Robot Dexterity Project Overview


This report is entirely to highlight our various undertakings within the group project which aimed to research on the emerging technology of Robot Dexterity, and examine among others the Project brief, the project Initiation Document (PID) highlighting the project Approach, Project Management team structure, Risk management and response plan. The group is made up of 10 members including: Lukman Akanb, Sandeep Deevi, Arslan Hassan, Dharma Kanull, Rakesh Kasul, Ahmed Mohamed, Ranapratap Potu, Manohar Reddy, Rama Seelam and Archana Arschana. I am accountable for the Project Initiation Document, and responsible for the Project Brief as well as the video presentation. In addition I am also consulted in the development of the poster and Social Media.


Emerging Technology Robot Dexterity

The advancement of technology including Artificial intelligence and Machine learning has significantly influenced increased technological trends including Robot Dexterity. The group aimed to complete a task in the development and presentation of emerging Robot dexterity according to consumer prerequisites. A robot refers to a mechanical or virtual artificial agent, an electro machine that is guided by computer programming which utilizes hardware. Depending on the design, robots can be semi self sufficient indicating partial control from computer programming, or self governing which means the programming of the robot is in fact sufficient enough to govern the robot throughout its entire lifetime.

Given the group set up, the topic was discussed among the group members from the first meeting and divided into different categories and activities for which group members were to carry out individually and present findings for further discussions in the subsequent meetings. Discussions involved clear highlight of findings as well as further discussions to top up individual contributions and further enhance a smooth transition and connection among individual works to contribute to the eventual group effort of evaluating emerging technology Robot dexterity.

Project Initiation Document

As the member accountable for the Project Initiation Document, ensuring utmost criticality and inclusion of all relevant components and concerns of the project was a crucial concern. After discussion of all the relevant factors and activities involved in the project with the team the PID was developed, critically including: PID History, project definition as well as the approach to be taken, business case, project management team structure, role description, quality management, communication management as well as the risk management plan. Further the PID also includes the discussed project plan and project controls.

The risk management plan basically involved a discussion with regards to the expected risk factors within the project and their mitigation or management techniques incase and when they occur. Among the overseen risks included taking up a project for which all group members were new to thus limited experience in terms of operations. In addition possibility of lack of sophisticated components that might be needed also added to the risk factors that were effectively discussed within the group.

Project Brief

I was responsible for the project brief including its development, briefing all the activities to be indulged in within the project as well as a description of different significant project aspects to be noted. The brief is meant to provide an overview of the project majorly for the board or the assessor to track its progress or the progress of the eventual report. The brief majorly includes a description of the major purpose of the project, an evaluation of Robot Dexterity, further highlighting the project approach, the team structure, quality management, risk management, as well as the project plan and controls. The brief also points out the tailoring of PRINCE2.

Legal and Ethical Report

Rakesh Kasul was responsible for the legal and ethical report while Arslan Hassan was accountable for the same. These including major legal and ethical concerns that are related to the development of dexterity robots in line with the BCS codes of conduct. Some legal concerns raised were with concerns to whether these robots are afforded rights and whether they can be liable upon any occurrence or incidence that involves them. A robot is a technical term encompassing a wide range of software, hardware and applications that don’t have much in common and as such it is impossible to develop a unitary body of rights or regulations that are applicable for all kinds of robots.

Ethical concerns focused on also included the teams’ commitment and consistency towards participation and contribution to the success of the project. Every team member is required to be actively involved and participate towards a collective effort of achieving th aims and objectives of the project. As such in line with the BCS code of conduct, all members were required to be in attendance of all the group meetings as well as contribute in their respective assigned duties and tasks.

Task Preformed

  • I am responsible for the development of the Project Brief which highlighted all the major factors of the project, in addition, assisting with the development of the Project Initiation Document.
  • I am accountable for the Project Initiation Document which was collectively discussed and developed by the whole group given all the members were responsible for its development.
  • I am also consulted in the poster and Social media development.
  • I also highlighted and carried out the corrections within the project Initiation Document.


The use of PRINCE 2 enables the conduction of projects in a controlled environment and thus enhanced ease of being able to manage and ensure its success. In developing the brief, I utilized PRINCE2 methodologies to ensure the project has a constant and continued business justification. In addition having each group member with a clearly defined role spearheaded the a PRINCE2 methodology of ensuring project management control.

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Conclusion (What I learned)

Eventually research methodologies and project management is much easier to understand and engage in when carried out chronologically and systematically. I learned that development of a project essentially relies on the preparation and sequential task management all of which contribute and lead towards the achievement of the eventual objectives. Being able to work in groups helped to demystify the different aspects further so as to be able to clearly and effectively understand specific roles and activities and how they join together to eventually describe and achieve a projects aim and objectives. Also I learned that while working in teams, being aware of each other’s roles and responsibility could be critical in further understanding the various elements of a project and bringing them together to eventually define a singular research endeavor.

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