Mental Health, Parental Support & Substance Use

Data Analysis

The present study is aimed to determine the predictive relationship between mental health, parental support and substance use. In the context of the present study, the predictor variables include mental health and parental support that are measured by two different questionnaires associated with Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS), Parent-Adult–Child Relationship (PACQ) along with the usage of the questionnaire (Ormel and et al., 2017). As per the information collected from different sources, descriptive statistics are presented below:

Descriptive Statistics

For assessing the relationship between mental health, parental support and substance use, the present study has accessed the responses from 51 participants from different individuals about the subject matter. As per the above table, the mean value of DASS_D is 37.52. In a similar way, the mean value of DASS_A a DASS_S is respectively 40.82 and 37.96 so as it can be stated that majority of participants are facing several issues based on anxiety and mental issues that are playing an important role for influencing the usage of substances. The mean value of different aspects of Parent Adult-Child relationship is respectively 18.33 of PACQ_M_regard, 30.47 of PACQ_M_responsibilty, 14.70 of PACQ_F_regard, 15.76 of PACQ_F_responsibility and 19.25 of PACQ_F_control. Further investigation of additional data regarding the usage of cannabis has determined that the mean value of the usage of cannabis in a week is 6.10. The mean value of per day usage of cannabis during the weekday is 5.21. In the similar day, assessment of cannabis usage during the weekend is also facilitating appropriate results in order to evaluate the current trends about usage of substance for handling the situation of mental disorder and anxiety during the young age so as the mean value of cannabis usage during the weekend is 7. Therefore, it has addressed that descriptive statistics have found very useful for evaluating relationship different variables which are associated with Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, Parent-Adult–Child Relationship and pattern of cannabis usage through which appropriate results can be produced about the subject matter. The analysis of different mean values has determined an appropriate correlation among different variables that indicate mental health issues and parents warmth have been addressed as an important cause of increased the number of usage of cannabis.

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As per the responses of questionnaires, findings of the present study are mentioned below:


As per the above table, it has addressed that the maximum number of participants have accepted that 49 out of 51 users have used the cannabis more than once a day. This information indicates that the participants are regularly using cannabis for handling their mental and self-confidence related issues.


The above chart is showing the time duration about the usage of cannabis and has found that maximum 19-19 participants have considered the option of 5-10 years and 10-15 years about the usage of cannabis and it could be addressed as habits of people for dealing different issues based on anxiety.


When the participants have asked about the usage of cannabis in last week, then maximum 23 out of 51 participants have selected the option of 6 days, and 18 participants have considered the option of 7 days. It shows continuous usage of cannabis to meet distinct personal requirements.


The above chart is showing responses of respondents about the first use of cannabis after waking up in which maximum 23 participants have considered the option of within 1/2 hours after waking up than 22 users are taking cannabis within 1 hour of after waking up. The option of 1-3 hours after waking up has been selected by 4 users, and remaining 2 users consider the cannabis immediately upon waking up.


The above diagram is determined that maximum 25 participants are using cannabis 5 times in a day within a weekday so as it can be stated that users of cannabis are highly addicted for such kind of substances.


The above chart reflects that the usage of cannabis during the period of the weekend has significantly enhanced and it is floated between 5 to 7 times, which have been considered by maximum participants during the whole investigation.


The above diagram is presenting responses to participants when they have asked about their age group. It has found that 31 out of 51 participants are associated with the age group of 24 years. Therefore, it is identified that young age adults are significantly involved in the usage of cannabis for treating different mental and psychological issues.


With reference to the above diagram, it has found that a maximum number of participants have considered the options of 10 and 11 years when they have asked about time duration from which they are using or addicted for cannabis and other substance.


The above chart is showing the age of participants when they have started the use of cannabis. In this context, the maximum 17 out of 51 individuals have selected the option of 13 years. Furthermore, 12 out of 51 respondents have selected the option of 14 years so as it can be stated that users have started using cannabis during their teenage years between 13 to 14 years.

Paired t-test

Paired Samples Statistics

As per above table, the mean PACQ regards for mother is coming out to be 18.33 and that for father is coming out to be 14.70. Similarly, the mean PACQ responsibility for mother is coming out to be 30.47 and that of father is 15.74.

Paired Samples Test

As per paired t-test for PACQ regard between mother and father, t(50) = 19.76; p = 0.000. Since the p-value is less than critical alpha value of 0.05, there is statistically significant difference in PACQ regard between mother and father. PACQ regard for mother is significantly higher as compared to father.

As per paired t-test for PACQ responsibility between mother and father, t(50) = 64.98; p = 0.000. Since the p-value is less than critical alpha value of 0.05, there is statistically significant difference in PACQ responsibility between mother and father. PACQ responsibility for mother is significantly higher as compared to father.


As per the above analysis, it has found a significant relationship between mental health, parental support and substance use. The present study has found that a maximum number of participants among young age group have been addressed as active users of Cannabis. In this context, the study of Polanczyk and et al. (2015) has determined that the use of cannabis is significantly high among young age and teenage individuals as compared to people belong from an older age. Further investigation has found that the use of cannabis for managing the mental health problem leads several issues during the young age because the brain is still developing and it could be addressed more responsive against the effects of drugs. In addition to that, it has found that young adults are also more likely to consider Cannabis as compared to older adults that could have negative implications on physical, emotional along with psychological health of people (Bateman and Fonagy, 2019). Therefore, the use of substance leads to significant health issues on the health of young age individuals.

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As per the analysis of primary and secondary data, users have considered the cannabis use because it is a very effective self-medication process, but it could harm the health of people, and it has found very effective for managing the psychological health problems. The study of Farmer and et al. (2016) has determined that there have been several reasons identified which are influencing individuals about choosing a substance, but individual experiments and effects of substances have played a critical role. The need of substance like Cannabis occurs when individuals perceive a lack of self-confidence and lack of self-esteem, which influences young individual for using a substance in order to treat their vulnerabilities and psychological issues. However, it has found that the increase in the level of depression and anxiety in young adults can be termed as important cause of cannabis use, but self-medication is being addressed as an important cause for increasing the use of cannabis. It has addressed that current trends in the socio-economic environment have played a critical role in increasing the level of stress, anxiety and self-confidence (Henry and Augustyn, 2017). This is because people feel that an increased level of self-esteem could help them for creating their distinct image in society, and it has increased the use of substances.

The present study has also found that the child-parent relationship is also playing important for promoting the use of Cannabis during a young age. As per the study of Copeland, Hill, Costello and Shanahan (2017), it has addressed that the relationship between child and parent relationship is being termed as an important determinant for influencing the growth, self-confidence and self-esteem among young age individual because personal traits of a child which are influenced by care and affection (warmth) from a parent. Further investigation has found that there is huge correlation between parental warmth along with lower depressive and anxiety levels. Therefore, young age individuals or teenagers are using cannabis at a higher level because the effectiveness of child-parent relationship is reduced due to change in socio-economic environment as well as the alteration in family structure that have influenced the level of anxiety, depression and many more (Ormel and et al., 2017).


As per the above investigation, it has concluded that young age individuals have faced a significant increase in the level of depression and anxiety along with various other mental issues. In this regards, it has found that change in social status and family structure such as lone parent, lack of appropriate education, poverty along with low social status have played a critical role influencing the lack of confidence and self-esteem among teenagers. The present study has concluded that mental health issues liked with depression and stress have been addressed as an important cause for increasing the usage of substances. In this regards, cannabis is addressed as one of the most popular substances which are used by young age individuals in the form of Self –Medication. This approach of treatment could help young age children for lowering their depression and anxiety level along with the increase in the level of self-confidence. Further investigation has concluded that self-medication through cannabis leads to various health issues and also increased the level of depression and anxiety among daily users during further adulthood. As per the analysis of a range of data, it has found that this report has concluded that mental health disorders have been addressed as the most important reasons for increasing the frequency the usage of cannabis. In addition to that, self-medication experiments for increasing level of confidence during the age of teenage have increased the numbers of users of cannabis.

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The present investigation has also found a strong relationship between child-parent relationship and usage of substances like Cannabis. It has concluded that relationship between child and parent have played a critical role for influencing the level of confidence level, stress and depression because parents are playing key role for dealing with various mental disorders among teenagers or young age individuals. This investigation has concluded that lack of appropriate parent’s affection and warmth for their child has been considered as an important cause for increasing the use or frequency of cannabis in order to deal with mental health conditions. Therefore, this report has found a positive correlation or relationship between mental health, parental support and substance use. Therefore, it can be stated that mental health and parental support could have a significant impact on the usage of Cannabis or other substance among young age individuals.

In the context of the present study, the researcher has followed a systematic research methodology that has provided an appropriate framework for assessing and analysing a wide range of information for generating appropriate research outcomes as per the research goals. Furthermore, the use of descriptive statistics has found very effective for managing different aspects of quantitative studies.


Bateman, A. W., and Fonagy, P. (Eds.). (2019). Handbook of mentalizing in mental health practice. American Psychiatric Pub.

Copeland, W. E., Hill, S., Costello, E. J., and Shanahan, L. (2017). Cannabis use and disorder from childhood to adulthood in a longitudinal community sample with American Indians. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 56(2), 124-132.

Farmer, R. F., Kosty, D. B., Seeley, J. R., Gau, J. M., Duncan, S. C., Walker, D. D., and Lewinsohn, P. M. (2016). Association of comorbid psychopathology with the duration of cannabis use disorders. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 30(1), 82.

Henry, K. L., and Augustyn, M. B. (2017). Intergenerational continuity in cannabis use: The role of parent's early onset and lifetime disorder on child's early onset. Journal of Adolescent Health, 60(1), 87-92.

Ormel, J., Oerlemans, A. M., Raven, D., Laceulle, O. M., Hartman, C. A., Veenstra, R., ... and Oldehinkel, A. J. (2017). Functional outcomes of child and adolescent mental disorders. Current disorder most important but psychiatric history matters as well. Psychological medicine, 47(7), 1271-1282.

Polanczyk, G. V., Salum, G. A., Sugaya, L. S., Caye, A., and Rohde, L. A. (2015). Annual Research Review: A meta‐analysis of the worldwide prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56(3), 345-365.

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