Gamification and Game-Based e-Learning in the field of information technology

  • 12 Pages
  • Published On: 30-05-2024

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background

Over a significant period, researchers have attempted to get the exact meaning of gamification. Some of them have referred to it as making use of the game design elements, as well as the game mechanics across the non-game contexts (Castro et al. 2018). However, gamification has largely been associated with the entire process of making use of the process that involve elements linked to video games as well as the non-game applications. This has commonly been done to enhance the engagement of people while promoting certain behaviours in the society (Katsigiannakis and Karagiannidis 2017). Further studies have negotiated a comparative study of game based learning and educational gamification. The rise of computer games is said to have impacted the mode of learning as systems are engaging more fun as well as pleasure as far as the process of motivating learners is put into consideration.

The initiative is sweeping out the old teaching mechanisms, which are no longer beneficial to the education system. Further studies are consistently observing the impact of computer games in the education sector. Research indicates that in the era of information technology, digital learning cannot be avoided as far as the interest of boosting creativity, enhancing the problem solving ability as well as increasing the learning motivation is put into consideration (Castro et al. 2018). An overview of the benefits games increasingly have in the education system point at the entertainment value and the capacity to address specific problems while imparting significant skills in the lives of young people. For over 20 years, scholars and researchers narrowed down to significant impact of video games in attracting the attention of the adolescents and children.


Based on this assertion, most of the gamification techniques are increasingly tapping into the desire of people to self-express, to be recognized, compete as well as to achieve. The same case applies to the game-based learning, which largely encourages students to actively take the learning process. Games and courses can be combined to replace the traditional learning process, which is seen to be boring, and less motivating (Khaleel et al. 2015). While one would think that gamification is same to learning based games, the truth is that the two are different. Game-based learning is known for converting a singular learning objective from a known e-learning course to a game. However, gamification considers the completely e-learning process and converts it into a game. From the research scope and case studies, it can noticed that most researchers pay attention more to the impact gamification and game-based learning on education and skills that can be adopted by learners, young adults and the entire population. However, most of the researches fail to provide a connection between game-based learning and gamification to information technology. This, therefore, constitutes a research gap, which attracts the intervention of the contextual research process.

1.2 Research problem

Most of the researches can easily link gamification and game-based learning-to-learning processes and growth and development of children and young adults. However, rare or no studies have focused on information technology, and how the scope is related to game-based e-learning and gamification. The interaction of the conceptual approaches has strongly paved way for designs through gamification. Game designers are focused more on the essence of training and education, cognitive support, emotional stability and wholesome growth. However, the involvement of the e-learning component brings information technology close to the structures and the scope of gamification and game-based learning. Therefore, there is need to conduct an intensive research that looks at how information technology can be influenced and integrated with the structures of game-based e-learning and gamification. The same attention is channelled towards the contributions from both sides and how the support can enhance the growth of information technology.

1.3 Research aim and Objectives

The main objective of this research is to investigate the influence of gamification and game-based e-learning on the use and growth of information technology. The supporting objectives include.

  • To examine differences and similarities between gamification and game-based e-learning
  • To explore the relationship between gamification and game-based e-learning, and information technology
  • To determine the use and influence gamification has on information technology
  • To determine the use and impact game-based e-learning has on the increased use and growth of information technology

1.4 Scope and limitations

The research maintains an overview of the structures, the wide use and the future of gamification and game-based e-learning as far as information technology is put into consideration. Based on this, the research relies on systematic review in exploring the findings behind the research objectives, and the main research aim. The research will be limited to recently published document records in extracting the findings, and integrating them with real-life experiences. While most researches insist on meaningful use of gamification and game-based e-learning in the learning process, the research maintains its focus on information technology. Furthermore, the research will substantially depend on the research methodology as the defining platform for the research process. The considerable tools that would be defined and would have been felt suit for the research process will determine the course of the research. A consistent reflection of the research topic will be made evident in every piece of the research as one way of streamlining the process for it to be in line with the research aim and objectives.

1.5 Structure of the research

The research constitutes five key chapters. Chapter 1 gives the background of the research, establishes the research problem, points out the research aim and the objectives. Chapter 2 puts in place the theoretical and methodological contributions towards the research topic. This includes the concepts, theories, and findings from other materials, which can be linked to the context. Chapter 3 establishes the research methodology where the research will point out a collection of tools that can be used in describing the research process. Chapter 4 constitutes the findings and analysis while the final chapter gives the conclusion and recommendations.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

The chapter focuses on the theoretical and methodological contributions made by other scholars and researchers as far as the research topic is put into consideration. The chapter, therefore, explores on the concepts, factors, theories and arguments that have been made by other researchers as far as the contextual research aim is put into consideration. The following areas are reviewed as discussed below.

2.1 Gamification

Katsigiannakis and Karagiannidis (2017) asserted that the attention given to technological advancement is the same attention that needs to be given to gamification. In simple terms, Katsigiannakis and Karagiannidis (2017) defines gamification as the process in which elements attached to video games are applied to the non-game applications with the central purpose of enhancing people’s engagement, as well as promoting specific behaviours. Gamification has squarely been incorporated across the commercial success of the web application with education carrying a larger prospect. Most of the empirical studies have further shown that gamification is part of the intrinsic motivation, as well as user satisfaction with case studies reporting in the instances within the real-life learning settings. Xu et al. (2017) further noted that playing games has been in the past regarded as a waste of time. However, with increased attention given towards gamification, most of the stakeholders, especially in the education sector, are embracing games.

The idea of gamification resides behind the game elements and the game design, which confer the power to people in transforming their relations with the products, services, policies and the daily tasks. The concept is equally expounded to engulf the basic elements of game playing that are tailored to suit the non-game context. Xu et al. (2017) further indicates that the genesis of gamification first settles on the digital media industry, where the “funware” became the primary term in the year 2008. Funware carried the initial definition of an art as well as a science that was change the everyday customer’s interaction into games with the central reason of serving the business purposes and interests. Later on, the interest in gamification could not be impeded as conferences as well as workshops were organized to bring games in the spotlight. However, it is worth noting that the power of games and gamification still resides with the game mechanics, the game design and the game dynamics, which are introducing a fresh landscape in the world of information technology.

2.2 Game-based e-learning

Al-Azawi et al. (2016) worked on the idea of game-based e-learning. In their comparative study, the researchers noted that gam-based e-learning was introduced to purposively encourage more students to undertake as well as participate in the learning process, while playing, and making the entire sessions more interesting. Game-based e-learning is thought to have been intended for cognitive and motivational reasons. Connolly and Stansfield (2006) also noted the paradigm-shift in terms of use of games as well as application of game-based e-learning in the face of the instructional design. Most of the scholars have equally appreciated the fact that games are promoting learning process, engagement and motivation. Game-based e-learning, therefore, have significant implications when it comes to the instructional design. Most of the researchers and scholars have been careful when trying to establish the learner’s experience as far as increased application of games is put into consideration. Dynamics in technological advancements largely integrates the digital gaming elements in the course of facilitating the actual games in any given learning environment.

The evident success of the gaming industry can be inclined more towards the introduction of digital game-based learning. Other researchers have framed game-based e-learning as the constitution of simulations as well as games. This does not limit the essence and purpose of game-based e-learning, which fosters the application of the game-based approach in delivering, supporting as well as enhancing teaching, assessment, learning as well as evaluating different interactive experiences. The learning theory is largely regarded as the foundation of the new learning experiences while making technology as a dominant factor. The argument behind supporting game-based e-learning is based on the fact that digital technology is in itself a big discontinuity, which conforms to the idea of singularity where an event keeps changing things in a way that makes the process irreversible. Based on research, the young generation has indicated the cognitive preference towards certain media. Observations indicate that young generations prefer changing environments and experiences from time to time. A large portion of the young generation prefers portability, which makes game-based e-learning more preferable compared to any other approach. Other core areas of interest that will explored include information technology and gamification, relationship between gamification and game-based e-learning, information technology, technology acceptance theories in relation to e-learning and gamification adoption, and influence of gamification and e-learning on society. Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Examining the Factors Influencing Adoption of Cloud Computing.

Chapter 3: Methodology

This section looks at a collection of tools that define the research process. In this case, the proposal will establish the research method, the technique that would be used in data collection and the tool that will perform data analysis.

3.1 Research Method

The research will depend on the qualitative research method as the appropriate approach that can define the research process. Qualitative research has constantly been regarded as the explorative research, which is useful in gaining an understanding of the motivations, opinions, as well as reasons attached to the research topic. In this context, the method will be used in exploring the application and importance of gamification and game-based e-learning.

3.2 Data Collection

Among many other tools, the research finds meaningful use of the systematic reviews, which are necessary in collecting secondary data. In this context, systematic review will provide the complete as well as exhaustive findings from the literature as linked to the research question. The choice of systematic review as the key data collection technique is based on the advantages it has towards the research. It takes the shortest time and gives room for comparison of the case studies.

3.3 Data Analysis

The research will make use of the content analysis as the significant analytical tool.

3.4 Research Plan/Time schedule

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  • Connolly, T. and Stansfield, M., 2006. Using Games-Based eLearning Technologiesin Overcoming Difficulties in Teaching Information Systems. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 5, pp.459-476.
  • Mathrani, A., Christian, S. and Ponder-Sutton, A., 2016. PlayIT: game based learning approach for teaching programming concepts. Educational Technology & Society, 19(2), pp.5-18.
  • Al-Azawi, R., Al-Faliti, F. and Al-Blushi, M., 2016. Educational gamification vs. game based learning: Comparative study. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 7(4), pp.132-136.
  • Xu, F., Buhalis, D. and Weber, J., 2017. Serious games and the gamification of tourism. Tourism Management, 60, pp.244-256.
  • Katsigiannakis, E. and Karagiannidis, C., 2017. Gamification and Game Mechanics-Based e-Learning: A Moodle Implementation and Its Effect on User Engagement. In Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education (pp. 147-159). Springer, Cham.
  • Castro, K.A.C., Sibo, Í.P.H. and Ting, I.H., 2018, August. Assessing Gamification Effects on E-learning Platforms: An Experimental Case. In International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (pp. 3-14). Springer, Cham.
  • Khaleel, F.L., Ashaari, N.S., Wook, T.S.M.T. and Ismail, A., 2015, April. User-enjoyable learning environment based on Gamification elements. In 2015 International Conference on Computer, Communications, and Control Technology (I4CT) (pp. 221-226). IEEE.

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