Driving Success through Synergy

Part 1: Comparative Industry Analysis

A. Comparison of Two industries

From the recent dynamics in the world, it is clear that the finance sector cannot stand on its self and rely on its concepts, and thoughts for success, rather it has to complement itself with ideologies, and principles of other sectors too. One sector that has completely revolutionized business is the technology sector, besides technology the marketing has also been a fundamental sector in the financial sector in the recent years. Through technology and marketing, companies have been able to understand their targeted market by learning the needs, tastes and preferences of consumers, reach out to them, and successfully monitor their consumption patterns. In this regard, this section will assess the dynamics in two industries which are technology and market, by examining various changes/ developments in the respective industries, recent changes, anticipated changes and the associated graduate placements. For those exploring this intersection, seeking finance dissertation help can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Technology Industry

The technology industry provides a range of goods for both individual customers and other business. Different consumer goods like mobile devices, wearable technology, and home appliances among others are repeatedly being enhanced and sold to individual clients with new features, designs and enhancements (Piercy 2018, p. 271). In terms of business, organizations majorly depend on different technological innovations that are manufactured in the technological sector to establish business enterprise software, systems that support and enhance logistics, database protection and majorly provide essential information that facilitates business managers to make strategic decisions.


Developments in the technology sector in the previous decades and particularly the global extension and establishment of business software integrated with pre-determined network technology, which is majorly the internet, have facilitated business organizations to transcend across different traditional geographical borders The developments and enhancements of the technology industry led to various impact which affects employees, companies and even the government (Fullerton, Brooksbank, and Neale 2017). With the development of a faster and more reliable network system, technology has simplified various aspects of business to appoint where everything can be accessed through a mobile phone. Features such as mobile banking, mobile marketing and mobile e-commerce platforms have developed to become one of the most notable aspects of technology in the current market (Heracleous and Papachroni 2016). Besides, technology has facilitated the management of different information systems that have been used to automate business tasks, support the whole business process, and help in the decision-making process. Technology has been used to automate simply tasks like word processing and more multifaceted tasks such as planning, production, and logistics. In this way, technology helps business to operate efficiently and render the business process more profitable (Chandra, 2019). The automation of duties has helped business to cut costs by decreasing the number of personnel needed.

The advances in technology in the past decades have hugely improved the competitiveness of business; companies are constantly utilizing various different software, technical applications and the internet to change their respective business environment from a local perspective, to a national one and ultimately to have a global outlook (McGoldrick and Liu 2017, p. 1464). Most entities have respondents to these developments by automating their process of business and collecting their respective industry information to their advantage. Technology, has also helped business to be flexible, adopt new operating strategies and improve their technological infrastructures. Currently, business can easily complete their duties more efficiently in comparison the previous years. For example, the banking industry, has successfully managed to do away with the long banking ques by introducing automated banking machines (Patsiotis and Kapareliotis, 2016, p. 11). Besides, the same technologies have helped employees to enjoy various business-related benefits such as accuracy, faster completion of work, and improved cooperation and teamwork systems. The economies of scales enjoyed by reducing the costs of production has an overwhelmingly positive impacts on the financial objectives of most business.

The technology industry has employed various graduates ranging from engineers, statisticians, general business graduates and currently, there is a new field of study developing referred to as Business computing and analytics, which equips graduates with knowledge on how technology and business, such graduates could be helpful in this industry, especially when it comes to developing business oriented technologies (Ward and Grant 2017).

Marketing Industry

The marketing sector is fairly an old industry in business in comparison to the technology sector. As much as, marketing has been there for a very long time, it continues to be a relevant and important sector in business. The main role of the marking sector is to help the business reach out to its targeted clients, build a trustable brand image and different a business from its competitors. With the current intense competition in business, the marketing sector is more important in the current business environment than before, and it will continue to be so, as long as business entities are being formed (Wirtz and Lovelock, 2016). The industry started out with a simple concept, where marketing meant selling goods and services that have been produced by the business. Therefore, marketing activities were majorly concerned with persuading clients and the sales of services or goods, and little attention was given to the satisfaction of clients. However, this concept had the following effects. The major emphasis of traditional marketing is majorly on the product, where the company has a product and it has to be sold (McGoldrick and Liu 2017). Therefore, the marketing sector had to persuade the clients to buy the products. Every determination of the marking sector was emphasized on selling the service or product. The department adopted various strategies like personal selling, and promotions to increase the sales volume. The main objective of the traditional marketing activity was to make more profits through sales.

The current marketing industry considers the needs of the consumers, and these needs are perceived as the guiding spirit, which focuses on how to deliver goods and services that will efficiently satisfy the needs of clients. Therefore, through the evolution of the current marketing industry, the marketing process starts with identifying needs of consumers. At the same time, this is the point where technology has been integrated in the marketing industry. Technology has helped marketers to track consumer spending patterns and their needs (Jain and Yadav 2017, p. 47). After identifying the client’s needs, the industry the plans for the production of goods in accordance to the client’s preferences. In short, the goods produced by the business are in accordance with needs of the clients, rather than the old approach where production was based on the availability of machinery, capital and materials. Therefore, the major effect of the modern market concepts revolves around; customer orientation, where marketing begins with the examination of the needs of clients, and later to the production of merchandises that would satisfy the need of clients (David, David, and David 2017). The needs and preferences of customers controls other aspects of marketing such as pricing, distribution, product branding, sales and promotion; this act is referred to as integrated marketing. It revolves around developing a product that can satisfy client’s needs, using promotional measures so that consumers can know more about a product, its characteristics and the quality among other factors, pricing the product, while considering the purchasing power of clients and their willingness to pay, and lastly packing the product to make it attractive while partaking promotional activities (Luchs, Swan, and Creusen 2016, p. 320). Lastly, the objective of marketing is to maximize on profits, while considering customer satisfaction. It means that if the clients are satisfied, they are likely to continue using the product and other clients will also follow suit, and this will lead to increased profits.

In terms of graduate placement, the marketing industry can employ graduates from different field like marketing graduates, who will be responsible for conducting various promotional activities, statisticians who can conduct market research and analytics, and psychologists who are responsible for studying clients’ consumption and purchasing trends, and giving an accurate future prediction of such trends.

It is however important to note that both the technology and market industry complement each other. For tech-based companies to sell their gadgets and applications, they need the marketing industry, while at the same time for marketers to be efficient in their work they ought to use technology. However, in terms of graduate placement, the technology industry seems to be more diverse in terms of employing graduates from different fields in comparison to the marketing industry. In terms of innovativeness both the marketing and the technology industries have been struggling to establish new innovations. However, in the recent years technology has proved to be more dynamic in comparison to the marketing industry, probably because the technology industry can be assessed through the devices/products it manufactures, while the marketing industry is service-based and therefore cannot be precisely evaluated for innovation and inventions.

B. Comparison of Three Organizations

The technology industry has some of the most competitive companies in the world, that has attained prominence, both in terms of their contribution to business and the huge profits that they have amassed from product sales, subscriptions, and software lease. In this regard, this subsection will majorly examine three companies in the industry sector that have attained prominence because of the innovativeness, inventions and net worth; these are majorly Apple, Microsoft and International Business Machines.

Both companies have specialized in manufacturing personal computers and other consumable tech gadgets. However, unlike Microsoft and IBM, Apple has ventured into manufacturing entertainment gadget such as iPod, and wearable devices such as smart watches among others, while IBM and google have focused on industrial technology such as microprocessors, and utility software among others (Dolata 2017). Secondly, Apple Inc has revolutionized its brand image, and is currently associated with high end gadgets. The high prices Apple Inc gadgets is as a result the company marketing its products as ‘quality’ products rather than products that solve a certain problem. Hence most millennials have grown up using Apple products not because they solve s specific problem, but because these products are associated with class, quality, and are trendy (Gehani 2016). This is contrary to IBM and Microsoft products, which main innovation motivate is to solve a certain process. For example, IBM developed a faster microprocessor to increase the efficacy and efficiency of computers, and at the same time, these microprocessors were cheaper as compared to the ones manufactured by the predecessor company which was Mackintosh. This meant that computers would be cheaper, affordable and more efficient (Engel, Lyons, and Pannese, 2017). At the same time, Microsoft has been developing tools like windows explore to help in easier, faster and cheaper access to the internet. Before, the invention of Windows explorer, companies like Netscape sold internet browser tools at a costly price, while Microsoft gave it out for free.

Lastly, IBM and Microsoft have enjoyed a lot of success in the business of personal computer market, and at the same time dominating the sector of cloud computing. However, the company has been outdone by its competitors such as Microsoft, and Amazon who adopted a faster technology than IBM (Genzini, Kepalaitė, and Attar 2018). One of the reasons for such dynamics, is that IBM majorly relied on its partnership with Microsoft for different technologies that would facilitate its business, while at the same time both Apple Inc. and Microsoft were standalone companies, that developed their products independently without having to rely on another company for technological innovation (Faizullov and Yablonsky 2017). On the other hand, apple has built a vibrant ecosystem of products services that operate efficiently in the highly competitive industry, despite the fact that these products are highly priced. It is because of Apple’s emphasis on quality assurance that has made it one of the most profitable companies in the world, and a key player in the technology industry. On the other hand, IBM is struggling to stay relevant in the market after it was overtaken by its competitors by partnering with different technology companies such as Lenovo (Thomas 2016, p. 33).

Part II Self-Assessment

A. Reflection on Personal Test

The main role of psychometric test is to asses the skills, personality, abilities and attitudes of individuals using scientific measures. There are majorly two types of tests that are commonly used by employers, which are aptitude tests, which measures the skills and personal ability. Such tests mainly involve numerical, verbal, logical and reasoning assessment. The main objective of using psychometric tests is to tests the intentions and interests of an individual as well as their preferences, strengths and weaknesses.

The personality test mainly assesses the openness, conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeableness among other factors. Other tests such as situational judgement also helps the employer to know how a candidate can handle real life situations, their strengths and weakness when subjected to various environments such as when handling an assignment with tight deadlines. In this case, the tests involved are numerical, personality, and verbal tests. The results from the psychometric tests revealed that my numerical skills were average in comparison to other graduates who took the test. The personality test revealed that I had a good self-perception, I was more of an introvert than an extrovert, preferred a less structured system, and was more emotional. The verbal test recommended that I should improve in the following areas, English proficiency, reasoning skills and environmental conditions. From the psychometric tests, I have learnt various traits about myself that I never thought I had and at the same time, I have learnt that there are certain skills that I thought I possessed while in real sense I never had them. For example, as business student, I have always though of myself as someone with high numerical skills, because I enjoy numbers, but seemingly the test proved that I was average in this field. In respect to the results, I will work on improving my numerical skills from average to best. Besides, one key trait that I need to improve on is introversion and being emotional. Most companies and employees, would prefer a candidate who is a team player, and can handle work related pressure. From the psychometric results, it was clear that I was more of an introvert and emotional person, such traits are not encouraged in professionalism. Lastly, I will work on my critical thinking skills to improve my reasoning skills, read more novels and other forms of literature to improve my English and learn to adopt to different environmental conditions.

Skill Audit

Any graduate ought to take a skill assessment, Spitzberg (2003) adds that this process helps in evaluating the skills of an individual. Any graduate would want to conduct a skill audit to identify their skills and knowledge versus what is required in the labor market. A skill audit collects the needed information on a graduate’s qualification level, by identifying the skill matrices for a company and later delve into the existing competencies of every individuals. In this regard, I took the following skills, managing self, communication skills, customer focus, team working, managing others, influence and persuasion, commercial awareness, personal development planning. In assessing these qualities, I used a questionnaire developed by Duffy et al., (2004) as shown below

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In accordance to the response given in the paper, there is need to work in some areas such influence and persuasion in comparison to other areas. Duffy, Gordon, Whelan, Cole-Kelly, and Frankel (2004, p. 501) advises that for one to improve their skills comprehensively there is need of using other questionnaires such as patient questionnaires, feedbacks from peer discussion, reviews from supervisors or mentors and conduct role plays.

B. Development Network and Cultural Intelligence

Having a high CQ does not imply that one is an expert in different cultures. Rather it implies that one has the needed skills to boldly venture into new environments and make rational judgements based on various observations and evidence. As per the tasks conducted in workshop 4, it was evident that a good grasp of CQ does not only help one in the process of decision making, but it also enhances one’s employability. Through the tasks, it was clear that one would need good strategies for collecting new information, and the capability to utilize such approaches to acknowledge a shared culture understanding, that can help one in the process of communicating with others and at the same time make critical decisions. Secondly, understanding the theoretical aspects of CQ is not helpful to an individual, rather the ability of translating the cultural information into substantiable action matters a lot (Ott and Michailova 2018, p. 104). It is only through such processes that an employer or other parties can understand one’s level of CQ. It can be shown through gestures, communication and how one conducts culturally significant duties. Lastly, understanding CQ does not mean that an individual should be perfect, rather it means that an individual has the courage to admit their mistakes and keep improving through handling new cultural situations (Schlaegel, Richter, and Taras 2017). Individuals who are CQ conscious are likely to use the following facets to manage and asses their actions; hesitate on making quick judgements, ability to interpret the current situation in cultural dimensions, and avoid any types of stereotypes (Nguyen, Jefferies, and Rojas 2018). The following questionnaire was answered as an assessment of cultural intelligence

CQ Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Rate the extent to which you agree with each statement, using the scale:

1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree, 5= strongly agree

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Cognitive CQ

___5__ Before I interact with people from a new culture, I ask myself what I hope to achieve.

___4__ If I encounter something unexpected while working in a new culture, I use this experience to figure out new ways to approach other cultures in the future.

__3___ I plan how I am going to relate to people from a different culture before I meet them.

__3___ When I come in to a new cultural situation, I can immediately sense whether something is going well or something is going wrong.

Total___15__ /4 = _3.75___ Cognitive CQ

Physical CQ

___4__ It is easy for me to change my body language (for example, eye contact or posture) to suit people from a different culture.

___4__ I can alter my expression when a cultural encounter requires it.

____4_ I modify my speech style (for example, accent or tone) to suit people from a different culture.

___4__ I easily change the way I act when a cross-cultural encounter seems to require it.

Total__16___/4= __4__ Physical CQ

______________________________________________________________________________________ Motivational /Emotional CQ

____3_ I have confidence that I can deal well with people from a different culture.

___4__ I am certain that I can befriend people whose cultural backgrounds are different from mine.

___4__ I can adapt to the lifestyle of a different culture with relative ease.

___3__ I am confident that I can deal with a cultural situation that is unfamiliar.

Total___14__/4=__3.5__ Motivational/emotional CQ

As stated by Earley and Mosakowski (2004), the closer one is to 5, the higher their CQ. In this respect the results from the questionnaire revealed that I was more to 5 than 1, which means that I have a higher CQ. Levy, O., Beechler, Taylor, and Boyacigiller (2007, p. 240) states that graduate with such qualities have higher chances of being successful in their respective professions due to the fact that they can work with a diverse team and at the same time, have embraced the art of problem solving.

In respect to my future career and development network, I aspire to venture into the marketing industry, and at the same time, I have a passion for technology. Therefore, I am aspiring to work in a field where I can interact with both technology and marketing. This can be achieved by working in the digital marketing sector, marketing analysis, and consumer insights. In my current development network, I have various people in different capacities that can help me to get there. My first network are my college colleagues and instructors; this group has a diverse knowledge on the field I am aspiring to join, the only problem, is mobilizing them together to get the information needed, majorly due to the busy school schedule, and once done with school, it would even be more challenging to mobilize them or access them. My second development network is my current supervisor who has the needed experience in this field, the only problem is that as much as he is willing to help there are certain constraints that cannot be avoided or resolved. For example, one tool that is used to monitor consumer insights is google analytics, the software is expensive to buy as an individual, and therefore the only way one can practically learn how to use it by using it in the organization. However, the rights to such tools are not given to all employees, but only the managers. Therefore, as much as my supervisor is willing to mentor me in this field, he is limited by various organizational policies.

C. Personal Brand Statement

Brand statements are professional phrases that would inform an employer or any interested party on the professional focus and alignment of an individual. Therefore, any brand statement should short, straight forward and easy to understand. In this respect the following statement stands as my brand statement

“BSc Business Management (predicated 1st) undergraduate with experience in collecting, interpreting and presenting data. Demonstrable skills in project management, time management and organisational skills. Experience in Google Digital Garage campaign, utilising Adobe skills to create logo and websites for customers and own graphic design company. Quick to grasp new ideas and concepts demonstrating initiative, drive and capabilities in order to make things happen; identifying and solving problems with innovative thinking and with the capacity to deal simultaneously with a number of rapidly changing and competing priorities; Now looking to apply excellent skills in order to achieve, excel and evolve in a challenging and fulfilling graduate role.”

Part III

Managing the job search process is just as important as applying and following up on the job applications. The importance of managing the process of job search is that it allows all the potential candidate to keep track of their applications, track any impending vacancy that they have not applied, keep the contact information of various human resource in the respective organization, and track the interview schedule. Therefore, the best way to manage the process is by creating a spreadsheet that will help in tracking the job information, and integrating the whole system with google calendar, which will remind the applicant if there is any impending application that is yet to be made.

My career objectives are as follows

SMART Career Goals

Overall goal; to become an expert in the field of marketing and understand the technical aspects of marketing.

SMART Career Goals SMART Career Goals

B. The resume evaluation is attached in the appendix section

Mock Assessment

In this section I will reflect on a case that took place in the last semester in regard to developing and using my personal skills that is needed in maintaining the relationship with my other team members. I will use the Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle due to the fact that it isd an acknowledged framework for this reflection. Gibbs (1988) has six major stage, which helped me to improve my personal skills and learning skills. Just as Gibbs framework moves, the first phrase describes a situation where team members cooperate, while the second stage examines the sentiments of the team members on the work done, the third stage involves examining the feeling of each member. The fourth stage concerns itself with the examination to understand the sense of experience, the last stage focuses on the action plan for the situation incase it happens again. The reflection has given me the practice knowledge which has helped me to cooperate with my team mates and adapt to new environments and situation while working. Through the framework, I have realized that team work leads to some sort of satisfaction and development of professional values.

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