Post-Merger Challenges in Acquisitions

1.0 Introduction

The subject for this research is an Accounting software company founded in 2007 and quickly started growing to a noticeable size and got acquired in 2017. The main problem the company was facing was the fact that they were unable to meet the demand for their product and they required funding which the acquiring company could provide, however during the acquisition process, things did not go smoothly as expected. As such this study aims to investigate and evaluate impact of post-merger period on acquired and acquiring companies thereby giving recommendations of effective ways of handling mergers and acquisitions for profitability of both companies and all parties involved.

1.1 Background of the Study

Mergers and Acquisition (M&A) having a noticeable impact on the changing cultures and behaviour of a business and the alternations as a result of Mergers and Acquisitions give rise to number of disorders and challenges associated with the business processes. However mergers and acquisitions could also impact significant changes that positively affect all parties involved. According to Morley and Ward (2009) these different outcomes of mergers and acquisition which have been more negative than positive based on a research on fortune five companies that have gone through Mergers and Acquisition in the past decade have impacted a change in the entrepreneur’s behaviour and strategies when it comes to their implementation. Entrepreneurs are now more involved in these changes and significantly control the frameworks to impact positive changes in the business culture and thereby improve employee performance and engagement. Irrespective of the indecisions linked with Mergers and Acquisitions there has been a significant impact found from past few decades (Gaughan, 1999). Pristine (2015) describes mergers and acquisitions as simply a consolidation of companies in order to impact the continued development and growth of both the companies. Often acquisitions occur to be of assistance to a company that would otherwise collapse due to different weaknesses. Pristine (2015) points out that some of these weaknesses may be financial, legal, structural or any other problem which the acquiring company takes responsibility for on behalf of the acquired company. Hayes (2019) clarifies that mergers however occur in instances where two different companies coming together creates more value compared to each of these companies operating individually. Often mergers are developed to enable sharing of resources by companies with different resource allotments that are complimentary to one another. Regardless of which process a company or group of companies go through however, eventually a singular company is formed out of a group of companies which implies consolidation of business and company characteristics including vision, mission, strategies, business culture as well as leadership (Bananuka and Musimenta, 2009). A multitude of factors are bound to change in each of the organizations day to day activities including the leadership, culture, as well as eventual goals and objectives, Kivuti (2013) premises that whether these changes and impacts are positive or negative is based on the terms and conditions of the merger or acquisition agreement as well as the preparation of the respective organizations for organization change.


While acquisitions and mergers may actually be quite effective ways of saving companies that are bound to collapse due to different reasons, their end result in terms of the impact to the different employees as well as other sections of a company including financial, cultural and even the general mission and vision of the involved companies may not always be quite positive and effective and this subsequently impacts the employee performance as well as engagement with the company or organization (Pokharna, 2018).

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1.2 Research Problem

Implementation of mergers and acquisition can have a multitude number of outcomes to all the companies involved however Adembesa (2014) highlights that with proper planning and coordination of leadership and employees as well as through the embrace of change in the organization, a company’s culture can be saved and even redeveloped or improved to cover the philosophies and values of all the involved companies and parties. According to (Picot et al., 2002), three different phases have been defined for the process of Merger and Acquisition, which incorporates planning, implementation and integration. Moreover it has also been determined that the process of planning incorporates the legal techniques and operational managers for the utilization of the two consequent phases. The implementation period includes all the processes examined from the initiating process, which integrates the non-disclosure agreements, and confidentiality comprises of the whole process of Mergers and Acquisitions as well as any other terms and conditions of the designed merger or acquisition and lastly, the integration phase which impacts the consolidation of the two companies to form one (Picot et al., 2002 ). However how can companies implement these three processes to ensure maximum benefits for both the company’s interests as well as their personnel’s? Which among the three processes is most significant for effective cultural and leadership consolidation? Does organization culture and leadership impact employee engagement post mergers and acquisition implementation? This research aims to examine the impact on leadership and culture to employee performance and engagement post Merger and Acquisition implementation

1.3 Research Aims and Objectives

1.3.1 Research Aim

This study aims to evaluate whether implementation of a consolidated culture and leadership during the integration phase of mergers and acquisitions can impact employee performance and engagement. To be able to achieve this aim however it was further broken down into significant research objectives which include:

1.3.2 Research Objectives

To evaluate the implementation process of mergers and acquisitions

To find out the impact of mergers and acquisition to the different parties involved

To determine how culture and leadership can be consolidated during the merger and acquisition process

To determine how culture and leadership impact employee engagement

1.3.3 Research Questions

What is the most effective implementation process for mergers and acquisitions?

What are the impacts of mergers and acquisitions to the involved parties?

How can culture and leadership be consolidated during a merger or acquisition?

How does culture and leadership impact employee engagement?

1.4 Rationale of the Study

Given the limited resources available for different entrepreneurs and businesses already in different industries and also due to the different challenges that companies and organizations run into some of which significantly impact companies even causing their collapse, Mergers and acquisitions come in to enable the salvaging of businesses in their last breath. However these mergers and acquisitions have not been consistent in impacting positive employee engagement and performance especially for employees in acquired companies. Bhutta, Saad and Tariq (2015) outlines that employees in acquired companies are often laid off or are forced to adopt to new business environments and conditions including ideals and values that limit their performance and engagement. Through consolidation of cultures and leadership of the involved companies however, all the involved organizations are capable of being more impacted positively through resource sharing and consolidation of ideals, values as well as vision and objectives. The results of this study not only outline ways with which companies can ensure consolidated leadership and cultures after the implementation of mergers and acquisitions processes, but it also highlights different ways with which the leadership and culture adopted afterwards could impact employee performance and engagement. This provides a blue print for conducting successful mergers and acquisition for the benefit of all companies and parties involved.

Chapter 2

2.0 Literature review

2.1 Diagnosing the Problem
2.1.1 Complexity Theory

According to Jensen (2001), research on mergers and acquisitions has increased due to the high rates of failure affecting the financial outcomes of merger events. In their studies, Epstein (2004) and Cartwright and Schoenberg (2006) stated that investigators are concerned about understanding the different respective areas of M & A integration and control and how they eventually impact employee engagement and performance, but they still have limited knowledge. Because different situations and perspectives are used, to clarify this phenomenon: communication, cultural importance, leadership, etc. D. Lauser (2009), states that, if researchers and leaders see the occurrence of this change from a complex perception; overcoming some limitations in understanding this phenomenon and add new ideas to explain complex changes. According to Lichtenstein (2000) and Mitleton-Kelly, (2006) intricacy hypothesis suggests that associations are a long way from-harmony and this makes them unusual; accordingly, Plowman and Duchon, (2007) supports it stating that amid change forms, balance viewpoints can be reflected as open doors for the development of new potential outcomes of change. Marion and Uhl-Bien, (2001) indicated that in Intricacy - hypothesis researchers watch associations as Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS), where they comprise of a few people with various connections among one another, with a persistent collaboration among them, affecting each other making another conduct. Such interrelations amid every framework, produces diverse results that can influence the harmony of the framework, either by positive criticism, driver for flimsiness and change or by destructive input, stable balance by bringing the framework back (Lauser, 2009). During this snapshot of changes, associations may choose to utilize them as chances to be imaginative and creative, or as chances to find new developing examples of conduct (Lauser and Peters, 2008). In this angle, commentators say that it is silly to plan and regulate change while dynamism and vulnerability exists (Burnes, 1996). In post-acquisitions, the people are thought to be in another association; subsequently the past structure does not exist. The new security among individuals may make vital issues, because of the diverse groups connecting. Notwithstanding, Meckl (2004) determine that in a many-sided quality perspective, these are open doors for self-association of the new framework.

At the period of post-reconciliation, associations tend to absence of characteristics fundamental for this stage, for example, progressive self-association (Lauser, 2009). Self-association can be categorized as three essential procedures: self-referencing, expanded limit, and free arranging (Lichtenstein, 2000). It is explained by Lauser (2009) as when organizations have been combined or obtained, the basic qualities and convictions have still not been produced as the new association. In any case, in the wake of doing this investigation, it is understood that self-association is extremely hard to be set up in first phases of the post-acquisitions (Lauser, 2009). The reasons are the notwithstanding when combined, workers still have diverse qualities and convictions, there still is no normal profound structure inside the new association lastly, the limit of the general population still isn't being utilized completely; every one of these methodologies set aside opportunity to plan the correct procedures and the correct structures.

2.2 Integration Strategy for Organisational learning

This piece of the venture endeavours to centre in the positive consequences of acquisitions and mergers and the way in which they can consolidate into the post-obtaining period of cross-fringe exchanges. A positive result among them is the taking in the association in general gain in overseeing change at this stage. Along these lines, mix in a powerful way may happen. As per the study of Schweiger and Goulet (2005), authoritative learning is characterized as an aggregate marvel of the obtaining and improvement of new abilities, qualities and conduct that brings out in a maintainable association change. As observed over, the recommendation for multifaceted nature hypothesis proposes that the new condition that a consolidated or procured association encounters, may make wellsprings of contention, pressure, and so on. In any case, Holland and Salama (2010) explain that learning inside the association can happen notwithstanding when it is testing the reconciliation procedure. It is workable for associations to pick up information development when they increase the offer of comprehension of the two gatherings included, nature encompassing it and how they are connected. It is proposed likewise by Leroy and Ramanantsoa (1997) that effective firms revive the levels of information they have by participating in acquisitions and furthermore Elsaa and Veiga, (1994) added that they re-build another social character. The second regular practice among fruitful post-procurement administrations was the way they surveyed the new corporate culture. Such appraisal brought about the recognizable proof and finding of significant contrasts or likenesses between the centre qualities, convictions, states of mind and administration style of the objective organization before the arrangement was finished (Holland and Salama, 2010). Another intriguing motivation behind this appraisal is to perceive the opinions and reflections, i.e. issues of personality, national social contrasts, and so forth, from the general population that are engaged with that change procedure, keeping in mind the end goal to stay away from any misunderstandings and miss-desires for the two gatherings (Holland and Salama, 2010).

2.3 Cultural change

Directors try to locate the social fit as an approach to guarantee the similarity of the two gatherings of associations to be blended. Once these associations are going along, it is important to find out about the social change that all individuals included will have the understanding inside a cross-outskirt exchange. Culture is an example of important uncertainties, created or identified by a group while determining the ways of adapting the issues of inward joining and outer adjustments; explained by Schein (1990). The culture is considerable as commendably they functioned enough whereas then it is considered the right approach by new individuals to think, fell and see in association to those issues. Additionally, it is considered as basic connecting element that ties together the individuals from society. Castrichini Pete (2002) concur that culture is essentially imperative for the association since it influences execution. Diefenbach Thomas, (2006) express that culture speaks to the conduct that new representatives are urged to take after. Such conduct, i.e. – advancement, basic leadership, correspondence, sorting out, estimating achievement and compensating accomplishment are influenced by corporate culture. Culture is a factor that adds to the impact the way learning is exchanged, and thusly, affects imagination in business associations. Kuada and Sorensen (2010) contend that people ought to be viewed as having divided, inconsistent self-ideas got from multiplex of societies. They alluded to culture having three vital components: consistency, separation, and discontinuity. This vitality of components inside a culture clarifies how it influences the activities of the people in the association and shapes the authoritative culture as an outcome.

2.4 Leadership

The levels of vulnerability and multifaceted nature that acquisitions and mergers convey when associations choose to combine them. If people frame associations, every individual may take change uniquely in contrast to other people, yet in addition can add to that change from multiple points of view because of the assorted variety of foundations. The significance of administration in Change Management of Post-Acquisitions it is extremely pertinent for this theme because it adds to a modified procedure. This part will clarify the feeling of a few specialists that will give an advantageous understanding to future research. This is a valuable instrument for pioneers that have combined a group and have the capacity to oversee it as indicated by the Tuckman’s model. Cameron and Green (2004) make some great remarks on each phase as valuable proposals for initiative. For the Forming stage, they propose that pioneers ought to be clear about the jobs and duties of the new group. They must distinguish the groups' clients and build up the new standards of cooperating. In the storming stage pioneers should set aside, the opportunity to talk about with the group vital issues emerging with tolerance and clear bearing. On one hand, some specialists are supporting the presence of the Visionary pioneer. The visionary pioneer is responsible for managing vision and work with energy while having reliability (Bennis, 1994). As far as the characteristics of the visionary pioneer are discussed so it is identified that he possesses the most important ones as he is the one who develops, motivates trust, creates challenges and centres around individuals.

2.5 Impact of leadership and Culture on Employee performance

Employees are often greatly influenced and motivated by their leaders as well as the different values and cultures that their leaders motivate and cultivate in them. While an organization culture is significant within an organization to be able to provide shared views, beliefs and values that drive day to day operations towards the achievement of the organizations goals, the type of culture applied by an organization as well as its levels of success in being able to impact employee performance and engagement is greatly dependent on the leader and the type of leadership that an organization has (Meng and Berger, 2019). Wookey (2019) points out that a strong corporate culture indicates a group of likeminded employees with shared goals and objectives and thus a much more focus towards achievement of tasks and value thus enhanced engagement and performance. The corporate culture enables employees to poses similar beliefs and ethical values which when effectively aligned to the relevant business objectives with effective leadership prove to be effective in team building. Ilham (2017) further emphasizes that corporate culture eases communication of roles and responsibilities to all employees and also enables easier interaction and engagement amongst themselves thereby improving their performance. Leadership in addition to providing motivation and direction for the employees is significant in management and development of the corporate culture within an organization to enable cohesion and development of the organization. Meng and Berger (2019) highlights that leaders determine not only the structure of a corporate culture that subsequently impact employees but also have to enforce it through practicing it as an example for the employees to follow. Employees will only subscribe to the corporate culture if the leaders endorse it and adopt it as a way of business practice. As such in mergers and acquisitions leaders play an important role in ensuring the consolidation of the corporate culture of the different party companies to a new single corporate culture to be adopted by all the employees. In this way, the environment and business activities remain relevant for all employees thereby impacting their engagement and performance.

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

3.0 Introduction

The purpose of this research study is to evaluate the impact of culture and leadership to employee engagement post implementation of a merger or acquisition. Ochsner, Hug and Daniel, (2012). Highlight that the purpose of a research study like this, especially that takes into account primary study is to enable the development of new knowledge as well as introduce new perspectives of thinking and reflecting on issues. This chapter includes the description of the actual methods to be utilized in the conduction of the actual study process in order to be able to derive inferable findings for new knowledge development. It will therefore highlight some of the tools and techniques that will be adopted in the actual process of the field study including defining and justifying the research strategy, the data collection method, as well as the data analysis technique to be adopted. Additionally this chapter will highlight some of the ethical considerations of the study process as well as outlining the entire structure of the study report.

3.1 Research Design

According to Hammersley (2013) Qualitative research is a research strategy that predominantly involves the use of words rather than quantification in the compilation and investigation of data. This is contrary to the other research design Quantitative Study which according to Fallon (2016) involves the usage and analysis of data that can be numerically and statistically quantified. A research however may consist both numerical and statistical data collected as well as worded data at which point the use of a Mixed method approach that combines the two methods is used. Given the nature of the study however the researcher opted qualitative research design as a preferred research design for use.

3.2 Research Approach

According to Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2009), a suitable research approach is dependent on the questions crafted to answer the research topic, the aims intended for the research as well as the specific objectives to be investigated. In addition, existing literature with regards to the discipline of research as well as the available time and resources at the researchers disposal are also key considerations. The research approach applied in the current research is phenomenology approach. Mainly when the core focus is on the occurrences, events and experiences with low level of regard or researchers prefer disregard for the external and physical reality, then phenomenology approach of research. There is no specification for the data collection technique for phenomenology approach of research; it can be used for both primary as well as secondary (Neuman, 2013). Incorporating phenomenology approach of research can be beneficial for the researcher largely as it consists of a better knowledge of candidates by being aware with the respondents’ insights during the questionnaires and interviews (Neuman, 2013).

3.3 Research Philosophy

Philosophical awareness guides researchers through the challenges and relevant strategies required to conduct research. According to Strauss and Corbin (1994) and Yin, (2013) Research philosophy is concerned with how things are viewed in the world: an idea about how data regarding a phenomenon should be gathered, analyzed and used. Questions such as why the researcher is actually conducting the research in the first place, how to research and when to research are among the key determinants of which philosophical approach to be adopted within a research study. In the development of a philosophical perspective, making relevant assumptions with regards to the nature of society and science is quite a significant endeavor (Burrell and Morgan, 1979). Given that each research has a distinctive strategy, methodology as well as assumptions, a researcher ought to carefully choose the working paradigm, understand its nature, and document their choice in their writing Bryman (2001) The study being involved in the nature of social entities especially with regards to work and its general and desired impact to the society, the research will adopt the philosophy of: interpretivism (social constructionism) or positivism. This is due to the fact that social phenomena have an existence which is independent or separate from the actors within them.

3.4 Research Methods

This section highlights the different methods that will be involved in the data collection process of the actual field study. Based on the qualitative nature of the study, the research will adopt the use of interviews in collecting firsthand information from employees of a company that recently underwent acquisition in the attempt to determine the impact of culture and leadership in employee engagement post implementation of the acquisition process.

3.5 Population of Study

Population refers to a group of people, objects or subjects or items that produce a significant impact or have relevant impact to any specific element of the research study and as such present a unique perspective on the research (Gobo, 2011).These are people with a specific attachment or approximate to the features or subjects of the study that are being researched (Morse and Richards, 2002). The study relies on the employees of an accounting software company that recently underwent acquisition for its population of study. Founded in 2007 and quickly started growing to a noticeable size and got acquired in 2017. Out of the original 18 personnel of the company only 10 were retained after the acquisition 2 of which were the acquired companies owners while the remaining 8 were regular employees on different levels of the companies human resource portfolio.

3.6 Sampling

Blaikie (2010) premises that the awareness of a researcher as to the magnitude and extent to which ones population goes and therefore the confines from which the sample for study can be selected is equally a key consideration in the decision of which sampling technique to be employed. Understanding explanations that baseline sampling approaches is crucial in being able to understand the distinction between qualitative and quantitative methods (Palinkas et al., 2015). Often due to the impact of generalization of the sample from a larger population as is prevalent in quantitative research methodology, the type of research will often use probability sampling. On the other hand qualitative research methodologies often focus on unearthing in depth qualities of the sample and as such small samples are selected purposefully They further highlight that the sampling technique chosen vary quite significantly from one study to the other and reflect the purposes and questions directing the study. Other than the leaders from the acquired company the remaining 8 employees were all interviewed and made up the sample of study.

3.7 Data Analysis Technique

Content analysis will involve the research methodology for the secondary data collected within the research. This involves the literature review in the second chapter, while Thematic analysis will be the main tool for analysis on the other hand for the primary data collected through the questionnaires issued to respondents. Content analysis looks deep into the insights presented by other scholars who have studied and written on various concepts around the topic of study (Silverman, 1993). Inter relating these ideas to each other and developing a trend pattern that can help develop inferences and conclusions. Thematic analysis involves a widely used qualitative research method of first hand data analysis which primarily focuses on the identification and relation of patterns, themes and connections within the data (Braun and Clarke, 2006) Through the analysis of first hand data which can be collected through a wide range of different methods such as questionnaires, observation as well as interviews, inferences that are accurate, effective, reliable and replicable can be obtained from the various patterns and themes.

3.8 Ethical Consideration

For collecting any data ethically, it is essential for the researchers to confirm that they have considered ethical laws and basic rights related to researchers. For example, if the researcher have decided to collect the data through the primary sources then it is important for the researcher to make sure that their respondents know about the research questions and goals and objectives of the study. Moreover, researchers would not share the respondents’ personal data with other scholars or in any other research without any permission of the respondents. The respondent can withdraw from the research at any time whenever they find the research invalid or for any other reason (Mackenzie, and Knipe, 2006. pp.193). In this research, all the things are underpinned according to ethical consideration. The respondents were initially informed about the research questions and its aims. Moreover, each information is taken with their consent and would not be used for any other research or given to other researchers (Noor, 2008. pp.1602).

Chapter Four Data Presentation and Analysis

4.1 Introduction

Majorly the data collected in the field work will be presented and analyzed in this chapter; it will also include a discussion of how the data connects with the research objectives and answers the aim of the research which is to evaluate the impact of leadership and culture to employee performance and engagement. The research adopts the use of thematic analysis in the analysis of the data collected through the interviews. Thematic analysis, used as a form of analysis for qualitative research studies focuses on examining themes, patterns and connections within raw data collected through different research methods such as interviews, semi structured questionnaires, observations and different other forms of data collection. The different themes and patterns regarding the objectives of the study will be based on the questions asked in the interviews.

4.2 Respondents Background

The study involved 8employees of the public the chosen Accounting fiorm that has recently underwent acquisition male and female, of different age groups and management positions. Considering the literature of mergers and acquisitions, leadership as well as the culture have an impact of the organisational changes in the post-merger and acquisition period. Culture of an organisation is associated with the assumptions and the beliefs shared by an organisation’s personnel. It is further stated by the researchers that the word culture is repeatedly utilised as every company has one culture, rather many organisations have several principles, which influence the behaviour of the employees in the organisations. Every single individual within an organisation acts out of a culture then again, it’s not easy to identify or outline the bases of their culture. Organisational culture is consider having a great impact upon in what manner individuals set professional as well as personal goals, performing different tasks as well as regulates assets to achieve them. Organisational changes possible emanate within several different manners. Mergers and acquisition is considered one of those changes. Researchers illustrate many ins and outs to board when it comes of mergers and acquisitions; the most crucial of them are collaboration, growth, divergence, deal going and / or incorporation. Even though several merger and acquisition waves are there in this activity organisations will possibly decide to unite alongside a competitor, an organisation which has no link to the business of the other organisation or an organisation that have specific access and / or contacts. Researchers have been interest within comprehending to the organisational change areas of management and post integration of mergers and acquisitions, there still is scarce information available in this regard. Several researchers tried to outline this phenomenon by the means of diverse causes and views, i.e. leadership, communication, as well as cultural fit. While other researchers claim that “if managers and researchers look at this phenomenon of change processes from a perspective of complexity, they can overcome some of these limitations in knowledge of the phenomenon and add new insights to explain the complex change processes that occur during Post Merger Integration”. Within post - mergers and acquisitions the people are within a new company; subsequently the previous structure is no longer existent. The managers of the organisation and departments are required to enable the personnel to interact with one another, by the means of participation as well as communication within the process. When respondents are asked about their knowledge of mergers and acquisitions so, four out of eight respondents claimed that they did not have a vast amount of knowledge in terms of mergers and acquisitions. Whereas four respondents had adequate knowledge of mergers and acquisitions, with two of the respondents having practical experience of the mergers and acquisitions. I am familiar with the process - been working in the technology industry for around 25 years and seen companies transforming or being bought out, as stated by a senior management executive.

When it is asked if the employees of the ABC Company were provided with enough information in terms of the mergers and acquisition so, six out of eight respondents responded negatively. They said no clear instruction were provided in terms of the merger, in my experience with this merger there wasn’t much of an explanation, in all honesty it was more of an industry speculation. Our company decided to merge with a company, which was in bankruptcy, the response expressed by an interviewee. In addition to this, two respondents, one that belonged to a senior management position and other a consultant, stated that the Human Resource department provided adequate information in terms of the merger, where they defined that the main driver of the merger was to enhance the market share of the company. Another question stated how the ABC company leadership approached mergers and acquisition. The participants gave out mixed answers for this question, 4 out of 8 respondents gave quite a negative response to the questions, stating that their company ABC portrayed a very negative image of the acquiring company ZXY. Whereas 4 participants of the interview stated that the leadership of the company that ABC company stated that the company, the similar point within the answer of the company ABC spoke of the acquiring company quite fondly and they as well as explaining to the company personnel how it would be beneficial for the stakeholders and customer. When the respondents were asked about when and how frequently the leadership team updated them about the acquisition. The 6 out of 8 respondents stated that the new management or the new leadership team updated the personnel of the organisation, by the means of various communication channels. Whereas two of the respondent the management did not clearly communicate or updated the front-line employees, in addition to this out of the two, one respondent stated that everything took place very haphazardly, and the management did not provide any information up until the week before the merger was concluded. Below is an interviewee’s response to the question above question.

My company was not very transparent with us as front-line employees; this led to much discussion, which then fostered a very turbulent environment. In the response to the queries about what the respondents think the leadership team could have done in a better manner, if the employees were offered support services as the procedure is tending to be quite stressful, as well if the employees were aware of the impact that they might have upon their jobs. In response to the question about what could have been done better, almost all the respondents stated that there should have been clear communications as well as frequent updates. In response to the employee support question 5 out of 8 respondents stated that there were no employee support services available to them whereas 3 respondents stated that they have access to the employee council, session with HR as we as an employee council. In terms of the impact on jobs, 7 out of 8 employees stated that they were unaware of the impact on their jobs, whilst that one respondent stated that; M&A did not affect me negatively, in fact as part of acquisition and restructure I have been promoted to the higher position. In response to the questions about cultural feel and the cultural changes, the almost all the respondents stated that the culture changed greatly after the merger. In response to the changes, the respondents stated that, the viewpoint of people changed, the community spirit diminished, as well as the process became more complex. In response to the question that how well the company ABC integrated in ZXY and how the internal processes of the company have been redesigned, all the respondents showed appalling responses. They stated that the especially in terms of culture post-merger has not went well, while complexity of the internal processes of the company have increased.

Whereas, according to the literature at the point when huge changes should be done in an association, for example, Mergers and Acquisitions, amid and after the procedure happens. Notwithstanding when considers demonstrate that no less than 70% of these activities bomb, there are yet positive results to get. Gaughan (2002) specified that gatherings of organizations at that point is required to comprehend the sort of progress to do keeping in mind the end goal to be in contact with the profound explanations for such choice, i.e. by taking in the diverse floods of Acquisitions and Mergers. This speaks to an open door for the associations to be imaginative and recognize the past missteps done and now rebuild, making utilization of self-association systems having as a main priority that such procedures deliver learning for both the association and the people that accommodate it. If choosing going for the change, associations should consider the ramifications of process like that especially as far as culture. Change incorporates individuals in the association, in this manner, they should know about the effect that they may have in the people. Procedures of coordination take a more drawn out time then what investors would expect, the cause is that individuals require time to adjust and take in the new qualities, structures, and vision that will be produced with a merger. The start of the activity may be flimsy and numerous issues can emerge, i.e. miss-translations, ineffectual correspondence, and elevated requirements from administrators. Furthermore, the social viewpoint is likewise a factor that adds to those difficulties. Culture effects the change procedure and execution of the association. In this way, following the idea of 'culture-in real life' associations can discover helpful to present in their techniques arranging the constituents of such idea; such elements are the comprehension of the elements of culture, the culture’s levels, social gathering place, identity of connecting parties the intercultural informative abilities, the initiative practices, and the developing new culture.

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Chapter 5

Conclusion and Recommendations

Under the situation of acquisition for the coordination of two different cultures, initially the astute acquirer illustrates the social objectives in wide terms. The CEO is liable to perform this task, so the CEO is responsible to manage his or her dedication until the respective objectives are not figured out to the desired point. The opportunity of a $200 million accommodating energy be like incorporating societies that requires and justifies association at the best. Several complex decisions are required to be made while generating the social plan as the acquirer has the chance to either set a mix of societies or absorb the acquired organization. Sometimes mergers can be used for importing the culture and values of acquire into own specific association. Whereas the focus and key organizational goals areconcentrated on where the most prominent esteem of arrangement lies. The event in which product offerings are pitched strategically is a key to the prosperity of merger, such as, synchronising the culture of sales force will be basic (Appendix B, Recommendation 1). According to the rule, there are big contrasts between culture of acquirer and the acquiree. In any case, the area and importance of distinction is very hard to pinpoint. The differences among units, land locales, capacities and individuals can be distinguished and measured by diagnostics. Further, they also guide the companies to understand which gaps are necessarily required to be closed. A scope of devices can be utilized by the organization, including the subsequent: Administration interviews went for uncovering administrative styles and needs. Sound and video accounts of people in their employments, allowing one next to the other examinations of different methods for functioning. Responsibility mapping and choice X-rays determine the one who is responsible of every feature of key choices. Process stream maps are demonstrating the way the function is done frequently being distinctive as one association to another. The aim of client interviews is to identify unique client impression of each association. To identify that which groups are most important in understanding the esteem of procurement warmth maps are used while they also help indicating the location of existence of greatest social holes. Worker studies getting some information about acknowledged practices, states of mind and needs (Appendix B, Recommendation 2). Feasible social conflicts are considered as a main feature of their due resourcefulness in advance of a merger or acquisition by complex acquirers, and they establish the social problems that can put supportive energy in danger. The accurate tools make this process both successful and plausible. Apparently, strategies, cannot substitute for initiative. The expectations of representatives are from the highest point of the association to receive signals; subsequently these signs will direct their own specific supervisors and they realize it. However, on the off chance that the signs are certain if the senior group is dedicated to developing a culture that motivates workers about the future then the new tools of social connection will aid arrange to bargain attainment(Appendix B, Recommendation 3).

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