The project focuses on the various health promotion interventions in terms of dementia in women of 65 years and above age, who belong to the black and the minority ethnic community (BAME community). Various health advocacy interventions are implemented for people suffering from various diseases or disorders to provide them with the best possible solution and the interventional strategy (Goeman et al., 2016). Health advocacy is thus a skillset where the various opinions in terms of the public are made for supporting various individuals who are suffering from various issues in terms of their Health. Thus various policy is made under the health advocacy interventions for increasing empowerment in people or the groups. The whole chapter focuses on the various aims and the objectives of the research undertaken; along with this, the research questions are mentioned along with the background of the whole study. By the use of various statistical data and the statistics, the whole study has been done. The main study which is to be done in the following research is in terms of "What are the ways by which various health promotional interventions are determined in women of age 65 years and above; suffering from dementia, belonging to the BAME community in England and Lambeth? Dementia is a syndrome where there is a deterioration in the memory power of the Individual, along with their thinking, behaviour, and abilities for doing many days to day activities. Dementia mainly affects the people belonging to the old age, but this syndrome is not the normal consequence of ageing (Goeman et al., 2016). All over the world, about 50 million people suffer from dementia, and as per the estimates and the calculations, about 10 million new cases are found every year due to dementia. Thus due to the decreased ability of such people in terms of making decisions and carrying out there day to day activities are influenced, thus posing the problem to them, as well as their family members and the caretakers (World Health Organization, 2018).
Due to the high rate of prevalence of dementia in women of age 65 years and above in the BAME community at Lambeth, this problem is taken under consideration to find various health advocacy interventions for incorporating various changes in the healthcare systems and the policies in there. Thus by this study, the quality of life may be improved for such members of the society in England and Lambeth, thus empowering the broad-base actions. According to JSNA, (2017), in a minority group of people, dementia is relatively prevalent mainly in the BAME community. Mainly the people who belong to the black African and the Caribbean community in the U.K. suffer from this disease (JSNA, 2017).
It is estimated by Office for national statistics, (2020) that about 12,400 people in England are living with dementia who belong to 65 years and above of age and belong to the BAME community. Thus the problem becomes further complicated in terms of supporting and helping such people and lay various interventional strategies for them (Office for national statistics, 2020). Thus, according to Clinical commissioning group, (2019) safety issue is the most critical aspect in patients suffering from dementia thus recognitions, as well as the management of such issues, must take place to reduce the problem. From various static data, the prevalence of dementia in England was estimated to be among the people who belong to 65 years and above of age (Clinical commissioning group, 2019). From the data provided by the Clinical commissioning group, (2019) it is seen that about 65% of the people suffering from dementia are females. This disease was the cause of maximum deaths among the female in the U.K. during 2016-17. Thus in all, if observed, about 850,000 people are living with dementia in the U.K., out of which 537,097 people have got the diagnosis done. Thus from the data, it is estimated that this disease is very prevalent in there (Clinical commissioning group, 2019). Thus according to Goeman et al., (2016) in terms of the research various institutions are being made for raising the awareness and responding to the women's of age 65 years and above belonging to the BAME (Black, Asian Minority Ethnic Group) group and living with the condition of dementia in England and Lambeth (Goeman et al., 2016). Thus, for such people belonging to the BAME community, their rights to various health services are looked into along with their access to various government policies and legislation. All these actions are taken in concern to the mental Health as well as the capacity of the safeguarding of such people by reducing their various inequalities in terms of their Health (World Health Organization, 2018). Since dementia is a very prevalent syndrome in England and Lambeth; thus, the females who belong to the age group of 65 years and above suffer from the disorder, mainly belonging to the BAME community. Thus this topic needs to be taken under research to find the various health advocacy interventions for them, thus creating the guiding coalition and developing and maintaining the influential relationships for them. Since the number of people suffering from dementia is increasing in England and Lambeth, thus the study is done to determine various interventions for such people in there who belong to the BAME group and are females age 65 years and above. In Lambeth, dementia is the leading cause of death for women. About 1,497 people have been diagnosed in there out of 1,908 people suffering from dementia (World Health Organisation, 2018). Thus this place is determined to be the locality where the maximum people who are of the BAME community and are living with dementia. Thus due to the high rate of prevalence in there of dementia in females of 65 years and age there, the topic is chosen, and the following research is being done (Office for national statistics, 2020).
Aim: The main aim of the research is to increase the awareness of dementia, within women aged 65+ among the Black and Ethnic minority group in England and the borough of Lambeth.
To identify the prevalence of dementia among the females' age 65 years and above in the BAME community in Lambeth.
To be able to critically evaluate the efficiency of health advocacy intervention in preventing dementia among the females of age 65 years and above mainly belonging to the BAME community in Lambeth.
England is a country in the United Kingdom which shares its borders with Wales and Scotland. The country has various Boroughs of London in it among which Lambeth is one which is going to be discussed in the assignment. The Lambeth Borough of London has various ethnic groups of people living in it together. This is because people across the globe came to settle in the United Kingdom after the Second World Was as the industrial growth in this sector was very high (Baghirathan et al., 2018). Therefore people living here have been divided into various ethnic backgrounds based on their ethnicity, colour, and tribe. The Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups are the people of Black and Asian origin which are minority groups. They are commonly referred to as BAME communities in the United Kingdom. These communities fought for their rights in the U.K. as they were generally discriminated against on the grounds of their race and colour. This discrimination was fought for in the year 1970, where the government of the U.K. made it essential to address these groups as equally important as other communities in the country (World Health Organisation, 2018). They were no more discriminated against on behalf of their race or colour. Moreover, they were also provided equal rights and liberty as people of other origin enjoyed. Dementia is the most common neurological disorder which occurs with age. People of age group 65 years and above are likely to suffer from this condition as the process of ageing interferes with the processing and storage of information in the brain. This thereby affects the cognition and other processing and thinking skills of an individual. The females of these communities were found to contract the disease more often as compared to the females of other communities. A study was done by Biernacki ., (2016) explains that females of 65 years and above of BAME groups are found to suffer majorly from dementia, the most common reason for the disease is the lack of activity and lack of education. This makes women more dependent on others, and hence they can no more work independently. Moreover, the study reveals that lack of literacy among women of this age group also makes them prone to develop as they cannot learn new things easily. Similarly, a study by JSNA also reveals that the incidence of dementia is more in the women of the BAME group above the age of 65 years (Office for national statistics, 2020). This statistical information also reveals that among people suffering from dementia all across the globe, the majority of the people are women. This is because of the dependency and lack of liberty which confines the women indoors and hampers their skills and mental abilities (Clinical commissioning group, 2019).According to the report of the World Health Organization, the majority of the deaths among women are caused due to dementia. This makes this issue a matter of global concern, and therefore it is essential to address the issue globally. Moreover, the differences in the statistical information of JSNA have also revealed that the disease is equally common in women of BAME groups.
Another study by Williamson ., (2019) explains that lack of mental activity of the women of the BAME group made them more prone to contract dementia. Mental activity is believed to improve the functioning capacity of the brain and hence is also believed to improve the condition of the people. Therefore the women of this group were more prone to develop the disease. Moreover, there were certain social and economic factors associated with the development of the disease. Social factors make women remain at their homes and prevent them from engaging in outdoor activities which declines their mental Health. A study by Barker et al., (2014) states that to improve and enhance the function of the brain, it is essential that various and challenging tasks are provided to it. These tasks will eventually help in exercising various areas of the brain and will help in improving cognition and other remembering skills. While it comes to conduct successful health promotion intervention program, there are some important aspects on which organisers need to focus on behaviour, social perception, attitude and health needs of the target population (Koffman, 2018). Here the organisers of this health promotion intervention can be benefited by using relevant theories and models that will assist them to understand actual preferences, health needs and behaviour of the BAME people suffering from dementia. Social cognitive theory is one of the most preferred psychosocial theory that was developed by Albert Bandura (Barker et al., 2014). This theory will assist organisers of this health promotion intervention program to emphasize on three major factors such as cognitive, emotional and behavioural factors to determine the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health needs of the BAME people suffering from dementia. On the contrary Callister and Pickering-Brown., (2014) argued by sometimes only focus on these three major factors are not sufficient for organisers of a health promotion campaign as it will not assist organisers to analyse the biological and physical aspects of the target population that are important factors of health and wellbeing. despite many criticisms, this theory will be highly effective to organisers of this health promotion intervention to evaluate the 'personal factors' or cognitive factors of the health of BAME people such as the changes that occur in their attitudes, expectation and preferences due to dementia and how these can be normalised. On the other hand, this theory will assist the organisers to determine environmental factors associated with causing dementia in BAME people such as social norms, changing social perception, social support and acing difference facilities by BAME community. in addition to this, the organisers will also be able to determine the behavioural factors associated with the health of BAME people such as their self-esteem, self -efficiency, personal as well as professional skills. Here the organisers of this health promotion intervention will use another important mode such as Socio-ecological model. as mentioned by Kalaria. (2018), the socio-ecological model is highly helpful for any health promotion as it assists organisers to understand multiple levels of influence on target population such as individual, interpersonal, organisational, community ad public policy. In term of conducting this health promotion intervention for BAME people suffering from dementia successfully, the organisers need to emphasize on these multiples influences that will assist them to determine that ow the environment, social norms and community are associated with causing dementia in these BAME community. For example, in terms of reducing the growing epidemic of dementia in BAME community, more attention needs are focused by organisers of this health promotion intervention program on multiple levels of ecological and social aspects in the community such as ubiquity of irregular and improper diet in BAME community, unhealthy social stigma, social malpractices, lack of robust social and environmental norms and the poor relation of these BAME people with rest of society.
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The increased rate of mortality and morbidity in the country has highlighted the issue, and therefore the healthcare professionals are taken into account for this problem. A survey was done by Horsburgh et al., (2018) on the opinion of the healthcare professionals, reveal that various issues prevent them from reaching these minority groups. Lack of education and financial resources has made it difficult for this population to reach out to healthcare professionals. It is the major factor that affects these people from accessing healthcare services. Lack of knowledge about the disease has also made them remain. The healthcare professionals reported that there had been continuous resistance from these minority groups in the society, which has led to increasing the mortality and morbidity rates. A study by Callister and Pickering-Brown., (2014) reveals that people of Black and Asian Minority Ethnic groups believe in the conventional methods of treatments and hence they do not support medicinal treatments for the cure of the diseases. It makes it quite difficult for healthcare professionals to impart education to them regarding the condition. These groups are not in favour of accessing the free healthcare services made available to them in the form of health camps, health check-ups, and therefore the women of these communities cannot be screened for the disease (Callister and Pickering-Brown., 2014). Screening for the disease would enable them to identify the affected population and will also make them rule out the disease in its initial phase and then provide them with the appropriate treatment. This treatment believed to increase life expectancy and quality of life. Another study by Kalaria. (2018) explains that women of the BAME group prefer to remain within their communities and do not want to socialize with others. It makes it a problematic agenda for healthcare professionals to reach them and explain to them about the importance of preventive and curative medicine. Hence there has been increased mortality and morbidity rates in the women of this group which makes the issue a major concern. A survey was done by Robert et al. (2015) reveals that the healthcare professional has found specific problems while dealing with women of the BAME community. Lack of education, ignorance, use of conventional methods of treatment, the dependency of females on males, are some of the most common factors which have highlighted while imparting knowledge to this group of community. Moreover, discrimination based on colour and race has also made it difficult for these people to socialize with others (Robert et al., 2015). These factors need to rule out while managing women of this community. Specific measures can follow to provide them with education regarding the disease and its adverse nature on the health of the patients. Educating people in the language which is easy for them to understand, organizing health camps which will help in early screening of the disease, visualizing the effect of disease on the health of people and community with the help of drama, are some of the needs which the healthcare professionals should perceive to look after the disease and its extent in the community (Sun et al., 2015).
BAME groups of people have been discriminated against since they have settled in London. After the Second World War, these ethnic groups settled in different Boroughs of London in search of food and work. Made them establish different colonies and areas where they started dwelling on their own (Prince et al., 2014). The discrimination based on colour and race was quite prevalent in society at that time, and this made them remain isolated from urban areas. As a result, they started cultivating the lands in their vicinity and earned their living. Later as the laws were amended, it was made more comfortable for them to access various urban places. They were allowed to travel to different places of the country and hence they also got work in the industrial sector. The discrimination still prevailed in certain sections of society. This discrimination made them remain unknown to the health facilities provided by the government of the U.K. (Prince et al., 2014). Moreover, the lack of education and knowledge were some of the main reasons why they could not access healthcare facilities for themselves. Health inequalities have been the major factor in preventing the women of the BAME group from accessing healthcare facilities. These inequalities were created based on education, the status of employment, race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, and social groups (Orme et al., 2018). These inequalities have always prevented them from addressing their health-related problems to the healthcare organizations and as a result of which they suffer from various diseases and also die early because of a lack of treatment being made available to them. Education is one of the major factors as these people cannot have access to education in the country due to a lack of financial resources. This deprives them of the basic knowledge of the disease. Moreover, a study by Heiman and Artiga., (2015) explains that large families cannot afford to provide education to all the children and hence prefer to educate male children. This prevents females from getting appropriate education and hence they remain isolated in society. Employment status is another important factor as the healthcare services in the U.K. require average employment status so that the person can pay for the insurance and avail of its benefits at the time of necessity (Cacace et al., 2016). BAME groups are not employed on a good pay scale and therefore they do not avail of these benefits and hence remain unknown of the healthcare facilities. Race and ethnicity have also been a major issue in the U.K. where people still prioritize people of the same race or ethnic backgrounds.This makes them quite vulnerable to isolate and hence they do not get the healthcare services for their treatment and management of the condition (Cheston,., 2019). Socio-economic status is also a factor that contributes to providing healthcare services to people. As technological advancements have made the process of diagnosis and treatment simple, on the contrary, these treatments have also increased the cost of treatment which is not affordable by people of poor socio-economic groups (Marmot and Allen., 2014).
Determinants of Health are the factors which are generally the conditions, in which people are born, life, education, grow, socialize, or work. These conditions have a direct impact on the lives of people. A human being is a social animal, and therefore every aspect of his or her life has a direct or indirect impact on his or her life (Braveman and Gottlieb., 2014). Hence it is essential to address all the social determinants while discussing the reason for increased mortality among the women of 65 ears and above of the Black and Asian Minority and ethnic group. The World Health Organization established a Commission on Social determinants of Health in the year 2005 to provide support to all the countries across the globe for the factors relating to health and health inequalities (Braveman and Gottlieb., 2014). These social determinants helped provide them with an understanding of the factors which prevent people from accessing healthcare services. The origin of the concept of social determinants was, therefore, helpful in providing a guideline for the government and healthcare organizations and institutions (Cacace et al., 2016). These guidelines helped them rule out the major possibilities which could affect their implementation and devising of new policies in this context. There are 5 major social determinants of Health- genetic make-up, the behaviour of individuals, environmental and physical influence, medical facilities, and social factors (Barr et al., 2017). These determinants affect access to healthcare services differently. The genetic make-up of a particular community makes them prone to the development of certain conditions (Cheston,., 2019). Hence it is important to understand the genetic response of the body towards a particular condition. Similarly, the behavior of people towards the disease is another important determinant. How people react towards a disease makes it an important factor. The women of the BAME group were ignorant about dementia and hence they did not know what to do for the management of the condition and its symptoms (Barr et al., 2017). Environment and physical factors are the major influential factors in this case, as these factors affect a person's Health. The women of the BAME group were not allowed to socialize more with other communities which have made them more prone to the development of the disease. Their dependency on the males has also made them reduce their capabilities and capacities of the brain (Jackson and Gracia., 2014). Medical facilities are an important contributing factor in the Health of people. These people live in some different Boroughs of the country and are in remote areas where access to healthcare facilities is almost negligible (Boyce et al., 2014). This decreases their chance of seeing healthcare professionals in smaller health-related issues. Whereas on the contrary, people living in the central parts of the country can easily have access to these facilities and avail of its benefits. Similarly, Bennett et al. (2018) explain that social factors are one of the other most important social determinants of Health. Women of the BAME group are not treated equally as women of other groups in society. This has made them remain in isolation for years. The persistence of health inequalities in society has also made it difficult for them to access healthcare facilities (Bennett et al., 2018). They are not treated equally, and this disturbs them and prevents them from socializing with others. Hence these things should be managed in the community to make sure that people of other ethnic groups also avail benefits of healthcare services.
Lambeth is known to have introduced various strategies and interventions for tackling dementia and relates the quality of life for the residents (Holloway et al., 1992). The NHS South London includes three memory services that work in order to promote Health and services for dementia population in the region. These memory services work on the central aspect of National Dementia Strategy that is early detection, and the dementia population should be provided specialist services that would enable them to have a wide range of early detection and service referrals and options. The Southwark and Lambeth memory Services provides the borough-based specialist memory services that aim at advocating the specialist assessment, investigation, early diagnosis as well as treatment of the Individual over 65 years of age with risk of dementia. The teams of these services are made up of psychologists, nurses, occupational therapists and doctors. The multidisciplinary teams are essential to be working for appropriate care and practices. The Individual referred to the memory clinic are usually seen at home or local clinic. The latest diagnostic aids are used to detect dementia and the staffs of the team carry out assessment and planning. On evaluating the services provided by the team, it was found that there are around 1900 new referrals made to the teams every year. The feedback provided by the user of the services indicates that the services are suitable for the user and make them have a better quality of life (Holloway et al., 1992). Southwark and Lambeth integrated older people's program were introduced to overcome the challenges faced by the older community in the region, including dementia costs and care. The integrated hospital; services for the Individual, helps introduce reduced costs and lower hospitalization rates for the older Individual in the region. The services are evaluated using appropriate system assessment, and it is found that there is a need for more functional integration of services for dementia for older adults in Lambeth. NHS Lambeth Commissioning Group (Healthier together Five Year Strategy" was introduced in 2014 to have five-year aims until 2019. The statistics show that many individuals in the region have a good life expectancy and lives more prolonged, but the longer life is accompanied by the long term conditions such as dementia (Kossarova et al., 2016). The five-year plan introduced the application of Southwark and Lambeth integrated program for better efficacy and services for dementia. Under Ambition 4 for Lambeth, the policy introduced the intervention for early detection and management of dementia. The older people care is well maintained and managed under this aim. The aim introduced services to promote end of life care, quality services for improving quality of life with dementia for old aged individuals. The health services introduced in this plan aimed at promoting health advocacy for the older population living with dementia in Lambeth. The effectiveness of the intervention is subjected to evaluation of the management and prevalence rates of dementia in Lambeth among the older individual post-intervention (Kossarova et al., 2016). There are other several interventions being implemented in Lambeth as a source to review the services and manage dementia in the region. Health watches Lambeth introduces such interventions for dementia. The specialist multiagency services and partnerships are one of the approaches utilized by the health watch Lambeth to review services for dementia in the region. This approach promotes appropriate services for the system. The evaluation of the strategies revealed that integration of services in Lambeth for dementia care is set up in practice but not yet developed appropriately (Kossarova et al., 2016). Moreover, the U.K.'s five-year dementia strategy and plan and the Prime Minister's expansive view on dementia for 2020 has led to the realization that dementia is a propriety health concern in the U.K. The community levels of dementia are tested, and the strategies are developed to advocate the rights of the individuals living with dementia in the region. These interventions provide in-depth appropriate service provisions to promote health spread awareness and educate the population at potential risk for dementia that would help in early detection and delayed the progress of disease symptoms that would help in better quality life of the Individual. One of the important services promoted in the U.K. by Alzheimer's society is to support dementia self-advocates. This program is a health promotion intervention adopted by the organization in the U.K. to develop involvement of the dementia individual (Lawrence et al., 2008). The development of person-centred care, the inclusion of dementia carers and patient in policy development and strategies implementation and strengthening their involvement in the representation of people with dementia helps in promoting health advocacy (Kossarova et al., 2016). One of the interventional principles of the program includes seldom heard of being seen and heard. It is a core aspect of dementia health advocacy where the individuals with dementia are to be heard and seen as a normal human being and should have well-developed care plans that should introduce and address their fundamental rights and aim at improving quality of life.
Self-advocacy includes developing public awareness through health promotion and education. Public awareness is aimed to be enhanced through meetings, seminars, campaigns, public support groups . and in the form of U.K. dementia day celebration programs (Kossarova et al., 2016). It is seen that people with dementia has to be advocated to address their needs and wishes and therefore there has to be third person who helps in advocating their requirements to the health staff and society. The advocate can be a family member, carer, health staff or social worker (Kossarova et al., 2016). These people help the patient to develop a plan to achieve their necessities. Hence, these interventions are placed into a system in the U.K. to determine the better quality of life for the dementia people and enhance their health and wellbeing. Moreover, it is seen that such interventions help in reducing and delaying the progression of disease at high rates that enable the Individual to live more with a good quality life.
In this chapter, the researcher discusses the selected method that is going to be used in terms of conducting health promotion intervention. Additionally, this chapter is going to intervene how different health-related models such as Socio-ecological model, Social-cognitive model and Health Belief Model can be used by organisers of this health promotion intervention, which will assist them to understand not only mental and physical health needs of BAME people but also understand the behaviour as well as attitude of these people.
There are several interventions for the diseases prevention and management yet the evidence of public involvement, and population health behaviour change towards the health concern remains low speciality with people from underrepresented minorities such as BAME community and the Individual with learning disabilities. Gender and race-based difference are continually existing (Yoo and Kim., 2017). The studies identified the association between the pre-existing belief for dementia and the willingness of the individual engagement in health promotion and health advocacy interventions. The results achieved are mixed and few have pose concerns regarding the health belief theory (Seifan et al., 2017). The better knowledge and understanding of health belief and its influence on the willingness of the Individual to develop better lifestyle changes to prevent the disease such as dementia in underrepresented communities such as BAME helps in better prevention and control. It is identified through the statistical evaluations that the health belief of the individual influences their willingness towards engaging in preventive interventions for dementia. The Individual having low education and family history of the health condition shows relatively low willingness scores, and finally the association between age, gender and norms were identified that revealed that social factors related to dementia prevention differentially affects the Individual at risk of these diseases (Yoo and Kim., 2017). Hence, it was identified that Individual's health behaviour is influenced by several factors such as personal belief, and the perceived value of the benefit. Therefore, use of health belief theory to formulate the self-report dementia risk intervention would help in providing an assessment of several such factors that influences the Health of females in black, African and Asian communities that are at increased risk of dementia over the age of 65 years. Development of theory-based intervention helps in better screening in public and more accurate prevention attitudes from the target group. This would lead to well targeted, hypothesis-driven, an educational intervention that would help in reducing the barriers towards early diagnosis and prevention of dementia, especially among the underrepresented groups (Yoo and Kim., 2017). Here the organisers are going to use another important health-related model such as Health belief model. as mentioned by Koffma ( 2018), in any health promotion purpose, using Health belief model is highly helpful that would assist the organisers as well as the people associated with this health promotion program to determine the health-related behaviour of target population. Through using this model, the organisers of this health promotional intervention can determine overall behaviour, attitude and health needs of BAME people. through using this model, the organiser will be ae to analyse eth behavioural and attitude changes in these BAME people that happen due to dementia. This process is expected to be highly effective for this health promotion intervention that would assist organisers not only determine mental and physical health needs of these target population but also them to highlight the important clinical settings tart need to be developed for improving the overall health of BAME people. Stewardship model is the model that includes ethics to embody the responsible planning and utilization of resources (Nasiri et al., 2019). Undertaking the stewardship model for ethical resource utilization and development of resources in this health promotional program, the health promotion program is developed considering the confidentiality of the data being collected. The patient assessment of needs and the data collected for Individual has to be kept confidential (Nasiri et al., 2019). The allocation of resources here done as per this ethics includes providing appropriate equipment to the screening clinics, dementia assessment and self-reporting guidelines and adequate training to the individual working in the program.
The activities for health promotional plan includes-
Promotional programs targeting the old age population and middle-aged women to spread awareness and develop high levels of education regarding dementia in Lambeth
Training of the staff to enhance motivational interviewing and health change programs among the target group
Providing information regarding dementia on the community portals and websites with 24 into seven helpline
Self-reporting questionnaire
Banners for health promotion
Mental screening human resources
The funding for this project would be allocated and extracted through personal costing and the funds that are provided by the healthcare facility the program is associated with.
The data collection for this project will be done by using the focus group method. The community dementia in the local vicinity will be contacted, and focus groups will be framed. The consent forms from all the participants taking part in the project will be signed and gained before the interventions being implemented.
The intervention will be programmed and planned for about six months.
The above-mentioned methods that are planned to be used in this health promotion intervention are expected to be highly effective in assaulting organisers to not only determine the health needs of BAME people suffering from dementia but also assist organisers to highlight the issues that are associated with the growing epidemic of dementia in BAME community. By using different theories, organisers will be able to understand as well as determine the behaviour, perception, attitude and need of BAME people who suffer from dementia Through using the above-mentioned model are expected to be benefited in evaluating that how different factors such as cognitive, social, ecological, cultural, biological and environmental factors are associated with developing dementia in BAME community. Through involving stakeholders the organisers also will be benefits to getting proper social, financial, technical and healthcare support which are important for completing this health promotion program successfully.
The limitations associated with the study are time and find insufficiency that can be potential constraints to the success of this health promotion campaign. Here the times allocated to this promotion intervention is to limited to conduct any comprehensive analysis of health and wellbeing of dementia people in BAME community. On the other hand, the fund that is allocated to conduct this health promotion intervention is not sufficient to involve more shareholders in this study.
Dementia is the life-threatening, long term condition that impacts mostly the old aged Individual in the community. The prevalence of dementia among the BAME communities is increasing and is seen to be two-fold higher than non BAME individuals. This high prevalence of the disease has led to several types of research on the topic, and it was identified that the development of dementia starts with the age in middle life of the individual and lifestyle modification and health literacy are two sustainable interventions that help advocate the rights and Health of the Individual at increased risk for dementia. This project focused on providing health promotion intervention, including health advocacy for dementia among the females from the BAME community above the age of 654 years in Lambeth UK. The project uses evidence from several sources to back the findings and highlight the social inequalities persisting among these underrepresented minority groups that lead to a high prevalence of the disease. Moreover, the intervention plan highlights the use of theoretical models of health belief theory and change theory as part to formulize the intervention for dementia population in Lambeth. The expected outcomes of the above-mentioned intervention program are to be able to reduce the prevalence of dementia through health advocacy and health literacy among the older population in Lambeth belonging to BAME communities. Thus, it can be concluded that the achievement of this aim would lead to the success of the intervention.
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