360 Degree Feedback and Evaluation Form

You are asked to support the 360 Degree feedback and evaluation process and complete the following evaluation for your Paramedical Team Leader

This is an anonymous feedback activity.

Please be honest in your responses and recommendations/notes as the feedback outcomes will be support Continuous Improvement and Professional Development options


Additionally, the 360 Degree feedback activity and collated information will support the development of your Paramedical Team Leaders, Personal Work Plan

Please place your completed 360 Degree Feedback evaluation in the anonymous envelope provided, seal and return to the evaluation tray situated in the meeting room)

360 Degree Performance Rating Guide:

The following is the key to the rating guide

 Excels/Role Model.

Results consistently exceed expectations. Makes significant contributions well beyond requirements. Outpaces the majority of peers.

 Fully Proficient.

Results are fully and consistently on target. Makes a valuable contribution. Is fully competent. This level describes performance of the majority of employees.

 Developing/Usually meets standards.

Results are usually on target. May need occasional support. Still learning how to perform responsibilities independently

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Needs improvement.

Improvement clearly needed. Is consistent in performance and requires excessive supervision and support. An action plan for improvement in this area needed.

360 Degree Feedback Questions

360 Degree Feedback Questions 360 Degree Feedback Questions 360 Degree Feedback Questions 360 Degree Feedback Questions 360 Degree Feedback Questions 360 Degree Feedback Questions 360 Degree Feedback Questions 360 Degree Feedback Questions 360 Degree Feedback Questions 360 Degree Feedback Questions 360 Degree Feedback Questions

Thank you for your participation. Please return to the envelope provided, seal and place in the receptacle provide.

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