Strategies for Success Exploring Employee Retention


Employee retention defines the ability of a business organisation to retain and improve the relation with its employee. Employee retention is represented by simple statistics for instance retention rate of 85% indicates that the organisation successfully managed to keep 85% of the employees in a given span of time (Kumar and Mathimaran, 2017). However, many considered employee retention as a relative factor to the efforts through which employees work to retain the employees in their work force. Hence it can be conclusively stated that retention is more of a strategy rather than a simple outcome. A distinction is to be drawn between the top and low performance with the effort to retain employees that are targeted to be valuable. The assignment plans to make use of suitable employee retention theories that can ensure better rates of productivity. Furthermore, the research makes use of suitable evidence

Background to the Literature

The current study thus works on understanding the importance of employee retention and the possible strategies that can be implemented to ensure positive results in that field. Studies have exhibited that the cost associated with directly replacing an employee can be substantially high, almost equal to the annual salary of the employee. Moreover the cost of turnover can reach a margin of 92 to 200 % of the employee’s annual salary (Nafeesa Begum and Brindha, 2019). These costs are inclusive of training the new employee coupled with reduced morale. The reason for employee turnover can be rightly highlighted through Herzberg's motivational theory. Oginni, Ogunlusi and Faseyiku (2017), pointed out the fact that Herzberg's theory is a motivator hygiene theory, an alternative for Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The theory overlaps how the fundamental models of both the theories differ from one another. While Maslow's theory points to the addition or removal of stimuli to enhance order track the level of employee satisfaction, Herzberg's theory indicates the factors responsible for ensuring job satisfaction separate from those that lead to poor job satisfaction and ultimately resulting in employee turnover. Herzberg's theory suggests that the system of needs is highly segmented into hygiene and motivator factors. Maslow's hierarchy motivators are an unexpected boost that develops a desire to perform better. An example of hygiene factors includes a better working environment. Employees can make use of positive reinforcement while maintaining the expected hygiene factor to increase the rate of

employee satisfaction and attention. It is important to understand the potential causes associated with the retention issue before making use of a particular program. Once the issue is properly identified the program, as per the need of the organisation and employees can be tailored to answer the unique demands of the organisation (Holtom and Darabi, 2018). Dell for instance makes use of career development to understand the career path within the organisation and motive of the employees to remain in the business while simultaneously achieving their career goals. With this developmental goals organisation should offer tailored developmental scope to the employees. The current study thus works on understanding the importance of employee retention and the possible strategies that can be implemented to ensure positive results in that field. Understanding the reason for employee turnover can lead to better employee retention strategies. For associations and businesses, understanding nature is the initial step to building up a drawn out maintenance technique (Krishna and Upadhyay, 2018). Associations ought to comprehend why workers join, why they remain and why they leave an association. This join, remain, leave model is likened to a three-legged stool, implying that without information on every one of the three, associations will be ineffective in executing a legitimate maintenance procedure.


Problem statement

By understanding the purposes for why representatives leave, associations can more readily oblige their current workforce and impact these choices later on. Frequently, it is low fulfillment and duty that starts the withdrawal procedure, which remembers considerations of stopping for search of progressively alluring other options. Whenever managed accurately, post employment surveys can give an incredible asset to why workers leave. Normally, workers are stock in their reactions since they dread being censured or risking any potential future reference (Rombaut and Guerry, 2020). The most widely recognized explanations behind why workers leave are better compensation, better hours and better chances. These commonplace responses for leaving regularly signal an a lot further issue that businesses ought to research further into. By posing significant inquiries and maybe using an impartial outsider supplier to lead the meeting, managers can get increasingly precise and quantifiable information. In opposition to what most associations accept, workers regularly leave because of associations with supervisors and additional treatment of representatives and not pay, as this is frequently a reaction that workers are awkwardly communicating to their association straightforwardly. Maintenance Diagnostic is a quick benchmarking process that distinguishes the expenses and can help reveal what influences worker reliability, execution and commitment (Roy, 2018).

Significance of the study

The present investigation hence deals with understanding the significance of representative maintenance and the potential methodologies that can be actualised to guarantee positive outcomes in that field. Examinations have shown that the expense related to straightforwardly supplanting a representative can be significantly high, practically equivalent to the yearly pay of the worker. These expenses are comprehensive of preparing the new representative combined with decreased assurance. The explanation behind representative turnover can be appropriately featured through Herzberg's inspirational hypothesis. Kumar and Mathimaran (2018), called attention to the way that Herzberg's hypothesis is a helper cleanliness hypothesis, an option for Maslow's chain of command of necessities. The hypothesis covers how the crucial model of both the speculations varies from each other. While Maslow's hypothesis focuses on the expansion or expulsion of improvements to upgrade requests to track the degree of representative fulfillment, Herzberg's hypothesis demonstrates the elements answerable for guaranteeing work fulfillment separate from those that lead to poor occupation fulfillment and eventually bringing about worker turnover. Herzberg's hypothesis recommends that the arrangement of requirements is exceptionally sectioned into cleanliness and help factors. Maslow's chain of importance helpers are a surprising lift that builds up a craving to perform better. A case of cleanliness factors incorporates a superior workplace (Roy, 2018). Representatives can utilise encouraging feedback while keeping up the normal cleanliness factor to expand the pace of worker fulfillment and consideration. It is critical to comprehend the potential causes related with the maintenance issue before utilising a specific program. When the issue is appropriately recognized the program, according to the need of the association and representatives can be custom fitted to answer the one of a kind requests of the association.

The aim of the study is to analyse the employee retention strategies factors that influence employee retention strategies at company.

Research objectives

To acknowledge the effects of the retention strategies on the company X at (Call Centre Department) To identify the strategies of the managers/companies to reduce employee turnover (Call Centre Department) within company X To recommend some suitable suggestions for effective employee retention at (Call Centre Department) within company X

Research questions

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  • What are the effects of retention strategies at (Call Centre Department) within company X?
  • What strategies do managers/companies use to reduce (Call Centre Department) within company X employee turnover?
  • What is the solution for effective employee retention at (Call Centre Department) within company X?

Possible reasons to understand the reason to resign from call centres

In order to develop proper strategies, it is important to understand the possible issues that can help in tailoring the much anticipated employee retention strategies (Anitha, 2016). Improving worker maintenance is a top objective - if not the top objective - for pretty much any call place administrator converse with. Worker wearing down has for quite some time been a predominant issue in high-volume recruiting conditions, particularly call focuses (Goldstein et 2017). There are various inquiries addresses that can be utilised during the employing procedure to qualify competitors that will stay focused on a call place position. In any case, even with completely confirmed competitors, here and there workers choose to proceed onward. While there could be any number of reasons why a worker decides to quit working at a call community, beneath are probably the most widely recognized reasons, just as procedures and recommendations on the best way to deliver them to help improve call focus maintenance (Kossivi, Xu and Kalgora, 2016). Reason: The representative feels the compensation is excessively low, the advantages are excessively thin, or there's no motivating force. LinkedIn as of late revealed that notwithstanding expanded rivalry for discovering top ability, pay is probably the greatest test in enrolment. In like manner, LinkedIn likewise revealed that low wages and an absence of any medicinal services advantages could be an explanation somebody would leave their call place position. For instance, as of late Wal-Mart reported that the organisation will raise section level compensation to $10 every hour (Kossivi, Xu and Kalgora, 2016). Arrangement: Consider what workers are right now making, and what their clinical bundles are. Furthermore, LinkedIn noticed that businesses that pay a bit of the medical coverage premiums for call focus specialists have 10x higher degrees of consistency than those that don't (Ma, Mayfield and Mayfield, 2018). Put resources into workers and they'll put back in the organisation by staying committed and spurred to perform well. Moreover, ongoing investigations have discovered that 66% of representatives will choose whether or not they'll stay with a call place dependent on a consolidated impetus or prizes program (Lee et al. 2018). Call operators buckle

down, and compensating them for their difficult work will cause them to feel perceived and achieved – and are bound to remain with the organisation. Reason: There is pretty much nothing/no space for development While development openings can generally be talked about during a meeting in the recruiting procedure, some of the time a call place representative with yearnings can get debilitated. Call focuses are truly level associations with barely any chances to progress (Kundu and Lata, 2017). Arrangement: Even the most committed workers will have unpleasant days when they question their activity or profession decision. It's acceptable to be aware of what representatives are thinking and feeling (Kundu and Lata, 2017). In the event that they're feeling debilitated about a roof they may feel is there, help them to remember the open doors they have, the various ways their vocations can take inside the organisation, and assist them with defining feasible objectives to get going on one of those ways. Reason: There is a contention between a worker and an administrator. The well-known adage - workers leave administrators not organisations - is still evident today. Some of the time specialists would prefer not to escape from the call place, they simply need to get away from their supervisors (Fletcher, Alfes and Robinson, 2018). Perhaps they feel their director is domineering, an over the top slave driver, or concentrates a lot on a chosen few. This can make a fracture between the worker and the director – and in time, the organisation. Arrangement: If there is by all accounts an issue among the executives and workers, survey the circumstance and guide as needs be. Ensure that efficiency and faculty aren't coming to the detriment of an administration style that can be a lot to deal with for representatives (Presbitero et al. 2016) Reason: Too much remaining task at hand Once in a while a representative just doesn't feel the call community is the perfect spot for them. They may feel the work to be excessively, excessively little, or just not directly for them. Whatever the explanation, the representative needs to leave their position in light of the fact that the remaining task at hand doesn't feel right to them (Presbitero et al. 2016). Arrangement: If an operator sees their outstanding task at hand as excessively high or too low they can be left being overpowered or exhausted, and needing to leave. This returns to the recruiting determination process. Precisely characterising activity achievement factors and seeing how to assess work applicants during the recruiting procedure will assist with employing people

Arrangement: If an operator sees their outstanding task at hand as excessively high or too low they can be left being overpowered or exhausted, and needing to leave. This returns to the recruiting determination process. Precisely characterising activity achievement factors and seeing how to assess work applicants during the recruiting procedure will assist with employing people that can deal with the outstanding task at hand (Tanwar and Prasad, 2016). Other than understanding their work capacity and inspirational fit, work test re-enactments can be utilised to furnish the competitor with a reasonable feeling of the activity and permits the chance to assess them.

Possible employee retention strategies

Concentrate on Metrics that Drive Positive Agent Experience Needing and clutching straight profitability measurements is likely the most straightforward approach to censure representative resolve and maintenance. Associations talk about being worker and client concentrated, yet wind up concentrating a lot on measurements like Average Handling Time, Average Calls Handled, and so forth. Concentrating a lot on straight profitability measurements is a piece of conceiving severe execution focuses on that urge operators to take the necessary steps to accomplish their objectives (Holtom and Darabi, 2018). This obliterates the specialist's spirit as well as consumer loyalty. Associations should begin accentuating more on measurements like Contact Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and so forth that are client driven and representative cantered. Concentrating on these measurements would drive different measurements to fall in a similar line. Keep up a Culture of Agent Ownership Call focus operators are an abundance of abilities and information – the sort of information that can genuinely help associations who wish to control their exercises in a more client cantered course. Since they invest the majority of their energy communicating with clients, they comprehend what the clients need and need. Permitting specialists to take responsibility for crusades and exercises will help both the organisation in accumulating key client bits of knowledge and furthermore operators in causing them to feel significant and recognized. Reward and Recognize Best Performing Agents Perceiving or recognizing exceptional execution is not entirely obvious by the higher-ups. It's the least demanding way to deal with retouching specialist the executives connections, fabricate trust and re-establish vitality to the working environment. Late research expresses that representatives with strong managers are occasionally bound to remain with the organisation and are 67% progressively locked in (Holtom and Darabi, 2018). Most specialists put in a great deal of

exertion in pleasing clients which ordinarily goes unrewarded. The best call habitats give motivating forces and acknowledgment to specialists that go the additional mile in conveying unrivalled client experience. This moves specialists to continue doing the sort of things they are improving. Customary prizes help representative confidence and cause them to feel esteemed and significant in the association. Putting time in concocting a motivating force and acknowledgment methodology can help procure gigantic profits for the middle (Gilani and Cunningham, 2017). Enable Agents beyond Answering Phone Calls Call focus operators have an abundance of abilities, experience, and information that is standing by to be utilised. Engaging them to utilise their experience and information to think of better procedures and thoughts can improve the two procedures and representative maintenance. Enabling specialists off their telephones, alongside virtual call place arrangements, to help improve procedures can show a colossally positive effect on operator turnover. By giving operators openings on basic issues make a solid culture of specialist commitment and assurance (Gilani and Cunningham, 2017). Sustain Cross-Functional Feedback Systems The greatest issue that call place specialists feel is the fractiousness to be heard. Being treated as a solidarity unit of the association doesn't help in Allowing specialists to be engaged with cross-utilitarian criticism frameworks gives them the chance to be heard and guarantee they feel like a piece of the group (Lee and Chen, 2018). Giving operators an organised gathering to give input permit specialists to discuss the progressing difficulties and desires Give Professional and Career Development Opportunities Representatives that see that they have no future with the association wouldn't reconsider before they leave. Associations should manufacture a solid vocation that helps specialists to additionally build up their insight, aptitudes and capacities (Krishna and Upadhyay, 2018). Aside from supporting worker improvement programs, associations can likewise distinguish top performing representatives that show high potential and set them up to assume key jobs in the association. Showing responsibility and putting resources into worker advancement impels more prominent commitment and maintenance.

Making a culture of straightforward and open correspondence among operators and the board can help sustain a feeling of network and shared reason. Urging specialists to talk straightforwardly and honestly with chiefs without the dread of results causes operators to feel their data sources are esteemed. To make such a culture, chiefs ought to appear to be agreeable and be noticeable to specialists, as opposed to being secured and ensured levels of engagement (Kumar and Mathimaran, 2017). Formalize Interview on exit These practices can surely hoist specialist maintenance, yet can't totally prevent workers from leaving. Once in a while turnover is inescapable. There is no way around it. It is something the association ought to be set up for. In any case, by formalizing an appropriate post employment survey for each specialist that leaves, the administration can realize why operators are leaving and likely utilise that data to diminish levels of separation. There is no mystery to building worker commitment (Kumar and Mathimaran, 2017).

Retention plans

Compelling superior work frameworks (HPWS) is the name given to a lot of orderly HR rehearses that make a domain where the representative has more prominent inclusion and obligation regarding the achievement of the association. A superior work framework is a vital way to deal with a large number of the things we do in HR, including maintenance (Degbey et al. 2020). As a rule, a HPWS gets representatives engaged with imagining, planning, and executing forms that are better for the organisation and better for the worker, which expands maintenance. Remembering HPWS, one can start to create maintenance plans. The initial phase in this procedure is to see a portion of the speculations on work fulfilment and disappointment. Next, one can assemble information regarding the fulfilment level of our present workers. At that point one can start to execute explicit techniques for representative maintenance. The things that fulfilled the workers were inspirations, while dissatisfies were the cleanliness factors. He further said the cleanliness factors were not really sparks, yet on the off chance that not present in the workplace, they would really cause de-motivation (Anitha, 2016). As it were, the cleanliness factors are normal and expected, while they may not really rouse. The ramifications of this examination are clear. Compensation, for instance, is on the cleanliness factor list. Reasonable compensation is normal, yet it doesn't really persuade somebody to make

a superior showing (Ma et al. 2018). Then again, projects to additionally create workers, for example, the executives preparing programs, would be viewed as an inspiration. Consequently, our maintenance plans ought to be centred around the zone of reasonable compensation obviously, however in the event that they take the heading of Herzberg's persuasive elements, the genuine sparks will in general be the work and acknowledgment encompassing the work performed (Ahammad et al. 2016).

Theoretical framework

There are two types of employee turnover-unavoidable and avoidable. The unavoidable turnover includes retirement or death of the employee and company has little to no role to play within that issue. However several businesses simply concentrate on hiring in and fail to address issues pertaining to employee retention resulting in avoidable turnover in which the employee wilfully resigns from the company. The cost to replace an employee is 150% to the employee’s annual salary and benefits (Presbitero et al. 2016). Hence employee retention should be something that every business needs to follow irrespective of this size in order to avoid high cost of avoidable turnover and possible incidents of disruption. The mass flow theory of need stated that the five types of needs which can be ranked into hierarchy. Depending on the situation faced by the employee they could be either at the position of self-actualised for survival (Ahammad et al. 2016). Managers perceive that in the present time design incentive to provide a sense of belonging scope of growth as part of self actualization can be effective employees need to feel that they need for survival and security are rightly answered. Following are the description of each level which motivates the employee to ensure maximum retention

Safety and Motivations gives Security:

Numerous non-talented, low-paying, passage level workers work in an unending condition of endurance. At this degree of Maslow's chain of command, inspiration is as a rule about cash. In light of the representative's lower wage, a raise or a new position that pays only 50 pennies more for every hour can be extraordinary, and speaks to a huge boost in compensation (Presbitero et al. 2016). Representatives at this endurance level are only one punctured tire away from insolvency. Cash for this companion is so firmly controlled and deliberately spent that practically any situation with a salary raise is a savvy decision for them. Wellbeing for some may mean working in a spot with a zero-resistance approach for brutality. For other people, it might be staying away from upsetting circumstances, for example, a harmful workplace where a manager consistently shouts at them (Kundu and Lata, 2017). Whatever the wellbeing issue is, working conditions that cause the worker to feel perilous instigates a degree of dread that keeps these representatives at an ineffective level. Until an individual's endurance and security needs are fulfilled, the representative stays self-centred and can't accomplish more than the absolute minimum to keep their activity.

Belonging and Motivation relates to being Part of Something important:

The third level moves a representative's inspirations outward toward connections. At this stage, being acknowledged as a feature of a gathering or a group is a significant inspiration (Kundu and Lata, 2017). Since endorsement from administrators is critical to representatives at this third degree of Maslow's order, sparks, for example, acknowledgement programs, distinctive work structures, peer communications, and being a piece of a group upgrade worker execution and maintenance.

Confidence with Motivation provides Respect and Confidence among employees:

With an individual's feeling of having a place met, a representative's confidence turns into the following essential inspiring variable. A director can fabricate the confidence of their workers when they express regard and trust in their representatives' abilities. Employment titles are additionally critical to this companion (Tanwar and Prasad, 2016). Organisations with workers at this level frequently urge representatives to take an interest in quality improvement and open acknowledgment programs, particularly if cooperation can bring about winning honors, endorsements and the admirations of their companions. With certainty and high confidence, workers are essentially bound to "consider some fresh possibilities" or "think like a proprietor", and put forth the attempt to improve their own exhibition for the advancement of the organisation (Anitha, 2016).

Self-Actualized and Motivation provides Self-Directed decisions and thoughts:

At long last, in a couple of associations, representatives are urged to accomplish the most significant level of inspiration and to meet their own self-completing needs (Anitha, 2016). At this level, the representative spotlights on the more prominent acknowledgment of their very own latent capacity. Organisations with workers at this level should offer vacations and urge representatives to seek after outside instructive chances, take part in broad daylight talking and write articles and papers (Degbey et al. 2020). Workers at this most significant level are self-starters and free scholars who will help move an organisation past its present limits.

Two factor motivation theory:

Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene hypothesis, otherwise called the two-factor hypothesis, contends that in a working environment, certain components lead to work fulfilment, while different factors independently cause work disappointment. This is significant in light of the fact that it implies that we can utilise explicit inspirations to assist individuals with being glad in their work, while other "great cleanliness" practices can be utilised to shield individuals from being excessively despondent in their work. Directors should be lined up with the association's responsibility to utilising key inspirations for motivating the elite (Degbey et al. 2020). So show them how to execute and finish on Herzberg's helpers. Administrators are the essential interface between the association and the person. The directors are exceptionally arranged to have an immediate effect on worker inspiration, as make certain to give bounty to preparing and support chiefs and administrators (Goldstein et al. 2016).

MAGIC Acronym for employee retention

Engaged employees go beyond transactional exchange and are willing to provide much-needed effort. They bring their minds and hands into the job. However, the choice to apply this effort is something not stated under the contract of satisfaction. It is up to the employee. Based on research and a database encompassing 50 million employees, a survey related to employee experience works on identifying critical employee engagement and retention (Roy, 2018). The following are the aspects that both the employees and employees need to understand to retain and satisfy the employee during their professional tenure.

  • Meaning: employees need to understand or be made understood about the purpose beyond the work itself. The employees need to understand the significance of work on more than just a surface level. Rombaut and Guerry (2020) opined that work is something worthwhile if the employees always focus on paychecks, then they are likely to put in as much as work to commensurate with the pay check.
  • Autonomy: the power to shape the environment and work in ways that will allow the employee to perform their best is the prime concern of autonomy. The employees tend to think about the emperor and freedom they are provided to perform their job in a specific way. However, it should be duly noted that autonomy is not anarchy; the employees still need to operate under acceptable norms, simultaneous involving a degree of self-governance (Kumar and Mathimaran, 2017). Autonomy allows employee as an individual to develop and shape their role and environment in such a way that is best for the organisation and the individual employee.
  • Growth: being challenged and changed in several ways result in personal and professional growth is the actual meaning of growth. There was a time decades ago when one could maintain a set of skills for development, and that base could carry that individual employee throughout his professional career (Krishna and Upadhyay, 2018). However, the internet speed of change and growth needs to match the external rate of change. With the constant competitive environment, it becomes essential for the employees to update their existing skill sets to retain their employment. Similarly, with the rising generation, the capability to grow and develop in a job challenges the employee who may benefit the company.
  • Impact: observing active, positive, and worthwhile outcomes, coupled with the result for employees' work, the management needs to pay special attention. When employees put all their effort into the job, yet there is little impact on the organisation's success when it becomes challenging to keep the employees motivated (Holtom and Darabi). In such cases, it is equally challenging to retain the existing employee within the organisation. On the other hand, if the employee is making an evident impact and is going through a tough time, it expects positive feedback and recognition to understand the impact the employees have on the customer or boss to help them understand their growth (Holtom and Darabi).
  • Connection: the sense of belonging towards a particular organisation is the prime factor of employee engagement surveys. Employees need to feel a connection with the organisation and employees working within the organisation. Hence it can be concluded that employee engagement is not a transactional relationship. Both employee and employer need to play a role in ensuring a high level of engagement and retention (Kumar and Mathimaran, 2017)

Literature gap

The research works on addressing the possible factors that ensure possible retention of the employees. However, it becomes important to note that retention of the employees and possible factors that motivates the employees. The factors for motivation are highly subjective in nature and demand extreme research. However, it becomes important to note the fact that impacts of the possible factors are yet to be determined and the possible ways that can be rightly implemented.



In the methodology segment, the researcher includes the appropriate collected information and best research approaches to fulfil the study objectives. This segment is very crucial in terms of gathering information from the resources. A researcher must understand several research constraints and practice appropriate research strategies to attain the results from the observations and documented information. In this segment, moral and ethical aspects of the research, sampling method, data collection method, research design, and research limitations has been discussed in an elaborated manner. Qualitative and quantitative research approaches have been practiced in this research dissertation to reach to the conclusion. Based on the research study observations further recommendation to attain productive employee retention has been demonstrated in this assessment. Both Qualitative and Quantitative research methods are important evaluation aspects in terms of having conclusions and providing recommendations. In-depth review, interview of managers, reviewing of the focused group can be considered as instances of Qualitative research methods. Surveys, structured interviews, are certain types of actions that are performed under Quantitative research methods. Additionally, studying of documentations and comments of the respondents, reviewing paperwork are imperative examples of this research method. Inductive hypothetical processes are used for formulating Qualitative research methods whereas deduction-based study is practised in Quantitative research. The responses from the employees and managerial officials of the company have been taken for recording their reactions and responses on employee retention in their respective workplace (Mohajan, 2018). To identify the main issue and clarify the research technique to reach goals, Quantitative research has been applied in the research study. Statistical, numeric, and analytical data are transcribed into graphical representations as these are very important for interpreting the Quantitative research results. To understand the effectiveness of the employee retention aspects of the company and examine key areas of productive work culture in the company, this segment would be a very essential part of this dissertation. As the methodology segment of a research dissertation is an important step for gathering information and interpreting the results from the collected data resources, a researcher must

meticulously practice each step of the research method. Legitimate and reliable data resources must be considered for attaining fruitful consequences (Snyder, 2019).

Research approach

Inductive and deductive-these are two basic types of the Research approach. It has been observed in many research papers and official circumstances that both of these research approaches are essential for reaching a verified and structured conclusion (Ørngreen and Levinsen, 2019). In other words, Inductive research approach is another aspect of Qualitative based research method and data collection and quantitative research are major facets of Deductive research. Research approach can be segmented into an observational, focus group, survey-based, and finally, experimental search approaches which are beneficial for collecting primary data resources (Ørngreen and Levinsen, 2019).

Research methods

In this study on employee retention, data sampling has been applied to understand the basic pattern of the research (Fletcher, 2017). Collection of data and data analysis are the key concepts of the Research approach. To perform the data collection part, Qualitative and Qualitative Research methods have been used and inductive and deductive approaches are performed for analyzing the data. The research works on deductive approaches to understanding the possible retention strategies (Ørngreen and Levinsen, 2019).

Research strategies

There have been various types of research strategies like case study-based, ethnography, experiment, survey-based, action-based, business scenario analysis, survey-based, grounded research, and archival research. The survey-based strategy has been taken in this case for getting results from the situational analysis (Fletcher, 2017).

Research Design

Research Design defines the strategic framework that enables a researcher to address the main concern and analyse the collected information to reach the research goals. Precisely, Data sampling is a manipulative framework which consists of a subset of representing data points. Exploratory, Explanatory, and Descriptive- are three major types of Research Designs that have been applied by the researchers as per the situational analysis and sample size. Both secondary information and primary data resources have been used in this study for analysing the importance of employee retention in the corporate framework of (Ulmer, 2017). Analytical data reasoning is the major variety of exploratory research designs among other designs. Moreover, the Descriptive research design is preferred by many researchers for its usefulness in terms of investigative qualities (Taherdoost, 2016).

Sample size

In this research dissertation of employee retention, the sample size or the respondents must be from that organisation, as this would enable the researcher to gather first-hand and unbiased information from the employees (Basias and Pollalis, 2018). The sample size to perform Qualitative Research is quite smaller than Qualitative Research. The viewpoints of the senior managers would be possible if the sample size is appropriate to take interviews and surveys with a particular time frame. Here the sample size comprises 41 individuals.

Data collection methods

To understand the viewpoints of the employees of the company and their apprehension on employee retention practices of the organization have been interpreted by evaluating the primary and secondary data resources (Ngozwana, 2018). Quantitative research methods lack fixed-responses as pre-specified principles are used by a researcher to set up a theory based on hypothetical observations. The analytical part of the research method is less prioritised than the project planning part. Numerical data is a prerequisite part of this research method. To attain the research objectives and draw conclusions from statistical analysis Quantitative research method is practised in this research dissertation (Wang et al. 2019). A large group of people has to respond to structured open-end questionnaires to perform Quantitative research. Subjective data is collected for analysing the collected information. In this study, 41 people have been taken for interpreting the results. Questions based on their choices and behavioural traits are also recorded under this study method. Based on the sample size (number of respondents) and action type, a researcher has to decide the best research method that would complement his research goals and observations. Diversified behavioural traits, like empathy, pragmatic viewpoints etc. are considered for performing such study. Managers and employees have been taken for performing surveys and interviews. Those respondents have to answer a set of survey questions as a part of the Quantitative research method and they all would be interviewed as part of the Qualitative research method (Abutabenjeh and Jaradat, 2018).

Research philosophy

In terms of Research philosophy, Positivism, Realism, and Interpretive are three predominant types of the theoretical approaches of learning. Indulgent of research design into the research dissertation enables a researcher to categorize the primordial aspects of the topic (Aithal, 2017). In many research journals, Realism, Positivism, Interpretive, Subjectivism, Interpretive, Objectivism are certain instances of Research philosophy. Realism as the name suggests aid the researcher to collect Real information and study that observation. But his types of philosophical approach are quite time-consuming such that is not readily preferred by the researchers to conduct research (Dźwigoł and Dźwigoł-Barosz, 2018). Positivism research philosophy allows the researcher to freely choose any one or both approaches as per the situation calls for. Emergency-based actions are more prioritised in this type than Interpretivism research philosophy. Interpretive research philosophy mainly focuses on self-interpretation and intuition capabilities in case of performing actions. Positivism research philosophy has been stated in this research dissertation to understand the overall impact of employee retention practices on the managers and employees of the company (Clandinin et al. 2017).

Data Collection Method

As stated before, Data Collection consists of Primary and secondary data collection methods. Employees and managers have been taken as respondents to respond to the survey questionnaire, which can be stated as the Primary data collection method. Additionally, studying published magazines, research journals, official websites, records over digital and social media platforms are the essential aspects of the data collection method for the other parts of research (Aithal, 2017). Primary data collection method: Non-published sources, for instance, feedback forms, surveys, face-to-face interviews, group meetings, like practices must be conducted to attain reliable first-hand data from present employees and ex-employees. Collection of primary data ensures that the information is fresh and verified. But sampling of the respondents plays a critical role in terms of response submission of the respondents (Ndlovu-Gatsheni, 2017). The respondents must be randomly picked but it is not required that the respondents would be aware of the certain topics. Secondary data collection method: To conduct secondary data collection approach, verified resources must be considered by the research to generate results. Resources like published magazines, records over digital platforms, journals, official websites, are taken as Secondary data. A researcher has to critically overview the best way to reach the research goals, such that he must apply the suitable research method to construct and realize the key research findings. The respondents in this study have to answer their overviews on employee retention techniques (Murshed and Zhang, 2016).

Sampling method

The sampling method consists of Non-probability and Probability sampling techniques. Random data sampling is practised under Probability sampling technique whereas Quota Sampling, Purposive sampling, and Convenience analysis-are three diverse features of Non-Probability Sampling (Murshed and Zhang, 2016). Fair and unbiased judgments and sampling are necessary for generating pragmatic and valid results. Cluster analysis, Simple random analysis, Systematic reviewing, and Stratified random measuring are other types of Probability sampling technique. In this study, Non-probability sampling techniques have been applied by the researcher to get practical results to interpret the research objectives (Ndlovu-Gatsheni, 2017).

Data Analysis

To validate the responses from the respondents cum the senior managers and employees of the organization, further hypothetical analysis of the primary and secondary resources is essential. 41Respondents have been considered in this research dissertation, to interpret their perspectives on employee retention. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches have been defined in the research dissertation. Finally, the aspect of ethical constraints during the course of analysis may emerge as a potential problem in research. The research participants are not forced to participate against their will and all of them would have their identities concealed. As per the Data Protection Act 1999, the data collected from the research is not used for other purposes.

Project plan

An elaborated and well-structured project plan has been projected in this study to interpret the significance of employee retention practices in the organizational context. To define the importance of retention of human resources in the workplace, understanding of the key practices of the methodology is very essential. The project plan is the operational flow-chart for practicing all the required stages of research. Consideration of the methodological aspects is another important part of the research dissertation. Within twenty-three weeks the entire research will be performed. By generating a project plan, a researcher can organise the data resources as well as practice the suitable reach method within the preferred time frame. Sub-parts like literature review, layout planning, and research design selection are essential to analyse the collected data accordingly.


Presentation of collected data and verbatim of the respondents are key resources to attain a conclusion. In this study, published research journals, corporate reports, and research reports are collected as part of secondary data resources. In this research dissertation, face to face interview and employee surveys are collected as primary data resources.



The fourth chapter is data findings and analysis, where it is possible to gather the relevant information and data from the authentic sources of information, which will provide a scope to the researcher to conduct this study efficiently and fulfil the research aim and objectives. Through gathering the authentic sources of information, it is easy for the researcher to progress in the research and analyses the above mentioned research topic efficiently. The data findings are possible through arranging the survey questionnaire where the researcher will aim to conduct the survey and gather authentic information and data directly from the employees of the organisation to understand the retention polices and practice of the employees as well as the motivational factors that have crucial impacts on the employees.

Quantitative data findings and analysis

The quantitative data findings will be represented here through the tabular formation and the charts where the answers of the respondents will be included. The researcher tries to arrange online survey with open ended questionnaire and attract the participants rather than forcing them to take active part in the research. The findings on the questionnaire will be represented in the tabular form through which the percentage will of the calculated where it would be possible to understand the actual answers of the questionnaires and analyse the view point of the employees, who are engaged with the survey. There are 21 questions with corresponding answers and the employees must click on the options given below in order to share their feedback in each question. This is one of the effective methods to understand the point of view of the respondents and analyse their feedback as well for further analysis and in depth evaluation.

Do you agree with the salary scale per month in the company, which is one of the important factors of employee retention?

Responds for salary scale per month Responds for salary scale per month

The question is effective for identifying the view points of the employees and as per the answers, 0% employees strongly agree and 8.3% respondents agree. The 25% employees give neutral answers and on the other hand, 50% disagree and 16.7% strongly disagree with the same. According to the findings, it can state that most of the employees are not satisfied with the salary scale in the organisation. Most of the staff members in the company do not get structured salary and the wage according to their job position, work pressure and other performance related pay. The employees also stated that the call centres is efficient to develop structured salary for which the employees retention policy is not good in the company. Hence, it can be stated that, salary scale is one of the major indicator for employee retention and in this case, if the employees are not happy with the salary provided by the organisation, their performance will be deteriorated in the workplace.

Do you agree with the fact that the level of job security has direct impacts employee retention?

Responds for salary scale per month

As per the findings, 16.7% respondents strongly agree and 41.7% agree to the fact. In addition to this, there are neutral answers about 33.3% and remaining 25% employees disagree to the fact. It can be stated that, most of the employees agree to the fact that, job security must be ensured by the organisational management team at call centres and the leader in order to retain the workforce and manage them efficiently. The organisational workplace must be developed efficiently where the employees can secure the position and will be able to secure social status and job in near future. Hence, the employees refer to work under the suitable organisational environment, where they have proper job security.

Do you agree with the organisational working environment including infrastructure, light intensity, cold and hot, working instruments and transport facilities?

Responds for salary scale per month

The findings reveal that, 0% strongly agrees and 50% agree to the fact. 33.3% employees give neutral answers and the remaining 16.7% respondents disagree to the fact. Hence, it can be opined that, the employees prefer to work under suitable organisational environment at call centres and it is the responsibility of the organisational leader and the management team to design the work and develop suitable instruments and internal infrastructure in order to retain the experienced staff and lead them efficiently towards achieving future organisational success, so that the employees will be motivated under effective environment and perform better in near future

Do you agree with the organisational recognition policy by the performance of the staff?

Responds for salary scale per month

As per the findings, 33.3% employees agree to the same and 33.3% give neutral answers, on the other hand, 25% employee disagree that the organisational recognition policy is fair. 8.3% employees also strongly disagree to the same fact, which indicates that, the respondents are not satisfied with the organisational recognition factors. The recognition strategy is not good and fair according to the performance of the top management team which further deteriorates the staff members in the workplace. This is one of the major reasons, where the management team fail to retain the staff in the call centres where the employees are not satisfied with the recognition and growth in the call centres. The staff members also find it unfair to give recognition for which they are de-motivated and they are not willing to perform with their full capabilities and creativity in long run.

Do you agree that the working relationship between top management and subordinates encourage the working activities and performance of the staff in the workplace?

Responds for salary scale per month

As per the findings, 0% strongly agrees and 41.7% agree to the same fact. However, 50% employees provide neutral answers for which it is not possible for the researcher to identify the actual feedback of the employees. Remaining 8.3% employees disagree to the fact and it can be stated that, employee relationship is good for the organisational team members to develop strong working activities and improve employee morale and trust for working with others in the call centres. The management team also start collaborating with the employees and support them or achieving the future organisational success cooperatively.

Do you agree in developing working relationship with the employees?

Responds on developing Responds on developing

As per the findings, there are 8.3% employees who strongly agree and 50% employee agrees to the same. 33.3% employees give neutral answers and the remaining 8.3% respondents disagree to the fact as some of the employees are introvert and they cannot communicate in the employees with others. However, as per the findings, it can be stated that, the relationship between the employees in the call centres are effective where they are internally connected to serve the end users and their performance are also improved over the time with high collaboration and communication. The organisational leaders and the management team are also working with others and they try to enhance internal communication as well in the call centres in order to building strong relationship among the employees, so that the staff members feel valued and free to work with others. Through developing strong bonding among the employees trust and loyalty can also be improved and the employees also can work with others and share their knowledge and experience with each other for maximising the team performance. Hence, working relationship among the employees has crucial positive impacts on the organisational performance at the call centres.

Do you agree with the involvement of the managers in the personal matters concerning employees like diseases, death and transfer etc. is good?

Responds on developing

According to the collected data, 0% employees strongly agree and about 33.3% employees agree to the fact. However, 16.7% employees give neutral answers and the remaining 50% employees disagree to the fact which indicates that the interference of the management team in the personal matters in the workplace is not good and the employees will not be comfortable to share their personal matters like diseases, death or transfer. These are the personal matters, where the management team should not be involved and it is the resistibility of the managers to not ask questions on the personal matters of any of the employees in the workplace which is against of the professionalism. Hence, the organisational employees at the call centres also disagree and dissatisfied with the interference of the management team in their personal matters as they are not comfortable in discussing their matters with them.

Do you agree with the safety levels of the workplace of the company?

Responds on developing

The safety levels are also playing a crucial role in order to manage the employees and in this regard most of the employees are concerned about the safety measures. As per the findings, 16.7% employees strongly agree and 50% employees agree to the same that the employee safety measures are mandatory and it is the responsibility of the organisational leader and also the management team to protect the employees and fulfil the organisational commitment towards each staff in the workplace. In this regard, about 33.3% employees also give neutral answers for which it becomes difficult to make fair decision, however, most of the employees agree to the same and it is mandatory for the call centres to provide safety, measures to the employees and protect them as well in the workplace by managing emergency exit, executing fire extinguisher and implementing CCTV cameras at the workplace. The employees at the call centres are also working at bight and the safety and security of the all the employees are of great concern of the managers and the organisational leader so that there will be no such unethical practice in the workplace. The safety levels at the call centres are hereby crucial to be managed well in the workplace in order to protect employee morale.

Do you agree with the opportunities of learning and development, provided by the company?

Responds on developing

As per the finding, 8.3% employees strongly agree and about 41.7% employees agree to the same. However, 25% employees give neutral answers to the question and 16.7% respondents disagree to the fact. The remaining 8.3% strongly disagree to the fact. Most of the employees reveal that there are opportunities of the future learning and development activities in the organisational workplace and it would be beneficial for the employees at the call centres for better performance. The employees can get training and development program and also there are top management teams who are supportive and helpful to improve the skill and experience of the employees working in the call centres, which are crucial for personal and professional development in the workplace. The call centres also arrange induction training and there are several levels of success in the workplace where the employees get technical and support training activities for developing their skill and expertise to serve the end users for fulfilling the organisational aim.

Do you agree with the retirement benefits plan provided by the organisation for the benefits of the employees?

Responds on developing

As per the findings, 8.3% of respondents strongly agree and 50% employees agree to the same. 16.7% employees give neutral answers and 16.7% disagree as well as 8.3% participants strongly disagree to the same. It can be stated that, most of the employees in the call centres agree to the retirement benefits plan provided by the organisation for the benefits of the employees, and this tactic of giving benefit to each staff will be valuable for them where the leader of the call centres can maximise employees morale and maximise their wellbeing in long run. it is mandatory for the organisations to restructure the retirement plan and retain the long run employees as well as experienced staff with such benefits so that the organisational performance can be maximised as well as the leader can strengthen their employee base in near future.

Do you think the increment of salaries and other allowances, good working condition, opportunities for career growth, etc, may improve employee retention?

Responds on developing

As per the findings to this question, there are 99.7% employees who agree to the fact that salary increment as well as allowance to each employee is the major strategic planning of the organisational leader to retain the staff in the workplace. On the other hand, the remaining 8.3% do not agree to the same. However, as per the employees feedback, it can be stated that, the good working environment, internal working activities, allowances and employee benefits through salary increment are the major factors so that retain the employees and help the staff members for fulfilling their needs in the organisation.

Do the employee engagement strategies of CAL have any effect?

Responds on developing

In addition to this, CAL does not have that many impacts on the employees in the workplace and as per the findings. 33.3% employee to the fact and remaining 66.7% do not agree to the question, which indicates that employee’s engagement strategy by CAL is not effective to engage the staff in the workplace.

Would you consider leaving this organisation?

Responds on developing Responds on developing

As per the findings, 83.3% employee agree to the fact that they are willing to leave the organisation as the organisational leader fails to maximise their wellbeing in the call centre workplace. On the other hand, the remaining 16.7% employees do not agree to the fact, as the job in the call centre is necessary for them to fulfil their basic needs. Most of the employees are willing to leave the organisation due to poor working environment, lack of cooperation from the management team and unfair salary structure and incentives.

If you are not satisfied with the employee engagement strategies of this organisation what decision will you opt?

Responds on developing Responds on developing

The question is very much important to identify the feedback and perception of the employees. If the employees are not satisfied with the job of the call centre, the rate of employee turnover is increasing over the period of time. As per the findings, 0% employees choose quit the job option. 66.7% agree that they leave the job after getting new employment opportunity if they are not satisfied with the employee retention polices of the organisation. 8.3% employees agree that they tolerate the situation and remaining 25% employees agree that they are under pressure of change. Hence, according to the data findings, it can be stated that, most of the employees are looking for better opportunity when they are not satisfied in the current workplace and they will leave the place after getting the new employment scope.

Do the policies or procedures at CAL make your job more difficult?

Responds on developing Responds on developing

As per the findings, 33.3% employees agree to the fact that polices or the procedure of CAL increase difficulties in the workplace of the call centres. However, most of the employees about 66.7% do not agree to the same and they are feeling comfortable with the policies or procedures at CAL.

Are you satisfied with your job?

Responds on developing Responds on developing

Job satisfaction is playing crucial role in managing the employees and retaining them in the workplace. According to the data finding, 33.3% employees are satisfied with their job at call centre, however, remaining 66.7% employees are not satisfied with the job, hence, it can be evaluated that, the organisational leader at the call centre are not efficient to restructure their policy and practices to satisfy the employees in the workplace of the call centres which leads to poor performance and high employee turnover.

Are you satisfied with the way employee engagement strategies are carried out at CAL?

Responds on developing Responds on developing

As per the findings of this question, 8.3% respondents are satisfied with the way employee engagement strategies are carried out at CAL, which indicates that the working environment are not good and the employees are not satisfied. On the other hand, remaining 91.7% employees do not agree the fact that they are satisfied with the way employee engagement strategies are carried out at CAL; hence the organisational leader fails to manage the staff members in the call centre.

Do you think there is enough exposure to executives and decision makers?

Responds on developing Responds on developing

According to the findings, 36.4% employees of the call centre agree that there are executives and effective decision makers in the organisation. however, remaining 63.6% members do not agree to the same, which indicates that, the majority of the employees at the call centres are not happy with the participation of the executives and the decision makers in the organisation for which it leads to lack of creativity, poor decision making practice.

Do you have an opportunity to share your ideas at work?

Responds on developing Responds on developing

According to the data findings, 83.3% members agree that they can share their ideas at the workplace and remaining 16.7% employees are not satisfied with the empowerment of the staff in the workplace. This indicates that, majority of the employees are satisfied with the employee empowerment where they are encouraged to share their ideas for effective decision making behaviour.

Are the working facilities provided by the organisation good enough?

Responds on developing

As per the findings, 66.7% employees agree to the same and remaining 33.3% members are not satisfied with the working facilities provided by the organisation. The organisational leader at the call centre must look into the matter and design the workplace culture and working activities efficiently to satisfy all the members in the workplace.

How is your relationship with the reporting manager?

Responds on developing

Relationship with the reporting management also plays crucial role in managing the employee bonding and in this regard as per the findings, 33.3% employees stated that they have good relationship. 50% employees stated that they have very good bonding with the reporting manager. 8.4% stated it poor, 0% told it worst and remaining 8.3% employees stated it excellent. Hence, it can be stated that, the working relationship as well as the bonding between the employees and the reporting manager is good which is helpful for the management team to lead the employees and retain them in long run.

Data analysis

Employee retention is the responsibility of the organisational leader to strengthen their employee base and maximise the organisational performance in long run. Salary scale is one of the motivational factor for which the employees are working in the organisation at the call centres and in this regard the monetary incentives and structured salary pay scale is mandatory to retain the staff and also retain the experienced staff by roving them effective salary and monetary incentives (Presbitero, Roxas and Chadee, 2016). Job security is another factor which has crucial impacts on the employee retention and the working activities in the organisation, call centres. The employees try to get security in the organisation so that their basic needs will be fulfilled and they are able to secure social status and the income sources. Without effective job security, the employees cannot be retained in the workplace. On the other hand, the employees are also not satisfied in the workplace if their job and position in the organisation are not secured and safe in future (Tanwar and Prasad, 2016). The organisational working environment at call centres must be developed by the organisational leader and the manager to retain the experienced staff in long run, so that the staff members can get suitable workspace for working efficiently and leading others towards achieving future success. The factors such as internal working infrastructure, light intensity at the workplace, cold and hot, working instruments and transport facilities reshape the environment of the job (Fletcher, Alfes and Robinson, 2018). The organisational leader focuses on developing the internal infrastructure and develops suitable organisational set up at call centres in order to retain the staff and create values for them. In this regard, the safety of the workforce is also managed by the organisational elder.

Organisational recognition policy and practice provides a scope to the organisational leader and the management team in order to gain higher by performing better. The organisational employees and the internal staff members are looking for good recognition policy and practice by the performance by top management team, so that it is possible for the organisational leaders to create value for them (Gilani and Cunningham, 2017). The employees try to perform better to gain higher in the workplace and this further encourages the creativity and innovation of the staff in near future. It is mandatory for the organisational leader to create good corporate relationship among the staff members, colleagues and the organisational management team. The corporate relationship between the top management team and the employees are helpful for the organisational leader at the call centres, where it is possible to improve internal bonding and trust among the colleges and the management team, this further improve team work and employee morale to perform better in the workplace (Kossivi, Xu and Kalgora, 2016). The organisational internal environment can also be improved through developing suitable relationship among the staff and management team at the call centres where they can communicate and collaborate for better working activities.

Internal workplace relationship with the employees is also another crucial factor for the staff members to work better and cooperate with each other. This factor is also beneficial for maximising the organisational performance at the call centres and in this regard, the organisational leaders also try to develop suitable working environment and encourage open discussion and communication among the staff at the call centres, the employees at the call centres also agree to the same (Kundu and Lata, 2017). Moreover, the involvement with the managers in the personal matters is another factor which has crucial role in the workplace of the call centres. There are some employees who prefer to get involved in the personal matters and there are also the employees and the managers who are not likely to be involved with the personal matters of others in the workplace for maintaining professionalism. On the other hand, the opportunity for future learning and development is another factor which is helpful to retain the employees in the workplace (Kumar and Mathimaran, 2017). The employees in the organisations are looking for better career scope and achieving higher where they expect that there would be learning opportunities in the organisation for personal and professional development (Krishna and Upadhyay, 2018).

Additionally, the retirement benefits plan provided by the organisation for the benefits of the employees have positive impacts on the employees, where they feel valued in the workplace and their morale will be improved through effective strategic planning (Nafeesa Begum and Brindha, 2019). In this regard, the organisational leader at the call centre must focus on the retirement planning in order to create values for the employees in long run and retain them, in near future. In addition to this, the increment in salaries as well as the allowances has crucial impacts on the employee retention as these are the major monetary rewards through which the leaders are able to create values for the employees (Ma, Mayfield and Mayfield, 2018). On the other hand, good working relationship, opportunities in the career growth are also mandatory for encouraging the employees at the call centre and retain them for long run. As per the findings, there are some employees, who are willing to leave the organisation due to poor incentives and unfair salary structure where employee retention strategy is not effective for strengthening the organisational employee base (Lee and Chen, 2018). In the call centres, it is mandatory for the organisational leader to retain the staff through employee engagement and providing them monetary and non-monetary rewards, however, most of the employees are not satisfied with the organisational practice which leads to high employee turnover. The employees are not satisfied in the workplace of the call centres due to poor retention policies and practice and most of the employees are willing for better opportunity and they prefer to leave the current workplace after getting new employment opportunity (Lee et al., 2018). Exposure of the executives and the decision makers in the organisation plays a crucial role to run the business and achieve the organisational aim and objectives (Oginni, Ogunlusi and Faseyiku, 2017). Effective decision making behaviour and creative solution can be developed through

empowering the organisational executives and the board members or the decision makers in the workplace. Without effective presence of the executives and the decision makers, the organisational decision making behaviour become ineffective for which the performance would be hampered in long run. In the call centres, it is mandatory for the organisational workforce to share their ideas and be engaged with each other for working as a team. It is the major characteristics of the workplace culture at the call centre. The employees must be empowered and they are encouraged to share their opinion in front of others (Rombaut and Guerry, 2020). The working facilities on the other hand are also other major contributing factors for employee retention and in this regard, the organisational leader is responsible to design he work and share the workplace for better working activities.



The study is about to analyse the employee retention strategies factors that influence employee retention strategies at company, where the researcher focuses on analysing the retention strategies and practice of the organisations, where the management team members try to strengthen their employee base in near future. The organisational leader in the recent era of globalisation focuses on employee motivational factors for fulfilling their needs and preferences as well as retains them for long run. The literature review in this research is effective for understanding the motivational strategies of the employees as well as the retention polices and practice to strengthen their employee base. Through the secondary information search, and reviewing the literatures through the existing the secondary sources of information including the books, journals and articles, the researcher will also be able to conduct the thematic analysis for qualitative research analysis and analysis of the findings. On the other hand, the quantitative data analysis can be done through the tables and charts, where the percentage of the participants for the questions will also be evaluated for drawing further conclusion. As per the findings, the employees agree that there are employee motivational activities which further encourage them to work in the workplace. On the other hand, the organisational leaders and managers try to develop strong relationship with the employees in order to manage bonding and improve trust for better working activities. It is mandatory for the organisational leader at the call centres to create good working culture and maximise the employee’s values in the company.

Objective 1: To acknowledge the effects of the retention strategies on the company X at (Call Centre Department)


Through this resear5ch, it is possible to fulfil the first objective of the study which is to identify the impacts of the retention strategies on the company X, which is a call centre. As per the analysis and evaluation, there are great impacts of the employee retention policies and practice on the organisation. It is beneficial for the managers to retain the strong staff members and experienced employees as well as maximise the organisational performance in log run. It is also possible for the organisational leader to lead the employees towards achieving the future organisational success. The call centres can manage the strong employee base and create values for the staff and this further provides a scope to the managers to retain them and enhance their creativity and innovation for working better. In addition to this, the employee retention policies and practice are also beneficial for the call centre employees, where they can be motivated and encouraged to show their creativity and perform better within suitable organisational infrastructure. Through the retention policies, the employees can get benefits including the monetary and non-monetary rewards which are also beneficial for the employees to fulfil their needs and personal preferences. Hence, the research is effective to identify that there is great impacts of the employee’s retention strategy on the call centres and the policies and practices are beneficial for both the organisational leaders, management team and the employees at the call centres.


The leaders at call centres must design more strategies to retain the employees through developing suitable organisational culture with transparency and accountability management, team building activities and encouraging own creativity and innovation. The leaders at call centres and the managers need to focus on retaining the staff by creating values for them through recognition policy and developing strong relationship among them so that they can feel valued and work with others. The organisational leader needs to focus on maximising the values of the employees for encouraging them and empowering them in the organisational workplace to maximise the organisational performance in long run.

Objective 2: To identify the strategies of the managers/companies to reduce employee turnover (Call Centre Department) within company X


The research is effective to analyse and evaluate the strategies which are mandatory for the organisational leader to create values for the employees and the strategies are also effective to strengthen the employee base in long run. As per the findings, the call centres focus on retaining the staff members through providing them suitable workplace. The leaders try to develop incentives and recognition in the organisation, but the employees are not satisfied with the incentives. There is no such effective performance related pay in the workplace of the call centres. The employees expect to have incentives and recognition at the workplace on the basis of the individual performance by the top management team; however, the leaders fail to create the strategic planning for the employees to retain them successfully.


The leader at call centre must focus on arranging structured salary for the employee’s according to their potential and job position in the organisation. The leaders must give job security to each employee and provide training and development program for the personal and professional development of the staff. The leader also needs to arrange performance related pay by ensuring fair payment and rewards and this is one of the major strategies to retain the staff members in long run.

Objective 3: To recommend some suitable suggestions for effective employee retention at (Call Centre Department) within company X


The third objective of the research is also met through the study, where the researcher is able to develop suitable recommendations for the call centre in future where it would be possible for the organisational leader to retain the staff in the centre and create values for them. The further recommendations to meet these third objectives will be proposed.


For retaining the employees in the call centres, it is the responsibility of the leader to enhance internal communication and build strong relationship with all the staff members at the centre. Managing cooperation and developing partnership working practice at the call centres are mandatory for the leader to engage each staff in the workplace and lead them efficiently towards achieving future success. The engagement team of the call centre must focus on giving the monetary incentives, rewards and retirement plan through provident fund which are beneficial for the employees to be motivated and work with their full potential. The managers of the call centres need to manage safety and security of the employees by providing them safe workplace as well as giving job security.

Limitations of the study

The major limitation of the study is the sample size of the survey, time constraint and budgetary constraint. The sample population is one of the major factors which are chosen by the researcher and it is mandatory for the researcher to find the sample size from where the relevant and valid data can be extracted. In this study, the sample size is not good enough to collect authentic data and information as well as analyse the data successfully for in depth evaluation. The measurement issues for data relevancy are also another major limitation of the research and on the other hand, due to time constraint, the researcher is not able to gather a wide range of data for better relevancy of the research. Due to the issues of sample size and time constraint, the researcher faces issues to conduct the study and fulfil the research with more in depth analysis and evaluation. These are the major limitations for which the researcher cannot conduct more in depth data analysis due to lack of data validity and authenticity of the information. If the sample size is good and effective, the researcher would be able to collect relevant data and information directly from the respondents which are beneficial for analysing the above mentioned research topic.

Future research

There is the scope of conducting future research as well as the study also provides an opportunity to the researchers in near future to gather more in depth knowledge and information related to the employee retention policies and practices of the organisations. In future, it would also be able to conduct in depth data analysis and evaluation by engaging the employees of the multinational corporations in order to gather authentic data and their feedback about the employment rules and retention polices of the companies. On the other hand, the researcher would also be able to engage the management team members of the organisation for arranging interview in future which further provides a scope to understand the internal organisational process and practice for better analysis and evaluation. Hence, there is the scope of future research in order to analyse and evaluate the organisational internal strategic planning for retaining the long run employees. The future research will also be effectively done by the efficient researchers by engaging more participants in the study for gathering authentic and valid data sources and information.

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