Harmony in the Waves: The Dynamic Relationship Between Wild Swimming and Regulation

Speaker Notes

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Slide 2

Slide 2 introduces the topic. Open water swimming is quite famous and linked with economic activities such as tourism. People are becoming more receptive of the idea and that is the reason why more participants have been drawn to it. The idea is a growing discipline which is conducted in a more natural outdoor platform such as in rivers, lakes and oceans. For those researching topics related to tourism and outdoor economic activities, open water swimming offers a rich field for exploration, making it a significant area of interest for economics dissertation help.

Slide 3

Slide 3 provides for the background of wild water swimming or otherwise the brief history of the same. The tentative beginning of open wild water swimming can be regarded to be in May 3, 1810 when Lord Byron swam several miles across the now Dardanelles, while departing from Europe to Asia. The first formal instance is documented in Athens Olympic Games in 1896 and the sport has grown ever since. In 2007, the FINA marathon began being held at different parts of the world.


Slide 4

Slide 4 continues on the background of open water swimming. For the last 20 years, there have been many events organized in lakes, rivers, reservoirs and ocean courses, especially in temperate nations with favorable water temperatures. The immediate competition in wild swimming was known as surf lifesaving, surf races are commonly held over long distances ranging from 400-1000m. The participants run from the beach and into their surfs, and then swim in a clockwise manner around 8 buoys row anchored at the back of the surf break.

Slide 5

This slide moves further to provide for how open water swimming gradually became an issue in the modern society. This slide fundamentally provides for the legal framework behind the sport. Negligence may come up as a result of being in contempt of an agreement which stipulates fundamental responsibilities. A duty of care is owed to the participants by the owners and operators of these wild swimming events. Such guidelines are stipulated in the UK Health and Safety at work Act of 197 and the Management of health and safety at work regulations of 1999. The same have also been stipulated in the UK Occupiers Liability Act of 1957, as amended in 1983.

Slide 6

The aims and the rationale behind the study have been provided for in this slide. The research does not in any way advocate for the prevention of the development of the sport. It instead tries to come up with ways in which the safety and the chances of survival of the swimmers can be improved.

This is based on the high possibility of accidents in the sport because of factors that are out of the control of the swimmers

Slide 7

This slide begins on the content of wild water swimming. Wild water swimming, also open water swimming is regulated by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) and the British Swimming. Despite the danger that is evident in open water swimming, these bodies don’t hinder the events, instead, they provide recommendations which offer guidance to the organizers and officials regarding the discharge of their duties. Wild water swimming has attracted participants to a tune of 10000; this huge number has unprecedented safety and health concerns because of its limited supervision. Such uncertainties could lead to catastrophes, chaos and legal actions

Slide 8

Slide 8 provides for the literature review. The review has focused on the experiences of four individuals: Vivien, Brooks, Furres and Frizzell; then expounded these experiences onto a study context. Vivien opines that despite the cold water felt by the body, it is important to know oneself and understand the limtations of your body in open water swimming. Brooks, then says that in wild swimming, it is important to dress warmly and grab hot drinks in order to prevent cases of imminent hypothermia.

Furres says that the passion is what drives one for regular swims, this happens especially in instances where one gets out of his/ her endurance. Frizzell then opines that sometimes, the mere thought of emerging from the wild waters can make someone feel better. This sport may be just what someone needs to get fit, cut weight and achieve a healthy state of mind.

Slide 9

Slide 9 continues on the literature review and provides for some of the values of wild water swimming. According to Kate (2019), the mental fortitude from wild water swimming is priceless. The actual activity shocks the body and in doing so, the body develops the urge to get accustomed to the challenge. The mental fortitude is therefore bolstered

There are two types of fat in the human body: white and brown fats. Previous, human beings had a balance of the two. However, humans under the modern age mostly accumulate the white type. Cold weather actually has the potential to activate the brown fat.

Fat is important as it keeps the body warm, as the same time, it is required to act as a substrate so as to produce energy. In so doing, it helps in the burning of calories therefore shedding off weight.

Wild water swimming also boosts the immune system. Enables increase in levels of antioxidant glutathione which checks the operations of other antioxidants in the body. Consequently, risk of developing cancer and heart related conditions is reduced

Slide 10

This slide provides for the development of the regulations in regards to wild water swimming. The swimming activity has increased its popularity towards the end of the 19th century following the Second World War because of the improvement and affordability of tourism. Other negative internal factors include increasing rate of pollution and the safety concerns. Over the past few years, swimming in inland water bodies has not been encouraged

Slide 11

Slide 11 provides for accidents in their relevance to the development of the of the framework. Accidents have partially informed some of the incidents where operators have forbidden wild swimming. A man in River Thames drowned while he was wild swimming. Another incident involved a 23 year old man who drowned in Shadwell basin in East London. Another incident involves the case of a 9 year old boy who almost drowned at the Beckenham, which is a new swimming lake. This incident even prompted the mother to petition the council to close the lake following safety concerns

Slide 12

This slide provides for how RoSPA plays a role in the sport; wild water swimming. For quite some time, the position of RoSPA has been to curtail swimming in inland water bodies. This position changed following the creation of RALSA. Activists were also involved in the push for change. In 2003, they campaigned for more access to open waters and more rational approaches towards the activities.

Wild swimming is however still forbidden in almost all local government- operated country parks. The Occupiers Liability Act of 1957, moreover, provides for a duty of care to be owed to any visitor coming into a property with the permission of the owner.

Slide 13

Slide 13 provides for the methodology of the research, specifically the research questions. These were found out to be:

Is the sport being undermined by any of the regulations in place?

Are the two factors (Regulations and the sport) mutually inclusive?

Is there any risk of overlap between the two factors?

Slide 14

Slide 14 provides for the research design and method of research. The research was based on a qualitative design. This entailed the collection of detailed information regarding the problems that relate to the lack of just and fairness in the regulations that govern wild water swimming. The baseline used to conduct the research was to ensure the best practice and safety of the sport. The qualitative research also involved 10 interviews with semi structured questionnaires. Appropriate and relevant information was also collected from websites, online journals and articles.

Slide 15

Slide 15 provides for the details of the research methodology. This slide provides for the qualitative method of research used in the study, the research design, research sample and the data collection tools used in the study. The use of semi- structured questionnaires enable the collection of opinions and thoughts of the subject matter.

Slide 16

Slide 16 starts on the results obtained from the research methodology conducted. This slide presents a line graph presenting the data on the estimated number of deaths by RoSPA annually that arise from wild water swimming

Slide 17

Slide 17 continues on the results. The slide presents the findings obtained on accidents statistics. The expected margin of error always present in wild water swimming is always bigger than indoor swimming. The causes reported by RoSPA included common mistakes such as people over estimating their capabilities regarding dangerous waters, among others. This slide also presents a graph on the fatalities as presented in the National Water Safety Forum report of 2017;

Slide 18

Slide 18 provides for a continuation of these results, accident statistics, specifically on deaths. In 2016, around 300 people lost their lives according to the National Water Safety Forum report. Males were regarded as most of the victims. Organizations under the umbrella of the National Water Safety Forum have now come together to try and curb the increasing number of wild water accidents. The objective is at least reducing the number of accidents by half. This slide presents a pie chart on these deaths comparing those that occurred in inland events and those from coastal events; and also a graph which provides for the difference of fatalities in gender form.

Slide 19

Slide 19 provides for the questionnaire findings. The interviewees selected were selected based on their suitability as some of them had experienced, or were a fan of wild water swimming. The opinions pointed towards the fact that wild water swimming in itself is not a dangerous sport, but it is the behaviors of the participants that may prove to be. Most of the interviewees also pointed out that the licensing procedure cut the number of accidents and reduced the number of casualties.

Slide 20

Slide 20 provides for the current regulatory regime as pointed out in the discussion. The guidelines in place dictate how different respective organizations should planning and organizing of events that take keen consideration on the safety of the participants

RoSPA took a step in publishing guidelines which provide for how open water swimming should be conducted. These guidelines are however merely recommendations and should be read together with the relevant laws in place for open water swimming. The current regime relies on a feedback system. This system works to check itself for flaws and report back on ways of improving it. This helps sustain standard practice and improve the quality of the practice. Most participants under this current regime prefer to be presented by staffs who are more experienced in the sport, far from just theoretical understanding.

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Slide 21

This slide presents the conclusion and the recommendations from the study conducted. There are three major driving forces of risk regulation under the current regime. The two major challenges experienced in open water swimming involve:

1. Balance of maintaining a fair business environment for the competitive sport and safety of the participants

2. The capacity of the government to regulate the sport

There are several bodies such as BS, HSE, ASA, WASA, SASA, AALA and RoSPA, together with activist groups which are working together in promoting the sport and its quality. The government should ensure that it effectively regulates the sport without overstepping its prerogative or compromising the rights of its participants. Things to keep in mind include value of the sport, allure of the sport, past accidents in the sport, the rights of participants as free people among other considerations.

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