Business Analysis and Planning

  • 14 Pages
  • Published On: 17-11-2023


In the recent era of globalisation, there is high requirement of safe and quality health and social care services, where the number of service users is also increasing at a rapid rate. The report is about analysing the quality of the health and social care services at national Health Service or NHS through developing the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’, which is one of the effective planning for the organisation to look forward in near future and strategies their health and social acre activities to serve the patients efficiently. The efficiency and productivity of the NHS are mandatory to support the social communities as a whole, where it is possible for the health care service providers to treat the patients with acre and continuous support and improve their standard of living (Makin and Groves, 2020). The report is effective for representing the future planning of NHS by developing the budgetary plan and strategises the organisational activities so that the institution would be successful to treat the social communities with continuous treatment and high quality services. in the first part of the report, there is discussion of the strategic relevance of the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ and additionally, the report is also effective to choose the right method of collecting the data and information about NHS and analyse their financial position to develop further budgetary planning in near future. In the third part, there would be budgetary planning according to the expenses and cash flows which would be beneficial to invest adequate amount of capital to develop the strategic tactic for fulfilling the organisational objective. For those seeking healthcare dissertation help, this report offers valuable insights into the strategic planning and financial analysis of NHS.

Background of the organisation

NHS is the publically funded health care system of the UK where the organisation is responsible to treat the social communities of the UK as a whole with updated technology, latest treatment and continuous support as well as quality care so that the aim of maximising the standard of living of the individual can be fulfilled in near future. the organisation is able to support all the social communities, where the health care service providers including the doctors, nurses, genera physicians, surgeons, psychiatrics, physiotherapist, staff members and social car workers are working as a team to serve the service users in the society, there are huge numbers of patient, depending on the NHS services where the organisation is also efficient to deliver high quality services including, medication, health screening, surgeons, first aid services, counselling and mental treatment, therapy and other health related services which are helpful to maximise the wellbeing of the individuals (NHS, 2020a). It is one of the effective organisations, which is working efficiently in the recent pandemic era of COVID 19, where the doctors and nurses are working efficiently to treat the patients and contribute successfully to reduce the death rate of the patients. The report is about developing the three year planning with a budget of 1 million, where all the cash flows are expected as per the planning and strategic tactic. It is mandatory for the organisation to strategies their business and enhance the practice of integrated working so that the patient assessment and treatment can be enhanced with quality services and continuous support. It is also necessary for the firm to identify the activities, through which the strategy of ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ can be handled and the organisation would be able to execute the planning with adequate capital investment to strategise their workplace and enhance the productivity and performance of the heath care services providers (NHS, 2020b).


Strategic relevance of ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’

‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is one of the great initiatives of the organisation, where the report provides a scope to strategise the whole operations and enhance the integrated working practice in the institution. The workers includes the doctors, nurses, staff members as well as the general physicians, surgeon, social workers, psychiatrics and therapist, who are efficient to serve the patients efficiently and fulfil their health and personal requirements as well successfully (Price, Green and Suhomlinova, 2019). The report is about developing the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ to support the organisational workforce and lead them successfully towards achieving the future sustainable development. NHS is responsible to serve the efficient treatment and continuous care to all the patients in the UK and in order to fulfil the objective, it is mandatory to strategise the whole process. The target service of the NHS is health screening and treatment, which is one of the major services, provided by NHS. The organisation is also efficient to serve the patients after effective patient assessment and in this regard the target service user group are the old age individuals living in the UK (NHS, 2020b). There is huge numbers of old age population in the country and it is the responsibility of the NHS to support them with health and mental care treatment as well as provide quality services so that they can live a normal living style and ensure a heath lifestyle in future. there are various treatment facilities and health screening activities, through different health care tests which are effective for the organisation to treat the individuals and support them with latest health care services, technology and treatment, medicines and therapy which are best suited for the patients to overcome their physical or mental health so that they would be able to lead a normal life like others (NHS, 2020b). The strategic relevant of developing the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ are such as,

The strategic relevant is to maintain the standard of the health care service, where it is the responsibility of the organisation to serve the best care and treatment to the patients. NHS mist focus on maintaining the quality standard and provide good and upgraded treatment after successful patient assessment (Price, Green and Suhomlinova, 2019). Hereby, the major purpose of the strategy of ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is to maintain the quality standard of the treatment and care of the NHS so that it would be possible to fulfil the health requirements of the patients.

For maintaining the productivity and performance of the staff, where the main strategic aim of ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is to develop integrated workplace. the health and social care service is a integrated service, where all the health care service providers including the doctors, nurses, staff members as well as the general physicians, surgeon, social workers, psychiatrics and therapist, who need to work as a team to maximise the quality of the health care service. All the members contribute efficiently to assess the patient for successful health screening and identify the actual health issues to maximise their health outcome (Price, Green and Suhomlinova, 2019). The target user group for the report is the old age people where in the UK, there is increasing numbers of old age individuals, who need adequate health and social care services for improving their wellbeing in long run. Strategic relevance of the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is hereby effective where the aim of the strategy is to develop integrated workforce, where all the health care providers can perform together and maximise patient care. The organisation focuses on maximising the patient care by delivering high quality treatment and continuous services and in this regard cooperation among the service providers is one of the major strategies to protect the patient safety and health and treat them with high quality services.

Another strategic relevance of ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ lies behind maximising the patient centred care, and this is one of the strategic aims of the NHS, where the managers and leader focuses on developing the care plan according to the health needs and the personal preferences of the patients. The ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is helpful for the organisation to develop patient centred care and ensure that the institution is efficient to deliver high quality services and treatment to fulfil the expectations of the individuals. Developing the care plan is effective where the patients are empowered well and encouraged to share their feedback, personal experience and emotion while thee service providers are able to identify their needs and create the care plan accordingly so that the patient care can be maximised.

The ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is also effective to fulfil the aim of enhancing

communication, which further contributes in maximising productivity and efficiency of the staff. Enhancing the internal communication is a strategic aim, which can be fulfilled by ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ and in this regard, developing the integrated workforce can also be achieved accordingly. The organisation NHS can encourage the staff and enhance the internal communication to create good corporate culture, where all the service providers can share their opinion and create care plan for the patients cooperatively (Elliott, Day and Lichtenstein, 2020). Hence, the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is helpful for the NHS to create further planning or delivering high quality services to all the target individuals or service users. The service providers at NHS and the social workers as well can collaborate and serve the patient together to maximise their wellbeing.

Usefulness of the report to represent annual service review to the local authority

The report provides a scope to resent the annual service review t the local authority, where the strategic relevance of the planning ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is discussed efficiently. From the above discussion, it can be stated that, the planning of ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ for future advancement and improvement of the NHS services are relevant to the institution where it would be possible for the firm to serve the patients efficiently and enhance theory capability to provide high quality treatment and medication to the target service users, where they can maximise their wellbeing (Darling and Venkitachalam, 2020). The report is effective to strategise the institution for developing an integrated workforce, where all the service providers can collaborate and create patient care plan for treating the individuals with continuous care and services. The organisation NHS can create good corporate culture and strategise the operations to deliver high quality health and social services. In this regard, the report to the local authority is effective where the local authority can also cooperate and agree the planning for future improvement of the NHS. The capital investment for the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ planning would be 1 million for the three years and within 3 years, it would be possible for the firm to maintain cash flows and invest in adequate activities to promote patient care and integrated workforce. Promoting patient care and integrated workforce are the major strategic relevance of the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ at NHS where it would be possible for the institution to maximise the productivity and efficiency of the staff through improving internal communication and collaboration so that the service providers can deliver high quality services together.

Critically discussing the similarities between qualitative and quantitative analysing

Quantitative and qualitative data analysis is effective for collecting the information and data and evaluated the raw data efficiently for identifying the phenomenon and the analytical information. The major similarities are such as unbiased information, secondary data, and information, where it is possible for the researcher to collect the authentic data sources and analyse it efficiently. The qualitative and quantitative data analysis is both effective for the research and developing further planning after in depth analysis. In this study, the data analysis is mandatory for developing the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ planning for NHS, where it is possible for the leader and the management team to maintain good corporate working practice and fulfil the above mentioned strategic relevance of the planning. The organisation is financial stable and responsible to serve the patients in the UK and in this regard, he target service users are mainly the old age group of the UK where the services are health screening and treatment, in which NHS is efficient to conduct health screening or acknowledging the actual health needs and personal preferences o the patients as well as improve efficacy of the staff for treating the patients with continuous support and latest treatment facilities (Checkland et al., 2018).

Evaluating differences between qualitative and quantitative data analysis

There are differences in the qualitative and quantitative data analysis method, and in this regard, the qualitative data analysis can be conducted by analysing and evaluated the findings on the basis of existing information and secondary data. On the other hand, the quantitative data analysis can be conducted by charts, figures and numerical data as well as applying the statistical models such as SPSS to analyse the findings critically. Qualitative data analysis is subjective and the data cannot be computed, but in the quantitative data analysis, the objective is to quantify the data and analyse it through statistics. The qualitative analysis is to understand certain phenomenon and social interactions. The quantitative analysis is related to hypothesis and future prediction s where there is statistical interpretation and data analysis. Research methodology in qualitative data analysis is exploratory, but for quantitative analysis, it is conclusive. Hence, there are several differences between the quantitative and qualitative analysis. For this particular report, the qualitative data analysis is beneficial to identify the secondary information about NHS and the theory tactics to treat the patients. Additionally, qualitative analysis and identifying the phenomenon of employee management and developing integrated working practice would be beneficial to create ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ planning for the benefits of NHS where the institution would be able to maximise patient care in near future (Allsop, 2018). The qualitative data analysis method is also beneficial in this report, to analyse the secondary information and strategise the business plan of NHS to enhance their performance and productivity of the staff. In the recent pandemic era of COVID 19, the staff members face difficulties to treat the patients with the virus and the number of positive cases is also increasing at a rapid rate (Gee and Cooke, 2018). Thus, qualitative data analysis is beneficial, where it is possible to acknowledge that, NHS needs to create good working practice and integrated working practice is beneficial for the institution to manage the patients and cooperate with the service providers to deliver high quality health and social care services as a team.

Secondary data types and benefits

The data collection method must be chosen efficiently, as per the report outline and the data required for conducting the business project. This is related to analysing the services required at NHS and the target service user group, where the NHS is able to serve the best quality health and social care services to the patients. There are two types of data collection method, one is primary and the second is secondary data collection technique, in this particular report, the secondary data collection method is effective for reviewing the existing theories and concept related to this study. The study is about NHS to develop ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ planning for enhancing integrated working practice at the institution. For this, it is mandatory to choose secondary data collection method, where the strategic planning NHS, as well as the current market trend, patient demand, the treatment available for the patients is the major information useful for this project. The secondary information can be collected through the secondary sources such as books, journals, articles, online published newspapers, website of NHS and the annual report. These are the major secondary sources of information, which are beneficial to collect the authentic data sources for this report. The report is beneficial to submit to the local authority about the future planning of NHS, where the institution focuses on developing integrated working practice to maximise the performance of the staff and efficacy of all the service users so that the patient care can be delivered successfully (Williams, Allen and Plahe, 2018). The service, required in the UK can be acknowledged through the secondary sources o information as well as the analysis and secondary information about the target service user group are also beneficial for the NHS to choose the target group and strategise their health acre operational activities to support the patients, who are in need of high quality health and social care services. recent market trend as well as the service efficiency of the NHS are also discussed and analysed through reviewing the NHS website and annual report which are also beneficial for developing the report and create further ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ planning for sustainable improvement of the health and social care service at NHS.

Budgetary planning

Budgetary planning is mandatory to be developed efficiently with effective identification of the different investment and cash flows so that the organisation can strategise the whole process of working and create a good planning for maximising the productivity and performance of the staff members. The estimated budget for the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is 1 million pound and the planning is for three years, where there are different factors in which the investment is mandatory for the institution in order to maximise the organisational strategic aim. The strategic aim of the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is to maximise the performance of the staff by developing integrated working practice at the institution and in this regard enhancing communication and cooperation, as well as implementing IT framework and latest technology and corporate culture are effective to execute the strategy and invest in the activities in near future.

Table 1: Financial data for business planning of NHS (in Pound)

Financial data for business planning of NHS Identification of Key Strategic Issues

Identification of Key Strategic Issues

The major factors in which NHS needs to invest are such as,

Staffing of the management team

Front line manager handling

Providing training and development program

Maintaining safety of the service providers

Maintaining infection control at the workplace

Insurance policy for the staff

Administrative cost

Group discussion session

Implementing ICT at the NHS

Developing integrated system through cloud computing

The total estimated budget is 1 million pound for the three years and as per the budgetary planning, in the first year the investment needs to be higher to establishing the IT framework and technological implementation and for the first year, it is £500000, and for the next two years, the investment will be less than the first year as the IT framework and organisational set up are already established efficacy in the first year. For the second year, the estimated budget would be £300000 and for the third year it would be £200000. Hence, the total budgetary requirement for the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is 1 million pound, and the expected time would be three years, within which the company would be able to maximise their strategic aim. The activities, such as staffing, recruiting the right service providers at NHS as well as front line manager handling are important to manage the health care service quality. Moreover, there would be administrative cost and other expenses related to arranging training and development program for the service providers, arranging general meeting at the institution and group discussion session (Rodriguez-Labajos, Thomson and O'Brien, 2017). Additionally, the health and safety of all the service providers are maintained efficiently at the workplace and in this regard, the insurance policy, infection control actions as well as security of the service providers are managed well and there is adequate investment for these activities, so that thee leader at NHS can satisfy the workers and lead them successfully towards achieving the future success. the service providers including the doctors, nurses, staff members as well as the general physicians, surgeon, social workers, psychiatrics and therapist are feeling valued at the workplace and they try to cooperate for better productivity and performance efficacy (NHS.UK., 2015). On the other hand, the technological advancement plays a crucial role in implementing the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ and there are the activities such as implementing ICT or Information and Communication Technology and cloud computing which have great impacts on the service efficiency and performance of the NHS. The computerised system and digital database management system are effective for maintaining the patient data as well as personal information of the staff securely. ICT is an integrated system for enhancing the internal communication at NHS. It further encourages the staff to interact with each other and work as a team for treating the patient with quality care and treatment. This is hereby beneficial for the organisation to enhance communication and cooperation and it further contributes in developing the integrated working practice at the workplace (NHS.UK., 2015).

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Control and evaluation

Controlling the above mentioned planning and evaluating the tactics of fulfilling the ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ is mandatory, in this regard, regular monitoring and performance review of the staff are necessary at NHS to strategise the whole process and enhance internal communication and collaboration for developing integrated working practice. Employee management as well as encouraging the service providers by providing safety and security at the workplace, incentives and rewards, infection control activities and other motivational factors such as management, good bonding with the service providers and internal communication are the major strategies which are beneficial for the NHS to maintain good working culture and secure future sustainable development. For delivering high quality treatment and care after health screening, it is necessary for the institution to develop integrated working practice and it is beneficial for the NHS to maximise patient care and ensure that the standard of living of the individuals would be maximised as well in long run (NHS.UK., 2015). Hence, the budgetary planning is beneficial for the NHS to invest adequate capital and ensure that the service and care are at the high quality standard. Implementing the information technology at the workplace, cloud computing for maintain digital database of the service providers as well as the service users as well as continuous monitoring are beneficial to control the planning and maximise the strategic aim of the organisation. The above mentioned strategic budgetary planning is hereby beneficial for the organisation NHS to provide the report to the local authority and enhances the workplace culture for encouraging the service providers to work as a team and maximise patient care.


Through the report, it is possible to acknowledge that, the organisation NHS is able to strategise their operations and develop a ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ planning for enhancing the integrated workplace, so that the workers, staff and nurses as well as the doctors and health care service providers and social workers can work collaboratively to treat the patients with care. The service chosen here is the health screening and the treatment, where the old age people can get high quality treatment and continuous care at NHS according to their physical and mental health issues. The service providers are collaboration and communication with each other for creating a good care plan and treat the patients with latest treatment, medication and continuous support. The ‘NHS Five Year Forward View’ plan is hereby beneficial for the institution NHS to strategise their workplace and enhance integrated working practice for maintain the health care quality standard as well as maximise the efficacy and productivity of the service providers at the organisation. The budget of 1 million is invested in the plan for the three year strategic tactic where NHS would be able to create good working culture and invest the capital for developing the organisational workplace, where all the workers can cooperate and work as a team to maximise patient care.

Reference List

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