The academic writing skills depend on the vocabulary and grammar skill of the writer, where the writer is able to represent the information through proper presentation and formatting. There are four types of academic writing skills which are descriptive, analytical, persuasive and critical. Through descriptive writing skill, the writer is able to describe the theories and concept of the research topic successfully. It is beneficial to demonstrate the knowledge and gain more in-depth insights about the research topic. The descriptive writing style is also advantageous to represent all the information, theoretical background and concept. On the other hand, analytical writing skill is another effective style, where the writer tries to analyse the theories and existing data and represent it through proper evaluation. This is one of the effective writing styles, where the writer is able to analyse the research topic and evaluate the findings for better representation of the collected data and information (Bailey, 2017). Persuasive writing style is where the writer is convincing the audiences about the occurrences and the position or belief. This contains author’s opinion and biasness. Under this, the justifications and the reasons are given by the author as an evidence of correctness of their position. If you need assistance with English literature dissertation help, understanding these writing styles can be crucial for crafting a comprehensive and impactful paper.
In addition to this, critical writing skill is another way to represent the gathered information and develop a good piece of academic work. Critical writing is important to make effective conclusion after representing the evidences and evaluating the thoughts and existing theories for critical analysis. This is also beneficial for the writer to develop proper academic piece and check grammar and formatting for final submission. The academic writing is beneficial for collecting authentic information and improves experience of the workers (Boughey and McKenna, 2016). This also provides a scope to the writer to collect a vast range of information and data and improve in depth understanding about the research topic. Through proper academic writing, the critical analytical skill and evaluation skill of the writers are also improved well, where the information and collected data will be presented well. Hence, it is beneficial to have proper writing style to represent the information and conduct proper analysis and evaluation to draw further conclusion.
In the recent era of globalisation, there are several social issues, for which the individuals are suffering a lot across different social communities. The major social issues are related to over population, lack of accessibility of the health and social care service, childhood obesity, bullying, gender inequality, immigration stresses as well as civil rights and racial discrimination (Dumitrescu, Hughner and Shultz II, 2018). Social inquiry is important in this regard to acknowledge the needs and personalise preferences of the individuals so that the social workers can take active part to develop intervention planning and help the individuals for fulfilling their requirements. In the recent era of globalisation, there is increasing concerned about staying healthy, but the social issue of child obesity is increasing over the period of time and it is high time now to develop proper intervention plan and empower the social workers to mitigate the issues and help the children to stay healthy in future (Doub, Small and Birch, 2016).
In the recent era of globalisation, the issue of child obesity is increasing at a rapid rate which has adverse health impacts on the people across the globe (Baidal et al., 2016). The study aims at discussing the journal articles on child obesity, where both the qualitative and quantitative journals are useful for better analysis and evaluation on child obesity. Through this paper, it is possible to review the social issue and discuss through social enquiry, about the rate of increase of the obesity mainly among the children. The journals are effective to gain deep insight about the obesity issues in the society and the role of the government, taken place to tackle this social issue to protect the individuals mainly children, where the percentage of child obesity is mainly increasing over the years at a rapid rate.
As per the journal, by UK government on childhood obesity, published in the year of 2016, it is explored that, the children aged from 2 years to 15 years are suffering from obesity. It is a qualitative research with positivist philosophy of research, where the analysis and evaluation are on the basis of the gathered secondary information and it is done by interpretive method to interpret the findings with the help of theory and concepts related to the research topic. As per the journal, the economic cost of child obesity is high where NHS England spends £5.1 billion on overweight and obesity related ill health in the year of 2014-15 (UK Government, 2016). Analysis shows that, the burden for the low income houses for the social issue of child obesity is high, where they cannot afford the treatment and other services to reduce the issue. The children from the deprived zone are suffering at a huge rate with child obesity due to lack of food and protein, poor food habit and lack of understanding about the healthy living style. Obesity is hereby one of the serious issue in the society where it is required to have proper engagement with the parents and engagement with the education in order to tackle the issue (UK Government, 2016). As per conclusion, one of the major issue of obesity is high consumption of soft drinks with high sugar content and the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) take initiative to reduce the sugar content and stop to advertise the sugar carbonated drinks for protecting the children to drink such drinks (UK Government, 2016).
The journal is effective to review the concept of child obesity and this research follows deductive approach and positivist research method for analysis and exploring the results on the basis of concept and theories related to research topic. England government is also concerned about providing education and sport premium programs for the benefits of the child to tackle the issue of obesity. According to the findings, taking out 20% of sugar in the products is the initiative by the Public health England (PHE) to cut down sugar content foods in the restaurant, retail shops and other places which helps the children to reduce the sugar content food consumption over the period of time. Analysis shows that, the government of the UK also take supportive initiative to help the business about making healthy food items to attract the children and their parents. UK also invested in a collaborative research and development (R&D) competition worth £10 million for stimulated new products which are healthy for the children (World Health Organization, 2018). The UK government also encourages to the children to take active part in the sport activities and physical activity program as well as the government is innovative to help the children for enjoying the physical exercise on a regular basis. As per the conclusion, the UK government is taking active role to tackle the social issue and help the children for living healthy by doing physical exercise, consuming healthy food items with less sugar content and high protein as well as participating in the sport activities (World Health Organization, 2018).
The second journal is related to quantitative analysis, where the findings are useful to identify the issue and percentage of increase in child obesity in the UK and the study follows positivism philosophy which understands social science and considers the social factors for analysing the research topic. According to the research findings, the government published the journal in the ear of 2019 which is related to Government Response to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee report on Childhood obesity: Time for action, Eighth Report of Session 2017–19. As per the journal, the child obesity was 20% in the year of 2016 and it is increasing at a rapid rate over the years. NHS UK spent a lump sum amount of £6.1 billion per year as well as the social cost to tackle the issue is at around £27 billion per year (UK Government, 2019). Analysis shows that, there is broadcast media restrictions for the high sugar intake products where the UK government focus on reducing the advertisement of the high sugar and salt intake food items the government also restricts the price promotion activities for the on high fat, sugar and salt food and drinks which further attracts the multi buy discounts in the market (UK Government, 2019). The NHS camp and UK government early education system are effective in this regard to support the customers where it is possible to educate the children about healthy eating habits and it further raise the concern among the parents about the healthy food and fresh fruit items which can manage the dietary plan for the children. This strategy further helps to reduce child obesity and help the children to manage their health condition. Conclusion reveals that, health Committee, and local authorities are working collaboratively to fight against childhood obesity and it is effective for the children to understanding about healthy eating habits as well as engages in regular physical activities which are helpful for them to stay fit and fine (UK Government, 2019).
The study is positivistic research which focuses on the efforts to increase awareness of healthy dietary behaviour are also there through labelling process where proper label of the food products with effective information about calorie content and other activities are also there to reduce the eating habits of high calorie, sugar and salt content food items (World Health Organization, 2012). As per the analysis, the children who are suffering from obesity get proper assistance and support from the health and social care units, where the UK government, PHE and NHS are working efficiently through cooperation and high communication and it is helpful for them to develop family centred care plan to tackle the social issue of obesity. Conclusion of the study reveals that, the parental education as well as raising awareness among the parents and the children is there which are fruitful for the children to tackle the issue of obesity and stay healthy l.ife style further (World Health Organization, 2012).
The third journal is related to tackling the UK’s childhood obesity epidemic, proposed by RSPH and it was published in 2015 and it follows the anti-positivism philosophy to explore the concept and analyse the concept of child obesity. As per the article findings, the UK is currently suffering a social issue of childhood obesity where the percentage of obese children is increasing where almost 1 in 5 children living in the primary school is obese (RSPH, 2015). There are strict regulations on junk food advertisement as 30% of 4 to 5 years children are accounted for consuming high sugary drinks on a daily basis. Tax imposition on the sugary drink can be a good strategy to reduce the sugary drink consumption. Hence, as per the articles, the government takes initiative to regulate the selling of the high sugar content drinks and other junk food which is the major cause of obesity (RSPH, 2015). According to the conclusion, in the recent years, the children are not interested in doing daily physical activities and exercise and this is also another major cause of childhood obesity which needs to be mitigated with strict actions and intervention planning (RSPH, 2015).
According to the journal, Childhood Overweight and Obesity: Affecting factors, education and intervention, by SE and JL (2018), the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) supports the parents with proper information for tackling the childhood obesity issue which follows anti-positivist method to explore the actual theories and concept related to research where social science is mainly subjective. As per analysis, in the primary schools, there is fun and play sessions, where every children are encouraged to participate for enhancing their daily activities. The government and the local authorities are working together to support the parents and raise concern about the issue of childhood obesity (SE, and JL, 2018). The heath workers are working proficiently and advice the parents during the pregnancy to manage their dietary plan and consume the healthy food so that the babies will be fine and healthy. As per conclusion, the advice and health care planning for the children are also beneficial to protect the child from obesity and help them to reduce the issue of obesity and stay a healthy life (SE, and JL, 2018).
Childhood obesity is one of the major concerns among the health care policy makers where it is increasing among the children, where 1 among 5 children in the UK is obese. The PHE, NHS and government of the UK are collaborating to develop physical activity programme and other daily activities in the country to encourage the children and manage their exercise and daily activities successfully (Wilkie et al., 2018). The health care worker is also efficient to support the parents and advice them to manage the food intake habit of the children so that they children can consume health food. Tax imposition on high sugar content food as well as restriction of advertising these food items is also good initiative to tackle the social issue and help the children for better healthy lifestyle (Simmonds et al., 2016).
It can be concluded that, the health care professionals conduct more research on childhood obesity to acknowledge the social issues and identify the actual statistics about numbers of children suffering from obesity. The government takes initiative to raise awareness and educate the society about health eating habits so that the issue of obesity can be tackled successfully.
Baidal, J.A.W., Locks, L.M., Cheng, E.R., Blake-Lamb, T.L., Perkins, M.E. and Taveras, E.M., 2016. Risk factors for childhood obesity in the first 1,000 days: a systematic review. American journal of preventive medicine, 50(6), pp.761-779.
Bailey, S., 2017. Academic writing: A handbook for international students. London: Routledge.
Boughey, C. and McKenna, S., 2016. Academic literacy and the decontextualised learner. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning, 4(2), pp.1-9.
Doub, A.E., Small, M. and Birch, L.L., 2016. A call for research exploring social media influences on mothers' child feeding practices and childhood obesity risk. Appetite, 99, pp.298-305.
Dumitrescu, C., Hughner, R.S. and Shultz II, C.J., 2018. Examining consumers' responses to corporate social responsibility addressing childhood obesity: The mediating role of attributional judgments. Journal of Business Research, 88, pp.132-140.
Simmonds, M., Llewellyn, A., Owen, C.G. and Woolacott, N., 2016. Predicting adult obesity from childhood obesity: a systematic review and meta‐analysis. Obesity reviews, 17(2), pp.95-107.
Wilkie, H.J., Standage, M., Gillison, F.B., Cumming, S.P. and Katzmarzyk, P.T., 2018. Correlates of intensity-specific physical activity in children aged 9–11 years: a multilevel analysis of UK data from the International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment. BMJ open, 8(2), p.e018373.
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