Impact On The Destination


Tourism is referred to travelling by individuals for pleasure or business purpose and it spread all over the world. In this essay, the tourism sector of Dubai is to be focussed to understand the expenditure usually done by tourist in the place and the statistics regarding their outbound and inbound tourism.

Analysing Customer spending on travel to Dubai

Dubai is seen to be one of the demanded overseas destinations often preferred by people for business purpose or for spending their leisure holidays. In 2016, 77.4% spending by the tourists is for leisure travel whereas 22.6% of spending is for business purposes in Dubai (, 2018). This informs that most of the customers spending in Dubai are travelling at the place to avail leisure services for helping them to enjoy their holidays. On analysing the tourism sector of Dubai, it is seen that international tourists spend nearly $29.70 billion for overnight stay at the place in 2017. This means that the average expenditure by international tourists to stay in Dubai is $537. It is expected to rise by 7.8% as forecast by the tourism sector in Dubai (, 2018). This is informed to be the highest expenditure made by tourist in comparison to other destinations such as Paris ($301 per day), Singapore ($286 per day), Bangkok ($173 per day) and others in 2017 as reported by MasterCard (, 2018). Thus, the figures inform that the customers are spending twice to stay in Dubai is comparison to other overseas destination making Dubai Tourism sector to have increased availability of funds for developing their industry. However, this informs that the customers who are visiting Dubai required having good economic condition to bear the expenses. The tourists staying in Dubai are seen to spend an estimated $4.7 billion in cafes and restaurants for having their foods and enjoyment. However, when the expenditure includes the retail sector it is estimated to be $9.5 billion which is above than any other overseas tourism destination (, 2016). Thus, the statistics inform that Dubai is one of the demanding tourism destinations in the world with customer spending more than any other tourist destinations to avail services to stay and enjoy their holiday or business trips.


Inbound and Outbound tourism in Dubai

The inbound tourism refers to the activities being done by tourists while travelling to a place outside their usual environment for more than 24 hours. However, outbound tourism refers to the consumption made by the resident visitors outside their economic territory of the country (Khan et al. 2017). Dubai is seen to have become the commercial and tourism hub of the Arabian Gulf making them be able to attract 8.1 million total tourists only in the first half of 2018 out of which 4.7 million are international tourists (, 2018). The Dubai Tourism sector also informs that inbound visitors are contributing 73.2% to the Travel and Tourism GDP in 2016 at the place with expenditure of $29.70 billion reported by inbound tourists in 2017 (, 2018;, 2018). The outbound tourism market of the Dubai informs that nearly 3.5million outbound tourists are reported from UAE in 2015 those spent nearly $19.33 billion. The most preferred destination of the outbound tourists from Dubai and UAE was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which accounts for 39% with 7% preferring UK (, 2018). This informs that Dubai been able to draw in more international tourists than domestic individuals in the sector. Moreover, it also informs that the Dubai inbound tourism market is at an advantageous position than the outbound market as more international tourists are visiting the place in comparison to resident of Dubai travelling outside the country for leisure or business purposes.

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The discussion informs that Dubai has become one of the key hubs for tourism in the Middle East with international tourist spending $29.70 billion in 2017. Moreover, the inbound tourism market in Dubai is at an advantageous position than the outbound tourism in term of tourists as well as expenditure by tourists.


  • 2018, Statistics and most-visited destinations, Available at:[Accessed on: 02 January 2019]
  • Khan, S.A.R., Qianli, D., SongBo, W., Zaman, K. and Zhang, Y., 2017. Travel and tourism competitiveness index: The impact of air transportation, railways transportation, travel and transport services on international inbound and outbound tourism. Journal of Air Transport Management, 58, pp.125-134.
  • 2016, Visitors to Dubai spend twice as much as tourists in other major cities, h[Accessed on: 02 January 2019]
  • 2018, Tourists spend more in Dubai than any other city in the world[Accessed on: 02 January 2019]
  • 2018, Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 United Arab Emirates,[Accessed on: 02 January 2019]

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