Research methodology includes description of the actual methods to be utilized in the conduction of the actual study process in order to be able to derive inferable findings to Kumar (2005). Based on the content analysis of literature by different authors presented in the previous chapter, this chapter highlights methods that were adopted to carry out actual field research towards the realization of the research objectives which helped to address the research aim and answer study questions systematically.
Research Philosophy
According to Saunders et al (2012), research approach is the belief in the nature and source of knowledge development. Philosophical awareness guides researchers through the challenges and relevant strategies required to conduct research, including philosophy dissertation help. According to Strauss and Corbin (1994) and Yin, (2013) Research philosophy is concerned with how things are viewed in the world: an idea about how data regarding a phenomenon should be gathered, analyzed and used. As such in the development of a philosophical perspective, making relevant assumptions concerning the nature of society and science is quite a significant endeavour (Burrell and Morgan, 1979). This research adopted the approach of interpretivism, which is a key factor regarding the approach is the understanding the social world of the research population (Saunders et al 2009). Saunders et al. (2012) states the inductive approach is closely linked to the epistemology of interpretivism. This supports the view that the researcher must enter the world of what is being observed in order to further understand the impacts observed. Analysing social actors within their settings consequently involves observations that are qualitative and subjective in nature as researchers are interdependent of their research (Bryman, 1988). Generally, interpretivist views of the world are complex and open to analysis, it is the analysis of the findings that leads to issues associated with reliability However, criticism of the interpretivist approach often focuses on reliability and measurement because of the study’s qualitative nature there no precise system of measurement adopted therefore reliability are often question. (Saunders et al 2012). This approach is particularly efficient due to the fact that the research includes and relies on the interaction of the researcher with the research participants in order to foster an understanding of their social world and thus their perspectives.
Research Approach
A wide variety of approaches exist that can be chosen b a researcher towards the conduction of a study. Choice of which approach to take is mostly dependent on the type of data being collected within the research. An inductive approach was selected in conducting this study. Inductive involves collecting and analysing data to formulate theory (Wilson, 2012). Data will be collected and as such allowing theory to be developed for the purpose of the discussion and analysis in Chapter 4. In contrast a deductive approach is often associated with quantitative studies. It is concerned with developing hypothesis base on theory already known which is subjected to further testing (Wilson 2012).
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Research Strategy
An exploratory case study was adopted for the purpose of this research. The aim established in chapter one is to critically analyze the perceived effectiveness of the learning and development that mental health first aiders receive, with a view to identify critical issues and provide recommendations to support mental health first aid training. For a more in-depth understanding case study approach was used. Yin (2013: 3) states case study research investigate a contemporary phenomenon within perspective of real life especially when boundaries are not clear between context and phenomenon. Given the specificity of the situation at hand regarding mental health and the wide range of reactions that victims and patients of mental health may exhibit, an actual study of a case occurrence enables the realization and exhaustion of a wide range of issues and thus enhancing the eventual training process.
Case studies in businesses research design often involve in-depth analysis of specific issue of an organisation, group of individual or a certain sector (Wilson,2012). Saunders et al (2012) state case studies are useful for gaining understanding of the context of research processes and have the ability to generate answers to what, why and well questions. Case studies often use qualitative, quantitative and mix methods for data analysis (Yin, 2009) this research used a mix method analysis due to the availability of both numeric which required quantitative methods of data analysis and opinions, as well as perspectives on mental health which required qualitative analysis in order to derive patterns, themes and connections. A case study often provides detailed and rich information and insights for further research. However a drawback of case studies includes the quality of being time consuming. Subjectivism when it comes to the actual process of data collection in the case study may influence the entire outcome of the case (Saunders, 2009)
Data collection method
This section highlights the different methods that will be involved in the data collection process of the actual field study. Based on the study taking up a cases study of a mental institution, the research will adopt the combined use of questionnaires and interviews to assess and record individual opinions and sentiments regarding critically analyze the perceived effectiveness of the learning and development that mental health first aiders receive, with a view to identify critical issues and provide recommendations to support mental health first aid training.
Methodological choice
Mixed-method is integration of qualitative and quantitative data in a single study (Creswell, 2011). Wilson (2012) postulates mix methods provide a better understanding of the research topic giving more detail answers to research questions. Mix method was chosen because two method of data collection were employed to the study, namely questionnaire and semi- structure interview. Saunders (2012) states it is the most appropriate tool stating analysing data using semi-structured interviews are easier to perform unlike unstructured where the interviews express freely. Questionnaire was another method use to collect data Saunders (2011:141) define questionnaire as “method of data collection wherein person are asked the same set of questions in order.” However questionnaire has a number of advantages likewise disadvantages (Wilson 2012:148) says questionnaire allows accurate information to be obtained, it also a cost effective means of gathering data however, Wilson further argues if the questionnaire questions need clarification no one is at hand for clarification which makes it impersonal.
Data collection
For the purpose of the research, a survey was carried with the use of questionnaires to capture end users’ responses of those who use mental first aid service. As argued by Harris and Brown (2010), questionnaires are effective in this process given that they contain straightforward questions that allow the participant to respond with little supervision. In addition to ability to providing considerably large amount of research data for relatively low financial cost, the data obtaining using the approach can easily be converted into quantitative data. Furthermore, Gillham (2008) argued that standardization of questions meaning researcher could replicate the questionnaire checking for reliability and consistency.
Additionally, this research conducted 10 interviews with mental health first aiders to know the issues people bring to them and the impact it has on their wellbeing and a further three interviews with representatives from wellbeing and occupational health to get opinions of the MHFA service. The use of interviews aided in enhancing detailed collections of information as well as being able to ask for any clarifications on important and more salient points to be noted down.
Mix methods have advantages as well as drawbacks that associates with the approach. According to Saunders (2012) mix method allows for greater diversity of analyses which will be replicated in the research, it also helps to establish the generalisability and credibility of the study a drawback however is mixed method data can be time intensive and complicated and takes mastery in the methodology (Saunders, 2011).
Sampling process
Sampling is defined as the selection of individuals for a study that may represent the larger group from which they were selected, subgroup of the entire population making it an important element of the research (Wilson, 2012). However, sampling is less time consuming and less costly than surveying an entire population (Saunders et al 2012). The research was to interview a mix of individuals from the organisation, representative from the wellbeing team, occupational health, mental health first aiders and end users of the service. For this reason, purposive sampling was chosen for use to be able to interview only the employees who were concerned with first aiding victims of mental health; Saunders (2011:132) says this is commonly used when using smaller samples when collecting qualitative data and when individuals in particular are chosen deliberately to provide information that cannot be obtained from other choices. A drawback however of purposive sampling is that the findings cannot be generalised as it does not have the same statistical power analysis (Palinkas et al., 2015).
The target sample determined were mental health first aiders, they were selected because they were the ones who are knowledgeable of key issues needed to be understood. This was done by emailing key occupational health advisers within the organisation and request permission to access ten mental health first aiders from their data base. A further three interviews will then be carried out with representatives from occupational health and wellbeing team to get their overall perspective of the mental health first aid training offered within the organisation. A survey will also be carried out on their internal intranet accessing end users of MHFA to get their opinions of the service offered to get a balance analysis.
Time Horizon
This research intended to conduct an investigative study wherein data would be collected at a single point in time and completed in a short time, therefore, the cross-sectional design is applicable for this study (Wilson, 2012). It aimed to complete the study in a short period of time and unlike longitudinal that requires longer period typically several years to conduct study. One of the main advantages of cross-sectional is it is less expensive and time consuming which is relevant to this particular study. However, the limitation is that not all topics can incorporate cross-sectional design (Wilson 2012).
Data Analysis
The recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim before using thematic analysis as the data analysis methodology. Thematic analysis involves a widely used qualitative research method of first hand data analysis that primarily focuses on the identification and relation of patterns, themes and connections within the data (Braun and Clarke, 2006). As such, through the analysis of first hand data which can be collected through a wide range of different methods such as questionnaires, observation as well as interviews, inferences that are accurate, effective, reliable and replicable can be obtained from the various patterns and themes to further explore the concept of training first aiders.
Research Limitations
A main limitation of the study was gaining access to research participants which was not a straightforward because of confidentiality concerns and procedures that had to be adhered to. As such the researcher had to first secure all permits to be able to access the mental institution and subsequently the participants.
Ethical Considerations
While the research study revolves around the use of human beings as a source of information, ethical consideration arise especially with specific concern to granting them relevant privacy as pointed out by (Mason, 2010). While minimal potential risks are envisioned as far as safety and dignity of participants is preserved, there might be potential risk the mental institution given the state of majority of the people within them being mentally unstable and as such potentially dangerous. To avoid ethical issue therefore the researcher will secure an advanced permit from the institution to interview any of their employees. In addition, only willing participants to the research will be interviewed and their identity will be kept anonymous to enhance their privacy.
Within the capacity of this study, the main interest was to investigate the issues people bring to mental health first aid and the impact this has on their wellbeing. In the study a qualitative approach was used with an interpretivist philosophy. Through the analysis of the data collected firsthand using the tools and techniques described relevant inferences were made and discussed in the next chapter.
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