The Role of Motivation in Performance

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background

To provide growth and sustainability to organizations, human resource managers consider several approaches and strategies through which performances of the employees and staffs can be improved. Some of the prominent strategies may include performance monitoring, motivation, training and development programs and many others (McClean and Collins, 2011). Various studies indicate that it is essential for organizations to develop and implement the approaches for enhancing the motivation level of the staffs and employees. Motivation can be understood as the process of encouraging employees to enhance their productivity. Different studies reveal that ways and practices related to motivation can be varying the different companies and firms (Mostafa et al., 2015). It is reported that the majority of the organizations operating throughout the world deploy the motivational measures to gain excellence in terms of performance in their business markets. For this reason, it becomes questionable that what role is played by the motivational measures and what impacts are likely to be observed by the organizations if motivational approaches are considered by the human resource managers. The purpose of the current research work is to explore the impacts of motivational approaches considered by human resource managers in organizations. The research work is an empirical study focused on general comprehension regarding the impact of employee motivation on business. In the research work, various practices related to staff motivation and their impacts on organizational performance are evaluated, and suitable conclusions are drawn.

1.2 Rationale of the Research Work

The current research work has been conducted to explore the impacts of motivation on the performances of the staffs in an organization. The research study has great rationale as it can be useful for human resource managers in organizations in various sectors to enhance the performance of the employees and staffs through motivation. Various facts and information explored in the research study can be helpful for the managers in organizations to develop the strategies for motivating the employees and staffs and enhance excellence in the business markets.

1.3 Research Aim and Objectives

1.3.1 Research Aim

This research work aims to explore the impact of work motivation on staffs in business organizations. It intends to understand the concepts of motivation and to give recommendations for organizations and managers to enhance employee motivation.

1.3.2 Research Objectives

This research study has been accomplished through the following objectives.

To analyse the motivational approaches and practices in companies

To analyse the significance and benefits of motivational measures for organizations

To evaluate the impacts of motivational measures considered by companies upon the performance of the employees

To recommend some measures through which the motivation level of the staffs in companies can be enhanced

1.4 Problem Statement

In the competitive era, the business organization tends to face a challenge in relation to commitment, belief, retention and recruitment of employees. As per different studies, it has been identified that employees who are passionate in relation to their job where they work tend to be a minority. There is a rise in an organization facing retention issues from 69% to 78% in a short period of time. Even the private sector organizations are facing tough times on holding the employees in comparison to other sectors. Motivation tends to offer the staffs with proper guidance, direction and the resources and rewards needed so that the employees are inspired to work with the employer. Hence, the majority of issues can be solved by offering motivation to employees. Employees cannot only be motivated by money but there are other factors that need to be considered. Organisation face issues of employee retention, the huge cost of recruitment, training, increased regulations and high rate of technological growth, an employee feels quite de-motivated. The main objective of this study has been to note what the impact of employee motivation on performance is.

1.5. Research Questions

This research work is giving answers to the following questions.

What are the strategies for motivating employees in an organization?

What are the factors of motivation for employees in an organization?

What are the benefits of employee motivation?

1.6. Chapters in the Research Work

This research work is accomplished in many chapters. Some basic information about the content of these chapters is given below.


This chapter is providing a brief introduction and background to the topic of the current research work. Along with this, the chapter also contains the rationale behind the study, aim, objective, and the research questions.

Literature review

The purpose of this chapter is to explore the studies conducted by other scholars on the same or similar topics. Therefore, facts and information described in various journal articles, websites and many other sources have been explained in this chapter.

Research methodology

This chapter is presenting the methodology, which has been considered to execute the current research work successfully. The chapter is providing information about the research philosophy, approaches, methods and source of data collection, ethical considerations and the accessibility issues, which have been faced by the researcher.

Analysis and findings

In this chapter, data collected from various sources have been analyzed critically. Along with this, the chapter has also highlighted prominent findings after the analysis of the data.


In this chapter, suitable discussions over the findings have been made, which link to the topic of the research.


This chapter is presenting suitable conclusions as well as the recommendations on the topic of the research work.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction to Chapter

This chapter in the current research work is based on an analysis of the various literature, which has been carried out on the topic “Impact of work motivation on staffs in the business organization”. A literature review is a high essential chapter for the current study as it is providing a theoretical base, which can provide evidence to the drawn outcomes and conclusions. For this purpose, the chapter is presenting the outcomes and findings of various research works. These research works include journal articles, research papers, academic books and many more. Along with this, the chapter is also exploring various websites, which contain information relevant to the topic of the current research work.

2.2 What is Motivation?

Motivation is a broad thought which is related to aspects that motivate individuals to act in certain ways. According to Fielding (2006), motivation is the force within an individual that makes him/her function in a specific manner in order to accomplish certain set objectives. Scott (2007) described motivation as the procedure that represents an individual’s concentration, direction, and perseverance of effort toward accomplishing some objectives. Motivation is initiated by a conscious or unconscious identification of unfulfilled requirements. Armstrong (2006) claims that motivation is a combination of objectives towards which human behaviour is directed, the procedure through which those objectives are pursued and accomplished and the social aspects involved. They additionally specified that there are three components of motivation, which are direction, effort and persistence. Motivation is hence a thought which is determined by desires and requirements that require being satisfied. This being the situation, managers require to develop an enabling environment for employees to be motivated.

2.3 Motivation of Staff and Employees in Organisations

Mostafa et al., (2015), have found in their research work that motivation in an organizational context is the stimulus, which is provided by the human resource managers to the employees and staffs for enhancing their performance. The study indicates that for enhancing the productivity of organizations human resource managers in all the firms develops and implements some approaches, which encourages them (Innocenti et al., 2011). Not only this but, the researchers also describe that practices for motivating the employees and staffs differ for different organizations. Human resource managers analyse the factors, which may affect the existing motivation level of the staffs and develops plans and strategies accordingly. It can be analysed that organizations having higher productivity perform well in their business markets (Skudiene and Auruskeviciene, 2012). Since the productivity of organizations directly depends upon the motivation level of the employees and staffs; therefore, it becomes essential for the managers to develop and implement the approaches for motivating the employees. McClean and Collins, (2011), have carried out a research study on staff motivation in organizations and explain that managers encourage the employees, teams, and staffs to enhance their performance level so that prospects of growth and developments can be increased for firms. The scholar further describes that most of the organizations around the world consider the approaches and practices to increase the level of motivation of their employees (Albrecht et al., 2015). It is found that human resource managers in organizations consider developing and implementing the approaches and strategies through which the motivation level of their staffs can be enhanced (Samnani and Singh, 2014). It can be analysed that for surviving in their business markets, it is necessary for these companies to have employees, which are highly committed towards their work and exceptional motivational level. It can be analysed from the analysis of the above literature that organizations put efforts to enhance the motivation of their staffs to achieve excellence and productivity in their respective business industry.

2.4 Significance and Need of Motivation for Organisations

Considering the significance of motivation for the companies, it can be analysed from the research work of that Tabassi et al., (2012), employees are the functional units for these organizations. In order to survive in their business markets, companies are required to have the employees, which are highly productive and accomplish the tasks and operations within the given time and conditions (Michel et al., 2013). It can be analysed that the high productivity of the employees allow these companies to compete against their rivals and acquire high positioning in their industry (Akong'o, 2010). It is found that the performances of the employees and staffs in these organizations directly affect the productivity and sales of the products offered. For this reason, it becomes significant for the human resource managers in companies to develop the measures through which motivation of the employees can be enhanced. Further, it is found in the research work of Fong et al., (2011), that competition is one of the biggest factors for organizations, which affect their sustainability in the business markets. This way, it can be analysed that prospects of acquiring excellence in business markets reduce along with the emergence of more competitors (Ahmad et al., 2014). For acquiring growth and sustainability, it is important for these companies to focus on its employees and make them more competitive. It can be understood that highly competitive employees acts as valuable assets to the organisations. If, these employees will not be having high motivation level; then, there are chances that companies will not be performing well against its competitors in the business markets (Ma Prieto and Pilar, 2014). For this reason, motivational measures considered by human resource managers in organisations boost up the morale of the employees and make them more productive. This way, it can be said that the motivation of the employees is highly significant factors to gain competitiveness against their rivals in the respective business markets. Joung et al., (2015), have conducted a research study on the need for the motivation for organizations and conclude that motivational measures have great significance for enhancing the quality of workplace atmosphere. It is found that employees in organizations get frustrated with their jobs and duties, which also affect their performance level (Osman et al., 2011). It is found in the study that not all the employee within an organization may get committed towards their work. As a result, there can be certain groups of employees, which remain dissatisfied with the approaches companies and may think that the organization is not valuing their work. In these cases, motivational measures, if implemented by the human resource managers can be greatly effective in changing the attitudes of these employees and increasing the prospects of high growth and achievability.

From the analysis of the above literature, it can be understood that motivational practices and approaches have great significance for companies in general. These practices can be effective in enhancing the morale of the employees and allowing the organizations to perform well in their business markets. Not only this but, motivational practices are also helpful in changing the perception of the employees towards their jobs and increasing productivity at the workplace.

2.5 Motivational Approaches in Organisations

Njoroge and Yazdanifard, (2014), have explained in their research work that there are many approaches, which are considered by the human resource managers in companies for motivating its employees and staffs. The organization considers the philosophy that motivated employees in companies may enjoy their work and might become more committed. For this reason, numbers of strategies and approaches have been formed in organizations (Sandhya and Kumar, 2011). These Approaches include verbal appraisal and encouragement.

2.5.1 Verbal Appraisal and Encouragement

It is found in the study that human resource managers in companies consider appraising the performances of the employees and staffs in the organization. For this purpose, managers keep records of the past performances of the employees and map their current performance on those parameters. Based on the differences between the past and current performances, managers in organizations consider developing motivational approaches for the employees. For this purpose, human resource managers in the organization interact with the staffs and appraise their performance. It can be analysed that verbal appraisal from the top management in organizations, leave significant effects over the employees, which may also affect their commitment level. This way, it can be analysed that performance appraisal is one of the best practices, which can be seen in organizations for enhancing the motivation level of the employees.

2.5.2 Rewards

Further, it is found in the research work several authors, that companies also consider a reward system for motivating its employees and staffs. The study reveals that there are different types of financial rewards, which are offered for best-performing employees in organizations. These rewards include hikes in salary and remunerations, wages, incentives and many more. Along with this, provisions for gratuity, yearly bonuses, and many others are also observed in the organization. Various incentives and perks provided to the employees are effective in enhancing the performance level of the employees and staffs. It can be analysed that employees in companies work to attain their livelihood. For this reason, financial rewards, provided by the organization to the employees can be greatly effective in enhancing their commitment. Thapa and Adhikari, (2013), have conducted research work on motivational approaches in companies and explain that the organization considers many types of rewards and practices for enhancing the motivation of its staffs and employees. Human resource management in organizations has commenced some programs for encouraging the employees towards performing better. For this purpose, the organization has initiated the approach of “employee of the month rewards” for the staff members, which are performing extraordinarily. This rewards system is highly effective in enhancing the motivation level of the employees and improving their productivity (Hasan, 2015). Similarly, the study also indicates that the organization also consider appreciating the performances of the employees and giving them remarks and feedback. These approaches have significant effects over the psyche of the employees, which subsequently affects their commitment level. It can be analysed from the above literature that organization considers similar approaches for motivating their staff members and employees. Some common motivational practices include providing financial rewards, appraisals, feedbacks and many others. It can be said that human resource managers in these organizations are highly committed to improving the overall performance (Njoroge and Yazdanifard, 2014). For this reason, human resource managers focus intensely on motivating the employees and staffs, which may ultimately enhance the growth and development of the firms in their business markets.

2.6 Impacts of Motivation on Staffs in Organisations

As far as impacts of motivational measures in organizations in considered; it is found that motivational practices are accountable for levying many positive effects. One of these noticeable impacts is the enhancement in organizational productivity (Michel et al., 2013). The study reveals that in the past few years there have been astounding enhancements in the productivity level within companies. The organization has been able to enhance the sales of its products in major business markets such as Europe, the UK, Australia, and many others. It can be analysed that approaches of motivation such as rewards, training and development programs and many others have been greatly effective in enhancing the commitment and loyalty of the staff members, which has increased the productivity of organizations (Osman et al., 2011). It is found in many studies that there has been an increase in the productivity level of the company in the past few years. Not only this but, companies also seek to attain significant growth in its industry and is one of the most reputable organizations. It is found that the dedication level of the employees due to high motivation is accountable for enhancing their performance and work quality. For this reason, it can be analysed that enhancement in productivity is noticeable impact of staff and employee motivational measures in various companies. Another major impact which is closely associated with the motivation of the employees and staffs in organizations is the reduction in a number of employees leaving the companies. The study has revealed that till the year 2011, the number of employees leaving their jobs in organizations were too high (Ma Prieto and Pilar, 2014). This was a major issue for the human resource department in the two companies. It can be analysed that employees are the valuable assets for an organisation, which put efforts in accomplishing the operations and enhancing productivity. Issues such as an employee leaving the company and many others may reduce the skill level. This is because newly hired employees have less skills and experiences of working. Therefore, it becomes essential for organizations in various sectors to retain the employees for the long term. Further, it is also found that approaches of providing financial rewards and verbal appraisal to the employees have significant effects on the retention of the employees for the long term. Highly motivated employees consider themselves as valuable for the company and put more efforts at the workplace. Not only this, but, these employees also show loyalty towards their company (Ahmad et al., 2014). For this reason, it can be analysed that approaches of motivating the staffs and employees has significant impacts over their retention in companies. Another major impact of motivational measures considered by human resource managers in companies is a competitive advantage. Research work carried out by Ling and Nasurdin, (2010), is helpful in understanding that motivational approaches in the organizations have significant effects over the performance of the organization in their business markets. Highly performing employees, if acquired by an organization can be effective in bringing competitive advantage. For example, if organizations will be having employees and staffs, which are highly motivated; then, the performance of the organizations will improve gradually. These scenarios will allow the organizations to step ahead of the competition in their business markets. From the analysis of the above literature, it can be said that approaches of motivation have many impacts over the performance of organization within their business markets. These impacts include retaining employees for the long term, competitive advantages in business markets and many others.

2.7 Measures to Enhance Motivation Level of Employees and Staffs

Research work executed by Tregaskis et al., (2013), indicates that there are many recommendable measures, which can be considered by human resource managers in the organization to enhance the motivation level of their staffs and employees.

2.7.1 Proper Feedback

The scholars have focused keenly on the approaches of feedback for improving employee motivation. It can be said that approaches of providing feedback to the employees and staffs can be effective in highlighting the best practices as well as areas of concern (Maden, 2015). If, human resource managers in companies will be considering the approaches of feedbacks and remarking the best performance in organizations; then, the employees will be motivated and may become more committed towards their works and duties. It can be analysed that appraising feedback from the upper management may boost up the confidence of the employees resulting in a high level of motivation.

2.7.2 Extrinsic and Intrinsic Reward

Further, it is also found that extrinsic and intrinsic reward system can be greatly effective for companies to enhance the motivation level of their staffs and employees (Hashim, 2010). Extrinsic rewards are the financial rewards, which include bonuses, capital allowances, and many others. In order to earn more and attain their livelihood, employees in comparison may consider working more and understanding the needs of their company. Similarly, human resource managers in these organizations may also consider intrinsic rewards, which are non-financial rewards that can be provided to the employees. Some of the major examples of intrinsic rewards include a promotion, enhancement in designation and many others (Ling and Nasurdin, 2010). It can be analysed that employees become more concern about their work and role within an organization, when they are promoted to higher ranks. For example, an employee can be more concern about his commitment when working as a team leader than a team member. This way, it can be said that approaches of providing extrinsic and intrinsic rewards can be greatly effective in enhancing the motivational level of the employees.

2.7.3 Communication

Research work exhibited by Prieto and Pilar (2012), indicates that communication can be the ultimate key for human resource managers to enhance the motivational level of their employees. Communication established by the managers with their subordinates enhances their enthusiasm and commitment at the workplace. For this reason, it can be recommended as an excellent practice for the managers in companies to motivate their staffs. Communication in these companies can be held in terms of depicting the importance of the work accomplished by the employees (Maden, 2015). Not only this, but, the human resource managers in the organizations are also required to communicate how the commitment of the employees can shape up the pathways for the company to acquire growth and sustainability. Along with this, the managers are also required to ensure that growth acquired by companies may also provide opportunities for the employees to earn more and enhance their wellbeing. This way, the motivation level of the employees may boost up in the organizations.

2.7.4 Workplace Condition

Njoroge and Yazdanifard, (2014) have analysed in their research work that workplace condition is also a significant factor, which may affect the motivation level of the employees in various organizations. However, clean and tidy work environment not always motivate the employees and staffs towards more performances; but, dirty and unhygienic conditions may affect their interests and enthusiasm (Tregaskis et al., 2013). For this reason, it can be recommended to the human resource managers in companies to consider the approaches of enhancing workplace atmosphere and make it more hygienic and tidy for the employees. These approaches may have significant impacts on the motivation levels of the staffs and employees.

2.8 Theories of Motivation

Many psychologists and behavioural scientists have developed certain motivational theories. Some of the important theories of motivation are described below.

2.8.1 Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory

Maslow has concentrated on the psychological requirements of employees in order to describe motivation. He stated that there are five levels of requirements of people which are important for motivation. According to him, when one level of requirement is met, people move on to the next level of requirement in order to be motivated. These requirements are:

Physiological requirements: These are the fundamental requirements of people to survive such as food, water, fresh air and shelter for living among others.

Safety requirements: safety requirements are associated with the sense of being secure, such as safe environment, employment security and insurance coverage among others.

Social requirements: Social requirements are associated with the relations with others, such as having friends, feeling loved and sense of being accepted by people among others.

Esteem requirements: Esteem is the sense of being valued. This can be internal or external. Internal esteem is associated with self-confidence and respect and external esteem requirements are associated with social reputation and acknowledgment which arrives from achievement.

Self-actualization requirements: Self–actualization is the requirement of reaching complete potential as an individual. This requirement comprises wisdom, truth, and justice (Mary & Ann, 2011).

2.8.2 Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory

Hertzberg has introduced two factors which impact on motivation, such as hygienic and motivators. This theory explains that factors of motivation are termed as motivators and factors of demotivation are termed as hygiene aspects. These factors are as follows:

Motivators: Existence of motivators in an organization can help to satisfy the employees. These are intrinsic aspects, for example feeling of accomplishment, acknowledgment, sense of responsibility and individual growth opportunities among others.

Hygiene: nonexistence of hygiene factors in an organization can dissatisfy the employees. These factors are employment security, unsafe working environment, and insufficient salary among others (Bradley, 2003).

2.8.3 McClelland’s Theory of Motivation

McClelland has recognized three kinds of staff’s requirements which must be fulfilled for staffs to be satisfied and inspired in the organization. These requirements are:

Need for Achievement: This kind of staffs intends to give the best effort in order to accomplish difficult objectives. Their key characters comprise taking high responsibilities in order to enjoy high benefits.

Need for Affiliation: This kind of staffs is relationship oriented than task oriented. They have a high desire to develop relationships of people.

Need for Power: This kind of staffs desire to be in a position where they are able to give orders and direct others under them (Ryan & Deci, 2000).

2.8.4 Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

Vroom’s theory is based on the relationship between employees’ effort and motivation with the forecasted result. He mentioned that how an individual choose to conduct a specific set of behaviours on the basis of the expected outcome and how decisions made by him/her is associated with the objectives. According to Vroom, an individual’s motivation is dependent on three aspects, which are:

Expectancy: Expectancy is determined by the staffs’ belief that their effort will lead to certain anticipated consequences, for instance, reward, promotion or recognition among others. It is the staff’s expectation of result which determines how much effort should be put in order to accomplish better outcome or higher performance.

Instrumentality: Instrumentality signifies an individual’s effort that his/her performance is associated with later outcomes, for instance, reward gained or punishment faced.

Valence: Valence represents an individual’s perception regarding the level of reward or punishment obtained as a consequence of demonstrating a specific performance. If staffs consider that the reward is well earned with his/her effort and performance, he will be much motivated to accomplish it continuously (Schunk & Pintrich, 2008).

2.9. Gaps in Analysed Literatures

The above chapter of the literature review is presenting various facts and information about the impacts of motivational measures considered by the human resource managers. However, the research works, which have been analysed, develop broad knowledge about the topic; but, there are certain gaps in these literature. It is found that there is very less or no statistical information described in the literature about the impacts of motivation on the performances of staffs. For this reason, there is scope for further research work in which statistical information can be attained and analysed. The current research work is addressing these gaps and developing more specific knowledge about the impacts of motivational measures.

2.10. Chapter Conclusion

It can be concluded from the above chapter of literature review that motivation is one of the significant factors, which affect the performances of the staffs and employees in various organization. For this reason, human resource managers in the two organizations consider many approaches and strategies to enhance the motivation level of the employees. These approaches include reward systems, verbal appraisals, feedback, and many others. It is found that these approaches have positive impacts over the performance of the entire organizations, retaining the employees for long terms and many others.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

In this section of the study, the main focus has been upon the assessment of key methods used during the process of conducting and completing the research in an adequate manner. For ensuring if the research study has been completed within the specified deadline, then it is significant that the methods are justified. This particular research has been performed by taking into account certain set of methods that shall comprise of a collection of the information with the help of primary and secondary data sources along with the utilization of mixed methods comprising of both qualitative and quantitative methods.

3.1 Research Approach

The most well-known fact has been that there are three different types of research approaches such as qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. Quantitative research approach tends to be based upon the collection of the numerical information over research topic that can be quantified and assessed with the implementation of suitable statistical measures. It is to be mentioned that such a research approach tends to be utilized in case there is a need to develop an association between the variables. The qualitative research approach has been linked with descriptive information. It tends to pay attention to locating deeper meaning and impact on human behaviour as well as experience. Mixed research approach comprises of both qualitative and quantitative methods as per the suitability of research problem. Taking into consideration the objectives of the study, a qualitative research approach has been used for this particular study. Qualitative research method can be considered as multi-method that tends to comprise of the interpretive or naturalistic method. In this study, the main objective would be to analyse the subjective meaning or the production of the issues and practices by assessing non-standardised data and evaluation of the texts. The main reason behind the use of the qualitative approach has been to attain deeper insight into the issues that are linked with designing, interpreting language evaluation (Bryman & Bell, 2007).

3.2 Research Philosophy

It is one of the significant aspects of conducting a research study on the basis of the given subject. The research work comprises of the philosophical views over the basis of which the overall research needs to be performed and completed on schedule. It also tends to assist in ascertaining the overall methods used in the research study. Research philosophy can be categorized into three main parts such as positivism, interpretivism, and constructivism. The research paradigm of interpretivism tends to be applicable in qualitative research studies. It is implementable when the researcher tries to attain an in-depth understanding of certain events. In the context of this particular research study, interpretivism research approach shall be implemented as it shall be inclined towards answering the research question over subjective information and theories attained over literature review (Mkansi & Acheampong, 2012). The interpretive approach can be characterized as being a naturalist method of collecting data such as interview and observations. However, secondary data research is also well known for interpretivism philosophy. The interpretive approach tends to be linked with different beliefs such as relative ontology which perceives reality as being intersubjectively which tends to be based upon meanings and comprehension of social and experiential levels.

3.3 Data Collection

Data collection can be considered to be one of the main methods of performing the research over a given subject. Data collection can be ascertained as a method of gathering the data from numerous sources according to needs of study in order to ensure the fact that research objectives are answered in an adequate manner. The data can be collected by means of primary and secondary sources. In the context of this particular study, only secondary data sources shall be implemented which has been explained below (Hox & Boeji, 2005).

Secondary Data Collection

It can be revealed that the secondary data collection method shall comprise of gathering data from numerous past studies that have been conducted over a similar topic. It comprises of a compilation of data that is relevant over research topic from distinct internet sources, journals articles, books and so on (Alshenqeeti,2014). Secondary data in the context of this study has been utilized for answering the research question. The researcher for this study collected data from journals, reports, online articles, literature. Literature review shall be used as a method of collecting huge data regarding motivation. There are different motivation theories that can be well studied in this context in order to properly understand the impact of the motivation of the performance of employees. The study comprises of a case study for the collection of data (Hox & Boeji, 2005). The case study can be made applicable in the context of addressing the research problem. The case of two companies has been analysed for understanding the subject, which is Starbucks and McDonald’s. The reason for selecting these cases is as data are accessible and available for these organizations and these organizations have been successful in its operation of the business. Furthermore, the organizations perform globally, therefore the findings obtained can be generalizable. It can be revealed that secondary data can be utilized in order to attain initial insights into the research problem. It can be ascertained that the secondary data is divided in terms of its source such as internal data sources or external data sources. Internal data sources tend to be attained from within the organization where the research is conducted while external secondary data sources tend to be attained from outside the organization. Secondary data would be made available that can be made adequate in order to draw a conclusion and thus answer the research question. It is quite cheaper to collect secondary information in comparison to the primary one. The time that is needed in seeking secondary sources tends to be less in comparison to the time that is needed in order to complete the primary data collection methods.

3.4 Data Analysis

Data analysis can be comprehended as the most significant aspects of conducting the research study over the selected subject. Numerous methods of data analysis prevail such as qualitative, quantitative and mixed approach. The qualitative approach comprises of an analysis of secondary information that is done for theoretical underpinnings (Alhojailan, 2012). In the context of this particular study, the qualitative research approach has been taken into account because secondary data sources shall be implemented for collecting data. In order to analyse the data, a systematic approach has been utilised, which comprises of the analysis of all the available data in a systematic and objective manner. There are different steps that need to be followed when using systematic data analysis. The first one has been to formulate the research question. The other one has been to create and utilise an explicit reproducible methodology. The main key towards the systematic review has been such that bias is reduced and methods are transparent. The third step has been to create and make use of clear inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the fourth step, it is significant to create and use a search strategy. The study that meets eligibility criteria needs to be determined in this study. The fifth step has been to assess the validity of the findings in the included studies. It shall comprise of critical appraisal methods and quality checklists that comprise of participant recruitment, data collection methods and modes of analysis. The sixth step has been associated with the analysis of the findings in the studies. This might comprise of analysis, comparison and synthesis of results through methodological criteria. In the last step, the synthesis and interpretation of the results takes place.

3.5 Ethical Issues

Ethics is considered to be one of the main aspects in determining the research study. Major consideration has been placed towards the fact that study needs different ethical guidelines that help in conducting the study in a comprehensive manner. There are different ethical problems while conducting the research study that comprises of factors such as informed consent, research misconduct, and conflicts of interests. This study has been conducted taking into account the ethical consideration with the aim that the study is capable of deriving required outcomes. It is important to reveal the names of authors in the references section for their work. This study takes into account this ethical concern with great diligence. The participants will be motivated towards involving themselves in the study. The study will also take consent with the participant prior to involving them with the study. The research ethics release form has student and supervisor declaration which ensures the fact that this study is conducted in an ethical manner. Since the study is secondary in nature, it will try to mention the names of all the authors who have contributed towards a particular research study. However, the study shall not deal with their level of qualification or experience while writing the research paper (Creswell, 2013).

Chapter 4: Findings

From the literature studies, it has found that there is a positive relationship between motivation and job performance. When the staffs are encouraged, their satisfaction rate and enjoyment become higher in comparison with staffs who are not encouraged. As a result, the self-sufficiency of staffs also enhances. Furthermore, it can also be observed that there is a positive connection between motivation and task performance. Staffs who are inspired find their tasks in companies pleasurable and interesting. Involvement in those tasks is like a reward to them. Furthermore, staffs with high motivation are much involved in their employment and they have increased goal accomplishment in comparison with staffs with low inner motivation. In order to better understand motivation two case studies of different companies have been analysed. The objective is to understand how these companies motivate the employees for generating high performance from them.

4.1 Case of Starbucks

Starbucks is a popular coffee retail restaurant chain in the world, mostly benefits from roasting, selling coffee beans and selling different types of coffee and tea. Created in the year 1971, Starbucks owns about 4000 branches globally. However, the reasons why Starbucks is globally popular are not only the quality of products but also the services provided by staffs to the customers and the comfortable atmosphere. This great service by Starbucks is the outcome of employees’ satisfaction and motivation. According to Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, the tip of success in Starbucks is not the coffee but the motivated staffs. Continuously hoarding the working experience of staffs and giving chances to promotion in the company for them is the method to function sustainably. He decisively considers that the essence of Starbucks is employees and feels honoured regarding the worth of its workforce (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2019). Due to this reason, it is crucial to have proper HRM policy for better performance in an organization. Starbucks provides collaborating structure that makes staffs involve themselves in the job, therefore it can inspire associates to satisfy themselves and accordingly to accomplish a new level of performance.

4.1.1 Motivation Strategies of Starbucks

Equal Treatment to All Staffs: In order to motivate the employees, Starbucks treat every staff equally and they are also treated as associates. Even the managers of every branch of the company treat the subordinates well. For narrowing the gap between supervisors and staffs, they also co-perform with basic level employees in the front line. Owing to this, Starbucks is able to maintain a good management structure and develop a closer and familiar environment in the organization, which not only makes the staffs enjoy their job but also to give proper services. As a result, customers are also positively impacted by their enthusiasm.

Listen to the Staffs: Starbucks possess a disciplined communication network for the staffs. It put great significance on staffs. For instance, managers in Starbucks propose the working hours for each staff and organize the agenda of free time, on the basis of their requirements. The company also organizes regular interviews in order to understand the staffs’ requirements. Apart from that an exceptional survey, named ‘Partner View Survey’ is conducted for about two years’ time period (Elton, 2013). The managers can obtain feedback on such an event, which helps to understand the improvement requirement and the issues among staffs that need to pay attention to. In Starbucks, the staffs have the rights to figure out what is the best strategy for them. Moreover, the organizational leaders also demonstrate respect for every recommendation given by the staffs. Starbucks even desire every employee to join in making and developing organizational strategy and plan and afterward accomplishing their objectives cooperatively. As a consequence, the organizational policies and principles are shared between every staff and there is no restriction in demonstrating staffs’ individual feelings. Due to this reason, Starbucks can enhance its strategies and can also develop different business thoughts.

Staff Welfare Measures: In Starbucks, every staff, comprising informal employees are provided attractive welfare packages, for example, discounts in certain commodities, medical insurance and holidays leave. Furthermore, the staffs who work for more than 20 hours in a week are entitled to certain fringe benefits. It allocates stock dividend to every staff with a free scrip issue. Through this strategy, the staffs can get a monetary advantage, whenever the company demonstrate good performance. Due to this the staffs and the organization have the similar objective. In short, they are motivated to enhance the revenue so as to earn more dividends. Starbucks just manages the employees with its core worth, as they are the most vital resource (Hoegl & Gemuenden, 2013). Demonstrating respect to employees and developing a good environment assist Starbucks to produce the best performance for staffs, quality services for customers and an increase in sales for the company.

Teamwork: Teamwork can not only create a good environment in the workplace for staffs to socialize, but also develop a combination of different members, equipped with diverse background, abilities, and knowledge on account of the organizational objective. In Starbucks, every staff plays a vital part in the team and hence the team is able to fulfil their requirements for getting acquainted with diverse co-workers and to learn new abilities from each other. This help to create strong teamwork within the staffs, which is helpful in handling any kind of situation in the restaurant and also in demonstrating good performance.

Maintenance of Good Relationship: Starbucks has created a well-developed system in order to maintain good relationship between the supervisors and the staffs. As stated above, in order to reduce the gap between managers and employees, the staffs are titled as partners of the company. Furthermore, the number of staffs in any outlet is restricted, which help to increase acquaintance with each other simply and deeply. In co-working period, this assists a team to match between diverse characteristics and to accomplish good performance rapidly. Furthermore, Starbucks gives equal importance to the recommendations given by staffs. Simultaneously, they also have the advantage to involve in reviewing organizational strategies. As a result, every staff of the company considers that they play a vital part in the organization and they can join to work out a better course for the company for future growth. This gives employees not only a feeling of admiration but also a feeling of ownership, which helps to motivate them to demonstrate good performance.

Benefits: Starbucks provides world class benefits and programs for the employees. It also provides rewards to employees which comprise base pay, bonus, retirement savings, stocks and perks. The key benefits of Starbucks to the employees are:

Health Coverage: Starbucks provides the employees with the selection of numerous coverage levels for healthcare, dental and vision along with life insurance and disability and accident coverage.

Share and savings: The motivation strategy of Starbucks comprise generous organisational match. Furthermore, the company also provides the employees with discounted organisational share and involvement in equity reward program.

Paid Leaves: Employees are always entitled for paid vacation and sick leave. Starbucks gives seven paid holidays and are paid 11/2 times their base salary while working on holidays.

Parental Leave: Qualified associates welcoming new child can also obtain time off and pay replacement by parental leave. The company also gives adoption expense reimbursement of about $10000 per child for qualified associates.

Education: Starbucks also provides the prospect to earn bachelor degree with about 100% tuition fee coverage, coaching fees, counselling and advising by state university’s online education program.

Commuter advantage: Starbucks provides employees with simple methods to pay attention to work based commuter expenditures, such as transit passes, financed by pre-tax payroll deductions.

Partner Support: Starbucks Caring Unites Partner fund support employees during financial crisis resulting from illness, demise of important family members, natural calamities and other extreme situations (Starbucks, 2019).

Training: Starbucks provides variety of training programs to the employees. For example, the Barista basics training program gives initial training for newly recruited employees regarding development of crucial skills and experience to barista role. On the other hand, the Shift Supervisor Training program concentrates on the fundamentals of human resource management, managerial abilities, cash controller abilities and floor supervision. Its Retail Management Training program gives training on administrative practices, comprising the subject on motivation, delegation of authority, problem solving and enhancement of productivity (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2019). According to the research of “Hewitt Associates Starbucks Partner View Survey” the employees in Starbucks report about 82% job satisfaction rate and it is attributable to the motivations strategies taken by the company. Furthermore, the turnover rate of the company is also low in comparison with the industry average. Its turnover rate is about 65%, while the average turnover rate in the industry is about 150% to 400% (Hammers, 2015).

4.2 Case of McDonald’s

McDonald’s is one of the biggest fast-food chain restaurants in the world, serving millions of customers regularly. In order to serve such huge customers, the staffs of the company need to be highly motivated so that they can perform with a high level of energy. Therefore, findings ways to inspire the employees is always regarded as a managerial concern for McDonald’s. Due to its characteristics of the business, McDonald’s restaurant has staff motivation built into its core. With every restaurant unit of the company functions as a single unit, staffs have a vested interest in involving with the company and cooperate with each other to certify that their restaurant is as successful as possible (McDonald's, 2019). Furthermore, McDonald’s also develop strategies to motivate their staffs so that they can demonstrate good productivity.

4.2.1 Motivation Strategies of McDonald’s

Bonus: McDonald’s incentivizes and support the desired behaviour within employees by using two bonus systems for its restaurants. Every month, the staffs in the top 10% of the restaurants obtain a bonus on the basis of mystery shopper scores. It is a method utilized internally by the company in order to evaluate the quality of products and services and obedience with the regulation covertly as customers. The mystery customer’s specific identity and objective are typically not known by the restaurant being assessed. They conduct specific functions like buying products, asking queries, lodging complaints and acting in specific manners and afterward give comprehensive report and feedback regarding their experience to the company. As a result, it helps to understand the staffs’ performance and integrity in the restaurant. Furthermore, the managers of the restaurants are eligible for obtaining a quarterly bonus on the basis of the three equally weighted measures, mystery shopper scores, increase in revenue and increase in profitability (Lovewell-Tuck, 2013). According to the benefits and compensation manager of McDonald’s the whole management team of the company is being affiliated as a team for better motivation and accordingly, the team is remunerated for the accomplishment of the business metrics. The whole team of the company is challenged and motivated to provide the best customer services.

Motivation Scheme Portfolio: McDonald’s has taken many motivation initiatives, which are a portion of an extensive portion of motivation and incentive schemes that function across the world. These motivation schemes comprise various awards and recognition programs for employees who demonstrate good performance. For example, one of the most appealing schemes is Ray Kroc Awards, which identifies the best managers of the company and accordingly give awards to them.

Appealing Recognition Scheme: McDonald’s considers that keeping recognition schemes fresh and exiting is the key to enhancing employee motivation. Due to this reason, McDonald’s reward with recognition and also introduce new schemes for rewarding. Sometimes the company reinvents existing schemes to certify that they continue to appeal to the staffs. For instance, McDonald’s has renovated one of its popular recognition scheme, namely ‘Employee of the Month’ to ‘Olympic Champion Crew’ initiative, for which it won most motivational advantages (Lovewell-Tuck, 2013). The company organizes Employee Benefits Awards in order to award and motivating the staffs that demonstrate good performance. Furthermore, the restaurants and franchises of McDonald’s are also qualified for obtaining titles such as ‘Restaurant of the Year’, which help to inspire team spirit within the organization. Through the recognition scheme, McDonald’s connect staff motivation with organizational requirements so as to recognize the top performers. The top performers of the company are provided the opportunity to obtain various benefits such as accommodation in foreign nations, where they can enjoy recreation facilities. McDonald’s has also created its legacy through evolving the recognition program for every hourly paid staff. This is utilized as the foundation of extensive recognition initiative.

International Award Scheme: The support division employees of McDonald’s are qualified for this scheme. In this scheme, five winners are selected every year from the nominees developed by the organization’s management team. The winning staffs receive a paid trip and also collect their reward from the CEO of the company at a ceremonial event. In the perspective of extensive recognition and incentive schemes in operation, McDonald’s presently intends to streamline the motivation scheme portfolio to develop unified offerings.

Communication: McDonald’s is also keen on better communication with the employees. The company has developed a culture where employees are communicated regarding the motivational plans and the schemes and rewards which they are eligible for. Furthermore, the company also communicate with the employees to recognize the needs of the people. Understanding what employee want and value most is important for McDonald’s as it helps to develop useful schemes for employees through which they can be truly motivated.

Flexible Working Hours: Flexible working hours is an important motivational factor for staffs in McDonald’s. Many staffs consider the company as preferable or suitable to do work in comparison with other fast food restaurants due to this facility. There are many students who work as staffs in the company. They desire to choose hours when they would be available for work in advance and their shifts are scheduled by the management within this availability, hence providing them the ultimate flexibility (Nawaz, 2011). As a result, they are able to adjust their other educational activities and to avoid conflict with the management and other team members.

Socialising Opportunity: Performing in McDonald’s not only help to just earn money but also to fulfil other requirements such as socialization. McDonald’s provide a friendly environment at work, where staffs can make new friends and perform with same age group people (Nawaz, 2011). The staffs are also able to learn new skills by managing different types of customers, which are possible to assist them in raising the confidence level in their future career.

Other Benefits: Apart from social good interaction and friendly environment, McDonald’s also attract the employees through providing other facilities, for example, free meal at work and obtaining discounts through cards while purchasing products from McDonald’s in any region of the world among others. These benefits motivate staffs to become a part of the company and work there.

Chapter 5: Discussions

The research study of determining the impact of work motivation on staffs in business organizations has provided numbers of key findings and results. In this regard, the collection of a large volume of data from a range of secondary sources has provided a valuable insight into this research and helped to draw consequential outcomes in relation to the role and impact of work motivation on staff members in organizations. For instance, data gathered from secondary sources such as the peer-reviewed journal articles have enabled the research to critically review a range of conceptual and theoretical frameworks associated with the term work motivation. Moreover, the data sources integrated into this research also helped the study to determine a wide range of impacts that are resulted from appropriate work motivation approaches applied by the HRM divisions of the organizations. According to the critical review of the relevant past research works, it has been found that motivation is a way which increases self-willingness of an individual to pursue any defined goals or objectives. Moreover, the literature reviewed in this research also defined motivation as a combination of defined objectives that set and direct human behaviour and make to achieve postulated goals. While talking about the motivation in an organizational perspective, Armstrong (2006) revealed that work motivation comprises three key elements such as direction, effort, and persistence. Therefore, in response to the definition and various findings of the authors, it can be said that work motivation is generally an integrated process of an organization in order to increase engagement as well as enhance participation of the employees to give their full potential while performing for different roles at the workplace. The way through which the HRM processes strive to maintain work direction, effort and persistence level of the employees are directly associated with enhancing skills as well as the participation of the employees. Moreover, the HR functions are also responsible to motivate employees through considering different intrinsic and extrinsic factors of the employees. In this context, the development and implementation of relevant theoretical concepts and frameworks play a significant role in the HRM system in organizations to effectively motivate employees across different operational and managerial roles. With reference to the review of articles such as Mostafa et al. (2015); Innocenti et al. (2011); and Skudiene and Auruskeviciene (2012) have revealed that staff motivation strategies entail different steps and tactics in order to increase the productivity level of the employees. In this regard, a critical emphasis on the intrinsic motivational stimulus of the staff members is widely observed. In this context, a critical focus on enhancing wellbeing and personal needs of the employees are critically addressed by the HR personnel and managers. In this context, conducting verbal appraisals as well as providing rewards on the basis of participation and performance levels are substantially plays a critical role for organizations to meet the intrinsic stimulus of the employees. Similarly, the HRM managers are also witnessed to conduct a range of motivational approaches and techniques in order to address the extrinsic stimulus of the employees. The process of addressing the extrinsic stimulus of the employees are directly linked with the external factors of the employees, mainly their skills and abilities as well as different aspects that usually create major obstacles while they perform at the workplace. In this context, offering reward and recognition as well as providing appropriate training and development facilities are few of the most common strategies of the organizations to address the extrinsic stimulus of the employees. These processes of work motivation play a crucial role for organizations not only to increase the participation of the employees, but they also improve performance levels of the employees. Hence, a critical focus on addressing the extrinsic motivational factors is an essential practice for managers and organizations to achieve long-term business goals and objectives.

The critical evaluation of the past research works also include the significance of different measures that increase work motivation of employees. In this context, practices such as providing proper feedback, offering intrinsic and extrinsic rewards; improving communication skills and tailoring workplace conditions are a few key measures that play a significant role for managers to perform work motivation. In this context, the findings revealed by Maden (2015) provide major insight to understand the role of different intrinsic motivation processes. According to the review of the findings, it can be said that providing periodical feedback that appraises effort of the employees is a major tool for managers to strengthen the intrinsic stimulus of the employees and it also helps them to extend their engagement with the organizational process. Ling and Nasurdin (2010) provided a clear understanding of the significance of extrinsic motivational processes at the workplace. According to their key findings, it has been reviewed that extrinsic rewards such as monetary rewards, bonus and performance-based compensation processes significantly increase the participation of the employees. When we find the link between workplace condition and work motivation, the research findings of Prieto and Pilar (2012) provide a clear understanding of the fact. According to the review of the findings, providing a tailored workplace which increases enthusiasm level of employees also plays a crucial role in work motivation. Therefore, it can be said that a pleasant and harmonized workplace that allows employees to access resources based on their needs and advanced tools and mechanisms substantially improve their performance levels. The process eventually leads employees to efficiently embrace the working environment and build their long-term engagement with the organization. Therefore, based on the review of different past research works, it can be said that work motivation is one of the most critical parts for any organization to leverage a high level of performance and growth. Hence, a critical emphasis on determining different intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors is one of the most significant steps for organizations. Simultaneously, designing appropriate motivational frameworks that can enable managers to address both the intrinsic and extrinsic factors can lead organizations to increase participation and performance levels of the employees in the long run. The implementation of relevant theoretical approaches and frameworks play a significant role for organizations to strengthen the work motivation level of employees at the workplace.

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Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendations

6.1. Conclusion

It had been analysed that the main aim of this research study was to analyse the impact of the work motivation on the performance of staffs of Starbucks. It is reviewed that motivation is an individual force which makes them function in a very effective manner so as to achieve the required objectives. This study has found that motivation has the strength to enhance the productivity of the human resources which was also seen in the case of Starbucks. It had been seen that the success of the company is the result of the motivated staffs. The company is found continuously checking the work experience of the staffs so as to make them satisfied and also keeps on promoting the staffs to attain sustainability. From the study of Starbucks, it had been that the company have taken employees as assets and have made various HRM policies so as to upgrade their performance. It had been concluded from the study that since the company provides effective structures and environment to their staffs which leads to motivating them and inspires them to work effectively. It had further been analyses from Starbucks that company make the usage of various motivational strategies to motivate their employees. Starbucks is found treating their employees in a very effective manner wherein managers treat each of the subordinates in an equal manner and perform their task with even basic level employees who are in the front line. Thus, it had been concluded that when the organization started treated their staffs equally than they started enjoying their work and also effective improvement was seen in their work culture. Further, it was observed that when the company started listening to its staff’s members than the communication gaps which was prevailing in between the staffs and organization had got solved and the managers were also able to express their requirement to the teammates. It was observed that partner view survey had also been conducted by the company for two years’ time period which helped the managers so as to provide feedback and assist in understanding the requirement and issues prevailing in the staffs. This strategy of providing feedbacks has also motivated the employees to work in an effective manner. Apart from the above motivational strategies, welfare measures and maintenance of good relationship have also helped the organization to motivate their employees. It is observed that each of the staffs are motivated and influenced by the attractive welfare packages like providing the discounts, medical insurance and also holiday’s leaves. It was seen that the staffs who had worked for a longer time span were also given fringe benefits. The providing of the respects to the employees and also maintain of the effective environment have also helped the company to motivate the employees and produce the best performance of the staffs. The increased acquaintance of the company with the team members has also helped the company to accomplish better performance and provide benefits to the company. Hence, it can be concluded that motivation has a greater impact on the performance of the employees.

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6.2 Limitation of the Work

It had been analysed that detail study and research was not being able to perform in this work due to time constraints. This study has made the usage of limited research materials but the usage of more number of researches would have made this work more precious and relevant. Moreover, the cost constraints have also equally limited the work as most of the useful resources were highly paid and I was not able to make the usage of those sources.

6.3 Recommendation for Further Research

The findings of this research study have stated and suggested that it is highly essential for the organization to provide intrinsic and extrinsic rewards equal to the employees and also motive the employees to provide excellent services. It is further recommended that managers should develop human capitals by providing them with advanced opportunities wherein hygiene and motivational factors could be highly preferred in promoting the performance of the employees. It had been reviewed from the findings that those employees who have higher opportunities or possibilities of getting promoted performs better than the one who is not promoted so it is recommended to the Starbucks that they should provide certain benefits to the employees such as increase their pays, prestige, status, authority and also security (Tabassi, Ramli and Bakar, 2012). Apart from the promotion, providing effective training and development could also be effective for the organization to enhance the performance of the employees. This could contribute to the products and services quality and also helps in minimizing the wastage and in the reduction of the production costs. It is recommended that training and careers development programs also help in the progress of the organization and also lead to the motivational impacts on the employees (Ling and Nasurdin, 2010). It is further recommended that providing respect, support and also facilitating good team working also helps in enhancing the work environment and is an effective means to increase the employee’s motivation.


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