Integration of Clinical Education in Healthcare Professionals

The guidance on seven star healthcare professionals, as proposed by the World Health Organization hints towards the qualified professionals should routinely implement teaching in their clinical practices. These standards are in line with other healthcare professionals working for the National Health Service (NHS), in the UK that underlines participation in clinical education is of core responsibility. Yu, Brown and Etherington (2018, p. 21), suggests clinical based educational programs play an important value in shaping behavioural intentions of the students working within the healthcare professionals. Different models pertaining to adult learning can help in processing the knowledge related to acquisitions within the chosen learning environment, through the use of Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory and Bandura’s Social Learning Theory (Golos and Tekuzener, 2019, p. 1). For students pursuing their study in healthcare education, access to resources such as Healthcare Dissertation Help to get the most relevant and authentic study material in their academic journey.

In the job rising arrangement model, word related treatment isn't routinely given, however the potential exists Students create network based word related treatment programs (e.g., public venues for senior residents or individuals with a psychological maladjustment, destitute asylums, and kindergartens for in danger kids); the supervision is given day by day by an on location proficient (not a word related specialist) and week after week by an off-site word related advisor. The utilization of the job rising model is as per the conviction that abilities and preparing can and ought to be utilized to create and extend built up, developing, and reappearing zones of training. Job rising arrangements, which permit students to investigate, build up, and grow jobs in the network, have been found to improve students’ freedom, clinical thinking, critical thinking, and relational abilities, just as expand their self-sufficiency, self-coordinated learning, and capacity to advocate.


In addition to that, some healthcare schools have professionals from non-academic domain. Although the scope of external involvement in regards to undergraduate teaching does not extend beyond this domain. Given the uncertainty in regards to clinical experience it is clear that academic institutions have prime responsibility of providing the new generation with the needed education that helps them in coping with the increasing expectations from the healthcare service providers (Tal-Saban and Weintraub, 2019, p. 220). Lalor et al. (2019, p. 367) cautioned about the future implication on the workforce remains uncertain. While the benefits related to clinical supervision to students and professional practices are widely reported, healthcare organizations are subjected to immense difficulties in attracting stakeholders who are willing to provide professional opportunities to the students. With the scope of implementing quality assured experimental scope, healthcare organizations have been actively linked with events such as developing, researching and even piloting a series of clinical experiments that can create optimum placement opportunities for the students. The primary objective of the mentioned research will work on underlining the possible challenges linked with field based education. While looking at student's endless supply of arrangements, with respect to the commitment and significance of word related treatment administrations to the network, the job built up position scores were altogether lower than the job developing situation scores (Lalor et al. 2019, p. 367). These outcomes can be clarified by the way that the concentration in a job rising arrangement is advancement of network based word related treatment programs. Consequently, students who take an interest in a job developing situation may have greater chance to investigate, build up, and grow jobs in the network.

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Critical review of experiences related to Occupational therapy

Literature relating to occupational therapy placement is diverse in content, the value and importance in regards to placement has never been denied (Brown, Williams and Etherington, 2016, p. 412). General agreement is clear that practice placements are core of student’s learning and important in core professional areas for integrating the theory in practice and develop skills related to professionalism, a knowledge that cannot be gained from textbook alone (Dancza, Copley and Moran, 2019, p. 567). It additionally appears that placements often provide a scope of learning for the students and helps them attribute a personal meaning to theory while appearing to develop core practical skills. Lyons et al. (2017, p. 51), states the fact that practice placements are an essential bridge between service delivery setting and academic environment.

Despite the increasing recognition on an international basis about the importance of placement, two main concerns can be addressed through research literature. Firstly, it is suggested that placement crisis often poses a risk on the profession (Nowrouzi et al. 2019, p. 247).

It is prescribed to consider creating job rising positions, and to urge understudies to be progressively engaged with creating administrations in the network by expanding their mindfulness and information in regards to the commitment of word related treatment in creating network organizations (Lalor et al. 2019, p. 375). Instructors and situation facilitators ought to pick proper positions and clinical supervision models, and furthermore may consider a mix of various practice arrangement models. One model is an interagency model, which is a blend of the apprenticeship model (one student to one director) and the consultative model (students isolate their time between a set up position and a developing situation in the network)

Fieldwork serves on amalgamating theoretical knowledge with practical settings with a scope to reflect their perception of coursework. However, Gribble, Ladyshewsky and Parsons (2018, p. 418) quoted the fact; change from classroom learning environment to practical settings may be stressful and is of prime importance from the perspective of the students. A high level of stress can decrease the ability of the student with a manifestation of poor adaptive reactions. Thus, it can be conclusively stated, stress can be measured as an outcome of several factors that need to be identified. While some authors point out the importance of maintaining appropriate guidance, during the course of fieldwork related education for decreasing the level of stress experienced by the students, while preparing them for clinically adaptive environment. On similar regards, establishment of successful clinical experience demands an extensive collaboration and contribution between the clinical settings. Thus, it is of prime importance to deal with the potential problems and the issues that may arise due to fieldwork related context is of prime importance to understand the possible experiences involved. Amongst the authors exploring field work related to fieldwork education Fitzgerald et al. (2017, p. 7), compared perception of objectives in clinical observation by the students and recommended instructors to improve the possible integration of course work with clinical interventions and suggested the supervisors adopting better methods for providing feedback to the supervisors. The comparison of real fieldwork education ambience with ideal ambience as perceived by supervisors Rodger et al. (2016, p. 48) concluded that each could work on providing different lists for making the environment idea. In research study conducted by Yu et al. (2019, p. 273), achieved four major themes, including clients, time, therapists and environment. It is often perceived, during the initial days of clinical experience, majorly in the field of therapy. While balance for everything is fundamental inside Higher Education, as has just been built up, for some, it holds considerably further centrality inside OT. OT as a calling perceives the relationship that investment and commitment in significant occupation has on a person's wellbeing and prosperity Fitzgerald et al. (2017, p. 7), proposes that Occupational Therapists empower people to change their lives through a procedure of doing, being, turning out to be. Accordingly, understanding that contemplating OT as a significant occupation would impact the person's wellbeing and prosperity and change that they were turning out to be were significant components for thought. Mattila, DeIuliis, and Cook, (2018, p. 3) thought about that there is an observation that Occupational Therapists are mindful, supporting and merciful and have abilities to investigate exercises, review and adjust conditions and exercises to empower people to be effective and accomplish their latent capacity. All of which have all the earmarks of being fundamental when working with an OT understudy. The requirement for help was featured as a subject for progress. Mattila, DeIuliis, and Cook, (2018, p. 3) recognized that the least positive mentalities were distinguished about understudies with conduct troubles, especially the individuals who were genuinely forceful. The greatest perspectives were appeared to those with social or scholarly troubles.

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Occupational Therapy and Practice Placement Education

A week long pilot study was conducted by Mackenzie and O’Toole (2017, p. 582) and well received by students participating in the evaluation and communicating their experiences. The opportunity articulated through the mentioned pilot study was carefully articulated to contextualise the existing knowledge into practice. Participants were seen to highlight the importance of real patients without the absence of any stimulation, helped in development of patient centred treatment. Students throughout the week work on identified areas that demand revision specifically relevant to community beneficial to the career within the mentioned setting. The experience was later termed to be important to individuals relevant to community practice that can be beneficial to career. In similar regards, stakeholders are seen to provide further support of this notion feeling that the mentioned experimental scope was beneficial to the students (Mattila, DeIuliis, and Cook, 2018, p. 3). The benefits associated with the chosen research were congruent with the possible evaluation gained with evaluation from previous studies are indicative of educational based value programs

Occupational therapy related supervision as per the evaluation carried out by students was an important component of placement and additional learning. The social learning theory would be attributed to certain conclusions on the basis of constructivist theory. As stated by Jacobs, Beyer and Carter (2017, p. 67), the zone of proximal development related paradigm ascertains that perception plays an evident role in determining the success rate of the placement. It can be clearly suggested proximal development paradigm ascertaining the preceptor role in determining the success of placement. It can be additionally suggested that facilitators can suggest engaging the students and encouraging them to work out of their comfort zone, through the process of scaffolding. As opined by Ryan et al. (2018, p. 12), scaffoldings demands the supervisor to engage the learner in a task while gradually withdrawing the assistance to a point where an individual is able to execute the mentioned task without any help. Similar finding was provided by Clarke, De-Visser and Sadlo (2019, p. 18), underlining the significant importance for making sure that the learner develops for providing better healthcare services. Further, collaborative working with the supervisors helps the students to witness the reality of taking a decision in practice. An increasing level of awareness in the domain of restriction on patient pertaining to legislative framework was noted, considering the impact of future decisions. The students are often seen to perceive that they are able to make informed decisions and were highly appreciative of the importance in relation to the time taken for incorporating structure approaches which would not have been considered during previous instances

The statement of students from previous literature can be backed up by social learning theory. As stated by Hills et al. (2016, p. 371), the discourse supported through a series of observation works on suggesting that participants can internalise the suitable behaviour. This acts as evidence by frequent reference to the inclusive of proactive terms that suggests scope of increasing knowledge, skills and ways to learn. In addition to that, students in similar settings communicated that they felt, the scope has allowed them to grow their soft and technical skills. Although the obtained feedback supported the paradigm, Gustafsson et al. (2017, p. 159) suggests that if the learner wishes to remain on continuum with behaviour integrated into practice, students would need enough exposure to such highly experimental professional styles. Theory based intervention suggests that Occupational Therapy and Practice Placement Education could support the aspect of mentorship among the healthcare professionals (Gospodarevskaya et al. 2019, p. 369). The long term commitment related to mentorship is related to the process of learning, supported by development allowing the mentee to discuss any possible issues or needs related to development. As a result, the mentee will learn the needed skills and gain the required knowledge through a series of reflective learning. The mentee may be looking for ways to develop their understanding about the NHS workforce

Advantages of Occupational Therapy and Practice Placement Education

The Occupational Therapy and Practice Placement Education could greatly work on enhancing the calibre of the healthcare students. The mentioned intervention could possibly address the workforce related issues such as shortage of skilled workforce. As noted by Mattila (2019, p. 1), placement supervisors and the event in itself has notable effect on the practice carried out by the learners. Thus, it can be conclusively stated long term collaboration with the mentor can enhance the skill base of the student. Yu, Brown and Etherington (2018, p. 36), predicts the fact that high level of competition between the candidates will increase in the coming years. The increasing level of competition demonstrates a tough time in getting the expected employment if the graduates fail to demonstrate the skills they can use at the workplace. As stated by Golos and Tekuzener (2019, p. 8), integration of placement programs can be termed as a valuable asset within the domain of clinical practice. However, the stakeholder from the mentioned study is relatively well they are cautioned that the educators need to ensure that the program would give added advantage to encourage the level of participation. Thew and Harkness (2018, p. 234), pointed towards a similar research stating that the data gained from series of community placement is demonstrative of possible benefits associated with placement related supervision.

Implication of Practice Placement Education in Occupational Therapy

The value of the time spent in engaged real world supervised practice remains in the acquisition, enhancement and promotion of clinical reasoning with professional values (Quinn and Morris, 2017, p. 68). Through practice education placement students are subjected to real life scenarios and experience stress often brought about due to emergency situations (Thomas and Penman, 2017, p. 42). Within the domain of healthcare related research literature, identified range a series of personal and social variables identifying the performance of students in practice education settings. Work related stressor across wide range of health related profession such as medicine, social work, physiotherapy demonstrate evidence from series of indicators inclusive of economic competence, tenacity, job satisfaction and empathy (Imms et al. 2017, p. 345)

Investigation pertaining to clinical professionals on placement highlights the influence of levels of supervision coupled with emotional intelligence on practice education outcomes. Tal-Saban and Weintraub (2019, p. 226), communicated the fact, nursing and medicine related research suggests that scope to discuss the possible clinical events, coupled with personality types can impact the professional performance of the student.

Competence of the medical professionals is dependent on the skill and knowledge provided to them. Training in the medical profession is an amalgamation of both practical and theoretical learning that facilitates the students to gain skills and knowledge for providing care. Clinical education is composed of two complementary parts; practical and theoretical training. A large part related to clinical education is carried out under clinical settings. Thus, clinical education is termed to be an integral but essential part within the education program. Since clinical work is a profession evaluated on basis of performance, clinical learning environment is seen to play an evident role in suitable acquisition of professional abilities for training the clinical professionals to enter the profession and provide expected outcomes. For instance, Lalor et al. (2019, p. 375), proposed the fact that clinical area of nursing education holds greater importance of placement based education for nursing students in rejection or selection of nursing as a profession of choice. Unlike the existing traditional classroom based education, clinical training in nursing in complex clinical learning environment is influenced by a series of factors. The mentioned environment provides scope for the clinical students to learn on the basis of experiment and convert the theoretical knowledge on series of psychomotor skills which are of prime importance for providing care to the patients in complex clinical environment. Exposure of the students and preparation of the same to enter clinical settings are one of the important factors that influences the quality of provided clinical education (Brown, Williams and Etherington, 2016, p. 412)

Furthermore, an optimal clinical learning environment creates a positive impact on the students, while poor learning environment can lead to adverse impact on their professional development process. The unpredictable nature of practice placement education can work on giving rise to certain problems in the domain of nursing care. A similar study was conducted by Gospodarevskaya et al. (2019, p. 370), stating that nursing related clinical education reveals performance and behaviour change within the chosen clinical environment, creating negative impact of their learning. Identifying the challenges within the current learning environment can help the stakeholders solve the problems and provide the students with needed skills for professional survival. As a result, the development and growth of the skills are likely to be influenced. A cohort study by Mattila (2019, p. 18), shows that non-effective exposure to clinical learning ambience has increased the rates of dropouts. Some students have left their profession due to the series of challenges within the professional settings which they could not face

Studies pertaining to the clinical environment have also been carried out. Relevant studies have focused on stress factors or clinical evaluation. One such study has shown that the students are vulnerable in the environment that results in reduction of their satisfaction with clinical training. Moreover, lack of skills and knowledge within the clinical environment can lead to anxiety among the students. Hills et al. (2016, p. 378), found that clinical students were subjected to inferiority complex after entering a professional setup. Students ought to be given the abilities to work independently, in this way promising freedom and progressively self-coordinated learning. Support in a job rising arrangement can be a positive learning experience for understudies who express an enthusiasm for working with populaces in the network. Better readiness of students, arrangement settings and administrators is basic, particularly in job developing position. Teachers and college associated chiefs need to guarantee that understudies have reasonable desires from bosses and settings (Gospodarevskaya et al. 2019, p. 370). At long last, reassuring better correspondence between college associated experts and arrangement managers is indispensable. Settings that join word related treatment understudies must comprehend that job rising practice arrangements require staff with the capacity to commit extra time and assets to regulating understudies.

Occupational therapy student learning

Placements offer students scope to consolidate and blend the learning with practical implication developing professional reasoning (Clarke, De-Visser and Sadlo, 2019, p. 31). Student learning during the course of placement composed of personal skill development coupled with professional skill development. There exists a series of evidence, suggesting influence of placement on self efficacy of the students. An international systematic mapping review focused on placement teaching practices can ensure better rates of efficacy. However, limited research focuses on the influence of the placement learning environment, reflecting on the complexities involved. Thus, experiencing a placement does not equate to the students’ achievement. As influenced by Ryan et al. (2018, p. 12), knowledge is not limited to the mind of the student, waiting for the brains of the students but is formed due to series of interaction with people, context or situations. In case relating to the aspect of occupational therapists and practice based placements, might include a series of interactions with professionals (Patterson et al. 2017, p. 399). Thus, within a role established placement, it is expected that the students will learn from observation. The expected outcomes of this kind of supervision are that students can gain gradual independence within their practice (Yu et al. 2018, p. 116). While learning established practices provides a starting point of students and they need to require scope to transfer and adapt to the knowledge from first encounter to novel situations. These scopes can be transformational to the understanding of the students of their profession as students are often seen to engage in critical thinking for enhancing the reflexive practice (Rodger et al. 2016, p. 35). Thus, role emerging placements can provide a rich environment to expand perception of the students of the scope of occupational from historical boundaries related to occupational therapies. Limited literature provides a clear understanding on the ways learning happens. A study conducted by Fitzgerald et al. (2017, p.7), investigate the learning experience of the students on role emerging placement reported by (Nowrouzi-Kia, et al. 2019, p. 247).

Theoretical framework

The announcement of understudies from past writing can be upheld up by social learning hypothesis. As expressed by Lalor et al. (2019, p. 367), the talk bolstered through a progression of perception chips away at proposing that members can disguise the reasonable conduct. This goes about as proof by visit reference to the comprehensive proactive terms that recommends the extent of expanding information, abilities and approaches to learn. Notwithstanding that, understudies in comparable settings conveyed that they felt, the extension has permitted them to develop their delicate and specialized abilities. In spite of the fact that the acquired input upheld the worldview, Tal-Saban and Weintraub (2019, p. 220) proposes that if the student wishes to stay on continuum with conduct incorporated into training, understudies would require enough introduction to such exceptionally exploratory expert styles. Hypothesis based mediation proposes that Occupational Therapy and Practice Placement Education could bolster the part of mentorship among the human services experts (Thew and Harkness, 2018. P. 354). The long haul responsibility identified with mentorship is identified with the way toward learning, upheld by advancement permitting the mentee to talk about any potential issues or needs identified with improvement. Subsequently, the mentee will get familiar with the required abilities and increase the necessary information through a progression of intelligent learning. The mentee might be searching for approaches to build up their comprehension about the NHS workforce

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Literature gap

As per the review of current and existing literature, few studies are done on the challenges faced by the students; these challenges are yet to be known. Identifying the experiences could help in identifying the possible dimensions for improving training and enhancing the way of planning. The extent of impact is yet to be evaluated through series of studies

Reference list

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Gustafsson, L., Brown, T., McKinstry, C. and Caine, A.M., 2017. Practice education: A snapshot from A ustralian university programmes. Australian occupational therapy journal, 64(2), pp.159-169.

Gospodarevskaya, E., Carter, R., Imms, C., Chu, E.M.Y., Nicola‐Richmond, K., Gribble, N., Froude, E., Guinea, S., Sheppard, L., Iezzi, A. and Chen, G., 2019. Economic evaluation of simulated and traditional clinical placements in occupational therapy education. Australian occupational therapy journal, 66(3), pp.369-379.

Mattila, A., 2019. Perceptions and Outcomes of Occupational Therapy Students Participating in Community Engaged Learning: A Mixed-Methods Approach. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 7(4), pp.1-17.

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