The effectiveness of medical nutrition therapy


Background of the research

Diabetes one of the exceptionally common disease is also most ancient disease in this world. The people, who already are the victims of this diabetes, are also started experiencing noteworthy health concerns (Timón, et al., 2015) . The reason behind this is that the disease has worked as the catalyst and it became reason for other health problems. Almost all persons who are struggling with the chronic health issue, like obesity, they have affected by diabetes. However, this disease is become fatal also (OCRC, 2015). Primarily two types of diabetes are popular in this era though another one type is existed which is not seen as other variations. Around 90% people who are the victim of the chronic disease diabetes are suffering from type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes only can be managed with balanced diet and accurate lifestyle with the support of some medication (Mayoclinic, 2016). Managing type 2 diabetes is not so easy work as it includes Healthy eating, proper medication support, Regular proper exercise, and regular check-up of blood sugar level. Negligence in any can became fatal for any victim (Mayoclinic, 2016). For those researching this topic, seeking healthcare dissertation help can provide valuable insights and support.

MNT, known as medical nutrition-based treatment, is one type of treatment which is charted by any registered nutritionist or dietitian including a proper nutrition diagnosis combing with counselling and medication services needed for managing diabetes (Denny, 2016). Different type of therapeutic diets are used for managing diabetes. One of the most common diet is control diet which is normal calorie controlled diet and another is intervention diet where some more medication and dietary changes added with traditional therapies of managing diabetes (Evert, 2013).

The present paper has been structured to evaluate the importance of different type of diet of medical nutrition therapy for dealing with the chronic type 2 diabetes. This paper will give focus on to investigate the effect of different diet of medical nutrition therapy in managing glycated haemoglobin rate of blood which is indicator of type 2 diabetes and this paper also will give focus to investigate the effect of different diet in managing LDL level and weight which work like catalyst in increasing type 2 diabetes.


Research Aims and objectives

The primary objective of the research is to evaluate importance medical nutrition therapy for managing the chronic type 2 diabetes in the context of managing glycated haemoglobin rate of blood where the secondary objectives of the research is

To evaluate the effect of type of diet in managing weight of the participants

To evaluate the effect of type of diet in managing LDL level of the participants

The effect different type of diet in managing glycated hemoglobin rates of blood over the time

Significance of the research

The chronic disease diabetes is approximately affecting worldwide almost different range of people. Within different variations of this diseases, type 2 is most common diseases and most fatal also as this disease affect various organs of human body (Cherney, 2017). Obesity, one of the major cause of having diabetes, is increasing day by day in this era. So managing type 2 diabetes is became very important. MNT, known as medical nutrition-based treatment is one of the most popular traditional treatment for managing type 2 diabetes. Many professionals as well as academicians have documented that MNT is one of the effective treatment in maintaining the chronic diseases (Evert, 2013). That’s why this topic has been chosen for understanding the importance of medical nutrition therapy. After successful completion of this research, one should able to understand the effect of different diet of medical nutrition therapy managing the disease.

Limitation of the study

One of the major limitations of the present research study is conducting survey with the participants with Minimum and maximum age of 46.4 and 81.0 respectively and mean age is 66. The participants are already senior so their resisting power for fighting with any disease is already lowered so proper effect of MNT therapy in managing glycated hemoglobin level of blood will not understand properly. Other than obesity is now more common in younger people and young diabetic patients are now seen frequently. It will be better if the trials will be done with younger people also. Another major limitation of this study is pre study and other follow ups were not collected from the same participants that’s why proper time effect properly unable to be understood.

literature Review

Diabetes which is known as disease where blood sugar level is affected but it is not actually a disease related to blood sugar level rather than it is one type of syndrome of leptin and insulin gesturing (Mercola, 2015) .

According to the report of health sector, more people killed in every year because of diabetes disease rather than the AIDS and breast cancer combined. Worldwide more than 347 millions of people are the victim of this fatal diabetes which has been stated in the report of WHO (World health organization) (OCRC, 2015).

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Type 1 diabetes, normally life-long diabetes, is the condition which has been known as long term condition happened because of absence of insulin production in organ of the victim. This variation of diabetes has not almost any option to be cured by changing habits and lifestyle. Another type of diabetes, Type 2 diabetes happened because of unproductive usage of insulin in the body of the victim (OCRC, 2015; Mercola, 2015).

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the long lasting metabolic syndrome and it most commonly affect people. This is increasing steadily worldwide affecting younger to older all range of people. Type 2 DM is happened mainly for some lifestyle habits like obesity as well as genetics also. That’s why managing diabetes become so serious issue (Cherney, 2017).

So it is clear that this is the most common variation in all variations of diabetes. That’s why almost all research which has been done on diabetes tries to cover type 2 diabetes rather than other variations. Another reason for having more research on it this variation of diabetes is various serious effects so it can become the cause for arising various other severe problems of victim’s body. Increase low density lipoprotein level and weight are the sign of having obesity which is one of main reason for occurring type 2 diabetes (Olokoba, et al., 2012).

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Several incentives has been take for it like managing diabetes campaign which help to spread the seriousness of it as well as the importance of managing it. However managing diabetes is not so easy ( National Diabetes Education Program , 2010).

Medical Nutrition Therapy is basically known as cornerstone for managing diabetes mainly type 2 diabetes. Various study supports that medical nutrition therapy is helped to achieve the best result as diabetes treatment goals. The foremost priority for managing type 2 diabetes is related with focusing extensively on lifestyle habits like managing nutrition and exercise which will surely recover the metabolic consequences and the disease will be managed. That’s why Patients who are suffering from diabetes highly need proper balanced diet those are supported by scientific evidence for managing diabetes and it can be effortlessly nurtured everyday life as this diet have to be followed almost lifetime (Franz, et al., 2010). A study has been done because of the positive correlation is showed in between balanced diet and managing diabetes. That’s why MNT, provided by a nutritionist or dietitian is worked as a key component in diabetes treatment (Denny, 2016).

Not only researchers, The ADA (American Diabetes Association) also identifies the important role of MNT in managing diabetes. With MNT, ADA also give importance on education of diabetes and planning of intervention. Intervention includes the eating plan with more extensive management of diet with medication but this intervention method also more expensive rather than traditional control diet (Evert, 2013).

All these literature gave enough evidences which proved that MNT is effective traditional way for managing type 2 diabetes.

Quantitative Analysis procedure

The present research is conductedin order to determine the impact of medical nutrition therapy in managing type 2 diabetes. Trial was accomplished for this purpose for comparing control diet and intervention diet. Two follow-up were prepared in the interval of 2 years when those test was completed. The present report is designed in order to analyse the data collected from those follow-up for determining wheather any of the two diets is more effective than other one for managing diabetes. Other this this study is also designed to understand what factors have impact on manging this chronic disease. There were a total for 546 participants according to the survey data. Participants were referred for undergone any of two types of diet. Choosing of the treatments were randomised between control diet and intervention diet. Data collection was done by research assistants. At randomisation, the following data were collected on each participant. This experiment used a between-subjects design. After the collection of data, at first descriptive analyse was done to understand the data and visualizing it properly. According to Ghasemi and Zahedias, with enough large sample sizes (more than 30 or 40), the violation of assumption of normality should not make foremost difficulties which is indicating that parametric tests can be used when the data may not normally distributed but sample size is large (Ghasemi & Zahediasl, 2012). The data analysis is done with the help of SPSS. This sample contains 546 observations that why parametric tests will be done as the data is almost normally distributed in the context of large sample set. Before fulfilling the objectives of the research, it’s needed to be understood that the effect of gender in glycated haemoglobin level of blood as there is almost some differences found in diseases in the context of gender. For this partial correlation is chosen as it also helps to measure association of two continuous variables while controlling other continuous variable (Moya-Laraño & Corcobado, 2008). This test will determine the association between gender and glycated haemoglobin level of blood while controlling type of diet. For fulfilling primary objective of the research, at first independent t test will be done to understand the relation between glycated haemoglobin levels of blood (continuous variable) in the context of type of diet (categorical variable). Independent t test is chosen as because it tries to relate means of two fully unrelated groups or samples in a framework of same dependent variable which is continuous in nature (Kim, 2015). For fulfilling secondary objectives of the research, once again independent t test will be done to understand the relation between weights (continuous variable) and LDL (continuous variable) in the context of type of diet (categorical variable). For understanding extensively the effect different type of diet in managing glycated haemoglobin level in the context of different follow up time. Two way Anova has been selected as two-way ANOVA is basically done for understanding if the interaction between the two independent variables have some effect on dependent variable as well as the effect of each independent variable on the dependent variable (Kim, 2014). Finally the recommendation will be given as per the result obtained by analysing the data.

Result of Quantitative analysis

After primarily visualization of the data, it was found (Figure 1) that out of 548 participants, 49.4 (272) percent of the participants are female where 50.6 (276) percent of the participants are male. Hence it can said that gender wise the data is almost unbiased.

According to the summary of the height of the participants, the mean is 160.581. Minimum and maximum height of the participant are 138.7 and 191.5 respectively (Figure 2).

According to the summary of the weight of the participants, the mean is 66.297. Minimum and maximum weight of the participant are 41.1 and 107.2 respectively (Figure 2).

According to the summary of the age of the participants, the mean is 65.996. Minimum and maximum age of the participant are 46.4 and 81.0 respectively (Figure 2).

The effect of gender in glycated haemoglobin level

According to the result of partial correlation, there was a weak positive correlation between these variables which was statistically significant at the time of controlling for diet [R =0.141, p=0.001] (Figure 3). From this result it can be interpreted that the chances of finding gender wise variation of glycated haemoglobin level in blood, is very low.

The effect of type of diet in managing glycated haemoglobin level of blood of the participants

From the outcomes of the group statistic, it was found that the mean or average of haemoglobin level of blood of intervention diet patients is 7.197 and the mean or average of haemoglobin level of blood of control diet is 7.507 (Figure 4).

From the outcomes of independent sample test, it was found that the associated p-value of mean are .010 and 0.009 and that less than chosen significance level 0.05 (figure 5). Precisely the average change of haemoglobin level of blood of intervention diet is not same as to average change of haemoglobin level of blood of control diet. So it can be said that there is a significant impact of different type of diet was found in glycated haemoglobin level of blood.

The effect of type of diet in managing weight of the participants

From the outcomes of the group statistic, it was found that the mean or average weight of the participants having intervention diet is 66.33 and the mean or average weight of the participants having control diet is 66.3 (figure 6).

From the outcomes of independent sample test, it was found that the associated p-value of mean are .994 and 0.994 which are more than significance level 0.05 (figure 7). Precisely the average change of weight of the participants having intervention diet is almost equal to the average change of haemoglobin level of blood of control diet. So it can be said that there is no significant effect of different type of diet in managing weight.

The effect of type of diet in managing LDL level of the participants

From the outcomes of the group statistic, it was found that the mean or average of LDL level of blood of intervention diet is 124.4 and the mean or average of LDL level of blood of control diet is 130.8 (figure 8).

From the outcomes of independent sample test, it was found that the associated p-value of mean are .007 and 0.008 which are less than significance level 0.05 (figure 9) Precisely the mean of change of LDL level of blood of intervention diet is not equal to the mean of change of LDL level of blood of control diet.

So it can be said that there is a significant effect of different type of diet in managing LDL level of blood.

The effect different type of diet and the effect different follow up time in managing glycated haemoglobin level of blood

The result of ANOVA shows that the p-value of the analysis comes out to be .006 (figure 10) for type of diet, which is lesser than 0.05 so null hypothesis is rejected which means that there is statistically significant difference in the level of glycated haemoglobin in blood between different type of diet. The ANOVA table shows that the p-value of the analysis comes out to be .830 (figure 10) for different follow up time, which is more than 0.05 so null hypothesis is accepted. It illustleveld that there is no statistically significant difference in the level of glycated haemoglobin in blood as per different follow up time. The ANOVA table shows that the p-value of the analysis comes out to be .078 (figure 10) for the interaction between different type of diet and different follow up time, which is more than 0.05 so null hypothesis is accepted. It illustleveld that there is no statistically significant difference in the level of glycated haemoglobin in blood as per the interaction between different type of diet and different follow up time.

Conclusion of the study

According to the result obtained from data analysis, it was proved that the data is unbiased in the context of gender. Mean age of the participants are 66 which depicted that senior people are surveyed in this trial. According to the result of partial correlation gender wise high significant association is not reported in hb level. T statistics result revealed that the average hemoglobin level of blood is low in the participant who were on intervention diet and t test result revealed that type of diet has significant effect on managing hb level. No significant effect of different type of diet is revealed in managing weight but in managing LDL level significant effect has been reported and LDL level of participants having intervention diet is lower compared to participants having control diet. According to the result of two way Anova, only type of diet is making variance in managing glycated hemoglobin level of blood. All this proves that MNT therapy is effectively managing glycated hemoglobin level of blood between the participants and intervention diet of MNT therapy is working more efficiently than traditional control diet in monitoring glycated hemoglobin level of blood and LDL level which are two most important factors in managing diabetes.


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Moya-Laraño, J. & Corcobado, G., 2008. Plotting partial correlation and regression in ecological studies. Web Ecology, Volume 8, p. 35–46.

Olokoba, A. B., Obateru, O. A. & Olokoba, L. B., 2012. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Review of Current Trends. Oman medical journal, p. 269–273.

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Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive Statistics



Group Statistics

Group Statistics

Independent Samples Test

Independent Samples Test

Group Statistics

Group Statisticsr

Independent Samples Test

Independent Samples Test

Group Statistics

Group Statistics

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Graphical representation of two way Anova result

Graphical representation of two way Anova result

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