• 15 Pages
  • Published On: 15-12-2023

This study focuses on the differential aspects of young carers. This is termed social work and young carers manage all sorts of social comfort. Here, a complete focus on research elements of a young carer and support services are taken into consideration.

Definition of Young Carer

A young carer is a young person that cares for people that are having any sort of physical or mental illness in an unpaid way. Young carer age varies according to the country rules in different countries.

Support services

Support services that are available for young carers are associated with direct helpline numbers. In the case of deaf and people with speech issues and visual impairment, textphone numbers are available. Usually, people under the age of 18 become young carers and volunteer their work. According to statistics, there are more than 700000 young carers available in the UK (Boumans, and Dorant, 2018).

Effects of caring

People recognized that a young carer is someone that gains maximum collaboration while a relative aspect of industrialization is opened up. Ethnicity and sophisticated alignment of work are seen amidst pandemic situations and the handling of diseases such as HIV. Research is showing that 9% of young adults contribute to the household income while they develop certain bad habits that are leaving an effect on social care and personal lives. Community practices are embedded within thematic analysis and uses of adulthood identity management theories, which could be explored further with sociology dissertation help. The work of Becker and Becker along with Sempik in 2008 and 2014 is observed quite well (Becker, and Becker, 2017). This is associated with distinctive management of unique life span management.


Carer's Support Grant of €1,700 is paid once a year which is not enough to support most of the young carers. Bullying results are seen in terms of 68% in a term. Child protection acts are also not effective in some of the cases.

Lack of support from peers

Peers are not also not supporting this person as they are afraid of being transmitted any disease. Young carers might get exposed to the persons that are not well and carrying sexually transmitted disease might cause a matter of threat for both young carer and fellow students.

Educational Disadvantage

Being a young carer hampers the overall education of a person. However, there are government-settled ideas of claiming self allowance for young carers. 40% of YC are suffering from educational difficulties.

Mental and physical health issues

Being surrounded by so many mental patients can cause a breakdown of young carers. Now, there are difficulties observed in some carers in terms of talking to normal people and enjoying their social life outside of the work they do. Sometimes no attendance allowance is given to them which becomes a cause of anxiety in young carers. Mental health issues are faced by constant caring of patients within carers as per studies of Sempik conducted in 2018.

Inappropriate care

Young carers are not sometimes given proper training and they are facing educational difficulties due to family unacceptance as well. According to a report in 2004, there was a lack of childhood experiences as they were spending most of the time caring for needy ones.

Lack of regular childhood experience

YC is mostly engaged in their work that lacks a total experience of going to school and roaming around the people that are associated with each activity. It is found out that many of the YC take intimate personal care (Gough, and Gulliford, 2020). This results in an unacceptable condition from families. There are background studies done based on gaining the successful evaluation of each individual involved.

Stress and anger issues

With irregularity in specific domains, it is observed that there are people with enormous stress. This anger issue is unacceptable and requires management of the entire work process and gain maximum input statement. Lack of self-esteem and being tired for the maximum time is another form of stress. Isolation and loneliness are associated with 11% of YC. More than 66% have shared their experience of being stressed during covid. 69% of students are less connected during covid and increase in 30hours or more time within a week in taking care of others while neglecting self-health (Wihstutz, 2017).

International caring data
Data of Carers across the UK Young carer role according to population

All data researched in this domain is associated with a systematic analysis and goals of young carers. They are essential in making sustainable growth opportunities and choice of modified data support within systematic organization and incorporation of work.

Rationale of data

One size fits all cannot be done here as there are several terminologies found out in the form of creating homogeneous recognition. Striving through professional responsibilities and assessing the conceptual framework is also seen. More research is needed as carers are not gaining their right values and sometime right proportion work is not found out. Working on young carer’s motivation and delivering them with acknowledgement and allowance has become important in today’s world in order to become successful.

Legislations associated
Carers Act

Carer act is designed in the year 2014. There is a royal assessment performed through a positive alignment of work breakdown structure and integrating components. This act talks about the adult support and reformation of each person in charge. This act came across the reformation of safeguarding adults and prevention of substance use. They are more focused on work done and exclusive management of work roles.

Children Act 1989 & 2004

This act is associated with the overall development of children and helps organizational people to help safeguard children and promote welfare. UK-based children's rights protection is done. It is also incorporated under the sectional values of finding the right growth architecture for all age groups (Casu et al. 2021). Disabled children are also coming across this category. Both the children's activities are associated with the development of a safer children's environment and creating coordination between multiple issues to provide ultimate safeguarding. The main points of children act 1989 include:

The welfare of a child is paramount

Delaying in child welfare is like prejudice

Betterment of child protection by making no order of work for a certain age group

On the other hand, the child act 2004 is associated with

It integrates the service relating to children

Child organizational data management and creating a sustainable cooperation between the relativity of work safeguarding

Research Question
What impact do caring responsibilities have on young carers' lives and how accessing support is can make a difference.

This proposal is focused on young carers. This young carer is associated with working both mentally and physically disabled person. The study is concentrated on finding out what impact is associated with young carers as they are dedicated towards work functionalities essentially. There is focus aligned with the process of making difference by accessing support in lives (Hamilton and Redmond, 2020). A prominent care statistic is carried forward to gain data on whether a person is actually in need of voluntary services in mental health management. Mental disabilities and misuse of substances or drugs have been seen by people and young carers to take good care of those persons. This study additionally focuses on the potential career options available in case of young carers and the analytical data of young carers. It has suggested future outcomes to be observed in terms of reliability.


To explore certain responsibilities and needs of the young carer

To evaluate the options available as a support for young carers

To analyze the experience of young carers and finding out their future outcomes

Methodological Approach

Finding out young carer’s actions of work is associated with aligning systematic components and development criteria of a certain group. It is inconsistent and reliable at the same point. This methodological work process can be managed via interviewing real life candidates. All candidates are potentially working inside UK to handle more of the children and young people. Ethical consent is important in development of managing the family life. Definition of caring and developing ethical concepts of work is associated with mixed method approach. Interviews can be taken of 12 young carers with a Varity of self-administrated questionnaire.

This approach is identified pragmatically and this is the best possible approach as it involves research problems not being caught up in philosophical debates. Different approaches can be complementary and require universal true statements to be analyzed. In this case, coherence theories are applied as it is given the whole truth and the entire operational work is explained here. This research will also contain a qualitative approach that is carried on 15 different studies. These studies are taken from scholarly journals and websites that contain authentic data (Gibson, Colton, and Sanderson, 2019). This secondary qualitative will take up different sources and align them with the strength and limitations of an explanatory scenario. Social theories can be constructed for supporting key paradigms. There are functionally interpretive scenes along with radical structuralist options seen. Radical humanist behavior and social incorporation of work are aligned with each founded research. Paradigms in social science are having the following strengths of positivism as objectivity and deductive learning opportunity. Critical emphasis is given on power and inequality of social charges. Truth can be varying as inherent problems are created to execute a complete balance of systems. Sociological thinking and structural functionalism are associated with conflict theories. A qualitative approach is also associated with effective management of paradigms like interchangeable social incorporations and superior alignment of research components. In this case, primary qualitative data is required and the sample size would be 41. All samples will include male and female participants from different age groups. There should not be any fundamental biasedness observed in information shared by participants. Participants are of quality and they care for arguments in research. It is also important to look at that no tampering and influencing is done on the respondent's data. Local councils are also associated with the facts of promoting human rights (Metzing et al. 2019). Incorporated and sustainable rights are associated with legal terms to gain maximum support for policymakers and professionals. Online wealth information is provided to lead through the organizational dilemma. Suburban areas European countries are seen to be having less variety of working. There are more people found out in terms of caring in the UK than in other countries.


Phenomenology is forced on the gathering of data that is individually focused and intimidating. The research data is powerful enough to create in-depth knowledge acquisition and essence of living through each participant's own experience. There is the main point of work associated with qualitative interview creation and strong narrations of family and fellow members (Blake-Holmes, 2020). A descriptive method is identified to explain what is happening between samples and whether they are adjusted in proper places or not. In this case, all types of young carers are questioned via email survey regarding their experiences of living up to other people's expectations. Philosophical movement can be developed by defining each process. Parents and teachers are sometimes kept in the dark that prevents them from disclosing the roles of caring for other people in school.

Literature Review

A combined systematic approach is to be explained in this context. The Decision-making process is identified as a part of considering important analysis and applying a methodological understanding of traditions. Evidence is associated with applying research perspectives inside the life of YC (Boumans and Dorant, 2018). A common goal of identifying proper work breakdown structure is gained and assembling of technology components seems to be quite beneficial for gathering data. This approach of direct communication for gathering data is effective in terms of initializing components and managing numerical data. A narrative approach can be undertaken to understand how the lives of integrated people are being changed. The findings include 68% of young carers to be engaged in chronic illness and mental health issues themselves. While monitoring the health of others they fall prey to abundant childhood largely. This leads to a lack of support and sometimes causes attendance issues. 48 days in a year a student might drop school to complete the process of a young carer. An online application form can be taken for applying as a young carer.


This research will be carried out using a literature review of empirical studies. All reviews are incorporated inside databases. There is proper conduct of behavior seen by searching databases online and management of protocols [Refer to appendix 1]. The research will be conducted via execution of work protocols and eligible formulation of questions. Several authors have written books and produced journals online. These research theories are executed via pico variance. Some systems are described as a part of intervention and comparison of intervention. The outcome of the spider checklist is associated with methods and discussion of methods.

PICO protocol is identified as a great method of clinical research question management [refer to appendix 3]. This framework loads inside patients and is problematic allowances along with interventions generated as therapies. Comparison of intervention is underpinned inside accuracy management of each record. A framework initiated as SPIDER reconsiders question format in PICO tool as there are samples and phenomenon of interest gained. Design considerations are made through the choice of evaluative products and reconsidering the research type.

This method is chosen to create systematic data handling and complete tables with data in an appropriate way. Young parents are also becoming a part of antenatal education and they consider becoming a quality development in their child by making them a part of the young carer process. The qualitative analysis takes place when a complete dimension of problems is executed. Certain points can be expected as a part of judging eligibility criteria in Prisma such as:

Reconsideration of key terminology and combination technique

Student under the age of 18 will be primary subjects of this research

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There will be foundations considered for the development of ideology

Students that are already voluntarily participating in this process will be included as a part of the assessment. Pico is a criterion for judging the systematic formulation of a questionnaire. Questions were formulated according to the relevance of health issues faced by different people and the way YC is taking care of them.

Eligibility of boolean techniques and locations are managed via conducting extensive research in international level of data.

Some authors like Sempik had made most of the contribution in this field and relevant studies were assembled as well. Internationally, Australian people were seen to be having maximum efforts inside creating a process of automation in the management of mentally ill people.

There are thematic analysis and management of certain combinations. Electronic search methods and uses of international differences and terminology are authorized. There are systematic allowances created for automating research background as per the requirement of research.

PICO analysis is maximized throughout the combination of absolute quality and data analysis period. Data analysis occurs as thematic analysis of data is done. Databases are containing important collections of interpreted and qualitative research protocols. Collecting data through the identification of themes in a certain process is identified in this context (Boumans and Dorant, 2018). Data analysis is a method that indulges in a complete work breakdown structure of research activities. It suggests social research to be conducted through qualitative data collection in surveys.

Some of the desk-based research limitations are as follows:

1. No data is stored about the real usage of components

2. Database composition is sometimes hidden

3. Time-consuming and low response rates

4. Lesser interpretation of sustainable data

5. Access problems in real times

The entire proposal will contain data of baseline socio demographic characteristic of young and informal carers such as:

Statistical analysis

There are alternative research components generated and requirement analysis is done accordingly [refer to appendix 2]. However, each of the persons should actively take part in that service of the UK's young carers. Supporting group activities and working with NGOs together is one of the essential virtues of this process.


The majority of young carers are occupying the conceptual analysis of how every single piece of data is accessed on time and justifications are given for being identified. Initially, the families were more likely to hide their identity, as they wanted to remain undiscovered. Supportive majors have been taken for taking cumulative steps of possible legislation. In most cases, there is hidden information on the identity of a particular person that has taken care of a job. Population-based quantitative research can be proposed for generating maximum input and output components. In other countries apart from the UK, there is systematic indulgence observed in Ireland and associated with incremental benefits for the professional person in charge (Boumans and Dorant, 2018). Method of recruitment is organized within various components of research and goals are differentially generated for identifying systematic allowance and change in an ethical dilemma.

Major ethical dilemma is aligned in this context as young carer is working without any good remuneration and allowance. They are working selflessly and not considering their childhood. The powerful young carer is the future of this new digital world. This work is associated with designing of sustainable changes and identifying system components essentially for management of impacts on young carer. Identification of some future possibilities is done in this context as well as it is unethical to take help from young carer without thinking about their future.

The ethical consideration associated with the factors of managing time and education both by students is lacking. The person that is associated with interpretive and qualitative processes excels in the operations of family members and students highly seek the support of their nearest people. It is affirmative to gain a sustainable development aspect as they highly ensure delivery of ethical statements.

It is a matter of personal ethics in research to maintain integrity. The integrity of research data can be preserved through possible maximization of components and allowing complete guidance and legislative action. There should not be any data tampering occurred by creating false statements and expanding the carer's future expectations. Sustainable analysis has been managed through the systematic collection of data and continuing a limited activity of qualitative components. Ethical understanding not only focuses on the management of interlinked data, but it also works essentially concerning the terminal analysis of components inside any organization. Accessing support is not always possible as many people do not actively come up and ask for help (Casu et al. 2020). Therefore, young carer's efforts are going in vain to a great extent. There is legislation guidance observed that accompanies system generalization and output gathering for UK-based research. 24*7 trained volunteers are not always available.


Blake-Holmes, K., 2020. Understanding the needs of young carers in the context of the covid-19 global pandemic. University of East Anglia, Norwich.

Boumans, N.P. and Dorant, E., 2018. A cross‐sectional study on experiences of young adult carers compared to young adult noncarers: parentification, coping and resilience. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 32(4), pp.1409-1417.

Casu, G., Hlebec, V., Boccaletti, L., Bolko, I., Manattini, A. and Hanson, E., 2021. Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being among Adolescent Young Carers in Europe: A Randomized Controlled Trial Protocol. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(4), p.2045.

Gibson, J., Colton, F. and Sanderson, C., 2019. Young carers. British Journal of General Practice, 69(687), pp.504-504.

Gough, G. and Gulliford, A., 2020. Resilience amongst young carers: investigating protective factors and benefit-finding as perceived by young carers. Educational Psychology in Practice, 36(2), pp.149-169.

Hamilton, M. and Redmond, G., 2020. Are young carers less engaged in school than non-carers? Evidence from a representative Australian study. Child Indicators Research, 13(1), pp.33-49.

Metzing, S., Ostermann, T., Robens, S. and Galatsch, M., 2020. The prevalence of young carers–a standardised survey amongst school students (KiFam‐study). Scandinavian journal of caring sciences, 34(2), pp.501-513.

Robison, O., Egan, J. and Inglis, G., 2017. Young carers in Glasgow: health, wellbeing and future expectations. Glasgow: Glasgow Centre for Population Health.

Wihstutz, A., 2017. From Objects of Care to Citizens—Young Carers’ Citizenship. In Lived Citizenship on the Edge of Society (pp. 175-197). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Appendix 1:
Search Tables
Search Tables
Appendix 2:

The Care and Support (eligibility criteria) Regulations 2014

The Young Carers Regulations 2015

The Care and Support (assessment) Regulations 2014

Appendix 3:
Search Tables

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