Energy Efficiency in Construction

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background

The construction business industry has long been seen as a major burden for the nations due to its extensive demand for energy resources, especially the electricity power. According to empirical research of Božić & Kovačević (2011), the building construction operations are accounted for consuming 40% of the total energy produced in the European Union. Nevertheless, the sector is also identified as producing 36% CO2 emission in the region. However, the adequate energy efficiency performance objectives taken by the governance system ‘EU Climate and Energy’ have been expecting to deliver profound result both in context of increasing efficiency in building construction projects and protecting the natural environment as well. The initiative, ‘EU Climate and Energy’ is expected to reduce up to 20% of the Greenhouse gas and to minimize up to 20% in energy savings over the year 2020. Additionally, the past research studies have also identified empirical evidence about the adverse impact of the growing construction industry regarding its energy consumption volume. Anink et al. (1996) argued that over 30% of the primary energy produced from fossil fuel is used in the construction of non-industrial buildings such as houses, hospitals, and schools among others. In a recent phenomenon, the vulnerable shortage of electric power has become a major problem in both developed and developing nations (Anink et al., 1996). Therefore, many of the developing and developing nations have been leading the forefront to develop energy efficient construction process. Moreover, integrating energy efficiency as well as sustainable green design for construction of buildings is become the most prioritized initiatives for facility managers, contract managers and designers and another group of individuals in the modern construction industry (Chalfoun, 1991). Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Social Psychology in Nocturnal Animals.

1.2. Problem Context

According to the project of International Energy Outlook (IEO) (2017), India would be the leading country regarding having rapid growth regarding building energy consumption within 2040. In India, the delivered energy consumption for different commercial and residential buildings is projected to rise with an average rate of 2.7% during each year from 2015 to 2040, which is more than double than the average increasing rate globally. The following Figure (Fig.1) illustrates the average rate of changes in annual energy consumption of buildings from the year 2015 to 2040.

Annual average change in building energy consumption, 2015 to 2040

Concerning the above illustration, it can be stated that the majority of growth in building energy consumption in India has been increasing due to the growing use of electricity as well as natural gas along with the increasing use of energy-using appliances and equipment. In this context, the key contributing factors such as rapid growth in the economy, increasing annual household income level, growing volume of population and rapid growth in urbanization can be considered for India’s mammoth growth in building energy consumption rate. In India, the building energy consumption rate accounted for 14% of the total energy consumption in the nation during the year 2015. Although it has been projected that growth of commercial energy in India to be higher than the country’s residential energy growth, but the Indian residential sector has been considered as the major group of consumers, which represents over 70% of the building's energy. Therefore, with due emphasis upon the growth in energy consumption rate, the increasing volume of using fossil fuel and natural gas is ultimately calling for a major environmental crisis for India in future (International Energy Outlook (IEO), 2017). In this context, the process of developing the most effective ways in energy efficiency as well as sustainable renewable and green design can be the most prominent practices for India to reduce the possible environmental challenges due to its higher energy consumption by the building construction projects. Hence, innovation in developing energy efficient building construction processes are the most anticipated practices that can play a crucial role in constructing energy efficient buildings in India.

1.3. Research Aim and Objectives

1.3.1. Aim

The aim of this research is to identify and critically evaluate the most effective techniques for constructing energy efficient buildings in India. In this context, the research is intended to find ways that can help the building construction projects to use minimum or less amount of energy in residential and non-residential or commercial projects in India.

1.3.2. Objectives

The research objectives have been framed to achieve the underlying aim of the project. The research objectives of the current research study are

To critically identify the current techniques used in building construction projects in India

To determine the impacts of construction techniques used in Indian building construction projects on the environment

To estimate the extent the current practice may cause negative impacts on the environment and social development in India

1.4 Scope of the Dissertation

Chapter 2 gives a brief description about the theoretical aspects of creating energy efficient building. It describes about the principles and methods of creating energy efficient and green building. The third chapter discusses about the methods that are being used for completing the dissertation. It gives information about the approaches and design being used and philosophies being followed in the research. The fourth chapter gives information about various methods that are used by different green and energy efficient building in India. Finally, the fifth chapter provides conclusion about the research subject.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 About Green Building

According to Gurav & et al., (2018), a green building is the one which utilizes less water, enhances power usage, conserve natural resources, creates a low level of waste and give a healthier location for inhabitants. It frequently focuses on exploiting renewable resources. In accordance with National Building Code (NBC), green building saves about 36% to 40% of water, 30% to 40% of power and 25% to 40% of materials in comparison with a conventional building. The specific characteristics of green building are:

Location selection with considering the ecology of the area such as the prevailing environment and utilization of local materials The minimum utilisation of power by the building The minimum utilisation of water by the building from different external sources Maximum utilisation of non-toxic, recycled and renewable consumption Incorporated building management system for regulating, observing, measuring and verifying Innovation in design and construction method Safe energy substructure

Dakwale (2011) stated that there are various important aspects of green building which are:

Sustainable location

Sustainable location signifies such location which would have minimum environmental threat throughout the construction phase. It possesses access to fundamental amenities such as water and sand and hence, minimizing pollution. Sustainable location enhances the use of onsite water management and provision for groundwater renew. Steps are taken to preserve the soil for engrossing less water by efficient methods.

Water effectiveness

The key objective of water efficiency is to enhance the usage of water in the building, hence minimizing the level of water required for specific functions. Certain methods which can be accepted for this method comprise effective remodelling technique and utilization of innovative wastewater management technology. Technologies for utilization of water, for example, rainwater use, wastewater treatment, and waterless urinals can be used for conservation of water and for enhancing water effectiveness inside the building.

Energy effectiveness

Energy effectiveness involves the installation of several methods of onsite renewable power creation to minimize the overall power usage of the building and other ways of utilising green power such as solar energy and wind power. The shape, colour and design are done in such a manner which enhances the use of natural sunlight during the day, therefore no utilisation of using electricity and optimisation of power usage.

Material selection

Green building enhances the use of recycled, reusable, renewable, sustainably developed and bio-based materials. These materials can range from mixed concrete by utilizing fly ash, recycled concrete amass and other admixtures to basic steel and floor tiles among others. Bio based products are created from agricultural waste which comprises straw, soy, barley, and sunflower or peanut shells among others. Reutilisation of household waste in the form of biogas is also a characteristic of this material selection.

Inner environment quality

To enhance the quality of the inner environment of the building and health of the residents, they should be created with materials with low emissions. Green building is developed to enhance the utilization of natural light for every resident. Biodegradable environment-friendly products are used in such a building, which do not discharge destructive agents and residue. There require to be provisions for cross ventilation and better airing system.

The conceptual framework for green building is demonstrated in the following figure.

Conceptual Framework for Green Building

2.2 Principles of Energy Efficient Building

Energy efficient building method is regarded as the way construction segment move towards accomplishing sustainable development by considering environmental, social, and economic issues. It also portrays the responsibility of the industry towards safeguarding the environment. According to Gireeshma & Rao (2016), the practice of energy efficient building refers to different methods in the procedure of applying construction projects which involve less power usage and less harm to the environment, i.e. prevention of waste, utilisation of waste in the development of building, advantageous to society and profitable to the organisation. According to Aktas (2013), the fundamental principles which underlie ecological and green building are the saving of material resources, maintenance of clean and healthy environment both, with respect to topographic changes and the level of air, water and soil contamination, minimisation of personified power in building, optimum ratio between surface of the cover and the building volume, satisfactory thermal inertia, creation of insulating spaces between environments with diverse temperatures, effective installations, use of renewable energy sources (solar or geothermal energy), optimisation of natural ventilation, conservation of power and increased consciousness of users regarding acceptance of balanced building function. Leadership and Energy Environmental Design (LEED): LEED is a rating system used in India to evaluate the effectiveness of green building. It is a voluntary, market-oriented rating system, which is subject to established technology. It assesses environmental performance from an entire building viewpoint throughout building’s life cycle, giving a conclusive standard for what establishes a green building. It gives rating according to sustainable locations, water effectiveness, power and environment, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality and innovation in design. It is a performance-based system where credits are earned for fulfilling criterion, developed to locate certain environmental influences which are intrinsic in design and construction (Mohammadi & et al., 2014). Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA): GRIHA is another rating system which has entirely tuned into climatic differences, architectural practices, practices of construction and intending to recover the passive architecture. This rating system considers the provision of National Building Code 2005; the Energy Conservation Building Code 2007 and other IS codes. The key aspects of building design which are considered into GRIHA are location planning, building envelope design, building system design, heating ventilation and air conditioning, lighting, electrical and water heating, incorporation of renewable energy sources to create energy onsite, water and waste management selection of ecologically sustainable products (with high recycled component and quickly renewable energy resources with low emission possibility) and indoor environmental quality (maintenance of indoor thermal, visual comfort and air quality) (Shinde et al, 2013). BREEAM: Another important standard for measuring sustainability in construction in BREEAM. It is regarded as the world’s leading sustainability evaluation method for planning construction projects. It identifies and mirrors the value in high performing assets throughout the built environment lifecycle, from construction to renovation. BREEAM empowers those who commission, design, create and manage building, infrastructure, and societies to accomplish the sustainability objectives. The BREEAM documentation validates the claim of sustainability of a building. BREEAM evaluation considers the procurement, design, construction, and function of development against a variety of targets on the basis of performance standards. It concentrates on energy efficiency, land usage, ecology, water consumption, health and wellbeing of people, pollution control, transportation requirements, materials usage, waste creation and management of the building. Evert category concentrates on the most influential aspects comprising minimized carbon emission, low environmental influence design, adjustment with climate change, ecological worth and biodiversity safety (Brream, 2018). CEEQUAL: CEEQUAL is a global evidence-oriented sustainability evaluation for enhancing the sustainability of civil engineering and public territory projects. The goal of this evaluation is to inspire the accomplishment of environmental excellence and to provide enhanced social performance in project specification, design, and construction. The assessment is based on the utilization of water, electricity, and land, the influence of the construction on ecology, landscape, neighbours and archaeology, waste reduction and management and social relationship and facility. It evaluates whether a project is assisting the society it serves to live in a sustainable manner (Ceeqal, 2018).

CEEQAL Coverage

2.3 Traditional Methods of Creating Green Building

In Indian history, there are many buildings like temples, mosques, churches, forts and historical monuments which were developed on the basis of the green concept. However, different methods are used to create such a building. The mud walls, dual stone walls, diverse type of roofs such as leaves of coconut trees, mud tiles, and wood water roofs are utilized to develop greenhouse. Different plants like bamboo trees are planted, not only for security but also to avoid heat and to enhance cooling. Apart from that ivies, climbers, bottle gourd and ridge gourd are also planted in the compound walls. The open space in the house premises is utilized for planning vegetation and flowers. The traditional method cooling in India was stepped well (see the following figure). A pool ploughed into the soil and surrounded by walls above position so that the air is cooled by dispersing water. Heat can exhume into the ground so putting a porch into it, the environment stays comfortable throughout the year.

Step Well

In Western and Southern India, houses were created from mud and thatched roofs to make the interiors chill from extreme heat and humidity. Master builders knew to expand the nil power techniques which utilized mass to store warm and moving water on the air to drain it out, hence to stay cold throughout lengthy hot Indian summer season. Imitating the caves, the Indian associates put vast constructions on huge sources and given a thermal passageway to a water unit. In many traditional constructions, this technique can be identified for thermal soothing at nil power charge. The motivation for relaxing these constructions is due to comprehensive constructions freeze next to a temperature which is a number of degrees within that of human skin. The cause why they sneer tiny or no energy is as the temperature is exhausted to a low-down warmth go down in the form of a discharge watercourse corpse. Air taming require to force the heat to higher temperature ambient air (Babu, 2017). This necessitates abundance of power. If worn in an air-conditioned system, the traditional practice would minimize solar load significantly and would also shave the peak. It would signify lesser plant and weak power expenses.

2.4 Contemporary Methods of Creating Green Building

Energy efficient and environmentally friendly building is certainly an incorporated method. The available choices in architectural interference, building materials, and design methods require to be prudently assessed to reduce power use and to minimize the environmental degradation which can be caused by the creation of building and give inexpensive solutions. The objective is to accomplish preferred comfort with a minimum input of power. Although there are no specific rules, architects and designers create a green building by passive solar design, use of renewable energy and natural building products. Building Orientation: It is a universal truth that the Sun moves from east to west and its movement from north to the south leads to seasonal fluctuations throughout the year. The orientation of building in a specific direction hence can warm or cool the building, which is subject to the climatic area in which it was created. Appropriate orientation of building can assist in enhancing or reducing the heat load about 5%. For instance, if the long edges of the building in the compound climatic area face north and south and short edges faces east and west, the heat load can be minimized (see following figure).

Orientation of Building

In the above figure, it can be stated that the orientation of a building determines the total quantity of power necessitated to warm or cool the house.

Insulation: Insulation can be added in the walls or roofs of the building to minimize the heat through transferring additional heat. It also assists in diminishing inside thermal comfort and is efficient in minimising temperature variations in non-air-conditioned locations. Certain commonly utilized insulation products are inorganic fabric, expanded polystyrene, polyurethane leather and vermiculite, etc. As roofs obtain maximum solar radiation, it is important to shield them by utilizing the products above. According to Akadiri & et al., (2012), cavity walls are an efficient way of insulation. Apart from that fly ash oriented fizzy concrete blocks and cellular concrete blocks also have significant insulation features and can be utilized for wall insulation. Appropriate provisions can be provided by an engineer, which is subject to the climatic area where the building is to be created. Roof Shading: The most effective method to cool a building during the hot season is to maintain the heat level from growing in the first place. The most vital reflexive cooling method, irrespective of mass is shading. It is a simple way to block the sunlight before it enters into the building. Shading of roofs is an important way to minimize the growth of heat. Roofs can be shaded through giving roof cover of concrete or sheet or plants or canvas or earthen pots among others. Shading given by roof, must not interfere with night-time cooling. A shelter over the roof of concrete or spurred iron sheets gives shelter from direct emission. However, one key disadvantage of this method is that it does not allow realizing of temperature to the sky during night-time. Therefore, a cover of deciduous plants and climbers is a better to substitute. Vaporization from leaf facades reduce the heat of the roof to a certain extent than daytime heat. During the night, it is quite lower in comparison with the atmosphere heat. Covering of the whole surface area with carefully crammed upturned clay pots, as it was being used in traditional building, enhances the shallow area for radioactive discharge. Insulating through the roof obstructs heat movement into the building. Nevertheless, it reduces the roof unfeasible and make the maintenance activities hard. The other less costly and efficient instrument is removable canvas cover attached near to the roof. Throughout daytime, it hampers the entrance of heat and its removal during the night. Painting of canvas at white reduces the radioactive and conductive temperature increase (Kamal, 2011). Day Lighting (Shape of the building, Upper Hang, North): When appropriately designed and efficiently incorporated with the lighting system, daylighting can provide considerable power saving through offsetting a portion of electric lighting load. An associated advantage is a minimization in cooling system capability since electric lighting functions less, minimizing a vital element of inner gains. The shape of the building is a vital design consideration, mostly concerning solar radiation and wind. In mostly cold regions, building requires to be oriented to enhance solar advantage, and the reverse is used in hot zones. In zones where seasonal fluctuations are quite noticeable, both hot and cold situations can appear sporadically. For a cold climate, an orientation slightly East of South is preferred (particularly 15o East of South), as this exposes the building to more morning sunlight in comparison with afternoon sunlight and permits the building to start heating throughout the day. In a similar context, wind can be favourable or unfavourable. With cautious design, shielding and deflecting tools can be integrated to eliminate the sunlight or redirect it into the building (Global Buildings Performance Network, 2015). Indoor Lighting: The fluorescent lights and energy efficient CFLs are used for saving energy. These lights are much effective in comparison with incandescent bulbs and have the durability of about six times more than standard lights. Although these lights are costlier than ordinary lights, they can pay by saving more energy throughout the lifetime (United Nations Development Programme, 2015). Natural Ventilation: Natural ventilation depends on the wind and the chimney effect to maintain the coolness of the home. Such ventilation performs effectively in cool nights and regular drafts. The wind naturally ventilates the house through the windows system, which is subject to the orientation of the wind. When the wind blows against the room, air is forced into the windows on the side confronting into the wind, while a typical vacuum effect has a tendency to extract air out of windows on the downwind portion. The coastal climate, various seaside buildings are developed with huge sea facing windows to exploit the cooling ocean breezes. In a drier environment, natural ventilation comprises avoiding temperature increase throughout the day and ventilating at night. The chimney effect depends on convection and happens when cold air arrives into the home on the first floor, and the underground room absorbs the temperature in the room and withdraws through the upstairs windows. This generates a partial vacuum that pulls more air through lower level windows. This system works effectively in open air designs with windows situated in the top of the building. Passive solar homes are frequently developed to exploit convection to dispense temperature consistently through the home. These homes inspire typical ventilation through positioning operable windows and casements on the top floor (Schulze & Eicker, 2013). Solar panels: Solar panel creates solar energy which is a clean and renewable source of power. The solar panel is an emerging and innovative technology for individuals who desire to use natural power. Solar power reduces the power consumption and provides additional energy into the building. Industrial and institutional households require constant and regular access to energy for a variety of requirements. The solar rooftop is developed to supply power to office homes with intermittent or no greed power. According to Alobaidi & et al., (2015), a PV system can be developed in a building as a portion of a building’s structure. In the new building, a PV system can be created at the design and construction phase. They can be retrofitted on the existing building also. Photovoltaic can be incorporated in every possible structure of the building, i.e., from bus accommodations to high rise buildings. They can be utilized as landscaping components. Integrating PV in a building will lead to the creation of energy at the point of demand without any additional use of land and minimization of cooling pressure of the building since it also performs as a shading component. In the building, incorporated PV systems and PV components are utilized as a portion of the building envelope. It can be incorporated in building in three methods which are, façade incorporated PV systems, roof incorporated PV systems, and shadow voltaic PV systems (see the following figure).

Interior Parameters: By ANSI Standard 55, in case 80% of house residents are satisfied with the situation of indoor environment of the house at any specific time, then the situation of that environment is regarded as rationally comfortable. This standard stipulates ‘building oriented indoor environmental parameters’ and ‘user-oriented parameters’ which establish comfort acceptable to most of the users in the building. In energy efficient building, the adaptive reactions of users can be determined concerning the technological, personal, psychological and physical variations. The technological adaptations mirror the adjustment of thermal and lighting situations in the building. It comprises adjustments on window setting, sun shading, heating instruments and cooling strategies (Dichiara & et al., 2001). Personal adaptation mentions the adjustment in personal physical conditions, for instance, cloth and position adjustment. Psychological adaptation concentrates on the expectations and apparent environmental level of displeasure for residents. Physiological adaptation is typically regarded as heat and cold control of the human body. For instance, sweating and shivering are two typical types of physiological adaptation (Mcgowan & Kruse, 2004). Prianto & et al., (2003) determined the parameters influence building’s power usage and performance on the basis of user interference. These parameters are age aspect, occupancy, and management, environmental standards, climate factors, building design, building service system and function (such as cooling, heating, hot water supplying and equipment). With respect to indoor environmental quality, Bhatt (2010) recognised 12 subjects in relation between energy effectiveness and user comprising physical situation of the environment (such as lighting, noise, air movement, air quality and heat), personal control on physical situations, management reaction to complaints, health and overall comfort productivity and overall quality of the building. Green Roof: Green roofs are a passive cooling method which halts incoming solar radiation from reaching the building structure. It is a new technology of green building represented by the vegetative coating of the roof. They comprise various layers, which are protective felt layer, drainage storage foil; purification felt layer, a substrate for green roofs and final layer of plants. The fundamental division of green roof is the extensive green roof. The kind of vegetation, substrate and other layers can differ on the basis of the kind of green roof. The vegetation on a green roof minimizes the temperature and cools the surface by evapotranspiration. The area within the green roof can be cooler in comparison with the surrounding air, while conventional roof can enhance the heat of the air for more than 50o C. Green roof can be utilized in diverse kinds of building, i.e., residential and commercial building, industrial building, public building, and private homes. By generating shadow within the layer of vegetation, the temperature is minimized. These cooler surfaces minimise temperature transfer to buildings and its reemission into the environment. Furthermore, growing substrate on green roofs safeguards the layers underneath from contact to the wind and ultraviolet rays. The minimisation of surface temperature assists to maintain the coolness of building through minimizing the flow of heat by the roof and inside the building. Furthermore, the lower temperature minimises the movement of hot air above the roof, which can assist in minimising the temperature of the surrounding air. A high proportion of roofs within the vegetation can assist with the minimization of urban heat islands, which are prevalent in a highly dense area (Castleton et al, 2010). Energy Star Windows: Replacing old windows with energy star windows minimizes the energy consumption and therefore the electricity bill by about 12%. Lower power usage also minimizes the greenhouse gas emission from offices, factories, and homes. Many energy star windows have certain product characteristics such as quality frame materials, gas fills, low e glass, multiple pans, and warm edge spacers among others. These windows arrive in different framing materials for example fiberglass, vinyl frames, aluminium frames, wooden frames, combination frames, and composite frames. A standard window typically gives daylight illumination to about 1.5 times the distance between the floor and the top. As a general rule, the higher the window is positioned in the wall, the deeper the daylight penetration (Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources, 2001). Landscaping: Landscaping is a vital component of green building. Appropriate landscaping minimizes direct sun exposure and therefore heating the building surfaces. It averts mirrored lights generating heat into the building from the ground and other facades. Landscaping generates diverse airflow designs and can be utilized to direct or distract the wind favourably by creating a pressure difference. Furthermore, the shades created by trees and the impact of grass and bushes minimize air heat adjoining the building and give evaporative cooling. Appropriately designed roof gardens assist in minimising temperature pressure in the building. Trees are the primary components of energy conserving landscape. Deciduous trees, for example, mulberry or Champa remove direct sun throughout the summer season, and these trees shed leaves throughout the winter season and permit the sun to heat the building (Cook, 2008). Rainwater harvesting: Rainwater harvesting system is an important feature of energy efficient building. In this system, rainwater is collected from the roof and then stored into a tank. The collected water can then be utilized for other causes, for example, toilet and sprayer system. The rain barrels are one of the most common ways of rainwater harvesting (MNRE, 2015).

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Research Approach

There are various methods which can be utilized to analyse and understand a research subject. This approach is based on the research question and type of study. Three approaches are mostly used by the researcher in a study which is qualitative, quantitative and mixed. The quantitative approach utilizes numbers and statistics to evaluate the research subject. This research analyses the subject through figures and the scientific method. By using scientific evaluation, this approach gives an opportunity to establish any statistical relationship. On the other hand, the qualitative approach is subject to descriptive information. It analyses the subject through interpretation and comprehension of different events. By narrative description, this approach helps to obtain a general picture of the research subject. Then again, the mixed approach implies utilization of both qualitative and quantitative methods. In a mixed approach, methods which are best suited for analysing the subject is utilised. Combining both approaches make the research much broad and complex (Creswell, 2014). In this research, the qualitative approach is used. The reason for using qualitative approach is that the subject energy efficiency design is qualitative in nature and there is no possibility for making any statistical calculation. Furthermore, the research defines about the approaches that is used for making building energy efficient and sustainable, which can be best analysed through narrative descriptions. The subject is based on individual account on how energy efficiency is occurring in the Indian real estate industry, which makes the topic best suited for using qualitative approach.

3.2 Research Design

Research design is the outline for conducting the study. There are three kinds of designs which can be used for undertaking a study. The first type is exploratory design, which is utilised for obtaining thoughts and visions about the subject. The second type is descriptive design, which is utilised for defining a population concerning different variables and the third type is causal design, which is used for analysing the cause and effect connection between the variables. In this particular research, the exploratory design is used (Wrenn et al, 2007). The research is based on obtaining a picture regarding energy efficient building construction in India. It is focussed on obtaining thoughts on how buildings can be made more sustainable and energy efficient. The research has been conducted to give a better understanding of the situation of energy efficient building in India. It is not designed for coming up with final answer, rather to understand about what is going on with respect to sustainability in building design. There are many popular methods for exploratory design which are literature survey, in-depth interview, focus group and case analysis. In this research the literature survey and case analysis method are used. Literature survey is one of the quickest and inexpensive method. There is significant amount of data accessible in online sources such as libraries, newspapers, journals and magazines which are used for obtaining an image about green energy efficient and sustainable building. Furthermore, case analysis is also used in this research. Frequently, much can be learnt through studying a situation in carefully selected cases on the phenomenon. Therefore, the case study analysis is used in this research. Different cases of energy efficient and sustainable building situated in India has been analysed to understand the concepts that has been used for making the building energy efficient and green. This has provided valuable insights about the research subject.

3.3 Research Philosophy

The philosophy adopted in the research comprises vital norms regarding the way the reality is viewed. These norms reinforce the research strategy and methods that are to be selected through the study. There are three ways of thinking about research reality which are positivism, interpretivism and post positivism. Each philosophy impact on the manner research is undertaken. In positivism philosophy, it is believed that realism about a subject is static in nature and therefore should be observed from objective viewpoint. Therefore, the personal opinion of researcher has no place in such research. Hypothesis is also created in positivism philosophy. On the basis of interpretivism philosophy, research realism should be observed from subjective viewpoint. This philosophy considers that research realism is dynamic and hence can change according to situations or places. Therefore, research should be conducted in its usual setting. The personal opinion of researcher plays vital part in this philosophy. On the other hand, in post positivism philosophy, it is considered that there are many explanations of realism. This philosophy assumes that there is no absolute reality exists, i.e. there are different ways to see at the reality and each has possessed certain faults. Therefore, on the basis of this philosophy using only subjective or objective perspective can provide fallible picture about the research problem (Willis et al, 2007). This particular research is based on interpretivism philosophy. In this research it is believed that the subject energy efficacy building design can be analysed only through subjective viewpoint. Therefore, the research has been analysed in its natural setting. The research has focused on descriptive aspects, rather than facts and figures.

3.4 Research Types

There are two kinds of reasoning on which research can be undertaken which are inductive and deductive. In inductive reasoning, the evidences support the conclusion of the research. It is also termed as bottom up approach as; this research follows specific flow of activities in order to make interpretations of the subject. On the other hand, in deductive reasoning, actual evidences help to create valid conclusion. It is also termed as top down reasoning. This kind of research starts with a hypothesis and accordingly data is collected in order to prove or disprove the hypothesis (Crowther & Lancaster, 2012). This particular research is based on inductive reasoning. In this research, at first theories regarding energy efficient and green building have been studied. The data has been gathered and observation has been made regarding various principles used for making energy efficient building in India. On the basis of observation specific conclusion about the subject has been made. It starts from general understanding about sustainable and green building to more specific about what actually is occurring in developing energy efficient building in Indian cases.

3.5 Data Collection

There are two kinds of data that can be used in a research which are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is first hand data, collected specifically for the purpose of the study and secondary data is the second-hand data which have already been collected by other writers or researchers for the purpose of similar kind of studies. In this research, only secondary data is used. The reason for using secondary data is that it is much easy to collect, and this data is suitable for this kind of subject. There is huge amount of information available on secondary sources such as online and internet which is sufficient for undertaking the research.

3.6 Data Analysis

As stated above, in this research case study analysis will be used. Various cases of Indian architectures with energy efficiency has been studied in this research such as “Degree College and Hill Council Complex” in Leh, “ITC Green centre” in Gurgaon of Delhi, “Suzlon One Earth” in Pune, “Infinity Benchmark” in Kolkata of West Bengal, “Shapath 5” in Ahmedabad of Gujarat, “Athea Wind Farm” in West County Limerick and “Kings Place” in London which has obtained energy efficiency design and certified through various awards. Studying the design and methods of these cases has helped to provide valuable understanding about the techniques that can be used in order to make building sustainable and energy efficient.

Chapter 4: Case Studies

To analyse about the techniques for constructing energy efficient building in India certain cases of Indian buildings have been studied. These cases have provided significant insight into what is occurring in Indian construction industry and how energy efficiency can be achieved. The first case of energy efficiency can be observed concerning Degree College of Hill Council.

4.1 Case of Degree College of Hill Council

Degree College of Hill Council complex is situated in Leh with a height of about 3514 meters above the sea level. It is created within an area of about 29600 square meters. The building is situated in the cold and sunny climatic area. The location Leh is characterized by fairly long winter which remains from October to March. The solid cold time exists for about two months, and the level of rainfall in the area is quite low. The most pleasurable months in that area are June and July. Although the region is categorized as dry area, in recent times the level of rainfall has increased. This region has an appropriate condition of sunny days with a high degree of heat emission. Building Orientation: The orientation of Degree College is in a lengthened rectangle shape with land pitched towards the direction of the south at a slope of 1 in 30. The location is distinctive of cold, dry dessert situation of Ladakh and by extensive barren with no vegetation. It provides outstanding scenery from the building of snow-covered hills which enclosed the location on every portion, with the palace establishing the background.

The building complex is situated inland sloping in south direction with an average slope of about 1 in 12. The rectangular position of the building is along the north side to south direction. The whole structure of the complex is oriented in the west to east and north and the south course as per design necessities. Every structure of the complex is treated specifically on the basis of the orientation. The north portion of the complex has thick walls which help to reduce the loss of temperature, while the south portion is designed in such a way to enhance the better use of sunlight.

Day Lighting: Passive solar design is used in the complex so that daylighting can be used for lighting purposed in the daytime. The lecture halls, workshops and the library in the academic division have been created with the building segment by adjusting the warmth and sunlight penetration. The north portion of the complex has been designed with solid walls in every block to eradicate heat loss, while the southern portion has been developed to enhance the sunlight penetration for warming and better light distribution in the daytime. The plan of the building and its 3D form permits maximum penetration of daylight, which results in solar heat gain and intensification of sunshine. While heat gain is maximized, its immersion in the carefully distributed thermal mass gives the appropriate temperature in the spaces throughout the daytime cycle. Air heating panels in the complex are developed as an inner portion of the southern wall, which gives efficient heat gain by a close convective circle.

Insulation: The building complex has an appropriate level of insulation which helps to reduce the heat losses. Good insulation and least fenestration on northern side contact help to stop heat loss. Heat penetration losses are reduced by weather proofed timber carpentry, i.e., with no thermal links. Apart from that the dual coating assist in regulating heat loss from glazing without generating compression. The complex is created on steep slopes facing southward. This permits for good insulation throughout the day (see following image). The heavy walls and a well-insulated roof diminish the disparities of inner heat. The building uses glass, and presently the Trombe wall is an effective way of storing the temperature throughout the day to stay hot at night time.

Green roof: In the building double glazing is used in the roof to maintain coolness of building during the hot season. The roof acted as an insulation mechanism for absorbing the temperature and for maintaining heat. The surface area of the roof has been covered with greenery which provides shading to the building. Apart from that trees have been used as a part of natural barriers in for wind (see the following picture). The thick wall and glass help to store the temperature in the building throughout the daytime and make the building warm in nigh time.

Ventilation: As the solar heat can enhance the heat of the inner environment of the building, when the comfort heat range in summer increases, the ventilation is used. It is an efficient approach for the summer season to dispel the inner temperature creation. To improve ventilation, the convective circle is attached with cross airing by eastern and western fenestration. As a result, the complex necessitates no electrical power for heating and lighting during daytime and also for making hot water as it can be accomplished by solar water heating method. Ventilation in the building is activated through buoyancy. This particular complex can hence be defined as low energy consumption or energy efficient building throughout the daytime, which is regarded as the typical hours for functions.

4.2 Case of ITC Green Centre

Situated within 180000 square feet, ICT Green centre has set the standard for green building in India. Located in Gurgaon of Delhi, the complex has been rewarded as LEED certification. It is regarded as the first corporate building in India to obtain this honour. The building is developed by considering the highest environmental standards. It is created from bricks and concrete including fly ash and is prepared with highly effective tools which minimizes electricity usage by about 53% than any conventional building and 40% portable water necessities. Low level of water discharge, solar thermal technology, rainwater harvesting system, reflective roof pain, minimal exterior lighting and separate smoking facilities with exhaust system are some of the aspects of the complex.

Orientation of Building

Building Orientation: One of the strongest features of the ITC Green Centre is its design. Every system of the building is incorporated in a manner so that it can act as naturally as possible. The systems of the building are not created to function individually; rather it is designed to give and receive support from each other and to function as naturally as possible. For instance, the L shaped architecture of the building acts more than one activity in above one field of the instant environment.

The central hall permits a pillar of glare-free natural light to create in the core of the building, hence minimizing the utilization of artificial light. It also certifies that one portion of the frontage is always in the shadow, avoiding extreme temperature from penetrating the building. The discreet bodies of water positioned in the front side of the building support the cooling effect. The hall is also linked with several portions of the building, both horizontally and vertically. It not only provides a feeling of space but also inspires interface between them. It acts as a hub of the complex.

ITC Green centre Lighting

Sustainable Location: ITC Green Centre was not only created to demonstrate the efforts to create a green building but also to express the worth of green though. It has intelligent planning and design which permitted to create and sustain an energy efficient structure. The system of the building is incorporated prudently to conserve energy, to harvest and recycle water and to control heat and air quality. Even the materials utilized in the construction of the building and the methods it was used support energy efficiency. It stops extreme heat from entering the complex, saving energy expenses, supporting the harvesting of water and assisting to enhance the quality of air inside the complex. Moreover, not only are the materials reused, recycled and quickly renewable, they are much resilient in comparison with conventional materials. ITC Green centre has demonstrated that it can sustain itself. Material selection: The guidelines ITC Green Centre followed while selecting materials properly reduced, reuse and recycle. For instance, more than 40% of materials utilized in the creation of the building was accessible within 800 kilometres of the location, which is not only cost effective but also provides the possibility of simple renewal. Above 10% of materials utilized to create workstations, cabinets, conference furniture, wall boards, and door structures were renovated or salvaged from building location. There is a very high percentage of recycled materials such as fly ash in the cement and concrete is utilized for construction. For instance, the Autoclaved Aerated Concrete blocks comprised about 55% of fly ash and given the high component of quicklime in the slabs, can be safely defined as self-cementing. These slabs are developed in such a manner that saves power, minimizes mercury pollution and cost 20% less in comparison with traditional clay brick manufacturing. More than 10% of the construction materials, for instance, glass, ceramic tiles, steel and aluminium utilized in the building are recycled. The wood utilized in the creation of the building is either ESC qualified or Medium Thickness Fibreboard. The FSC qualified wood includes about 64.49% of wood usage in the ITC Green Centre, while Medium Thickness Fibreboard, which is composed of quickly renewable eucalyptus wood, includes about 85% of wood usage. The mats of the building are also created from complete post-industrial reused yarn, with about 50% recycled tile support. Moreover, there are storage bins on each floor of the building for reused materials, such as paper, cardboard, and glass among others to make the building sustainable (ITC Limited, 2015).

Inner environment quality: Inner environment quality is a delicate feature of the sustainable and green building. Whether it is a normal air circulation or ventilation, there can be many injurious elements. Therefore, controlling the inner environment air quality is a challenging and careful function. Low level of impulsive biological complexes is utilized in the creation of the building. Sealants are used for mats’ paste. Apart from that composite woods and paints are used to certify that there are no injurious elements in the air which might influence the residents of the complex. The comfortable distance between floor and ceiling of the building permits for natural ventilation. Not only the specified smoking areas of the building are designed in convenient sites, with their exhausting fans, but also the copy printer apartment of the complex also has its different exhaust system. Furthermore, about 90% of every frequently engaged area have access to openable windows, for better air movement. When the external heat is low than the internal heat of the building, the external air economized pulls the cold air from outside, attracting fresh air into the complex. It works specifically well, particularly when performing in conjunction with the fan-oriented night purge system which withdraws the temperature when the complex is unoccupied, ensuring that the inner environment is comfortable when habitants return in the morning for work. Throughout working hours, the CO2 observation system maintains the level of carbon dioxide by the number of inhabitants in the building and the external conditions (Glazette, 2014). Energy effectiveness: ITC Green centre has optimized the power management in such a way so that each unit of electricity is put to use and nothing is wasted. Heat regulation and lighting, for instance, are the costliest power consumers in any commercial complex, and hence the efforts to preserve power concentrates on these two facets over others. The building utilizes as little electricity as possible concerning simple lighting. The design of ITC permits sufficient natural light to penetrate in the complex throughout daytime and commercial activities are finished by nightfall. This specific scheme goes additionally to avert any light pollution created by the building. Thus, it can be stated that the lighting of the building is smart. A commercial building with similar size of ITC Green Centre typically consumes about 620,000 kilowatts per year, while ITC building only utilises about 130000 kilowatts per year. ITC Green Centre only utilizes electricity as much as it requires, with no more or no less. The high albedo roof coating in the building minimizes the level of temperature absorbed by the complex by reflecting more than 90% of visible infra-red radiations from the building. This minimizes the exterior roof heat and therefore reduce the utilization of power for air conditioning on the top floor by about 10% to 15%. Furthermore, the building is created by about 250mm thick wall, dual glazed window, and high-performance glass which minimizes the level of solar heat entering into the complex by about 65%. Besides, water heated by solar thermal technology in the building also save about 30000-kilowatt power per hour. Furthermore, the air conditioning system functioning in the building is CFC free, making it cost not only efficient but also responsible concerning emission. Through the utilization contemporary technology and methods, the building saves about 81% energy on lighting, 40% on heating, ventilation and air conditioning and 40% on hot water. Water effectiveness: Water is an important resource which is used by people with least concern as sometimes it is considered that on the world where 75% of the surface is covered with water, there is sufficient water available for use. However, this is not the case as only 1% of the world’s water is fresh water derived from river and lakes and 2% are situated at poles. An astounding 97% is in the oceans which are salt water and are not portable by any methods. Hence it is vital that water is not wasted or unwarranted in the building. Therefore, in ITC Green centre water is utilized effectively in the most holistic manner. It harvests about 100% of rainwater which falls in the complex and also recycles about all of the water utilized in the building comprising the wastewater to tertiary standards by the sewage treatment facility. Apart from rainwater harvesting, in the building, there are interconnecting tiles positioned within the site of the building, which also helps to harvest rainwater by the grass that grows between the tiles. Throughout 2008 to 2009, the stormwater pits recharged the groundwater by about 5491.83 kilolitres and the sewage treatment plant recycled about 6852 kilolitres of water. The building irrigates the facilities and grasses with recycled water so that this scarce resource last long time. Apart from innovative plumbing thoughts, methods to preserve water in the complex comprise utilization of waterless urinals. The urinals in the complex utilize biological blocks covering specific bacteria which minimizes the bad smell issues and jams in the urinals. This system saves the water for about 300000 litters of filtered water per annum. Moreover, the sewage system facility utilizes Fluidised Aerobic Bioreactors which not only support organic procedure, but considerably minimize the space essential for the facility, and also have a positive influence on energy usage and operational expenses. The efficient utilization of water in the building certifies that it cares about this valuable resource.

4.3 Case of Suzlon One Earth

Suzlon One Earth is another popular green building in India situated in Pune. This building has obtained LEED Platinum ranking in the year 2010, due to its energy efficiency and sustainable design. It has also obtained five-star GRIHA rating with about 96 points. The building was developed by utilizing energy efficient materials, hence minimizing the carbon footprint. About 90% of the working space in the complex has natural daylight, while the exterior of the building utilizes renewable energy, which minimizes about 25% of total electricity usage. The ventilation of the building comprise jet fans and saves about 50% of power by periodically pulling out stake air and carrying fresh air.

Suzlon One Earth

Planning & Design: Sustainability ideologies have scrupulously adhered in the development of One Earth building from appropriate location selection to engineering, material selection, and functions. This comprises the utilization of natural flora, diminishing both environmental influence and the requirement for landscaping water, low power and proper orientation of building frontages which certify appropriate daylighting and reduces shine. The frontages of the building face north, south north west and southeast. 100% shading is provided in the building by the exterior louvers in the first and second floor of the building.

Small terraces are created in every block which helps to encourage interaction with the external atmosphere. There are dust screens provided around the construction area which help to prevent air pollution in the building. Soil corrosion control measures have been accepted in the location and utility strips are also designed alongside roads and paths on location. The design procedure of the building begins with a ground of developing a central gathering location with the open sky. It was considered an inner garden which gives an exclusive and unique feeling. There is visual access to the central garden from different places of the building (MGS Architecture, 2011). Material selection: The materials for creating the building has been used sustainably to obtain green certification. For example, regional materials have been used in the construction, where about 80% of products were accessible within the 800-kilometre radius. Apart from that recycled components were also used which represented about 13.26% of the whole value of the materials used in the construction project. Another important feature of material selection in the building was the use of quickly renewable materials such as bamboo flooring and furniture are created through these elements which can be restored to the environment rapidly. Almost 10% of materials used in the project was rapidly renewable materials, making the building a sustainable one (Suzlon, 2018). Inner environment quality: To maintain the freshness of air inside the building the level of CO2 has been maintained. There are CO2 sensors in the complex with densely occupied spaces. Apart from that in parking facilities also CO2sensors are used which help to monitor the carbon dioxide levels. HVAC system is designed and implemented in the building for ensuring about 30% of high ventilation rate, which makes the inner environment quality better. There is also utilization of low volatile producing glues, sealants, paints, mat and complex wood products. The whole campus is a no smoking zone, which help to maintain overall health advantages and also inner air quality. The protective skin made of aluminium permits daylight and cross ventilation in the building. Every area of the building has doable fenestration, permitting natural air to pass through an appropriate ventilation when possible (Archdaily, 2014). These approaches lead to lower, thinner and longer building forms which enhance the level of fenestration to volume, improving natural lighting and exposure to air in summer and winter times. Apart from that, the building has used siporex fly ash block which has also resulted in better insulation and good air quality inside. Energy Efficiency: The hybrid wind power system and photovoltaic panels energy system is situated on site and off and creates wind and solar energy worth 155 kilowatts, making India’s first 100% renewable energy campus. The building has smart solutions for energy usage such as motion and occupancy sensors which help to maintain the power level to optimum. Apart from that, it has low e glass for windows and aluminium louvers which provide plenty of natural lighting. To minimize energy usage, Suzlon One earth uses energy saving LED lighting system. It also has HVAC systems which filter and cool the air before providing them to ACs to minimize the stress on AC and to optimize power usage (GRIHAIndia, 2014). Post tension slabs have been used which has assisted in minimization of use of structural concrete by about 37% and minimization of use of structural steel by about 50%, resulting in further energy efficiency. Water effectiveness: Suzlon One Earth harvest 100% rainwater in the building. Apart from that 100% grey water is recycled through one site sewage treatment plant. The building has confirmed the use of flushing, air cooling and landscaping system which enhances water efficiency. The water fixtures in the building comprising low flow fixtures which minimizes in-house water usage by about 65%. Apart from that, the building has touch-free urinals with hydronic sensors which assist to minimize water consumption and to make One Earth water efficient (Jain, 2014).

Suzlon One Earth Sustainability Ideologies

4.4 Case of Infinity Benchmark

Infinity benchmark is another LEED platinum level qualified building which encompasses an area of about 560000 square feet and is expanded more than 20 stories.

The building possesses multi-level vehicle parking features, multi-cuisine food outlets, a commercial centre and retail area which is devoted for IT-based products. Infinity Benchmark was created to lay focus on the optimisation of resources, innovation for power usage and safety of the environment. The architects of the building have utilized an incorporated design method to accomplish the energy efficiency objective. This building has demonstrated that apart from platinum LEED rating, Infinity benchmark has also obtained various national and global tributes for its green thinking and innovations. It has demonstrated that similar to western nations, India can also come forward and support towards having a cleaner, healthier and sustainable planet (Rehaja, 2010). Following are certain techniques for energy efficiency used in Infinity Benchmark. Sustainable Location: Throughout the construction of the building, the top fertile soil has been reserved and utilized for landscape. In the building there are facilities for electric vehicle charging point and ideal vehicle parking has been given for electric vehicle, which inspires the use of an electric vehicle and assist in minimizing the level of pollution and land impact. In the building, 100% multi-storied covered parking facilities have been given. The roof garden was developed which help to (Mukherjee, 2009). Water Efficiency: In Infinity Benchmark, 100% wastewater generated in the complex is treated to high-quality standards at the location. The treated wastewater from the building is utilized for irrigation, flushing and air conditioning. In the building, there are water efficient flushes which help to save about 40% of water. There are native plant species in the building for landscaping which consumes a low amount of water. During rain or storm, the previous pavement and landscape water recharge the groundwater sources (Glazette, 2012). Apart from that rainwater from the roof and open areas is collected which help to recharge the groundwater. Energy efficiency: In Infinity Benchmark, wall and wall and roof are appropriately insulated. This help to avoid heat penetrating in the building. The construction of the building, high-performance glass is utilized. This assists in better daylight transmission and reduces heat from penetrating in the complex through the glasses. The energy efficient air conditioning system is installed in the building, which not only enhances the comfort level of the inner environment but also consumes low power. Another instrument used for low power consumption is eco-friendly refrigerators, fluorescent lamps, and luminaries with a high coefficient of use of power. It is a mandatory requirement for the tenants of the building to use lighting which is 20% less in comparison with the minimum requirements (Express News Service, 2009). Day Lighting: Proper use of daylighting is an important element of energy efficiency. Therefore, shading instruments are used which minimizes the direct sunlight exposure through the glass. Energy efficient inner and external light fixtures are also used for enhancing lighting. The proper lighting system has assisted the minimisation of usage of artificial lighting. Most of the occupants of the building are linked with the external environment through glazing. Most of the glazing in the entire building has better shading factor and light transmission for enhancing the accessible daylight in the space and for maintaining visual comfort for the residents without compromising on energy efficiency. Majority of the glazing is dual glazed units. The campus also takes praise for minimized direct solar gains through the glazing, by the utilization of projections on certain frontages. These high performances glazing also give exterior connectivity for the building inhabitants. The common locations in the building such as lobbies, lounges, and food courts have plenty of daylit. This has been accomplished with the use of glass, having optimum visible transmission HVAC system. Infinity Benchmark provides excellent prospect to have daylight and views for the residents. It is a compulsory prerequisite for the tenants to have every partition or workstation with views to the external world to be transparent more than 1000 mm, to enable a line of vision to the outside between 2-6 inch to 7-6 inch for every inhabitant (99acres, 2010). Material selection: Infinity Benchmark has the provision of separate space for storing the wastes generated by the building. The building has given a dedicated storage and collection area to segregate, gather and store materials for recycling, which comprises paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, and metal. The false ceiling of the building encompasses gypsum, which is regarded as industrial by product or waste. The door panel of the building is made out of bagasse. The aluminium door and window frames are created with high recycled components. This helps for better resource handling. In the construction of the building, regionally produced materials were utilized. As a result, it has minimized the negative environmental influence resulting from transportation. Besides, in the creation of the building, various recycled materials, for example, aluminium, ply board, vitrified tiles, and glasses are utilized. This assisted in minimizing the utilization of new virgin materials. The utilization of certified woods in the building has also supported managing forest and responsibly cutting trees. Inner environment quality: To maintain the freshness of air of the inner environment of the building, there is a prohibition on smoking activities. The CO2 level of the building is closely monitored to maintain the comfort level and wellbeing of residents. The building has a proper ventilation system for enhancing the air quality, and it also increases the productivity of the people. The air conditioning tools and system of the building are always maintained at 24oC in every occupied space and also energy efficient devices are used for maximum saving of energy. There is a distinct exhaust system given for chemical storage room and printer room so that the occupants are not exposed to harmful chemicals. Apart from that to minimize the level of indoor air pollutants low emitting paints, adhesives, sealants, carpets, and composite wood products are utilized.

4.5 Case of Shapath 5

Shapath 5 is another green building located at Ahmedabad of Gujarat. It is Gujarat’s first LEED gold ranked commercial complex developed by the Savvy Group. The building is created within 535684 square feet area with a height of about 70 meters.

The building has obtained gold LEED rank because of three important functions which are energy efficient design, sustainable water consumption, and sustainable location selection and improvement. Apart from that, the building is also characterized by responsible material selection, waste management, and improved inner environmental quality. The key techniques that are used for ensuring energy efficiency in the building are as follows: Building orientation: The construction of the building of Shapath V is developed inappropriate way which has resulted in better utilization of sunlight. The north frontage of the building is glazed to take in glare-free north light. Apart from that solar shading instruments are utilized for giving better shade for prevention of entering excessive heat inside the building (Takoliya, 2018).

Energy effectiveness: To enhance the energy efficiency, chilled water-oriented HVAC system is used. Apart from that, there is energy and water meters which monitors the consumption level of power and water throughout the building. There are also sensor-oriented lights in common area which optimize the use of electric lighting. Water harvesting: Similar other energy efficient and green building, Shapath V also harvest rainwater. It uses sewage treatment plant for reusing the wastewater. The recycled water is utilized for air conditioning. There is a distinct grey water line in the building for flushing and landscaping, which results in better water conservation. Insulation: For better insulation of building, the topsoil is removed while excavating for the foundation of Shapath V. It is utilized for creating the terrace gardens of the complex. This strategy insulates the complex from direct exposure of sunlight and also reduce the cooling expenses by about 25% to 30%. Material selection: The materials utilized for creation of the building comprises fly ash bricks and high-performance glass which engrosses light but reflects the temperature. This glass has an exclusive feature with which it selectively permits the light to penetrate in the complex and to reduce the heat level. The temperature gained by the complex made of fly ash is less in comparison with other buildings. As a result, it minimizes the utilization of air conditioning in the room. Apart from that dual glazed aluminium windows have also been used in the building. Furthermore, there is a provision of using materials from the RMC plant in the site (Business Standard, 2015). Inner environment quality: To improve the air quality of the building, TFA treated fresh air is used in the HVAC system of the building. Besides, there is no use of Cloro Floru Carbon (CFC) oriented refrigerants in the HVAC system which regulates the quality of air in the building. The material which is utilized for regular housekeeping process is also green certified so that it can have no negative influence on the health of the inhabitants. The building also has a Building Management System (BMS) which controls the entire complex for fire, plumbing, power, HVAC and the entire Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) management. This is an important concept of Shapath V. A particular IAQ evaluation has been undertaken for the complex and accordingly, Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) free paints have been applied in the building, which helps to reduce harmful components in the air. Apart from that appropriate flush out is also made accessible in the building for removing blemishes of any hazardous ingredient (DeshGujarat, 2015).

4.6 Case of Athea Wind Farm

Athea wind farm is located in 6 kilometre north of Abbeyfeale in West County Limerick. The location stretches extensive diversity of territories, comprising highland blanket marsh, coniferous tree farms and rough agricultural grassland. The farm was created on behalf of creating renewable energy. The construction of this project comprises access roads, hardstands, turbine bases, substation building and met mash. The project has obtained CEEQUAL achievement reward in the year 2016, for having good ranking in CEEQUAL.

Athea Wind Farm

Environmental and ecology management: The location of Athea wind farm lies in Special protection area (SPA). During the project there was strong focus on environmental consciousness. During the construction work, the employees and contractors are provided with a map which demonstrates the eco sensitive places and conservation fields. Furthermore, a constant environmental training is also provided to the workforce in order to reduce environmental impact of the building.

Athea Wind Farm

Waste minimisation: In the project, every earthwork material was reutilised, and no material was sent offsite. A location-based waste management plan was developed and implemented in the project. The plan set targets for waste stream separation, reprocessing rates and alterations from landfill discarding. The oil waste, batteries, printer ink cartridges, recyclable wastes and timber was collected for recycling. About 95% of the structural elements of the project were obtained from previous road bridge project. This ensures, low wastage in construction of the farm.

Recycling in Athea Wind Farm

Energy and resource management: Athea has conducted greenhouse inventory evaluation and accordingly mitigation measures are taken during planning, design and construction phase. Rainwater harvesting unit was developed on site in order to collect rain runoff from the roof of the main compound. This harvested rainwater which was used for onsite toilets and resulted in saving of water of about 34m2 per month. The project has not used timber closing on location for the construction of turbine, rather it has used shattering made from recyclable plastic (Building Research Establishment Ltd, 2018).

4.7 Case of Kings Place, London

Kings Place London is situated in Regents Canal of London. It has obtained highest rating in BREEAM and obtained the BREEAM award in the year 2017. The building comprises restaurants, offices and concert halls. The objective of the building was to create a healthy, comfortable and sustainable environment for the occupants and visitors.

From the initiation, Kings Place was conceived as a building with superior environmental permits. The objective was to minimise the level of carbon emission whilst maintaining excellent work environment. The building generates half of CO2 in comparison with other similar size building, which is similar to 1000 tonnes of carbon per annum. This was accessible due to better location selection which is close to public transportation hub, therefore minimising the number of journeys.

Kings Place

Ventilation: Kings Place has utilised displacement ventilation which combines high degree of fresh airs and permits the building to satisfy the inner environmental necessities for long time without requirement for cooling. This free cooling is accomplished by penetration of high amount of external fresh air by displacement system of the building. The reality, whenever external air become less than 18oC, the building can satisfy the large portion of cooling requirements without using air conditioning. This design not only reduce the energy usage, but also minimise the operational expenses for office space. Energy Efficiency: The energy usage of the building is accomplished through the utilisation of lighting and provision of daylight control. Every perimeter zone of the building is exposed to proper daylight penetration. It uses high effective motors and minimises the fan strength by oversized distribution system which reduces the power consumption. Triple glass wall is used in the south and west side of the building which minimises the solar heat (Kingsplace, 2018). Green roof: In the building, an area of green roof has been installed in order to improve ecology. Apart from that boxes have also been installed for developing habitat for birds.

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Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusion

Building construction industry has faced several issues for its extensive energy demand. Moreover, this industry is also responsible for CO2 emission. In the current era, most of the developing and developed countries have been taken certain steps to minimize the uses of energy and also to reduce the CO2 emission level. Through the discussion above, it can be asserted that LEED, GRIHA, BREEAM, CEEQUAL are the renowned rating systems, which help project managers to measure the sustainability in building construction project. Moreover, the main aim of these contemporary methods of creating green building is to accomplish the desired outcome by utilizing minimum energy. Building orientation is one of the methods that help the managers or designers to take appropriate decision for attaining the aim. Whereas, insulation is added in the walls or roofs of the building to minimize the additional heat. In this context, it will help to maintain the inside thermal comfort. At the same time, roof shading is one of the most effective methods that help to cool the building in the summer season. Generally, it is the simplest way the block the sunlight, which also helps to minimize the temperature. Natural ventilation, utilization of the CFL and solar panels help to save energy efficiently. Whereas, green roof and rainwater harvesting are the most effective features of energy efficient building. In the case of the Degree College of Hill Council, the orientation of the building is rectangular, which provides beautiful scenery from the building. Whereas, the structure of the building is oriented in the west to east. The north portion of the Degree College has thick walls, which help to control the temperature efficiently. At the same time, the passive solar design is utilized in this building for lighting the building in the daytime. 3D structure of the building helps to penetrate the maximum amount of the sunlight. Then the immersion of the heat is carefully distributed in the building through the daytime cycle. Similarly, appropriate insulation on the northern side of the building helps to stop heat loss effectively. While the stick walls help to maintain inner thermal comfort in the night. The ITC green centre is rewarded in the LEED certification. The designers of this construction project are responsible for selecting the proper location and raw materials to save energy expenses. Whereas, in this project, the managers and designers of this project were taken certain adequate methods to save energy significantly. Suzlon One Earth, the green building of Indian has obtained five-star GRIHA rating, which was established by using energy efficiency materials that helps to minimize the carbon footprint. Infinity benchmark is another LEED platinum level qualified building, which has multi-level vehicle parking features, multi-cuisine food outlets. Apart from this, Infinity benchmark has also obtained several national and international awards for its green innovations. Shapath 5 is another green building in India, which is situated at Gujrat. This building has obtained gold LEED rank for its three important functions, i.e. energy efficiency design, sustainable water consumption, and sustainable location selection. Moreover, it can also be asserted that Shapath V building harvests rainwater, and the recycled watered is used for air conditioning. This building also has a Building Management System (BMS) to control internal problems such as fire, plumbing, power related power. In abroad also different techniques are used for the purpose of energy effective and resource usage. For instance, in Althea Wind farm, rainwater is harvested for better usage of natural resources. Furthermore, in the farm recycled materials are used as a part of waste minimisation. On the other hand, in Kings Place, displacement ventilation and triple glass is utilised which help to maintain coolness in the building and avoid using energy for ventilation purposes. Apart from that green roof is also used in the building for enhancing the energy efficiency. Based on this research paper, it can be concluded that the proper utilization of the innovative techniques in building construction projects help to minimize the uses of energy.

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5.2 Recommendations

The building construction sector must hire skilled professionals who are able to include environmental considerations to design their projects in a cost-effective manner. Skilled workforce helps to complete the construction projects on time. At the same time, the construction company should organize training and development programme for their employees to enlarge their employee’s knowledge. It will help to run the construction projects by utilizing a minimum amount of energy (Kelly, Male, and Graham, 2014). Moreover, project managers should always be ready with the plan B, if plan A is not working properly. Hence, the HR of the construction companies must hire a skilled project manager to handle the organizational activities in an appropriate manner (Rumane, 2016). The abovementioned recommendations must be incorporated by the higher authorities of the building construction companies to run their projects successfully.


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