The Impact of Social Media on Biovital

Chapter 4: Result and Analysis

To understand the impact of social media on Biovital, a survey has been conducted with 121 respondents. Their responses have provided valuable information regarding social media usage of the respondents and perception about the brand Biovital.

4.1 Demography of the Respondents

From the responses, it can be observed that the majority of the respondents are female. Since it is a cosmetic brand, it is likely that female is much familiar with this brand and therefore, can provide valuable information about it. Consequently, they can provide vital data about the brand (see the following figure).

Whatsapp Gender of the Respondents

Concerning the age of the respondents, it can be observed that the majority of the respondents (73 out of 121) belong to the age group of 31 to 50 years. About 35 respondents belong to the age group of more than 50 years years, and only 13 respondents are within age group of 19 to 30 years. This indicates most of the people surveyed are adults (see the following figure).

Gender of the Respondents

Concerning the age of the respondents, it can be observed that the majority of the respondents (73 out of 121) belong to the age group of 31 to 50 years. About 35 respondents belong to the age group of more than 50 years years, and only 13 respondents are within age group of 19 to 30 years. This indicates most of the people surveyed are adults (see the following figure).

 Age Group of Respondents

4.2 Social Media Activity

To understand the social media activity of the respondents, they are asked about which social media websites they have created an account. The top three social media websites are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, where respondents have completed the performance. Only 19 and 10 respondents, respectively, have been found to create an account in Twitter and LinkedIn. This indicates that among different social media accounts, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube can have the most significant effect on the brand, as most people are active in these media (see the following figure).

 Social Media in Which You Have Created an Account

To know about the duration of using social media, the respondents are asked about using social media. In this question, most of the respondents (48 out of 121) have mentioned that they use social media for 2 to 3 hours. About 20 and 25 respondents said that they use social media for 4 to 5 hours and less than 1 hour (see the following figure).

  Duration of Using Social Media

The respondents are asked while the following brand in social media what they look for. In this question, most of the respondents (82 out of 121) mentioned that they look for exclusive information about the brand. About 53 respondents have stated that they look for general information about the brand. Furthermore, 33 respondents have also said that they prefer to be a part of the brand or the company (see the following figure). This specifies that by following a brand's page or sharing and commenting on a product of a brand, one can imagine becoming a part of the company—this helps to increase brand equity.

While Following a Brand in Social Media You Are Looking For

The respondents are asked if they follow the brand Biovital in popular social media Facebook. The majority of the respondents (99 out of 121) have stated yes to this question. On the other hand, while asking if they follow Biovital on Instagram, about 73 respondents have displayed yes to this question. This indicates Facebook is much popular among the respondents concerning its usage.

 Do You Follow Facebook page of Biovital

In the next question, the respondents are asked how they have become aware of regarding Biovital brand. On this question, most of the respondents (98 out of 121) have mentioned that they become knowledgeable about the brand from social media. Apart from that, 90 respondents have also stated that they become aware of friends and family. The third important source of brand awareness mentioned by 87 respondents is word of mouth (see the following figure).

How have you become aware of the Biovital Brand?

4.3 Social Media Impact

To understand the impact of social media, the respondents are asked to rank a series of questions from highly agree to disagree. On this aspect, the majority of the respondents (79 out of 121) have countered with the fact that they are more likely to trust a brand, which is presented in social media. This indicates that only having a presence in social media is not sufficient to earn the trust of the respondents. There are other aspects like quality, price, and availability, among others, which play a vital part in generating the confidence of the customers.

In the next question, the respondents are asked if advertisements, posts, and user reviews in social media influence to try a brand. The majority of the respondents (56 out of 121) are agreed with this statement. This indicates posts and user reviews help to generate individual positive perceptions and inspire people to try a brand. The majority of the respondents (50 out of 121) are agreed with the fact that recommendations in social media have higher credibility in comparison with advertisements in other marketing networks. Concerning communication, most of the respondents (59 out of 121) have agreed that contact in social media creates a positive influence regarding a brand. When people communicate positive things about a brand, other users become aware of it and make a positive image regarding it.

Concerning recommendations in social media, the majority of the respondents (59 out of 121) are agreed with the fact that they have purchased products from a brand owing to positive recommendations in social media. Furthermore, most of the people also agreed and highly agreed (50 and 41 respectively) with the fact that social media has made purchasing decisions making the procedure much advanced (see the following figure). Unlike in traditional times, in present times, people can check out the reviews and comments made by people regarding a brand in social media and therefore make a proper informed choice about making a purchasing decision.

Impact of Social Media

4.4 Social Media Impact on Brand Equity

Concerning brand equity, the majority of the respondents are highly agreed and agreed (36 and 56 respectively) with the fact that social media marketing affects the perception regarding the brands of products. Furthermore, the majority of the respondents (56 and 43 respectively) also agreed and highly agreed with the fact that contents demonstrated in social media marketing of brands are interesting. This exciting content helps create interest in a particular brand, and therefore people try to know about the brand more and its products. Most of the respondents (56 and 43 respectively) highly agreed and agreed with the fact that conversation and opinion exchange with others is possible through brands' social media marketing (see the following figure). Social media has provided a platform for others to communicate about a brand and, therefore, can share valuable information about a brand.

 Impact of Social media on Brand Equity

In a similar context, the majority of the respondents (49 and 46 respectively) are highly agreed and agreed with the fact that it is easy to deliver opinions on brands' social media marketing. It is the key feature of social media to express the perspectives, which is essential to know about a brand and its products. 55 and 52 respondents have highly agreed and agreed that they like to utilize social media to enhance knowledge regarding products, services, and brands. This indicates that through communicating with others regarding a brand, social media can increase know-how about it. Most of the respondents agree that they are satisfied with the social media marketing of brands they follow.

Impact of Social media on Brand Equity

4.4 Social Media Impact on Consumer Purchase Intention

To know about the role of social media on purchase intention of people, they are asked with different statements to mark from highly agree to disagree. In this aspect, most of the respondents have highly agreed and agreed with the fact that using social media networking has assisted in making the decision better before purchasing goods. By obtaining opinions and reviews from others and vital information regarding a brand, people can decide to purchase due to social media. Furthermore, most of the respondents (46 and 54 respectively) also highly agreed and agreed that using social media networking sites of brands has increased interest in purchasing products and services.

However, most of the respondents (33 and 59 respectively) are highly agreed and agree that they are very likely to purchase products and services recommended by friends on social media sites. This indicates that apart from recommendations in social media, personal factor plays a vital part while making the final purchasing decision. Then again, 22 and 47 respectively have highly agreed and agreed with the fact that they will purchase products as marketed on the brand's social networking sites. This also supports the finding that apart from social media marketing, other factors are also essential to purchasing decisions regarding a brand. Most of the respondents (33 and 49 respectively) highly agree and agreed that they intend to buy products as marked on the brand's social networking sites they follow. Thirty-six respondents were neutral with this fact (see the following figure). This indicates that social networking has a vital part to play in influencing the purchase intention of people.

 Impact of Social Media on Consumer Purchase Intention

The respondents are asked what medium they prefer to use most for conveying feedback about Biovital. Among various options, the top three mediums selected by the respondents for communicating feedback are social media, company website, and phone. One popular benefit of using social media is that it provides the opportunity to give feedback about the products, which generates the confidence to the buyers about the brand. If any problems occur, it can be shared.

 Which medium do you like to use the most in order to convey feedback?

4.5 Important Factors for Purchasing Decision for Biovital

There are various factors which have considered knowing their impact on purchasing decision for Biovital. The first factor is brand communication. Most of the respondents have agreed that brand communication in social media is essential for making a purchasing decision on Biovital. The second factor is comments and posts by other users. In this aspect, most of the respondents are highly agreed that advertisements in social media are an important aspect of Biovital for making a purchasing decision.

For influencing the purchasing decision, advertisements are an essential marketing strategy used by brands. In this context, most of the respondents have agreed that advertising in social media is critical for Biovital for making a purchasing decision. Apart from that majority of the respondents are also agreed with the fact that advertisement in traditional media is also essential for Biovital for making a purchasing decision. This indicates irrespective of the importance of social media; traditional media is also necessary for brands to influence the purchasing decision of people. Recommendation from a friend is also mentioned by most of the respondents as an essential factor influencing the purchasing decision for Biovital (see the following figure).

 Important Purchasing Decision Factor for Biovital

The respondents are asked if they will use social media to promote the Biovital brand in the future. In this question, most of the respondents highly agreed with this fact (78 out of 121). Furthermore, 80 respondents highly agreed that they are likely to promote a new product, the Biovital brand, shortly.

Likeliness to Use Social Media to Promote Biovital Brand

4.6 Analysis

4.6.1 Correlation Analysis

To understand if there is any relationship between social media activities and brand equity of Biovital, at first, a correlation analysis is conducted. The key variables which are considered for understanding social media activities are likeliness to trust a brand that is presented in social media, the influence of advertisements, posts, and user reviews in social media. The credibility of recommendations in social media, communication in social media to develop a positive image, purchasing products from a brand due to positive requests in social media, and advancement of buying decision-making process due to social media. The variable for understanding brand equity is social media marketing's effect on the perception of the brand. The following is the correlation between these variables.

Correlations Correlations

From the correlation analysis, it can be observed that the value of the correlation between the influence of advertisements, posts, and user reviews in social media, the credibility of recommendations in social media, communication in social media to develop a positive image, purchasing products from a brand due to positive suggestions in social media, advancement of buying decision-making process due to social media and social media marketing effect on perception about a brand is 0.542, 0.510, 0.514, 0.599 and 0.584 respectively. These values are all positive and are much closer to 1. Therefore, it can be stated that a strong positive relationship exists between these variables. Based on this correlation, the first hypothesis is accepted, i.e. there is a positive impact of social media on brand equity at Network Marketing companies. However, the correlation between likeliness to trust a brand presented in social media and social media marketing effect on perception about a brand is observed to be 0.102, which is positive but not closer to 1. Therefore, it can be stated that a weak positive relationship exists between the variables. Based on this analysis, it can be noted that increased advertisements, posts, and user reviews in social media, high credibility of recommendations in social media help to generate a more positive perception about the brand Biovital. Besides, better communication in social media supports to develop a positive image, which in turn increases positive perception about Biovital. Apart from that, more positive recommendations in social media also increase the positive perception regarding Biovital.

To understand if there is any relationship between the impact of social media activities and customer purchase intention of Biovital, another correlation analysis is conducted. Customer purchase intention has been measured by a variable named 'Using social networking sites of brands increase my interest in buying products and services.' The following is the correlation between the variables.

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Correlations Correlations

Based on the above analysis, it can be observed that the value of the correlation between the influence of advertisements, posts, and user reviews in social media, the credibility of recommendations in social media, communication in social media to develop the positive image, purchasing products from a brand due to positive suggestions in social media, advancement of buying decision-making process due to social media and using social networking sites of brands increase my interest in buying products and services is 0.507, 0.548, 0.592 and 0.516 respectively. These values are positive and much closer to 1. Based on this, the second hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, it can be stated that a positive relationship exists between social media activities and customer purchasing intention in Biovital.

4.6.2 Regression Analysis

To understand if the relationship between social media activities and brand equity and customer intention is statistically significant, a regression analysis is conducted. In this context, the key independent variables are social media activities, which are measured again by the dependent variables, which are brand equity and customer intention.

Model Summary
Model Summary
  1. a. Predictors: (Constant), purchasing decision-making process due to social media, likeliness to trust a brand which is presented in social media, the influence of advertisements, posts, and user reviews in social media, communication in social media to develop the positive image, purchasing products from a brand due to positive recommendations in social media, credibility of recommendations in social media
  1. a. Dependent Variable: social media marketing effect on perception about the brand, using social networking sites of brands increase my interest in buying products and services
  2. b. Predictors: (Constant), purchasing decision-making process due to social media, likeliness to trust a brand which is presented in social media, the influence of advertisements, posts, and user reviews in social media, communication in social media to develop a positive image, purchasing products from a brand due to positive recommendations in social media, credibility of recommendations in social media

Based on the regression analysis, it can be observed that the value of R2 for brand equity variable is 0.563 and R2 for customer purchase intention is 0.524, which specifies that any changes in independent social media activities variables is related with about 56.3% changes in brand equity of respondents and 52.4% changes in customer purchase intention variable, which is quite significant. Furthermore, the P values for both the dependent variables are observed to be 0.027 and 0.018, which is less than 0.05. This specifies that the relationship between social media activities and brand equity and customer purchasing intention for Biovital is statistically significant. Hence, the third hypothesis is also accepted. Based on this, it can be stated that social media has a strong impact on brand equity and customer intention of network marketing company Biovital.


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