Breast Cancer Awareness in the UK


1.1 Background information

This study reveals the public health agenda that is undertaken inside British society against a specific critical illness. Research is entitled "Generation of awareness in prevention of deaths caused by breast cancer in British Society". Identification of health and wellbeing needs and examining the related policies and strategies has been identified in this context. Health promotion is important as this issue is evolving as a Secondary health concern of the public. The country needs to find out sustainable ways of stopping the spread of this disease (Boundouki et al. 2021). This even needs to be evaluated through the development of the right treatment itinerary for patients so that deaths can be prevented. Every year around 11500 women die from breast cancer in the UK. It is nearly 1000 deaths occurring each month. 31 deaths each day or typically a person is dying every 45 minutes out of breast cancer. It is identified as the most common forms of cancer death in British society and it is ranked fourth in terms of severity. 55200 cases are occurring in the UK every year and 8% of them are caused by overweight and obesity. 1 out of 7 females are diagnosed with breast cancer in British society in their lifetime. However, it has been researched that 23% of breast cancers are preventable with appropriate care and awareness spreading through public health promotion.

1.2 Aims and objectives

This study aims to identify health and wellbeing needs along with the policies undertaken by British people for promoting health in the context of the evolving health agenda in British society. It is also aimed to demonstrate the understanding of health promotion within a public domain. People that are above the age of 60 are developing symptoms of breast cancer in British society. “Most invasive breast cancers occur in the upper-outer quadrant of the breast”. Females that are linked with lower deprivation in England are prone to cancer and it is found out to have 3000 cases each year. “An estimated 491,300 women who had previously been diagnosed with breast cancer were alive in the UK at the end of 2010”. The objectives of this research are as follows:

To identify Secondary health and wellbeing needs of people and examining specific policies and strategies

To demonstrate the understanding of health promotion techniques in terms of critical illness

To understand how public health is evolved and health needs assessment is progressed around critical illness like breast cancer

To evaluate the patient or service user perceptions along with barriers of accessing services

To examine health diagnosis availability for elderly and performing complete aetiology of disease

1.3 Research questions

Secondary research question is:

What is the barrier to Secondary health and wellbeing need of British People and what strategies have been taken for health promotion around critical disease like breast cancer?

There is significant secondary research questions generated that allows performing the research based on the following questions:

What will be the health promotion techniques in terms of critical illness in British Society?

What are the barriers that prevent patients from accessing support services?

What is the significant patient perception regarding breast cancer?

What are the best possible treatments available in current British society?

All research questions are designed in a way that it gives values to the public health concepts and evaluates health behaviour intervention.

1.4 Hypothesis

Hypothesis can be developed here as:

H1: The generation of awareness and focusing of public health care promotion can prevent breast cancer in British society and reduce healthcare access barriers.

1.5 Rationale

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The issue is breast cancer, which is spreading like fire inside British society, and death rates have increased. Now, there are several healthcare barriers identified which discourages health promotions and facilities to be accessed by the patients. It is already observed that British people have developed the tendency of dying after suffering from various sorts of cancer. This is an issue because deaths need to stop that are occurring from this disease. Health care communities are not always informed regarding inequities of treatments in this sector. Moreover, awareness campaigns have been stopped due to covid issues and hence it is creating a large number of cases each day. This is an issue now as there is a lack of physical activity observed within people of a particular domain. Hence, it is contributing towards health difficulties in people. Services that are available regarding treatment are also not up to the mark. Mostly, there is lack of awareness that is causing healthcare deterioration. The study sheds light on how a complete cancer diagnosis is created and how the health related policies are going to help build a future that is free from health hazards.

1.6 Theoretical framework

Use of the health belief model is identified as a part of the theoretical framework for studying and examining differences between self-examination practitioners and non-practitioners. Self-examination groups were identified as a part of convenience samples that administered a sample of 124 women. This particular health belief model is based on disease prevention and experimenting early detection of asymptomatic disease. The health belief model is based on the assumption of individual components. Susceptibility to a disease and perceived seriousness of contracting disease is identified for the health related saturation. This model was formulated in the early 1950’s by Hochbaum, Kegels in the U.S to explain why people did not use “"disease prevention or screening tests for the early detection of asymptomatic disease”. Variety of health related discrimination and barriers to access health actions are important to be diagnosed. Perceived susceptibility is identified in individuals that are widely admitting personal vulnerability conditions. Susceptibility refers to the individual’s subjective risks of contracting a particular disease or illness. Perceived seriousness has been observed for the degree of evaluation and management of life problems for identifying the presence of disease. Perceived benefits are important in focusing on health related alternatives and generating care in turn. Perceived barriers are identified in terms of managing the cost and unpleasantness towards health action management. Health motivation identified as another part of general state or personal health interest development. Resource model of preventive health behavior is associated with social and health related concerns. Social resources indulge in family income management and operational sustainability of health concerns. Adequate income barriers are becoming the largest issues of healthcare and social concerns management. Hence, the health belief model is completely applicable in this process of developing health concerns among people of the UK. Cognitive theory along with theoretical models is associated with the procedural management of cancers. The health promotion model provides a multidimensional nature of a person as a part of interaction within the environment of pursuing health (Boundouki et al. 2021). Pender’s model is associated with a focus on individual characteristics management on spreading awareness and going for the right treatment process. Behavior specific cognitions along with finding out a health promotional model are associated with transpersonal modules and biomedical concepts. Cancer in British society is identified as a common cause of deaths. However, researchers claim that creating a complete model of health promotion aligns with national health insurance encouragement. In this case, “Beveridge model, the Bismarck model, national health insurance, and the out-of-pocket model” is informed on the best possible health care process.

1.7 Summary of work

This research is going to follow several stages. At first, this research gives a brief introduction of the topic. Secondly, there is literature review conducted that highlights treatments, causes and awareness campaigns. Barriers to cancer care are associated with ethnic differences, prejudices and conservative mindsets that most of the patients have. Women, which are ethically minor, face difficulties the most. This research gradually progresses with a methodology of continuation. After that, the results of this study will be discussed. The discussion chapter will focus on findings of the research. There will be implications identified in overall research finding and recommendations given.



2.1 Etiology of breast cancer

This has become one of the major forms of death and commonly identified disease in British women population. The matter is to prevent this disease from spreading and the promotion process helps in total management of sustainable care options. Breast cancer is a disease that is consistently associated with age, family and hormonal factors. Reproductive factors and common pregnancy related issues are contributing towards this. It is identified as quite a strong form of disease as “breast cancer 1 (BRCA1) and BRCA2 genes, most of the women who develop the disease do not present a clearly identifiable risk profile [1, 2]”. Breast cancer is associated with risk factors of fatal death and causing mental dilemma. There are genetic mutations observed along with having dense breasts that have led towards breast cancer. Getting older also comes up with risk factors and policies. Breast cancer is associated with being overweight. Smoking, alcohol consumption and exposure to estrogen hormones are secondary causes of this disease (Boundouki et al. 2021). Uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives along with stress and anxiety are common factors of breast cancer risks. Women after menopause are prone to the risk of breast cancers. Women who have gone through biopsies that have shown an overgrowth of cells that appears to be abnormal can increase the risk factors of breast cancer. Women who have a condition called “Lobular carcinoma in situ” are much more in the risks of developing breast cancers. A banned form of drug DES can cause breast cancers and this can be a hereditary issue.

Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Breast Cancer Prevalence in the UK.

2.2 Barriers to the access of right support policies

Most of the women have this tendency to suppress their disease. Availability and affordability of treatment has been a common barrier to the health support. Early diagnosis and symptoms for breast cancers have been commonly observed within African, Black Caribbean and White British people in the UK. Healthcare constraints are observed within survival factors of people and identifying specific financial burdens of healthcare. Fear of assaults is preventing most women from gaining information on cancer awareness. Summary of barriers:

Noticing changes: Perceiving breast cancer information irrelevant and having lower awareness of risk factors knowledge and personal risks. There are low symptom awareness seen along with breast awareness is not identified as part of cultural norms.

Working out on change: Difficulty in appraising symptoms are associated with non disclosure of symptoms and not discussing the issues (Coles et al. 2017

Self managing of symptoms: Rather than seeking help some of the women go on self diagnosis and treatment by reading it on Google

Health care system roots: Identifying difficulties in booking GP appointments along with observing difficulty in organizing and managing hospital appointments

Limited infrastructure in critical illness care along with implementation limitation of major healthcare goals are part of these barriers.

2.3 Health needs assessments and location of support

Health needs assessments are important for the management and prevention of health related issues. In the UK there are several institutions found out for the development of cancer care. This one is identified to be taken part of Chester House in Oval London and type of healthcare is support charity. It was founded in the year of 1973 for management of proper care. Cancer research center in UK has been identified as one of the largest support in the UK. Cancer support organizations are running all across the country and they are operating through their contact numbers. Research has been optimized in terms of prevention and treatment of healthcare practitioners.

2.4 Patient perception and patient support

Patient perception and support of patients is important. In the case of a particular componential analysis, mental support needs to be given at first. Practical recommendations are important for aiding breast cancer and choosing a theoretical model for data source management and data synthesis. The elderly people need more care and time to be analyzed with their disease. The elderly need at home care and diagnosis at an affordable cost.

2.5 Policies and strategies undertaken by the British health society

Across EU-28 countries, several different prevalence and mortality and survival cases of breast cancer have been seen. A low risk breast-screening pathway has been developed for the management of breast cancer risks. Higher risk factors have been found in terms of women finding out their comfortable way of preventing (Coles et al. 2017). Determination of risk threshold and interval lengths has been essential in this process of identifying breast cancer issues. NHS in England has put forward a commitment of breast cancer management and 60% of healthcare funding is spent on cure while 5% of the rehabilitation campaign is spent on prevention. Breast cancer in the UK has put on a ban on BPA, the replacements are required to be safer, and linking of risk factors to breast cancers has been analyzed. Public policies are identified as part of managing health care difficulties and repository management. Doubling time is the amount of time that it takes for a tumor to become double in size. Tumor sizes come into play to engage in cancer death management in an average time of 50 to 200 days. Breast cancer screening method has been proven to be creating major healthcare components.

2.6 Health promotional campaigns against breast cancer

Healthy eating habits and following a proper diet is proven to be preventing health cancers. Rising deaths are showing shocking figures and health promotion efforts are coming from social responsibility management. Advertisement on social media along with print media platforms can help build awareness among people. Breast cancers along with improved consumer lifestyle choices are associated with various brand categories. Different available brands are participating in health awareness campaigns generated for British people. Non-profit organizations are also performing the promotion and education actions for the development of awareness among most people. Elimination of poverty and wide audience management has been useful in the management of health components. Campaigns can also be created offline through distributing pamphlets on emergency care and prevention of the process. “Breast cancer as a threat for women over 70 has also been observed”. In the UK, a campaign started with “ITouchmyselfproject” in the year of 2018, which was associated with checking the early signs of cancer by self-diagnosis. Another campaign found out that comes up with a change and check concept where changing rooms in the UK were labeled with posters of nine signs of breast cancers. Moreover, “Check it before it’s removed (2016)” campaign was also started for the charitable effort of managing breast cancers.

2.7 Diagnosis process of breast cancer

Removing a sample of breast cells for testing purposes is done. This process is identified as biopsy and it is the only way of determining breast cancer in a definite way. A mammogram, ultrasound is associated with breasts (McKinney et al. 2020). There are also available treatments seen within chemotherapy and any change noticed in the size, color and swelling should be reported. In order to stop the spread and development doctors are also required to perform surgeries that will help many women to completely be cured. Removal of the affected area is identified as the ultimate solution. Appropriate medication and healthy lifestyle choices are also part of this disease management.

2.8 Literature Gap

Literature survey Literature survey Literature survey

This survey has been helpful in terms of identifying the specific objectives and intimidating the conceptual breakdown of process involved in management of life threatening disease such as cancer. 126 deaths have been identified in the high-risk cancer management. Breast cancers are largely under the threat of humanity and it indicates towards the essential component management. An improvised version of literature has been observed as the patients are facilitating the decision making process. Partial-breast radiotherapy after breast conservation surgery” is also found out as new aspects of breast cancer management. However, the mortality rates are still surprising. Access to health care policies and overcoming prejudices has become an issue in participant’s fatal disease management.

2.9 Summary

It is observed that the research has highlighted the different aspects of life that are engaged with the module development and identifying the mortality rates of breast cancer. Management of life threats and communication of medical procedures has become essential in today’s world. Lack of awareness and campaigns on health models have overpowered partial breast radiotherapy process and helps in identifying the significant death tolls (Kampman, Nilbert, and Steindorf, 2019). Postmenopausal women are seen to have a maximum threat of falling prey to the disease. Epidermal growth factors have been observed along with the elemental analysis of tumors. Sometimes, patients also have this tendency of developing fibroids at the same time. The research brings a light on other life threatening diseases that can occur with cancer. This chapter brings about the reasons behind how cancer is developed along with the specific policies and strategies that help in gaining better cancer treatments. Cancer patients need proper mental health care and support (Tergas, and Wright, 2019). The support brings about quality of life and relates to multiple issues in the context of health generation. Technology companionship is essential in management of any life threats as it helps in timely management of the disease. Remote management along with screening of components has become essential in cancer care. There is clinical trial engagement observed for frequent winning the fight against cancer. Some of the new edge treatment plans are coming up with a total coverage of disease control. It has been identified that many doctors suggest self-examination and following the process can become helpful for women. Theoretical model of data management and analysis of threats can also become important in the perspective of threat diminishing and disease control. A total improvement of process is associated with the campaigns that have undertaken free service providing to patients. Average death numbers are organized for the development of health components. There are systematic changes observed in persons that are securely investing their time inside these cancer management programs (Rudd, 2019). British society PHE has contributed a large amount of time and employees for the management of cancer. There is a focus given on government funding. Offline and online management of cancer protect campaigns has been discussed. The etiology clearly suggests this disease is either genetic or develops through changes in genes. Health promotional model has been largely followed by the people associated with national health coverage. There are conservative mindsets observed along with ethnic differences and diversities. It is one of the most important parts of analysis, which takes reviews from different zones of cancer care and development. Contingency development has taken across health- motivation theory generation. Resource model of preventing healthcare and social engagement offering has been done. The largest issues of quality care shortage of nursing staff are seen. Health innovation highly affects the sustainability and superlative growth alignment in this case. Significant patient perception and identifying the situation management model is essential while breast cancer is managed.


3.1 Research Philosophy

It is identified to be of three types mostly interpretivism, positivism and pragmatism. Philosophy selection is dependent on the types of data gathered and collected or research support. A comparison statement can be created that interpretivism is opposite to positivism where a usual dependency on numeric data is not seen. Positivism usually provided an emphasis on numerical standards of collecting statistical data. Activities are performed to engage in research participation of statically managing research components. Response conversion is identified as a necessary approach for positivism development. Participants' opinion does matter in this case of transforming data into perceptions of philosophical understanding. Here, positivism is applied as the research is focused on the concepts of collecting research support.

3.2 Research Design

This research is designed in exploratory ways. A research design can be defined in terms of explanatory, exploratory and descriptive ways. In this case, a hypothesis has been developed that is followed throughout the research to develop estimates of research. Research design requires appreciation in terms of choice as comprehensive answers are gained from participants and those are recorded (Miller, 2020). In exploratory research, no new theory is introduced. On a contradiction to exploratory research, exploratory research is working with existing theories and values. It is also associated with a culture of developing systematic components and identifying gaps of existing literature. Process development and hypothetical analysis is presented in this case mostly. Here explanatory form of research has been undertaken.

3.3 Research Approach

Research is identified to be deductive in this case. Approaches are identified to be two types mostly signifying inductive and deductive. Abductive approaches are used in some research. However, in this case, qualitative and quantitative analysis is done and both secondary and Secondary qualitative data is analyzed. Inductive approach is not taken, as it requires analyzing the quantitative materials. In this case, deductive approach shows how the hypothesis developed is associated within a systematic development of research ground. The research hypothesis continues with a major articulation of statements and testing of requirements is done. Collection of data is improvised and roles and responsibilities are overpowered through creating stabilized comments in healthcare.

3.4 Sample Size

The sample undertaken is associated with a systematic analysis of operations that are increasing efficiency of how breasts cancers can be stopped. Ratio of women and men in this quantitative data collection process was 35:6. For qualitative research, it was identified to be engaging in books, journals, and articles of number of 30 (Miller, 2020). There are female participants mostly. Some male participants were included to identify their level of undertaking regarding this problem. 41 samples have been undertaken for this research with a set of 10 questionnaires to be answered. Questions were close ended and all-important information was stored weird in hard disks. These were further analyzed and presented in the form of excel file. All responses were recorded online and through Google form. Secondary quantitative analysis will be done on 5 respondents and with 5 important open ended questionnaire. The answers given were in the form of yes, no. Those questions are related to cancer awareness and barriers to access healthcare. Age group of this sample is identified to be 18 to 35 years. The barriers to access healthcare might destroy all efforts of awareness generation and public health promotion in prevention of breast cancer in British society.

3.5 Research Instrument

Research instrument is identified as part of surveys; this is the most prominent method of Secondary quantitative data collection. Reliable and authentic academic sources were taken into consideration. It was supposed to be managed by the activity of indulging in instrumental analysis of using software like excel and audio devices. Internet sources are indulged within for a better optimization of records (McKinney et al. 2017). Google Scholar and Pro-quest search as has been effective in efficient searching of learning materials for collection of data. Several authentic university reports and NHS records are accessed to obtain data. Trade activities are associated with search services and qualitative involvement options. For Secondary data both interview and survey is important.

3.6 Logical exposition of research process

Ethical consideration is identified as one of the potential elements of a research. In this research an optimized process highlight is presented where each activity is planned and the research process is filled with quality. The research question is identified to be satisfying the core concepts of hypothesis developed. Satisfactory answers are identified within quicker and no influence on their answers. Researcher’s interpretation and goals of quality factors analysis is also identified as an important part.

3.7 Sampling Strategy

The sampling strategy is associated with selection of population and participation in a particular study. Sampling can be of two types that are random sampling and probability sampling. In random sampling, there are different people associated with one question string and answering them. Random people that belong to different occupations are concerned here for gathering responses (Evans et al. 2017). Simple random sampling helps in distinct people management and their response recording. Type of sampling along with quota sampling processes is also identified within research components. However, this is not applicable in this case. Probability sampling is the one that includes every target population. However, in this research, including each member is not possible and then the research will be out of scope. Hence, a random sample process with 41 people is appropriate at this moment.

3.8 Data collection and analysis

Data collection process is identified to be managed in both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative study is associated with collecting secondary data from researched items previously. In this case, both Secondary qualitative and quantitative research will be conducted. For qualitative study interview is the tool and for the later survey is identified. The source verification is the Secondary objective of the data collection method. The analytical process is associated with integral forms of data management and componential development of research interpretation. Researcher’s interpretation is likely to be analyzed along with identification of valid and reliable information.

3.9 Ethical Aspects and reliability

This research follows all sorts of ethical identification of issues. There is probability selection done on each of the statistical references. Rational subgroup identification and finding the factors that are affecting British Society of cancer is also essential. This research is plagiarism free and credible sources are used for research validation (Anderson et al. 2017). There is proper credit given to authors when their work is referenced. Moreover, there are methodological interventions updated within a reliable set of research and uploading the process contaminated within sampling is important. No research sample has been influenced and each attribute is chosen wisely and distinctly.

3.10 Validity and trustworthiness of research

This research is validated as there are multiple verified sources used while gathering data and presenting them in front of the audience. These sources are academically reliable and they are having maximum impact on the process of understanding research validity. This research has not influenced any participant while they were being surveyed. As explained by Hauser, and Schwarz (2020), all-important questionnaires were designed in a way that it gives maximum results and understanding of effective measures. The results have been impressive as it shows several theoretical and conceptual breakdown of generation awareness against breast cancer. The concept is to identify what British people are aware of the critical disease and how this can be treated along with information of updated health policies and public awareness practices.

3.11 Research question in relation to hypothesis

The research question is appropriate and it justifies the research hypothesis developed. As per the research question, it is developed that some barriers of economic and social aspects leaves an impact on British fellow along with a lack of Secondary health and wellbeing needs. Based on this question a hypothesis is developed that focuses on public healthcare concepts and generates health and promotional campaigns. It is important to generate awareness at all levels. There are systematic interventions gained as purposeful work breakdown structure is aligned with the concepts of research process management. According to Secreto, Girombelli, and Krogh, (2019), compositional breakdown of processes related to the awareness generation requires validation. Several reasons are analyzed including habits that associate meat consumption and spreading is disease while lowering the immunity power.

3.12 Summary

This chapter has summarized the entire research methodology. All interventions made are clear and they are concentrated on a superior outcome of the process undertaken. There is research validity and appropriateness developed under the control of a limited research budget. This research is having limitations, as paid materials were impossible to access. Ethical standards and the research process have been explained. It also analyzes what samples were used and their sampling types. Data collection methods and understanding of research segments are done.


4.1 Survey Results

Secondary data for breast cancer Secondary data for breast cancer Secondary data for breast cancer Secondary data for breast cancer Secondary data for breast cancer

4.2 Discussion of survey results

It is quite clear from the chart that breast cancer is rapidly developing and a moderate range of actions is required to be taken to stop this menace. Gain and loss of people can be calculated from the person’s perspectives and how the entire research can be calculated in an appropriate manner. For maximum cancer patients the cellularity has been identified as higher. Least numbers of patients are tested with moderate cellularity and chemotherapy is done in maximum cases to overcome the threat of being diagnosed with cancer. Lobular, ductal and mixed initiatives have been observed as per the secondary and secondary analysis. The cohort values are identified to be 1 in most of the cases. For a patient id 35, breast cancer cellularity has been identified as higher one with zero chemotherapies initiated and these data is quite shocking to relate with.

4.3 Interpretation of secondary data as literature review

Barrier to seek medical help in England Interpretation of secondary literature review Interpretation of secondary literature review Interpretation of secondary literature review Interpretation of secondary literature review Interpretation of secondary literature review Interpretation of secondary literature review Interpretation of secondary literature review Interpretation of secondary literature review

Comparison with existing literature:

This literature gives an additional benefit of defining how the quality of treatment is being changed in geographical location. There exists the efficacy of learning essentials along with a management of acceptance of people that are associated with this war against breast cancer in British society. Social distances are observed in case of discussing the issues with doctors and South Asian and black women residing in the UK are mostly becoming a patient of this threat. Overcoming the emotional barriers on generation cancer awareness and talking openly in this matter have been observed. Getting self diagnosis on areas like breast is considered as the violation of femininity. Women objectifying have been done using female breasts. The symbolism is linked with maternal and sexual function. This conceptual breakdown is not accepted by many women. In 20% cases women waste time before coming to the point of self breast examination. Seeking medical help and identifying sources of being affected by this disease is a matter of embarrassment. Negative impact can be identified as deaths occurring due to not having an early detection. Furthermore the literature also described, “the coefficients for the barriers score for overall cancer survival index were close to zero, with the coefficients for breast cancer survival generally negative (P 0.05), and for lung and bowel cancer generally positive, which was not done previously”

4.4 Theoretical and conceptual issue finding out

Public health and social care is incorporated in terms of practicing the real and well defined manual of health. There is balanced medication found out, which encourages a proper identification of records and gains maximum evaluated tasks. Public health care and social acknowledgement of components are balanced as a part of developing social care. Results have indicated that economic and social barriers are creating a diverse architectural benefit optimization. There are simplified actions observed that creates a potential discovery of networks and statements are aligned with issue optimization (Sahar et al. 2019). A balanced informational component analysis has become essential in terms of gaining public health efficiencies. Theoretical concepts of cancer can be aligned in terms giving the people appropriate medical care and support. This care is then transferred through a number of potential gatherings that indicates componential breakdown of issues that tends to release a threat of ethical well being. Now, this particular set identified to be indulging in taking care of the diagnosis.

Lack of self-care: In this digitized world, patients are not taking good care for themselves. This lack of self-care is certainly leaving an impact on overall health. The health care objectives are clarified in terms of maximizing the efforts and launching ideal transposition of health. Adequate sources of income and lack of moral support is becoming a crucial reason behind this issue becoming a menace. There are quality cares and optimization observed that helps in removal of self-esteem and promotion of health. Any psychological disorders need to be addressed at first place to ensure a balanced life for the patients. Patients are often seen to be having “lower self-esteem and therefore a minimal role in doing self-care practices due to hopelessness, depression”. Lack of individual and social support and caregiver stress can lead to psychological disorders. As discovered by Jönsson and Sullivan (2019), the caregivers have to become friends and they should not have any tendency to misbehave. There are significant sleep disturbances and changes in caregivers’ physical health, immune function, and financial well-being observed which requires mitigation on an immediate basis. With a help and regular communication with friends and family in 90% cases the stress factors are removed. Participation in self-care sessions and empowering each other towards the life that is stress proof should be indulged at first. Multi-iterative analysis confirms that unmet needs of social support have become crucial in maintaining social responsibilities.

Clinical and economical support: In most of the cases, the clinical support’s behavior dominates patients. There is always a patient handling strategy observed that requires comprehensive alignment of adversity healthcare. Supporting through several physical changes and helping them to grasp their life has also become important. Economical support is also an exclusive item that requires execution of basic functionalities and finding out legitimate economical components. According to McNeil et al. (2021), clinical support is creating a massive impact of spiritual, social and physical well being. There is a model that improvisation occurred that leaves domain knowledge of measuring quality of life. Nurses along with doctors and medical practitioners need the support of government that equally distributes the money for treating patients. In terms of medical cases, only a few percentages are spend on the health and well-being of British people.

Decision-making process and cancer treatment: Each of the patients has the right to live their life to fullest. Now, it is important to take right decision whether the patient will be cured using chemo or it will require a surgery to become healthy. In case of breast cancer, removal of breast can become a big cause of social discrimination and lessening the confidence level in women. Most of the women cannot accept the fact of living without one significant part of their body. As explained by Miranda-Filho, and Bray, (2020), creating a mental acceptance and utilization of core components has become important over time. Hence, the radical knowledge and understanding is essentials in public health and social care. There are indulgence of typical programs seen that helps in overall management of this disease. There is also identified as dangerous of not getting adequate treatment on time. People are in threat as they proceed through systematic alignment and raw data is engaged within a comprehensive disclosure of the concepts of treating cancer patients on time.


5.1 Thematic Analysis

5.1.1 Health awareness campaigns are expected to stop critical illness

Health awareness campaigns are essential in terms of stopping the critical illness factors. One of the most important aspects to manage critical illness is to generate online and offline campaigns among the British people. Such a disease can be only controlled through generating awareness. Public health care is identified as major goals of this current world. Now, without a proper identification of consent, it is not possible to gain absolute treatment for stopping such a disease. Public health efficiencies are associated with appropriate medical health structure design (Kharbanda et al. 2019). This helps in self care management and providing clinical and economical support to the people in need. This treatment of cancer requires immediate attention and the process can be explained in terms of providing free treatment to the needful. Doctors are looking forward towards better treatments that are going to preserve the elimination of body parts while treating the affected area with partial radiology. This is one of the important aspects that involves patient treatment with great care. Women are identified as the sufferers and technically advanced processes are generated for the reduction of errors in medical fields. Ethical and economical minorities that become a barrier to the treatment of cancer have been managed within the management of targeted health factors. Many of the people agree government-undertaken initiatives as that involves management of health factors in quite a decent manner. Mass media is identified as one of the major elements of this society and it involves awareness campaigns to be carried out while specific risk factors are analyzed and shown to the public as hazardous. Center of disease control and prevention has been identified as a part of finding death caused by cancer to many people. As defined by the world health organization, health promotion is essential in increasing the control over a person's own health. Engaging in some of the healthy behaviors along with empowering individuals have been a proven way of managing health hazards and risks (Tergas, and Wright, 2019). Not only for breast cancer it is observed that many of the diseases like HIV transmissions are also occurring in many people as cancer patients are prone towards catching up with new diseases. This destroys their immune system and hence makes it even more difficult for the doctors to treat them in a proper way.

5.1.2 Death rates are controlled with an early detection of cancer

Death rates are largely increased in different sectors of the country. The death toll needs to be controlled with an effective use of medicines. Harnessing typical awareness campaigns and combating critical health issues have shown improved results regarding the management of deaths. According to WHO, 30 to 50 percent of cancer risks can be managed with an early detection? Evidence based prevention strategies are the ones that help in overall management of the risks aligned with cancer. Breast cancers are becoming a burden to society, as most of the women do not even focus on the early signs (Sahar et al. 2019). Bleeding, swelling, unnecessary pain, change in breast size and shape are some of the early signs that a woman can see herself and identify whether she needs an immediate treatment or not. People also have a tendency to develop cancer in multiple parts of their body. There is a maximum chance of developing cervical cancer if the patient was once diagnosed with breast cancer. “68% of the doctors surveyed said they were even more likely to recommend the test if evidence showed that it detected more cancers at an early stage”. Early detection points out to the earlier diagnosis of symptoms in patients and possibly works on any symptoms that are appearing. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention has helped the people of the United Kingdom to get combined with TVU. International agencies of cancer research have highly optimized the record of activities and improvised on early life incidences. In this pandemic situation, fewer patients are exposed to cancer treatments and hence it becomes an important aspect to ensure that the patient gets appropriate support and control. Survival and mortality is highly associated within these factors of effective cancer management and detection early. Doctors can also think of alternatives other than surgery if an early detection occurs. As a first step, the stakeholders need to be identified and all improvement programs are needed to be improvised. It is observed that cancer screening programs are way more complex than any normal disease management program. It requires major support from the government that will help in gathering actual statistics and work accordingly (Beyer et al. 2019). A massive investment from the government sector to improve the superlative progression of cancer screening has become important. The patients are requiring palliative care and they need complete support on their progress towards a new life. Moreover, preventing the development of any other source of cancer in any other body part becomes an important aspect. Developing strong immunogenic responses so that the patient body is capable of fighting with viruses and developing self-defense is part of early diagnosis. Although, there are not many alternatives derived in the treatment of cancer other than chemo, doctors are still trying their best to find out process of combating cancer. Cancer treatment is superlative in improved engagement of threats to human bodies. More than anything else, a mental support and development of public health policies have become important for the British society to generate maximum support for cancer. “Public Health England (PHE) is a major contributor to the system-wide approach to cancer in England outlined in the Independent Cancer Taskforce”. Cancer screening and health records collection has been largely done by the public. Reducing variation and inequalities across society for development of individual cancer management task forces has been impressive. PHE’s own roles can be addressed as a crucial part of government initiative to get screening done. Health protection and health improvement and health operation management is important today. This organization spends over 22 million dollars yearly on cancer treatment and it has employed a team of 400 people to manage cancer related issues. Unique position of cancer has been identified for basic patient need identification and managing local networks for supporting health economics. There is NCRAS data contained inside a public health component (Schmitz et al. 2019). . This data is found to be practically helping the local volunteers in management of cancer patients. Complex messages were identified and it was improvised according to the nerds and the monitoring of cancer screening was done. Survival factors are largely associated with health marketing by this organization and reducing environmental health hazards.

5.1.3 Barriers of public health treatment and accessing medical benefits

Public health barriers can be of different categories. It might include a range of people with a range of deficiencies. Like a majority of people in the UK, do not even have the knowledge of PHE existence. Lack of awareness is identified as an important part of promoting mental health and well being. There is ill health prevention optimized that needs to be focused at first. Subtle health barriers are indulged in the healthcare domain of the United Kingdom such as social and economical prejudices. One major thing that is identified as a core strength of NHS health care is associated with enabling people regardless of immigration status to be treated under Secondary components of the NHS (Aschwanden et al. 2019). It is important to achieve sustainability, as there are limited resources. Secondary health care is quite unstructured. As per the interview questionnaire, the conclusions have been drawn that a majority of system performances have been optimized lately. NHS’s own administrative barriers are taking part of managing the cases of individual system components. British medical students are again taking part in the sustainable study of medicine. This is one of the largest aspects that controls the health and security of a person. Mental well being is regardless of any issues, this is that Secondary, and secondary controls are effectively taking part in management of critical illness management such as cancer. Solutions are suggested that keep students enrolling and a large variety of people are associated within systematic analysis of components. Advanced care practitioners are participating in clinical trials and there are trust issues observed for different types of people to be indulging in qualitative education management (De Cicco et al. 2019). Public health hazards are sometimes overlooked as they find it typical in terms of unavailability of disciplines and lack of skills. Some GPs are not focusing on their patients' issues and this leads towards their damage largely. Extreme cases of maintenance issues have been observed for many of the people. The conjugal analysis is expected to optimize current opportunities of subtle health barriers. A lack of academic development in terms of reforming the government agencies is seen. Removal of existing barriers are issued along with the qualitative process is important in today's context.

5.1.4 Potential diagnosis and availability of treatments

Oversighting of cancer issues is identified as one of the major programs in protecting health. This PHE body in the UK has major numbers of stakeholders such as the NHSE, CRUK, CQC, HEE, NICE and NHS digital. Five-year forward overview has been generated by PHE that has support from the national cancer advisory group along with clinical steering group (Beyer et al. 2021). Cancer data and analytical aspects of are managing the individual project group and cancer alliances. In 2015-2020 this group has jointly approached different medicine companies to work in the same process so that there is no barrier left in the access of medical treatment to cancer patients. Some identified plans include workstream 1 that will lead the national taskforce on cancer prevention and public health. While NHSE and CQC are working together in a joint approach for diagnosis there should be treatment referred to the patients with applicable diagnosis and engaging in their life saving attributes. Driving a national ambition for achieving earlier diagnosis is important. PHE provides a system to ensure a clear linking between Secondary and secondary resource management. Front line services through cancer intelligence are managed and documentation has been focused. PHE is also coming up with early diagnosis and cancer detection variables. There is national ambition to achieve earlier diagnosis is seen. Clinical effectiveness on a patient's access to health data is analyzed along with an effective management of patients living beyond cancer (Coles et al. 2020). Work plan is associated with driving national ambition to achieve earlier diagnosis. Making patient experience, the safety components and clinical effectiveness have been indulged in priority agenda. There is workforce management seen on giving support to the people living with cancer as well as having a good survival rate. High quality services are aimed as well and this one involves quality metrics for surgery along recurrence and relapse in cancer cases. There are audits observed for the quality surgery and electronic prescribing. Cancer drug funds are associated with NHS England as well. Linking people with clinical trials along with gathering data on survival has been essential in management of patient reported outcomes. Data on survival on recovery along with end of life care is also segmented. There are multiple programs designed for generating communication and awareness along with working in collaboration. Consolidating and accelerating cancer intelligence function is associated with supreme analysis of data and management of breast-cancer specifics (Evans et al. 2017). Creation of fundraiser activity along with investments made on commissioning, and accountability, and provision is seen. Colorectal pathway gives cost effectiveness along with a cancer dashboard on real time updates management. Program of care is associated with analytical support of superior quality surveillance and helps in ensuring robust and evidence based public health progress. In the key areas of work there are systematic interventions presented on rolling out hereditary cancer registry as well as mental health needs of people living with cancer. Meeting mental health needs of people living with cancer has also enabled the digital improvisation of product management. Patient access data, which has been essential in terms of gaining, complete sustainability and a caring for the patients. Cancer patient experience survey is having effectiveness with variations of treatment that are available inside the market. Standardized diagnosis is aimed with a quick retrieval of information. There is real time database access provided to many of the patient centric organizations in order to ensure public health. Patients' issues are tried to be resolved along with a clear sustainability achievement. Critical support and free treatment across several zones have been offered. International comparative analysis is presented on the improvement of patient condition and engaging in cancer data properly (Hauser, and Schwarz, 2020). The accessibility of data is improvised as per the essential quality management of treatment. Patient experience is important as it is important in management of safety and clinical effectiveness. Rolling out the heredity cancer registry has become an important aspect of this phe program. There are ambitions observed that clearly demonstrates how patients are dealing with their decision making process and conditioning themselves. Key areas of work and partnerships have been associated as a living of life beyond cancer treatments.

5.1.5 Effectiveness of policies in terms of patient support and usability definition from patient perspectives

Effectiveness of policies in terms of patient support and usability definition from perspectives are important. Patients need to understand that they are going to get enough support in both mental and physical health perspectives. Average people with a continuous understanding of the concept being presented need to engage in sustainable component management of medicine. Medical case studies are needed to be analyzed for maximum support. Many people are still in a mental dilemma of not being able to get an appropriate amount of treatment. There is a typical association of nutrition density that helps in the management of breast cancers. Efficacy of weight loss programs as cancer prevention might not increase vigilance. In situ breast cancers are another common form of threat to be managed (Mancuso, Foulkes, and Pollak, 2020). Now, it is observed that the maximum population does not even have an idea of what is in situ cancer. Everything starts with awareness and generation of policies for a perfect investigation. Cancer has a larger impact on the immune system as well. This brings to a conclusion the creation of immuno interception and prevention of this deadly weapon. Many healthy living options can be taken into consideration. Some are nutrient dense and some are not. Possibilities are opened in terms of realizing what needs to be done for the WHO certified breast cancer management process. There is conservation observed on how all exclamations of underlying cancer treatment are being executed. All associated people are required to help be indulged in them so that clear needs of the common person are identified. Moreover, having a regular diet has become essential as the survey result shows that British people are quite reluctant towards their healthy and balanced diet. There are results identified that show different types of disorders to be found out inside a person's body (Ranjan et al. 2019). Patients' priority is getting well and doctor’s priority is to make them get well soon. Patients need to be conscious regarding their consumption of food to become healthy. Therefore, the systematic consumption of Secondary and secondary health objectives is needed to be fulfilled. Diagnosis and prevention are believed to be two main aspects that help in stopping the spread of cancer. In the first place, consumption of unsaturated fat and soft drinks should be managed. Breast cancer trials are increasing and they need to be managed in a secure way. All medicine data is required to be preserved. Medicines that are given to the Secondary and secondary types of people with cancer effectiveness are judged. There is solicitation of records observed as a complete phytochemical learning and understanding is needed for the management of cancer patients. All people that are associated with cancer fighting will have to bear the threat of being dead. However, the mental health helps a cancer person to fight with its internal fear of dying. The logical understanding of records and discovering the well-being of a certain number of people is associated with conquering the impossible (Sahar et al. 2019). Hence, it is important to discover the facts that state the trends of cancer survival. There is systematic helping considered for cancer patients with a complete optimization of clinical trials. Breast cancer management has largely affected the entire UK population and patient’s morale is the only way out of overcoming this disease. The policy generation and operation is conceptualized within the segmented barriers of learning and understanding overall mortality rates.

5.2 Summary

This chapter identifies the specific issues that are associated with literature search and theoretical understanding. Findings from this research give clear and impressive ideas of how the process is optimized while treating cancer patients. Cancer is identified as a critical case and it is occurring to many persons that need proper care in British society along with alignment of healthcare policies. As discussed by Harvie et al. (2019), health policies are essential in terms of taking right decisions for patients in critical care units. This research finds out that an immense number of assets are organized inside the factorial assessments of a cancer care unit. However, due to negligence of healthcare practitioners that equipment does not reach the needy patients. This research finds out that people want technology to take over the healthcare business. Remote monitoring along with management of remote healthcare has become important in today's context. This study finds out significant process delay and the equality issues in treatments. The treatment is also done under the influence of racism and white people are seen to be getting more priority in terms of critical illness treatment than the black people are. Child and adult care health policies are also optimized and there is legitimate information sharing done. However, as breast cancer has a genetic tendency of occurring between the age group of 50-70 most, there should be secure diagnosis indulged. As per the results of the survey, most people have agreed that women these days are following up a self-assessment test. As explained by Young, Rabeneck, and Winawer (2019), awareness campaigns such as spreading the pamphlets inside shopping centre changing rooms so that maximum women come to know about the issue are commendable. Television advertisements and social media campaigns against all odds of cancer fighting have been improvised as well. There is secure health competencies encouraged, as this is a life threatening disease, which snatches away many precious lives. The findings of this research give indication that the government is not taking necessary steps to eliminate poverty and ensure that all people are able to access the right treatment at a low cost. In a survey conducted, many of the candidates have clearly stated that they do not agree with government-sponsored measures in prevention of this particular disease. They are not sure of the facts that associate with government sponsored policies in changing the health game (Beyer et al. 2019). A clear optimization of records and facts has encouraged more secure and compatible policies to be indulged within. As a common person, people have limited resources and those are supposed to be managed in a well-formulated way. There is a public health and social health care threat developed. This organization of records is identified to be helping government bodies and maximizing the benefits of the total health care scheme. Some cancer prevention campaigns are designed according to the WHO standards (Beyer et al. 2019). All associated people are required to help be indulged in them so that clear needs of the common person are identified. Moreover, having a regular diet has become essential as the survey result shows that British people are quite reluctant towards their healthy and balanced diet. This causes a lot of critical disease to occur. There are several optimistic reviews generated as per the requirements specification of the healthcare domain. A patient that is suffering from cancer requires sustainable growth objectives to be aligned with the development of each singular entity affected with this disease. This study has found a robust and optimum option for managing health related concerns. There is sustainability observed within development of quality standards in disease management. One Secondary change that public health awareness campaigns have made to society is limiting the consumption of canned drinks filled with lots of sugar (Schmitz et al. 2019). Diagnosis and prevention are believed to be two main aspects that help in stopping the spread of cancer. Majority of the participants have agreed that awareness campaigns have been essential and effective. With constant support from the specific line of audience, a complete engagement of the competitive work process is analyzed. The most important fact is that men and women that participated in the survey had equal amounts of information reserved.

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6.1 Theory, policy and practices regarding breast cancer treatment

Once the cancer has been tested positive there is quite a lack of morale observed in the patients. Health care policies are always there to give enough support to the patients and provide them the option that they need. Improvement of breast cancer management in women and increasingly working with policies has become essential (Miller, 2020). There are risk prevention observations of many of the timers with a perception of cancer care and optimizing the systematic components. Treatments should be followed with complete regulatory promptness. Treatment without any risk perception of cancer prevention and screening of specific practices is involved. The United Kingdom is a place where a maximum of women are suffering from obesity. The parties that are operating on breast cancer issues have undertaken public health agenda. Mammographic screening is another most important form of diagnosis. Evidence from other research has shown that breast cancer-prevention methods are managed via planned behavior and activities of trans-theoretical models. Adverse outcomes are seen in terms of false positive management of these treatments (Karavasiloglou et al. 2019). People these days are in need of managing the behavioural techniques and continuing with the cancer care continuum. There should be mental health campaigns generated in the first place for the satisfaction of patients. They should be given a trust that life can go ahead even after the diagnosis of cancer. Breast cancer is identified as the threatening component that is expected to improvise the requisition controls and practices relative staffing norms. One important program performs clinical screening and management of therapy. Adopting institutional cancer therapies and steps towards mitigation of this disease have been provided. The guidebook should be managed throughout for data retrieval and policy improvisation of early breast cancer components. There are women found out that have practiced less examinations on self and without any concern, they are working in this index. Rural women are less aware of the cancer related policies and publications that are made require laboratory findings to be managed. Lauver’s theory of cancer seeking behaviour has designed a framework that helps in psychological and facilitator promotion of care seeking engagement (Jönsson, and Sullivan, 2019). The facilitator has provided options for American’s treatment. Short and long-term behaviors are included in terms of conceptual analysis of research engagement. Nursing staff are facing shortage and lack of self-sufficient staff has been seen. Now, it is required to bring about a policy that will help the nursing staff to grow and find out care seeking behavior. Traditional healthcare and medical therapies need to be engaged with self-care behaviour management and understand the individuals that promote health improvement factors. The health promotional model derived and designed from the perspectives of nursing has been improvised. There is segmented analysis created upon the behaviour specific cognition. British health care act 2012 is one of the strongest parliamentary acts that manage the United Kingdom's operation. There are proposals created primarily because of statutory engagement and generation of public system funds. Mental health care aspects and hospitals are funded through general taxation, which is trying to be improved. There is spending of 2989 pounds per person on healthcare done in the year 2017 (Evans et al. 2017). Though total healthcare is associated with the budget, there is a lack of statutory analysis of health care systems in the world. The NHS claims to be the most efficient health manager in the world. “The UK also had the second highest rate of deaths amenable to healthcare after the US, with 85 deaths per 100 000 head of the population.” However, healthcare innovations and policy improvisations are required to be managed for the underpinning of nation’s health and significantly focusing on cancer care. There are global paradigms of health management seen which highlights the incorporation of records and truthfulness. Aspiration of working under significant conditions is essential in the management of core competencies of cancer prevention. There are different population types to be analyzed for preventing the strategic alignment (Karavasiloglou et al. 2019). Decision making process of doctors is associated with cancer treatment that will require radiotherapy or surgeries. In most of the cases, lack of self-care becomes one of the most deliberate issues of reaching out to the people. Compiled processes of medicinal adjustments and gaining maximum support should be encouraged in this digitized world. The discussion that has been conducted, however, shows a different result where people are having enough knowledge on public health promotional campaigns. Male and female participants belonging to different age groups are working in the context of maximized awareness generation against critical illness. All sorts of help have been optimized for the connectivity improvisation of critical disease. There are advanced technical processes that are expected to reduce medical errors in terms of quick and quality identification of disease.

Only 20% of the women population is unaware of the fact that performing self-breast examination can help them detect the disease early. Neutral balance has been seen in developing the awareness components and coming up with treatment plans from the government. Promotional campaigns are offering sustainability and maximum conceptual alignment of health factors (McKinney et al. 2020). The research format executes in terms of qualitative optimization of research implication and how the participants are allowed to take part in sustainable result management of connecting components. People that are agreeing with the statements of information management require signing up on consent development of the treatments. Several policy makers along with treatment givers are associated with a management of unnecessary errors. Emerging concepts of medical health development have been essential in the overall process development of cancer care and research management. GISscience and cancer has developed an improved process on cancer care and the surveillance will be managed henceforth to help the patient complete this journey of life threats. Strong beliefs that cancer has the ultimate death should be removed.

6.2 Recommendation on policy implications

Public health and social care aspects are largely being indulged within the systematic composition of cancer therapy. There are significant trends observed in cancer treatment. Medical science has an immense effect on the digitalized management of patients caring while cancer happens. Some places are remote and they might be deprived of treatments and consultation with doctors. 5-year multi centre trials have been seen for the non-inferiority trial management. Partial breast radio therapy and breast conservation with early detection of cancer has helped millions of people to survive (Aschwanden et al. 2019). Efficacy in terms of weight loss and total healthcare management of families has been explained. Randomized feasibility trials have been underlined for breast cancer risk alignments. Adherence to the digital treatment and improved screening technologies can be engaged within the policies. Immune perception and interactive performance evaluation is required for the case report management. The South Asian region of WHO has controlled the optimization of relationship constraints with cancer patients. Some recommended policies can be undertaken in terms of gaining improved sustainability in this treatment process is:

Creating a task force with doctors and nurses that will rapidly proceed the acne screening

Creating a medical board that will help raise the fund for the people that are not behaving enough resources to afford cancer treatments

Creating a treaty with medical insurance companies to provide the patients adequate life cover at a low cost

Creation of a regular cancer screening measurements are important

Creation of a treaty with pharmaceutical companies for providing free medicines and giving discount as much as possible for the needy patients

Creating a board of member that will proceed with radiology if the patient in need

Creation of a well equipped team that will help in management of surgeries for the risky patients (Hauser, and Schwarz, 2020)

Creation of mental health committee that will look after the mental health and well being of each patient

Creation of public committee that will educate women regarding this disease and the necessary steps to be taken in border to prevent this

Mass media campaigns generation and development of specific panels required to be analyzed in terms of cancer metaphors determination. Mission oriented cancer research and health benefit optimization requires to be highlighted for overall health and wealth management. There is sometimes a lack of interventions observed for the management of southeast regions. Thankfully, there are preconceived notions observed in terms of managing the cancer prevention process. There is systematic indulgence optimized within a mission orientation and involving proper investigation of stages. The systematic improvisations that are made are required to be optimized that improves the cancer patient’s life longevity. There is digital optimization involved for management of cancer. Internal evaluation of cancer screenings is important for the qualitative management of cancer. There should be estimation of components indulged within a sustainable work process. International evaluation of the AI system of breast cancer is also associated with sustainable breakdown of theories. Key steps in breast cancer management require timely execution of impact and high-risk study group analysis. American institutes for cancer research have been actively participating in the investigation of what steps are important in mitigating in situ breast cancers (McKinney et al. 2020). The policy improvisation is associated with superlative management of issues. Adherence is located in different sections of cancer dependency. Cancer research centers are associated with estimation of investigation in terms of health sustainability. There is increasing vigilance observed for the development of cancer protection. Many founders are helping the needy people to access much of the health care solutions. It is also important to work on digital possibilities that will investigate the European healthcare sustainability. Most of the international journals are praising the efforts of PHE and this can be evaluated in a well-structured process. International effectiveness of molecular transactions has been important to be analyzed. Non-inferiority trials are improving the concepts of maximized literature analysis and cancer prevention. The occurrence of cancer is preserved within the panel of distributing cancer disease and helping with screening of randomized feasibility trials. Controlled measures can be implemented on people that are going through the cancer trials. It is quite significant in terms of results optimization and clear identification of health barriers. Breast cancer in European perspective has improvised the overall learning and competency development of the right treatment process. UK age based trials have been improvised for the cancer screening and assessment of oncology. Entire conceptual breakdown of cancer prevention campaigns have optimized the public and social health concerns. It is recommended to develop an application that will give legitimate information on public health and strategic alignments of health structures have been analyzed in this particular case. Sustainability comes at a cost of nutrient dense diet optimization and processing through stronger medication adjustments (Rudd, 2019). The gender identity is associated with 35 female participants in this case and recommended actions should be taken for the management of the self-help process. Healthy lifestyle inhibition and contributing towards a healthy life has been managed. British people will now have to control the distributive execution of healthy eating habits. Participants need to agree with the facts of quick and effective data management through digitized equipment. There are improvements identified that are going to develop essential factors on public awareness. The concept of managing this disease tends to be impaired within the public along with a systematic generation of medical processes. Several authors and leaders are trying to find out a way that will manage the cancer components in well structured fashions (Wild et al. 2019). Practical theories and public health estimates are associated with preparing a set of questionnaires that are open and close ended. A development of a cancer free world along with a cost effective treatment should be taken into consideration. It is expected that the policies discussed are going to provide a complete sustainability to the people and their livelihood is preserved.

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7.1 Conclusion

This study has highlighted the different aspects of being emerged in the qualitative and quantitative breakdown of breast cancer prevention and diagnosis process. It has primarily focused on how breast cancer is spreading and how awareness can help specifically British people to overcome this disease. There are typical engagement of actions discovered that helps to minimize risks within cancer patients and to provide them a good life. There are certain people engaged in a study, which have higher risks of being dead by cancer. The treatment takes a lot of money and enough resources have been presented in government hospitals. Private carers are creating an economical barrier to the people who want to access these treatments, care home that are designed need to be very concisions while delivering treatment to such patients. There should be optimum carefulness generated along with awareness improvisation to conceptualize the new cancer prevention initiatives. Cancer surveillance has become important in today's context to get maximum results from a central point of view. This study has focused on how the results are motivating researchers to grow awareness regarding this disease. State of the art trends have been associated with cancer prevention in today’s world. There is not much improvement observed in the death toll. Cancer is one of the most important aspects that show whether the medical field has developed or not. In this study, all thought process and carrying the research has been demonstrated. It has securely designed the components of cancer management strategies. There are different types of cancers occurring to people and all this needs to be addressed. However, in this case, only a small part of breast cancer is focused. In most of the case, women ignore the early signs; there are limited account policies and health practices though. Only certified professionals should be chosen for taking advice on their issues. Women in today's era are quite active in their lifestyles. However, their involvement in lifestyle management has been improvised as a part of art and culture management. There are patients that have a small hope of life. Only good care and a positive attitude can save them. The study has also focused on the British health care campaigns and healthcare aspect so that they can ensure the livelihood of cancer patients. Global paradigm shifts of cancer prevention have been taken into consideration while the study was being consulted. There are all sorts of ethical standards followed while this study was focusing on the goals. Methodology includes survey and interview as a tool of qualitative and quantitative analysis. These analyses are essential as the records give an immense idea of the effects of immuno perception. Clinicians have helped many of the patients to move throughout the phase of cancer. One just needs to get enough support from family and friends to cross through the difficulties of cancer and get their life back. Here, mass awareness campaigns and specific policies of the UK for healthcare have been discussed as crucial aspects of cancer prevention. Choice of 41 samples has been effective in the overall management of surveys taken into consideration.

7.2 Objective Linking

The objectives are linked pretty well in this study. It consists of development criteria of people with Secondary health and well being needs and examines specific health strategies. The first objective is linked in the section 2.3 where health needs assessment is judged. There is etiology also presented that talks rigorously about cancer causes, symptoms and some of the preventable measures. Reproductive factors and common pregnancy related issues are contributing towards this. There is location support identified as a Secondary center of providing help to the needful. In most cases, people overlook these factors and seldom go for a checking of cancer to the doctors. Initially symptoms are ignored and it becomes a major reason for abductive cancer threats. Usually cancer starts from a malignant tumor and becomes the reason for the removal through surgery. Next objective in this study points towards the need of understanding critical illness. There are major threats identified as a part of essentially creating an understanding of breast cancer reduction. In section, 2.6 of literature review health promotional campaigns are discussed regarding this disease. The major focus is on the sides of promoting efforts to possibly manage threats. Campaigns are created in terms of online and offline media. There are natural processes discussed that checks for signs of early cancerous cells. It has been also observed under the title of cancer threat that eliminates the chances of breast cancer threats. Elimination of poverty and reaching out a large audience that is below the poverty line has been explained. Third objective is associated with how public health is linked to cancer management. There are death rates observed in different countries. However, in the case of the UK, there are government policies that are helping people to overcome the disease. This objective is linked with 2.5 of policies and strategies undertaken by British health society. The NHS in England has put forward multiple complaints of rehabilitation campaigns. There are 5% of cancer patients, which get complete care and improvisation. A significant classification of management of awareness channels and social media hashtags has essentially improved upon breast cancer management and hence it is important to analyze the growth factors. Breast cancer in the UK has put on a ban on BPA, the replacements are required to be safer, and linking of risk factors to breast cancers has been analyzed. Public care giving aspects are limited to a certain age group and essentially desires for the componential breakdown of cancer. Appropriate medication and going for a healthy lifestyle component has become essential for the management of breast cancer. The fourth objective is associated with identifying the barriers to the cancer treatments and causes of fatal death. There are risk profile evaluated in terms of gaining maximum support to the organizations and leading towards management of this disease for particular age groups. The objective is linked in the section 2.4 where barriers to the access of right support policies have been judged. Noticing on changes that are happening inside a person's body and taking necessary steps to improvise the changes have been discussed in this context. The study has essentially shown a perception of organizing and managing doctoral appointments and designing desirable promotional campaigns against breast cancer. In the UK, a campaign started with “I-Touch-myself-project” in the year of 2018, which was associated with checking the early signs of cancer by self-diagnosis and this is discussed in this context. Furthermore, the final objective was linked in the section 2.4 where patient perception and support has been linked. The elderly people need more care and time to be analyzed with their disease. The elderly need at home care and diagnosis at an affordable cost. There should be improvisations made on policies that break down the components of survival cases. Essential process of commitment finding out for doctors and caregivers has been discussed. The most interesting part of this literature review is the literature gap where summarizing different authors' opinions have been done. Patient support and perspective analysis are the essential aspects of living and these needs to be carried out in a proper manner.

7.3 Limitations of work

The work is limited to a set of actions as the researchers are students and they do not have enough monetary support to access the paid materials of research help. Not much of the study materials are freely available and they need to compromise on the quality of study material. Extensive research is done through the internet in order to gain adequate learning and understanding of the disease. There is an essential highlight presented on measures that can be taken by the government. Now not all these policies are visible to normal researchers. The available policies on the internet have been only shown. No expert interview can be taken due to monetary issues. Now there were also limitations observed, as the team selected was unable to perform focus groups study. The survey was also conducted on random samples and no particular women group was targeted due to time constraints.

7.4 Recommendations

This study has left an aspect of further research on the identification of appropriate policies and regulation that are applicable for the needful person in the UK that cannot afford cancer treatment. Some specific suggestions are given regarding the policy implication however, there is still some improvisation needed. There is not much highlight presented on the campaigns that were started for managing breast cancer awareness. Advanced diagnosis and treatment processes have been introduced in the UK. However, it is a Secondary requirement to identify the potential samples. Some of the samples do not have great knowledge on the survey being conducted itself. There is answers are not up to the mark. Hence, for future research the choice of samples should be improved. There should be a filter of research supports chosen before proceeding so that research authenticity and validity is created.


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