Importance of Organizational Structure

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the research

Organisational structure is the practice of developing norms, rules, policies and practice in the workplace of the firm, in order to run the firm efficiently. In order to achieve the organisational objectives, the organisations in the recent era of globalisation try to create suitable structure to run the internal process and manage the stakeholders in long run (Rothaermel, 2016). On the other hand, the organisational culture is the values behaviour and the attitude of the employees in the workplace of the firm, which is important to run the business in a systematic way (Sugahara, Daidj and Ushio, 2017). In the recent era of globalisation, the firms try to expand their business in the international markets for which it is mandatory to develop suitable organisational structure, in order to run the operational activities of the firm. It is possible for the multinational corporate firms to follow the suitable structure and run the business functions in a systematic way (Shet, 2020). The structured process in the internal workplace further boosts the organisational efficacy to run the business successfully. Hence, it is mandatory for the MNCs to adopt suitable structure of the firm and differentiate different departments in order to progress in a suitable manner (Chang, Liao and Wu, 2017). It further helps the firms to manage the stakeholders through the organisational structure so that the managers, senior staff and junior staff are controlled well in the workplace and the leader can lead the followers in the firm towards achieving the future success. Hence, the organisational structure is important for the recent business firms to expand their business efficiently across the globe (Kumar, Singh and Modgil, 2020). On the other hand, the organisational culture is the ways to run the business functions where in the recent years, suitable corporate culture is essential for the firms to operate internationally (Kumar, Singh and Modgil, 2020). In this context, the MNCs try to expand their business in a systematic way and it is mandatory for the firm, to develop suitable culture so that the leader can lead the employees, create good values and develop the organisational practice successfully (Sugahara, Daidj and Ushio, 2017). The organisational culture is effective for the organisational leader to instruct the working process and other rules and norms to the employees, where the employees are able to fulfil their roles and responsibilities in the workplace. In this regard, all the organisations try to develop the organisational appropriate culture in order to manage the workplace and lead the staff members in a systematic process (David, F., and David, F. R., 2016). It is necessary for the business firms to develop the organisational culture for enhancing team work and improve leadership approach where the leaders can be controlled and monitored in a systematic process and the leader can also evaluate their performance successfully. Hence, the organisational corporate culture must be developed for the MNCs in order to manage the employees in home country as well as the expatriates who are managed well in abroad (Chang, Liao and Wu, 2017). The corporate culture is hereby providing a scope to the organisations to expand their business and manage the stakeholders in long run (Shet, 2020). All the firms in the recent years try to expand their business through developing the organisational structure and culture so that it would be possible to run the operational activities in an effective process as well as manage the employees successfully in long run.

1.2 Background to research organisation

Tesco is the British multinational groceries and general merchandise retailer, which focuses on delivering high quality products and services to customers at affordable price. The organisation is successful to expand their business internationally, and the areas served by the brand are such as UK, India, Ireland, South Korea, Slovakia, and Hungary, Czech Republic. Total shops of Tesco are more than 6800 and the total numbers of employees working at the firm are 450000 (Tesco, 2020a). The firm is efficient to provide the products including hypermarket, supermarket and discounted store. Total revenue of the company in the last year was £63.911 billion and net income was £1.320 billion. The firm is able to manage their colleagues and create values for them (Tesco, 2020c).

Organisational logo

The brand logo is ‘Every little helps’, where Tesco focuses on providing the best quality products to the customers at its best price so that they can make effective purchase decision by choosing the best basket of goods and services. Tesco is also efficient to manage their stakeholders including the customers, shareholders, suppliers and distributors, employees, government, management team and social communities as a whole (Tesco, 2020b). The mission statement of the brand is “We make what matters better, together.” And the vision of the company is to create values for the customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. The aim of the business is to broaden the scope of the business for delivering strong sustainable long term growth by expanding the internal market (Tesco, 2020b). The company is efficient to maximise their profitability and gain high competitive advantage and market share in long run.

1.3 Research rationale

The research is about analysing the organisational structure and culture and identifies its impacts on the organisational success. Through this study, it is possible for the researcher to acknowledge the actual organisational structure which contributes in managing the organisational operations in the workplace (Rothaermel, 2016). On the other hand, corporate culture has crucial impacts on the organisational performance where through this study, it is also possible for the researcher to analyse the suitable corporate culture in the firm which helps the leaders to lead the staff members successfully. The study also provides a scope to gather primary and secondary data and information related to the organisational structure and culture as well as its effects on the organisational success (David, F., and David, F. R., 2016). Through this study, the researcher aims at analysing the relationship between the organisational structure and the organisational success. The study provides a scope to gather first hand information to identify the organisational structure and culture in the organisation Tesco, where the organisational practice of Tesco will be analysed further. The research also provides a scope to suggest some suitable suggestions to the firm to improve their structure and culture and analyse its impacts on achieving the organisational success. This study is hereby effective to evaluate the organisational structure and culture at Tesco as well as identify the relationship between the organisational structure and culture and the organisational success in long run. The internal structure and culture of Tesco will be analysed after gathering the primary and secondary data and further discussion will be helpful to fulfil the aim and objectives of the study.

1.4 Research questions

The questions of the research will be developed further, which helps the researcher to progress in the study and fulfil its aim through in-depth analysis and evaluation. The questions are such as,

What are the process of developing the organisational structure and culture in the workplace?

What are the structure and organisational culture of the organisation Tesco?

What would be the effects of the organisational structure and culture on the organisational success of Tesco?

What would be the suggested recommendations for Tesco, to develop suitable structure and create good corporate culture at the workplace, so that the leader can maximise organisational goal in long run?

1.5 Research aims and objectives

This research study aims to investigate the impact of organisational structure and culture on its success, using case study survey methods within a quantitative research paradigm. Through this study, it is possible to analyse the organisational structure and culture and its impacts on the corporate success of the firm.

The major objectives of the study are such as,

To understand the organisational structure and culture in the workplace

To acknowledge the structure and organisational culture of the organisation Tesco

To analyse the impacts of organisational structure and culture on the organisational success of Tesco

To suggest some suitable recommendations for Tesco, to develop suitable structure and create good corporate culture at the workplace, so that the leader can maximise organisational goal in long run


Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1 Introduction

The literature review is important for this study to gain in-depth knowledge and understanding about the above mentioned research topic. The literature review provides a scope the researcher to review the existing secondary sources of information including the journals, books, articles and business letters which are effective to gather the authentic theories and concept related to the research topic. The research is about identifying the suitable organisational structure and corporate culture which has crucial impacts on the business firms. In this regard, the theories and concepts related to the organisational structure and culture will be helpful for the researcher to gain knowledge and analyse further to meet the above mentioned research objectives.

2.2 Organisational structure

According to Morden (2016), organisational structure is the system of outlining the process of working in the business firm where the working activities are directed under supervision of the senior tem members and managers to achieve the goal of the organisation. The activities include suitable structure, rules and responsibilities of the team members in the workplace. There are several types of organisational structure which are such as functional, divisional, team based structure which are suitable for the organisations to run their business activities successfully. In the recent era of globalisation, the corporate firms try to develop the structure according to the functions of the firm and it is known as functional structure. As opined by Vu (2016), this is effective for the companies to run the working activities and distribute the responsibilities and roles of the team members successfully. The hierarchical organisational structure is a pyramid shaped chart an it is a most common type of structure for managing the employees. As stated by Alam and Raut-Roy (2019), the major benefits of hierarchical structure re such as better level of authority and responsibility, improving the quality of the projects, motivating the employees, giving special treatment to the staff and creating good working culture in the workplace. On the other hand, there is functional structure which is similar to the hierarchical structure and in this case, the CEO or the business leader tries to create good structure with the roles and responsibility at the top and goes down from there. It further allows the employees to focus on their roles and responsibility, encouraging specialisation, team development and resource allocation for working efficiently. There are other structures of the firm, where the business firms try to create good structure in order to manage the working activities. According to Morden (2016), the horizontal structure is among them, in which the organisations follow flat structure to conduct the company’s activities and may start up businesses follow this structure to simplify the working activities and fulfil the business goal. It gives the employees more responsibility, fosters open communication and improves cooperation and speeds of information flow and idea generation. Divisional organisational structure is related to division of the control and working activities where the resources are available in doing the working activities efficiently. Market based divisional organisational structure focuses on market trend and activities to develop the structure in order to handle their operations in the business and it different from different industries according to the market trend and operational activities. In this regard, all the structures have its own characteristics where the CEO tries to provide all the necessary information about individual’s role and responsibilities to work with others and contribute positively in achieving the brand success. As opined by Vu (2016), in the recent years, all the CEOs and board members focus on developing good corporate structure in order to manage the employees and lead them efficiently towards achieving the future success. The companies must focus on creating good structure to manage work flow and create good organisational chart where seniority and team management can be handled successfully.

2.3 Suitable structure of the brand

In the recent era of globalisation, the multinational corporations try to develop suitable structure in order to run their business operational activities and manage all the stakeholders successfully. In this regard, the major stakeholders of the business firms are such as employees, managers, suppliers and distributors, customers, government, shareholders and social communities as a whole. As stated by Alam and Raut-Roy (2019), it is the responsibility of the business firm to manage all the stakeholders and create good organisational structure, so that the roles and responsibilities can be divided as per the job designation and control the whole workplace successfully. In this regard, hierarchical structure is one of the effective and most common structures where the firms try to divide the departments as per the organisational functions. According to Harel, Schwartz and Kaufmann (2020), the major departments as per the functions of the firm are such as reduction, operations, sales and marketing, research and development, finance and human resource management. These are the major departments, where there are managers under which the employees are working in a suitable structure.

Organisational structure

According to Harel, Schwartz and Kaufmann (2020), the sales and marketing department is responsible to manage the sales account, handle the clients and promote the organisational products and services through marketing activities. The major tasks are such as field sales force management, tracking of the orders and sale management, customer handling, customer service efficiency management, ecommerce activities and direct selling and marketing for promoting the products. On the other hand, the reduction and manufacture unit is responsible to produce high quality products and services where the employees are trained well and they are guided under proper supervision and management. As stated by Coe, Lee and Wood (2017), operation is another department, where the operational activities, supply of raw materials, managing warehousing and inventory control system, distribution of the final goods and services and managing the suppliers and distributors are handled efficiently. The other departments such as finance and research and development are also mandatory for the business firm to manage their activities and maintain good financial account for further expansion of the business. The human resource department provides a scope to the managers to manage all the employees including their safety and security, recognition and benefits etc.

2.4 Importance of developing organisational structure

As opined by Botschen and Wegerer (2017), creating good corporate structure is beneficial for the corporate firms, where it is possible for them to fulfil the aim and objectives of the firms and fulfil its vision to perform in the market. The major benefits of developing the organisational structure are such as easier management, smooth operational activities, and management of team members and achieving the organisational success, where it is possible for the firm to maintain team hierarchy and distribute the working activities among the members as per their job designation. In addition to this, through good organisational chart or structure, it is also possible for the firms to fulfil the company’s goal, maintain organisational hierarchy, and develop communication channels and enhancing cooperation. As opined by Botschen and Wegerer (2017), these are also major importance of creating good corporate structure, where the leader can improve internal communication and also enhance internal collaboration to manage their responsibilities and fulfil the working activities of the firm. According to Ansoff et al. (2018), team working activities through systematic working flow can also be possible for the firms, where the leaders are able to manage the team members and mitigate them to perform better. Creation of new ideas, and enhancing the creativity and innovation in the workplace are also possible through managing good organisational structure in which the business firms can lead the firms in a systematic way.

According to Ansoff et al. (2018), effective structure can be helpful to maintains seniority, and the team members can seek help from the senior members and management team for gaining more innovative ideas to perform better. It is hereby beneficial for the leaders of the corporate firms to make the system efficient and run the business successfully. For managing the operational activities, it is necessary to develop good structure or organisational chart, so that the team members can follow and communicate with others in the workplace. It is beneficial for the firms to develop corporate relationship and manage seniority. As stated by Lynch (2018), for further expansion of the business, it is hereby mandatory to follow suitable corporate structure, so that the senior team members and managers can guide the employees and staff members at the workplace and lead them efficiently towards achieving the ultimate organisational goal. Creating good corporate culture is beneficial for the employees to generate new ideas and perform better with creativity and innovation. According to Lasserre (2017), it is also advantageous for the firm to meet the vision and missions and expand their business sustainably. The operational activities will be handled smoothly and in a systematic process, so that the team members can manage their performance and contribute positively in the firm for achieving the future success.

2.5 Ways to improve corporate culture

As stated by Lynch (2018), corporate culture refers to the belief and behaviour which are helpful for the companies to manage the employees and other stakeholders at the workplace. For handling the operational activities of the organisation, it is mandatory for the business to develop corporate culture which in turn provides a scope to manage the stakeholders and create values for them in long run. In the recent era of globalisation, all the corporate firms are trying to develop suitable corporate culture to manage the staff members and create goof corporate image in the market. According to Lasserre (2017), the factors such as flexibility, independence, interdependence and stability are important to create good corporate culture. The corporations try to manage the culture through providing flexible workplace as well as interdependence at the workplace and interdependence among the staff members are beneficial for the firms to manage the employees and lead them efficiently towards achieving the future success.

Corporate culture

According to HR and Aithal (2020), there are several strategic planning to create good corporate culture and brand image and managing authority, safety and security of the employees are among them, where the leader takes the responsibility to take care of the staff and provide safety measures to work with security. Additionally, providing recognition and employee benefits are another major factor which has crucial impacts on employee management. The leaders try to provide incentives and other monetary rewards to the staff so that they can feel valued and work efficiently. As opined by Peppard and Ward (2016), continuous motivation and creativity of the staff are also necessary to create good corporate culture, where the firms can improve the organisational excellence. The managers try to encourage employee’s creativity as well as enhance their innovative ideas through continuous improvement. Moreover, the empowerment of the staff is mandatory for creating good corporate culture and in this regard, all the staff members are empowered in the workplace and their feedback and opinion matter in creating organisational decision. As opined by Peppard and Ward (2016), diversity and inclusion is also necessary where the leaders try to encourage diverse culture and manage diversity efficiently by providing equal opportunities to the staff and create values for them. Inclusion of the staff in the organisational decision making practice and equality in the workplace are effective for corporate culture. Additionally, collaborative decision making behaviour as well as managing transparency and accountability are also playing crucial role in managing the brand culture where the managers and leaders can encourage the staff by ensuring accountable decision and engaging all the employees in the brand.

Strategies to improve good corporate culture

According to Awadari and Kanwal (2019), stakeholder value maximisation is important where the leaders try to provide high return on investment so that it is possible to retain them and enhance their performance in long run. Focusing on learning and development is another factor, where the leaders provide the opportunity to the employees for personal and professional development in future through arranging training program. Enhancing communication and encouraging team work are also important strategy for creating good corporate culture and ensure high productivity of the staff members. As stated by Schilling and Shankar (2019), managing internal conflicts is another strategy of the business leaders to manage the employees at the workplace and in this regard, through convincing the staff, engaging them during change, encouraging their decision making practice and develop strong relationship are the tactics of managing the conflicts in the workplace and lead the staff successfully. As stated by Moutinho and Vargas-Sanchez (2018), managing safety and security through continuous monitoring and supervision as well as flexibility at workplace and partnership working further help to develop good bonding among the staff and it is helpful to motivate them and lead them successfully towards achieving future organisational success.

2.6 Effects of corporate culture on the firm success

According to Wood, Coe and Wrigley (2016), corporate culture is hereby beneficial for the organisations to managing employee morale and develops good corporate bonding further with all the staff members in the workplace. Other benefits of managing good corporate culture are such as flexibility to work, maximising the performance of the staff, continuous motivation and encouraging staff creativity. As opined by Santoro et al. (2019), through corporate culture, it is also sosi8belf or the leaders to retain the employees and manage the large talent pool in the workplace for further creativity and brand excellence. Productivity and performance both can be enhanced through creating good corporate culture. Efficient customer service is another benefit of corporate culture, where the employees are motivated and trained to serve the customers efficiently.

As opined by Drumaux (2018), responsiveness to change is also another major benefit of corporate culture, where the employees become satisfied in the workplace and they can cooperate with the leader and managers of the business for adopting new changes and maximising their performance in long run. Team working activities can be enhanced and corporate culture further encourage the staff to work efficiently and utilise the workplace for gaining better benefits and rewards to achieve the career success. Maximising organisational profitability and ensuring financial stability are also possible under good corporate culture, where the firms are able to run the operational activities in a systematic way and achieve future success through fulfilling the vision and brand mission.

Chapter 3: Research methodology

3.1 Research process

The research process is mandatory to be chosen so that the researcher can gather authentic data and information and analyse the information for fulfilling the above mentioned objectives of the study. The research process can be chosen though the research onion, which provides a systematic ways to choose the process for conducting the study efficiently. The research onion includes the layers of data collection, philosophy and approach of the research as well as the data analysis technology (Baker et al., 2016).

Research onion

It is effective for the researcher to create suitable planning to conduct the study and choose the method of data collection and analysis for further implications (Baker et al., 2016).

3.2 Research approach

There are two types of research approaches which are such as deductive and inductive approach. The inductive approach is mainly the way of gathering the information and data for further analysis and evaluation of the data and information. In this process, the researcher tries to create theories and models after analysis and in-depth evaluation, where it is possible for the researcher to create new theories related to the research topic (Baker et al., 2016). On the other hand, the deductive approach is totally different from the inductive method. Under the deductive approach, the researcher focuses on reviewing the existing theories and concepts related to the research, gaining understanding, gathering the data and information for further analysis and evaluation (Johnston, 2017). In this regard, the researcher tries to analyse the data and information and apply the existing models and theories related to the research in order to in depth analysis.

Research approach

In this particular research, the researcher will choose the deductive approach to acknowledge the secondary literatures, theories and concepts and gathering the primary data for further in-depth analysis and evaluation. This is suitable research approach for this study, where the researcher can apply the theories and concepts for further evaluation in terms of the Tesco’s corporate culture and organisational structure to analyse its impacts on the organisational success.

3.3 Research strategy

As per the research onion, the major research strategies are survey, experimental, case study analysis, action research and grounded theory (Johnston, 2017). These are different strategies to conduct the study efficiently (Quinlan et al., 2019). In this particular research, the researcher will choose the survey strategy for conducting the study in order to collect the relevant data and valid information for conducting in-depth evaluation (Quinlan et al., 2019). In this research, the researcher tries to analyse the corporate culture and organisational structure in Tesco and in this regard, the survey strategy of the researcher will provide a scope to collect the feedback of the respondents and evaluate it to identify the culture and structure of the firm Tesco. It is one of the effective ways to conduct the research and perform in depth analysis and evaluation.

3.4 Data collection method

The two types of data collection method are primary and secondary data collection. The primary data collection is the practice of collecting the relevant data and information directly from the first hand respondents, in which the participants provide authentic feedback and information related to the research topic (Quinlan et al., 2019). On the other hand, the secondary data collection method is the way of gathering the secondary sources of information such as journals, books, online articles and online published business report and the organisational annual report (Quinlan et al., 2019). In this particular research, the researcher will choose both the primary and secondary data collection method to gather relevant information and valid data for further in depth analysis and evaluation related to Tesco’s structure and corporate culture. For gathering the secondary information, the website of the organisation Tesco, annual report, business news, as well as the management books and journals are gathered in order to collect the theories and models of corporate culture and structure and gather the Tesco’s strategy of developing structure and corporate culture in the workplace. On the other hand, the primary data will be gathered through survey method where the interview questionnaires will be distributed among the employees of the firm Tesco.

3.5 Data analysis technique

Quantitative and qualitative are the two types of data analysis technique, where the researcher is able to analyse the gathered data and information successfully (Baker et al., 2016). The qualitative data analysis focuses on analysing the gathered data by applying the theories and concepts and also the secondary information for in depth analysis and evaluation (Quinlan et al., 2019). On the other hand, under the quantitative research, it is possible for the researcher to evaluate the gathered data through charts, graphs and statistical equations and models (Quinlan et al., 2019). In this regard, the researcher will choose the quantitative data analysis through utilising the descriptive statistics in which the tables and charts are effective for identifying the feedback of the employees through the questionnaire survey. Through the quantitative data analysis technique, further discussion will be made by the researcher about the research topic in order to fulfil its aim and above mentioned objectives.

3.6 Sampling

Random sampling is chosen here, where the researcher distributes the online questionnaire among the employees of Tesco randomly. Through the random sampling, it is possible for the researcher to increase the participants and gather authentic data from them. The sample size will be 50, where the researcher will be able to gather the feedback of the employees in Tesco and analyse their perception for understanding the internal structure of Tesco and their corporate culture, under which they are working in the firm.

3.7 Ethical implications

Research ethics must be maintained by the researcher while conducting the study, and in this regard the data reliability and validity must be maintained in order to manage the authenticity of the information and research (Baker et al., 2016). In this regard, the researcher will cite the authentic sources in the secondary data as well as incorporate valid primary data in the study in order to manage the ethics of the study. The researcher also manages integrity and accountability to progress in the study and complete it successfully. Additionally, the Data Protection Act 1998 is being implemented in the study, in order to ensure that the information and data will be applied in the study only (Baker et al., 2016). The researcher ensures the respondents that their feedback will be kept safe and they can share their authentic feedback. Transparency and accountability are also managed well and on the other hand, the researcher respects the respondents. The researcher does not force any participant to take active part in the survey, rather the researcher tries to convince the employees of Tesco to participate in the survey for in depth research and evaluation of Tesco’s strategy to manage their performance and achieve success through developing organisational structure and corporate culture.

Chapter 4: Findings

4.1 Introduction

Findings are represented in this chapter where it is possible to identify the feedback of the participants. The researcher selects the questionnaire survey for collecting the first hand data directly from the employees of Tesco. The questionnaire and the collected feedback will be represented further which would be beneficial for in depth discussion.

4.2 Data findings

Survey questionnaire:

1. The Policies and the organisation structure in our organisation have been clearly defined.

Policies and the organisation structure Policies and the organisation structure

Most of the employees agree that the there are policies and suitable practice in the organisational workplace where Tesco is able to create values for the employees by providing suitable structure. However, 20% employees provide neutral answers on this.

2. A friendly atmosphere prevails among the people in our organisation.

Atmosphere prevails among the people Atmosphere prevails among the people

40% employees highly agree that there is friendly atmosphere in the workplace and 30% employees agree to the same. 10% employee of Tesco provide neutral answers and remaining staff are disagree with the same.

3. In our organisation the attitude of our management is that conflict between competing units and individuals can be very healthy.

Attitude of the management in managing conflicts Attitude of the management in managing conflicts

As per the findings, 24% employees strongly agree that the management team attitude is good and on the other hand, 30% team members also agree to the same. However, 30% members provide neutral answers and remaining percentage of employees do not agree to the same.

4. In our organisation people are rewarded in proportion to the excellence of their job performance.

Rewarded in proportion to the job excellence Rewarded in proportion to the job excellence

Performance reward is mandatory and in this regard, most of the employees agree that the company is able to provide rewards according to their performance and job excellence.

5. In our organisation people are proud of belonging to this organisation.

Proud of belonging to this organisation Proud of belonging to this organisation

The individuals are satisfied being the part of the organisation, where 36% and 24% employees strongly agree and agree to the same. However, 30% employees provide neutral answers and remaining percentage did not agree to the same.

6. People in our organisation are giving more ideas, information, feedback on customers, products, service etc.

Participation of the people Participation of the people

As per the findings against this question, 30% employees strongly agree and 20% staffs agree that they are empowered and can share their creative ideas. However, 24% employees give neutral answers and 10% staffs disagree and remaining percentage strongly disagree the fact that they are empowered in the firm.

7. In our organisation people take the initiatives and also preventive action on most matters.

People taking the initiatives and also preventive action People taking the initiatives and also preventive action

The individual can take preventive actions in the organisation where 50% employees to the facet, but 30% provide neutral answers and remaining percentage totally disagrees to the same.

8. In our organisation trusting and friendly relations are highly valued.

Trusting and friendly relations Trusting and friendly relations

There is no such neutral answer against this which is good to understand the actual feedback and as per the finding, 70% employees agree that trust and corporate relationship are managed and valued in the firm and on the other hand, remaining percentage of staff did not agree to the same.

9. In our organisation people are encouraged for innovative approaches in solving problems.

Encouraged for innovative approaches in solving problems Encouraged for innovative approaches in solving problems

As per the findings, 26% employees strongly agree that they are encouraged to show their creativity and 50% employee agree to the same also. There is no such neutral answer, but 24%emloyees are not satisfied with the working culture as they are not encouraged to show their creativity in the workplace.

10. In our organisation communication is used as an effective way of getting relevant feedback and critical information for corrective action.

Organisational communication Organisational communication

Internal communication is another factor for enhancing productivity and performance and 30% employees strongly agree that there is communication in the workplace. 40% employees also agree the same, but remaining percentage of staff members provide neutral answers, which indicate that there is mismanagement and lack of communication in the company for which the employees may suffer in working efficiently.

11. In our organisation the atmosphere is very friendly and people spend enough time in informal relations.

Organisational atmosphere Organisational atmosphere

The organisational atmosphere is also important for the business and in this regard, 24% employees strongly agree, 36% agree to the same. The remaining percentage of staff is also satisfied with the organisational atmosphere where they thought that there is no such friendly atmosphere to perform cooperatively.

12. In our organisation when working on solutions to problems people here keep in mind the needs of the organisational members as well as society at large.

Working on solutions Working on solutions

16% employees strongly agree and 24% employee agree that the company develop solution to the problems after keeping in mind the people’s needs and values in the firm. However, the remaining percentage of the staff is not satisfied, and it further raises issues of internal conflicts and misunderstanding among the employees.

13. Our organisation cares for the financial stability of its employees

Cares for the financial stability of its employees Cares for the financial stability of its employees

Financial stability of the staff is important for good corporate culture and it also has important impacts on maximising the organisational performance. 30% employees strongly agree, 20% agree to the same that the firm is able to provide financial security to the staff. However, remaining percentage of staff is not satisfied with the financial rewards for them in the workplace.

14. In our organisation, there is cooperation and high communication among the debarments.

Cooperation and high communication among the debarments Cooperation and high communication among the debarments

Cooperation and high communication improve the performance of the staff and in this regard most the employees agree that there is internal communication and it enhance their productivity and performance.

15. There is suitable structure in the firm to manage the employees.

Suitable structure in the firm Suitable structure in the firm

Most the employees agree that Tesco is successful to create suitable structure for the business which further enhance the business excellence and help the stakeholders to maintain structural hierarchy and fulfil own role and responsibilities in the firm.

Chapter 5: Discussion

As per the above findings, there are structured policies and rules in the organisational which is beneficial for the firm to manage the organisational chart and lead the employees in a systematic manner. Friendly atmosphere is one of the effective factors for developing good corporate culture and in this regard, Tesco is able to enhance friendly atmosphere in the workplace. The employees can get the environment to develop friendly relationship in the workplace and work as a team to fulfil own roles and responsibilities. The attitude of the management team is mandatory to develop corporate culture and in this regard, conflict resolution depends on the management attitude. As per the findings, the organisation is able to manage the internal conflicts and the managers are also cooperative with the staff to mitigate the internal conflicts and misunderstanding among the staff so that the working activities can be improved further. According to the findings, the company is also efficient to provide rewards as per the job performance where the employees can be recognised well in the workplace and this is also beneficial for creating good corporate culture and maximise employee morale (Coe, Lee and Wood, 2017). The organisation is able to satisfy the employees by providing monetary incentives and rewards where every employee is able to maximise their values by working in the workplace of Tesco. Individual participation in the organisation and haring own ideas and information is one of the major factors in creating the corporate culture and in this regard Tesco also tries to engage the employees, but in some cases, it is not possible for the managers to empower the employees and this further creates issues among the staff, who feel being not empowered in the workplace (Tesco, 2020d). Empowerment of the employees for innovative approaches and new ideas is one of the strategies for developing corporate culture and in this regard, the organisation Tesco focuses on employee empowerment. As per the findings, some of the employee feel empowered to show their creativity and share new approaches, but there are some employees, who cannot show their creativity and are not being encouraged to share their ideas in front of others. This further raise issue in equality and ensure diversity in the workplace. It is mandatory or the firm to promote equality and provide equal opportunity to all the staff so that they can share and new ideas with others. Communication plays a crucial role in managing the productivity and performance and it also helps the firm to develop suitable corporate culture (Tesco, 2020e). The management team aims at cooperating with the employees and enhancing communication for working as a team. There is good communication, but there is lack of interdependence among different department of Tesco for which the management team fails to develop partnership work and it further deteriorates the performance of the firm in long run (Awadari, and Kanwal, 2019). Additionally, as per the findings, most of the employees do not satisfied with the organisational activities as they thought that the organisation creates solutions only for achieving brand success, rather than creating values for them. This raise the issue of internal conflicts and it needs immediate actions by the leader to manage the staff by developing suitable corporate culture by building corporate relationship and improving engagement with the staff (Tesco, 2020f). Tesco is hereby efficient to maintain suitable structure to lead the employees in a systematic process. However, there are some issues in managing the equality and diversity as well as equal opportunity for the staff, for which some of the employees are not satisfied with the culture. Flexibility and accountability must be enhanced at the workplace to satisfy the staff (Wood, Coe and Wrigley, 2016). On the other hand, the financial security must be provided to each employee, and in this regard some of the employees are not satisfied with the financial rewards and incentives which further de-motivates them and it deteriorates the performance and efficiency of the staff. Hence, through the discussion, it is clear that, there is relationship between the corporate culture and the employee performance where suitable corporate culture at Tesco will be beneficial for the firm to enhance the business excellence and achieve future success by fulfilling its objectives (Tesco, 2020g). It is hereby important for the firm to create good corporate culture and lead the employees efficiently through high communication, engagement and empowerment of the staff, where they can feel valued and contribute positively in the workplace to achieve the future organisational success.

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Chapter 6: Conclusion and recommendations

6.1 Conclusion

Corporate structure and culture have its impacts on the organisational productivity and performance. Through the data collection and analysis, it is possible for the researcher to conduct the study in a systematic way and identify the impacts of organisational structure and culture on the brand success. As per the discussion, it has been explored that, the organisation Tesco is efficient to manage their colleagues and there are more than 450000 employees who are satisfied in working in the firm. The rewards and benefits are there for the employees. However, the business faces issues to handle the safety and security of the employees as well as there are employee turnover due to lack of communication and cooperation. The brand is able to satisfy the staff in terms of creating good corporate culture. Apart from that, Tesco also has appropriate structure and the bran follows the hierarchical structure as per their departments, in which the managers handle the employees in each department. There are interdependent among the departmental employees and it further helps the firm to manage their performance. Tesco is also efficient to create values for the employees and as per the discussion over the findings, most of the employees are satisfied with the structure and culture of the business and they provide the feedback that their productivity and performance are enhanced over time in the workplace due to good corporate culture. It is important for the organisation to develop the culture so that the employees would be able to feel valued and work under flexible workplace.

6.2 Recommendations

Tesco must focus on creating good corporate culture for enhancing the productivity and efficacy of the staff members and for this the suggested recommendations are such as,

Tesco needs to arrange more training and development program for the employees in order to enhance their skill and abilities. It further provides the opportunity to the employees for personal and professional development. Technical training and continuous improvement further encourage the employees and retain them for long run.

The leader also must focuses on providing flexible workplace so that the employees can ensure work life balance, and this further enhances their creativity and improve their interest to work productively.

The management team in different departments of Tesco must be cooperative so that interdependence can be improved and it has crucial impacts on the productivity and performance so that the employees can work as a partnership basis.

Implementing ICT or information and Communication Technology is mandatory for enhancing internal and external communication so that the employees at home country as well as expatriates can be managed well and there will be equal opportunities for all the staff members.

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The organisation must focus on empowering the staff in the organisational decision making behaviour as it has crucial impacts on the performance of the staff. The leader of Tesco needs to engage the employees during the change and empower them to identify their ideas and develop collaborative decision for the benefits of the organisation.

Health and safety must be managed well in the organisational workplace and in this regard, the leader of Tesco needs to provide insurance policies for emergency cases as well as other health benefits to the employees and this is also considered as good tactic to create values for the staff and lead them, successfully towards achieving future success.

Implementing policies and practice must be executed in the workplace, so that each employee and manager can follow the rules and in this regard data Protection Act 1998, Equality Act 2010 and Health and Safety Act 1974 must be executed well in the workplace to maintain professional standard and create good corporate culture.

6.3 Implications for future research

The study is effective for further research, where the future researcher can review the study and identify the important information and employee feedback through the survey. The study also reveals the employee satisfaction and the structure and culture of Tesco, and this further raise interest among the future researcher to identify more in-depth information about the brand an analyse the effectiveness of the organisational practice at Tesco. The study also encourages the future researcher to conduct the study and recommend more effective strategic planning for the firm Tesco to ensure sustainable development and enhance productivity and performance of the staff.

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