Discovering Malaysia’s Cultural Diversity

What do you know about the destination and way of life?

At the mention of Malaysia, what comes into my mind is the nature and favourable year-round weather, something tropical and wilder that Europe has. Malaysia is a multicultural country thus a land of intriguing diversity. For generations, various cultures such as Malays, Chinese, Sri Lankans, Indians, and other Asian cultures have lived together in this land and influenced each other, creating a unique Malaysian culture. I came to learn more about the Malaysians through a movie called “Rich Crazy Asians” that focuses on the way of life of the Malaysians. This film gave me a feeling I have been to Malaysia but also increased my desire to visit this country. I was amazed at the sense of fashion exhibited by the Malaysians. Marina Bay is another attractive feature, which many desire to go and experience.


Why should you be chosen to go on the trip?

I want to go as far as I can see, and when I get there, I will be able to see farther (J.P. Morgan). This affirmation is a clear expression of my curiosity to tour nations. It is the same affirmation that triggers me to live life more fully and share the endless opportunity to learn and experience new things every single minute: that is what life is all about; constant move, positive thinking, healthy mind set, and spading inspiration to everywhere.

I want to inspire people as I know how amazing every journey is and how unique and non-recurring every single trip is. My first GoGlobal trip was to India. It was not only amazing but also not the easiest experience: however, everything was absolutely worth it. Travelling maybe scary to some people but a teacher to me: once I connect with people despite differences in foreign environments, I am certain I become smarter and more competent. I want to search for the discomfort in travelling and embrace it because it is a way of personal growth and development.

I want to learn things that are only possible through travelling. Travelling makes me a better learner. Travelling increases my curiosity and humility. Travelling increases my faith in humanity while strengthening my generalised trust. Travelling makes me happier and gives me more patience. Travelling makes me more creative, more imaginative and inspired. Initially, travelling forced me to change my way of thinking but over the time it has increased my cognitive flexibility.

I will borrow from Jay Shetty’s quote, “At first travel leaves you speechless and then it turns you into a storyteller”. This quote is an accurate expression of my own experience as far as travelling is concerned. I am looking forward to tell more stories through more trips.

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How will you use this experience to enhance your employment and social opportunities locally and globally?

Travelling creates opportunities to meet new people that are uniquely different from us. This is also true to the career world: it introduces us to new persons that are different from us. Therefore, I would say travelling compares to employment in that the two introduces us to new people. Having travelled to Malaysia, I will gain more social skills and learn from them how they are able to live in harmony despite their cultural diversity. This will increase my ability to co-exist with cultures I will meet in the career world. Additionally, travelling will enhance my sense of self in that travelling strengthens personal identity, values and beliefs while increasing confidence. Travelling will enhance my employment and social opportunities in that it will shape how I present myself as individual while interacting socially with others. Therefore, the highest potential of enhancing employment and social opportunities is to let myself grow, gain confidence, remain positive, gain humility, and acquire creativity.

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