Innovative Off-Site Construction for Housing


I have been employed as a design coordinator by Bolton Design and Build LTD. I have been asked to conduct a series of CPD presentations to all of the design and construction staff on the topic of Technologies in Off-site construction. I will produce a report and presentation based upon project of a sustainable, low cost housing development located in Bolton town centre which will help facilitate the training events. This report will include a personal performance review that will address the following success of the project and its effectiveness and my own performance. However, in this report I will be discussing the main types of offsite technologies which are; In this report I have developed a low cost housing project, we design for a big house builder which will offer a 10 years guarantee for the house, the 10 years of guarantee will be considered if the houses are unsuitable etc stability. The different types of drivers behind off-site technologies.

Drivers behind offsite technologies

Supply and demand in the house market

In the housing market, the balance of demand and supply play a prominent role. The regulation of supply and demand dictates the balances of price of a property. The higher demand for properties in a city and lack of supply of quality properties, the cost of the house would increase. The approval of offsite construction methods of construction offers a mechanism by which the rate of construction of new homes, mainly in the public sector, can be faster and maintained. However, many of the houses that will be constructed in the public sector are essential to approve as far as possible, the use of offsite construction has been more common.

Skills shortages

In the past few years, the nature of construction industry , has changed. The industry has been experiencing a lot of issues regarding participation in training. However the construction industry has made extensive efforts to increase participation in training and several creative disciplines and training solutions have been established, this has tended to help the individuals that are hired permanently within organisation or company. The more use of contract labour means less workers will benefit from these training programs. The issue is aggravated by the increased levels of the tasks in the industry at any level. The skill s shortage has become a huge issue for the construction operatives and supervisory staff. The use of offsite technology which allows the process of the construction of the building is undertaken in a factory production environment, which decreases the need of skills on-site. The manufacture of machineries and building sections in a controlled factory environment supports quality assurance and has less than on-site. The quality control is very important on the construction site; although it could be managed more readily if the extent of site-based work is reduced and simplified.

Quality enhancement

The reputation of the construction industry in terms of its ability to maintain quality is mixed. In the past few years, much has been written about quality, however, it is more difficult to measure effectively. The main problem of quality is that is currently the worry for the industry hinges on attraction rather than assurance. However, the use of offsite construction in controlled factory manufacture, with site developments successfully restricted to assembly of pre-manufactured buildings, offers an actual solution to the quality problems. The rise in customer prospect in the housing sector, have required a continuous programme of quality improvement.

Developments in building regulations

The development of the building regulations and other similar frameworks outside Wales and England has had important influence upon the potential for the embracing of offsite construction technology in house construction. The requirements for threshold act levels in terms of thermal and acoustic insulation and overall energy conservation demand a predictable and assessable construction approach.

Sustainability and environmental performance

Normally around 10 per cent of all construction building materials that are ordered or delivered to site are not used and will go to waste. The consequences of such a wasteful construction process in terms of economics. The improved focus on the environmental implications of construction in terms of whole-life performance helps the sustainability of buildings. The offsite construction technology is extensive well-organized and the supply chain management provide more less waste for the construction process. The environmental help the factory production it removes most of the local environmental disturbance from the instant site environs.

Procurement and programming of project using construction offsite

The inferences of offsite construction which utilise off-site manufacturing of important fundamentals of the buildings, profoundly affect the design development, obtaining and programming of the project. The implications of off-site generation which implement off-site assembling of critical parts of a structure, influence the design, finding and the programming of all construction project. The obtainment and construction program related with predictable sorts of structure is basically a direct arrangement of tasks. The completion of the earlier stages is a prerequisite for the initiation of the subsequent tasks.


Offsite construction technologies

The off-site construction discusses the achievement of foundations or machineries of a construction project at a different place where they will be installed or fitted. Normally, this would involve planning, design, manufacture and assembly in custom-made off-site factories. The completed item is then moved to the construction site and assembled on the location. Off-site construction is often known to as 'prefabrication', 'off-site manufacture' or 'modern methods of construction' and it may include modular construction. It is usually performed with permanent structures and may often be comprised of temporary or specific structures which could be relocated easily.

This method of construction helps the building process as it could be started in the factory (off-site) although the ground would be prepared on-site. This method helps the project faster over all the construction timing. However, the fundamental components of the buildings are constructed within the factories in the most climate controlled environment and this means that higher quality and less problems could be achieved since the weather interference becomes non-existent and higher safety margins could be acheived. The off-site has been promoted as the best solution in UK by facing any problem in the construction industry. This is because perfect timing of the product being ready. It is highly considered that housing should be prepared in an off-site construction method.

Main types offsite technologies

Panelised system

The panelised system has great benefits such as faster building times, high levels of flexibility and greater value for the clients. The off-site panel construction in a controlled environment means that the quality is highly maintained in terms of standards and causes less waste and disruption on-site. Panelised system also known as “non-volumetric” which are either classified as open or close the open panels are usually non-insulted and closed panels being insulted. The panelised system will include floor, wall or ceiling fundamentals which are made in a factory to be assembled into a building on-site. The panels could be pre-fitted with electrical and mechanical services such as light switch fittings. They could be installed quickly on-site by a skilled construction team.

The advantages of panelised systems are: -

Reduction in onsite labour

Higher quality control

Consistent, uniform products

Faster, more reliable construction programmes

Great value for client – material and cost savings

Less environmental impact

Modular or Volumetric

Volumetric modular construction is known as the stacking and joining of manufacturing completed modules to shape a total of building. Preferably, only bolting and interconnection of buildings services is needed at the site. The manufacturing of buildings within a well-ordered factory is greater effective than building them on the site of construction. Modular or volumetric is the method which is used to define units prefabricated in a factory which enclose usable spaces which are normally fully finished internally, such as bathrooms/toilet pods and plant rooms which will then be fitted into the building or the structure. The degree of factory completion varies across the industry, with many modular systems requiring the façade to be installed at the site, covering the connections between modules and hiding dimensional irregularities. Likewise, hallways, finishes etc. are often conceived as site-installed. The assembly of precision, structural volumetric modules will finish the design and engineering.

Sub- assemblies and components

The sub-assemblies and components cover tactics which fall short of being classified as OSM systems. Normally, the term refers to simplified components for example like doors, stairs and windows which are made in factories. The sub-assemblies and components is when huge components of construction projects which are manufactured outside the site in different location and are brought to the site and fitted. This type of construction usually involves building the structures as a singular structural form. These could involve pre-fabricated foundations where ground beams and other key components would be constructed off site and assembled onsite to form foundations.


Hybrid system

The hybrid system describes the use of the combination of Volumetric Construction and Panelised Construction. This is normally used in areas of the building which are covering many services such as kitchen and bathrooms. Pod could be used for the bathroom units and the rest of the construction could be completed with panelised construction. This will allow the utilisation of high value-added materials which could be fitted to the structure. Furthermore, factory fitted wilts panelise construction which will gain better flexibility in design could be utilised as well. However, in this mixture of construction methods, work can be carried on the site with wilts pods getting manufactured at manufactured off site. It is important to have great care in this type of construction as the interface between the two forms is required to be well-suited, which could be difficult to achieve when using different contractors.



The concrete is essentially an important material for offsite construction. Precast concrete could be used for any building type and is an important material for infrastructure projects. Pre-stressed and pre-cast fundamentals and formwork contain elements such as the structural frame, panels, beams, flat slabs and supporting columns. Concrete could be utilised toform two dimensional panels and volumetric units. The concrete fundamentals may be factory-finished internally including services, windows, doors and finishes. Externally they can remain exposed in the final building. Precast concrete may be used with in-situ concrete or structural steel as part of a hybrid frame and can be combined with cladding systems, volumetric and pod technology. Precast concrete systems are also used to quickly build foundations. The concrete basics are usually to a bespoke design and cast in a factory environment, giving guaranteed quality for the finished product. The concrete fundamentals could be factory-finished internally with services, doors, windows and finishes. The pre-cast concrete could be used with in-situ concrete or structural steel as part of a hybrid frame and could be combined with cladding systems, volumetric and pod technology. Precast concrete systems are used to quickly construct foundations.


Light measure steel frame is an important material to offsite construction. Light steel framing is used in offsite construction for a wide series of building types and applications, from hospitals to hotels and housing to commercial offices. Light steel framing might be used as panelised or volumetric frameworks and is commonly used for the essential structure of housing and low-to-medium buildings of two to four storey buildings. Light measure steel framings can be used for a building’s full frame in addition to several roofing, particular choices and infill walling applications. Steel frameworks can be load bearing, give infill-walling or/and continues walling. Structural panels gathered from cold-shaped electrifies steel sections can be used in a wide series of structure types and in hybrid circumstances with timber and different materials. Light steel framing and modular construction are load-bearing frameworks that are appropriate for low, medium and tall structures and furthermore in structure redesign, for example, rooftop extensions. The use of these types of construction is firmly identified with the wider advantages that are offered to the engineer and the principle temporary worker. Multi-story structures up to 10+ stories high, and blended use structures including business space or vehicle leaving at the lower levels with residential units above are all achievable in light steel framing.



Timber is an important material to offsite construction and one of the main standard, renewable, low-carbon building materials. Timber's sustainable authorisations and role in theeconomy are generally comprehended and with the use of FSC and PEFC-certified timber, responsible sourcing is of huge importance. Structural timber has grown hugely in recent years. Timber can be used in a few unique form frameworks including built timber solutions, for example, cross laminated timber (CLT) and glulam, just as timber frame, structural insulated panels (SIPS) and related open and shut panel systems. Timber has amazing warm and acoustic performance levels just as well asnice aesthetic. The use of strong wood solutions, for example, CLT and glulam has altered how timber is used in a multi-story setting with structures over the globe now part of the 'tall timber' wonder. CLT structures of 10 storeys have just been developed in the UK. It is also known that Canada right now holds the world record for the world’s tallest timber tower with the 18-story Brock Commons Tall wood House at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.


The Glulam is formed of layers of parallel timber laminates glued together, glulam units are now often applied in the construction of all kind of buildings including swimming pools and supermarkets. Glulam beams offer large-span structures without supporting columns, also with a lot of natural light. Solid wood equipment’s such as CLT and Glulam are natural and renewable, and they use less energy-intensive to produce than concrete and steel. Timber has less waste during production and huge amount of CO2 will be stored after the production has completed.


Volumetric modular construction

The achievement and demand of volumetric modules depend upon the repeatability of units and structure design. Volumetric modular units are huge structure components that can be connected together to frame total structures without the requirement for extra superstructure. Modules can be steel or timber-based and are pre-fitted with electrics, plumbing, warming, entryways, windows and interior completes and charged before leaving the manufacturing plant guaranteeing that are limited and quality control is very high – they are then transported to site and carefully craned into position on prepared foundations. By collecting volumetric modules in a precision-controlled manufacturing plant condition, the generation line systems that drive module gathering brings speed of delivery, improves the nature of finished results and causes a huge improvement in productivity. The external façade, claddings and rooftop treatments are typically fitted onsite. These can include steel frame units and panelised frameworks, for example, SIPS and CLT, with panels gathered in the industrial facility and delivered to the site prepared for establishment. They facilitate faster construction and can improve the existing mechanisms to overcome labour or material shortages. Although module choice can be fundamentally impacted by transportation measurements and delivery separations between the assemblage plants and the building sites, modules are effectively transported to practically any site under all of the conditions. Volumetric units are reasonable for any structure part yet are well known in the education, healthcare services and students’ accommodations areas. Applications include also business workplaces, hotels and can likewise be a MEP plant room solution.


Streamlining a plan and making a progression of identical repeatable parts enables production lines to mass produce components that are anything but easy to transport and fast to collect. Pod technology makes significant structure components that structure a 'volumetric space' however are normally non-load bearing. Pods can be bathrooms, shower rooms, kitchens, utility cabinets and office washrooms. They are generally extended into a structure during super-structure erection, however can likewise be reflectively introduced by means of outside cladding openings and lift shafts or delivered as flat-pack assemblies. The pods are normally steel frame , composite or created of glass reinforced plastic. (GRP). The construction of the pods is usually the plasterboard, porcelain tiles or ceramic and brassware. Pod technology is strong, requires low maintenance and costs less. This is also a perfect solution for accommodation of students, healthcare and education purpose buildings. Pods are normally utilised in the projects in terms of shape, size and requirements and are connected easily onsite via a plug and play concept. Steel framed pod walls are normally created of plywood and plasterboard meaning that finishes could be stripped back when if required. However, it is also possible for pods to come in flat-pack kits. Next, they would have a detailed site survey which is fully assembled in the factory, then broken down into elements and delivered to site. The panel size is carefully chosen to confirm full access is achievable even via standard door openings. The pods could also be used for old houses.


Resistance to change

The offsite method has caused a lot of change in the construction culture and therefore has different requirements regarding tasks with great importance on knowledge and an improved understanding of the project management, scheduling and planning requirements. The training of operators to develop their skills will be required at all levels providing improved pathways for career progression and higher levels of up to date information.

Capital investment

The more levels of capital and technical approval for the prices for offsite construction needs investment decisions to be more informed demonstrating the added value of offsite construction. Offsite construction however requires good business leadership combined with operational management and technical knowledge in order to address the misconceptions of the public, clients, leaders and insurers.

Guidance and information

The concept of offsite is closely associated with manufacturing and draws on principles which look to achieve improvements in quality and efficiency combined with reduction with reductions in waste. The guidance required the flow of information between design, production and assembly. Therefore, it is different from traditional construction and requires to be more integrated with a need for more holistic knowledge at all of the levels.

Traditional construction business models

The offsite construction involves a different cash flow model with a shift towards higher upfront cost which, in-turn, may create differing financial arrangements. This is how ever offset by the speed of construction, particularly where revenues are more guaranteed such as the social housing sector. Normally, the cash conversion cycle is less, due to the shorter build time. When connected with offsite construction this should be an advantage as it could reduce overall development financing. However the current barrier is the need for greater understanding of the different financial funding and cash flow cycles, when using offsite solutions.

Moor lane

Moor lane Introduction

The Moor lane project will create a maintainable new residential neighbourhood in the town of Bolton. We will use the method of offsite construction in this project, offsite construction will be cheaper to rapidly initiate progress in the project and complete the project within the scheduled timeframe. For health and safety measures, the method of offsite construction is the safest method because the building frame will be constructed in a factory then delivered to the site and installed. There will be 47 new houses at the Moor lane, the houses would be having 2 to 3 bedrooms and each house will contain 2 storeys. There will be 3 apartments built with 2 bedrooms each and these would be 3 storeys high. The houses will be designed by the software BIM in 3D and 2D. Materials that would be used for the moor lane project are concrete and the method of Modular or Volumetric as its more cheaper and faster.

Site Plan


Site analysis

The site is located near the town canter. The previous of this site was used for the Bolton bus station, which have been transferred to a different site. This site is hard-surfaced. The land around the moor lane project is mixed. Facing the moor lane housing project are residential buildings constructed with standard brick features. The moor lane project will be built with the modular construction technique which comprises of pods which are pre-fabricated. The site is surrounded with retails, transport networks, leisure schools, college and university. The road which runs behind the Moor lane project has the Bolton museum situated beside it.



Use and amount

The recommendations set forward in the arranging application try to make sustainable, low cost housing properties on the Moor lane site which is at Bolton. The area is nearby local utility and public services such as shops, schools and public transport systems. 47 different houses will be constructed including two and three stories, which will include front parking spaces and back gardens for each of the houses. However, there will be a 3 apartment building block consisting of three storeys.

Scale and layout

The scale and design of the Moor Lane, Bolton undertaking has been impacted by the encompassing properties and highlights just as relating admirably with existing structure lines. The line private homes containing of two and three stories will be arranged at the facade of the road and set over from the pavement. The three-story apartment block will be located at the backside of the site. The total area of the site is eight thousand eight hundred and eighty square meters.


The appearance of the structures on this task is a major factor to have the option to have same look with the surrounding environment. The houses at the in front of the site will be finished with a brick cladding completion to make it the same look at the buildings facing it. The three storey flat apartment block which is located behind the houses will be finished with stone brick cladding and larger glass panels to give a great view of the area and environment.



The Moor lane site is in the heart of Bolton town which will benefit from hug number of services which nearby the area. The site is near all public services from trains to buses and motorways. The key features of sustainability the moor lane project carry out are:

Double glaze windows

Cameras in apartments


Solar panels

Sound insulation

Transport network

The Idea behind house

The idea behind the moor lane is fairly a simple one:

Pressed roof tiles which are made from modern materials are highly durable and are finished with a stone-chip coating. These tiles use top quality steel which is galvanised with Zinc, Aluminium and Magnesium. High double glaze windows are utilised to save more energy.

New build housings have a habit of being uninspiring with less than innovative in the style in the designs and are more or less inappropriate copies of the old housing styles with small windows, low ceilings and small rooms. When buying a house with huge amount of money they most tell the exact size of what you are buying, buy most don’t really tell you what size you are buying.

Now we have made the city centre looking booming with our new 50 low rising houses which are attractive and apartments which are located at the centre of Bolton and you will be able to access many features such as the University, shops and leisure centres which are located nearby. So, we have introduced the moor lane project with 50 low rising building our scheme that draws inspiration from the great new ideas and great looking homes.

Moor lane house project

Moor lane house is a concept which comprises of a total of 50 low rise housing and 3 apartments which are 3 storey buildings, staircases and elevators creating a strong sense of owner ship and privacy for residents. With the housings and apartments at the Moore lane could be rented out or purchased now. .

We have established two-bedroom apartments which are 2 storeys and wide range of houses which contain two to three bedrooms and 2 storey homes with an access to the balcony.

Moor lane houses would be having all the great features. We have constructed large space standards and large windows which are double glaze and high callings to provide better design and manufacturing novelties for such buildings. Top floor apartments open into roof space. Houses include back gardens and front space for car park.

Apartments have two entrances at the front and at the rear; door entrances are built with security pin codes and a fog key.

The house

So how does it look like when it comes together?

This is one what we have built in early stage at our factory, yes, the house is factory constructed by trained architect and then is bought to the site fully finished to be installed, making most of dry, warm conditions to produce high quality product.

Feature includes;

Big windows / double glazed (save more energy)

Tall ceilings

A kitchen top fitted in, so the family could gather and eat together

Open plan living room

Back garden

Solar thermal water heating

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The apartment

So how does it look like when it comes together?

This is the one what we have built with at the early stage at our factory. Yes, the apartments are factory constructed by trained architects and then are bought to the site fully finished to be installed, under the most of dry, warm conditions to produce high quality product.

Feature includes;

Big windows / double glazed (save more energy)

A kitchen top fitted in, so the family could gather and eat together

Open plan living room

Solar thermal water heating

Huge rooms

Automatic air conations fitted in


Proposal summary


47 houses

3 Apartments

Moor lane Bolton

Town centre

University/ college 5 min walk

A new neighbourhood in the heart of Bolton city The proposals look to construct an exclusive high-quality residential neighbourhood in the heart of Bolton city. Taking advantage of the old station in Bolton and using the land to convert it into a neighbourhood, houses were constructed in rows with back garden and front car park for your car. Houses were based on customer choice and flexibility and sustainable environmental performance. Vehicle access from moor lane road and huge number of public transports such trains and busses that travel Bolton to any other UK locations. A child play area (park) near by the neighbourhood, access to footpath. Student apartments available 5 minutes walk to Bolton university and college. The aim is to maintain a new neighbourhood in the heart of Bolton and using the old area of the bus station land.

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In this report I have enclosed how off-site technologies have advanced within the construction development industry in terms of budgets and how it could help various construction companies to finish the project faster and how the method of off-site technologies can save time and money. This report also covers the key features of off-site technologies. We have discussed the primary and most widely used offsite technologies such as sub-assemblies, panelised systems, Modular or Volumetric and hybrid system and so on. Different types of Barriers have been covered in this report. The system which has been selected for the Moor lane project is the Volumetric System, it has been selected because it could benefit the Moor lane project in relation to sustainability and assist with the budget for the low cost housings. The steps which have been taken for the Moor lane project were the design and access statements, investigating the current site as far as what it was recently used for. The report includes where the project of Moor lane will be located, how many houses and apartments will be constructed on that site and how many storeys would be included in each of those structures and also mentions the surrounding of the area and lists what services are close to the Moor lane project and what materials will be used for the project. Images and site layouts of the project are attached in this report. Overall performance reviewing Logbooks have been attached in this report to explain the steps we have completed and the steps that need to be completed. Attached document of spreadsheet is included in this report which is produced in Microsoft Excel which will specify the calculation of use to record expenditures and income, plan budgets and to plan each task for each day and the completion of the project.

CIOB, 2002. Code of Practice for Project Management (Construction Management). 3rd ed. WileyBlackwell.

Walker, 2007. Project Management in Construction. 5th ed. WileyBlackwell.

Cooke, 2004. Construction Planning, Programming and Control. 2nd ed. WileyBlackwell.

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