Job Satisfaction and Strategic HR Planning


The study is related to analysing the human resource management strategic planning in order to develop the understanding about the job satisfaction, staff turnover and the organisational performance management through the development of the staff at the organisational workplace. In this regard, Research-based theory (RBV) proved to be an essential element in strategic controlling and management to give a way in business and industries to achieve success. RBV theory is used in the research to make use of the resources in the organisation to increase the performance of the companies. With the help of this theory, the research evaluates the utilisation of resources in the firm which can help the companies to gain competitive advantages and sustainability. Moreover, the Management research report (MRR) should help in understanding the advantages of career development and job satisfaction of employee satisfaction in this research.

Aims and objective of the research

The aim of the research is to examine internal factors in the company which are impacting its Reputation and Business. This study is conducted to assess and evaluate the Resource Based View which helps different companies to prosper. The objectives are,

To assess the reason of staff turnover

To identify the strategic practice of human resource management in managing job satisfaction

To evaluate the human resource strategic planning for the development of career of the staff

Organisational background

Religare is one of the multi-national corporation company whose headquarter is in Gurgaon, India. The company operates worldwide and known to be an Indian Health Insurance Firm. However, there are several factors in Religare which either gives a chance to workers to prove they or completely demotivates them. When the resources regarded as strategic for company then it means that the resources are valuable, scarce, specific, and non-replaceable and cannot be transfer easily. However, in this paper three main human resource management factors will be highlighted.

Problem statement

In the recent era of globalisation, the organisations face problems in managing their employees in the workplace, due to cultural diversity, resistance to change, and inappropriate organisational policies ad procedure. The company is efficient to serve more than 1.1 million clients over 1275 locations across 400 cities, and it has string employee base. The firm is suffering from high turnover of the staff due to inappropriate organisational strategy and practice to retain the experienced staff at the organisation. Recently, due o high labour migration, rising job opportunities and expansion of the multinational corporations, the companies face the issues of labour turnover at the organisation. In order to mitigate such issue, it is necessary for the firms to develop effective human resource management strategic planning to enhance job satisfaction and provide the employees for personal and professional development to retain them in long run.

2. Literature Review

“Resource-Based View”

According to Fernadez and Suarez (1996),the unlikecharisma of the business can differ for a long time leading to long-term success and income. Penrose (1959) introduce resource-based theory and regarded the industry sector as combined productive resources which lead to the multiple services offered by the companies in order to grow their profit. On the other hand, Andrew (1971), determined the “distinctive competence” of the firms which differ due to the internal and external opportunities present in the company. New investigations and studies were found after invent of research-based theory which considered that the internal environment of the company also matters a lot (Lado & Wilson, 1994). For understanding the resources and capabilities of the firm, it is necessary to develop resource based view, in which it is possible to identify the tangible and intangible resources of the organisation in order to maximise their performance. The theory of “Resource-Based View (RBV)” is based on observing the key resources for enhancing the performance of an organization. In case of the exhibition of factors by the resource, the organization receives an opportunity for gaining and sustaining the competitive advantage. It is basically a method which is used to achieve the competitive advantage; the concept was first discovered in 1980s and 1990s. The report also elaborated the insights of the manner in which the human resources are managed its relation with the corporate strategy. It was argued by the followers of the perception and multiple academic views that RBV is not a theory and that RBV is too stagnant to be operationally active at a time when resources are continually changing. In the theory of RBV, a significant character is played by the resources in aiding the organisation for achieving improved performances in the organisation. Primarily, the resources can be of two kinds which are “tangible and intangible”. Different than the physical resources, the “brand reputation” is constructed in a long time and is somewhat that other businesses can’t purchase from the market. The “Intangible resources” regularly stay inside the corporation and are the key basis of maintainable competitive advantage. In addition to this, the intangible assets included in the research on strategic HRM included the experience and skills of a company and also of the employees. As per the resource based view, the tangible resource of the company are financial resource including cash, securities, borrowings and capacity and the physical resources including plant, land, equipment and mineral reserves. On the other hand, the intangible resource is organisational culture, technology, trade partners and brand reputation in the market. There is human resource which depends on the communication, organisational rules and practice and motivation and there is crucial role of the human resource in achieving the organisational success by enhancing the organisational performance.

Staff Turnover

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The staff turnover is referred as the retention of staff members in the particular organisation. The staff turnover is an important characteristics which need to be followed in order to maintain the audacity in the companies. The staff turnover depends on the behaviour of firms that how they treat their employees. The companies that provide proper facilities to the employees have greater ratio of staff turnover in their business functions(Van Raalte et al., 2016). The turnover of the employees in the HRM is not only concerned with the retention of employees but also the customer segmentation comes under this category. The excessive turnover in the companies also causes problems to the companies due to which they are unable to perform their operations in the effective manner. Moreover, the cost rate is also linked with the high turnover rate in the organisations because the hiring and recruiting process needs money to be spend for this purpose(David & David, 2013).. According to Chang (2016), if the employer turnover rateis high in any organisation as compared to their competitors then it can be stated that the company’s tenure is short from their competitors in the same market. However, the large turnover in the organisation impacts negatively on their productivity. There is a keen need for the organisations to structure their business operations and functions in a way that results in the low staff turnover rate in the companies. Moreover, the utilisation of resources should be done to engage the employees in such activities that are beneficial for them and make them to stay longer in the companies (Barney & Hesterly, 2009).The HRM can play an effective role in the companies through which the turnover rate in the companies can be minimised at greater extent. The rate of staff turnover in the organisations depends on various factors among which organisational commitment and working environment matters the most for the employees(Danish & Usman, 2010).. The organisational structure should be designed in a proper way so that the employee should not get distracted from continuous variations in companies(Chang, 2016). If the organisational structure is not maintained in a good way, then it will leads to the distractions in a company which are harmful for the growth of organisation. The working environment in the company also matters for the employees to decide whether to stay in the organisation or to leave the company. Employee turnover is important to be considered that determines the strategic organisational output and also the role of HRM in the companies (Van Raalte et al., 2016).


Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is also one of the primary needs in the organisations to make the flow of operations smooth. The employees hired in the organisation should be treated in a way that helps in the growth of the organisation (David & David, 2013).. The job satisfaction among the employees can be achieved when their basic needs are fulfilled in the firms. It is necessary that the companies should provide incentives and reward on the basis of performance of the employees. The company should also train their employees in order to increase profit and productivity of the company. The skills and the abilities which employees lack are taught to the worker to overcome the hurdles that come in between in the efficiency and output of the company (Gibbs, MacDonald & MacKay, 2015). Training nowadays not only include work preparation but also include motivation in order to upgrade the capabilities of the employees (Chang, 2016).

Training in the companies is also included with the development of career as it helps the employees to review the goals and move towards them to enhance their skills. The skills help the employees not only in the particular company where they are hired but also in future where they will move (Van Raalte et al., 2016). Training and development in the companies are also related with the job satisfaction which helps the employees as well as companies in the meaningful way (De Gieter, Hofmans & Pepermans, 2011). Job satisfaction can also be enhanced with the help of effective strategies which should be incorporated in the companies to improve the performance of the employees. Companies and the HRM department should emphasise on the incorporation of such strategies which can favour the satisfaction of employees in a company (Barney & Hesterly, 2009).

Career Development

Career development is an important tool which should be promoted in the organisation to train their employees according to the skills and capabilities acquired in the work. Most of the organisations do not put focus on the development of career which leads to the harm in the company and also of the employees. Training and the development of particular skills among the employees is essential to be made focus in order to bring positive changes in the company (Snell & Bohlander, 2011. The career development can enhance the performance of the employee by evaluating the behaviour and the results of the employee’s work and also through the development of skills in them. The career development is used to identify that whether the worker have achieved the goals defined by the company or not. However, performance appraisal can be used to make essential decisions to dismiss or compensate the employees. Apart fromthis, in the career development, the hiring and management department should also focus to make the career of the employees in the best possible way (De Gieter, Hofmans & Pepermans, 2011). Career development include such strategies, programs and activities through which the development in the employees can be resulted. The career goals should be made focus in such activities for the employees through which they can gain benefits in the companies(Chai, 2012). However, the career development distinguish from employee to employee depending on the development with the help of training sessions. The career-development is the prolonged orientation which should be incorporated in the companies to improve the performance of the employees as well as to enhance the productivity in the companies. The organisation should increase the annual performance of the employees so that they can make development in the companies(Barney & Hesterly, 2009).

Research Methods

Research Aims

To investigate the internal factors in the company, RELIGARE that influence the growth and profit of the company.

Research Objectives

There are many business issues included in the HRM, however, only three main issues are focused in this study. The objectives of the research are to tackle the business issues with the help of Resource Based View. The three internal issues are:

Staff turnover

Job satisfaction

career development

Research Questions

In order to identify the organisational practice and the human resource management strategic planning, it is necessary to gather relevant and valid data and information directly from the participants. The research questions will be effective to collect appropriate data and information, where the researcher can collect the valid data from the respondents which would be beneficial to analyse the above mentioned research topic and identify the tactics of managing the staff at the organisational workplace.

The addressed research questions in this study will be:

Which factors satisfy the workers in the company?

How does employees’ satisfaction affect the company?

What qualities must be present in the applicant so that they can be hired in the company?

Why do employees resign or leave the company?

Does training bring any positive effect in the company?

Are the employees satisfied with the work in the company?

Research Design

The data was collected with the help of surveys in various companies so that the employees fill the questionnaire sheet. Ten questions were asked from the employees who were males and females from 40 members in human resource department in total. The answers given by the workers in HRM helps in the research in order to judge the factors that satisfy the employees and to evaluate how the internal workforce enhance the performance of the company(De Gieter, Hofmans&Pepermans, 2011). It also helps to inform how the company gain profit and satisfy its workers. In the survey, cross- seasonal design technique had been used to see how the employees’ satisfaction and training affect the company. It also helps to give information about the factors that are involved in staff turnover.

Data Collection

This investigation involves the utilisation of blended techniques approach for the examination of the aim and objectives. It contained gathering of essential information from primary and secondary data collection method (Palinkas, 2015). Primary data have been used, a survey had been conducted which was based on questionnaire. For the essential information, a poll review had been created which contain close-finished survey identified with the targets of this investigation. The poll review gathered has been broke down through quantitative research investigation for the advancement of factual statistical data points reflecting towards data in regards to the comparing research angle (Englander, 2012). With the help of questionnaire statistical figures and facts helped in finding the information from the participants. As it is impossible to collect the actual staf turn over rate of the company, it would effective or the researcher to design the questionnaire and include the participants for gathering the right and valid data and thus, the data was collected from participants and about 25 participants from 40 responded to the questionnaire form. Moreover, the respondent’s identity was kept anonymous in order to make their identification hidden. Secondary part of the research has been conducted with the help of relevant studies, research papers, journals and articles. The secondary information had been developed through the scrutiny of relevant secondary research studies related to the overall subject under research consideration (Wilcox, 2012). The secondary data gathered helped to generate the verification of the study. In order to gather the secondary information, the online journals, books and articles are considered which effective secondary sources of information are and additionally, the company website is included which is also beneficial to collect the data ad internal practice about the company. Both primary and the secondary are combined together to identify the result accurately. The qualitative investigation of the primary information along with the secondary information had been incorporated and worked together using the enlightening exploration examination dependent on the interpretative research theory. This aided in the foundation of practical research structure through the execution of inferential examination for the evaluation of the different angles (Englander, 2012). This helps to develop result that is precise, exact and related to the complete study. Questionnaire has been used in conducting the research as the quantity of employees shortlisted was around 40. It has been one of easiest method which does not consume much time neither of the employees nor of the researcher. In the survey, questions were asked from 40 workers who were shortlisted for the survey. The employees answered the 10 questions in half an hour. Time was given to the employees so that they can think and answer. In the end the information was collected and gathered from each person. With the help of questionnaire, the results are easily available. It did not take long time in collecting the information about the workers’ satisfaction, training, staff turnover (Palinkas, 2015). The respondents are chosen randomly such as the staff who is available in the office that filled up the questionnaire form. The shortlisted candidates are opted on the basis of their qualification and employment. All the participants included in the report had done their bachelors and are working in the organisations. However, employees of different organisations were opted through random sampling in the report. Reflection on the Validity and Reliability of the Method Chosen The population of the study mainly included the employees from human resource department who do jobs in different companies. The study comprised of a total of 40 candidates for the questionnaire. However, only 25 of them managed to effectively cooperate for the participation in the study survey whereas 15 out of the 40 made mistakes completing the form, making the data unusable. The various answers given by the participants for the study survey have been analysed through utilising the conceptual framework associated with the various aspects of this study consideration.

Apart from 25, the others just filled the questionnaire survey randomly without giving proper attention as the answers where mostly people marked that high pay satisfy them some marked that neither high pay satisfy them nor the environment or workplace.

Ethical Considerations

The ethical considerations are maintained in the research and mo discrimination had done on the basis of sex and gender in the research. Participants that were included in the research study got informed about their representation in the research that is for the sole purpose of the research. The anonymity of the participants had been kept hidden in order to maintain privacy. Candidates are mentioned to give their point of view (utilising singular research assent structure), and furthermore got the opportunity to pull back from meeting. The name of the applicants was not asked to avoid any bias and prejudice attitude. Only gender of the worker has been asked to know about the males and females’ viewpoint. All the chances of misleading the information have been avoided. It was ensured that the information gathered have been kept securely and utilised with the end goal of the examination. The researcher in this regard convince all the participants rather than forcing them to take active participation. Showing empathy and respect to the respondents are helpful for th researcher to progress in this study ethically. Additionally, the researcher ensures that the collected data and information are kept securely under the Implementation of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the data will only be utilised only for this research purpose. Confidentiality and validity of the data would be managed well in this study.

Analysis and Results

Primary Data

The aim of the paper is to conduct a research which can enhance the performance of the Religare and other various companies present in the world. The research had been done to tackle the business issues with the help of Resource Bsed View. The internal issues affect the growth and progress of the company is many and the objectives of the study had focus on staff turnover, job satisfaction and development of career. The research also evaluates the theories that are associated with human resource management and strategically access the subjectivities of human resource management.


In the research there were 25 respondents included who responded to the questionnaire. Among 25 participants, 15 were males and 10 females who participated in the research.

people who support high pa

The study informed that 18% people including males and females strongly agreed with the statement that high pay in job satisfies them, 23% agreed, 37% remained neutral, 15% did not agreed with the statement and only 7 % marked that high pay does not satisfy them at workplace. it is hereby evident that, majority of the respondents agree that, high pay is one of the effective factors in the organisational workplace which can motivate the employees and led them towards achieving success by enhancing the organisational performance. High payment and restructured salary further encourage the staff to perform better and contribute positively in the organisational workplace and thus it can be stated that the internal factor high payment is effective for maximising organisational performance and enhancing job satisfaction among the employees and this further helps to reduce the issue of staff turnover.

Environment of the company

The study informed that 45% weightage of 25 respondents including males and females strongly agreed with the statement that when the working environment of the company is good they remain committed to their company, 15% agreed, 25% remained neutral, 3% did not agreed with the statement and 12% marked that they not only see the working environment of the company but also consider other factors. As per the findings, internal environment of the organisation matters in satisfying the employees and give them security and safety to perform efficiently in the organisation.

Training benefits the company

The study informed that 39% weightage of people including males and females strongly agreed with the statement that with the help of training the company enhance its performance, 10% agreed, 28% remained neutral, 10% did not agreed with the statement and 13 % marked that training is not necessary for the growth of the company. Providing personal and professional development opportunities is necessary to enhance the performance f the employees and encourage them for better performance and as per the findings, it can be stated that, majority of the staff find training as an effective way to motivate them and improve their knowledge and understanding for better performance and it further reduce the issue of staff turnover.

Communication between employee and managers

The study informed that 40% people strongly agreed with the statement that knowledge and communication skill is vital for the applicant who want to get selected for a certain job, 35% agreed, 10% remained neutral, 5% did not agreed with the statement and 10% marked that knowledge and communication skill is not essential for the person who wishes to join a certain company. The data indicates that, most of the staff members agree that, communication between the team members and the conversation with the managers and leaders are effective to lead the employees and improve motivation at the workplace. It further helps to build strong relationship with all the staff and lead them towards achieving success by team work and collaboration.

employee with work community and culture

The study informed that 15% people strongly agreed with the statement that employee feel satisfied when they meet with the people of their own culture at their workplace, 5% agreed, 33% remained neutral, 35% did not agreed with the statement.

As per the data, it can be sated that, recently in the era of globalisation, all the staff is communicative and collaborative with all the people at the organisational workplace, irrespective of their cultural diversity and language gap and thus the factor of same working community and culture does not play curial role to enhance the performance of the employees.

employees resign because of low pay and less opportunities

The study informed that 30% people strongly agreed with the statement that when the employees are not getting enough pay they resign from their job, 28% agreed, 13% remained neutral, 7% did not agreed with the statement and 22% strongly disagreed with the statement. As per the feedback, the employees agree that, due to low pay and lack of opportunities at the organisation, there is high turnover rate in the workplace and thus it can be stated that, the staff turn depends on the lack of opportunities and poor job satisfaction. In order to mitigate the issue of high employee turnover, the managers of the company needs to be efficient to restructure their salary and give them proper payment and wages as well as it is necessary to provide developmental opportunities to retain the staff for long run.

workers in their company satisfied

The study informed that 29% people strongly agreed with the statement that when the employees are getting job of their own interest they stick to it and work hard, 15% agreed, 32% remained neutral, 9% did not agreed with the statement and 15% strongly disagreed with the statement. The finding indicates that, the employee job satisfaction is necessary to boost their interest and motivate them to improve their performance and hard work to contribute in the organisational success.

High Sales turnover led to Job Satisfaction

The study informed that 45% people including males and females strongly agreed with the statement that when the sales turnover led to job satisfaction to their company, 15% agreed, 25% remained neutral, 3% did not agreed with the statement and 12% marked that they not only see the sales turnover but also consider other factors. The increased job satisfaction leads to the better individual and business performance.

Secondary Data

Staff Turnover

A connection among employee turnover intention, job dissatisfaction and satisfaction for a call centre environment, is also favoured by another theory Maslow (1943). According to the study of Chai and other colleagues (2012) the foremost reason for the emergency nurses to withdraw was job dissatisfaction. It is evaluated from the research that the employee turnover is essential to be considered whereas the dissatisfaction of employees can bring demise in the companies. It is also evident from the research that the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs” (1943) believed that the employee needs should be focused and their motivation can be achieved by fulfilling their basic needs. The organisations can enhance their performance by making focus on the needs of their employees. When the employees are motivated they can perform well and thus make the higher sales turnover of the company’s product. . The importance of need varies with every person depending on their circumstance at a particular time. High rates of employee retention and decrease in turnover can be achieved depending on the employer’s capability of meeting these needs to add to job satisfaction. Self-actualization, self-esteem, belonging, safety and survival from bottom to top are the five levels of Maslow’s theory. The theory has emphasised on the fact that the employee turnover is directly related to the satisfaction of the employees with their jobs. In order to reduce the staff turnover rate it is necessary to improve job satisfaction by maximising the employee’s values through fulfilling their needs and preferences at the organisational workplace. Additionally, the managers need to provide personal and professional’s development, training and development scope for improving job satisfaction and encouraging the staff to work hard and perform by utilising their capabilities.

Job-specific Training

On job training can enable representatives to build up their gifts, engaging them to turn out to be increasingly successful and occupied with their jobs. Representatives' extended learning could prompt have upgraded authoritative procedures and expanded profitability. Mostly, workers saw work explicit preparing as imperative to their activity fulfilment(Chang, 2016). On the other hand, more than half of the workers demonstrated they were happy with occupation explicit preparing at their association. Female and Millennial representatives announced occupation explicit preparing to be more vital to their activity fulfilment than did male and Baby Boomer workers, separately(Danish & Usman, 2010).

4.2.3 Career Development

Career development ways and stepping stools are two methods that can urge representatives to advance in their calling. Though profession ways are commonly observed as progressively flat developments and vocation stepping stools are seen as increasingly vertical developments, the two alternatives serve to enable representatives to develop their aptitudes and learning and can prompt more elevated amounts of commitment(Barney &Hesterly, 2009). The research of David & David (2013) believed that the proficient non-management, middle management and official workers were bound to report being happy with this viewpoint than were non-exempt (hourly) non- management representatives. As associations get ready for the conceivable abilities hole in the coming years, it is basic to enable workers with the assets they should be effective in their jobs. One conceivable alternative to keep a lack of talented labourers is to enlist more youthful specialists to help fill positions left by the leaving workforce (David & David, 2013).

Job Satisfaction

It is evaluated from the research that managers in the company had to discuss the work and the environment with the workers. In a certain case, managers had the chance to work with the workers before job investigation was accompanied(Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2009). It was found that the workers felt happier when they were satisfied with their job. Studied proved that workers need the managers to communicate well and without any discussion the employee could not feel safe and secure. Meeting, regular formal as well as informal communication, having discussion will generally aid and improve the quality of the work as well as the performance of the workers(Priem& Butler, 2001). Employeesare more satisfied when they start the work by themselves and finish it till end. After that when results are visible and clear to them they feel lot of contentment. Therefore, end result proved to be a vital factor for the employees as they want to see the result of the efforts they put and hard work they did to complete the task. The work can be done individually by the person or by a team(Chai, 2012).

By giving the workers opportunity to prove themselves various managers have informed that workers put all their efforts and came up with good results. Moreover, positive and supporting attitude also help the employees to work towards achieving their goal and give them strength and good feeling (Chen & Huang, 2009). It also motivates the other co-workers to work hard and prove themselves. The competition between one worker and other had proved to be beneficial for the company as well as for the workers as they work hard to beat the opponent person. However, the competition only limits to the work and should not be personal (De Gieter, Hofmans&Pepermans, 2011).

Flexible Schedules of Work

When employees are aware of their targets and goals beforehand then they can manage their work easily and can perform other tasks of life too without neglecting the joy of life. They can balance their work and life and can enjoy with their family (De Gieter, Hofmans & Pepermans, 2011). This helps to refresh the mind of the employees and they can work more effectively (Snell & Bohlander, 2011). The workers set their goals according to their schedule and do not miss either the objective of the company nor any special event of life. For that, the employees should be responsible as well as it is essential that they plan ahead and do the work according to the plan.

Integration with the workers effectively

Discussion and Limitations


The staff turnover is the replacement of the existing employees with the new employees; it is basically the percentage ratio of such workers. Through the measurement of the new employees, the examination of the reason behind the turnover can be identified and estimated. While interviewing the existent employee at Religare, the human resource management issues that are currently obstructing their business performance were identified. The interviewee elaborated multiple issues like the staff are misusing their post, poor work life balance unpaid work on Sunday from home or during the holidays, ill time flexibility, no provision salary increment. Moreover the company has no implementation of Internal Job Posting and the higher management and the client do not treat the employees well, and with respect, poor two way communication. Hereby, there are major issues in the organisational workplace, for which, there is high employee turnover at Religare. Inappropriate organisational culture and poor communication as well as low collaboration and team work further leads the situation where the employees are not satisfied with their job at the workplace of Religare. In addition to this, a lot of politics is involved in the staffing and higher management and there is no job security. The employees are being cornered on their religion. According to the results gathered from our research, the employees are the assets of an organisation and are required to be valued. Their retention and sustainment is directly related to the progression of the organisation. The results of the survey also display that the increment in the staff turnover rate is related to the decreased motivation among employees of the organisation. The organisation Religare fails to encourage the staff as their salary and payment structure is not effective and the staffs does not get incentives according to their performance. Additionally, the organisational performance rwards are not provided to satisfy and thus they feel demotivates at the workplace and their interest to contribute positively in the organisation has decreased. Both the theories that are discussed in this report also emphasise on the fact that the organisations should put maximum efforts for retaining their employees through various techniques. The organisation should try to train, give various benefits, opportunities, high pay, and flexibility in work to avoid the workers to switch from their company. Apart from this, when employees feel themselves responsible of their work and take full accountability of performing a certain task then they work towards the goals and objectives and only the true workers who are loyal to the company and are satisfied with their job comprehend the objectives of the company at the first and mould themselves in a way that they benefit the company(Antoniou, 2013). In order to generate self-esteem the workers need task that challenge their ability and capabilities. On job learning and professional development has been the training given to the workers to improve their skills and enhance their knowledge (Chai, 2012). This training program have been used in various companies to stay up to date and also keep the worker aware of the recent technologies so that they can use it within their company or in future. According to many scholars (e.g. Ericsson & Smith, 1991; Hoffman, 1992; Sternberg & Ben-Zeev, 2001; Sternberg et al., 2000) skill development take place step by step for which they supported dominant model. It suggested that skill in worker develop in cumulative manner. On the other hand, Raymond McDermott (1993) claimed that training cannot be given to the workers step by step, they learn from practice and experience, there is no need to give training to the worker to enhance their skills but all they need experience which comes with time (Cascio, 2015). As per the findings, the employees of Religare also stated that, the organisational culture and training and development program are not effective and these are crucial factor in improving job satisfaction. Due to lack of management of skill development and developing organisational culture, the company Religare faces difficulties in retaining the experienced staff in the workplace. Job satisfaction has been the positive or pleasurable state of the worker which results from appraisal of person who receives good words from the managers. Without proper incenti9ves and appraisal, it is difficult for the organisation Religare to retain the staff and reduce the issue of staff turnover.

However, job satisfaction has been the topic of consideration by companies (Noe, 2017). The working people in the company are the most essential people who work for the productivity and growth of the company. Most essential element which satisfy the worker have been the type of work from the perspective of few researchers whereas others critically said that if the workers are paid according to their will and are satisfied with their compensation and pay then they are pleased, no matter what kind of word they are assigned. Organisation adopt strategies to fulfil the needs of the workers and make them happy most of the time to save from high turnover rate and for the benefit of the company (Orlitzky, 2007).Job satisfaction is crucial to assurance higher pay for the worker which elevate the strength of the worker and keep them stick to the company. Moreover, the research results also showed that the staff turnover is one of the key term included in the human resource management. The staff performance can be increased if appropriate strategies are involved in the business operations of the organisations. The job satisfaction is also necessary to maintain the strategic performance of the companies. The organisation needs to develop training for the representatives so as to build benefit and profitability of the organisation. The aptitudes and the capacities which representatives need are instructed to the labourer to beat the obstacles that come in the middle of in the productivity and yield of the organization (Gibbs, MacDonald and MacKay, 2015). Preparing these days incorporate work planning as well as incorporate inspiration so as to redesign the capacities of the representatives. It additionally incorporates improvement of vocation as it causes the representatives to audit the objectives and move towards them to upgrade their aptitudes. The aptitudes help the workers not just in the specific organization where they are procured yet in addition in future where they will move (De Gieter, Hofmans and Pepermans, 2011). Hereby, as per the findings, the organisation Religare needs to focus on the human resource management practice in order to improve their policies to retain the staff and experienced employees for long run, where the factors such as organisational culture, salary and incentives, training and development program, job satisfaction and organisational performance and continuous motivation of the employees are playing crucial role in tackling the issue of staff turnover in the organisation.


The primary issue in the staff turnover is the demotivation among other employees and the conduction of the whole hiring process from scratch. It can be stated that although skilled workers had been hired by the company then if by chance the environment, culture and pay does not satisfy the hired person then they would leave the company (De Gieter, Hofmans&Pepermans, 2011). Due to the staff turnover, the company has to start the process of hiring again from the start to fill the position of the previous employee (Noe, 2017). This process requires the resources of the company to be utilised and may cause the cost to increase. The cost included in the staff turnover may include the advertising cost, use of the HR resources, and training of the newly hired employees (Delery&Roumpi, 2017). Few fresh graduates only wish to get entry in the company so that they learn the skill and then move to the next company which offers the ma good pay and satisfy their needs more properly (Weerawardena & Mavondo, 2011). Therefore, training and teaching skills to the workers sometimes become useless as the applicants who were hired did not stay for long period of time and left the company without giving much profit and benefit from the training. Beside this, it also wastes the cost of the company which it spends on teaching the staff (Butler & Klein, 2009). On the other hand there was no data provided by the company regarding the staff turnover. After approaching them various times they said that due to natural calamity (Land slide) they have short of staff and they can’t help me. I they would have given me the data i would have looked up at Historic Staff turnover of at least 5years. Weather the staff turnover is decrease or increase that can give the idea of what can we do to make the performance batter of the company. I would have compare the data of the mail & females which will give us the clear figure how many mail and females has the company hired and on what basses they have been hired. Then i would have work on the overall turnover of the company by comparing the average turnover of the company with the other insurance company. This can give the clear figure where the company stands in the market. As far as my research is concerned we can assume that the turnover of the company is really high because it leads to lack of carer development and job satisfaction.

Job satisfaction had been the factor which the organisations are dealing nowadays but the key issues is that at the same time when the company is paying high, doing everything to make the employees happy and still could not get positive result due to lack of skill and irresponsible attitude from the workers then the company had to face the problem (Orlitzky, 2007). Employees spend half of their time fighting with the people who are connected to them either the workers or the family member. No portion of inspiration or trainings would be beneficial, unless people form up a sentiment association and devotion with their work (De Gaiter, Hofmans&Pepermans, 2011).

Only at the lunch time I was allowed to contact the staff. Females staff were really conservative. They didn’t gave me any X-employee details. So i was unable to conduct the interview of X-employee. As the culture of India or people of India are not open- minded i have feel and really feel bad about this personally due to that I have face difficulty in talking to females staff they were not open and were not bothered about the questions. Moreover as in the starting I had plan my MRR on Capgemini but i hade really hard time and had to say bye to the company whereas i have done all research on that company. So i have supported my MRR with Resource Based View.

6.0. Conclusions

The research had been done to tackle the business issues. The internal issues affect the growth and progress of the company are many and the objectives of the study had focus on staff turnover, job satisfaction and development of career. Surveys in various companies had taken place so that the employees in the management department fill the questionnaire sheet. Ten questions were asked from the employees who were males and females from 40 members in human resource department in total (De Gieter, Hofmans&Pepermans, 2011). The answers given by the workers in HRM help in the research in order to judge the factors that satisfy the employees and to evaluate how the internal workforce enhances the performance of the company.

It is evaluated from the research that due to the staff turnover, the overall functionality of the organisation is disturbed and the cost associated with the dislocated culture of the firm also comes under the charge of the company. It also decreases the production of work and loss the potential of co-workers when they see that the employees are leaving the organisation for better opportunities. The increase in staff turnover rate is associated with the decreased motivation. There are various positive factors involved with decrease employee retention rate for example, the employees are more satisfied when there is a health work environment and they see the progression in their career as well as in the career of the employees. After that when results are visible and clear to them they feel lot of contentment with decreased staff turnover rate.

Therefore, end result proved to be a vital factor for the employees as they are motivated by decreased staff turnover rate.

As per the findings, there are several factors that are related to staff turnover such as training and development, communication and cooperation, organisational culture, high sales turnover, motivational tactics of the employees, salary of the staff and job satisfaction. As per the findings, the factors training and development program is effective to improve job satisfaction and give several personal and professional developmental opportunities to the staff, where it is possible for the organisation to satisfy the staff and retain them for long run. The organisational internal culture and the workplace atmosphere is also playing crucial role in motivating the employees and retain them for long run. Additionally, the employee’s job satisfaction depends on the salary and incentives and thus it is necessary for the leader to restructure the salary and wages for the staff t retain them and reduce the issue of staff turnover. Increasing sales volume of the organisation is another factor which is effective for the organisation to provide incentives for better performance and this further motivates the employees to perform with the organisational resources and own capabilities for earning higher and contributing positively in enhancing the organisational performance.

The study showed that various companies have adopted factors to satisfy the employees and elevate the skills of the employees by providing them training. It proved that where there has been maximum satisfaction the works there perform more effectively and gives good result which lead to the success of the company. It also increases the productivity of the company. Therefore, it had been recommended to the companies that in order to enhance the brand, process, technology within the company the workers and managers stay in contact with each other and communicate properly regarding all the matters associated with the company and work. The organisation should be the first one who take step as the main responsibility comes under the department of management which look for the method and ways to motivate satisfy and give leniency to the workers which hold them with the company.

Apart from this, there had been “war of talent” among skilful and talented staff. All the companies want to recruit people who can give benefits. At this time, the company had to win the heart of its hard working employees so that they do not leave the company can move to another organisation. When the turnover rates are high then the company had to search for the applicant who can suits well and work according to the objectives and goals of the company.

The procedure of staff Turnover is a long process, conducted by the HR department of the company. Since the staff turnover has adverse effects on the productivity of the organisation, thus, the employers should try their level best to retain their employees through improving job satisfaction and organisational opportunities. The company should not lose its valuable assets such as skilled labour and workers who had been adjusted with the company. So the organisation should try to train, give various benefits, opportunities, high pay, flexibility in work to avoid the workers to switch from their company. However, when the existing workers are fully satisfied with the company, have been provided essential training and development courses and working well in the company but still new staff can be recruited. The company may need to hire new staffs due to expansion in the business and for that the company had to hire people internally or externally, by any method which gives them the good result. The companies at the time of expanding globally also disperse the activities. The companies need highly talented staff and applicants who have attained experience.

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Evidence Based and Cost Recommendations for the Workplace

Recommendation and Suggestion

In order to promote the company and increase its productivity the organisation few recommendations have been given below:

Company need to fix goals and objectives so that all the workers work towards a certain goal and in this regard, appropriate training and development program must be developed within one month. The training program provides personal and professional development opportunities to the staff and it further enhance their skill to perform and improve their interest to work hard for better achievement.

Company should accept new ways of training as well as old traditional methods and in this regard both the induction training proves, on the job training and online training tools must be developed, so that the staff can have the opportunities to learn more and ensure their personal and professional development and this further improve the job satisfaction among the employees which is effective for reducing staff turnover rate in the company.

Company should apply self –appraisal and provide performance related pay in order to satisfy the staff and motivate them though incentives and rewards. The reward system must be related to the organisational performance so that the staff can earn higher when the organisational performance has been improved.

There should be meeting among the employees and the managers on monthly basis in order to improve communication among the employees and in this regard open discussion and cooperation during the meeting further help the staff to share their viewpoints and discuss their problem with the employer and the management team.

Developing proper internal organisational culture is necessary, where freedom to work and continuous encouragement to the employees must be incorporated so that the job satisfaction of the employees can be enhanced and they become interested to contribute positively in enhancing the organisational performance.

Implementation Plan

The company should include certain factors of job satisfaction such as high pay, good environment which avoid all sort of criticism as one of the core factor. Apart from this, company should ensure that all the new applicants hired are first given training so that they can understand the work properly(Noe, 2017). A strategy should be planned by the company and then time by time the head should check that the strategy is implemented as it was planned. Furthermore, complete information of all the staff working in the company should be present with the management department and checked after 6 months. The performance, pay and appraisal should be examined well by the management department (Liu, Timothy &Gao, 2010).

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Total cost of training

Integration with the workers effectively

Total Cost of Increasing the Salary of Workers

Integration with the workers effectively cost of recruitment

Contingency expenses

An alternate course of action has been a reinforcement plan which is essential to be implemented in the company. It has been initiated in the event of a catastrophe that disturbs a business work in assembling and places work force in peril. The goal of the plan is to safeguard data, minimise disruption and keep everyone as safe as possible. The motivation behind the arrangement is to monitor realities, decrease interruption and keep up everybody as secure as could be expected under the circumstances. The company comes up with a backup plan in order to stay safe in the condition where hardly it can move and grow. Therefore, backup plan are present for the company to run in calm condition and state without affecting its progress and development (Langford, 2014).


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