Resource planning of regional hospital

Part 4: Impacts of human resource management during change

It is necessary for the health and social care organisation to manage the personnel, as the staff, nurses, doctors and other social care workers are the important stakeholders of the hospital to maximise the quality of care and treat the patients efficiently with medicine and other equipments (Ng et al., 2020). The regional hospital must focus on arranging capital and implementing the resources such as Information and Communication Technology or ICT and developing the organisational structure to manage the human resources. The change management must be handled efficiently where the organisation can lead the personnel with high cooperation and communication (Oueida et al., 2018). The proposed action plan is effective for the hospital to develop the strategies and manage change successfully in the workplace. For managing the changed initiatives, I focus on managing human resources including the staff, nurses, social workers, doctors, surgeons, physicians and psychiatrics. The management of personnel at the regional hospital is effective for leading the changed initiatives (Khichar et al., 2020). The major initiatives of change are such as implementing ICT for developing resources, developing structured and shared workspace through ICT system, increasing the equipment of treatment such as isolation care units, and managing the necessities of the patients. Hence, the human resource management is mandatory of the regional hospital to manage their activities and leading the personnel successfully towards achieving the organisational values, and maximising patient care.

I try to choose the major two strategies for the regional hospital and as per the action plan these are such as,


Strategy 1: Enhancing communication in the workplace

The major strategy for managing change in the hospital is to enhance communication as it is beneficial for improving cooperation and collaboration with all the personnel and maximises productivity of the staff members (Driggin et al., 2020). The organisational resources such as employees, ICT and organisational workplace culture are contributing factors for enhancing communication and conversation among the staff members, nurses and doctors. For managing the change management, I focus on enhancing communication through arranging meetings; group discussion and encouraging open communication are beneficial for the leader and management team to lead the personnel at the hospital (Legido-Quigley et al., 2020). I also try to contribute positively through increasing productivity and performance of the staff members which can also be improved through enhancing communication, where they can interact with each other and improve their clinical skill and abilities to treat the patients with appropriate care plan. In addition to this, for change management, the health care manager at the regional hospital must communicate and cooperate with the staff members and convince them to accept change and work according to their roles at the hospital. I try to convince the staff, maximise their values and develop trust and loyalty among the staff in the hospital, which are also important strategies to lead the changes and maximise the organisational values in long run.

Strategy 2: Developing partnership working activities in the regional hospital

The second strategy according to the action plan is to develop the partnership working activities in the hospital which are beneficial for leading the changed initiatives towards achieving future success. The major issues in the workplace during change are such as lack of communication and non-cooperation, misunderstanding and mistrust as well as resistance to change (Lee et al., 2020). I try to develop partnership working practice so that the action plan for the hospital can also be met and it would also be possible for the health care manager to lead the changed initiatives and achieve the organisational visions of maximising the patient care in long run. In order to lead the hospital efficiently, it is necessary for the manager to develop partnership working practice through team building activities. The personnel such as the staff members, doctors, general physicians, surgeons, staff at ICU as well as the nurses are playing crucial role in managing the patients and it is mandatory for the manager to develop team working activities, so that all the personnel at the workplace can cooperate and share their ideas and solutions for developing care plan for the patients (Mwandri et al., 2020). I also aim at improving collaboration with each other and developing integrated care plan for the benefit of the patients suffering from COVID 19.

The health care manager must develop the hospital infrastructure and implement the strategic planning and technology for enhancing internal communication and collaboration among the staff members. The social workers in this regard are also playing an important role to recognise the actual needs and preferences of the patients and cooperate with doctors and nurse to treat them with quality care and support (Rubin et al., 2020). Hence, the strategic planning as per the action plan are effective for the regional hospital to create suitable care plan for the patients and manage changes in the workplace through implementing the integrated system, developing equipment and hospital infrastructure, creating good corporate governance and leading the staff members towards achieving the organisational values (Hopman, Allegranzi & Mehtar, 2020). Hence, it can be stated that, the strategies provide a scope to the health care management team of the regional hospital to develop integrated care for the patients and maximise their values by riving high quality care, support and treatment (Ramanathan et al., 2020). The impacts of the human resource management during the changed initiatives are such as maximisation of productivity and organisational performance as a whole in long run, as well as enhancing internal and external communication with all the personnel engaged with the hospital, improving cooperation to work with other staff members and develop team working activities so that the general physicians, doctors, specialists, surgeon, ICU staff, nurses and other social workers can work as a team and maximise patients values.

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