How best can we tackle the issue of homelessness

  • 02 Pages
  • Published On: 09-11-2023

How best can we tackle the issue of homelessness, bearing in mind its social and environmental determinants?

Homelessness is a great social concern in modern era that adversely impacts on quality of life, lifestyle, living standard, health and wellbeing of people. While it comes to tackle the issues of homelessness, one should consider the social as well as environmental determinants of homelessness such as unemployment, poor socio-economic condition, lack of social support, lack of housing facilities, poor healthcare facilities, lack of education and environmental risk (Ortiz-Ospina and Roser, 2017). In this context, policymakers need to develop policies that will assist them in addressing all these factors and eliminating barriers that homeless people face while seeking help from service providers, including sociology dissertation help. In this context, policy makers need to develop such policies that will assist them to encounter all these above-mentioned factors and eliminate barriers that homeless people face while getting help from service providers. Health and social care providers will ensure that homeless as well as vulnerable


people in society will be provided with best care and support that they need to improve their quality of life and living standard. Policy makers will focus on reforming policies on eliminating inequality in social as well as environmental system and conduct ‘Life Skills Training’ program that will assist homeless people to strengthen their professional knowledge and technical skill to get good employment opportunity (Botvin and Griffin, 2014). Additionally, social care workers, policy makers and the government will focus on developing supportive society and environment in which people who are homeless and belong to lower socioeconomic level will be treated with respect and dignity so they can get the courage to combat with risk factors that leads them to poor habits.

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Reference list:

Botvin, G. and Griffin, K. (2014) Life skills training: preventing substance misuse by enhancing individual and social competence. New directions for youth development, 2014(141): 57-65

Evans, W.N., Sullivan, J.X. and Wallskog, M., 2016. The impact of homelessness prevention programs on homelessness. Science, 353(6300), pp.694-699.

Ortiz-Ospina, E. and Roser, M., 2017. Homelessness. Our World in Data.

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