Social work welfare is all about the wellbeing of the people. The case study at hand is narrowing down to both children and adult. The expectations of the majority of human beings are being able to have a dignified access to basic needs. However, this is never experienced by all. There are several scenarios of rather unfamiliar experiences. Human life is considered to be social in nature and on the same note the society that one lives in makes the individual to have a different view of life (Bowers, and Lemberger, 2016, pp 55). It includes the experiences one is likely to have. Kants theory of deontological approach of issues denotes that an action is good or bad depending with the underlying reasons. In our case scenario I will be making a plan for the family to enable it undergo the current storms using the person-centered approach using the part I and part II of The Children’s Act 1989. The children life must be put into full considerations to ensure the values and ethical practices of life are achieved. The wellbeing of the minors cannot be compromised and all mechanisms need to be put in place to enable access all the basic needs and enjoy all the rights. For students seeking guidance in this field, seeking social work dissertation help can provide valuable insights and support in navigating complex issues.
According to the part I and part II of The Children’s Act 1989 there are several situations that people are in which are induced by other human beings. In this view the statutory laws have come in to protect both the children and adults who however go through any condition the compromises the dignity of human beings. For the scenario at hand, Atif and Fatima are legally considered to be children and the final situation they are in is directly induced by adults who in this case are their respective parents. Ethically the reason behind their separation can be viewed to be right but the worry is, if they really had the children at heart before deciding to separate. Notably, the grandmother as well in the village has to undergo the childrearing process once more despite having done it earlier. The decision-making process in human life is seen as a self-recognition process but it would rather be a wholesome experience that looks at all the members involved and are likely to be influenced by the made decision.
The aspect of the Punjabi Muslim family being based in London implies the boldness and socially rational approach that made them survive in a non-native place. Focusing on the person-centered approach, a family is a social unit that needs the hand of all the participants to make it a reality. Parents are viewed as the head of the family and in this regard tend to make all the decision pertaining the family. Despite the parents’ separation, the right to children’s life should be put forward. The children ought to have the undisrupted access to the parents love and the basic needs in totality. The problem-solving skill need to be solely used to alleviate any challenges they had as a married couple. As a social work student am aware that it is prudent to have the aspect of focusing on the wellbeing of the children and their entire life and using intuition to think on the impact of the decision to be made (Parker, 2017). According to part I and part II of The Children’s Act 1989 children have a right to live with all the parents and it was prudent for the parents to consider this as a key life factor. Similarly, as I base on this, it categorically amplifies the entire approach of person centered. The person-centered approach embraces the humanity aspect of life, particularly in decision making.
The Children Act and The Adults Act have the social aspect of life incognito. How human beings live and survive in their daily activities makes them human beings. There is a certain life that human beings should not go through regardless of the prevailing situations. The Children Act specify what is needed by a child and what is legally documented for all children to go through. For instance, The Children Act is aimed at making United Kingdom a safer and better place for children of all ages. It includes the privileges and rights children should have. They include education, housing and basic needs such as food. In this case scenario at hand the children Atif and Fatima did not enjoy the right to have a wholesome family life. The parents separated and the children were left with the father which made the children lack the motherly love and bond. On the same note, Joy is having the right at hand by having all the parents, this implies the discrimination that Atif and Hatima are experiencing. Additionally, The Adult Act denotes that it has the mandate to help and improve the wellbeing and independence of the people. It comes in place to demonstrate the frustrations that Haris is going through. The loss of his marriage interfered with him emotionally and he could not do any activity that made him loose the job and being unable to pay rent making them to relocate. Despite the fact that all the Acts aim at making lives better it is prudent to denote that all circumstances are consequential in nature.
The person-centered approach intertwined with motivational interviewing is an approach that I would use as a social worker to embrace the matters pertaining to Atif. The condition being experienced are solely induced by the moral frustrations that are interfering with his mental setup. As a social worker I will prioritize the right to access education for the children. A child needs extensive moral support and the support is in most cases expected to come from the parents. Lack of this made the child to have emotional breakdown. On the same note, the father is as well emotionally unstable and will need to be at the mercy of the social welfare officials in the community. Motivational interviewing approach is aimed at changing the mindset and make the child think on a direction that is beneficial and positive oriented to them (Parker, 2017, 24). Life is dynamic and humanitarian approach or person centered could have gone wrong with the parents it does not imply that the children have to permanently go astray.
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The assessment framework of parenting capacity and adult-environment views the key scenarios of ensuring the children safety and protection as well as emotional warmth and stability. The adult environment shall include the opportunities to have a better housing, employment and training. As asocial worker from the assessment the provision of all the opportunities to all the two groups shall be a great achievement. The person-centered approach focuses on the individualistic aspects or the individual underlying circumstances. The humanistic theory in this scenario narrows down to what an individual does or decides to do. According to the theory individuals are responsible to what they do and must rely on themselves. Before Harris and Meera made up the decision to part ways they must be responsible of the lives their children are living in. the frustrations the kids are going through is as a result of their parents poor decision-making skills. As a social worker solely attached to the student, I shall have to explain to the children the underlying situations and make them embrace a reverse decision from what they have now. As an individual or the person in Harris could have not allowed himself to drown to the frustrations of the failed marriage. He was moved by the anxiety and depression which even prompted him to seek services of a psychiatric. Since he lost everything including the job, going back to his mother’s house made the situation worse until the social welfare came handy for the housing initiative. All in all, as an individual he should have learned to be himself, the humanistic theory denotes the aspect of valuing yourself despite the situation at hand.
To make the two students have a different view of all that is happening there is need to utilize the motivational interviewing approach as an intervention. The approach involves the conversation between the social worker and the affected person. It is outrightly the collaborative conversation to motivate and strength the commitment towards change. At such a tender age of 16 and 5 the young children need to be guided and even employ the wilderness therapeutic mechanism to make them have self-introspection and therefore review the approach they have of life. The technical aspect of motivational interviewing lets the students have the inspired motive towards change (Oh, and Lee, 2016 pp 99). For instance, the school where Atif schools denoted the indiscipline behavior that was cropping up from the child. This could be as result of incomplete parental care or guidance. It is in regard to the fact that the father was already undergoing psychiatric services tend to have made him unable to be there for the children. As a social worker the target shall be to make the children have a different view to what they are in right now. The emotional instability made the children to have a totally different view of life and the entire meaning of what life is. Restoring their lives to normalcy will need mental rehabilitation and self-acceptance to make the approach a realistic and confirming the intervention achievements.
Theoretically, person centered and motivational interviewing approach have the main role in ensuring that social well-being and individual upbringing is considered relevant. According to The Adults Act, adults need to have the needed empowerment, protection and prevention from anything that appears dangerous to them. Adults endure a lot as a good number of people perceive adults to be individuals who should make no mistakes pertaining life. Haris and his mother in this scenario are a disturbed group of adults. The role of taking care of the children needs the mother’s initiative if not so then it can be detrimental in nature. Both Harris and his mother as well need to be motivationally interviewed for them to review the mental setup. He could have led a better life. According to the humanistic theory, the individual aspect of life is key. Personal decision must be made after critical thinking (Shakespeare, 2006, pp 110). If not so in case of any upheaval, then the decision maker must be responsible for the decision made.
All decisions made must be ethical in nature, individuals making decision must review and consider all the outcomes attached to the decision they are making. Egocentric approach of decision making may bring more harm than value. In decisional making approach, social work values such as dignity and worth of a person must be put in consideration. For instance, if the parents new the worth of their own children, they could have made a better decision rather than separating. Integrity is essential in all circumstances. Meera never had the clear aspect of having a life with Harris rather than making him honestly aware, she went ahead and remarried to Adam. Ethical decision-making skills makes it possible for to respond to pertinent questions before making a decision. The rightfulness or wrongfulness of an act or decision should be determined the amount of joy it elicits. However, this could be subjective and it should only be viewed on the quantifiable aspects of the joy in place.
Summarily, the family need to have self-retrospection before being given the mandate to be reevaluated and consider themselves worth. All the turmoil being experienced is because of the drawbacks in the family. I would use the self-centered approach to make them think in a humane manner and individually about themselves. They should know that there is life afterwards and the current problems must not deter them. I will as well make them fill in some questionnaires for purposes of self-rating and valuing, from which they can be resorted to a single step at a time (Payne, 2014, pp 10). With this view, such individuals need close follow up to ensure they reconsider the moves they are making in life. Additionally, motivational interviewing is more of friendly and supportive. The support comes in both physical presence and mental strength as it involves convincing and motivating conversation.
Bowers, H. and Lemberger, M.E., 2016. A person-centered humanistic approach to performing evidence-based school counseling research. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies, 15(1), pp.55-66.
Dr. Chip Watkins demonstrates Motivational Interviewing in treating depression. ENGLAND, P.B.L.A.I., Children Act 1989.
Oh, H. and Lee, C., 2016. Culture and motivational interviewing. Patient education and counseling, 99(11), p.1914.
Parker, J, 2017, Social Work Practice: Assessment, Planning, Intervention and Review, 5th ed, London, Sage
Payne, M, 2014, ch10, ‘Humanistic Practice, Existentialism and Spirituality’ in Modern Social Work Theory, 4th edition, Basingstoke, Palgrave.
Shakespeare, T (2006) Disability Rights and Wrongs. Abingdon: Routledge
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