Green Mobility in Urban Transport


In this modern dispensation, the urban population is increasingly becoming a norm; brought about by increased ownership of cars and other automobiles. The ultimate impact of such ownership has induced adverse environmental, economic, social and health-related problems which this paper will explore in due course. Green mobility has become a remedy for such atrocities. This essay intends to explore the fabrics of green mobility as a tenet of transport engineering, and find out from secondary literature how; green mobility can divert the cumulative impacts caused by urban transport congestion and other anomalies. The opportunities and strengths provided by green mobility are discussed herein. As the paper develops, cognizance is given on the proposition that coming up with green mobility strategy is not an isolated matter, but that which requires stakeholder participation, right from the government, private and public entities. Additionally, the green mobility designs in the urban setting are presented herein, in conjunction with their implications. The essay concludes by giving an overview of the advantages green mobility has brought forth upon the face of urban dynamic topography in transport domain and gives three recommendation of what needs to be done to successfully integrate green mobility in our urbanized areas.


The Institution of Transportation of Engineers, USA defines transportation engineering as a branch of civil engineering, which deals with the application of technology and scientific models in designing, planning, managing and operating transport facilities, in the pursuit to offer rapid, secure, convenient, comfortable, economical and ecologically friendly transport. Effective transportation engineering is built on the threshold of informed decision drawn from concrete situational analysis of transport sector, which therefore depend on data collection, in areas of infrastructure condition, user behavior, and operation and performance in our transportation systems (Ausubel, Marchetti, and Meyer, 1998).


How does Transport Engineering assist “Green Mobility” in Urban Areas?

A transportation system according to Camagni, Gibelli, and Rigamonti (2002), tend to be interwoven with almost all human processes and is a key driver in production and delivery of services, and indeed a tool than interconnect societies. Notably, Lieb (1978), in his book Transportation vividly presents the mutual relationship between transportation and urbanization, and clearly demonstrate salient role transportation plays in the economic, political and social fabrics of an urbanized region. Such that, a well-organized transportation system tend to give birth to not only green metropolitan centers but also inspires the three pillars of sustainable development, namely economic, social and ecological domains. Additionally, Lieb tends to dismiss the familiar doctrine which maintains that the transportation system is merely comprised of only physical networks and vehicles that are operating on that network.

In a largely similar perspective as Lieb’s; Manheim (1979), equally argues out a holistic approach in addressing the structural composition and meaning of the total transportation system. According to him, he views transportation system as having three variables which are the transportation system, the pattern of flow along the transportation system, and the activity system which he views as containing the patterns of economic and social processes. Manheim demonstrates a robust interconnectedness between the three systems, even as the transportation system tends to be alienated from the socioeconomic activity system (Heesterman, 2016). Manheim also presents three forms of relationships which should be entwined with the transportation system for the essence of its completeness namely;

The present direction or pattern of flow is dictated by the activities and transportation systems.

The existing pattern of flow is likely to cause shifts with time in the activity system.

Lastly, the transportation system is subject to change in reaction to existing or expected flows.

Consequently, Manheim emphasizes the need for inclusivity of the above relationships in the pursuit to bring forth a competent transportation system in the context of urban areas and in the quest to take into consideration economic, social and environmental constraints into the heart of sustainable development.

Transport engineering in contemporary society is a prominent field that guides the establishment of the above-mentioned components of transportation. Sustainable mobility in contemporary cities and towns consequently has begun taking a lion share as an impediment standing on the way to sustainable development. Additionally, uncontrollable and poorly planned urban transportation has become a huge stake, contributing to the global climate change through greenhouse gas emissions (Carvalho, Mingardo, and Van Haaren, 2012). The trajectory of transport engineering is thus built on a proposition, which seeks to reduce air pollution and contribute to economic, social and environmental sustainability, for both present and future generations.

De Freitas and da Silva (2012) define green mobility a form of sustainable transportation that permits access to fundamental individual or societal needs in mannerisms that are safe, sensitive to ecological and human health, and equitable in benefitting the present and future posterities (World Health Organization, 2013). The organization views green mobility as efficient operation, quite affordable, and which renders varied transportation choices and thus supportive in the realms of economic development. Moreover, green mobility is characterized by her strengths revolving around limiting the wastes and emissions within the benchmarks by which the planet can sequester them and reduce overconsumption patterns of nonrenewable sources to sustainable levels. Green mobility is also characterized by recycling or re-using its elements and minimizes the production of noise pollution and land use. Apparently, Hammer et al. (2011) concur with the premise that green mobility is an idea whose time has come; and thus needs to be integrated into policies and immediately brought into practice, to safeguard the planet from the tragedy of climate change, pollution and diseases.

The application of green mobility logistics requires an impact assessment to identify opportunities and weaknesses in the transportation sector, which therefore are to be ventured into. Quayle and Jones (1999) came up with the concept of “Logistics” which they defined as a process which seeks to provide for the coordination and management of various processes and activities within the supply chain domain, from sourcing to outsourcing to acquisition of goods and services, to ensure the green mobility is granted attention. The essence of logistics is thus sought to optimize the application of loads, drivers and vehicles while aiming to reduce the numbers of trips and distances driven, and while increasing the levels of customer service. In the study of green mobility logistics, various logistical concerns are raised such as where should the value be added in the supply chain, where are depots located, load planning, effective routing and timing, and the strengths of customer service.

The art of effectively planning for transport is not always an easy task. There is elemental difficulty in reflecting upon the complexity of the structures underlying the three subsystems; activity, transport, and flows (Weil, Wootton, and Garcia-Ortiz, 2008). Additionally, at times it is cumbersome trying to make decisions that are deemed instrumental in the transportation sector. The effectiveness of efficient transportation thus rests on the trajectory of sound planning and decision making. In transportation planning, tools for situational analysis are provided in the pursuit to offer good decisions from a transport system point of view, as opposed to a single entity view. Another challenge in planning for efficient transportation lies in predicting the effects of particular interventions employed to form a basis of credible comparisons. Based on historical judgments, transportation planning has been based on luck, predictions or judgment.

Appropriate transport engineering brings forth various modes of green transportation such as electric cars, public transportation, pedestrians, and bicycles. Electric cars have been disputed as a greener alternative taking over the ancient internal combustion engine. Electric vehicles are only environmental friendly; but also are susceptible to low maintenance requirements and offers quiet and speedy transport. Pedestrians are categorized as one of the three modes of green transportation. In this mode, individuals are encouraged to undertake walking to and fro areas that do not necessarily demand vehicles. After all, walking lowers carbon footprints induced by vehicle effluents. Additionally, walking is a form of maintaining good body health and statue. Moreover, the application of bicycles as an alternative means of transport is a fundamental mode of green transportation. Faster than walking, use of bicycles do not yield carbon emissions into the environment, which makes it a green mode of transport. Purchasing and maintaining a bicycle is a mere fraction of that which is required for a car (Song, and Zhong, 2015). Eventually, public transport provides an easily available and affordable means of transport, especially in urbanized areas. Public transport vehicles provide large carrying capacity that inspires mass transportation of people and goods from one place to the other; as opposed to private means, with small carrying capacities.

Mass rapid transit, emissions control, and alternative clean energy and traffic management equally constitute salient engineering concerns that instigate efficient urban arrangements to ensure sustainability in cities is enhanced. Demuzere et al. (2014) present bus rapid transit as a high-quality mode of transporting people and goods in a speedy, comfortable and cost-effective manner, which at the end of the day contribute positively to the docket of economic, and ecological sustainability. Mass rapid transit, especially in most Asian and African countries, is an emerging trend, and Gakenheimer (2009) reports it as doing quite well in alleviating the menace of congestion, pollution of sound, and air. Emission control is linked with banning of gasoline, and hydrocarbons, and other greenhouse gases. However, according to Krajzewicz et al. (2012), the adequate implementation of emission control strategy suffers from incomprehensive legislative policies for implementation of emission control, in the areas of vehicle engine management, maintenance and inspection, road monitoring and noise regulation. While venturing into clean sources of energy, the advent of transport engineering has come along with vehicle engines powered by bio-fuels. This has significantly reduced the impacts of emissions. Additionally, traffic management has also come up with a cup of management techniques for the essence of bringing order and controlled urban landscapes. The main approach to traffic management is the introduction of a mechanism for separating motor vehicles from non-motor vehicles by demarcating lanes for buses and bikes. The framework has remarkably worked well in Cities such as Singapore, Stockholm, and London.

As a product of transport engineering green mobility constitutes a plethora of strengths in the face of urban development (Demuzere et al., 2014). First, green mobility is efficient in terms of money saving. Application of green technologies and modes of transport leads into fewer consumptions of fuel, implying therefore that it is economical in long-run. Green mobility is also a blueprint for sustainable economic development. The synthesis of green automobiles and the opening up of transport networks is a source of employment to many people. The jobs created therefore tend to lower the income inequalities existing within societal fabrics. Moreover, green mobility contributes to improved health and wellbeing (Chai et al., 2017). Through different activities that are inscribed in green mobility, healthier lifestyles are inducted. Such activities encompass bicycle riding and walking which not only promote health but also lowered levels of pollution which in long term range cut short the issue of airborne diseases. A less polluted environment free from carbon emissions resulting from fuel combustion in vehicles; is a by-product of green mobility.

The gradual increase in vehicle population results into the already aforementioned challenges; such as ecological and social problems including congestion, increased time travel, overconsumption of fuels, inadequate parking space, road rage, and reductions in worker productivity. The mix operation of pedestrians, non-motorized and motorized vehicle constitute main characteristics of developing cities and downs. Consequently, such characteristics, in the end, give birth to structured confusion, and disorder which perturbs efficient movement of traffic, and road network (Michael, and Bryan, 1999). As a result of the confusion and disorderliness, safety challenges are also raised, alongside noise and air pollution. The tragedy of congestion has sentimental attachments with a number of challenges. A lot of financial resources and fuel is lost, and so does productivity of a nation when people take long hours to arrive at workplaces, or delivery of goods and services gets hampered by monumental congestion in town. And so with the fundamental public health deteriorate amidst the chaos of vehicle effluents, and noise from non-motorized vehicles.

The objectives underlying green mobility advocate, especially regarding climate change mitigation advocate for the prompt transformation of mobility. The realization of such objectives needs integration of transportation sector with net-zero emission economy. Rigid action in ensuring the de-carbonization of transport is equally deemed fundamental, in inducing the laid objectives and vision. Green mobility objectives unravel vital global targets and benchmarks for quantifying progress while moving toward a paradigm shift (Mitchell, Hainley, and Burns, 2010). Whereas the strengths of the particular objectives of green mobility are enormous, the gap remaining to achieve them is tremendous. However, the transformation of the transport sector in favor of environmental goals ought to be greatly achieved by 2050, or shortly after. In this context, various modes of transport including road, air, railway, and water for both people and goods are intended to undergo a transformation. The dynamics therein are likely to be sensitive in consumption patterns, new adoptions of green technologies and business models. Such dynamics both in their urgency and scope calls for an elaborate and coordinated mobilization of proponents in the field of private and public domains including corporate and economic players, and policymakers (Váradi et al.,2015).

In the future perspective, the application of intelligent transport system will become an effective norm contributing to green mobility. Application of Intelligent Transport System will cover varied trajectories including traffic management, public transport, security, traveler information, and freight and logistics (Schrank, and Lomax, 2009). The mobility of people and goods from one point to the other is an instrumental element in contemporary societies. This is owed to the fact that such movement results in the transfer of labor, and a platform for economic processes to thrive directly and indirectly. Since the transportation domain has adverse impacts of congestion, pollution, traffic accidents, and energy consumptions; the application of innovations will render the efficient, safe, clean, and seamless transport. Thus, transportation engineering is playing a pivotal role in solving the tragedies of transport. Notably, the innovations in the area of electronics, computers, sensors, and satellites are playing critical roles in transport. Intelligent Transport Systems applies well-informed information and communication technologies to positively influence transport. Either, Intelligent Transport Systems tend to incorporate the already existing technologies in putting in place new transport services. Intelligent Transport Systems are therefore varied instruments for different rationales under different circumstances in the context of the transportation industry (Krajzewicz et al., (2012).

The evolution transport engineering in the context of the United Kingdom as shaped the structural arrangements of cities and towns. There is a significant bi-directional relationship between urban planning and urban transport, to ensure the two entities are interconnected efficiently (Gentile, and Noekel, 2016). As a key part for both aspects; urban street design performs instrumental roles in making the cities safe, ecologically conscious and sustainable concerning health. The implementation of urban street design has significantly shifted in the past century, but yet remains different between countries and cities. In the implementation of urban designs, the key focus is on road safety, and therefore which has inspired the introduction of rules for automobiles using the urban roads. Such rules comprise such as speed limits and the introduction of driving licenses (Sultan, Tini, and Moeinaddini, 2016).

As motorization increased in the urban contexts, so did the reported numbers of accidents. The reported accidents involved not only vehicles; but also pedestrians and vehicles. Transport engineering thus was deemed a vital framework for addressing such accidents through street designs. The advent of street designs as also inspired by the rapid development of urbanization as new structures such as subways, bridges, walls, and guardrails to prevent traffic obstructions.

Intelligent Transport Systems are applicable in all modes of transport, and the services they provide are a great source of convenience to both passenger and freight transport. The morphology of the systems is in such a way to transfer efficiency, safety, comfort and financial efficacy in the transportation sector. Taniguchi, Thompson, and Yamada (2013) note that Intelligent Transport Systems is also made up of innovations for acquiring detailed data through detectors and sensors and mechanisms for communicating such data through software computers. The communicated is processed through advanced computers and Intelligent Transport Systems provides for mechanisms for utilizing processed data in drawing benefits for the entire transport system. Intelligent Transport Systems for acquiring data constitute of inductive loops that are applied in quantifying traffic characteristics. The systems are also made up of sensors, and video detection devices. Sensors include elements such as optical infrared and ultrasonic for detecting different traffic aspects.

The application of new technology has seemingly helped to better the effectiveness of transport systems. The recent global study on digital, however, provides empirical conclusions that there is a small willingness to absorb digitalization. There is, therefore, a need for government intervention to create awareness and a full force of implementations of that which is deemed vital in the area of the transportation system (de Andrade et al., 2016). Inadequate clear vision and strategy is the main impediment against the speedy growth of urban mobility, especially in the third world countries. Unclear strategy and vision leads t formulation of policies and methodologies that are inapplicable and irrelevant, and thus unsustainable. Such policies prove to have an inadequate scope or vivid framework for implementing and monitoring green mobility systems (Goldman, and Gorham, 2016). Unavailability of concrete coordinated and coherent link of green mobility with environmental management sectors is equally a potential hindrance to escalations of green mobility in urbanized areas. As a consequence, the formulation and implementation of mobility strategies tend to concentrate along city areas without taking into consideration mobility demands. This thus suppresses the maximum interaction and resource exchange along regional domains; which as a grave obstacle against sustainable mobility. The management of urban transport systems lies in the hands of city administrations in many third world countries. Collaboration stakeholder involvement in issues of environmental management, education, and training in the implementation of transport policies practices and plans is important in the modern dispensation.

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In conclusion, green mobility as discussed in this presentation is a major promoter of an economic, social and ecologically-sensitive paradigm shift in the urban setting. In the realm of sociology, green mobility is trigger-factor of social right, equity and gender dignity in urbanized areas. Jain, (2013) perceives green mobility from a social perspective as a powerful tool for inspiring economic thrives, poverty reduction, gender empowerment, and social inclusivity. Thus, all people regardless of gender affiliation are rendered equal opportunity in the access to mobility services without prejudice, or segregation of any typology. In order to promote the success of green mobility, the impediments retarding its growth ought to be done with, through these recommendations. First, green mobility system ought to be built on the threshold of clear and well outlined national policies. The government of the day in this course ought to interpret and fully implement such policies to the letter. Secondly, effective collaboration and partnership are needed between private, public and communities to induce reality into green mobility. Lastly, the government ought to offer efficient facilities for pedestrians and other non-motorized transits within our cities. The government should champion for the application of energy efficient bio-fuels and zero emission automobiles, and indeed make environmental education available in all sectors and to the public (Gentile, and Noekel, 2016).

Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to The Impact Of Mobility As A Service On Urban Transportation And City Planning.

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