
  • 12 Pages
  • Published On: 20-05-2024
mean age

The mean age for respondents is coming out to be 49.18 years. The histogram shows that the data for age is normally distributed.

mean height

The mean height of the respondents is coming out to be 65.06 inches. Further, the histogram shows that the data is negatively skewed.

 histogram shows Whatsapp

The mean IQ for the respondent is coming out to be 106.78. Further, the histogram shows that the data is positively skewed.

 mean IQ

As per the bar graph, females outnumbered the males in the survey.

females outnumbered

As per the bar graph, the majority of the respondents were single or never married to never in CP

bar graph CP

As per the bar graph, people like to ready Sun, Daily Telegraph and The Guardian the most.

Daily Telegraph  The Guardian

As per the bar graph, most people were identified as the Labour party, followed by the Conservative party.

Should we change or keep the voting system for general elections?: Versions B, C

 voting system

Please feel that there should be a change in the voting system for the house of the general election.

How important is it for Britain to have a monarchy?: Version B

Britain monarchy

People feel it is quite important for the British to have a monarchy.

British British monarchy

Majority of the respondents feel that it is fairly difficult to move from one class to another.

Null Hypothesis  Higher IQ Level

As per the bar graph, the majority of the people were not interested in revealing their religion. Among those who revealed, highest belonged to the church of England

religion job

Majority of the people agreed to the fact that their job is useful for the society.

IV is ClassMov and DV is Monarchy. There is a causal relationship between the two as if people think that class should be changed that means it is important for Britain to have a monarchy.

The set of co-variables are Rage and IQ. Higher the age, it is expected that higher will be the IQ. Other variable that may influence this relationship is gender.

ClassMov and Monarchy are nominal variables, whereas, age and IQ are scale variables.

Null Hypothesis: People are not interested in moving from one class to another to become Monarch.

Alternative Hypothesis: People are interested in moving from one class to another to become Monarch.

Alternative Hypothesis: Elder people have Higher IQ Level

Null Hypothesis: Elder people do not have Higher IQ Level

Alternative Hypothesis

The mean for a female is coming out to be 111.88, and that of the male is 100.78. This shows that there is some difference in IQ between the genders, but whether this is significant can be seen from the independent t-test.

Order Now mean for a female

As per independent t-test, t(48) = -3.94; p= 0.000. Since the p-value is less than the critical alpha value of 0.05, there is a significant difference in IQ between the genders. IQ of the female is higher than that of the male.

independent t-test

As per Pearson’s correlation (r) = 0.158; p = 0.272. A positive correlation coefficient shows a positive association between age and IQ. Further, the p-value is more than the critical alpha value of 0.05; there is no significant positive association between age and IQ. That is, one can say that it's not necessary that an elder person will have higher IQ vice-versa.

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