Pro-Go's Strategic Response to Market Challenges


Pro-Go Pvt Ltd is a privately owned manufacturer that produces high-quality action cameras. It was headquartered in Geelong Victoria. Being founded in 2004, this company has high growth year on year till the last financial years. However with the manufacture of smartphone which has high-quality cameras that have the features if capturing videos, which pose effective competition to this Pro-Go company. Moreover, due to the ever increasing demand of the smart phones for its high-quality video capturing cameras, the future of Stand-\alone cameras is going be limited. This situation poses strong marketing threats to the Pro-Go, in terms of maintaining their profit leek and year on year growth inconsistent. Moreover, most of the cameras of Pro-Go burst into flames without any reason, which makes the bad market reputation of this company in the internal markets. This report is going to discuss the strategies that the management team of Pro-Go Pvt Ltd is going to take in order to regain the market position and resolve the problems. Moreover, this report is important for discussing how the management team of Pro-Go Pvt Ltd will formulate the proper response to this situation, by using the innovating marketing strategies and relevant approaches.


This report aims to discuss the development of proper strategic choices that would be developed by the management team of Pro-Go Pvt Ltd in order to solve the problems that the company faces in recent times.


Key themes to address:

Theme 1: Development of innovative strategic choice can formulate proper problem-solving approach:

According to Ansoff et al. (2019), in order to deal with the different market issues, any organisational needs to set the relevant strategic choice that can be ft with the current situation in order to solve the issues. In order to make the proper strategies choice, the management team of pro-Go needs to focus on the following aspects:

Strategies to improve product quality:

In order to solve the product related issues, the management team of an organisation needs to take relevant strategies to develop product quality (Chang, 2016). In the case of Pro-Go, it faces the huge jeopardise in the international market due to the poor quality if most of the cameras which burst into flames. In order to deal with this situation, the management team, of the Pro-Go Pvt Ltd needs to focus on improving be quality of camera lenses and the lens flare. Moreover, the management team would also set strategies for quality checking and assuring of each camera before they are sent to the sellers. As stated by Engert, Rauter & Baumgartner (2016), in order to solve the product-related issues the management team needs to check the quality and proper functions of product so that the buyers would face any type of inconvenient service. In this aspect, the management team of Pro-Go needs to check the body of the camera, in order to understand that the reason behind the bursting of cameras. Moreover, the light detector system can be included in the strategic planning of the Pro-Go managers in order to test the whether the light passes through the camera lenses makes any defect into the camera screen or body.

Implications on operation management due to the disruption:

There are five implications of the disruption faced by ProGo which have a potential impact on the company's operation management process. The five implications of the operation management process are as follows:

Redundancies /employee motivation:

In order to deal with the recent issues that ProGo faces, the management team can focus on both the termination and of staffs and employee motivation. As there is a huge reduction of demand need of ProGo camera in the marketers, HR managers can terminate staffs who are old and do not have proper capability to do any job efficiently. As stated by (0, employee termination can pose the negative effect on the organisation, to deal with this aspect, pro-go managers needs to focus ion m maintaining the employee motivation process by providing reward and small incentives.

Protection of knowledge/ Key persons:

In this context, ProGo managers need to discuss the termination process with the union and departmental managers in order to protect the organisation from any kind of controversies and conduct. After disruption, knowledge protection is an important process, which can provide effective knowledge to staffs in order to keep their interest in the organisation. In this aspect, ProGo managers need to involve the staffs in order to motivate them to work in a synergistic manner.

Low machine utilisation/ output:

Due to low demand if ProGo camera, most of the machines would not be used. Management team of this company can make the low machine utilisation by using only a few machines which are sufficient to meet the product demand. Through this process, the management team would be able to curt the manufacturing cost of the overall organisation.

Higher overhead:

The management team of ProGo needs to fix the overhead rate high as the production volume is low. Through this process, it is able to manage the extra cost and the annual loss faced by this company

Storage /warehouse:

Management team of ProGo would handle the additional stock and recall stock in well-organised manner in order to use them in appropriate time.

Financial implications:

Compensation to victims:

Due to the bursting of cameras into flames most of the people have been affected severely. Therefore, the management team of ProGo needs to offer compensation to the people and the clients to which their cameras have been sold. Through this process, it is possible to make a positive reputation and image of this company.

R & D Investment:

Through prepare research and development process it is possible for organisation to find out the cause if any type of disruption. In this context, management team of ProGo needs to invest in R&D process in order to find out the appropriate causes behind bursting of cameras into flames. Moreover, this process will also assist this company to develop new design and strategies in order to solve the product issues and regain its market reputation.

Marketing for future products:

In order to deal with the disruption, ProGo can emphasize on marketing their furore products that can assist the marketers to regain the customers. Through promoting the new products with assuring the high-quality ProGo can maintain the standard in term of meeting customer expectation.

Strategies to deal with liquidation threats that Pro-Go currently faces:

If a company is in the liquidation stage that means it is going through the severe monetary crisis and the cash flow insolvency (Kono, 2016). Pro-Go Pvt Ltd faces the liquidation threats in recent times due to their cancellation of the agreement with the overseas market and bad internal market reputation. In this aspect, the management team of this company needs to take effective strategies in order to fix the issues. The management team can promote their products by using social media, in order to approach the internal investor for grabbing their attention towards the company profile. In this aspect, the management team needs to make the media conference in order to declare that they have already fixed the issues with their camera quality, which would assist the internal customer about the high quality of the camera. This can convince internal investors and marketers in order to resign their agreement with Pro-Go.

Strategies for developing the skill and knowledge of staffs:

According to Martin et al. (2016), strategies management process is associated not only with the developing the relevant strategies choice to fix the issue but also with developing skills and proficiency of the staffs in the company. The management team of Pro-Go needs to focus on developing the skills and efficiency level of the technical staffs, manufacturers and the quality checker, in order to assure that the company would not face the quality issues regarding the product and service again in the future. Moreover, the management team can appoint the talented and smart employee in the technical and manufacturing department in order to make the camera quality higher than the previous level which would assist the buyers to meet their needs without facing any type of disruptive service.

Risk assessment strategies:

Risk assessment strategies are important for organisations in order to deal with any kind of issues (Meixell & Luoma, 2015). In order to assist Pro-Go to deal with issues its product quality and oversees relationship, the management team needs to make a proper risk assessment framework. Under this risk assessment process, the managers would determine, identify and analyse the actual risk that is associated with the current situation of this company. For examples, technical and manufacturing managers of Pro-Go would focus on the reason behind the liquidation there that the company faces. Moreover, the managers would also analyse the reason behind the bursting of cameras into flames. If the technical staffs are unable to fund out the proper reason behind the camera bursting issue, it is important to send the camera to laboratory in which the researcher would check the material and feature of the camera body and lenses in order to find out the actual reason behind this issue. Pro-Go management team would also focus on developing the proper quality checker system which would be used to detect any type of defects in cameras before they are sent to the seller. Pre-selling tests would be done by the manufacturers and product managers of Pro-go in order to ensure that the cameras are working in proper manner would out making any disturbances.

Theme 2: Strategies for rebuilding a relationship with the overseas market is important for redeeming the international market reputation

Rebuilding the relationship with China:

Pro-Go Pvt Ltd faces severe liquidation threats as most of the potential; oversees [partner of this company has cancelled the business agreement with this company, due to the bursting of cameras into flames. Recently Pro-Go has faced the cancellation of an agreement by the Zeong Lee Spot stores chain in China which is the biggest customers of this company. According to Mok., Shen & Yang (2015), strategies for rebuilding the business relationship with the overseas market, the organisation needs to improve its product and service. In this aspect, the Pro-Go management team would set strategies for developing the camera quality in order to assure the customer would not face the bursting of cameras into flames in the future. Through promoting the product quality and service assurance to the Lee Spot stores chain in China the management team of Pro-Go can convince this company to resign the deal.

Promoting high-quality product and service through social media:

In order to rebuild the relationship with China and other overseas market, managers of Pro-Go can set an effective online and offline promotional strategy. As stated by Rothaermel et al. (2015), online promotion is done through the social media, emails and online blogs and the offline promotion is conducted through the media conference, official conference with the internal marketers and promotional campaigns. Through conducting the media conferencing, public relations meetings, official conference with the oversee customers, it would be possible for the Pro-Go to reset their position in the international market. Moreover, through promoting their product over social media, the company can assure the customers and international clients about the quality as well as durability cameras and other products. the management team of Pro-Go can also conduct the promotional campaigns in different regions of China and overseas marketers in order to assure the customer such as Zeong Lee Spot chain in China, about the quality if camera.

Privacy legislation:

Under the Privacy Act 1988, every organisation should maintain the confidentiality and privacy in order to disclose and store personal information of the company, clients and customers. In order to rebuild the relationship with the international clients, Pro-Go needs to follow the guidelines Privacy Act 1988 in order to ensure the clients regarding the confidentiality of information. Under the Privacy Act 1988, Pro-Go management team needs to the high level of security in terms of using the official database of the clients and customers. This act also prohibits unauthorised access to the database. Therefore, in order to rebuild the relations with Chin, Pro-Go can develop strong and confidential information storage and delivery system that would assure the confidentially of the personal database.

Theme 3: Technological innovation is important for Pro-Go in competing with high-quality smart phones cameras:

Strategies for making technological advancement:

As stated by Weaver et al. (2017), technologies play an important role in product development, service improvement and the establishment of the business footprint of the company. in order to deal with the recent issues, the management team of Pro-Go can develop strategies in order to make the effective changes in the existing technologies such as the installation of new software, high memory hardware and the different application program. Moreover, downloading different software and operating system in cameras, the technical managers can develop the quality and durability if each camera. By installing the instant quality checking facility in camera, managers if Pro-Go can offer the customers with the innovative facility so that customers can easily check the quality and memory status of their camera software. Technical team if Pro-Go is going to focus on improving the material of camera's body, in order to provide the camera with string and the hardy surface that would be fire protected.

Improving the connected device:

The standalone camera, that Pro-Go manufactures has a memory card that is embedded into the inner part of its body. Moreover, the camera can be connected to the laptop and PC in order to install any software or operating system into it. As stead by Weaver et al. (2017), sometimes connected device can make the adverse changes in the system and memory status of the electronic device which reduce the durability of the product. Technical managers of Pro-Go need to focus on checking different points of the camera in order to ensure that the connected device does not bring any adverse changes in the camera quality. Moreover, each connection point of the camera would be tested before sending them to the sellers in order to ensure that customers can use this camera without any issue.

Installation of new future and software for the betterment of camera quality:

The management team of Pro-Go needs to install the software and application program into the camera in order to improve its quality. Through setting online fire alarm software into the camera, the management team of Pro-Go can make the camera smarter and better than the previous model. Moreover, through using proper online research, managers of Pro-Go can choose though best material for manufacturing the fire-protected body of camera, which would assure the durability and quality of these products in flames.

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From the abovementioned discussion, it can be concluded that effective strategies choice is important for the organisation in order to make the proper problem-solving frame. Through using the relevant strategies, the company can generate new opportunities for itself which assist the organisational leaders to deal with the ever-changing market trend. Pro-Go, the famous camera manufacturing company faces issues regarding its camera quality which burst into flames. Due to the quality issues, this company faces bad market reputation which not only cancellation of international agreements but also pose the liquidation threats on this company. In this aspect, proper strategies management is important for the organisation through which the mangers of Pro-Go can solve the issues, the strategies that are going to be taken by the team are technical advancement, online and offline product promotion, improving the product quality and developing proper risk assessment framework.

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