The Weighty Issue: Understanding and Addressing Child Obesity in Lewisham


This paper seeks to explore the issue of the significance of public health issues in London borough of Lewisham, which surrounds of child obesity. The subject of obesity is a growing health concern in the UK and across the globe. In England, the prevalence of obesity in both children and adults has more double in the past 25 years. This first part of the study covers demographic profile, health issues of childhood obesity. The assignment discusses health inequality affected, and social determent, policy issues related to child obesity locally and national in Lewisham borough last part will be covering public health of provision and conclusion in Lewisham borough. Healthcare dissertation help. The last part is going to cover provisions related to public health and the conclusion in Lewisham borough.


Demographic profile

The current section plans to discuss demographic profile overview the Lewisham bought and will include on the comparing London England. Lewisham is the third-largest inner London borough in when it comes to population. The population of Lewisham has a high proportion of young people nearly fifth of the population under 15, 8.2% are under five years old. In (2011) actual report population in Lewisham was 275,900 in (2013) the estimated was in 284,325 the borough has a young population 25.4% of people living Lewisham borough are under the age of 20 years old. Lewisham is a very ethical diversity borough 46.5%of the people are black and minority ethnic original groups (BAME) compare to London 40% and 12.5% in England. In 2011 the two largest (MABE) groups were black African (12%) and Caribbean (11%) in the school population increase 77% and over. The resident of the borough speaks 170 different languages. In (2028), the proportion of the population in each group will be changed. The change is most significant over 65 age groups. The white ethnics reduced 71% (2013) and 53%in (2028). There will be a projected decline in the proportion of the population from black Caribbean groups. The health and wellbeing children in Lewisham are mix when you compare to England, and child mortality is similar to England's average. Also, women have a longer life than men in Lewisham. According to a report from the London authority in (2004), 8.6% population were not working compare to 6.7%to London.

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Health issue in Lewisham

The reason for choosing child obesity within Lewisham bough is identifying obesity in children as an important health issue that needs to be mention or address. According to Lewisham, the main issues found are asthma and sickle cell disease. ( 2013 and 2012 )the average was 303 per 100.000 population compared 220/100.000 for London and England 249/100.000 for England According to the health issue, child obesity causes various health condition Lewisham such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, respiratory problem, and joints problem that can lead to chronic and long-time health problems. They also develop (heartburn) related anxiety depletion and social problems such as labeling and stigma based on their overweight. The prevalence of obesity predicted in 2050 will increase to 60% men 50%women and 25% children. (Preventing premature mortality view p 8) Lewisham became the 7th highest premature death compares to 33 boroughs London. According to date (NCNP), Lewisham has high-risk childhood obesity reception age (4-5) and year six both. But Year 6 proportion of risky obesity was higher than in London and England average. And children from the black ethnic background are high risky compare, other ethnic groups. If they develop a risky high proportion, they will be ended up living with chronic disabilities in the future, although the main causes of mortality death within Lewisham in (2008-2009) were circulatory diseases (33%), cancers (26%) and respiratory diseases (15%). Lewisham borough has high-risk diabetes and hypertension among Asian, African Caribbean groups that give significant renal disease, stroke, other disability, and premature death.

People affected by health inequalities childhood obesity in Lewisham

Health inequalities mean the difference of health states between different groups in terms of factors like cost of care and availability of the servers of health inequalities (WHO, 2019). There are links between health inequalities socio-economic and lower education children from low-income families are more like to because obese. According to the national survey shows lower education levels are not approached to lose weight compared to educated people when it comes to physical activity (French et al., 2003)

Children from obese parents or carers are more like to become obese themself because if the parents are not losing weight, it affects the children. The low-income family has affected because they don't eat health food; those who had finically better have better health because they have a good education and available resources compared to those who are getting JSA. ESA. Within Lewisham borough, black African ethnic minority group have high risky childhood obesity.10.8% reception overweigh increased and year six increased 24.3% in Lewisham borough child obesity rates was above than England (NCMP) (2013/2014)

Another group affected health inequalities hypertension, and diabetes black and ethics minority (BEM) groups practically have a high proportion in Lewisham and more likely have a disadvantage in terms of health, so they face health inequalities. (Lewisham himp,2002) the reason they have high risky of diabetes and hypertension because it is unhealthy of lifestyle, lack of physical activity, lack of attending their appointment, and poor health eating such as (sugar and salat) smoking and drinking that increased obesity.

Social the determinant of health-related childhood obesity

Social the determinant of health is a condition which people are born with or raised, such as they grow up and how that affects their health, such as financial state and housing. (who2019). There are many links in health and social determination in child obesity Lewisham unemployment and low-income families, lone parent, and homeless Poor-quality housing and overcrowded can be related to health issue child obesity because of it affects mentally unemployment also increases the risk health issue of obesity. People change their lifestyle; it depends on money and resource they have in cause if they have less money, they afford to pay good quality food. Low-income groups are venerable because they are not able to make healthy choices.

Policy an issue relating to childhood obesity

The policy, in general, is set principle, rules, and guidelines adopted by an organotin to reach long time goals and typically publish in a booklet or from that widely accessible. Every organization or company has their own policy. A policy is a deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. (Wikipedia)

The local policy of Lewisham borough

One of the local policies identified within the brought call (shaping our future) this principle reduces inequalities related to childhood obesity, and it is ensuring all the citizens able to access the resources with their choice and delivery of high-quality local servers. It encourages people to be healthy, active and motivated to keep maintaining to improve better their health and wellbeing. (Lewisham sustainable community strategy 2008-2020)

The second policy reducing children and young people obesity (209/2012), they reduced child obesity in Lewisham borough and worked with their parents to support and educate the importance of healthy eating and physical activity. They also work with the education sector and sport panther ship to provide health and physical activity to make them work to reduce the risk of childhood obesity within the Lewisham borough.

Lewisham healthy weight healthily lives strategy they tackle to understand multiple influences on people's lifestyles and needs, which related their health eating physical excises. In order to reduce the obesity within the brought (Physical activity strategy), they list five years plan to support and bring together organizations that works the partnership to sustain sports and physical activity in Lewisham borough. The aim is to provide and develop more facilities, and Lewisham communities have access to participate in physical actives.

(Food Strategy in Lewisham) they consist of five sections, such as they make sure the food safe and is not causing problem-related health issues within Lewisham. They increase health and welfare children with the borough as well and provide access and awareness to a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet and physical activity.

National policy in Lewisham

The national policy that identified is (Healthy weight, healthy lives a cross-government strategy for England 2008)from they understand the need and support related child obesity in Lewisham as part public serves agreed the government announced they make sure that all individuals can reduce their weight and the main focus they put children obesity in Lewisham. They also focus on reducing the proportion of child obesity in Lewisham, which high risk and need to be sorted and sport the children and their parent.

They can at least make better outcomes and reduce the problem because each of them has owned responsibly to change and make less child obesity in Lewisham borough soon. This was published (In March 2010 the government published)

Public health provision in Lewisham borough

The public health in Lewisham bought aims understudying of health needs in Lewisham residents, and their ambitions plans are to improve their health and wellbeing. They will explain how they will use the available resources and to ensure they receive high-quality, safe health serves, which are value for money. In addition, they set a plan change and improve to help and develop the commissioning intentions and annual plans the next five years Lewisham borough. They also have a good connection working, and a strong relationship with the local authority, health care providers, heath watch Lewisham. And voluntary community organizing, they will continue to improve better success as they will deliver their plans. They will mainly focus on local to be able to produce change plans.

According to (Eating for Health project in New Cross Gate), In March 2005, the project has been running weekly cook and eat sessions for the Lewisham Muslim Women's Group. The aim of the sessions is to support women developing healthy cooking and budgeting skills and to give nutrition information for the women and their families. Childcare is provided, allowing 10-12 women to attending there consistently. Initially led by a nutritionist, the women themselves have started to do the shopping and administration and develop healthy recipes based on the food from their background-origin.

There are many NHS and social care services in Lewisham which aim to make the best use of the resources available. Lewisham's strategy for reducing childhood obesity includes obesity prevention, treatment, and management. However, key gaps in both knowledge and service, that is centered around the promotion of healthy weight in children and families group, as this is a multi-agency partnership group, issues stem from delivery and a consistent, as there is no consistent pattern across Lewisham in the rates of childhood obesity. In spite of this, there is a performance dashboard for the group has been recently implemented to build on the systematic sharing of knowledge necessary to inform and aid the delivery of the action plans.

(The health development agency 2003) they took action to reduce overweight and child obesity and adult Lewisham which involve parents to participate, including exercise, behavior modification programs, counseling. The policy and provision in Lewisham borough they both deliver support to reduce and tackle childhood obesity and whatever related to that health issue. However, there is still some issue that needs to fix and make better.

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The increasing rates of obesity among children are a matter of concern. The rates of obesity subject the younger individuals to the possibility of stigma, making them vulnerable to the possibility of complex chronic conditions leading to high rates of mortality. The increasing rates of mortality create a rising pressure on the healthcare system, leading to a shift of concentration from core health competencies. The government should work on creating suitable healthcare policies that can reduce the chances of obesity in the targeted population.

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