Addressing Domestic Incidents in the UK

Domestic incidents are the events or situations occur in the society that highlights how people are devoid of their human rights and basic needs. In the UK there are many cases of domestic incidents such as domestic violence, domestic abuse, physical abuse, discrimination, social bias and social exclusion. This essay is going to demonstrate the current response to these domestic incidents in UK, with discussing response of the government, police, policy makers and the society, particularly in the context of criminology dissertation help. In addition to this, the essay is going to critically evaluate that how the overall response to domestic incidents changes over the last 20-30 years in UK. Here the essay will use relevant theories in terms of using evidences-based information to discuss the entire topic. Here the topic has been selected due to the ever-increasing number of domestic incidents in the UK, that needs to be encountered as well as highlighted in front of policymakers. Through demonstrating the current response of government, society and policymakers to eliminating domestic indecent in UK, the essay is going to highlight the negative and positive aspects of approaches taken to protect people from domestic incidents. Finally, the essay will make the conclusion, in which the main underlying points of the overall discussion would be highlighted.


The concept of domestic incident is not new in UK, rather it had been the major social concern since the last several decades. As mentioned by Sherman (2018), evidence-based report has suggested that the issue of domestic incidents was the major societal concern in UK since the time when First Marriage Law had been developed by Romulus during 75 BC. During the twentieth century the major domestic incidents were women-centred such as wife beating, physical, emotional and social abuse of women in the UK. Evidences have stated that in UK, there are one in six men and one in four women are victim of domestic violence. Report on domestic violence has stated that, in the UK more than 89% of the people suffer from domestic violence, domestic abuse and physical abuse are women. In late nineteenth century, there was developed the concept the structured marriage in which the abuse to wife was considered and viewed as normal incident. As mentioned by Robinson et al. (2016), at the ancient times there was lack of proper governmental and societal response against the domestic incidents that gas spoiled millions of lives. During mid-1800, Sir Francis Bulle developed the Rule of Thumb’, which made it clear that husband could be dominated over his wife and wife beating would be considered as valid activity of husband. As stated by Lloyd and Ramon (2017) British Common Law was developed in favour of husband’s authority over his wife that had enhanced the number of social, physical, emotional and psychological abuse on wives.

Evidence based report has stated that, although there was lack of proper governmental and societal response against the domestic incidents in late 1900, the concept of elimination of domestic violence on wives as well as on women had been developed in society. Since late-1800 after Queen Elizabeth was elected in throne, the new reformation for women had been established that changed the viewpoint of government towards domestic incidents. In this context Adeloye and Brown (2018) stated that, during the nineteenth century, the overall response of UK government to domestic incidents such as women abuse, wife beating and physical, emotional and social assault of women, had been changed with an intention to make fair and justified judgment toward women. During 1878, the introduction of Matrimonial Causes Act 1878 was the first positive response made by the UK government against the women abuse and domestic violence (Boulton et al. 2017). Under this act, women who were victims of marriage-violence could have divorce or separation order from their husbands. In addition to this, the UK government also stated that, under this act husband who is allegedly charge of doing physical, emotional and sextual assault on his wife as well as on other women would be strictly prosecuted. During 1882, UK government had developed Woman’s Property Act, under which wives who are victims of severe domestic violence by their husband can have full authority to obtain own property and money. On the contrary Nix et al. (2019) argued that although during the late 1800, the overall response of UK government to domestic incidents on women had gone through positive changes by developing women centred legislation, in many interior and suburban areas British Government was unable to implement these acts efficiently. On supporting the viewpoint many evidences have stated that, although acts developed during late 1800 were able to show positive response against domestic incident experienced by women, they were unable to assure proper protection of women from any kind domestic violence such as physical, mental and emotional abuse, wife beating, sexual abuse, gender bias, social isolation and discrimination.

Although there are many criticisms regarding response of British government during late-1800 to the domestic incidents, it is acknowledged by many studies that, after the eighteen century the positive changes in governmental response has been continued with developing many effective movements in societies against the domestic incidents. During 1970 there were developed the concept of massive feminism. As mentioned by Stanley et al. (2019) in nineteenth century, the main victim of domestic incidents were only women, which made UK government take effective action for protecting women from any kind of domestic violence. The response of UK government during the period of late-1900 had been improvised with introduction of Women Liberal Movement. The period of 1960-1970 was mentioned as the Second Wave Feminism, in which UK government focused not only on protecting women from any kind of domestic incidents but also on providing them proper liberty to access all governmental and social facilities such as education, healthcare and employment facilities. On the contrary Westmarland et al. (2018) argued that although in late-1900, the overall response of UK government had been changed with developing concept of women empowerment, the overall concept was limited to only women who belonged to higher social class, but not to the women residing in backward society, due to their inability of affording higher education and high quality healthcare facilities in UK. On supporting the view, many studies have mentioned that although Second Wave Feminism considered as one of glorious period for UK government in which the overall response of government against domestic indecent had been changed, majority of women residing in interior and lower economic community were uncovered by the governmental and social

facilities due to their lack of proper connection with government. In this context Dickson et al. (2016) mentioned that, the another failure of UK government during the late-1900 was that, majority of women in villages mad semi-urban areas are not permitted to attend the

healthcare facilities such as education and employment facility due to the conservative as well as superstitious mentality of their husband or parents that were overlooked by the UK government. Despite many criticisms regarding legal movements taken by the UK government to deal with domestic incidents, it needs to be acknowledged that after nineteen century there was huge modification in the way UK government respond to domestic incidents. As mentioned by Gadd et al. (2019),after late-1900, the coverall concept of domestic incident had been changed rapidly, in which the response of UK government was not stick to protection of women from domestic violence, rather the government also considered other domestic incidents occurring in society such as discrimination, bias, social isolation, gender bias and racism. After Second Wave feminism period UK government had focused on proper reformation of Equal Pay Act 1970, under which it was stated that there will be equal wages for both men and women in UK.

Although there are many studies that have criticised the initiatives taken by UK government during nineteenth century, it is acknowledge that the actions taken by UK government for women's movement in this period were so successful that had encouraged several legislations and acts to be developed against the domestic incidents (Westmarland et al. 2018). For example, during late-1970, UK government made considerable changes in National Policy of Domestic Violence, that allowed local as well as national governmental authorities and Non-Governmental Organisational (NGOs) to work together against domestic incidents such as racism, discrimination, marginalisation, social isolation, child labour, physical and mental abuse and gender bias. In this context Dickson et al. (2016) mentioned that, the overall changes that had been made in the National Policy of Domestic Violence was proved to be highly effective for UK citizens which not only provides them assurance of protection from any domestic incident but also assure them proper access to their basic human rights. Following women movement in late-1900, there was development and implantation of Sex Discrimination act 1975 and Domestic Violence Act 1976. Through development of Sex Discrimination act 1975, the UK government had shown potential response against foeticide in UK. As mentioned by Sherman (2018), foeticide in considered as a major domestic violence in society in which foetus is destroyed after determination of its sex. During this period the UK government focuses not only on developing the relevant legislations but also on implementing them in society in such a manner that each citizen would be benefited through these acts. For ensuring better implantation of Domestic Violence Act 1976, UK government had developed strong connection with local and regional governmental authorities in rural regions, which assured that, under this act, every citizen in UK would be free from any kind of domestic violence. On the other hand, UK government also felt the needs to develop such legislation that will protect women in their matrimonial home from any kind domestic violence by their in-laws or husband. During 1976, Domestic Proceedings & Magistrates’ Courts Act 1978 had been developed by UK government with intention of providing protection of women from any domestic violence in their matrimonial home. On the contrary Robinson et al. (2016), argued that, despite developing women cantered legislation for proacting them in matrimonial homes from domestic violence, there were many women in villages and interiors areas who did not expose the violence and injustice that they experienced in their matrimonial house due to the fear of being homeless or getting divorced by the husband.

As time passes, the concept of domestic incidents had been changed in the UK, that not only impact on the way government responds to eliminate the cases of domestic violence in society such as development as well as reformation of relevant legislation but also on patter of enforcing the legislation in better manner to provide legal remedies to the citizen to protect them from domestic incidents (Lloyd and Ramon, 2017). During the end of nineteenth century, UK government focused on enforcing many legislation in the society to deal with different cases of domestic incidents such as social violence, bias, social discrimination, gender bias and racism. For example, with development of Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977, UK government focuses on providing proper accommodation facilities to homeless people in the UK. In this context Adeloye and Brown (2018) argued that, only development and enforcement of legislation is not the solution to protect society from domestic incidents, rathe the government needs to focus on developing the process of legal punishment to the prosecutor, which will make people obliged to obey the principles of legislation. During nineteen centuries, although UK government had focused on developing legislation against domestic violence, the criminal procedures were still untouched in that period that enhanced chances of happening of several anti-social and domestic violence cases in society despite enforcement of domestic violence law (Nix et al. 2019). During early twentieth century, UK government began to make proper response in dealing with criminal offences. Now, the UK government focused on developing legislation in reducing as well as eliminating domestic incidents that are related to social crimes. With development of Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004, UK government had shown its potential response against the crime and criminals. As mentioned by Stanley et al. (2019), the enforcement of Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004, was highly appreciable response of UK government towards domestic incidents, in which the government assured the safety for victim of domestic violence by providing proper police force. On the contrary critics have argued that, this act was unbale to distinguish between the victim of Domestic violence and other people who are attacked by a stranger. On supporting the view, Westmarland et al. (2018) stated that during early twentieth century, the government was unable to response to variety of criminal offences such as physical and sexual assault and harassment. During 2009, overall response of UK government towards domestic incidents had been modified with an intention on covering all types of domestic incidents including criminal offences, to assure the protection of UK citizen from any kind of abuse and harassment. During 2010, the UK government had development Disability Discrimination Act, 2010, under which it had been stated that, disabled people would be treated with proper dignity and respect. Through development of this act, the UK government assures protection of disabled people from any kind of discrimination in society. As the times passes, the overall responses of UK government to domestic incidents had been modified that show commitment and integrity towards protection and fair treatment of UK citizen in society (Dickson et al. 2016). Today’s UK government is successfully committed toward tackling domestic incidents in every possible way by implementing and enforcing relevant legislation and acts. Although there are many criticism regarding the response of UK government over times against the domestic incidents, it needs to be acknowledged that, UK government had made betterment and modification in each step of its journey against domestic incidents and now it has successfully maintained the well-structured an well-organised legislative framework that assures protection of every citizen from any kind of domestic incidents or violence.

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From overall discussion it can be concluded that, there are many changes in response of UK government against the domestic violence. As the time passes, the government had made modernisation and positive transformation of initiatives and approaches taken to deal with domestic incidents. Despite failure in many aspects while dealing with domestic incidents in past times, UK government had developed relevant legislation and policies to meet social needs of citizen by assuring their safety from domestic violence. In addition to this, throughout the journey of developing proper legislative framework against domestic incidents the UK government had modified its overall activities and pattern of enforcement of legislation that assist government to respond in better manner against these domestic incidents.

Reference list:

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