The term relationship marketing can be considered as a bridge that helps the organization in maintaining strong bond between the company and the customers. The basic feature of relationship marketing is strengthening of relationship with the customers that help the organisation to carry a long time growth of the organisation. The competitive and rivalry market of today’s business has led the organisation to focus on building strong relationship with the customers. This study has given brief idea about the impacts of building relationship marketing. The study has discussed the way relationship has affected the organisational scenario of Vodafone ( 2017).This study mainly focuses on how this relationship marketing helping the Vodafone in maintaining the competitive advantages.
The force marketers have shifted from push marketing to pull marketing for connecting link with the customers (Abratt and Kleyn, 2012). From the previous research it is understood that the organisations like Vodafone is focusing on mass mediums and relationship marketing these days. The traditional strategists define the fourP’s of marketing, namely place, product, price, and promotion to raise the transaction volume between vendors and customers (Arnett and Wittmann, 2014). The customers have been the only source of profit but well-mannered marketing relationship provides less resource and more gain, is scary because they are informed and the competition remains strong. In the current era of competitive market, the companies are devoting time and resources in order to keep sustain according to the customer demand. It is helping to develop the bond between the seller and the customer. This study has investigated the adaptation of relationship marketing that strengthens the relationship in the service market environment. The main purpose of this study is to find out the factors, which are influencing to adopt relationship marketing which is improves the performance of the organisation and establish a relationship in the organisation (Gronumet al. 2012). Therefore, the studies can advise the adaptation of relationship management to enhance the company growth.
The purpose of this research is to provide clear vision about the effects of relationship marketing. From the previous study, it has been understood that the organisations are facing various difficulties in maintaining competitive advantages. The research has been conducted to find out the relationship marketing that has affected the telecom sector in UK. In order to discuss the topic, the researcher has taken the example of Vodafone to find out the relevant result. Marketing or promotion has become an important part of business because it helps the organisations to reach their customers and gain their trust. It creates business opportunities to stay on top of the business opportunities and it creates a clear picture about the audience needs(Homburg et al. 2013). This is an important issue on present marketing scenario because Gronum et al. (2012) stated that in this fast-paced world the marketing relationship is an important section for the organisations to gain the constant change, creation of new marketing scenario and maintaining the scenario. The Electronic commerce can be considered as the best way to reduce the barriers and provide best opportunity to the customers to see and select the seller (Li et al. 2012). On the contrary, the organisations have to make clear the difference between marketing relationship and relationship marketing. Loyalty of the customers of Vodafone depends on the decision making process. Thus, the brand value of Vodafone promotes them to accept Vodafone connection. In the competitive market, achieving the customer’s loyalty is critical. Furthermore, the loyal customers provide Vodafone a consistent force of revenue and the cost reduction leads to increase the profits (, 2017). Three personal aspects can be described as the loyalty of Vodafone’s customer base. The aspects are variety of seeking good behaviour, brand drivers and positive word of mouth. Customer’s intention to purchase a connection is linked with their previous wonders and awes of using a particular connection (Ngo et al. 2013). Thus, a good customer dealing providing best connection has kept the loyalty of Vodafone.
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The primary aim of this research is to evaluate the effects of relationship marketing in maintaining the competitive advantages for Vodafone UK. On the other hand, the study has also focused on how this kind of marketing has strengthened the growth of a leading telecom organisation like Vodafone.
The objectives are:
To understand the significance of relationship marketing in business
To understand how relationship marketing lead to competitive advantage for organisations
To analyse how Vodafone has used relationship marketing tactics
How does the growth of relationship marketing affecting the telecom sector of UK?
How does relationship marketing help to maintain competitive advantages in Vodafone
The research is made to explore the significance of relationship marketing for gaining advantages from competitive marketplace. The study has resulted that loyalty of the customer has been the key force to bond the customer and the vendor. It has explored the importance of E CRM that strengthens the inter-connecting link between customer and seller. The study has also found out the ways of increasing the loyalty in customer base through providing the best service by reducing call costs, opening new outlets and providing health solutions across UK. The study has helped to identify the importance of good customer behaviour for the retention of existing customers. The discussion of four P’s of marketing has explored the relationship between the business structure and strategy and the way it effects on the customer relationship with the vendors. The study has researched the importance of marketing relationship that promotes the mutual benefits and rewards the business organisations.
The dissertation is started with the brief introduction about the importance of marketing relationship in the competitive market and a one-liner discussion on the effect of marketing relationship in the marketing scenario. The chapter has also introduced the background of the company on which the research work has been done to find out the relationship of marketing in the competitive market. The aims and objective part of the dissertation has highlighted the points on which the research work has been developed.
The second part of this study has discussed about different theories and models that are essential for this research. The next chapter is the methodology section where the different methods, techniques and tools have been included that are required for conducting this research in a fruitful manner. The data analysis part of the study has focused on the sources and data that are referenced to build the dissertation. The next part of the study has discussed the findings that are the outcomes of the study and the concluded chapter has focused on the recommendations of the findings for the improvement of company’s marketing strategy.
In order to achieve the desired results, it is crucial to choose appropriate methodology because it helps in attaining the objectives of the research. In this study, the methodology has been used to evaluate the effectiveness of relationship marketing in maintaining competitive advantages.
Research outline is the framework of the entire methodology that consists of tools and techniques that are adopted to conduct the research work (Vijande et al. 2012) systematically. It is used to explore the theme and core problem of the entire study.
Research philosophy focuses on the theme of the research study and finds out the ways that the researcher carries on the dissertation (Trainor et al. 2014).A research work may employ a number of philosophies, such as positivism, interpretive and realism philosophy. The positivism reflects the depth analysis of the study and realism highlights the outlines of the study providing independent data. The realism helps the calculation of relative data over the particular issue. The interpretive philosophy provides the adequate data for the scientific research, which is irrelevant for this research. In this research work, the researcher has adopted the positivism philosophy that has helped the researcher to mark a positive end of the study.
Research Approach finds out the impact of outcome result of the study (Wang and Feng, 2012).It proceeds in two ways deductive and inductive. The deductive approach frames the data those are directly related to the certain issue. The inductive approach interlinks the available data that is related to the topic. Here the researcher has used the deductive approach because it includes theoretical models that help the researcher to progress through a certain and suitable conclusion.
The research design depicts the basic characteristics of the relevant topic providing a clear idea about the field that is chosen to design the topic (Yadav and Singh, 2014). This kind of research work mainly done based on three bases such as exploratory, explanatory and descriptive. The researcher has employed descriptive design for this research work because it play a vital role in providing a clear understanding about the research matter and identifying the research problem.
The research method can be analysed into two parts qualitative method and quantitative method (, 2017). The qualitative method emphasises on research survey and the quantitative method the researcher takes the reference of interviews and various case studies. The researcher to take the right decision and ventilate the ideas has applied the qualitative method.
Data collection technique is divided into two parts primary and secondary data collection method (Lindgreenet al. 2012). The primary data collection method discusses updated and fresh data to make the research more reliable and the secondary data collection method implies the past data related to the topic. The primary data collection method has been used here in relevant to the topic to find out the research result. For this study, the researcher has collected primary data by applying qualitative and quantitative data collection tools. Qualitative data has been collected from the respondents who possess considerable understanding about the research issue which help researcher in accumulating the primary information about the topic. For collecting quantitative data, the researcher has done a random survey on the stakeholders of Vodafone.
In this research, interviews are done to the people who are engaged to Vodafone marketing management for finding out the impact, possibilities, and future of relationship marketing. The interviews are made to marketing manager of Vodafone, creative director of Gifgaff and marketing analysis of Tesco to gather relevant information about the topic. On the other hand, for gathering quantitative data, the researcher has done a random survey on the stakeholders of Vodafone to provide a clear idea about the effectiveness of their marketing strategy.
The Data Protection Act of 1998 has strongly restricted to record any kind of personal record without the concern of the person. The researcher has recommended all other companies to act accordingly with the Government legislations. This section is contained with various tools and techniques of the research work to highlight the study in a reliable and prospective way. This section is also contained with relative sources of data collection that has helped to develop the dissertation.
The study has given a brief understanding about the incorporation of relationship marketing in the business organisation. The framework has helped to identify related theories and models over the topic. The discussion has highlighted the positive impacts of adopting relationship marketing in business organisation. The discussion has processed with the example of Vodafone. The researcher has shown the company various ways of adopting marketing relationship in order to gain a growth in the competitive market.
This study has discussed here the basic concepts of relationship marketing in relation to the telecom sector of UK. Theories are described here to incorporate the relationship marketing in telecom organisations of UK. The example of telecom organisations of UK has been taken here to identify the theories of relationship marketing in the business organisations. The study has focused on the process of adopting relationship marketing that brings stability in the business and enhances the bonding between the stakeholders of the telecom companies.
Brodie et al. (2013) have stated that marketing a planning for executing, accounting, pricing, promoting and distribution of the organisation that helps to enhance in providing the better service to the customers. On contrary, Bruhn (2015) has stated this idea of marketing is presently an outdated version, as this theory is applicable in only a few business sectors. Simon et al. (2012) have stated that incorporating the relationship marketing can be ideal step to be in good interaction with the stakeholders. Thus, the conventional process of marketing that contains executing, accounting, pricing, promotion, distribution can be considered as an outdated as telecom sector in the UK is the customer-linking organisation, where the basic aim of the system should is the customer specified. On contrary, Lindgreen et al. (2012) have stated that if the conventional theories of marketing have to be denied the basics of marketing would remain unnoticed.
Ultimate motto of relationship marketing is attracting, maintaining and enhancing the relationship between the customers and organisations, creating a communicative way to develop the delivery system with the customers, enhancement of the mutual economic value by reducing the service cost and development and maintenance of the relationship exchanges between the stakeholders (De Vrieset al. 2012). The relationship marketing emerges in the marketing field with various dimensions and there is a wide space to discuss relationship marketing through all the possible dimensions (Gummesson and Grönroos, 2012). The dimensions of marketing relationship are trust, commitment, loyalty and customer satisfaction. The telecom sector the UK is a direct customer related organisation. Thus, the companies need to be specified on the dimensions of trust, loyalty and customer satisfaction for developing the business in the competitive marketing scenario. On contrary, Murdy and Pike (2012) have stated that trust, communication and loyalty in marketing are ever changing. Customers choose the operators who give them the better service. Dickmann (2012) has stated that relationship marketing involves in the improvements of the organisational operations. It motivates the business owners to sustain a good relationship with the customers so that they may not leave the service of the particular organisation. The telecom sector of UK can adopt the relationship marketing in order to enhance their relationship with the customer providing them with the best services.
The relationship marketing focuses mostly on the two sets of issues namely, the benefits of the adaptation and the building and proper maintenance of the relationship marketing. It can be stated that relationship marketing can only be adapted when it offers and contributes to the benefits of the company. The proper utilisation of competitive advantage brings sustainability in the organisational structure and resources (Papasolomou and Melanthiou, 2012). The initial step towards the betterment of the company, the strategic role of relationship marketing is of adopting the resource-based approach. It is referred as a wide range of relationship that develops the productivity in the service markets, customer base, and the business-to-business sector (Kaur and Soch, 2012). In the competitive marketing scenario, the relationship marketing provides the advantages to the company from the sales management perspective to number of different marketing activities. The relationship marketing sets the frequency of the marketing programme to sell the activities towards direct business relationship (Murdy and Pike, 2012). The undeniable fact is that the adaptation relationship marketing is indeed blessed for the business organisations as the organisations would get better opportunities to identify the spaces for the communication improvement with the customers so that the company can gain more positive words of mouth that would help them to enhance the business. On another hand, the development of the relationship management would enhance the growth of the company in the competitive marketing scenario by developing the quick services and building relationship building a strong relationship with the customers.
There are several theories of relationship marketing. The theories of relationship marketing come with the psychological review of the customer by the organisations. The theories of relationship marketing are Evaluation theory, Inter firm theory and Interpersonal Theory
The relationship marketing can be stated as the most notable theory is the theory of trust. The relationship marketing enhances the relationship of the organisational stakeholders in between customers and the seller. Viveket al. (2012) have stated that in trust plays a pivotal role in building the relationship marketing in the competitive marketing scenario. Wang et al. (2012) have stated that keeping the trust of the customer is the significant task. At the same time, the trait with the customer might question the loyalty of the organisations. The root of marketing lies in the system of economic development by the maximisation of the market efficiency. Warnaby and Medway (2013) have argued that people involved in the marketing analysis, must involve the sociological and psychological structure of the communications and relations with the customers. Brodie et al (2013) have contradicted by stating that exchange theory in the most effective part of the evaluation theory that states two key questions in relation to the relationship marketing. Those are the need of the relationship marketing and the ways of exchange, creation and resolves of the relationship marketing. In the exchange theory, the intermediaries play pivotal role in the exchange of channel researching, power dependence framework of the exchange theory.
The evolution theory of the relationship marketing has been changing over the years.
On contrary, Wang et al. (2012) have stated that the contextual background of the relationship has been the prime driver of the relationship marketing. Thus, it signifies the dependence between the seller and the buyers of the service. It affects the development of the relationship through the relationship performance between the stakeholders.
The interfirm theory of the relationship marketing states the bonding of the relationship between the employees of the both the stakeholder sides. It develops the relation between two or more firm accordingly. Analyse of the inter-organisational issues, it is necessary to notice the cooperation naming the organisations may expose with a broader thought of relationship practices (Murdy and Pike, 2012). Lee et al. (2012) have contradicted by stating that relationship cannot be only cooperative nature, instead, it would be both competitive and cooperative. Thus, the cooperative relationship can be demonstrated as the existence of the relationships rather the individual contacts. Padgett and Powell (2014) have also demonstrated another feature of the interfirm relationship that is interdependence. It signifies increasing need of the cooperation between the stakeholders for the general need. On contrary, Kaur and Soch (2012) have stated that interdependence makes the organisations weaker that is static to their individual growth. The relationship of cooperation has been stated as the ideal way for the both the stakeholders that is striving for the balance between interdependence relationship and cooperative relationship of marketing. This interfirm relationship signifies the variability of the relationship and sustainability of the elements of marketing in both the organisations. It can be stated that the interfirm relationship marketing is one of the key aspects of the modern day’s joint business scenario. It is duly used to coordinate between the managerial of the respective organisations that are in the joint business venture. It can be exampled that the if Vodafone and BT group are in collaboration, they relationship marketing would work for them accordingly by conceding of different several aspects, as it would help them to coordinate between both the stakeholders.
Interpersonal theory of relationship marketing is the result of most empirical marketing research. It is extended to the interpersonal and consumer research that suggests the relationship marketing to depend on the combination of task and commitment between the stakeholders (Simon et al. 2012). It is the application of social exchange theory. Firstly, interpersonal theory focuses on the human relationship and the subject benefit analysis to minimise the cost. It is applicable for the business-to-business format. On the contrary, Sajjad and Amjad (2012) have stated that the social exchange theory is not only the collaboration of human relationship and subject benefit analysis. It can be stated that it is the reciprocity norm that underlies the building block. However, the relationship-marketing paradigm often ignores the reciprocity and represents a critical part of the mediator. On contrary, Wang and Feng (2012) have stated that reciprocity resides in the core of the marketing relationship. Despite having all the frequency, the reciprocity and gratitude provide the conceptual explanations of the relationship marketing. The absence of the reciprocity evokes the never appears in the modern models. Thus, the absence of reciprocity makes the sellers aware about the customer demand. In this occasion, the seller need obtain the higher prices products and sell the new items that much differs from their existing offers and items. The customers are allowed here to reciprocate a sense of gratitude that converts to a short-term emotion into the long lasting relationship between the customers and the buyers. According to Lindgreen and Hingley (2012), the reciprocity and gratitude of the customers of the customers is socially weird people who make their pervasiveness towards the society. Here, the relationship marketing analyses the cyclical reciprocation. Here, the gratitude is inseparable from the reciprocity due to the psychological pressure to return the favour. Thus, it benefits from a sense of obligation to repay. The interpersonal theory helps the stakeholders to understand reciprocity and gratitude of the stakeholders. The customers here play a vital role. The relationship here depends on the sustainability of the cost price and the customer demand. The psychological realm of the stakeholders is a psychological reciprocation of the customers and the sellers. It is an adaptive theory for the entire organisation, specially the telecom organisations that duels between the psychological reciprocity and a sense of gratitude with the stakeholders.
Interpersonal, interfirm and evaluation theories are described to understand the importance of the relationship marketing in the present business scenario. Thus, it cannot be stated confirm that whether the applied theories are fruitful for the organisations. There is plenty of limitation of all respective theories. The evaluation theory describes the evaluation of the relationship between the stakeholders over the years. Thus, the time span that is explained has the hazy view of perfect understanding and it only provides an overall outlook of the relationship marketing, not in the detail version (Warnaby and Medway, 2012). On the hand, the interfirm marketing relationship has described the methods of having a relation between two-business firms that does not provide the explanation of how the interfirm relationship has the connection with the customer of how it has affected on the customer base (Bruhn, 2015). Gummesson and Grönroos (2012) have stated that the interpersonal relationship describes the reciprocity and the gratitude between the stakeholders, thus the rising of the cost might lead the customers to leave the industry as the customers use to find the organisation where they get the same service at a cheaper rate. This is most applicable for the telecom sector as the increasing of telephonic cost might lead the customer to port for another connection.
In order to analyse competitive advantage Michael Porter is the most sophisticated tool. In order to analyse and assess competitive strength and position of a business organisation Porter’s five forces is an effective tool. Porter owns an innovative ability to present complex elements in an easy method (Al-Zoubi, 2013). The five forces of porter include existing rivalry between suppliers, bargaining power of the buyers, threat from new market entrants, power of suppliers and threat from substitute products. In a given market, Porter’s five forces help in assessing competitive position of a given supplier. There are four crucial determinants in order to consider the competitiveness of a country. These include demand conditions, factor conditions, related and supporting industries and firm strategy, structure and rivalry. The factors that influence the competition within telecom industry are called factor conditions and these conditions include several categories including human resources, physical resources, knowledge resources, capital resources and infrastructure resources. Not only the quantity of these factors are important but also the efficiency and effectiveness of these factors are been considered equally significant. In order to establish competitive advantage these factors are important. Factors of productions are been divided into two groups including basic and advanced. Comparatively private and social investment is necessary for the creation of basic factors. Natural resources, location, semi-skilled labour or unskilled labour and debt capital all these comprises basic factors. On the contrary, Brodie et al. (2013) stated that advanced factors include modern digital communication infrastructure and highly educated personnel. Advanced factors can necessitate large investment for the development. Telecom industries need to focus more upon specialised factors than general factors because it has greater influence upon the competitive advantage of telecom industries. The needs of buyers determine the direction of production and the importance of demand condition is based on this fact. In the telecom industry, competitiveness is not possible if the demand conditions are not been understood properly (Bruhn, 2015). The way through which the firms can interpret, perceive and respond to the necessity of the buyers are been understood by home demand (De Vrieset al. 2012). For achieving competitive advantage, three characteristics are important and segmenting structure of the demand is important in this context. The level of buyer’s sophistication is another important factor of home demand as the sophisticated consumers focus more upon quality of the products and services. Anticipatory buyer’s need is the third element in home demand composition. These consumers give importance to the firms upon international consumers. Demand size and growth is another element in achieving competitive advantage as if in the domestic market the telecom organisation has demand then it can achieve success in international market as well. Rate growth of home demand is another important factor and it aims to embrace faster technologies for developing efficiency. The existence of mobile customers is important in the factor of Internalisation of domestic demand as they can help to attain competitive advantage of the country as well (Dickmann, 2012).
Strategic management theory is been comprised of several theories including resource based theory, survival dependent theory, contingency theory, agency theory, profit maximising theory and competition based theory. The primary ambition of any organisation is to achieve long-term profit and enhancing competitive advantage. For catering to competitive advantage the external market, positioning is important. The resource-based theory tries to indicate that the organisations possess certain resources that are responsible for achieving competitive advantage and the performance of the firm. For survival, the telecom organisations need to adapt the competitive advantage and upon this theme survival, based theory is based upon. However, human resources theory focuses upon the significance of human for the development of the organisations. Analysing the relationship between shareholders and company agents is important to gain competitive advantage and the agency theory emphasises upon this fact (Gummesson and Grönroos, 2012).
At the broader level of the industry Porter’s five forces is mostly applicable. Relevant information will not be achieved upon analysing the smaller level industries. The industry level is the primary base and upon this porter’s factors are been analysed. Smaller organisations which need to focus only specific sectors and large organisations that are very broad need to keep in mind about these limitations. Chronological thinking is another limitation of Porter’s five forces model. Porter’s five forces suggest the characteristics of contemporary times and it is static. It cannot achieve short-to-medium term objectives, as porter’s model is static in analysing it. The conclusions that can be derived from the five forces model are contradictory (Kaur and Soch, 2012). The model is been formulated for underlining key concerns and it is deliberate. If the models can be taken as certain then it has been seen that the conclusions are often false, In order to make decisions for optimal industries with certainty this model is not appropriate. For making broader strategic decisions the conclusions can be taken and the model is not suitable for stand-alone recommendation.
The process of Customer relationship in business marketing is a way by which a certain organisation can develop between their clients, customers and their relationship with the brand. This is a precisely a marketing strategy that acts to build a strong relationship with the client and the company. This ensures a certain loyalty of the customer towards the brand. Thus, it increases the value of the given brand. This is extremely beneficially when the company is trying to build a long-term relationship with the customer and the customer is looking for a committed brand that caters to the client’s needs. This process just does not cater to old customer but helps to build new customer base for the company. In telecom industry, this marketing strategy is particularly useful for they can constantly stay in touch with the customer. This way, the customer’s every need is cater too and the customer does not see this as a marketing move but as a way the company connect with them to fulfil their requirement. If the company manages to maintain a strong customer relationship marketing process, the customer pleased with the brand value would recommend the said word to other people. This would further improve the value of the brand. This is indeed very effective in promoting the brand in the telecom sector. Like every other process, this also has a flip side. If the company is unable to deliver the process well then the customer of the brand in spite of receiving great services before this might feel negatively about the brand. This would further elevate the problem.
In this section of this study, impact of Relationship Marketing in the Competitive Advantages has been described through analysing each theory. Firstly, the evaluation theory of relationship marketing strengthens the relationship between the customers and sellers. The bonding drives the customers to avail more products from the organisations. Thus, it helps the organisation to develop their position in the competitive marketing scenario. It influences the positive word of mouth of the customers that increases the customer base of the company that enhances the brand name of the company as well in the competitive market (De Vrieset al. 2012). On the contrary, Al-Zoubi (2013) argued that the evaluation theory requires the constant modification that varied on the choice of the customer. Thus, the theory is unable to evaluate the ultimate advantages that the company is witnessing over the years. Bruhn (2015) has stated that the strong relationship between the stakeholders encourages the organisation to invest more capital in their business that develops quality and quantity of the product. The interim theory of relationship marketing impacts on the sustainability of the business in the both the tie-up companies and help both the companies to grow the productivity and product quality of both the companies. On the contrary, Gupta and Sahu (2012) have opined that it develops the business for a short term. Thus, there is no sustainability of the interim relationship in the marketing as the agreement between the stakeholders can be rejected any time with the involvement of the legal action. The inter-personal relationship affects the psychology and integrity of the customers. The psychological treatment between the stakeholders sometimes leads the organisation to minimize the cost of the product, so that it can be more available to all standard of customer (Dickmann, 2012). Thus, it influences the increase of the customer base of the organisation. On contrary, Simon et al. (2012) have opposed the fact stating that the minimization of the cost negatively affects the business of the organisation that can lead the company to certain failure.
Relationship marketing can be stated as the best contemporary strategy of the business marketing (Al-Zoubi, 2013). It highlights the fact the organisations must apply the relationship marketing in order to gain the faith and believe of the customers. It satisfies the need of the customers and helps the seller to understand about the requirement of the customer by maintaining a long-term relationship with them. Brodie et al. (2013) have stated that relationship marketing concerns on attracting, developing and retaining the bonding with the customers. The relationship marketing has a strong emphasis on the business. De Vrieset al. (2012) have stated that relationship marketing helps to keep retain the customers within the organisations that positively effects on the business of the organisations. The strong and friendly relationship between the customers and the organisations brings up the benefit for the organisations. The good relationship satisfies the customer and the satisfied customer would increase the value of word of mouth for the customers that result from the increase of more customers (Dickmann, 2012). On contrary Gupta et al. (2012) have stated that customer satisfaction depends on an overall evaluation of the performance. Thus, it is can be a risky lap for the organisations to adapt the relationship marketing for their business. A good interfirm relationship brings profitability to the business of each individual of a joint business. Thus, collaborating of the ideas and good behaviours of both the stakeholders will lead each other to rely on each other business that results in the monetary resources come with a profitable outcome.
In the process of research, the researcher has tried to find out various theories and model in relation with the brand image of the customer demand, has tried to identify the possible loopholes that is needed to resolve in the further research work. In this section, the researcher has focused on the customer’s perception of a specific organisation. The research work has further identified several mistakes in conducting the research according to the model work. The brand value is most pivotal part of the organisation thus; it depends on the perception of the customer over the brand. The perception depends on the relationship between the customer and the organisation. It is indeed essential to have a clear understanding of the customer perception about the respective organisation. The brand value depends on the market feedback that promotes the customers possibility to avail the product of the organisations. Thus, it is quite impossible to measure the customer perception over the product. Moreover, the concept of the product and bring new innovative products should be carried out by the management. It is urgent for the management to implement valuable changes in the organisation to get retain the brand image of the organisation. The globalisation has led the organisations to survive in the competitive market by adapting new technologies. The positive influence of the customers’ perception gains the upper hand and maintains the customer basis retaining the brand value of the organisation.
Relationship marketing is very common today. In fact, it is one of the most popular marketing techniques where the customer can stay in touch with the company constantly. This way, the customer’s need is the first priority of the company and is constantly catered too. In spite of this, over the past decades there have been relative debates among scholars to under the effectively of this especially in the telecommunication industry. There have been theories on both the ends of the spectrum and manipulations have been made accordingly. There is no doubt, there has been a lot of literature discussing both the sides of the coin for relationship marketing but still it hold gaps and doubt which enables further research in this topic.
Methodology helps the researcher to carry the whole research according to a certain method in a systematic way. The methodology part of a dissertation helps the researcher to recognise the issue that has to be discussed in the entire study. An appropriate methodology helps the research work to achieve the desired result and attain the ultimate objectives of the research work. In this study, the methodology part has been used to demonstrate the ways that the relationship marketing is affecting the competitive advantage of the organisations.
Research philosophy outlines the research theme and reveals the ways that the study has been progressed. Hwang and Kandampully (2012) has stated that the there is no certain philosophy of particular research work as the research philosophies can be demonstrated through positivism philosophy, realism philosophy and interpretive philosophy. The positivism philosophy depicts the depth philosophy of the research work. Positivism philosophy describes the positive knowledge of the study through which the research work is progressed further (Jaakkola and Alexander, 2014). It is based on the natural phenomena of the of the research study that undertakes the properties and relations between the objectives through which the study has been described. The positivism holds three inner positive approaches of the research work that operates according to the perfect order of the dissertation. The five main aspects of positivism philosophy are differences in the logic of the enquiry, research aim has to be explained and predicted, research should be observable to the human senses, The research work should not be biased as per motivation and research should be logically judged. The interpretive philosophy makes the research work worthy by providing adequate data and scientific about the topic that has been described throughout the study (Khanget al. 2012). The interpretive philosophy focuses on the theories and laws related to the topic of the study. It is the critical thinking of the positivism philosophy. According to Khodakarami and Chan (2014), this research philosophy brings out the important and role and result from the collected data. In this research philosophy, the researcher has no direct interaction with the environment of the research philosophy. Different standards of the individual, different culture of the individual are described. The realism philosophy helps to calculate the data that are gathered from different sources on the particular research topic (Leek and Christodoulides, 2012). Thus, philosophy is based on the human values and beliefs over the research topic. The existence of external objectives and influences the social interpretation of the people. Thus, the philosophy focuses on the individual reaction and calculation over a certain topic. In this research work, the researcher to demonstrate a positive end of the study has used positivism philosophy. The reason for using positivism philosophy is that in the research. It is considered that the reality is constant and should be observed from objective viewpoint. The personal viewpoint of researcher seems irrelevant rather the viewpoint of respondents is essential for understanding the significance of relationship marketing. Besides, the research starts with an assumption that relationship marketing is essential for obtaining competitive advantage, and through the research this hypothesis is being proved.
The research approach of a dissertation suggests the outcome and the results of the study (Lindgreenet al. 2012). Research approach can be demonstrated into two parts, deductive research approach and inductive research approach. The deductive approach describes the data that are direct interlinked with the certain research issue (Murdy and Pike, 2012). The deductive research approach is concerned with the development of the research hypothesis based on the identified research topic. (Lindgreenet al. 2016) has stated that deductive design of a research tests the relationship between the obtained data and general circumstances. This methodological approach provides the deducting conclusion from the different proportions. It begins with tested observations and seeks a specific pattern to develop the research work.
The deductive approach of a research work abundance the sources, studies on the short time available data by avoiding the risk factor to construct the research work. Deductive method is the exploration of the theory that is valid to the given circumstances. The deductive approach is reasoning from the general to the particular issue. It involves in the formulation and subjection to the hypothesis of the study. The inductive approach relates the availability of the data over the certain study (Hwang and Kandampully, 2012). The inductive research approaches start with the observations and theories that are proposed for the research process. Theory and hypothesis cannot be used in the inductive research approach. It aims to formulate the set of data that are collected in order to identify the patterns and relationships used in the study. The inductive research approach is based on the observations, pattern and theory. The researcher has used the deductive approach for the study. The deductive approach with a theoretical model has helped the researcher to construct the study. In the beginning of the research it is theorised that relationship marketing is core in any business. In this context, it has been believed that importance of relationship marketing has gone beyond any specific industry owing to the fact that good connection with the customers helps them to stay loyal with the organisation. The relationship marketing activities in business is also believed to be responsible for enhancing the competitive advantage within industry. Furthermore, in recent times it has become a great interest for marketers to study the significance of relationship management for enhancing the sales. In order to evaluate the subject and to understand more about how relationship marketing can ensure competitive advantage, a telecom company, Vodafone has been studied. Interview has been conducted with the respondents from the company to know the significance of relationship marketing for obtaining competitive advantage. The collected data is interpreted and assessed for better understanding of the research problem. On the basis of the analysis, the theory has been confirmed.
Research statistics is the fundamental analysis of the entire research work that is used in the methodology part of the study. The statics helps the researcher to understand and describe the phenomena of the research to come in a reliable solution (Leek and Christodoulides, 2012). Thus, the statistical analysis is the component of the data analytics. The statistical analysis involves the collection and scrutiny of the data that are collected from different sources to develop the study. The samples of the statistics are the representative of the selection of the data that are collected to develop the research work. The statistics are the extract from the analysis of data from the sources like social sciences, business and daily life. The given pervasive uses the statistics to aim at the statistical procedure, the concept of the procedure and errors that are done in the research work.
In the methodological part of the study, the statistics are used to base on the statistical reasoning. The research statistics helps the researchers to gather the knowledge about the various methods and data that are used to develop the research work. Statistics are of two types’ descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistics describes the relationship between the variables of the research study, for example, frequencies, means and standard deviation. The inferential statics inferences survey on random population or sources. In this study, inferential and descriptive both statistics has been used for the development of the research work. The data for this study are collected from the different source of journals. On the other hand, the researcher has made neat survey and interviews to make the study more reliable.
The primary data are collected from the updated and fresh data related to the topic. The secondary data are collected from the data that are previously collected and pre-registered. The collected data can be classifieds into two parts, Qualitative and quantitative both and quantities data. The Qualitative and quantitative both are collected from surveys and quantitative data are collected from taking interviews to the people related to the telecom sector.
The primary data are collected to make the study more reliable according to the present scenario and related data of the recent times contains study that is more specific to the certain issue. Furthermore, primary data help to explain the subject in much better way. It assists in avoiding any kind of irreverent information to be included in the research. The selection of primary data collection method is influenced by the aspects such as availability of data and time and resource constraints. On the other hand, the secondary data are the collection of past data related to the topic. The reliability of the secondary data is very low because it lacks the modification about the updated scenario.
However, the secondary data are similarly important as the primary data because it helps in designing the background of the research study. On the other hand, the primary qualitative and quantitative both plays a vital role in gathering real-life data which are essential for the conduction of a research. It is a helpful method of gaining feedback from the people who are related to the research directly or indirectly. It also helps to understand the topic and helpful to understand the future of the further study. The quantitative data are collected by interviews. It based on man-to-man observation. However, the collection of quantitative data is time-consuming. In the, given case study, the primary data collection has been done with the assistance of both qualitative and quantitative method to bring out the reliable outcome from the study.
As opined by Hwang and Kandampully (2012), primary data collection helps the researcher in gathering relevant information from a particular number of people, whereas secondary data helps in getting proper idea about the topic. Through the research questions, the researchers intended to find out the influence of relationship marketing strategy in business sector. Several questions are mentioned in the first chapter of this study in order to bring out a certain conclusion of the research. How does the growth of relationship marketing affecting the telecom sector of UK?This question was intended to find out the ways that can directly impacts the relationship marketing strategy in the present marketing scenario. What are the impacts of competitive advantages in Vodafone? Furthermore, the next question was asked to reveal the competitive advantages that Vodafone is gaining after the implementation of relationship marketing. How does relationship marketing influence the organisational sustainability? The question was intended to analyse the sustainability of Vodafone after incorporating the relationship marketing. What are the future possibilities of relationship marketing? This question was asked to identify the future of relationship marketing strategy in Vodafone What are the ways in which relationship marketing can be improved for up-gradation of organisational performance? This question is asked to justify the recommended ways to improve the organisational performance of Vodafone
The issues that the researchers have face dare informed consent, invasion of privacy and confidentiality, deception, protection from harm, conflicts of interest and violation of ethical norms. The informed consent considers the prohibition of the advantage taking from the research work by the group of people as the research work is extremely confidential and legally unpermitted to access at own will. The invasion of confidentiality depicts that they would not reveal the identity of the research participant. The privacy and Electronic communication Act (2003) forbids revealing any information about the individual. The deception depicts the misleading of the information. The protection to harm and data protection both considers the legal authority of the researcher over the provided data. Thus, in this study, the issue of invasion, protection from harm and data protection issue are described to store the confidential data.
The study here concentrates on the methods that are used to develop the dissertation. The primary data collection has been used here. The qualitative and quantitative data collection both is used in this study to structure the reliable over the dissertation.
In the current chapter, the focus has been on the presentation of the various data that has been collected. The data analysis helps to find out the variability of the data that are used in the research work. It denotes the relevance of the data that are collected from different sources. The analysis of the both qualitative and quantitative research uncovers the ultimate picture of the dissertation by using data to describe the phenomenon and means of the study.
A. Research Question: What are the current service approaches of the company?
B. Analysis: The researcher has found the current approaches of the telecom organisations of UK are neatly specified with the customer motivated. Three different organisations use three common objects of the relationship marketing. They have preferred relationship marketing more than any other marketing strategy as it has helped to increase their customer base and they have successfully retained most of their existing customers. The marketing manager of Vodafone has opined in favour of the relationship marketing stating that it has motivated to change their approach towards the business as per the customer requirement. Thus, it has helped for their betterment in the competitive market. The researcher has found that the present approaches of the telecom companies of UK are extremely specified for the customer requirement. Three different organisations are carrying almost the common objects in respect of relationship marketing. The relationship marketing has been preferred by both the companies to as their most updated strategy in order to increase and retain the customer base. Vodafone has favoured the relationship marketing stating that relationship marketing has motivated them to change their perspective of approach towards their business. Hence, they have become more customer specified that has given them a step forward in the competitive market.
C. Summary of Analysis: This question was asked to the marketing managers of the Vodafone, Giggaff and Tesco to find out their customer approaches to implement relationship marketing to the customers. From the analysis of the question it can be stated that service approach require be based on relationship management with the customers. In present days, organisations have realised the significance of customer specific approaches and therefore provide services according to their requirements.
A. Research Question: How do the companies solve the customer queries?
B. Analysis: According, Vodafone, they use to solve the problems of the customer via phone whenever customer registers it. They have also added that the problems that are lodged are solved within half an hour after the registration. On the other hand, Gifgaff has told that their local branches are more effective as the customer has to go their local branch office to solve the problem. The creative analyst of Tesco has stated that whenever customer registers their problem through phone, e-mail or mobile application, they use to visit the customer in person as early as possible to solve the problem. Hence, it can be stated that all the managerial of the respective telecommunication company has their different approach to meet the customer query. The researcher has observed that Vodafone use to solve the customer query via phone whenever the customer registers this. On the other hand, Gifgaff use to solve the customer query through their branch office. In respect of Tesco, they use to solve the customer’s query through e-mail or mobile applications. Hence, the researcher has found here that all the telecom organisations have different approaches in order to meet the customer query.
C. Summary of Analysis: Through asking the question, the researcher here has tried to find out the nature of the customer query clarification of the companies. From the analysis of second question it can be stated that customer queries plays vital part in maintaining good relationship with the customers. The quick an organisation reacts with the query of customers, the more they can satisfy them. Therefore, it helps to accomplish great competitive advantage for the company as a whole.
A. Question. How the relationship marketing affects the business scenario of the company?
B. Analysis: The researcher has found that most of the companies have accepted and applied the relationship marketing positively and they have responded positively in favour of this. In the case of Vodafone, relationship marketing has enabled them to retain their existing customers and helped to improvise the customer base of the company. The relationship marketing has helped Gifgaff to gain the reliability and integrity of the customer. In order to understand the psychology and integrity of the customers, relationship marketing has helped Tesco.
The researcher has found here that most of the companies have accepted and applied the relationship marketing strategy positively. The relationship marketing helped Vodafone to retain and expand their customer base, has helped Gifgaff to gain reliability and integrity and helped Tesco to understand customer psychology and integrity.
C. Summary of Analysis: The researcher has intended to find out the ways that the relationship marketing affects the business scenario of the company. From the analysis, it can be concluded that relationship marketing has significant positive impact on the customers. It helps to satisfy the customers and therefore they repeatedly use the products and services of the organisation. Besides, it also generates trust among customers, which is vital for repeat purchase. The more organisations know about the customers through relationship marketing, the better they will be able to serve them.
A. Question: How does relationship marketing influence the growth and sustainability of the organisation?
B. Analysis: The researcher has intended to know the effects of relationship marketing on the behaviours of the stakeholders. In the case of Vodafone, the good behaviour with the customers has been the key factor to manage the relationship marketing. On the other hand, in Gifgaff the communicative behaviour with the customers has helped the company to create good communication skill among the stakeholders. Reshape of the behaviour has sharpened have communicative power of the Tesco that poses good behaviour with the customer. Thus, the good behaviour by the stakeholders has stated as the key factor on the sustainability of the company for a long-term process.
The behavioural change has been refereed as the most significant outcome of the relationship marketing. It has Vodafone to attain good behaviour with the customer in order to sustain their customer base through the positive word of mouth. On the other hand, it has helped Gifgaff to retain good relation with the customers and helped Tesco to meet the customer’s requirement. Hence, the relationship marketing is found to be fruitful for the stakeholders to continue good relationship.
C. Summary of Analysis: The researcher has intended to know here the ways that the behaviour performs in the relationship marketing in respect of growth and sustainability of the companies. From the analysis it can be observed that by influencing the behaviour of employees towards the customers, relationship marketing has assisted the organisations to obtain competitive advantage. It helps to develop a good impression in the mind of customers which is vital for obtaining success in business. Good impression also acts as a promotion and help to lure more customers towards the company.
A. Question. What are the challenges that the companies are facing?
B. Analysis: There are several obstacles of adapting the relationship marketing for the companies that they found some negativity after the adaptation. According to the marketing manager of Vodafone, the product costs are been lowered by the company authority to retain the existing customers and attract the other customer to go for Vodafone. Thus, the minimization of product rates has increased the expense of the company more than previous. At present, the lowering of call cost and data charge and providing more data and call benefit has increased the investment in the company and has lowered the benefit. The researcher has found that the Giffgaff mobile company has faced problems in the incorporation of the relationship marketing. The marketing director of the Gifgaff mobile company has stated in that the choice of the customer has been evaluating over thy years and it is a day-to-day process. Thus, the company is getting unable to understand the present need of the customers on the day-to-day basis. Thus, it is quite natural for the company to keep sustain constantly with the preferences of the customers. The researcher has observed the relationship marketing is based on the healthy interaction between the stakeholders. In this case, the creative analyst of Tesco has stated that they have only a few company outlets at the country sides of the UK. Thus, they are not available to the customers of the suburban and rural areas of UK and it has been the biggest issue they are facing for adopting the relationship marketing.
Several obstacles of incorporating relationship marketing are found in this part. The minimization of the product cost of the Vodafone has influenced them to increase the expense. It has promoted Gifgaffto a confusing situation of understanding the day-to-day customer requirement. Tesco cannot connect to their customers of the urban and suburban areas that hamper their business base. Hence, it is found that the companies are facing different kind of challenges after incorporating the relationship marketing.
C. Summary of analysis: Through asking the question, the researcher’s motive was to know the challenges that the companies are facing after incorporating the relationship marketing. From the analysis it can be observed that relationship marketing has its own challenges. The organisations require to constantly adjusting with the requirements of the customers. However, this cannot ignore the fact that relationship marketing is essential for fulfilling the desires of customers. Therefore, irrespective of difficulties in implementing it organisations require to have proper relationship management approaches in place.
A. Question. Which mobile company provide best service among Vodafone, Gifgaff and Tesco?
B. Analysis: The researcher has concluded from the data finding that the Vodafone UK is the best brand that provides the relationship marketing service. The research process has been done with around forty participants. Forty-five percent of those participants has expressed positively about the Vodafone that provide the best relationship marketing service. On the other hand, around thirty percent of the participants think that the Gifgaff mobile company provides the best relationship marketing service. Twenty-five percent people have claimed Tesco has managed to adapt the relationship marketing service successfully.
C. Summary of analysis: The research work here has clearly stated that Vodafone, UK is the most eligible company that has successfully implemented the relationship marketing the most. The relationship marketing has been defined as the most updated business strategy of the organisations has adopted and Vodafone has implemented it smartly in their business in order to gain maximum number of profit in the competitive marketing scenario. The Gifgaff has been stated as the second most successful telecom company that has implemented the relationship marketing properly. On the other hand, the lack of the maximum number of outlets has been the key factor for the Tesco to come as last in implementing the best relationship marketing strategy.
A. Question. Do you think their relationship marketing brought positivity in the business proceedings?
B. Analysis: Maximum number of participants of the research work has stated that the relationship marketing has brought positivity in the current business scenario. As per the research work, thirty-five percent of the research participants have strongly claimed that the relationship marketing has brought positivity in the present business world. Thus, manageable behaviour with the customers and the business partner has been the key factor in this occasion. On the other hand, thirty percent have also stated positively for the implementation of the relationship marketing where twenty percent participant has posed the neutral character in this question.
Only fifteen person participants have stated negatively stating it has no positive effect in the business organisations. Among the fifteen percent, who have opposed the strategy, five percent have strongly disagreed and ten percent has disagreed with normal state.
C. Summary of Analysis: It is clear that the relationship marketing has the most number of positive effects in the companies and it is able to take the organisations on to a different dimension of business. The researcher has also brought out the outcome that relationship marketing has been the key strategy for the companies for their growth in the business.
A. Question: How the relationship marketing emphasised the organisation’s brand name?
B. Analysis: The researcher has revealed through the neat research work that most number of people has agreed that the relationship marketing strategy can be able to highlight the brand name of the company. In the research work, eighty percent of the participant has opened positively for the topic and among the eight prevent fifty percent of them has strongly stated that the relationship marketing can develop the brand name of the company. The positive word of mouth can be stated as the factor here. The customers who gained a good relationship bonding and behaviour with the seller can motivate other to purchase the product from the particular company. The customer satisfaction is also an important issue that drives the enhancement of the brand name of the company. The customer satisfaction is liable for the entire process of the relationship marketing that enhances the brand name.
On the other hand, twenty percent of the participant has disagreed the importance of the relationship marketing in the enhancement of the company’s brand name.
C. Summary of Analysis: Here, the negative approaches to the relationship marketing can be stated as the key factor of the disagreement of the participants. The negative aspects can be summarised as the reduction of the cost that caused the damage of the company fund and the evaluation of the customer’s choice that has been changing constantly and the organisation soften become unable to keep sustainability with the customer’s choice.
A. Question. How relationship marketing helped Vodafone in improving their relationship with their customers?
B. Analysis: The relationship marketing is directly inter-linked with the customers’ interaction. Thus, the relationship with the customers can be kept through various methods, via phone call, via e-mail and direct interaction with the customer in person. All these mediums are available for the link between stakeholders. In this case, the telephonic relation with the customer has been nominated as the first preferences for the relationship between the stakeholders. Fifty percent of the service providers that have implemented the relationship marketing have been keeping relation with the customer through the telephonic conversation. It is recognised as the easiest way for both the stakeholders the interact each other. The customer can share the problem with the organisation and at the same time, the organisation need not send their representative to the customers in person. Hence, the interaction of problems and solution has been done through the telephone in most effective manner.
On the other side, thirty-five percent of the participants prefer the e-mail conversation. They have added to their logic that, in modern days most of the people stay online. Thus, sending an e-mail with the detail description of the problems from the customer side and email containing the better service offer from the part of the organisation has been stated as one of the most notable ways to sustain relationship-marketing strategy with the customers.
C. Summary of Findings: Only, fifteen percent of the research participant has stated to keep the relation with the stakeholder meeting in person. The reason behind this is that the executives of the organisations do not always stay free, so as the customer may not be free as well. However, it can create a lack of coordination between the stakeholders. Thus, the research work has revealed that that the keeping with the customers in person can be stated as the most ignorable option for the business organisations.
A. Question. What are the changes the relationship marketing has brought to the companies?
B. Analysis: The research work has found that the relationship marketing has brought several positive changes in the business organisations. These are the behavioural change, reduction of the production cost and the availability of the seller to the product buyer.
C. Summary of Analysis: Forty-five percent of the research participants have agreed that the relationship marketing has brought the change in the behaviour of the stakeholders. The sellers are now much patient to listen what the customer is saying and solve the queries of the customers with polite and manageable behaviour. The behavioural change can be stated as the most significant change that the relationship marketing has brought, as the stakeholders are in good relations with each other that has helped to grow the business of the company.
The reduction of cost is the most helpful change for the product buyers that the can enjoy the maximum number of providing the minimum cost to the organisation. It is an extremely customer driven change for the organisations accepting a certain amount of loss. According to the research, twenty-five percent of the research participants have stated that the relationship marketing strategy has brought the seller more available for the customer. The availability can be confirmed as the symbolic of the good relationship with the customers. The sellers’ stay available to the customers through various mobile applications, telephone service centre and in the e-mail service.
A. Question. How the companies (company) provide information about the new changes of strategy in their company?
B. Analysis: The researcher has found that most of the organisations of the telecommunication sector provide their company information and product detail to the customers through SMS. According to the organisations, SMS is the easiest way to inform the customer about the better service from the company and it is a way to get feedback from the customer with a single click.
C. Summary of Analysis: The mobile application has been stated as the second most acceptable strategy for the companies to inform their strategy and best offers to the customers. The visit on the company’s application can inform the customer to know about the company services and best deals for the customers. Around thirty percent of the research participants have chosen the mobile applications as the source to know the services and strategies for the organisations.
It is found from the question that most of the telecom companies prefer to provide the information about their strategic change to the customers through SMS followed by mobile application and e-mail.
A. Question: Are you satisfied with the relationship marketing service of the companies company?
B. Analysis: The research work has been done here to find out the satisfactory level of the stakeholders of keeping the relationship with each other. The above table and graph is the evidence, which clearly shows the satisfaction level of the customers.
C. Summary of Analysis: Sixty-five percent of the customers are satisfied with the relationship that the companies are maintaining where 40% of them are over satisfied. Thirty-five percent of the customers are not satisfied where 15% are strongly unsatisfied with the relationship that the organisations are maintaining with them. It is an indication that states that the relationship marketing has strengthened the relationship between the stakeholders.
A. Question. How long you are using the services provided by Vodafone?
B. Analysis: The researcher has tried here to identify the time span of the customer’s relationship with the organisations. The stakeholders are in the relationship with each other through telephonic conversation, e-mails, SMS, mobile application and through the meeting in person. Forty percent of the customers are in the relationship with these companies of around one to two years of time span. It has indicated that the companies are satisfying the customers providing quality services to them over one to two years. On the other hand, 25% of the research participants have stated that they are in a good touch of the organisations for two to three years.
C. Summary of Findings: 20% of the customers are in touch with the organisations for about three to five years and only 15% of the customers are engaged with the company for more than five years. The researcher where has analysed that the how the quality relationship is maintained between the stakeholders with sustainability for a long time. Thus, it is revealed that the relationship of a short span of time is maintained and as long as the time is increasing the customers are constantly losing the faith over the organisations. Hence, it can be stated that the organisation need to retain sustainability in keeping the relationship with the customers properly.
It has found that the company need to satisfy the customers by keeping a good relationship with the customers for maintaining the relationship marketing with the customers properly. It needs loyalty and trustworthiness to keep the relation with the customers in a healthy way.
A. Question. Are you satisfied with the service that the company has provided you according to their marketing strategy?
B. Analysis: The researcher has stepped here to measure the customer opinion on the satisfactory level over the relationship with the selected organisations. The table and graph is provided for providing a clear idea about what the customers are thinking about the company strategy of Vodafone UK. The result that has come out on this occasion has suggested that 55% of the customers are satisfied with the relationship with the telecom organisations, where 25% of them are over satisfied. Twenty percent of the customers have stated that the relationship that the companies are maintaining with them is per average satisfactory level. Twenty-five percent of the customers have opined that they are not happy with the relationship that the companies are maintaining with them and 10% of them are strongly unsatisfied with the relationship.
C. Summary of Analysis: The big number of satisfied customers indicates that the strategy of the relationship marketing has been the key strategy that the companies can easily keep relation with the customer that emphasise a positive effect on the company's business. This high level of satisfaction will not only enhance the reputation of the company in the market, but also help to accomplish high competitive advantage.
A. Question: Do you prefer to stay with the company?
B. Analysis: The researcher has made this question to understand the planning of the customers to sustain relation with the organisations. This analysis has been done in order to find out the average number of people who want to port their connection due to its poor service or other issues. The research result states that 45% of the customers are ready to retain their relationship with the companies. On the other hand, 25% of the customers have shown negative gesture. Twenty-five percent of the customers are in dilemma in respect of keeping relation with the organisations. It is found that most of the customers are ready to retain their relationship with their respective organisation in the upcoming days too.
C. Summary of Analysis: The researcher asked the question to find out the customers future plan of whether they would port to another company or not. From this finding it can be observed that the relationship marketing has paid off for the organisations surveyed in terms of repeat customers. The more customers stay with the company for long run the more will be the revenue of the organisation. Besides, satisfied customers will likely to recommend the company to others which will eventually enhance the customer base.
The current chapter has focused on the analysis of the collected data and its implications. The qualitative data analysis has tried to measure the changes, challenges and implementation of the relationship marketing in the three-respective organisations with the feedback of the marketing managerial of the companies. On the other hand, the quantitative data analysis has tried to find out the public reaction of the comp-anise adaptation and implementation of relationship marketing. Hence, both the analysis states positively about the relationship marketing.
The improvement of the organisational performance is deeply related to the good behaviour, service approaches, relationship with the customers and the process to solve the customer queries. In the qualitative analysis question, number 1 has clearly mentioned the positive change of service approaches after the adaptation of the relationship marketing. On the other hand, the question number 4 for of the qualitative analysis has depicted that the relationship marketing has helped the companies to develop the behaviour of the stakeholders. The behavioural change and the change of services approach in a positive way can influence the upgrading in the organisational performance. The reflection of the changing of organisational performances is found in the quantitative part of the data analysis through the positive customer feedback. The researcher has tried to link the objectives by discussing the concepts and theories and implementation of the relationship marketing in the business organisations. In the first objective, the researcher has aimed to find out the growth of relationship marketing in the telecom organisation. Furthermore, in the literature review chapter, the topic has been described in detail by establishing the systems and ways of growth of the relationship marketing in the telecom organisations of. This description in literature review has helped the researcher to find out the proper implementation of the growth of relationship marketing in the telecom sectors. On the other hand, the question number 2 of the qualitative data analysis has also stated the affects the growth of relationship marketing in the telecommunication sector. In both the occasion the result that has come out in a positive manner. The growth of relationship marketing has been stated as the strategy that defines the positive effects on t6he organisations. Moreover, the qualitative data has been described in an effective manner to demonstrate the effectiveness of the growth and approaches to the relationship marketing.
The researcher here tried to connect the competitive advantages of relationship marketing in the Vodafone. The competitive advantages of Vodafone have been stated here as the services, service approaches, customer reactions and customer feedbacks. Thus, in the Qualitative data, question number 1, has clearly described the service approaches of Vodafone that has been modified by the adaptation of relationship marketing and they have improved the services approaches as well, from normal service approach to customer requirement approach. On the other hand, in the first interview of the quantitative approach has clarified Vodafone to be best as per the service providing in the comparing to other telecommunication organisations of UK. The first interview of the quantitative interview has also stated the positive customer feedback over the services of Vodafone. The service approaches, the requirement of the customer and customer feedback has been positive for Vodafone that has made it well ahead than the other companies. Thus, the question number 1 of qualitative data and question number 1 of quantitative data successfully meet the second objective of the study.
The researcher has tried to understand how Vodafone has used the relationship marketing tactics in business and how it has influenced the future of business. The future possibilities depend on the sustainability of the Strategy, successive implementation of the strategy and result of the implementations of the strategy. The data analysis and findings part of the study the researcher has made surveys and interviews to find out the reliable conclusion on this topic. The question number7, of quantitative analysis, has suggested the customers are happy and satisfied with the relationship marketing that the companies have adapted to improve their business strategy. Moreover, the maximum numbers of feedback have come in a positive manner in support top the objective. The question, 4 of the qualitative analysis has suggested strongly in favour of the sustainability of the relationship marketing for a long-term process in the telecommunication organisations. The question number 2 of quantitative analysis has developed the fact that6 most of the research participants has said positively over the successful implementation of the relationship marketing that has brought reliability and sustainability of the company that can be adapted for a long-term process. Thus, quantitative analysis of question number 2 and 7 and quantitative analysis of question number 4 have successfully met all the criteria that are necessary to develop the future possibilities of relationship marketing. Henceforth, all these analysis has perfectly achieved the requirement of the fourth objective of the study. Successful solve of the customer queries has been the key driving force of the development of the organisational performance. In the quantitative interview question number 6, has depicted that the telecommunication companies have been keeping the relationship with the customers through various mediums. However, they have been using the mediums to sort out the problems that the customers have faced and measured the feedback responses of the customers. On the other hand, the in the qualitative analysis, question 2, depicts positive outcome of the relationship marketing that has helped the companies to sort out the problems that the customers are facing. Thus, if the relationship marketing is met properly according to all these criteria, the organisational performance can be upgraded and the reliability of the company can be improved in the competitive marketing scenario. The upgrade of the organisational performance also depends on the quality services that the companies can provide. The question 9 of quantitative approaches states that the relationship marketing has provided quality and satisfied services to most of the research participants. The fifth objective can be successfully achieved by both the qualitative and quantitative services. Hence, both the qualitative question number 1, 4 and question number 2, 6 and 9 of quantitative approaches can successfully achieve the fifth objective of the research study. Hence, the objectives are described to measure the ways through which the study can be progressed in the further ways. The research analysis is based on the objectives that are described in the introduction part. The link between the objectives and the data analysis help to summarise the importance of the relationship marketing in the competitive marketing arena. Thus, this part of the study has described the ultimate results of the study in respect of interlinking with the data analysis and the research objectives. The analysis part has resulted the positive effects of the relationship marketing in respect of improving the business strategy of the companies. The behavioural change of the organisational structure, the customer oriented service approaches of the company have been measured as the driving force of the relationship marketing. Thus, the positive business approach of the relationship marketing can be stated as the most updated business strategy of the modern business scenario.
One of the key objectives of the research is to understand the significance of relationship marketing in business. After the data analysis, the researcher has found that the relationship marketing has strongly affected the telecommunication organisations of UK. In the research study, the researcher has concluded with the fact stat the relationship marketing has affected the telecom organisations of UK through various ways and methods. The relationship marketing is stated to impact on the change of the business scenario, the behavioural structure of the organisation with positive customer feedback. Thus, the customer feedback has been found as the most effective way to understand the requirement of the customers. The research survey has clearly indicated that relationship marketing is the most influential strategy of the present competitive marketing scenario. Henceforth, the strong relationship with the customer and stakeholder has been concluded as the most valuable path of the relationship marketing that can improve the business strategies of the organisations. Another objective of the research is to analyse how Vodafone has used relationship marketing tactics. From the research it can be observed that competitive advantage in the organisation is dependent on how effectively organisations are able to understand and fulfil the requirements of customers. Each customer has diverse needs from an organisation which must be satisfied in timely manner. Furthermore, customer’s complaints must be dealt with appropriate manner so that they feel appreciated that their necessities are taken care of and also feel that the company value the customers. Besides, since it is a telecom company, the services of Vodafone also affect the competitive advantage. The better the services of the organisation the more it will have competitive advantage in the market. Services required to be improved because they are overtaken by technological improvements and replaced by new facilities. Therefore, organisations must introduce new functions and new features in services. Apart from that the pricing of the services also determine the competitive advantage for Vodafone. The competitors are another important factor which influences the competitive advantage of organisation. The behaviour and strategies of the competitors is major factor which impact on the business of an organisation. Therefore, in order to maintain competitive advantage, there is need to constantly monitor the activities of the competitors and adjust the strategy accordingly.
Ultimately the most important objective of the research is to understand how relationship marketing lead to competitive advantage for organisations. From the analysis, it can be stated that relationship marketing help to maintain competitive advantage for organisations in many ways. First it helps to enhance customer satisfaction which makes repeat purchase. Secondly, it generates trust among customers which help to create loyal customer base. Thirdly, relationship marketing help to understand the requirements of customers and therefore they are able to serve them better. All these aspects are essential for maintaining competitive advantage in the market.
In the recommendation part, the researcher has tried to find out the suitable recommendations based on research findings to meet the objectives properly. The recommendations are described in the below:
1. Improvement of the structure of the organisations to make the the successful implementation of the relationship marketing
Proper business strategies can make the relationship between the stakeholders stronger. The organisaat6ions need to understand the ultimate requirement of the customers to order to attain the sustainability of the evaluating nature of the customer’s requirement.
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