals support the people suffering from obesity and it provides an opportunity to mitigate the health risk of obese people. On the other hand, there are some weakness of financing and organising the health promotional program such as lack of manpower and skilled workforce for organising the health care service to support he individuals, lack of financing, inadequate investment, increasing cost of health promotional programme of the obese people and lack of knowledge to cooperate with the patients. These are the main weaknesses for delivering quality health care service. However, the health care professionals raise investment and conduct more research and development for supporting the individuals suffering from obesity and utilise the resource for health promotion to support the obese people so that it is possible to deliver quality health care service and mitigate the issue of increasing number of people suffering from obesity in both developed and developing countries.

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The above discussion is about the health promotion for obesity control where the economic and social policies as well as public health care practice are the most contributing factors in promoting public health in case of obesity control. It can be concluded that, the government, social workers, health care professionals and policy makers are effective in both the developing country Thailand and developed nation the UK to promote health for helping and supporting the population who are suffering from obesity. The Tannahill’s model in this case provides a scope to analyse the activities for promoting health for controlling obesity through health education, taking preventive actions and health protection, so that it is easy to raise awareness about obesity among the people and understating the preventive ways to control obesity through exercise, healthy eating habit and medications. In addition to this, the diffusion innovation theory is also applicable for enhancing innovation and creativity in health promotion for obesity control through develop proper social system and improving effective communication channel for interacting with the population in the social communities within effective time. Moreover, the economic and social policies as well as public health practice are effective in both the countries, the UK and Thailand to encourage the population for controlling obesity and maximise the wellbeing of the individuals through guiding the people and advising them with healthy diet, education and free exercise so that people can be active, which in turn provides an opportunity to both the countries to promote health for successful obesity control through improving economic and social policies and developing effective public health system.

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