Reading logs do not have an absolute word limit, but you are recommended to use roughly 150-200 words (not including the headings and other text already on the template).
All logs should use peer reviewed, published material and at least one of the logs should use a journal article.
Identify your learning objectives for this reading log? (What do you want to find out and why.)
The learning objectives of this log is as follows:
Outline your search strategy for finding suitable reading material? (e.g. what database or organisational website did you access, what search terms did you use)
Online database:
In your own words, summarize the main points of what you have read (use bullet points)?
Continue your exploration of Healthcare Professionals with our related content.
Through preparation of this reading of I have learned the following things
Describe to what extent your learning objectives have been met? (use bullet points)
Through analysing the content of the selected reading material, I am able to develop good understanding on the following:
Reference list:
Akhu‐Zaheya, L., Al‐Maaitah, R. and Bany Hani, S., 2018. Quality of nursing documentation: Paper‐based health records versus electronic‐based health records. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(3-4), pp.e578-e589.
Kent, P. and Morrow, K., 2014. Better documentation improves patient care. Nursing Standard (2014+), 29(14), p.44.
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Continue your exploration of Deformation Monitoring of Engineering Structures with our related content.
The educational system is a vast section of the field that is comprised of various subfields and is an important one that needs to be simplified with the help of rigorous searches that make the research study more innovative and to the point. Working on it all by itself comes with a daunting task that requires help from the Dissertation Help team in simplifying the study with the support of professional writers. Here, prior focus is made towards subsequent areas that require proper solvency and with the help of our top-tier Essay Help assistance, this criterion can be solved easily without facing any interventions. As it can be stated the Literature Review section is the prominent area that requires crystal refinement and with the acknowledgement of our Assignment Help writing service team, this sphere can be easily retrieved by the augmentation is standardised for any section. Avail now and get the best writing practice with our seasoned experts.
DISCLAIMER : The dissertation help samples showcased on our website are meant for your review, offering a glimpse into the outstanding work produced by our skilled dissertation writers. These samples serve to underscore the exceptional proficiency and expertise demonstrated by our team in creating high-quality dissertations. Utilise these dissertation samples as valuable resources to enrich your understanding and enhance your learning experience.