The Reality of Homelessness: Exploring Causes and Solutions


The definition of homelessness is not dependent on the absence of home. A person is termed homeless if they have nowhere to live. A person may be additionally referred to the homeless if they are living on the street or with friends all in a shelter. In 2019 roughly 68175 households were on the receiving end of homelessness (Busby, 2019). Nearly 130000 children are dependent on their guardians or parents to live in temporary accommodation. The country witnessed a 7000 increase in the number of bread and breakfast setup (Busby, 2019). An increasing number of people suffering from the issue of homelessness grabbed the attention of the country council. The council members suggest using legal power aggressively for offering private rented housing facilities for the city capital to resettle several homeless families. People tend to become homeless for several reasons. Several social issues for homelessness suggest a lack of affordability prevailing incidence of poverty and unemployment can make the individuals homeless. For social work dissertation help, addressing such housing challenges is critical to improving the lives of vulnerable populations.


The expensive private rent, coupled with the housing benefit, leads to the cause of homelessness. Homelessness in the UK images out to be a significant political issue. Political promises about putting an end to the increasing number of homeless individuals mean nothing provided the government does not have homes for the people to live in (, 2018). In order to tackle the problem, the government needs to make an investment in new generations of group homes and continue their campaign to make sure that this happens. The assignment hence works on producing a detailed background on understanding the possible causes and the theoretical implication of the same. Additionally, it is essential to understand the importance of theory and legislative act to curb the increasing level of homelessness.

Homelessness theory

Based on the current writing, it is best that vagrancy is taken a gander at from the setting of the contention hypothesis. The hypothesis was proposed by Karl Marx, asserting the general public stays in a nonstop condition of contention because of the opposition for restricted assets (Young, 2018). The hypothesis also recommends that social request is kept by control and force instead of accord and congruity. As to the contention, the theory proposes that private enterprise is to be accused of the reason for vagrancy in creating nations. The contention hypothesis can be actualized to clarify private enterprise as a wellspring of homelessness on the grounds that under the referenced assumption, there stay two classes in the general public: bourgeoisie and working-class (Bramley and Fitzpatrick, 2018). Hypothesis recommends that entrepreneurs will participate in a general adventure the representatives denying them of ostensible Human rights, for example, right to nourishment and sanctuary simultaneously these laborers are regularly held under the feeling that they are appropriately dealt with and depend on the entrepreneurs to deal with them. The hypothesis proposes that the bourgeoisie does not make homegrown the common laborers well-being as a top priority, and their prime objective is to gather riches using any and all means (Webb et al. 2020). The contention hypothesis extra contends that free enterprise social riches are earned through assurance, instruction activity, and above all, difficult work.

The wealthy social class sees the destitute as unmotivated uneducated people gaining to live off of government assistance. Karl Marx accepted that along these lines of considering strife hypothesis was bogus cognizance. Struggle hypothesis recommends that social issues like vagrancy are a sign of individual weakness and blemishes in character as opposed to the streams inside the general public itself (Paisi et al. 2019). One can actualize this hypothesis to clarify both vagrancy and private enterprise, remembering the ceaseless resentment harbored by people who are not lucky enough than those in positions getting a charge out of incredible monetary solace and strength. The force battle between the social classes is the aftereffect of the free enterprise society that the UK is in. Subsequently, the entire nation is constrained by gatherings acquiring control through rivalry and force battles that they have won. A lot of sociological hypotheses are built to fathom an appropriate social change. Over the most recent couple of decades, humanism has not contemplated vagrancy and property to the lengths of private enterprise anyway. The discernment about the social structure and monetary condition gives a valuable method to get vagrancy and poor money related conditions (Mabhala et al. 2016). Karl Marx investigates the half divided between the average workers and the industrialist class. Max Weber, on the other hand, takes a gander at the significance of both the types and impacts made by both in keeping up value or disparity.

The aspect related to the functional necessity of inequality in order to promote well-being within a society was postulated to gain a better understanding of homelessness. In the last few years, sociological views on unemployment and poverty have been concentrated on social structure and agency as a mode of explaining the current presence of the property. To decrease the propensity for determining an individual is responsible for their hard condition has been typical (Pleace, 2016). This universal theme of the underserved is perceived as a part of moral feeling, which is further interpreted as the cause of homelessness. Currently, the argument of the welfare system being held responsible for increasing the user's dependency is a famous one. Sociologists seem to make use of empirical proof against the simplified explanation for homelessness. Fitzpatrick et al. (2016), perceive the broader context is the scope of individuals gaining access for explaining their prevailing situation. Using the conflict theory to understand the issue of homelessness provides the reader with a better idea to understand the current social problems. Moreover, it allows the reader to understand the personal challenge of an individual as a part of the economic and political component of a high society. Through the implementation of the mentioned theory, individuals need to think critically on these issues that are often interpreted in a simple manner (Young, 2019). Hence it becomes crucial to raise the thought about the programs or policies that created a minimum efficacy in preventing the chronic issue of homelessness and the possible gaps that failed to answer the question. Narrowing the perspective and perception related to discrimination and operations, one can use the conflict theory to prove by social problems such as homelessness continue to exist. Homelessness is a part of the human experience, and that is an actual social fact. Fitzpatrick et al. (2020), turn the social factors expectations into possible concepts coming not from individual response and preference but from the social community within which the member socializes. However, Bretherton (2017), argued the fact, proving homelessness cannot be adequately described based on the choice of an individual who is homeless one needs to address the relationship between the circumstances of an individual and the environment within which the individual is being subjected to without a permanent residence

The possible ways the UK welfare system impact homelessness

One believes that the welfare system should work on supporting homeless individuals to help them get back to their feet by ensuring social upliftment (Boland and Cunningham, 2019). A survey of homelessness stated that delayed universal credit payment is a significant factor impacting youth homelessness. The national audit offices report in 2017 highlighted that changes in the welfare system, such as LHA freeze is known to have a direct contribution to the increase in the level of formulation. The budget in 2017 outside people experiencing homelessness need not be subjected to 7 waiting days under the universal credit measure (Baptista et al. 2017). Moreover, the recent decision for removing the automatic entitlement to housing cause for 18 to 21-year-olds was changed and an issue that the homeless living and the members have been campaigning on for a long time. The decision makes sure that there are no intended barriers to young individuals looking for housing based on age and getting into work. The establishment of homelessness reduction works on removing the incidence of sleeping out of a proper shelter by 2027 (Hudson et al. 2017).

Additionally, welfare reform suggests the bedroom tax and housing benefits parts are wearing the increasing condition of the homelessness crisis in England. The welfare policies pointed out by the government have emerged as a single trigger for homelessness now that the economy has recovered, creating increasing pressure on households for at least the next few years. London images out to the center of homelessness and study state that high rent and housing shortages foods poor people to go out looking for cheaper neighborhoods (Gibbons et al. 2020). Local authorities are increasingly using natural relief for keeping addresses to families off the streets by providing the needed support and advice or by discussing with the landlord's none of which appears in the headline statistics. Considering these actions into account, one can see a number of incidences of people being subjected to homelessness in a large amount. However, this dangerous trend missed the notice of the politician and the media alike (Fitzpatrick and Pawson, 2014). Government work and increasing the spending to prevent chances of homelessness and rough sleeping, the government has also provided an independent homelessness organization, Crisis, with 14 million of fun to help 10,000 single homeless people for finding a sustainable place to live (Pleace, 2019). Bland (2018), states that homelessness is a catastrophic for people experience in it and prevent it is important for people to secure alternatives to homeownership for individuals who fail to achieve long-term security quotation as per their economic potential. A study finds that:

Housing benefit caps and the shortage of social housing, welfare form suggest the use of bedroom tax contribute to 18% of the rise in the position action by the landlords in 2014-2015. Brokers play an important role in all these cases of homelessness last year by the lenders ending the system of private rental often making it harder for people who lost their home to be rehabilitated (Bland, 2018)

Providing much-needed financial assistance to homeless individuals needs to be a source of pride. It shows that civilized society is prepared to protect the people from losing their residence. Despite the continuous change in public attitude regarding who should obtain the welfare benefits (Mackie et al. 2017); financial support for the benefits system is essential for preventing the incidence of homelessness. It works on providing low-income individuals with stable housing. Individuals who are already homeless assistance with housing and another cost that help them to reduce the devastation caused due to prolonged homelessness

It is for the same reason universal credit was introduced as a most significant welfare reform creating a scope for benefit system that effectively works to prevent homelessness. It is highly ambitious, and the intentions are to create a welfare system for helping the people to achieve the expected financial stability and scope of employment wherever possible (Bramley and Fitzpatrick, 2018). The intention of universal credit is promising a series of changes related to feeling investment has reduced the financial support for the individuals who need it the most. The reduced investment in the system has undermined the original name of the universal credit. It is for the same reason in current time it fails to provide the comprehensive safety that appropriately prevents the increasing incidence of homelessness. The situation is worsened by the continuous administrative floors and delays in implementing the stated proposal

The housing benefit no longer exists when the universal credit is completely rolled out. About several housing benefit budgets were centralized to package welfare changes with the prime introduction of public expenditure. There are well cuts introduced from 2011 to 2014 inclusive of the following to reduce the increased risk of homelessness (Webb et al. 2020):

reducing the housing alliance at a local level to 4 bedroom properties

setting weekly housing allowance based on the property size

changing the existing local housing allowance or LHA

extending the shared accommodation rate

However, Parisi et al. (2019) argued the availability of private rented sector with the food bill once in three different scenarios and can be termed as; living of the same weekly budget after paying the rent as the household, not in work this would create a high risk of homelessness

Legislation for addressing the increasing levels of homelessness

Advance payments were designed as a prime solution to cut off the initial wait period linked with universal credit. The changes were warmly embraced in 2017. In order to support homeless individuals, a solution was designed to stabilize a housing condition. It is proposed that they need to be given specific equivalents of advanced payment (Mabhala et al. 2016). This act aimed to support homelessness with immediate response by preventing financial hardship in the future due to the possible deduction while simultaneously reducing the risk of repeated homelessness. The government could make the support easily available through a grant for homeless individuals. This can work on supporting the possible intention of homelessness reduction and was formed in the year 2017 in England and homeless prevention under the act coined in 2014, the Housing Wales act (Pleace, 2016). The grant could be easily located by the housing options team working in collaboration with employment centers for mitigating the concern created with an intended incentive in the benefits system. The impact of the possible benefit care for individuals unable to extend has reduced through the implementation of a discretionary housing payment. Scotland, in 2016 fully developed a discretionary housing payment for the Scottish government in 2017, giving powers to legislate their own schemes (Bretherton, 2017). Instances, individuals will not necessarily have easy access to the local authority underlining the provision of homelessness. In England, the situation is likely to improve from 2018 after the duty is rightly implemented. The homelessness reduction act in 2017 identifying the homeless individual based on the categories set above (Hudson et al. 2017)

The legislative prevention of homelessness are contained in part 7 of the housing act 1996, inclusive of the following:

Principal criteria for determining the duties of the local authority for a homeless individual

The duties to inquiry into the application submitted by the homeless individuals

The possible ways the application should be notified the final decision undertaken

Duties pertaining to main accommodation and the ways it needs to be discharged

The possible ways that can be used to challenge a decision

The homelessness act introduced in the year 2002 requires local authorities to continuously review the labels of formulas class in there are located areas for formulating a specific strategy to tackle homelessness (Bland, 2018). The local Homelessness Act of 2011 changed 1996 by allowing the local authorities to end the primary housing duty by offering suitable accommodation preventing the private rented sector (Bland, 2018). The state secretary has the administration issued a regulation for specifying details regarding the provision of homelessness, containing particulars of proper practice that the local authorities need to embrace for reducing homelessness. Unfortunately, the guidelines are not legally binding. It is for the same reason the gap in legal structure makes it difficult for homeless individuals to obtain a proper mode of housing.

The social construction of homelessness

The ongoing debate related to homelessness diverges into two interpretations: individual into the station and structural analysis. A society specifically from the sociocultural perspective people put importance on independence highlighting the debate between different groups on whether homelessness is a personal failure or a socio-economic issue. The individual perspective carries the belief that homelessness is more of a single factor related to education health status minority and substance abuse (Bland, 2018). However, homelessness is mainly due to society stereotyping the possible financial where dance leads to dysfunction, creating several systematic ways for keeping the homeless, homeless. Do the ideologies related to human rights wherein great use to correct the unethical realities, and it still remained in question.

The existing structure perspective holds the perception homelessness is a structural issue arising due to cost availability (Young, 2018). The risk factor of homelessness is a lack of suitable employment corresponding increase with globalization and a decrease in bargaining power. Similarly, there is a shortage of affordable housing supporting the structural perspective on that account that housing is not readily available for people who are poor. Spaces have been demolished and replaced by businesses. The fourth risk is a mental illness, which are both structural and individual issues. Mental illness can arise from substance abuse and also from choices in life that are beyond the control of an individual, comparing the social and economic functions of the person. Further mode, the result of being homeless in society, leads to community discord and maltreatment. The maltreatment works on labeling the homeless individual as a dysfunctional person, typically ostracizing for the community (Bland, 2018). Finally, it needs to be concluded, public and poverty are interconnected, and it is for the same reason homeless individuals are referred to as the poorest of the poor.

The costly private lease combined with the lodging advantage prompts reason for vagrancy. Vagrancy in the UK pictures out to be a significant policy centered issue. Political guarantees about stopping the expanding number of destitute people amount to nothing gave the legislature doesn't have homes for the individuals to live in (Young, 2018). So as to handle the issue, the administration needs to take an interest in new ages of group homes and proceed with their crusade to ensure this occurs.

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On the basis of the above studies, it can be quickly concluded that homelessness is a social construct more than an individual contribution. The eradication of homelessness is a proactive approach taken by the social community and the government. The rise in number of homeless individuals crowding the city is not good for the city aesthetics. People need to be aware of the problems for these individuals and work on making the rents affordable to solve the root problem of homelessness

Reference list

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Boland, L. and Cunningham, M., 2019. Homelessness: Critical reflections and observations from an occupational perspective. Journal of Occupational Science, 26(2), pp.308-315.

Bramley, G. and Fitzpatrick, S., 2018. Homelessness in the UK: who is most at risk?. Housing Studies, 33(1), pp.96-116.

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Webb, W.A., Mitchell, T., Snelling, P. and Nyatanga, B., 2020. Life's hard and then you die: the end-of-life priorities of people experiencing homelessness in the UK. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 26(3), pp.120-132.

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