Decline in Nature Exposure for Children

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Research’s Background

There is increase concern regarding absence of direct exposure of children towards nature and outdoors. It had been observed by Ailwood 2003 that nature and outdoor plays have an important impact on the health of younger children and their well being. Early childhood education always had connectivity with nature and give opportunities to make the connection with nature Bergin & Bergin, 2011. The disconnection with nature affects the development of human beings and it had been analyzed that each of the generations is getting more detached from nature.

There are cognitive benefits of being having contact with nature which indicate that nature improvises the awareness, creativity, reasoning, observational skills, concentration and imaginational power. It had further been analyzed that nature also possesses physical benefits which include enhancement in coordination, agility, and balance. There is reduction in sickness and speed recovery when people are in touch with nature (Bergen, 2002). The detachment of children with nature has become a major topic of concern as children are less involved in outdoor plays (Clark, 2007).

Introduction of mobile phone and less accessibility of the vacant spaces, streets or backyards is some of the major reason for the children to be disconnected with outdoor plays. Moreover, the development of the cities and safety issues are some of the other factors which limit the children to access to nature (Blatt, 2014). There are different view of parents and teachers regarding connection of children with nature which also affects these criteria. Parents push their children to develop their skills to get admitted in good schools and universities and don’t give higher emphasis to extra-curricular

activities and prefer to complete the obligation of schools such as homework (Bergin & Bergin, 2011). Play and learning is merged for the children where main activity of learning is play and belief of teachers regarding play in instructional practices. The play which was the methods of teaching had disappeared in preschools and kindergarten classrooms. On the contrary, teachers are given higher emphasis on competition of the curriculum and do not give higher emphasis on the outdoor extra-curricular activities (Bergen, 2002). These factors had declined the children access to outdoor space. It had been analyzed that children require major three amenities to grow healthy which includes good nutritious food, adequate sleep and connectivity with nature (Ailwood, 2003).

1.2 Research’s Problem

It had been analyzed that higher exposure of children towards technology, lesser space to play, increased emphasis on competition of the school’s syllabus, changing government’s policies and working parents are some of the factors which act as the problem factor for children to interact with outdoor environment. This study will thus acknowledge all these defined factors and will solve all the problems related to this research study.

1.3 Research’s Rationale

The conducted studies demonstrated the value of outdoor plays and learning which is beneficial for the holistic development of children. Moreover, role of outdoor play acts as a recent issue in childhood professionals. This is the reason that there are lesser studies which provide empirical attention towards understanding the outdoor environment. This study is important as it makes its contribution towards bridging gaps regarding outdoor environment literature. In addition, it had been analyzed that related literature linked with the previous study have generally focused on just understanding the outdoor environment effects on childhood health and mindset. However, this study in contrast with the previous study has explained the views of parents, practitioners, and children towards outdoor space. This research is significant as it will analyse the observation of the teachers and parents on how outdoor learning affects children by interviewing them.

1.4 Research’s Aim and Objectives

The aim of this study is to understand the outdoor environment by reviewing views of parents, practitioners and children on outdoor space.

The objective of this study is:

To analyze usage of outdoor environment by children as a learning space

To acknowledge the perception of the parent and educators regarding the benefits of the outside plays

1.5 Question of this research

How do children use outdoor environment as learning space?

What is the perception of parents and educators regarding benefits of outside play?

1.6 Research’s Structure

This research study possesses six chapters which assist the researcher in order to attain research’s aim, objectives, and question. ‘Introduction’ will be the first chapter of this research study which demonstrate overview of whole research and will possess research background, rationale and research problem along with aim, objectives, question and structure of the research. ‘Literature Review’ will be second chapter of research study which will utilize secondary data to acknowledge the research topic. ‘Research Methodology’ will be the third chapter of this research study which will possess research strategy, philosophy of research, data collection methods, ethical consideration, etc. to achieve a desirable solution. ‘Finding and Analysis’ will be the fourth chapter which will calculate information with the use of different research strategies. ‘Discussion’ will be fifth chapter which will observe the data collected through literature review and findings in-depth. ‘Conclusion’ will be the final chapter which will summarize the whole study and will provide chapter’s overview for future research.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction to Chapter

The second chapter in the current research work on “Understanding the outer environment” is based on the analysis of the various research works and literatures created by other scholars. For this purpose, research work performed on same or similar topics have been considered. These research works may include journal articles, books published by various companies, online and offline research papers and many others. Along with this, the chapter also includes the information presented on various websites. It can be said that after analysis of the literatures, the chapter is also containing gaps in those literatures, which depict the scope for further study likely to be addressed in this research work.

2.2 Activities in Outdoor Environment

Van et al., (2014), have carried out his research work on outer environment, which is provided in play schools and kindergartens to the children. The researchers describe that there are many outdoor activities which are performed in these schools for enhancing the interests of the children in the study and development. Outdoor sport is one of the primary activities, which is noticeable in kindergartens. It can be understood that along with development in technology, children play schools are more trending towards the use of mobile phones and other electronic devices (Burriss and Burriss, 2011). Not only this, but children are rarely found showing interests in outdoor sports. The study further reveals that nowadays children are founding exhibiting the playing activities on electronic devices rather than visiting the fields and visiting the parks and play there. The scholar explains that, with these approach kindergartens and play schools have allocated special hours for enhancing physical activities of the children. Not only this, but, in current times, school administration is considering including more than one period for outside activities (Dowdell et al., 2011). There are many types of activities which are observed being performed by the children belonging to different ages in play schools.

Physical exercise is one of the primary activities which have been described in the research work of Broadhead et al., (2010), in playschools. It is found that teachers are instructed to take their classes to the fields and perform some physical exercise. These may include playing sports such as football, running, jumping and many others (Mose and Martinsen, 2010). It can be analysed that activities of playing sports can be effective in enhancing the level of interests of the children as well as triggering their multidimensional development. Along with this, many co-curricular activities are also reported to be performed by the children in playschools and kindergartens, who cannot take part in sports. These co-curricular activities may include outdoor drawing, singing, dancing and many others (Staempfli, 2009). It can be analysed that in current times, playschools are focusing on enhancing the physical activities of the children and involving them in activities, which may develop and enhance their learning.

Further, Kos and Jerman, (2013), have found in their research work that in current times, high scale changes in lifestyles of the people are also affecting the habits of their children. It is found that nowadays children get less involved with playing outside with other children of their age. This drastic change in lifestyle is mainly due to emergence of technology. In place of playing outside, children having age 1 to 5 years are running more attracted towards mobile phones, gaming consol and other form of entertaining technologies (Little et al., 2011). In these times, activities considered for outdoor play by playschools and kindergartens are accountable for developing the interests of the children in co-curricular activities. The scholar considers these practices depicted by the playschools to be important for the development of physical and mental abilities of children. In modern times, playschools and kindergartens have developed the approaches of merging study with playing for children (Prince et al., 2013). In these activities, teachers emphasise on educating children to become more active and competitive in academic studies as well as physical and co-curricular activities.

From the analysis of the above literatures it can be said that there are many activities, which are being considered by playschools and kindergartens regarding the outdoor play and activities for the children.

2.3 Use of Outdoor Environment as Learning Space

Research work carried out by White, (2013), clarifies that along with time playschools and kindergartens have completely transformed their classrooms. Nowadays, schools use outdoor environment effectively to enhance the learning of their children and motivate them towards excellence and wellbeing (McClintic and Petty, 2015). These outdoor environments are considered as learning spaces by the playschools where children can be educated by involving them in various activities. The study indicates that there are many types of learning, which is acquired by the children in outdoor environment. It is found that in outdoor learning, children are supposed to play as well as taken part in various group activities. However, it is also true that taking part in group activities can be chaotic for the children at smaller ages; but these activities lay foundation for development of skills (Woolley and Lowe, 2013). These skills may include enhancing learning abilities, communication, participation in groups and many others. This way, it can be said that activities performed by the children in outdoor environment can be much effective in developing skills and may act as learning space.

Waller et al., (2017), have described in his research work that in outdoor environment, children are supposed to interact with others exhibit different practices. These approaches are accountable for making the children learn from the behaviours of other rather than just acquiring bookish knowledge. The scholars illustrate in his study that children have the basic tendencies to imitate the people they are surrounded with (Knight, 2011). These may include other children, teachers and many others. Kindergartens and playschools can be one of the suitable places for children where they may learn by imitating the behaviours of others. Therefore, outdoor environment becomes one of the astounding platforms for developing learning abilities within children and enhance their understanding skills.

Durant, (2012), has analysed in his study conducted out outdoor environment that social behaviour is one of the best aspects of learning for children in playschools and kindergartens. The scholar describes that in outdoor environment, children may learn from the behaviours and attitudes of their teachers and classmates. This learning is also accountable for making them socially aware and effective in communicating with people showing different behaviours. For this reason, outdoor environment can be considered as a suitable platform where children may learn social behaviour skills, which may benefit them in future. Maynard and Waters, (2014), describes that in current times, concept of nuclear families has been adapted by the people. There are significant effects of these family concepts upon the understanding and learning abilities of the children. Its various empirical studies it is found that children in nuclear families are not as much socially active and aware as that of children living in joint families. Further, there are great differences in the behaviours of children between nuclear families and joint families are also found. With the above analysis, it can be said that playschools and outdoor environment in kindergartens may provide a joint family type exposure to the children, which may also change their social behaviours.

This way, it can be said that outdoor activities and environment can be effective learning space for the children as they may acquire knowledge, skills and may also enhance their social behaviours.

2.4 Perception of Parents and Educators Regarding Benefits of Outside Play

Woods, (2016), has executed his research work on the opinion of parents and educators on the benefits that can be gained by the outside play in development of the children. The scholar has explained that both, parents as well as the educators consider outside play activities to be highly important for children. The study reveals that parents nowadays are facing problems in allowing their children to play outside their houses. Increase in traffics and many other issues are considerable in letting the children play outside. In these cases, children do not get time to engage themselves in physical activities, which also affects their development. For could be one of the major reasons, why parents perceive outside play in kindergartens and playschools to be beneficial (Richardson, 2012). Not only this, but it is also found that busy schedules of the parents prevent them from taking good care of their children, if they are playing outside their houses. On the other hand, teachers and educators may assist the children during outside play. This way, it can be analysed that children may play or exhibit different activities under the supervision of the educators, which also enhances their safety. Therefore, outside play in schools and kindergartens is considered highly beneficial and important by the parents.

On the contrary, the research of Mackett & Paskins (2004) has highlighted a link between growing levels of parental anxiety regarding outdoor and public spaces and minimisation of time spent outside by children and increasing strict limitations on children’s independent movement in outdoor setting. Giddings & Yarwood (2005) reported that parents are hesitant to permit 7 to 8 years old children to play more than 280 meters away from home. This limitation can have become much more restricted in recent times. Research also reported parental anxiety regarding the kind of functions the children involved with in outside places. Playing outside is frequently related with the interaction of natural materials, for instance mud, flora and fauna among others. Groves & McNish (2008) demonstrated that this interprets for some parents into fear over dirt and risk of outdoor play. For some parents, this fear is apparently manifested by parental anxiety on possible child injury.

Considering the benefits of outside play, which are perceived by the educators; it can be analysed from the research work of Walsh, (2016), that outside play is important for the children in enhancing their abilities in current ear of advanced technology. The scholar explains that in today’s times, children are highly trending towards technological devices such as mobile phones, play stations and many others. It is found that children love to get engaged to technological devices in place of physical activities. For this reason, educators in kindergartens and playschools think that approaches of outside play can be effective in motivating children towards exhibiting physical activities and enhance their wellbeing. Outside play in schools require intense physical efforts by the children, which enhance their physical development. Along with this, benefits of social learning can also be acquired by children according to the educators.

Educators in playschool and kindergartens also think that outside activities can also be beneficial for the parents. It is found that in many families, both the parents and guardians of children are working to earn their livelihood. In these conditions, parents cannot take good care of their children and assist them in physical and mental activities. Lack of proper guidance from the parents may increase the difficulties for the children to understand things and acquire proper growth (Follett, 2017). Outside play activities in playschools and kindergartens can be a suitable place for the children where they may acquire opportunities to get involve in various activities and enhance their well being. This way, it can be analysed that according to educators there can be number of benefits of outside play in schools and kindergartens, which may enhance the development and growth of children.

2.5 Measures to Enhance Learning through Outside Play for Children

Wilson, (2012), has executed research study on outside play for children and describe that there can be many actions or measures, which should be taken by educators and teachers in playschools for enhancing the learning of children. The researcher focusses on the facts that educators need to cut the number of children in their classroom for enhancing learning. It is found that in usual classroom educators and teachers are required to address nearly 50 students. Considering the time given to each student by the educator, it can be analysed that in one-hour long period, educators cannot give much time to the students (McClintic and Petty, 2015). In these cases, efficiency, of the educators cannot be much high as they find themselves unable to meet all the needs related children and focus on child for long time. For this reason, cutting the number of students in class can be a great solution or approach to enhance the learning of children in outside play. If consider, then this approach may allow the educators to give more time to each student and analyse their specific needs related to learning. Therefore, it can be interpreted that cutting the strength of the class can be an outstanding measure for educators to enhance learning in outside play.

Demonstration of best practices and setting samples can be another effective measure for the educators to enhance learning of children in outside play. It can analyse that demonstration of best practices may allow the children to acquire the concepts and learning in less time. Various studies show that children are the best imitators (Woolley and Lowe, 2013). They are more likely to learn the things, if educators present some examples before them. For this reason, educators in playschools need to demonstrate the best practices and appraise them before the children. This approach may motivate the children to learn new things that too in interesting manner. Along with this, setting of examples or samples can also be considered by educators in playschools and kindergartens. It can be analysed that in outside play there can be children which may have good performance. The educators are required to appraise their performance and should instruct other children to follow the same activities as exhibited by good performers. This way, setting samples of good performance may motivate the children to become more concern towards their learning.

One astounding measure that can be considered by educators is inclusion of humorous and mood enhancing practices in outside play and learning. Various studies show that amusing style of educating may enhance the level of interests of the children in classroom and outside play activities (Knight, 2011). For this purpose, educators and teachers can consider approaches and practices, which may draw the attention of children, make them laugh. It can be said that educating the children in humorous way, may help them to learn fast and remember the things easily. This way, it can be analysed that activities for enhancing enthusiasm and many others, if considered, by educators in outside play, can be greatly effective in enhancing the learning of children as well as their interests in outside play.

From the analysis of above literature, it can be said that there can be many measures, which can be recommended to the educators to enhance learning through outside play. These may include demonstration of best practices, enhancing enthusiasm and many others.

2.6 Gap in Literature

Given the overview of place theory, the key question arises about what the significance of outdoor learning is. One cause for the implication of place theory is emphasis on nature as a place for learning. A common subject in most of the outdoor researches is the value of children’s direct experience with nature. The basis for teaching children outdoors is the aspiration and assumption that they probably will much strongly associate with nature. Another supposition is the conviction in a connection between this link and environment concerns(Little, Wyver and Gibson, 2011).Observing outdoor learning as experience oriented learning in much common terms, for instance compliment to classroom learning, where the specific location is selected for a particular cause, the place also has importance. Learning in regarding a place is considered to raise expressive personal learning.

Education is considered fundamental regarding children’s understanding regarding place they inhabit and the way they learn to live there. Apart from syllabus goals, teaching also has extensive objectives, for example to prepare students to learn for life and to have a useful social life. For many researchers outdoor teaching is a promising method to satisfy these objectives. In this context, place is comprehended more as a creation of social place (Follett, 2017). It is also regarded as a physical geographical space. From health viewpoint, outdoor environment implies increased physical function for students. Teaching and learning in outdoor facilitates movement and physical function. Nevertheless, there are no clear boundaries for understanding outdoor space. Although there is increased curiosity regarding outdoor place, there is a requirement for closer link between theories on outdoor teaching and actual learning (Maynard and Waters, 2014). The research is going to support in filling this gap.

In this chapter of literature review analysis of various sources of information has been carried out. The chapter is helpful in developing vital knowledge about outdoor environment and its benefits to the children. However, various literatures analysed in the chapter is providing much information about the topic of current research work; there points and facts described in the literatures are lacking real world examples or evidences. For this reason, there is scope for additional research, in which real time practices related to outdoor learning and the possible benefits acquired through them can be analysed. Therefore, this research work will be focusing on these identified gaps.

2.7 Chapter Conclusion

It can say in conclusion that outdoor play and environment may have significant effects over the learning of children. There can be many activities in outdoor play such as taking part in sports and co-curricular activities like dance, singing, quiz and many others. As per the perception of parents and educators, practices of outdoor play can be effective in enhancing the learning of children. There are many measures, which can be considered by educators to enhance learning in outdoor ply such as reducing the strength of class, enhancing enthusiasm and many others.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1. Chapter Introduction

This chapter is based on evaluating as well as assuring credibility of the methods that has been chosen in the procedure of undertaking and finishing the research study. Congruently, the chapter comprises discussion on the research approaches, the research methods, research design along with the research philosophy coupled with data collection methods and data analysis methods among others.

3.2. Research Philosophy

The core objective of conducting a research study is related with the development of knowledge and understanding of the research subject being examined by the researcher. Bajpai (2011) depicted that the opinions and expectations apprehended by a researcher within a research can include positivism philosophy, interpretivism philosophy as well as pragmatism philosophy. Positivism research philosophy deals with objective matter of the topic while impacting the views and beliefs of the researcher’s findings. It is applied mostly in quantitative studies. Qualitative approach mostly uses by interpretivists, which allows investigation of the topic in a more flexible and holistic manner altogether. Pragmatism philosophy can be applied in mixed research involving both qualitative and quantitative methods (Collis & Hussey, 2009).

For examining the aims and objectives, this research will make use of interpretivism research philosophy to observe the perspectives of parents, practitioners and children’s regarding outdoor space. This philosophy will allow the research to be more flexible or holistic. However, as a disadvantage this type of philosophy might not provide accurate results as in case of other philosophy, which can limit the study to an extent.

3.3. Research Approach

In terms of the research approaches, it is differentiated into two forms, which are deductive and inductive (Easterby-Smith et al., 2008). Correspondingly, deductive reasoning can be regarded as a quantitative research technique and involve the formation of research hypothesis (Creswell & Clark, 2017). Then again, inductive reasoning is qualitative in nature and involves a more theoretical perspective of conducting the research study (Bernard, 2011). Correspondingly, in this research study an inductive research approach has considered. This involved development of themes based on the findings acquired from findings through interviews and observations further responding to the research question in concern. However, this approach is mostly interpretative and non-numerical in nature.

3.4. Research Method

Research method can be generally divided into two different types based on their application which includes qualitative and quantitative (Creswell, 2013). The quantitative approach is systematic and scientific research technique that comprises the utilization of inferential statistics to get the desired outcome for a research (Creswell, 2013). Qualitative research method can also be called as an interpretive method as it involves comprehensive and detail understanding of the subject being investigated (Johnson & Christensen, 2008). Notwithstanding, since this study seeks to understand the aspects influencing the perspective of parents and children regarding external education environment, a qualitative research method has been considered. Moreover, the qualitative research method is used for the current study as the key purpose of this research is to develop a holistic knowledge of the research subject rather than gaining findings that can be generalized.

3.5. Research Design

The research design is a chronological strategy that permits to combine the various components of a study comprising literature review, data collection and findings together to draw valid and dependable implications. The choice of research design for a study is subject to the objective of a research study. Correspondingly, there are three broad forms of research designs, which are exploratory, descriptive and explanatory. The exploratory design is utilized for studying the novel research topic for which there is insifficient works and there is a considerable possibility to discover new knowledge. On the other hand, explanatory research design is applied to establish a cause-effect connection and is commonly utilized in research based on the experiment (Ghauri & Gronhaug, 2002).

However, for this study, an exploratory research design has been used. With this research design, the research has intended to understand the connection between outside play and children’s development as a part of the cause and effect relationship approach. Again, the fact that the study has considered collecting data through interview and observation has also enabled the research to be able to consider exploratory design to be an appropriate option.

3.6. Data Collection

In the procedure of undertaking any specific research, emphasis has been mainly on understanding the most significant source from which the data can be compiled for the study. Notably, data can be gathered two forms of sources which comprise of primary source and secondary source. Primary data collection involves collecting raw information which is un-used before through interviews, surveys and observation among others. Then again, secondary data is collected mostly from journals, literatures and internet sources among others (Neuman, 2003). For this research, data has been mainly compiled from primary source including observation and interview method.

For the interview, 6 teachers were interviewed to get their opinion regarding the advantages and issues associated with outside play for children. The principal of the school was asked for the permission to take interview of the teachers. The teachers were interviewed in the school itself. Each of the interviews which were conducted on a face to face format has taken around 30 minutes to get completed on an average. The interview has enabled the research to get real time opinion of the people (i.e. teachers) who are actively involved with the growth and development of children altogether. Hence, they are deemed as the most appropriate target population for the research.

3.7 Interviewee Analysis

Six participants were taken into consideration for interview to analyse their views on the outdoor space. The participants were the primary school teachers who had analysed the children. Teachers are chosen as participants as they are the one who can give right opinions regarding the children as they review the activities of the children in a deeper extends.

Table which is characterized below will be helping in providing the information and thought about the interviewees who had involved in the interview during research study.

Interview Participants

After analysing the above table, it can be stated that total six interviewees have involved in the research study and are the teachers of the primary school who look after the students of age 2-5. It has also been analysed that every interviewee taking part in the research study have satisfied the principles which is needed for each of the interviewees to undertake the study.

3.8. Data Analysis

Data analysis is a vital task involved while undertaking any research study. It includes evaluating the collected data through means that links with the method of the research i.e. either qualitative or quantitative. This aspect also means that the tools selected for data analysis is largely dependent upon the methods that has been selected for this study (Yin, 2009). Since, this study has considered qualitative method, narrative evaluation of the data gathered from observation and interview has been used as the potential data analysis technique. The data collected were analyzed narratively in alignment with the purposes of the study. This enabled the study to get a theoretical and narrative perspective of how outside play and outside learning environment enables the growth and improvement of children.

3.9. Ethical Consideration

In current times, there has been considerable consideration being laid on ensuring a high degree of ethics while undertaking a research study (Saunder et al., 2009). Accordingly, efforts were also placed on maintaining the principles of research ethics including confidentiality, accuracy, and credibility throughout the research study. Incidentally, the informed consent from all the respondents were obtained before the actual interview process and anonymity of the respondent’s identity was also maintained based on the demand of the respondents. Moreover, special care was taken while observing the children and involving them in research work for their safety in playground. The personal detail of the children was also not disclosed in this study due to ethical reasons and none of the children were harassed during the time of observation. In addition, all the secondary sources that were utilized in this research study were recognized and quoted since the generally accepted standards and guidelines.

Chapter 4: Findings

4.1. Interview Findings

Importance of Outside Play for Children

When the interviewees were questioned regarding the importance of the outside play for the children then most of them stated that it is helpful for the children as it develops knowledge and make them understand the real life situation while some of them stated that they outdoor plays develops the physical and mental health and also teach the children to stay in group.

“Outside play assists children learn and develop, consolidate their knowledge and understanding in meaningful/relevant situations which are ‘real life’ using natural resources they learn to understand the whole world around them.” (K1)

“I feel like outdoor plays are the necessity of individual children as it helps them to stay connected with nature and take the effective usage of the available resources.” (K3)

“Outside play is one of the essential elements for the children as it develops both mental and physical health and makes them strong.” (K5)

“As per my observation, those children who don’t play outside and prefers indoor games are less creative than the one who plays outdoor games. I think this one reason is sufficient to explain the significance of outdoor play.” (K6)

Benefits of Outdoor Learning

When the interviewees were questioned regarding the benefits of the outdoor learning then some of them stated that it assists in development of the social skills, mental and physical health and confidence. On the other hand, some participants stated that outdoor learning helps in learning language, have effective communication and enhance the problem-solving skills. “According to me, outdoor learning helps the children to stay focused and remain active and fresh due to natural environment.” (K1) “Outside learning helps in development of social abilities, problem solving skills, resilience and confidence.” (K2) “I feel like outdoor learning excites the children and this is the reason that they learn anything taught in outdoor very quickly.” (K3) “Outdoor learning is a direct making of connection with nature so there is enhancement of confidence, mental and physical health and also resilience.” (K4)

Assistance of Outdoor Classroom for Children

When the interviewees were questioned regarding the usage and benefits of the outside classroom in the children then it was analysed that participants stated that outside classroom helps the children to be more attentive, reflective, enthusiasm and can enhance the learning capability. “I feel like outside classroom provides larger space to the children who are more active.” (K2) “As per my experience of teaching the children for 10 years, I could say that children were seen to grasp more knowledge and had rapid learning speed when they were taught outside as compared to inside classroom learning.” (K4) “I want to share a survey result which I along with my two colleagues found while reviewing the change found inside classroom learning and outside classroom learning. We have found that when same lesson was taught to equal number of children in classroom and outside classroom, it was found that students learned that lesson in 2 days who was taught outside while students learned the same lesson in 5 days when taught inside.” (K5) “I feel like children likes playing more than reading theory knowledge so outside classroom make them more reflective, enthusiasm and attentive” (K6)

Difference between Outside Play and Inside Play

When this question regarding difference between outside play and inside play was asked to participants then it was seen that all of them stated that both are the part of the life. Children should give equal preference to both the plays. “They are both natural extensions of each other.” (K1) “outdoor games are played in the larger space and helps in making connection with nature while indoor games are played inside the walls and there is no direct connection with the natural environment.” (K2) “I feel like indoor play strengths the mental health while outdoor play grows the physical health” (K5) “As per me, outdoor plays help the children to concentrate more on the things while indoor plays constraints the knowledge to limited areas.” (K6)

Role of Teachers in Motivating Children for Outdoor Play

When participants were asked regarding how can the teachers motivate the children by the means of outdoor environment than it was analysed that participants stated that introduction of the competition, praise and encouragement of progress are some of the means which could motivate the children by the means of outdoor environment. “Use the natural world to make learning more relevant and meaningful. Encourages active learners.” (K2) “The introduction of competition and praising of the progress while playing outdoor games helps in encouraging their motivation.” (K3) “I feel like praising while playing games and learning things could motivate them and be a good human being later on.” (K6)

Teachers Support Children to Take Risk in the Outdoor Play Environment

The participants stated that risky plays are one of the natural parts of the play of children and often seeks out opportunities, so it is the role of the teachers to support the children for outdoor play. They stated that teachers should support them by encouraging them, testing their limit and conduction of various risky plays at the school environment. “I feel like allowing students for the freedom to take small risks and manage the risks for themselves is one of the ways to support the students.” (K2) “As per my experience, I feel like students can be supported to take risk outside by organising various small risk-oriented programmes.” (K4) “I feel like children can be supported to play risky games by testing their limits and supporting them.” (K5) “I feel that teachers should make their students ready to face any sorts of risk so throwing challenging situation by the means of games can help the children to be strong and be alert of the risk.” (K6)

Aspects Children Enjoy the Most during Outside Play

When this question was asked to the participants regarding the thing’s children enjoy while playing outdoor plays than most of them stated that they are children and they can enjoy playing outdoor with any things. Some stated that outdoor plays are more interesting and is associated with nature so children would love to play at mud, plants and other creatures. “Anything! They just love to be outdoors.” (K1) “They are children and they can enjoy outdoor as they are number of elements present in the nature” (K2) “I feel like children like hide-and-seek and see-saw plays the most when they play outdoor games.” (K3) “I have seen that children preferred to play hide-and-seek the most and also love to play with mud and stones.” (K4)

Children Learning from Outside Play

When this question was asked to the participants regarding do children learn from the outdoor play then every participant said that yes, children learn a lot from the outdoor plays. They stated that outdoor plays give lots of opportunities to the children and since, they are open to natural environment, so it enhances concentration, problem solving ability and visualisation power along with imagination power. “I feel like outdoor play is one of the effective and powerful means of learning. They open-up the brain and thinking power of the children.” (K2) “Yes, it is one of the best ways to build-up the brain and the body together and learn number of things rapidly.” (K3) “If I have to say this than I will say that maximum of the knowledge can be arrived from the outdoor plays as it gives practical knowledge. Although, indoor plays are also good, but they are confined to limited space.” (K5) “Yes, learning is all around us. They learn skills as mentioned above as well as knowledge.” (K6)

Children Choosing their Own Activities

When the participants were asked that do the children of their class choose their own activities than both yes and no answer were achieved from different participants. Most of the participants said that no, the children of age 3-5 are not capable to choose their own activities but yes, they enjoy the activities given to them. While K2 said that yes, the children in my class choose their own activities and I also give them the freedom to choose any of the games they like both outdoor and indoor. “No, they are very small to decide which game to play but yes they enjoy those given which is chosen and give to them while playing.” (K1) “No, they don’t choose but yes see-saw is mostly occupied by the children when outdoor games are played”. (K2) “Yes, they can choose what to participate in and I also give them the freedom to choose any of the games they like both outdoor and indoor.” (K3)

Role of Outside Play towards physical improvement of Children as Compared to indoor play

When the question was asked to the participants regarding how outdoor plays support children physical development more than indoor plays then all of them stated that indoor games are generally mind games. They stated that indoor games help in making effective usage of the brain and less usage of body. However, majority of the outdoor games requires the usage of the body so there is higher development of physical development. It was also stated by the participants that outdoor plays strengthen the bones and muscles and boost the immune system of the body. “As per my opinion, I would always say that playing outdoor is more beneficial than playing indoor because outdoor plays strengths the body parts and keeps the body fit and healthy.” (K2) “Outdoor games make the usage of our physical part of body and when physical parts are used, it makes an effective circulation of the blood and smooth breathing, so it helps in physical development.” (K3) “As per my observation, the health and height of the present children’s are smaller and less healthy than that of the children who were born 15-20 years back. This is the clear indication that playing of indoor games in phone have resulted into lack of physical development.” (K4) “I being a teacher always motivates the children to play outdoor games as it acts as an exercise and makes them fit and energetic.” (K5) “Outdoor place is on a bigger level, then indoors so gross motor abilities can be practiced and developed” (K6).

4.2. Observation

The observation has included 6 children who were observed playing outdoor. The observations have revealed that the children were very happy and energetic while playing outside. The Active participation is the sign of mental satisfaction and enjoyment. For an instance, in Observation 1, Child A picked up yellow ring and began to throw and chase. Similarly, Observation 2 also reveals the active participation of child B in playing hide and seek with running to calm the slide and lying down to hide stay there for a while. Such participation of children in games makes them physical and mentally strong and even teach them to face with the situations. The Observation 3 have further reviewed the handling of the situation by the children wherein child C goes around the sea-saw area but since could be played alone, he sitting of Child D on another side of Sea-saw in-built team behaviour in between the two children. The variation in the outdoor games further enhance the skill of thinking, examining and solving the things from different perspectives. Taking in consideration the observation 4, it could be seen that Child E comes out of the class and look around, goes here and there and finally choose to play with sand and Go inside the sandbox. It starts digging the mud and put them in mug. Child E then finds number of plastic insects and start enjoying more with them. Sometimes he digs them inside the mud and sometimes put them in mug full of mud. It could be stated that outdoor activities give higher exposure to children and even enhance their creative thinking skills. Observation 5 also reveals the excitement of the children in playing see-saw and swings and eagerness in waiting for their turn to come to swing. Another activity that kids took part in was associated with water and sand play, which is perceived to be very interesting. Turn by turn each of the children could play where they are able to mix water and sand together further providing a captivating experience. Children who are showing great lead in play has a better understanding in terms of awareness of different activities altogether (Bruce, 2011). Young children are being motivated to explore things which are associated with nature and earth to show them a proper conduct for themselves It had been observed that children had enjoyed while playing outdoor games and showed active participations.

Chapter 5 - Discussion

Research questions

How do children use outdoor environment as learning space?

What is the perception of parents and educators regarding benefits of outside play?

This chapter mainly deals with interpretation of the result of the study. While the previous chapter sought to determine the data collected for this research and present them properly, this chapter has focused towards discussing the result of the research in the most efficient manner. The chapter will further present the views and opinions of the people or person involved as respondents while conducting the research altogether. Furthermore, the chapter will include themes which has been determined based on the objectives of the research and likewise the research question can be answered in the most accurate format altogether.

5.1 Usage of outdoor environment by Children as learning space

It had been reviewed from the literature review that outdoor environment is effective in enhancing the learning skills of the children and even motivate them to attain excellence and well-beings. The outdoor environment and its associated activities are taken as learning space wherein children are taught by indulging them in different activities. It is even reviewed from the literature that outdoor activities even enhance learning abilities, communication as well as participation in groups. It is further analysed after reviewing the practitioner’s views about child’s preferences about outdoor activities that engaging in outdoor activities even assist in learning about diverse shapes of plants altogether. It is revealed by teachers that the connection made with the natural resources has shown diverse rate of interest altogether. The different activities associated with children will further include the practitioners depicting children in terms of love running in various spacious areas associating with ‘hide and seek’ and other games that involves physical attributes at large. Research in this field has shown that there is a deep connection for the natural world that express kindness towards nature further benefiting in multiple ways altogether. Evaluation has suggested that most of the interview participant have the involvement of primary school provide positive views on outdoor learning. it had further been reviewed from observation findings that how children play at different stage and the number of activities they consider during outdoor environment (Drummond 2009). The observation design and assessment for young children are well established in different settings to determined different aspects which will help maintain an individual’s learning towards collective development. During the observation, several settings has been carried out towards identifying the preferences of practitioners and children in terms of child support and play. In this regard, it needs to be carefully noted that the progress of involvement as well as enjoyment are focused towards the attainment of knowledge. It could be stated after analysing the literature review, interview findings and observation that outdoor environment and activities assist in providing learning space to the children and even enhance their skills.

5.2 perception of parents and educators regarding benefits of outside play

It had been analysed from literature review that educators and parents consider outside play activities to be highly important for the children. The increased traffics and higher interest of the children towards mobile games have restrict the children in playing outside. Moreover, the busy schedule of parents and lesser safe areas to play also prevent them from playing outside of the house. However, both teacher and parents find playing outside to be more beneficial and important for the growth of the children. Smidt (1998) further depicted that parents need to investigate matter where children can learn most appropriately from outdoor environment altogether further planning out effective activities with depiction of how individuals can achieve success in different settings altogether. Practitioners needs to make appropriate planning for overall development of children towards attaining individual needs that has been implemented in different settings altogether. It is analysed from the observation findings that children’s skills are being developed and their capabilities of doing certain processes enhance when they indulge themselves in outdoor games. It further helps them to gather ideas to comprehend different play about their personal preferences altogether. As per the observation that has been carried out, it witnessed many of the children altering various aspects such as ‘’logs, sticks, fir cones, leaves, twigs and mud’’ (Keating, 2002:83). For example, it has been observed different groups of children has changed house into a new fascinating fiction altogether. In this regard, it was very much surprise by how much the children were able to show creativity, imagination along with determination of various activities altogether. Nutbrown (2006) has argued that that watching, and learning is the only way to establish the progress from children’s play’’ (2006). It is analysed that since outdoor environment provide wider exposure so children can watch and learn greater things in detail. It was also analysed from the observation findings that outdoor environment provides children with different playing opportunities which is difficult to replicate inside. The outdoor environment which is open and constantly changing makes it possible for the children to experience freedom as well as enables them to contact with natural elements. Even though indoor environment is secure and comfortable, which is one of the key reasons why parents avoid sending their children outside, but these benefits of indoor environment does not deliver the benefits that children can experience while playing outdoors. In this regard, it has been observed that children while playing outdoors are exposed to fresh air, and sunlight as well as other natural elements which have considerable impact on their cognitive as well as physical development (Dyment & Bell, 2008). The further observation postulated that the outdoor environment provides children with unique stimulus that draws their attention and interest. For instance, the children explore natural elements such as soil, water and flowers among others with curiosity which drive them to learn. In this regard, White (2008) argued that the children’s interaction with the natural elements helps them to assign meaning to the objects with which they interact which has the capacity to mobilise their skills including creativity and thinking abilities. The author further argued that natural elements with which the children encounters while playing outdoors enables them to learn and understand by doing and feeling which the artificial toys fails to offer. Similar findings were also found in the previous research studies, in which it has been acknowledged that playing with natural elements like water and soil provides a great learning opportunity for the children and they can ‘use mathematical products while playing outdoor (Franzén, 2014; Sumpter & Hedefalk, 2015). It has been found from the observation that children are attracted towards gardening area surrounded with greenery and they usually like to play in gardening areas. Playing in gardening area is thus found to generate emotional attachment of the children towards the nature and its elements. In this context, Bento & Dias (2017) claimed that exploration of natural elements by children helps them to establish emotional connection with the nature, which further contributes in developing ecological and sustainable behaviors among the children. Even though the observation demonstrated that the children playing in outdoor environment have considerable impact on their health as well as it contributes in effective learning, but it also involves certain risks. In this regard, it has been observed that children are not only exposed to natural environment, but they are also exposed to harmful objects. For instance, wild mushroom which are often found in garden areas can prove to be dangerous to the health of the children (Bento & Dias, 2017).

Furthermore, it was observed that most of the children were involved with spending time outside by running around along with playing different games with balls. It has been found from the interview finding that the teachers strongly believe that children engagement in the outdoor activities has the potential to improve physical and mental health of the children while contributing in effective learning. Similar findings have also been illustrated by scholars such as Grahn et el. (1997) and Fjortoft and Sageie (2000). Accordingly, they claimed in their research that children who take part in natural environments display progressive motor fitness such as the ability to balance, easily develop increased agility and are sick less often (Grahn et al. 1997). One of the major reasons why the participants supported outdoor environment activities for children is found to be related with the several benefits offered to the children while engaged in outdoor activities. In this regard, the teachers included in the study reported that outdoor learning helps in the development of social skills, mental and physical health and confidence. Besides, they also stated that outdoor learning supports learning language, enhance creativity and problem-solving skills. Several scholars in the past have also demonstrated similar findings. Accordingly, scholars like Abraham, Sommerhalder & Abel (2010); Howard (2010); Maynard, Waters & Clement (2013) have argued that the exposure to natural environment improves physical, as well as emotional well-being of the children and provides conducive environment for children to learn and thrive. (Kellert, 1993). In terms of data analysis, the practitioners are being associated with good natural play to make the children confident learners and thinkers at the same time. Stephenson (2003) also indicated similar finding and stated that exposure to natural environment has the tendency to develop children’s confidence while facilitating them to manage risks effectively. Some of the researches has depicted that natural environment are being improved as per the level of interest of the people involved (Cobb 1977; Louv 1991; Wilson 1997). Moreover Moore (1986) has also stated that children who are involved with playing with natural resources have a positive thinking about themselves for the people around. Furthermore, the practitioners can discover emotions based on outdoor environment. The teachers included in the interview survey illustrated that allowing children to play outdoor also involves risks but the survey participants stressed that it is important for the teachers to support children for playing outdoor while closely monitoring their activities to limit their involvement in risky plays. Correspondingly, the previous research showed that risky play is based on how young children deal with new and exciting activities that allows them to try new scenarios and deal with activities as a learning curve (Barnes and Sharp 2004). White (2014) contends that the role of the practitioner is essential in children’s playing providing beneficial activities for children that support their learning progression. As per the results of the survey, responses received from the practitioners stated that they plan activities, but they also make sure that they give children the role to lead their own play and create what they like.

5.3 Implications

As per the result of the observation, interview findings and literature review, the children attain greater benefits when they are given the provision to play outside. It provides the children with the opportunity to play with different available. Solly (2015) has determined that practitioners must motivate with the vision of the children for providing rich learning in natural play setting. David and Elliot (2007) has determined that the number of opportunities involved with getting in the natural environment may have an important implication for young children’s environmental compassion. Children advocate this as an essential concern for this aspect is to be efficient in conducting their environmental tasks further ensuring direct experience with the nature. As per the ideas of Wells and Evans (2003), kids are more relaxed and less stressed when they can experience natural phenomenon to effectively grasp different comprehensions. Furthermore, practitioners encourage children to have fun as well as learn from happy and open environments. Although play is about learning and expressing yourself, practitioners should be able to give children the chance to do what they want. In relation to the literature chapter, Prescott (2008) states that children should be given the space to make their up their own minds, which means not restricting them and reassuring their ideas. Similarly, Bilton (2002) claimed that children should be provided with outdoor environment, which has natural unrestricted space so that they can easily move and play in order to develop different skills. The evidence from the key findings also indicated that even though the teachers and practitioners have positive views regarding the role and importance of outdoor environment for stimulating children to assign meaning to different objects and enhance their skills but the findings did not rule out the risks related to children involvement in outdoor activities. The teachers involved in the survey reported that the children should be encouraged and supported to take risks in order to make them strong and alert. In this context, Bento & Dias (2017) in their study have expressed view and they stated that if teachers and practitioners attempt to prevent all risky situations, it would have negative impact on the children’s ability to deal with unfavorable environment and will also reduce their confidence.

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Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendation

6.1. Conclusion

From the evaluation of findings, it can be understood that outdoor environment as a strong impact over the health of children. Earlier children related to environment and outdoor space along with education. The impact is positive on children and their process of learning as determined from the findings. However, today children are more into digital media and online games that they are getting detached from the nature. It is identified in the study that increasing use of mobile phones and video games has impacted the outdoor plays. Children do not have proper access to nature owing to the development of cities and safety reasons. However, it is comprehended in the study that parents and teachers have different views in this regard. Parents admit their children to schools so that they develop skills and can meet the fast-moving environment. Parents do not have time for their children neither do they support outdoor games. They force the children to complete their studies and play using digital modes. It is a fact that for the growth of children it is vital that children both play and learn so that they are aware of the outdoor environment. It is determined in the research study that the playing methods used by teachers in the preschools no more exist. Parents and teachers give more emphasis to curriculum activities rather than outdoor extracurricular activities. Lack of physical activities gives rise to deficit disorder which impacts the growth of children. For the effective growth of children there are few important factors that are to be considered upon which includes nutritious food, adequate sleep and connectivity with nature. For the healthy growth of children, it is vital to play in the outdoor space as it increases the physical activities. It is evitable that physical activities along with proper schooling help children to grow healthier. Today parents are more worried about the childhood and learning experiences of children. The time for outdoor games is diminishing and the lifestyle of people is changing. No one is being able to understand the importance of outdoor play in the life of children their health, cognitive and other aspects. It is comprehended from the study that today people are more focussed towards socialising using the digital platform. Children do not really socialise with other kids in the playground and they are missing the relevance of nature in the life for healthy growth. It is recognised that children healthy development is linked with compelling activities in the outdoor space which not only promotes cognitive, physical and emotional well being. Through outdoor games and environmental exposure, it is recognised that children learn to solve problems, are more creative, develop thinking ability and learn to cooperate. The specific issues are linked with outdoor environment that provides different play opportunities to meet the changing environment. On the other hand, it is to be realised by parents and teachers that playing outdoor not only improves the health, but it also has several benefits as children are exposed to daylight, natural components along with open air. This helps to built strong immune structure and at the same time the increasing issue of obesity can be met. It is recognised from the review of literature that lack of physical activities and playing outside games are beneficial. The study is trying to raise awareness regarding the significance of outside play for children so that the potential learning and development is improved. It is noted that outside atmosphere creates prospects for children as help them to promote skills. It also increases and leads to persistence, self knowledge and helps to resolve problems. The process of learning in outdoor is easy and effective. One of the main factors that is determined and analysed in this study is that outside play and interaction in the environment increases the learning skills through trial and error. The trial and error help children to deal with the challenging situation so that they learn to explore the situation through their understanding. The outdoor environment has a strong impact in the learning space as it completely transforms the learning process. The playschool is to be exposed to the outdoor environment so that they are involved into various activities. The outdoor is space for learning and it benefits the perception of children.

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6.2. Recommendation

It is recommended from the analysis of the study that to improve the health and well being of student parent need to focus upon outdoor educational projects. It is recommended that parents promote outdoor play on a regular basis so that the health is improved, and children are close to nature. Society today is neglecting the risk that is being faced by children in terms of learning and development. The learning environment of children are changing therefore it is recommended that proper exposure is provided to children so that they can adapt to the external exposure. This will help to create a positive environment and at the same it creates positive feelings. It is recommended that parents and educators are more involved in the outdoor playing environment so that children not only learn but also enjoy the process of learning. Parents need to help their children to enjoy the nature and at the same time learn few vital factors that will motivate them to attain success. The motor skills are developed by playing in the outdoor space as it is not only about playing but coming close to nature through gardening. It is imperative that children are exposed to environment and nature through gardening and other activities so that they can enjoy the positivity. For a good childhood it is important to have good parenting and educators. It is recommended that outdoor games create opportunities and at the same time are responsive along with caring leading to excellent educational knowledge for motivating children and create eagerness. For healthier lifestyle and for effective transformation parents and educators need to promote childhood experiences through outdoor play.


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